10th Newsletter
Merry Christmas
www.parsuk.pt ! !
[email protected]
Issue Nº10 - November 2012
LUSO 2013
The 7th of edition,
PARSUK’s annual
meeting will be held on
To celebrate S.
Martinho’s day, several
PARSUK members
enjoyed a Magusto’s
lunch organised by the
London Ambassadors.
Page 2
the 22nd June 2013 and
the hosting city will
Page 2
Dear PARSUK Members,
Since our last newsletter in August, we have
worked very hard to make PARSUK an
increasingly relevant community to our members.
We are pleased to announce that throughout the
past three months our communication with
members was strengthened, several successful
initiatives were organised, and technical
improvements took place.
Schools Project
The programme for
2012/2013 includes
three school visits and
is all ready to go!
Page 5
Conference about
”Science Career Paths:
Diversity against the
Adversity”, on the
22nd of December at
‘Pavilhão do
Conhecimento’ in
Lisbon. !
Page 6
LUSO 2013
For the first time, PARSUK is collaborating with
PAPS (Portuguese American Post-graduate
Students) and FIIP (Fórum Internacional dos
Investigadores Portugueses), in the organisation of
a meeting entitled “Science Career Paths: Diversity
against the Adversity”. This event will take place
on the 22nd of December, in Lisbon (Pavilhão do
Conhecimento), and will provide the opportunity
to discuss the challenges and opportunities
encountered in a professional career in Science.
Find out how to register and hurry up, the
deadline is on the 5th of December.
And the hosting city will be... Find out in page 2!
PARSUK aims to organise social events to foster
networking and communication inside the
Portuguese graduated community. In this issue,
we will let you know about the Magusto lunch
organised in London by the London Ambassadors.
If you missed this event, make sure you do not
miss the coming ones!
In this edition, we interviewed Tiago
Brandão Rodrigues, a former
PARSUK executive member and a
Postdoctoral fellow at the University
of Cambridge and Cancer Research
UK. Tiago told us about his
academic and professional journey
and described his experience as the
attaché to the Portuguese Olympic
crew during the 2012 Olympic
Games in London.
School Projects 2012-­‐2013
Science Career Paths: Diversity against the Adversity
PARSUK | PAPS | FIIP Saturday, 22nd of December 2012
Pavilhão do Conhecimento, Lisbon, Portugal
www.parsuk.pt [email protected]
New Website
We have launched a
new website and have
been enhancing our
towards our members.
Page 7
In this edition...
“PARSUKianos on the spotlight”
PARSUK in Nature
In an article about
European networks of
researchers abroad,
PARSUK is given as
an example of their
importance and
Page 7
New website
We’re On! On the 6th of November, the new
PARSUK’s website was launched, featuring a fresh
design, mainly focused on providing members
with a more appealing and easy-to-navigate
platform. The intensive use of various Social
Networks, such as Facebook, LinkedIn and
Twitter, has also been an indispensable source of
engagement with our members. Participate!
Last but not least, we wish you all
A Merry Christmas!
And for most of us a good homecoming full of goodies!
The programme for 2012-2013
includes three schools and we
cannot wait for it! We had a very
good response to the call for
volunteers and look forward to the
first visit on the 29th of November. If
you want to learn more about this
initiate, go to page 5.
LUSO 2013
Message from LUSO 2013 Organising Committee
And the hosting city will be...
“The vast community of Portuguese students and researchers in this town, and its 800-year old
university, make Cambridge an attractive place to host yet another edition of this yearly meeting.
On its 7th edition, the Annual Meeting of
PARSUK goes back to its birth city,
Cambridge. We would like to welcome and
cheer this year’s organising committee, who
started planning the event in October 2012.
We are looking forward to it and we will keep
you posted about the developments. To
contact LUSO 2013’s organising committee
directly, please use the email below:
[email protected]
LUSO 2013 is scheduled for the 22nd
of June so pencil it in on your diary!
The 7th edition of LUSO will have, as a unifying theme, “Frameworks for the Future”. The talks,
with an innovative and interactive format, will be organised in 4 main topics. The first three,
“Creativity and Innovation”, “Competitiveness” and “Leadership”, are relevant frameworks for the
development of a career but also of a country, and we hope to explore them by merging views of
people from different fields of expertise. The final topic of the day will be “Thinking the future”, to
discuss the current and future challenges that we need to face, in research and society. One of our main goals for this meeting is to encourage new collaborations and contacts to be
established within the Portuguese community in the UK. For this purpose, we will therefore
provide the opportunity for the participants to network intensively before and during the event.
We are thrilled at the chance to welcome Portuguese students and researchers in the UK, and also
other people with a more general interest in Portuguese Science, Industry and Culture, in LUSO
2013, on the 22nd of June. We hope this will be a day of exchange of ideas and connections that can
serve as a framework for future projects to be built upon.”
PARSUK members enjoyed a delicious
4-course meal in Little Portugal.
PARSUK’s celebration of São Martinho
or ‘Magusto’ in London has started to
become a tradition. This year, a total of
On the 11th of November is São
27 members of PARSUK got together in
Martinho’s day and in Portugal
a Portuguese restaurant near Stockwell,
everyone celebrates it eating chestnuts ‘O Moinho’, on Sunday, the 11th of
(usually roasted in a bonfire). Portugal November. Thanks to the organisational
has an area of over 30 000 hectares of
skills of the London PARSUK
chestnuts trees and these are most
Ambassadors, Tatiana Correia and Zita
commonly found in the North East
Martins, a 4-course meal was served
region known as Trás-os-Montes. While and enjoyed in what turned out to be a
China is the main world producer of
very fun lunch. Photos of this event are
chestnuts (approximately 70% of the
available on the website and on
worlds’ chestnut production), Portugal Facebook.
and Italy are the main producers in
Magusto was also celebrated in Oxford
Europe. Chestnuts are very rich in
and Cambridge where the Oxford
starch (even more than potatoes),
Portuguese Society and the
vitamins C and B6 and potassium.
Cambridge University Portuguese
Traditionally, we eat them after a meal
while tasting the newly harvested wine Speakers' Society, respectively, organised a
very successful feast of chestnuts and wine
or the homemade ‘jeropiga’ (high in
and Portuguese culture.
alcohol) or ‘água-pé’ (low in alcohol).
www.parsuk.pt [email protected] 2
Tiago Brandão Rodrigues
PARSUKianos on the spotlight
Tiago Brandão Rodrigues is a
Postdoctoral fellow at the
University of Cambridge and
Cancer Research UK. He was
the official Olympic Attaché
for the Portuguese Mission to
the London 2012 Olympics.
This column is dedicated to members
of our community that are on the
spotlight for their prominent work in a
specific subject. Send us your
suggestions to [email protected].
Tiago Brandão Rodrigues
35 years old
Tiago Brandão Rodrigues is a Postdoctoral fellow
at the University of Cambridge and Cancer
Research UK. He has been a member of PARSUK
since 2010 and integrated the 2011-2012 PARSUK
Executive Committee. He studied Biochemistry at
the University of Coimbra (Portugal) and his PhD
brought him to Dallas (USA) and Madrid (Spain),
where he developed most of his research on
‘Magnetic Resonance and Cerebral
Metabolism’, awarded with the Prize
“Antonio Xavier 2008”. Currently, his
research is focused on the
development of clinically applicable
imaging methods that can be used to
detect early tumour responses to
treatment (Cambridge, UK).
Tiago is a passionate scientist who
loves sports. He was a sports amateur
in Handball and Karate and has
always closely followed the Olympics.
This year, he was the official Olympic
Attaché for the Portuguese Mission to
the London 2012 Olympics.
1. De onde vem/onde cresceu?
Cresci em Paredes de Coura, passando
quase todos os meus períodos de
férias em Moledo. No entanto, aos 14
anos mudei-me para Braga para continuar por lá o
Ensino Secundário.
2. Descreva o seu percurso académico/
Após quatro anos a estudar Bioquímica na
Universidade de Coimbra, tive a oportunidade de
embarcar num projecto Erasmus para realizar o
estágio final de curso. Rumei, na altura, para um
laboratório de Ressonância Magnética Biomédica
em Madrid, uma opção que acabou por
condicionar todo o meu percurso académico.
www.parsuk.pt [email protected]
Depois dessa etapa, regressei brevemente a
Portugal, onde comecei o doutoramento baseado
no projecto iniciado na capital espanhola, focandome particularmente no funcionamento do
metabolismo cerebral. Embora tenha defendido a
tese em Coimbra, 95% da investigação foi feita em
Madrid, tendo estado, também, em Dallas, no
Para continuar o meu percurso profissional, a
minha escolha recaiu sobre Cambridge. Esta
escolha deveu-se principalmente à credibilidade
que tem o laboratório e à ciência fascinante que
por lá se desenvolve. Por outro lado, Cambridge
alia perfeitamente a tradição e o legado científico e
pedagógico com uma forma muito moderna e
actual de fazer ciência. Para tal conto com um
contrato da Comissão Europeia (Marie Curie) e
um outro do Consórcio Europeu EMBO, o que me
permite actualmente focar no desenvolvimento de
metodologias de Imagem Biomédica para a
detecção precoce de tumores. O objectivo é a
criação de novas abordagens que permitam
detectar, prematuramente, se os tumores estão a
responder positivamente a um determinado
tratamento, com implicações na prática clínica na
área da oncologia.
3. Descreva a sua experiência enquanto Adido
Olímpico da missão de Portugal aos Jogos
Olímpicos, Londres 2012?
Fazer parte da equipa da Chefia da Missão
Portuguesa, tendo como principais
responsabilidades a organização, a coordenação, o
acolhimento e o bem-estar de toda a Equipa
Portuguesa aos Jogos, fez com que vivesse uma
das aventuras mais fascinantes que
experienciei até hoje.
Tive a oportunidade, alguns meses antes
do início dos Jogos, de ir conhecendo
alguns dos nossos atletas e oficiais, o que
me permitiu criar boa ligação com o
grupo. A verdade é que aqueles 26 dias
passados na Aldeia Olímpica e nos
locais de competição, tanto na
preparação da Missão como no
acompanhamento aos nossos atletas,
foram tão radicalmente marcantes, que
sei que durante muito tempo me
acompanharão como momentos de
grande emotividade. A forma como vivi
a paixão e a dedicação de muitos dos
atletas surge-me também como um
elemento de inspiração para as minhas
futuras aventuras vitais.
A participação nos desfiles das
Cerimónias de Abertura e Encerramento,
assim como a possibilidade de assistir em directo à
prova de Canoagem em que o Fernando Pimenta e
o Emanuel Silva ganharam a medalha de prata,
foram os pontos altos da minha participação
olímpica. No entanto, viver a final dos 100 metros
no estádio olímpico, tomar o pequeno-almoço ao
lado das estrelas da NBA ou vibrar com desportos
aparentemente tão diferentes como o tiro, a
equitação e o ténis de mesa, são algumas das
aventuras que certamente ainda contarei com
entusiasmo daqui a 30 ou 40 anos.
4. O que prefere fazer nos tempos livres?
Sou perito em transformar o pouco tempo livre que
tenho em tempo muito ocupado, principalmente
pela minha necessidade, quase compulsiva, em ter
reiteradamente actividades “extra-curriculares”
com que me ocupar. No último ano, a verdade é
que algum envolvimento associativo, assim como a
aventura olímpica, foram ceifando todo o meu
chamado “tempo livre”. Ainda assim, e
atendendo à minha condição de melómano
inveterado, dedico muito do meu tempo à música
e à descoberta de bons programas de rádio que
me façam companhia, mesmo nos tempos de
trabalho. Por outro lado, sou um amante e um
seguidor atento do que me é contemporâneo, pelo
que acompanho “religiosamente” a actualidade
do que vai acontecendo. Estas duas facetas da
minha vida – a música e o gosto pelo
entendimento da actualidade – levam-me a ter
uma inquietação muito viva em viajar e em
conhecer novas paragens, faceta em que invisto
também algumas das minhas energias.
Ninguém te pode ajudar”
No entanto, a distância que o facto de estar
emigrado há já mais que uma década imprime,
leva-me a olhar para Portugal de uma forma quase
carinhosamente bacoca e inocente, onde muitos dos
problemas de Portugal são sempre suavizados e
filtrados antes de chegarem aos meus olhos.
7. Qual a grande diferença entre ser investigador
em Portugal e no Reino Unido?
Nunca fiz investigação activa em Portugal. No
entanto, imagino que existem factores de diferente
ordem que fazem com que Portugal e o Reino
Unido se distanciem muito no que toca a investigar.
Por um lado, a questão basilar do facto da cultura
científica ser um dos alicerces da própria cultura
britânica (o que não acontece em Portugal), razão
esta que faz com que a actividade científica seja
considerada de forma muito díspar nos dois
Por outro lado, mas como consequência natural da
primeira razão, o sub-investimento sistemático
feito na ciência em Portugal faz com a
investigação em Portugal não se consiga afirmar
como uma actividade primaz para a sociedade
portuguesa. No entanto, realço o facto de existir
(ainda assim) uma quantidade enorme de
investigadores a exercer a sua actividade em
Portugal com padrões de qualidade e
competitividade muito elevados.
5. O que mais e menos gosta de Portugal?
O que mais aprecio de Portugal é o facto de me ter
dado instrumentos e referências para sentir a
minha identidade pessoal. Por outro lado, sentirme Português é, em si mesmo, algo que ocupa uma
grande parte do meu sentir identitário pessoal.
Desde há muitos anos, e agora mais do que nunca,
acho que o Jorge Palma conseguiu condensar muito
bem na letra do tema “Ai Portugal, Portugal”,
algumas das facetas que (também eu) menos gosto
de Portugal. Vale a pena ouvir.
“Ai, Portugal, Portugal Enquanto ficares à espera 6. O que mais e menos gosta do Reino Unido?
O que mais me entusiasma por aqui é a liberdade
de investigar num ambiente tão vibrante (ainda
que extremamente exigente), ao mesmo tempo que
vivo numa cidade tão bem organizada, onde a
bicicleta é o meu meio de transporte preferencial.
Por outro lado, sinto falta dos sorrisos cúmplices e
da vivacidade nas discussões a que tanto
portugueses como espanhóis me foram
habituando. A falta de confrontação constante na
atitude inglesa é algo que não aprecio
8. Website/Blogue/Twitter?
Não tenho página nem blogue pessoais. É um
projecto para os tempos vindouros. No entanto,
sugiro-vos que explorem a página do Cancer
Research UK, fundação na qual também exerço a
minha investigação.
Já agora, desafio-vos a ouvirem um verdadeiro blog
sonoro que é um programa de rádio que me faz
companhia desde há muitos anos, com um título
bem sugestivo: “Cuando los elefantes sueñan con la
música”. Aproveitem!
PARSUK Ambassadors
We are very proud to present our most recent
network of PARSUK Ambassadors!
Please find in our website a full biography of each
PARSUK Ambassadors initiative aims to strengthen our
community, by nominating a PARSUK representative in
various locations throughout the UK and also in
The Ambassadors are volunteers responsible for
representing PARSUK in their respective regions,
consolidating a list of contacts for network and for
ensuring the communication and integration of our
members and newcomers.
Each ambassador is committed to organise two different
events: a social event, such as a dinner or an informal
gathering; and an academic event, such as a “around
table” or a workshop.
Meet our Ambassadors...
North East and Yorkshire: Isabel Pires and Pedro Ribeiro
Cambridge and East: Ana Rebocho and Daniel Couto
Wales: Susana Dias Sampaio
Scotland: Paciência Canda and Rui Costa
Portugal/Alumni: Bernardo Ivo Cruz and Raquel Oliveira
Greater London: Tatiana Correia and Zita Martins
Oxford: Diana Vieira
South East: Diogo Veríssimo
Middlands: Catarina Olímpio and Marta Neto
North West: Isaura Martins and Paula Santos
South West: Nuno Bimbo, Raquel Vaz and Salomé Murinello
www.parsuk.pt [email protected] 4
Portuguese classes. Our mission is to
strengthen the children’s academic
engagement by acting as role
models, creating scientific awareness
and encouraging the learning and
integration of both the Portuguese
and English languages and culture.
Schools Project
Make a difference
This year’s programme includes
three school visits and it is all
ready to go!
Led by Joana Moscoso, with the
support of the Portuguese Education
Department in the UK, this project
brings together the Portuguese
community of researchers and
graduate students and the
Portuguese children in the UK.
In a 1999 study about the Education
of Portuguese Children in Britain,
more than 2000 children were
enrolled in after-school Portuguese
classes with the support of 40
teachers and a high proportion of
Portuguese-speaking students were
underachieving with grades below
the level of other children in the
same school.
According to Teresa Dangerfield,
Portuguese teacher from the
Portuguese Education Department,
the pilot visit held in May in her
classroom “was a showcase of great
success that will for sure be
remembered by every student with
satisfaction and pride for the
opportunity to be little “scientists”
and “movie stars” on the video that
was produced at the time.
The programme for this year was
devised to include three school
visits. The very first one will be on
the 29th of November and two other
will follow on the 4th of February
and 19th of April. With an average of
20 Portuguese students per school
visit, by the end of the year we hope
to positively impact more than 60
children from all age groups (7 to 17)
and to have more than 20 volunteer
mentors involved in the project.
Thank you for your help,
collaboration and encouragement!
For more information visit here or
Aware of this reality, the Schools
write to us on [email protected]
Project is a showcase of science and
engineering delivered by Portuguese
graduates to students of after-school
FCT Fellowships in the UK
On August 2012 PARSUK released a statement
regarding the situation of the Portuguese
Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT)
fellowships in the UK.
The document can be found at PARSUK’s
Facebook forum page or will soon be available in
our website at the members’ personal login page.
Following a conversation with the FCT during
LUSO 2012 in London, PARSUK initiated contacts
with PAPS to analyse the situation of PARSUK
and PAPS members with FCT’s fellowship
funding. This collaboration was determined to
draw up a joint document addressed to the
President of the Foundation for Science and
Technology, Prof. Dr. Miguel Seabra. The joint
document was sent in August after analysing the
impact of recent changes introduced by FCT and
implemented in the new regulation of Research
Grants No. 234/2012 published in Diário da
República, 2ª série – nº 121 of June 25, 2012. This
information was gathered from members through
individual questionnaires conducted
www.parsuk.pt [email protected]
independently by the respective associations and
from direct communication from members to the
respective Executive Committees.
So far, we haven’t received any official reply to
this document. Nevertheless, we are pleased to
announce we have scheduled a meeting with
Prof. Miguel Seabra, FCT President, taking place
on the 22nd of December in Lisbon, alongside with
our event dedicated to science careers entitled:
“Science Career Paths: Diversity against the
Adversity” (Pavilhão do Conhecimento | Parque
das Nações). More information can be found on
page 6.
better stance to be taken in the discussion on the
22nd of December.
Take your stand on this matter (or any other) and
collaborate with us by sharing your opinions. We
want to know what your situation as a FCT
student or researcher in the UK is. Please do participate - send us an email to
[email protected] or contact us through PARSUK’s
Facebook forum page. One of the hard lines to be discussed will be the
situation of the UK universities fees that exceed
the current available stipend of EUR 5000 to cover
the total fee costs (sum of tuition and college fees).
This question is particularly relevant to the
Universities of Cambridge, Oxford and
Manchester. Thus, we would like you to please
contact and send us your personal opinion and
more information you might find useful for a
Science Career Paths: Diversity
Against the Adversity
@Pavilhão do Conhecimento, 22nd December
PARSUK is organising a meeting dedicated to
science careers entitled: “Science Career Paths:
Diversity against the Adversity”. This is the first
meeting being co-organised by PARSUK, PAPS
(Portuguese American Post-graduate Students)
and FIIP (Fórum Internacional dos Investigadores
Portugueses), with the support of Ciência Viva.
The meeting will take place from 12h30 to 19h30
on the 22nd of December at ‘Pavilhão do
Conhecimento’ in Lisbon.
The meeting will be an opportunity to discuss
various questions regarding the multiple
challenges and opportunities of having a
professional career in Science, including:
• The current challenges of the labour market;
• How to develop your scientific CV
• Challenges in following a non-academic career;
• Cooperation between industry and academic
• Entrepreneurship and technology transfer.
“Science Career Paths: Diversity against the
Adversity” meeting will feature prominent
international speakers with inspiring professional
backgrounds from both academic and industrial
areas, as well as from alternative career paths.
Some of the confirmed speakers are: António
Coutinho (former Director of Instituto Gulbenkian
de Ciência); Carlos Caldas (Professor at
Cambridge University); Maria José Cruz (editor at
Science); Paulo Zagalo e Melo (Director of
Fundacão Luso Americana para o
Desenvolvimento); Mónica Bettencourt Dias
(Group Leader at Instituto Gulbenkian de
Ciência); Nuno Arantes-Oliveira (CEO Alfama);
Maria Mota (Group Leader at Instituto
Gulbenkian de Ciência); Helena Vieira (CEO of
Registration is free of charge but compulsory.
Tickets for a networking dinner will be available
for 10 GBP. The registration deadline is on the 5th
of December.
To register, please follow the link: http://
www.parsuk.pt [email protected] 6
News & Views
New website! www.parsuk.pt
PARSUK is delighted to announce the launch of our freshly designed
website. As we find ourselves in the ‘information age’ we know that the
ability to communicate efficiently and make use of new technologies and
its platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, is very important
for our association. We are confident that our new website will allow us
to inform and connect all our current and future members. Our aim is to
offer a communication platform where the Portuguese Researchers and
Students can mingle, find support, discuss relevant issues and share
important information.
We believe that “information equals knowledge and that knowledge
equals power”, the realisation and the launch of this new website
embodies PARSUK solid desire to strengthen our global outreach.
Visit us at www.parsuk.pt and leave your suggestions!
PARSUK in Nature
PARSUK is featured in Nature
In an article by Michele Cantazaro about
European networks of researchers abroad,
PARSUK is mentioned as an example of
their importance and advantage. In the
article entitled Expatriate scientists get
organized, it is said: “The Portuguese
government had an unexpected critic
when it proposed austerity measures
including cuts to fellowships that pay for
researchers to do PhD studies abroad. In
June, the Portuguese Association of
Researchers and Students in the United
Kingdom (PARSUK) filed a complaint with the Foundation for Science
and Technology, Portugal's main public research funding body. PARSUK
showed that university and tuition fees for graduate students at some
UK institutions cost more than the Portuguese government would
provide after austerity measures; the foundation's president told
PARSUK that he would consider scaling back the cuts. (...) PARSUK was
founded in 2008, following Luso 2007, a networking meeting of
Portuguese scientists in Cambridge, UK. Since then, the 450-member
group has set up annual gatherings at which researchers, politicians and
company representatives from Britain and Portugal discuss ways to
collaborate and cooperate.”
You can read the article here or download it here.
This article also
cites SRUK – the
recently formed
Society of Spanish
Researchers in the
UK - and comes
out in the same
week when the
SRUK executive
committees meet
up for the first time.
PARSUK/SRUK executive committees meeting
@London, 21st Nov 2012
3rd UK Portuguese Film Festival
The UK Portuguese Film Festival returns to London later this November
bringing contemporary Lusophone film productions. Following a
favourable period of many awards won by Portuguese directors in
renowned film festivals around the globe such as Berlin, Cannes and
Locarno, the 3rd UK Portuguese Film Festival showcases six
internationally acclaimed features and welcomes directors and actors to
special screen talks.
Triennale films about architecture, with works by Julião Sarmento, João
Onofre and Filipa César, presented by the curators of the 2013 edition of
the Triennale at the Whitechapel. Portugal’s fascism history is shown
through Susana Sousa Dias’ 48 while Edgar Pêra’s The Baron narrates a
neo-gothic satire literary adaptation.
Find out more about this year's edition (25Nov-8Dec) on the website:
This edition promotes a rare opportunity to meet renowned cultural
figures such as the painter Paula Rego and Spanish journalist Pilar Del
Rio, former literary agent of the novelist Nobel prize-winner José
Saramago. Other highlights are recent works by young and acclaimed
film director and video artist João Salaviza and the Lisbon Architecture
Issue Nº10 - November 2012
10th Newsletter
Merry Christmas!
www.parsuk.pt [email protected]

Newsletter #10