CURRICULUM VITAE Carla Alexandra de Castro Cunha PhD researcher in Clinical Psychology Auxiliary Professor at ISMAI – Instituto Superior da Maia (Portugal) PROFILE Carla Cunha earned her PHD in Clinical Psychology in 2012 at the School of Psychology of University o f M inho (Portugal). H er P hD d issertation, titled N arrative c hange in e motion-­‐focused therapy: Co-­‐constructing innovative self-­‐narratives, was advised by Miguel M. Gonçalves, PhD (from University of Minho – Portugal) and Jaan Valsiner, PhD (from Clark University – USA) and was sponsored by a scholarship from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia; SFRH/BD/30880/2006). She is currently a member of the research team in the project Decentering and Change in Psychotherapy (funded by the FCT; PTDC/PSI PCL/103432/2008; Principal Investigator: João Salgado, ISMAI) and the project Ambivalence and unsuccessful psychotherapy (funded by the FCT; PTDC/PSI-­‐PCL/121525/2010; Principal Investigator: Miguel M. Gonçalves, University of Minho). She is also an Auxiliary Professor at the Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences at ISMAI (Instituto Superior da Maia – Portugal), where she teaches courses at undergraduate and postgraduate programs (MA and PhD). She has received training and supervision as an emotion-­‐focused psychotherapist since 2008 (with Leslie Greenberg, PhD, York University – Canada). Her main research interests are studies that focus on therapists' contributions to change in their clients, particularly in understanding how therapist or relational factors (e.g. techniques, alliance issues or relational processes) are intertwined with and facilitate multiple change processes in clients (narrative and affective/experiential change, symptomatic change etc.). She is manly familiarized with process-­‐outcome research with both qualitative or mixed designs, and the study of significant change events. Her publications include papers published in Psychotherapy (APA division 29 journal), Culture & Psychology and Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Sciences and chapters in b ooks p ublished b y O xford U niversity P ress a nd Information A ge P ublications. PERSONAL INFORMATION C ORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: ISMAI -­‐ Instituto S uperior d a M aia; A v. C arlos O liveira Campos, C astêlo da M aia -­‐ 4 475-­‐690 A vioso S . P edro -­‐ P ortugal D ATE AND PLACE O F BIRTH : A pril 3 rd 1 980 in O porto, P ortugal Member o f the P ortuguese P sychologists’ A ssociation ( Ordem d os P sicólogos P ortugueses): number 1 004 E MAIL: c [email protected] Curriculum Vitae
Carla Alexandra Castro Cunha
PhD d egree in C linical P sychology e arned in F ebruary 2 012 b y the S chool o f P sychology o f University o f M inho, w ith a thesis titled N arrative c hange in e motion-­‐focused therapy: C o-­‐
constructing innovative s elf-­‐narratives a dvised b y M iguel M . G onçalves (University o f M inho, Portugal) a nd Jaan V alsiner (Clark U niversity, E UA). •
Master o f A rts d egree in C linical P sychology e arned in July 2 007 a t the U niversity o f Minho, w ith a research d issertation titled D ialogical p rocesses o f c hange a nd s elf-­‐organization: A m icrogenetic s tudy, a dvised b y M iguel M . G onçalves (assessed w ith “ Very G ood” b y the judging p anel – m aximum c lassification). •
Undergraduate d egree in P sychology e arned in 2 002 a t ISMAI – Instituto S uperior d a M aia (with a n a verage o f 1 7 p oints in 2 0, s he g raduated first in h er c lass). PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE •
Research e xperience 2010 – c urrent: R esearch m ember in the p roject D ecentering a nd C hange in P sychotherapy, lead by João S algado, ISMAI (FCT G rant P TDC/PSI P CL/103432/2008, 2 010-­‐2013). 2007 – 2 011: P hD s cholarship g ranted b y the F CT (SFRH/BD/30880/2006). 2006 – 2 010: R esearch m ember in the p roject N arrative P rocesses in P sychotherapy, lead b y Miguel M . G onçalves, U niversity o f M inho (FCT G rant P TDC/PSI/72846/2006, 2 006-­‐2010). 2003 – 2 004: Junior researcher in the p roject A ssessment o f the e fficacy o f a m ultidisciplinary psychological intervention in the c ardiac rehabilitation p ost-­‐ m yocardial infarction, lead b y Teresa M cIntyre, U niversity o f M inho. •
Academic e xperience 2012 – c urrent: A uxiliary P rofessor a t ISMAI – Instituto S uperior d a M aia, c ollaborating in the teaching o f s everal u ndergraduate a nd g raduate c ourses o ver time [Before 2 012 s he w as a n Assistant a t ISMAI]: Undergraduate P rograms: P sychopathology I a nd II (2003-­‐2007); T heoretical S ystems in Psychology I (2007-­‐current); C onflict R esolution S kills (2010-­‐current); L aboratory o n B asic Competencies in C ounseling a nd P sychotherapy (2008-­‐current) Postgraduate p rograms (MA o r P hD level): A ssessment, D ifferential D iagnosis a nd C linical Formulation (2012); T raining in T herapeutic R elationship S kills (2013 -­‐ c urrent); A dvanced Training in T herapeutic R elationship S kills (2013 -­‐ c urrent) •
Clinical e xperience 2010 – c urrent: E motion focused therapist a t the U niversity C ounseling C enter o f ISMAI -­‐ Instituto S uperior d a M aia (CASP – C entro d e A poio e S erviço P sicológico) 2003 – 2 007: Junior therapist a t the U niversity C ounseling C enter o f ISMAI (CASP – C entro d e Apoio e S erviço P sicológico) Curriculum Vitae
Carla Alexandra Castro Cunha
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Psychotherapy training a nd s upervision (main a spects) Emotion F ocused C ouples Institute (November 2 010), w ith L eslie G reenberg (York U niversity) in Toronto, C anada. Emotion F ocused T herapy Institute: level 1 (August 2 008), level 2 (October 2 008) w ith L eslie Greenberg (York U niversity) in T oronto, C anada. R eceived s upervision in individual E FT b y L eslie Greenberg d uring 2 012. PUBLICATIONS AND PAPERS IN CONFERENCES •
ARTICLES IN ISI JOURNALS: Salgado, J., Cunha, C., & Bento, T. (2013). Positioning Micronalysis: Studying the self through the exploration of dialogical processes. Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Sciences. Epub ahead of print in: DOI 10.1007/s12124-­‐
013-­‐9238-­‐y Lourenço, P., Basto, I., Cunha, C., & Bento, T. (2013). Dialogism in detail: Per Linell’s Rethinking language, mind, and world dialogically and its potentials. Culture & Psychology, 19 (3), 421-­‐
430. Cunha, C., Gonçalves, M. M., Hill, C. E., Sousa, I., Mendes, I., Ribeiro, A. P., Angus, L. & Greenberg, L. S. (2012). Therapist Interventions and Client Innovative Moments in Emotion-­‐Focused Therapy for Depression. Psychotherapy, 49, 536-­‐548. doi: 10.1037/a0028259 Cunha, C., & Gonçalves, M. (2009). Accessing the experience of a dialogical self: Some needs and concerns. Culture & Psychology, 15, 120-­‐133. Cunha, C. & Salgado, L. (2008). Being Human: Experiencing and communicating. Integrative Psychological and Behavioural Science, 1, 164-­‐170. Ferreira, T., Salgado, J. & Cunha, C. (2006). Ambiguity and the dialogical self: In search for a dialogical psychology. Estudios de Psicología, 27, 19-­‐32. ARTICLES IN N ON-­‐ISI JOURNALS: Cunha, C., Spínola, J., & Gonçalves, M. M. (2012). The emergence of innovative moments in narrative therapy for depression: Exploring therapist and client contributions. Research in Psychotherapy: Psychopathology, Process and Outcome [Ricierca in Psicoterapia], 15 (2), 62-­‐74. Cunha, C. (2007). Constructing organization through multiplicity: A microgenetic analysis of self-­‐
organization in the dialogical self. International Journal for Dialogical Science, 2, 287-­‐316. Curriculum Vitae
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CHAPTERS IN INTERNATIONAL B OOKS: Cunha, C., Gonçalves, M. M., Valsiner, J., Mendes, I. & Ribeiro, A. P. (2012). Rehearsing renewal of identity: Reconceptualization on the move. In Bertau, M. C., Gonçalves, M. M., & Raggat, P. (Eds.) Dialogic Formations: Investigations into the Origins and Development of the Dialogical Self (series editor: Jaan Valsiner) (pp. 205-­‐233). Charlotte, N.C., USA: IAP, Information Age Publications. Bento, T., Cunha, C., & Salgado, J. (2012). Dialogical theory of selfhood. J. Valsiner, (Ed.), The Oxford handbook of culture and psychology (pp. 421-­‐438). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. Salgado, J., & Cunha, C. (2012). Positioning Microanalysis: The development of a dialogical-­‐based method for idiographic psychology. In S. Salvatore, A. Gennaro, & J. Valsiner (Eds.), Making sense of infinite uniqueness: The emerging system of idiographic science. (Series: Yearbook of Idiographic Science) – vol. 4 (pp. 95-­‐123). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishers. Cunha, C., Salgado, J., Gonçalves, M. M. (2012). The dialogical self in movement: Reflecting on methodological tools for the study of the dynamics of change and stability in the self. In E. Abbey & S. Surgan (Eds.), Emerging methods in psychology (pp. 65-­‐100). New Jersey: Transaction Publishers. Gonçalves, M. M., Cunha, C., Ribeiro, A. P., Mendes, I., Santos, S., Matos, M. & Salgado, J. (2011). Innovative moments in psychotherapy: dialogical processes in developing narratives. In M. Märtsin, B. Wagoner, L. Whittaker, E. M. Aveling, & I. Kadianaki, I. (Eds.) (pp. 181-­‐200). Dialogicality in Focus: Challenges to Theory, Method and Application. New York: Nova Science Publishers. Cunha, C., Gonçalves, M. M., & Valsiner, J. (2011). Transforming self-­‐narratives in psychotherapy: Looking at different forms of ambivalence in the change process. In R. Jones & M. Morioka (Eds.), Jungian and dialogical self perspectives (pp. 43-­‐66). Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave. Gonçalves, M. M., Santos, A., Salgado, J., Matos, M., Mendes, I., Ribeiro, A., Cunha, C. & Gonçalves, J. (2010). Innovations in psychotherapy: Tracking the narrative construction of change. In J. D. Raskin, S. K. Bridges, & R. Neimeyer (Eds.), Studies in meaning 4: Constructivist Perspectives on Theory, Practice, and Social Justice (pp. 29-­‐64). New York: Pace University Press. Meira, L., Gonçalves, M. M., Salgado, J. & Cunha, C. (2009). Everyday life change: Contribution to the understanding of daily human change. In M. Todman (Ed.), Self-­‐regulation and social competence: Psychological studies in identity, achievement and work-­‐family dynamics (pp. 145-­‐154). Athens: ATINER. Cunha, C. (2008). The researcher at the crossroads. In E. Abbey & R. Diriwachter (Eds.), Innovating genesis: Microgenesis and the constructive mind in action (pp. 139-­‐156). EUA: InfoAge Publishers. Cunha, C. (2007). Intersubjectivity and the experience of otherness: A reflection upon relational accounts of subjectivity. In L. M. Simão & J. Valsiner (Eds.), Otherness in question: Labyrinths of the self (pp. 379-­‐391). EUA: InfoAge Publishers. Curriculum Vitae
Carla Alexandra Castro Cunha
4 Ferreira, T., Salgado, J., Cunha, C., Meira, L. & Konopka, A. (2005). Talking about voices: A critical reflection about levels of analysis on the dialogical self. In P. Holes & H. J. M. Hermans (Eds.), The Dialogical Self: Theory and research (pp. 121-­‐130). Lublin, Poland: Wydawnictwo, KUL. •
ARTICLES IN N ATIONAL JOURNALS d’Alte, I., P etracchi, P ., F erreira, T ., C unha, C ., & S algado, J. (2007). S elf d ialógico: U m c onvite a uma a bordagem a lternativa a o p roblema d a identidade p essoal. Interacções, 6 : 8 -­‐31. Gonçalves, M . M . & C unha, C . (2006). R e-­‐autoria, imaginação e m udança. P sychologica (Caderno temático: S exualidades), 4 1, 1 51-­‐167. •
PAPERS P RESENTED IN INTERNATIONAL C ONFERENCES O VER T HE L AST 3 Y EARS: Cunha, C., Gonçalves, M., Hill, C., Sousa, I., Ribeiro, A. P., Angus, L., Greenberg, L., & Mendes, I. (2012, October). Therapist interventions and client innovative moments in emotion-­‐focused therapy for depression. Paper presented at the 3rd Joint Meeeting of the SPR (Society for Psychotherapy Research) Europpean and UK Chapters, Porto, Portugal. Machado, A. P., Gonçalves, M. M., Fernández-­‐Navarro, P., Hill, C. E., Cunha, C., Batista, J, & Vieira, P. (2012, October). Therapist interventions and innovative moments: a study with cognitive-­‐behavior therapy of depression. Paper presented at the 3rd Joint Meeeting of the SPR (Society for Psychotherapy Research) Europpean and UK Chapters, Porto, Portugal. Teixeira, A. S., Cunha, C., Salgado, J., Mendes, I., Gonçalves, M., Greenberg, L., & Angus, L. (2012, October). Therapist interventions and client innovative moments in emotion-­‐focused therapy: A temporal analysis of productive sequences in therapist and client verbal interaction in a good and poor outcome case studies. Paper presented at the 3rd Joint Meeeting of the SPR (Society for Psychotherapy Research) Europpean and UK Chapters, Porto, Portugal. Cunha, C., Martins, J., Mendes, I., Ribeiro, A. P., Stiles, W. B., Greenberg, L., Gonçalves, M. (2012, June). Reconceptualization innovative moments and assimilation on the spotlight: How can one psychotherapy change model inform another? Paper presented at the 43rd Society for Psychotherapy Research International Annual Meeting. Virginia Beach, Virginia, USA. Mendes, I., Cunha, C., Salgado, J., Angus, L., & Greenberg, L. (2012, June). From unproductive to productive dynamics between self-­‐positions during EFT: Insights from the positioning microanalysis of the case of Sarah. Paper presented at the 43rd Society for Psychotherapy Research International Annual Meeting. Virginia Beach, Virginia, USA. Gonçalves, M., Cunha, C., Hill, C., Sousa, I., Ribeiro, A. P., Angus, L., Greenberg, L., & Mendes , I. (2012, June). Therapist interventions and client innovative moments in emotion-­‐focused therapy for depression. Paper presented at the 43rd Society for Psychotherapy Research International Annual Meeting. Virginia Beach, Virginia, USA. Cunha, C., Mendes, I., & Salgado, J. (2012, Abril). Terapia de la depresión Focalizada en la Emoción: Un estudio de caso. [Emotion-­‐Focused Therapy of depression: A case study]. V Congresso Internacional de Psicologia Clínica, 25-­‐28, Abril, Santander, Espanha. Curriculum Vitae
Carla Alexandra Castro Cunha
5 Mendes, I., Cunha, C., & Salgado, J. (Abril, 27, 2012). Investigación de proceso y resultado en Terapia de la depresión Focalizada en la Emoción. [Process-­‐outcome research in Emotion-­‐Focused Therapy] V Congresso Internacional de Psicologia Clínica, 25-­‐28, Abril, Santander, Espanha. Salgado, J., Cunha, C., & Mendes, I. (2012, Abril). Terapia de la depresión Focalizada en la Emoción: Introducción a una terapia experiencial. [Emotion-­‐Focused Therapy of depression: Introduction to an experiential therapy]. V Congresso Internacional de Psicologia Clínica, 25-­‐28, Abril, Santander, Espanha. Cunha, C., Mendes, I., Gonçalves, M. M., Valsiner, J., Angus, L. & Greenberg (2011, Junho). Co-­‐constructing narrative change in Emotion-­‐Focused Therapy: A preliminary task-­‐analysis. Comunicação apresentada na 42nd Society for Psychotherapy Research Annual Meeting, Berna, Suiça. Santos, A., Cunha, C., & Salgado, J. (2011, Junho). Positioning Microanalysis: An idiographic method for describing change. Comunicação apresentada na 42nd Society for Psychotherapy Research International Annual Meeting, Berna, Suíça. Mendes, I., Cunha, C., Gonçalves, M. M., Angus, L., & Greenberg L. (2011, Junho). An intensive analysis of innovative moments in Sarah’s case. Comunicação apresentada na 42nd Society for Psychotherapy Research Annual Meeting, Berna, Suiça. Salgado, J. , Cunha, C., & Mendes, I. (2011, Abril). Terapia Processo-­‐Experiencial Focada nas Emoções: Mudando emoções com emoções. Comunicação apresentada nas II Jornadas Internacionais do CINEICC, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal. Mendes, I., Nogueira, D., Almeida, C., Brito, J., Cunha, C., & Salgado, J. (2011, Abril). Estado da arte da investigação em Terapia Focada em Emoções. Comunicação apresentada nas II Jornadas Internacionais do CINEICC. 28-­‐30 de Abril, Coimbra, Portugal. Mendes, I., Nogueira, D., Almeida, C., Brito, J., Cunha, C., & Salgado, J. (2011, Abril). Estado da arte da investigação em Terapia Focada em Emoções. Comunicação apresentada nas II Jornadas Internacionais do CINEICC. 28-­‐30 de Abril, Coimbra, Portugal. Cunha, C., Mendes, I., Gonçalves, M. M., & Valsiner, J. (2011, Abril). Co-­‐constructing narrative change in Emotion-­‐-­‐Focused Therapy: A task-­‐analysis of the consolidation of re-­‐conceptualization innovative moments. Comunicação apresentada na conferência Developing Psychology in the Globalizing World -­‐ Challenging Convention: Re-­‐conceptualizing the Relationship Between the Individual and Society, Clark University, Worcester – MA, EUA. Salgado, J., & Cunha, C. (Fevereiro, 2011). Positioning microanalysis and psychotherapy: A dialogical and idiographic method for the study of problems in psychotherapy. Comunicação apresentada na Conferência Internacional de Investigação em Psicoterapia, Jyväskylä, Finland. Meira, L., Cunha, C., Salgado, J., & Santos, A. (2010, Setembro). What changes in the dialogical self when people solve problems? Analysis of a case from a microanalytic perspective. Comunicação apresentada na 6th International Conference on the Dialogical Self , Atenas, Grécia. Salgado, J., Cunha, C., Santos, A., & Ferreira, T. (2010, Junho). Studying the dynamics of self-­‐positioning: An overview of the positioning microanalysis and its application to the study of human change processes. Comunicação apresentada na 41st Society for Psychotherapy Research Annual Meeting, Asilomar, USA. Cunha, C., Salgado, J., Santos, A. & Marques, H. (2010, Setembro). Positioning Microanalysis: An idiographic method for describing I-­‐positions. Comunicação apresentada na 6th International Conference on the Dialogical Self, Atenas, Grécia. Curriculum Vitae
Carla Alexandra Castro Cunha
6 Meira, L., Cunha, C., Salgado, J., & Santos, A. (2010, Setembro). What changes in the dialogical self when people solve problems? Analysis of a case from a microanalytic perspective. Comunicação apresentada na 6th International Conference on the Dialogical Self , Atenas, Grécia. Santos, A., Cunha, C., Salgado, J., Santos, L. & Oliveira, S. (2010, Setembro). The case of Lisa: A study of positioning dynamics in the beginning of therapy. Comunicação apresentada na 6th International Conference on the Dialogical Self , Atenas, Grécia. Cunha, C., Mendes, I., Gonçalves, M., Angus, L. & Greenberg, L. (2010, June) Therapist interventions and the promotion of narrative innovative moments in the client: A study with Emotion-­‐Focused Therapy in depression. Paper presented at the 41th Meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research Annual Meeting, Asilomar, EUA. Santos, A., Salgado, J., Cunha, C., Oliveira, S., Santos, L., Greenberg, L. & Angus, L. (2010, Junho). Clinical problems from a dialogical perspective: A case analysis. Comunicação apresentada na 41st Society for Psychotherapy Research Annual Meeting, Asilomar, USA. Salgado, J., Cunha, C., Santos, A., & Ferreira, T. (2010, June). Studying the dynamics of self-­‐positioning: An overview of the positioning microanalysis and its application to the study of human change processes. Paper presented at the Society for Psychotherapy Research Annual Meeting, Asilomar, USA. EDITORIAL ACTIVITIES Member o f the E ditorial B oard o f the following p eer-­‐reviewed journals: •
CULTURE & P SYCHOLOGY (ISI): 2 011 – c urrent •
Since 2 005: M ember o f the International S ociety for D ialogical S cience •
Since 2 007: M ember o f the International S ociety for P sychotherapy R esearch •
Since 2 010: M ember o f the A PA D ivision 2 9 (Psychotherapy) Curriculum Vitae
Carla Alexandra Castro Cunha

CURRICULUM VITAE Carla Alexandra de Castro Cunha PhD