Estácio elects members of the Board of Directors and the Fiscal Council, and
names its Executive Officers
1. The following is a brief profile of each Executive Officer:
João Carlos de Castro Rosas, holds a engineer degree from Federal University of
Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), a master´s degree from UFRJ´s COPPE, a MBA in Enterprise
Management from Fundação Dom Cabral and a MBA in Finance from the Brazilian
Institute of Capital Markets (IBMEC). Mr. Rosas started his career at the Cia Vale do
Rio Doce. He led the Intermodal Business Unit at ALL - América Latina Logística (GP
Investments). Recently, he was responsible for the Consumer Market area at
Infoglobo Comunicações. He also worked as a consultant for K2 Achievements. Mr.
Rosas was the Company´s Chief Operating Office since October, 2007.
Jessé de Hollanda Cordeiro, professor, holds a degree in Pedagogy from Faculdade
de Ciências e Letras de Volta Redonda and has been working at Estácio for more than
10 years. Mr Cordeiro was principal of Estácio de Sá Unesa - Sociedade de Ensino
Superior do Ceará, Academic Director of CSN Foundation (Fundação Companhia
Siderúrgica Nacional), Director of Escola Técnica (Technical School), member of the
Executive Board of CBS Previdência, Academic Director of Oswaldo Aranha
Foundation - FOA.
Rubens Luiz Zenóbio Alves de Vasconcelos, Chief Education Officer, holds a
degree in Civil Engineering from Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro and a
master’s degree (MSc Business Studies) from London Business School. Member of the
Board of Directors and General Superintendent at Sociedade Brasileira de Cultura
Inglesa (SBCI); CEO at Editora Learning Factory (holding company of the Cultura
Inglesa Group); Operations, Finance and Systems Superintendent at SBCI; COO at
Máxima Consultoria e Corretora de Valores; CFO at Cougar Indústria e Comércio,
Companhia Paraibuna de Metais, Lumière Latin América and Sistema Jornal do Brasil;
Trading Director at the Fiat Group; Director Superintendent at Mendes Júnior Group;
CFO at Caulim do Pará; Economic Advisor at Rio de Janeiro State Finance Secretariat.
Alexandre Pinto Ferraz, diretor de Mercado, holds an engineer degree from UERJ, a
MBA from Coppead. , Manager, Sales Manager and Corporate Marketing Manager in
Infoglobo Comunicações..
Miguel Filisbino Pereira de Paula, Diretor de Gente e Gestão, holds a Business
Administration degree from Ulbra/RS, post graduate degree in Human Resources from
PUC/RS, post graduate degree in Gestão Empresarial from Fundação Getúlio
Vargas/RJ, MBA in Gestão do Varejo from USP, STC Executive (Skill, Tools e
Competencies) from Kellogg University, Strategic Human Resources Planning Michigan University. Head of Human Resources in (GP investimentos), Head of Huma
Resources in Votorantim, Human Resources Manager in Gerdau.
Rogério Frota Melzi, Diretor de Planejamento Econômico e Operacional, holds an
engineer degree from Universidade Mackenzie, Business Administration degree from
Fundação Getúlio Vargas/SP, MBA from Stanford University. Head of Financial
Planning in Suzano Holding, Suplly Chain Planning & Performance in Inbev / Labatt,
Corporative Manager at Budget & Financial in Ambev, Senior Associate in Booz-Allen.

Estácio elects members of the Board of Directors