XLIII Annual Meeting of SBBq
Foz do Iguaçu, PR, Brazil, May 17 to 20 , 2014
Chitosan-based materials with enhanced bioactive properties.
Cahú, T. B.1; Silva, R. P. F.1; Silva, M. M.1; Nader, H. B.2; Bezerra, R. S.1
Centro de Ciências Biológicas, UFPE, PE, 2Dep de Biologia Molecular,Unifesp-Infar,
SP. Brazil.
INTRODUÇÃO. Chitosan has gained much attention in recent years for its uses as
bioactive polysaccharide. It is a versatile aminosugar composed by poly-β-D-2desoxy-2-amino-glucopyranoside and the production is based in alkaline
deacetylation of chitin. In Northeast Brazil, shrimp processing industries generates a
large amount of wastes, which can be used for recovery of chitin and chitosan.
OBJETIVO: In this work we produced chitosan and water-soluble derivates to
evaluate its anticoagulant and bioactive properties, as well as chitosan-based films
containing gelatin and condroitin-4-sulfate for ZnO particles release and its effects in
vitro on skin-derived cells viability and adhesion and in vivo in wound healing.
MATERIAL E METODOS: Chitosans were produced from shrimp head processing
waste by alkaline deacetylation of chitin. Reactions were carried out for production of
derivates (N,O-sulfation, N,O-carboxymathylation), and the products were analyzed
by spectroscopic techniques. Effects on coagulation assays and towards endothelial
cells viability, adhesion, migration and angiogenesis were performed. Films were
assembled by solvent evaporation of polymer/nanoparticles solutions/suspension.
DISCUSSÃO E RESULTADOS: Chitosan-sulfate had moderate anticoagulant
activity. Cell adhesion was no affected, while proliferation and viability was increased
by carboxymethyl chitosan. Migration was inhibited by chitosan N-sulfate and all
other samples including oligosaccharides did not influenced cell migration. At high
doses, chitosan N-sulfate and carboxymethyl inhibited angiogenesis but when lower
concentrations were administered showed opposite effect. Solutions of film forming
polymers and ZnO suspension showed no toxicity. Adhesion was greatly inhibited
mainly by films containing chitosan and chondroitin. Films placed over the culture did
not affect viability and adhesion. Film components were released to supernatant as
demonstrated by protein and uronic acid determination. Films significantly increased
the healing velocity in rat skin wounds. CONCLUSAO: Natural properties of chitosan
can be enhanced for wider applications as novel biopharmaceuticals and devices.
Chitosan derived compounds have low toxicity, biocompatibility and are likely to be
used as biomaterials for biomedical science.
Keywords: Anticoagulant; carboxymethyl
processing waste; wound healing.
Supported by FACEPE, CNPq and CAPES

Chitosan-based materials with enhanced bioactive - SIG