The use of Trait Based approaches in
Community Ecology and Stress Ecology
Coimbra, 23 September – 4 October 2013
Department of Life Sciences – University of Coimbra
This course aims at providing updated concepts and methodologies on the use of biological and
ecological traits in Community Ecology and Stress Ecology, encompassing terrestrial and freshwater
ecosystems. Particular attention will be given to the use of species traits to understand ecological
processes, such as niche partitioning, species interactions, community assembly and ecosystem
processes, and as tools in bioindication schemes (including indication of ecosystem services and
different stressors, e.g., chemicals, climate change events). The course is composed by theoretical,
discussion and practical (hands-on) lectures and is targeted to scientists and post-graduate students,
as well as to professionals involved in bioindication. It is composed of two complementary but
independent modules: week 1 focusing on major concepts and on terrestrial environments and week 2
on species-trait-environment linkages (RLQ) in freshwater ecosystems. Participants can attend one or
both modules.
MODULE 1 - Key concepts and terrestrial ecosystems (September 23-27);
MODULE 2 – Freshwater ecosystems (September 30 – October 4)
José Paulo Sousa, IMAR-CMA, University of Coimbra, Portugal
Manuel Graça, IMAR-CMA, University of Coimbra, Portugal
Module 1
Francesco de Bello, Institute of Botany, Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic
Matty P. Berg, VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Module 2
Sylvain Dolédec, Université de Lyon 1, France
Instituto do Mar – IMAR
Universidade de Coimbra
Departamento de Ciências da Vida
Universidade de Coimbra
José Paulo Sousa
Dept. Ciências da Vida –
Universidade de Coimbra
P3004-517 Coimbra
Phone: +351 239855774
Fax: +351 239855789
Email: [email protected]
Both modules include both theoretical and practical lectures, including the analyses of several case
studies with real data sets provided by the lecturers. All lectures are in English
Functional traits, response and effect traits: a bit of theory behind their definition and their use
Functional traits as adaptations to abiotic and biotic conditions:
- Niche partitioning: the importance of functional traits
- Functional diversity and redundancy; traits do matter
- Community assembly: trait divergence and convergence;
Functional trade-offs and the link with functional classification schemes (r-k continuum, CSR-Grime, LHS)
Standardized trait measurements and classification schemes across trophic levels
- what to measure and how
- the importance of trait plasticity
Response and effect traits revisited:
- traits as indicators of ecosystem services; functional vs taxonomic diversity
- traits as intermediate between environmental change and ecosystem processes
- the use of traits in freshwater bioassessment schemes
Trait dissimilarity in understanding and explaining ecological processes
Phylogenetic signals in trait distribution
The use of biological traits in aquatic ecology:
- historical aspects;
- biomonitoring aspects
- climate change perspectives
Practicing multivariate analysis with the added library of R: towards RLQ analysis and functional diversity
Functional diversity: assessment in the field, trait types, functional indices
Analysis of trait information: fuzzy correspondence analysis, multitable analysis
Trait composition and functional structure of communities
Linking traits to habitat
Course fees (includes documentation and coffee breaks)
Participation in one module (Module 1 OR Module 2) - 300€ (discount fee for SETAC members only – 250€)
Participation on both modules – 500€ (discount fee for SETAC members only – 400€)
Payment method:
bank transfer to IMAR-Instituto do Mar
swift code: TOTA PTPL
account number: 0018 0269 00200010529 69
iban: PT 5000 18 0269 00200010529 69
mandatory transfer reference: traits11
or Check
beneficiary: IMAR-Instituto do Mar
address: IMAR-Instituto do Mar, c/ Dep. Zoology,
University of Coimbra, 3004-517 Coimbra, Portugal

The use of Trait Based approaches in Community Ecology