Aramjuba 3t7O
dczembm & 1995
On the poasible occurence of Amazona dufresniana in Brazil
(Psittaciformes : Psittacidae)
Nigcl J. Co||ar
Bildlife Intcmational, Wellbrook Coutt, Ginon Road Canbrid|c CB3 ONA, United Kingdom
Rcccbido.m I5 d. fcv.r.iro dc 1993;accitocm20 dc norgo de 193
RESUMO. Sobrc r pocatbiliLde d. ocon€Dd. ile An orpna duJQsniard !o Br$ll (Psitt clform.s:
P3ltfadd$), Embora a @ofiCtrci^ d. AtnazonadaJrcsaionano Bra{il aindaneo tenhasido documcntad!" ela
a prcvdvel, urnavezquc acsp6cic6 conhecidsde SaintGeoqes na CuianaFrsnccsa,a marycmdo rio Oialroque,
divisa destc pals com o Brasil. Uma evid€nciadessapossibilidadc6 o rclato fcito por Jean-LucDujardin ao
autor em l99l de que havia rccentementeencontradocagadoresque ieriam obtido cssepapagaiocm tcrdt6rio
brasileiro, no Estadodo Amrp6P^L !T s{F^\.E Anrap{ Amazonadufr. sniana,Brasil, distribuicio geogrdfica,Psittacidae.
KEy voros: Amapd,Amazona&drcsniana, Bnzil, gcographicaldisribution, Psittaciddc.
The stltus of the Blue-cllEckd AmezanrAmazona
(as distinguishcd at thc spcaicslcvcl from R.d-browed Amazan A, rhodltcorytha fid Red-tailcd Amazon A. brasilic^tit)
was rcvicwedby Wcgc andCollar (l99l), who showedthat,
with thc exccptionof a locality in Venezuelaat 0228'N,
65"14'W. all rccords stemmedfrom thc Cuianasand immediately adjrccnt venezucla betwc.n roughly 52'w and 6fw.
Inde€d,the species'scastemmostlocality lics aboveSaint
Ceorges on the Fleuve Oyapock (rio Oiapoque) sepantinS
FrenchCuisnafrom Brazil, and clearlyits ocaunenceinside
tl|e l.ttc. is likclyI discussscdthis point with Jean-LucDujrrdin at the
Neotopical OrnillFlogicrl Congressin Quito in October l99l ,
at a time wh.n WegeandCollar (1991)was in press.He had
akeadyconEspondedwith us over lh€ species'ssiatusin Fr€nch
Guiana"but in Quito rcponed that he had rccently met hunterc
who had shor it inside Brazilian t€nilory ac.ossthc Oyapock
in Amapd.
He wasgoing to seek6ndsendfurthe. detailsof this r€cod
but, to dl€ gr€atdetrirnentof SouthAmericaDornithology, died
in an ac4idcn!at be strn of 1992.Although his information as
i! standsdocsnot hrvc thc aulhoaityof a c$clusive first reaord,
it would bc a small tribulc to his mcmory to bc associatcdwith
the first cvidenceof thc specicsin Brazil.
Incidcntally, it was in Quito lhat Dujadin rlso provided
me with hunt€rs' rcpons of Hyacinth Macaw Anodorhytchus
htacinthinw in Anuq,4 the first good evidcnc. of its survival
tllerc sincc Goeldi discoveredit a.ound Cunarf in 1895 (see
Collar et al. 1992).Clcarly lhc state holds many omithological sccretsyet.
Colla.,N. J.,L. P. Conzaga,N.Icabbe, A. MadronoNieto,L.
G. Naranjo,T. A. Parkc. and D. C. Wcge (1992)
Thrcotcnedbirds oJ the Am.ricas: th. ICBP4UCN R.d
Data Book. Cambidge, U.K.: Inlemational Council for
Bird Preservation.
Wege,D. C. andN. J. Collar ( l99 I ) Thc Blue-cheekedAmazon
Amazono drir.sniorua l aeviavt.Bird Cons.N. InLm.
dczcnbm dc 1995
Nota sobre o oomportamento de um individuo de Crypturellus
durante a enchente no baixo rio Japur6, Amazonas, Brasil
(linamlformes: Tinamtdae)
Jos6Mdrdo C. Ayresre Luiz ClendioMerigd
Wildlilc Consena,ion Society/SociedadeCi]|atManiraui, C.P 38,69470-0@, Tefd,AM, Brasil
SociedadeCivil Manirau'l, RuaGeneral Glicdrio 364/6M, 22245-120 Rio de laneiro, RJ, Brasil
em22 dz obril de 1993:aceitocm20deabril de 1995
ABSTRACT. Note on fhe behrvior oI .a lndivldtttl ot Cryptutcuus undulams datlng thc llood ol the
lower JrFtri River, AmrzoD.s, Br.sil (Iimmiformca: TtDamld..). An indi vidu'alof Cryptur.llus undulatus,
a tcrrestrial species,was observedcrossing the Japurd River from raaea to terru fitme during the annual
flood. There arc apparcntly few .eco.ds of lhis kind of behavior. An implication of rhis behaviot is that
sunounding areasof cons€rvationunits should also bc prcservedas buffer zones.
Kw woeoi Crypwrellus, geographicbarrier. Japur6River, Mamiraui" Tinamidae.
P^L^vR^s-cH^vE:Cryprurelrtd, barreirageogrdfica,Mamirau{, rio Japur{, Tinamidae.

On the poasible occurence of Amazona dufresniana in Brazil