The Herbarium MADM - presentation Gonçalves Silva, J.J. 1 *& Araújo, R. 1 1 – Natural History Museum of Funchal, Portugal * corresponding author: [email protected] Abstract The Natural History Museum of Funchal (MMF) is a scientific and cultural institution where visitors, in a simple way, can learn more about the fauna, flora and geology of the archipelago of Madeira. The herbarium of the Natural History Museum of Funchal was initiated by Prof. Günther Maul, in the 1950s, through the purchase of the plant collection of Reverend José Gonçalves da Costa, a local catholic priest who lived in Madeira and Porto Santo, for many years. This herbarium consists on a collection of vascular and non-vascular plants (mostly bryophytes). Since then, the herbarium has grown thanks to the contribution of many national and foreign collectors who, not only collected plants from all over the archipelago and left duplicates, but also some chosen the Museum as depository of their collections. Due to the collections importance in the context of Macaronesia, the MMF herbarium was registered in the Index Herbariorum and has adopted the herbarium Code: MADM. At the present time, the MADM herbarium is completely computerized and its data base has more than 9000 entries (vascular plants, bryophytes, marine algae, fungi and lichens). Resumo O Museu de História Natural do Funchal (MMF) é uma instituição de caráter científico e cultural que visa proporcionar ao visitante, de uma forma muito simples, o conhecimento da fauna, flora e geologia do arquipélago da Madeira. O herbário do Museu foi iniciado pelo Doutor Günther Maul, nos anos 50, através da aquisição da coleção de plantas do Padre José Gonçalves da Costa que viveu na Madeira e no Porto Santo durante vários anos. Este herbário consiste numa grande coleção de plantas vasculares e avasculares (na sua maioria briófitos). Desde então, o herbário do Museu tem crescido graças ao contributo de vários coletores regionais e estrangeiros que, não só colheram plantas no arquipélago, e deixaram duplicados no herbário, como fizeram desta instituição fiel depositária das suas coleções. Devido à grande importância destas coleções no contexto da Macaronésia, o herbário do MMF encontra-se registado no Index Herbariorum tendo adotado o acrónimo: MADM. Atualmente, o MADM encontra-se completamente informatizado e, até à data, conta com mais de 9000 entradas (plantas vasculares, briófitos, algas marinhas, fungos e líquenes). The Herbarium MADM The Natural History Museum of Funchal (MMF), opened to the main public in 5th October 1933, is a scientific and cultural institution where visitors, can learn more about the fauna, flora and geology of the archipelago of Madeira. The scientific collection of the Natural History Museum of Funchal involves a permanent exposition (showing 78 species of fish, 247 species of birds, 14 species of land and marine mammals, 3 species of sea turtles, 152 species of insects and other invertebrates, 19 plant species and a significant collection of rocks and minerals from the archipelago, as well as marine fossils from Porto Santo) and reference collections that are distributed throughout the Palace of São Pedro located in Rua da Mouraria, 31 and the Marine Biology Station of Funchal. Recently the collection has expanded to more than 40.000 records, representing more than 100.000 specimens, practically biological and geological groups of the archipelago of Madeira, and Macaronesia, in general. The herbarium of the Natural History Museum of Funchal was initiated by Prof. Günther Maul, in the 50s, through the purchase of the plant collection of Reverend José Gonçalves da Costa, a local catholic priest that lived in Madeira and Porto Santo Island for many years. This regional herbarium consists on a collection of vascular and non-vascular plants (mostly bryophytes). Over the last 40 years, the herbarium has grown thanks to the contribution of many regional and foreign collectors who not only collected plants from all over the archipelago and left duplicates but also some of them chose the Museum as depository of their collections. Due to the collections importance, in the context of Macaronesia, the MMF herbarium was registered in the Index Herbariorum and has adopted the herbarium Code: MADM. At the present time, the MADM herbarium is completely computerized and its data base has more than 9000 entries. In the MADM herbarium can be found the following collections: -“Tore Levring Herbarium” - marine algae collected by this Swedish algologist, in the archipelago of Madeira, from 1965-1973; -“José Gonçalves da Costa Herbarium” – vascular and nonvascular plant collected by this Madeiran clergyman, in Madeira and Porto Santo Island, from 1930s – 1940s; -“Erik Sjögren Herbarium” - bryophytes collected by this Swedish botanist, from 1964-1973; -“Junta de Lacticínios da Madeira Herbarium” – plants collected in 1954, in Madeira, by José Vicente Cordeiro Malato-Beliz; -“Charles John Crosthwait Cossart fern collection” – ferns collected in 1850 by this English wine-merchant and his wife; -Lichen collection; - Fungi collection; Families of Pteridophytes represented in the Herbarium MADM: Families of Seed plants represented in the Herbarium MADM: ADIANTACEAE ASPLENIACEAE BLECHNACEAE DAVALLIACEAE DENNSTAEDTIACEAE DICKSONIACEAE DRYOPTERIDACEAE EPHEDRACEAE EQUISETACEAE HYMENOPHYLLACEAE ACANTHACEAE ACTINIDIACEAE AGAVACEAE AIZOACEAE ALANGIACEAE ALISMATACEAE AMARANTHACEAE AMARYLLIDACEAE ANACARDIACEAE ANONACEAE APIACEAE APOCYNACEAE AQUIFOLIACEAE ARACEAE ARALIACEAE ARAUCARIACEAE ARISTOLOCHIACEAE ASCLEPIADACEAE ASTERACEAE LOMARIOPSIDACEAE LYCOPODIACEAE OPHIOGLOSSACEAE OSMUNDACEAE POLYPODIACEAE PTERIDACEAE SELAGINELLACEAE THELYPTERIDACEAE WOODSIACEAE Conclusion According to Jardim & Sequeira (2008) and the plant inventory carried out in 2011, we have concluded that the Herbarium MADM contains 93% of the taxa (species and subspecies) of vascular plants recorded for the Island of Madeira, 53% of the taxa recorded for Porto Santo, 73% of the ones recorded for Desertas and 54% of those recorded for Selvagens. Bibliography Jardim, R. & Sequeira, M. M.: 2008. As plantas vasculares (Pteridophyta e Spermatophyta) dos arquipélagos da Madeira e das Selvagens. In: Borges, P. A. V., Abreu, C., Aguiar, A. M. F., Carvalho, P., Jardim, R., Melo, I., Oliveira, P., Sérgio, C., Serrano, A. R. M. & Vieira, P. (eds.). Listagem dos fungos flora e fauna terrestre dos arquipélagos da Madeira e Selvagens. pp. 157-208, Direcção Regional do Ambiente da Madeira e Universidade dos Açores, Funchal e Angra do Heroísmo. POTAMOGETONACEAE PRIMULACEAE PROTEACEAE PUNICACEAE RANUNCULACEAE RESEDACEAE RHAMNACEAE ROSACEAE BALSAMINACEAE BASELLACEAE BERBERIDACEAE BIGNONIACEAE BORAGINACEAE BRASSICACEAE BROMELIACEAE CALCEOLARIACEAE CALLITRICHACEAE CALYCANTHACEAE CAMPANULACEAE CANNACEAE CAPPARIDACEAE CAPRIFOLIACEAE CARYOPHYLLACEAE CASUARINACEAE CELASTRACEAE CEPHALOTAXACEAE CHENOPODIACEAE CISTACEAE CLETHRACEAE COMBRETACEAE COMMELINACEAE CONVOLVULACEAE CORYLACEAE CRASSULACEAE CUPRESSACEAE CYPERACEAE DIOSCOREACEAE DIPSACACEAE ELAEAGNACEAE ERICACEAE EUPHORBIACEAE FABACEAE FAGACEAE FRANKENIACEAE FUMARIACEAE GENTIANACEAE RUBIACEAE RUPPIACEAE RUTACEAE SALICACEAE SAPINDACEAE SAPOTACEAE SAXIFRAGACEAE SCROPHULARIACEAE SOLANACEAE TAMARICACEAE TAXACEAE TAXODIACEAE THEACEAE THYMELACEAE TILACEAE TROPAEOLACEAE GERANIACEAE GLOBULARIACEAE HYDRANGEACEAE HYPERICACEAE IRIDACEAE JUNCACEAE LAMIACEAE LAURACEAE LEMNACEAE LILIACEAE LINACEAE LYTHRACEAE MAGNOLIACEAE MALVACEAE MELASTOMATACEAE MORACEAE MUSACEAE MYOPORACEAE MYRICACEAE ULMACEAE URTICACEAE VALERIANACEAE VERBENACEAE VIOLACEAE VITACEAE ZINGIBERACEAE ZYGOPHYLLACEAE MYRSINACEAE MYRTACEAE OLEACEAE ONAGRACEAE ORCHIDACEAE OROBANCHACEAE OXALIDACEAE PAPAVERACEAE PASSIFLORACEAE PHYTOLACCACEAE PINACEAE PITTOSPORACEAE PLANTAGINACEAE PLUMBAGINACEAE POACEAE PODOCARPACEAE POLYGONACEAE PONTEDERIACEAE PORTULACACEAE MYRSINACEAE MYRTACEAE OLEACEAE ONAGRACEAE ORCHIDACEAE OROBANCHACEAE OXALIDACEAE PAPAVERACEAE PASSIFLORACEAE PHYTOLACCACEAE PINACEAE PITTOSPORACEAE PLANTAGINACEAE PLUMBAGINACEAE POACEAE PODOCARPACEAE POLYGONACEAE PONTEDERIACEAE PORTULACACEAE