3º período :: matutino
4 de stembro de 2014
1. O raciocínio que conduz a uma resposta deverá estar claramente exposto e organizado, com início, meio e fim. De outra
forma, a pontuação da questão será prejudicada, podendo até ser igual a zero.
2. Respeite os espaços delimitados pelas margens; eles são suficientes para respostas adequadas. Evite o uso de abreviaturas e
símbolos, pois poderão não ser reconhecidos e invalidar a resposta.
3. Cuide da apresentação da avaliação: use letra legível, evite rasuras, responda às questões no espaço adequado. Em caso de
erro, anule com um risco e refaça. O uso de corretivos (liquid paper ou similares) implica anulação da resposta.
4. Não empreste nem solicite emprestado material escolar (caneta, lápis, borracha, régua, etc.). É proibido o uso de calculadora
(inclusive relógio-calculadora).
5. Não serão permitidas consultas. Telefones celulares, pagers ou MP3 player, ipod e similares devem ser DESLIGADOS e
guardados na bolsa ou colocados sobre a mesa do professor, longe do seu alcance.
6. A cada questão será atribuída uma pontuação de 0,0 a 1,0, em intervalos de 0,1. A pontuação da avaliação será o somatório
das pontuações nas questões, e a nota da avaliação será a pontuação multiplicada pelo fator de ajuste.
7. O respeito a estas instruções faz parte da avaliação e interfere na nota. A interpretação faz parte da avaliação.
Look at the pictures of Danielle Winits. Read the clues, and then answer to the questions 1 and 2.
Straight brown hair
Wear glasses
Wavy blond hair
Of medium height
1. Look at the first picture. The answer to the questions. Use complete sentences.
a) What did Danielle Winits use to wear?
b) What did she use to do?
2. Look at the second picture. Then answer to the questions. Use complete sentences.
a) What does Danielle Winits look like now?
b) What is she like now?
AVALIAÇÃO DISCURSIVA DE LÍNGUA INGLESA :: 3º período :: matutino | 9º ANO :: ENSINO FUNDAMENTAL | 19M3Ing_2014_pro.lwp
PÁG. 1
3. Fill in the correct forms of adverbs and adjectives.
a) Sam's idea sounds __________________________ (good), but I like Carol's idea even more (good).
b) Every morning I get up 10 minutes __________________________ (early) than my sister.
c) What are the __________________________ (dangerous) animals in Australia?
d) I can run as __________________________ (fast) as my elder brother.
e) You should buy the blue sweater. It suits you __________________________ (good) than the red one.
4. Complete the sentences with the pronouns ONE or ONES.
a) This magazine doesn't look very interesting, there is another __________________ on the desk.
b) Are these your shoes? No, the black __________________ are mine.
c) Ann's wedding party was a long and happy __________________.
d) I hoped I could borrow a sweater from Tim, but this __________________ fits me quite well.
e) On the desk there are two red pens, and three blue __________________.
f) The most poisonous spiders live in Australia, but the biggest __________________ live in Asia.
g) Frank is going to organize another party, sure it will be even bigger than the first __________________.
h) Most of the questions are difficult, so find the easier __________________ and do those first.
i) I haven't got a grammar book, but I could borrow __________________ from William.
j) This is my new car, the red __________________ over there.
5. What is the appropriate Relative Pronouns that fits in each sentence? Fill in the blanks with WHO/WHICH/WHERE. DON'T
a) Are we the parents __________________ they're talking about?
b) That is the school __________________ my sons will study.
c) The pet __________________ the children love is the dog.
d) He’s the only one _____________________ knous the answer.
e) There are actors __________________ have never played the main charater.
6. Judge the sentences and correct the wrong ones check T (for true) or F (for false). If you don't correct the wrong ones, your
grade will be partial!
a) The woman and the dog which I saw in the park live near my house. (T) (F)
b) The place which I live is very safe. (T) (F)
c) Our planet is endangered by people which don't have any respect for nature. (T) (F)
d) I know someone which speaks chinese. (T) (F)
AVALIAÇÃO DISCURSIVA DE LÍNGUA INGLESA :: 3º período :: matutino | 9º ANO :: ENSINO FUNDAMENTAL | 19M3Ing_2014_pro.lwp
PÁG. 2

Word Pro - 19M3Ing_2014_pro.lwp