ECTS - Escola Superior de Estudos Industriais e de Gestão
Degree: Undergraduate Degree In Human Resources
Course: Social Psychology
Academic Year: 2012/2013
Academic year: 1
Term: Summer Semester
Attendance: Mandatory
Number of Credits (ECTS): 4.0
Theoretical work (hours): 20.0 h
Lab work (hours): 40.0 h
Course Responsible Teacher: Doutor Manuel Araújo
Learning Outputs:
General skills
Demonstrate the power of influence that people have about the cognitions, feelings and behaviors of others;
To characterize and criticize some of the major theories of social psychology;
Discuss how research in social psychology can be applied in the field of Human Resources.
Specific Skills
Leading a team working effectively;
Understanding and managing interpersonal and group conflicts;
Motivate human resources in organizations and implement measures for their improvement;
Explain the role of emotions in work relationships and intervene to create a good working atmosphere.
1. Subject theoretical methods and techniques of social psychology
2. Ethical considerations in the field of Social Psychology
1. Social perception and theory assignments
2. Attitudes and attitude change
3. Individual in the organization
II - The interpersonal behavior
1. Affiliation, Aggression and power relations
2. Interpersonal relationships in the organization
1. Groups Group Dynamics
2. social Influence
3. Leadership and motivation
4. Conflict and conflict management
5. The groups in the organization
Learning Outputs:
The UC will be expository in nature for most of its theoretical content.
Emphasis will be learning by modeling, case study, debate and meta-cognitive reading of texts.
The philosophy of the course focuses on the student learning process and their ability (monitored) to acquire behavioral skills and
behavior management in the organization.
The choice of evaluation implies Distributed meetings outside the classroom period
The student to choose the distributed evaluation accept the assessment by their peers
Assessment Methods:
ATTITUDE - Participation, attendance. punctuality, education. no minimum score (20%)
TEST - Has multiple response format, and direct development. (40%) minimum score of 10
EVENT - The student will have to perform in a social group, sport and recreation, simulating the activity of a company Creation
Events (40%) minimum score of 10
This activity is in competition with another group (GAH) and involves the presence of an audience
Will be assessed by the teacher and will involve a process of performance evaluation proposed peer
Date to be determined by students
FINAL EVALUATION (100%) minimum score of 10
The exam will be written and multiple choice format, and direct development.
EN - 07.08.13 (14:30)
ER - 07/24/13 (10:00)
EE - 12.09.13 (10:00)
Barling, J., & Cooper, C.L. (2008). The Sage Handbook of Organizational Behavior Vol. 1: Micro Approaches . UK: Sage Public.
Cunha, M. P., Rego, A., Cunha, R. C.& Cabral-Cardoso, C. (2003). Manual de comportamento organizacional e gestão. Lisboa: RH
Jesuíno, J. C. (1987). Processos de Liderança. Lisboa: Livros Horizonte.
Neto, F. (1998). Psicologia Social (Volume I, II). Lisboa: Universidade Aberta.
Vala, J., e Monteiro, M. B. (2004). Psicologia social (6ª ed.). Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian
Ferreira, J.M.C., Neves, J.,& Caetano, A. (Coord.) (2001). Manual de Psicossociologia das Organizações. Lisboa: McGraw-Hill.
Mainsonneive, J. (1994). A dinâmica dos grupos. Lisboa: Edições Livros do Brasil.
Rogers, C. (1986). Grupos de encontro. Lisboa: Moraes Editores.
Smith, E. R. & Mackie, D. M. (1997). Psicología Social. Madrid: Editorial Medica Panamerica.
Tajfel, H. (1981). Grupos humanos e categorias sociais (Volume I e II). Lisboa: Livros Horizonte.
Manuel Salvador Gomes de Araújo
Rua D. Sancho I, 981 - 4480-876 Vila do Conde
Telef: 252 291 700 Fax: 252 291 714 Telem Pessoal: 933202835
E-mail: [email protected]
Gabinete: E211 Ext: 3011
Doutor Manuel Araújo
Vila do Conde, 23 de Setembro de 2012

Undergraduate Degree In Human Resources Course - EU-IPP