CURRICULUM VITÆ João Pedro de Paiva Gomes Cunha Ribeiro Born: Lamego (Portugal), 7 July 1957 Married with two children Professional address Departamento de História Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa Alameda da Universidade 1600-214 Lisboa Portugal Tel: +351 217 920 000 Fax: + 351 960 063 e-mail: [email protected] Home address Rua Manuel da Silva Moreira Rato, 1 – 4B 2760-081 Caxias Portugal Tel: +351 214 428 252 Tlm: +351 918 653 489 e-mail: [email protected] Present post Professor of Archaeology, Prehistory and Prehistoric Art in Lisbon University (Faculty of Arts) Education 1998, PhD in Archaeology in Lisbon University. Matter of PhD dissertation: The Acheulean in the Center of Portugal. The Lis River Valley. 1987, Master in Archaeology and Prehistory in Oporto University. Matter of the dissertation: Contribution to the study of the Paleolithic in the Lis River Valley in their chronostratigraphic context. 1980, Graduation in History by Oporto University. Teaching experience and other post held 1999-2012 - Professor in Lisbon University (Faculty of Arts, Department of History), teaching Paleolithic Archaeology, Art of the hunters and Art of the peasants societies. 2007-2011 - Sub-director of the Portuguese Institute for the Architectonical and Archaeological Heritage Management (IGESPAR, I.P.). 1997 – Teaching art of the peasants societies in the formation course for Guides of the Archaeological Park of Côa Valley. 1996-1999 - Lecturer in Lisbon University (Faculty of Arts, Department of History), teaching Paleolithic Archaeology and Prehistoric Art. 1983-1996 - Lecturer in Oporto University (Faculty of Arts, Department of History), teaching Archaeology and Prehistory. 1982-1983 - Archaeologist of the Portuguese Institute of Cultural Heritage in the North of Portugal regional delegation (I.P.P.C.). Other professional experiences Among several excavations in Paleolithic and pos-Paleolithic Portuguese sites and other archaeological field works, has collaborated in the study of prehistoric rock art of Taião and Ouzão, in the NW of Portugal (Valença do Minho Municipality, 1979), and in the excavation of the first open-air rock art Paleolithic site found in the Douro Valley, at Mazouco (Freixo de Espada-à-Cinta Municipality). Between 1994 and 1996 has participated in the defense of the Paleolithic Rock Art, recently found in the Côa Valley during the building of a big dam in this affluent of the Douro River, with articles published in newspapers1 and the participation on broadcasting and tv public debates. Member of the National Board Organization of the 6th Annual Meeting of European Association of Archaeologists, that took place in Lisbon, 12-17 September 2000. Member of the National Commission of the XV Congress of the International Union for Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences, that took place in Lisbon, 4-10 September 2006. Scientific Co-ordination of the Exhibits Sector in the new Museu do Côa (2007-2010). As Sub-director of the Portuguese Institute for the Heritage Management took part in the following meetings: 1 “O escândalo do Côa” (The scandal of Côa), with J. Zilhão, Público, 1994-12-07; “Côa, a barragem silenciosa” (Côa, the silent dam), Público, 1995-08-13. II Encuentro Ibérico de Gestores de Patrimonio Mundial, Subdirección General de Protección del Patrimonio Histórico, Plasencia (Extremadura, Spain), 3-4 Abril 2008. Member of the Portuguese Delegation to the 32nd Session of the World Heritage Committee (UNESCO) that took place in Quebec City, Canada, 2-10 July 2008. Member of the Portuguese Delegation to the First Session of the Meeting of States Parties to the Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage, 26-27 March 2009, Paris, UNESCO. “XV Congresso da Sociedade de Arqueologia Brasileira. Arqueologia e Compromisso Social: Construindo Arqueologias Multiculturais e Multivocais”, Belém (Pará, Brazil), 20-23 September 2009. A protecção e a gestão do património arqueológico em Portugal. “Terceiro Encontro Ibérico de Gestores do Património Mundial” (Third Iberian Meeting of World Heritage Managers) , IGESPAR, I.P. and National Commission of Unesco, Batalha, 8-9 July 2010. Vale do Côa e Siega Verde. Head of the Portuguese Delegation to the Fourth ASEM (Asia-Europe Meeting) Culture Ministers Meeting, that took place in Poznan, Poland, 8-10 September 2010, focus in the Heritage and the Challenges of the Present. Member of the Portuguese Delegation to the Third European Heritage Forum (Council of Europe) – Cultural Heritage, Participation, Prosperity. Contribution to cohesion and prosperity in today’s societies through sustainable use of the heritage resources – that took place in Istanbul, Turkey, 1-2 October 2010. II Reunião Internacional sobre o património Mundial de origem portuguesa / II International Meeting of World Heritage of Portuguese Origin (WHPO), National Commission of UNESCO, ICOMOS Portugal, Ministery of Culture, Coimbra, 23-26 October 2010. Delegate of the Portuguese Institute for the Heritage Management to the First International Forum about the European Culture Route, C.A.R.P (Prehistoric Rock Art Trails), Pontevedra – Campo Lameiro (Spain), 25-27 May 2011. “Encuentro de Gestores de Sítios de Arte Rupestre Patrimonio Mundial”, Vila Nova de Foz Côa / Ciudad Rodrigo, 8 e 10 Junho de 2011. Public lectures (selection) “Reunião da Rede Europeia de Arqueologia Erasmus (ICP - 94 - P-1041)”, Isernia (Italy), 24-30 May 1994. L’Acheuléen au Centre du Portugal. “Second International Conference on Soils and Archaeology”, Dipartimento di Scienze Archeologiche da Universitá di Pisa and Istituto Italiano di Preistoria e Protostoria e pela International Union of Soil Sciences, Pisa (Italy), 12-15 May 2003. New views on the geoarchaeology of the Palaeolithic site of Casal do Azemel (Batalha, Portugal) (poster with Vera Aldeias and Diego Angelucci). “IV Congresso de Arqueologia Peninsular”, Faro (Portugal), 14-19 September 2004. Avance al estudio de las poblaciones del Pleistoceno medio en el marge izquierda del Tajo: estudio tecnológico de la industria lítica procedente de la excavación de Quinta da Boavista(with Sérgio Moral del Hoyo and Juan Antonio Espinosa Soto). XV Congress of the International Union for Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences, Lisbon (Portugal), 4-10 September 2006. Session SW15: The Middle Paleolithic quartzite exploitation in the south interior of Portugal (with F. Almeida, J. Carrondo and S. Cura) and The quartzite bifaces from Casal do Azemel (Batalha, Portugal). Their technological variability. Session C72: Lorga de Dine: a burial cave in the northeast of Portugal. Chair of the Session S03, «HunterGatherers Studies». “Encontro Ibérico de Arqueologia. As descobertas de Atapuerca e do Lapedo: estudos sobre as primeiras ocupações humanas na Península Ibérica”, Instituto Cervantes, Lisbon, 22 March 2007. Os neandertais em Portugal. Vestígios e paradigmas (Neanderthals in Portugal. Remains and paradigmas). “Colloque International Les Cultures à bifaces du Pleistocène inférieur et moyen dans le Monde. Émergence du Sens de l’harmonie”, Centre Européen de Recherches Préhistoriques,Tautavel, 24-30 Juin 2007. La variabilité des systèmes de production des industries acheuléennes au Portugal. “Total Quality Cultural Heritage Management”, Museu de Arte Pré-histórica de Mação / Erasmus Mundus Program, 11 March 2008. Total Quality Management of Archaeological Sites. Publications Books From the earliest human occupations to the Romans arrival to the Beira Litoral (with Raquel Vilaça), Territories of the Prehistory in Portugal (Oosterbeck dir.), 4, Beira Litoral, Tomar, 2008, p.186. Book chapters Os primeiros habitantes (The first settlers), in «Nova História de Portugal» (New History of Portugal), directed by J. Serrão and A. H. Oliveira Marques, Vol. I (co-ordination of J. Alarcão), Ed. Presença, Lisbon, 1990, pp.15-74. Some articles (selection) “Mazouco ( Freixo de Espada-à-Cinta ) - Nótula Arqueológica” ( de colaboração com V. Oliveira Jorge, Susana Oliveira Jorge e Maria de Jesus Sanches ), Portugália, Nova Série, Vol. II-III, Porto, 1981-1982, pp.143-148. “Les formations quaternaires du bassin du Lis: leur importance pour la chronostratigraphie de l’acheuleen portugais” (with J.P. Texier), Cadernos de Arqueologia, Série II, 8-9, Braga, 19911992, pp.7-30. “Contribuição para o estudo do Paleolítico do vale do Lis no seu contexto crono-estratigráfico”, Portugália, 13-14, Porto, 1992-1993, pp.7-137. “L’Acheuléen du Nord et du Centre du Portugal: bilan des nos connaissances actuelles” (with J. Meireles and J.-P. Texier), Paléo, Supplément Nº1, 1995, pp.185-193 “La découverte de l’art rupestre paléolithique de plein air dans la vallée du rio Côa (Nord du Portugal)”, Les Nouvelles de l’Archéologie, 61, 1995, p.33. “Raw Materials in the Lower Palaeolithic of Portugal” (with J. Meireles), in Non-Flint Stone Tools and the Palaeolithic Occupation of the Iberian Peninsula, Ed. by N. Moloney, L. Raposo e M. Santonja, BAR International Series 649, Oxford, 1996, pp.141-146. “The Acheulian of Lis Valley”, in Non-Flint Stone Tools and the Palaeolithic Occupation of the Iberian Peninsula, Ed. by N. Moloney, L. Raposo e M. Santonja, BAR International Series 649, Oxford, 1996, pp.147-150. “A estação paleolítica do Casal do Azemel (Batalha)” (The paleolithic site of Casal do Azemel Batalha), Revista da Faculdade de Letras, 2ª Série, 12, Porto, 1995, pp.547-581. “Os machados de mão no Paleolítico Inferior português” (Cleavers in the Lower paleolithic of Portugal), Portugália, Nova Série, 17-18, Porto, pp.13-40. “A estação paleolítica da Mealhada nos 120 anos de estudo do Acheulense em Portugal”, O Arqueólogo Português, Série IV, 13.15, Lisboa, 1995-1997, pp.35-52. A indústria lítica do Casal do Azemel no contexto da evolução do Paleolítico inferior na Ibéria Ocidental (Lithic industry of Casal do Azemel site in the context of the Lower Paleolithic in West Iberia), in «Paleolítico na Península Ibérica, Actas do 3º Congresso de Arqueologia Peninsular», Vol. II, ADECAP, Porto, 2000, pp.137-167. O Paleolítico Inferior e Médio em Torres Vedras. Da colonização original do território aos vestígios arqueológicos dos seus primeiros habitantes (The Lower and Middle Paleolithic in Torres Vedras. From the original colonization of the territory to the remains of their first settlers), in «Turres Veteras IV. Actas de Pré-história e História Antiga», Câmara Municipal de Torres Vedras e Instituto de Estudos Regionais e do Municipalismo Alexandre Herculano, Torres Vedras, 2001, pp.9-23. O Paleolítico Inferior em Portugal no final do século XX: balanço das investigações e novos desafios, (The Lower Paleolithic in Portugal at the end of the century. Balance of the research and new challenges) in «Arqueologia e História. Arqueologia 2000, Balanço de um Século de Investigação Arqueológica em Portugal», 54, Lisboa, 2002, pp.13-24. “Sexo, bifaces e imagens” (Sex, bifaces and images), História, 66, Ano XXV, III Série, Lisboa, Maio 2004, pp.22-25. “A jazida paleolítica de Sapateiros 2 (Reguengos de Monsaraz)” (The Paleolithic site of Sapteiros 2 – Reguengo de Monsaraz), (de colaboração com Sara Cura), Revista Portuguesa de Arqueologia, /, Lisboa, 2004, pp.5-26. “Vale do Côa. Velhos e novos desafios para um património que nos transcende / Vale do Côa. Old and new challenges for heritage that transcends us”, in Cadernos do Côa, 01, Côa Museu, 2009, pp.15-22. “O Museu do Côa e a arte paleolítica ao ar livre. Um património único, de todos e para todos” (The Côa Museum and the paleolithic open-air rock art. A unique heritage from everyone to everyone), Património e Estudos, Revista do Instituto de Gestão do Património Arquitectónico e Arqueológico, 11, Lisboa, 2011, pp.5-10. Societies Corresponding member of the Deustches Archäologisches Institut Associação Portuguesa para o Estudo do Quaternário Sociedade Portuguesa de Antropologia e Etnologia. Associação dos Arqueólogos Portugueses.