Expert Reader 1000
Chapter 1
by Elen Fernandes
1- At the restaurant
Jenny is at a restaurant.
She loves this Japanese restaurant.
She always goes there with her
Before, she didn´t like sushi, but now it is
her favorite food.
After the meal she likes to eat desserts.
At this restaurant they serve caramelized
banana but Jenny doesn´t like bananas.
So she never eats it.
She likes petit gateau and an ice-cream
very much. So she always has a petit
gateau for dessert there.
Very good
Very nice
Always (frequency adverb )
Very much
Jenny is – to be
She loves – 3º Person
She didn´t – Past Tense
Very much – emphasizer
Jenny is at a restaurant.
Jenny is – Jenny está…
at- na, no , em
Jenny is a girl – Jenny é uma garota
restaurant – (place) restaurante
She loves this Japanese restaurant.
She loves – Ela ama/ adora
I love Japanese food.
She always goes there with her boyfriend.
She always goes there - ela sempre vai lá
always (frequência)
/ to go (3rd Person) (Video )
I always go there.
They always go there.
Before, she didn´t like sushi, but now it is her favorite food.
before – Antes
She didn´t go there – (Past) (Video ) Ela não gostava de ir lá.
but – mas (link words)
now - agora
her favorite food – comida favorita dela
/ there- lá
to like (verb) – gostar de
After the meal she likes to eat desserts.
Before # after – aprender com os opostos
After the meal – depois/após a refeição
She likes to eat desserts – Ela gosta de comer sobremesa.
To like – (verb) gostar de
to eat (verb) – comer
At this restaurant they serve caramelized banana but Jenny doesn´t like bananas. So she never eats it.
At this restaurant – Neste restaurante
They serve – Eles servem
Caramelized banana (dessert) – banana caramelizada
But Jenny doesn´t like bananas (negative/present) – Jenny NÃO gosta de bananas.
So (linking word) – Então
She never eats it – Ela nunca come isto.
Always # never - Sempre / nunca
She likes petit gateau and an ice-cream very much. So she always has a petit gateau for dessert there.
Petit gateau (dessert) / ice-cream
Very much – muito – final da frase
Has (3rd Person) – to have
I aways have ice-cream for dessert. / I always have pizza for dinner.
• Jenny is – to be
Jenny is a girl
Jenny is a happy girl
Jenny is at home
Jenny is at the bank
• She loves – 3º Person (He,She,It = v+s/v+es)
She loves desserts.
She likes to study.
He wants dessert.
• She didn´t – Past Tense (Negative Form)
Jenny didn´t like the dessert.
She didn´t like that girl.
He didn´t go.
• Very much – emphasizer
I like desserts very much.
She likes to go to the restaurant very much.
I like to study English very much.
We need to speak English very much.
Delicious – delicioso - It´s delicious!
Very good – muito bom - It´s very good!
Very nice – muito legal/bom - It´s very nice!
Amazing – maravilhoso - It´s amazing!
Awesome – maravilhoso - It´s awesome!
Restaurant - restaurante
- I like to go to the restaurant. (Eu gosto de ir ao restaurante)
Always (frequency adverb ) – sempre
- I always go to the restaurant. (Eu sempre vou ao restaurante)
Boyfriend – namorado
-I have a boyfriend. / I don´t have a boyfriend (Eu tenho namorado/Eu não tenho namorado)
-Boyfriend (boy) - Girlfriend (girl)
Before - antes
- I study English before lunch. (Eu estudo inglês antes do almoço)
Food – comida
- Food there is amazing. (A comida lá é maravilhosa)
- lunch = meal at 12:00 o clock /- dinner = meal at night
Favorite – favorito
- My favorite color is blue. / What´s your favorite food?
- (Minha cor favorita é azul. / Qual sua comida favorita?)
Meal – refeição
- I have 3 meals a day. (Eu faço três refeições ao dia)
Desserts – sobremesa
- What would you like for dessert? (O que você gostaria de sobremesa?)
Caramelized – caramelizado
- I love caramelized banana. (Eu amo banana caramelizada)
Never – nunca
- Never say never (Nunca diga nunca)
Very much – muito
- I like you very much. (Eu gosto muito de você)
There – lá
- She lives there. (Ela mora lá.)

At the restaurant - ExpertSchoolOnline