Curriculum vitae _ Verónica Neves
1) Personal
Verónica Rodrigues Costa Neves
Work Address:
IMAR Açores
9901-862 Horta
Faial, Açores
Email: neves_veronica
Date of birth: 05/07/1973
Nationality: Portuguese
Mobile phone: 96 721 44 15
2) Education
Ph.D. in Zoology: Towards a Conservation Strategy of Roseate Tern Sterna dougallii in the
Azores. Supervisor: Professor RW Furness, Ornithology Unit - Glasgow University, UK
Intensive Training on Squid Identification (ANCARVA, Cornwall – Professor Malcolm R
PRAXIS XXI grant (Ministry for Science and Technology, Portugal)
BSc (Hons.) in Environmental Engineer: 15/20
New University of Lisbon, Faculty of Science and Technology, Portugal
3) Other Qualifications
Full and clean EU driving licence (1997).
British Association of Ski Patrollers outdoor first aid course (2002).
Languages (Portuguese: native language; English and Spanish: very good level of writing, reading
and conversation; German and French: basic level of reading and conversation).
Computing experience: MS Word; MS Excel; MS Access; MS Powerpoint; Stats; SPSS.
4) Grants and Prizes
Visiting Scientist SYNTHESYS Grant (Application GB-TAF-3872) to work with the cephalopod
collections of the London Natural History Museum.
Seabird Group grant for the Azores Gull Census 2004
Grants from the Royal Geographical Society, the Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland,
the Glasgow Natural History Society and the Seabird Group for the Azores 2003 Expedition
First Prize on “The Big Idea Competition” launched by The Scottish Institute for Enterprise (£1000)
Professor Blodwen Lloyd-Binns grant from Glasgow Natural History Society
PhD grant from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT)
Young Researcher PRAXIS XXI grant from the FCT
DAAD grant for a 2-month German language course at the Goethe Institute in Schwäbish Hall
5) Professional Experience
Pos-doctoral Research Fellow at IMAR-Instituto do Mar, University of the Azores.
Team member on the project MARMAC II: Valuation and implementation of Marine
Protected Areas in Macaronesia (EU InterReg IIIB).
4-month contract with Birdwatch Ireland to work with terns at Rockabill (off Dublin).
Curriculum vitae _ Verónica Neves
Baer J, Neves, VC & Newton S, (2006). Rockabill Tern Report 2006. BirdWatch Ireland, 38pp.
Demonstrator on practical laboratories to Biology undergraduates, on the courses of
Invertebrates, Animal Design and Neurobiology of Behaviour - University of Glasgow.
Coordinator of the Azores Gull census 2004.
Promotor and coordinator of a University of Glasgow Expedition to the Azores
archipelago. During August 2003, eight scientists from the University of Glasgow took part
in field-based research centred on seabird colonies and island bird populations. The team
was joined by several students and researchers based in the archipelago.
Neves, VC, Dickens, M, de León, A, Minguéz, E, Flanagan, G, & McLaughlin, J (2003). Glasgow
University Azores 2003 expedition: report of an ornithological expedition by Glasgow University
Exploratory Society to the Azores archipelago, Northeast Atlantic. Applied Ornithology Unit,
Department of Zoology, Glasgow University.
Volunteer field assistant on the census of Cory’s shearwater in the Azores Archipelago.
University of the Azores, Project coordinated by Dr. Mark Bolton.
Field assistant trapping and ringing Roseate Terns - American Museum of Natural History.
Project coordinated by Dr. Helen Hays.
Consultant on Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)- COBA SA
Inventory of fauna and vascular flora for the EIA Study of Terceira island Geothermic
Research assistant on a project on Seabird Diets in the Azores - University of the Azores,
Coordinator Dr. Luís Monteiro.
Field assistant collecting biometrics, blood and ectoparasites samples from Madeiran
Storm Petrel (Oceanodroma castro) in Cape Verde, Madeira and Azores archipelagos.
Activity developed under the framework of the EU project LIFE98 NAT/P/5275 - University
of the Azores, Coordinator Dr. Luís Monteiro.
Consultant on Environmental Impact Assessment Study (SEIA SA)
Inventory of fauna and vascular flora for the EIA study of Faial Golf Park.
Volunteer monitoring and ringing seabirds from several colonies in the Azores archipelago.
Field assistant on the study “Food provisioning and growth of nestling Madeiran Storm
Petrel (Oceanodroma castro) in the Azores: stochastic variation or regulation?”
Volunteer in the SOS Cory’s Shearwater Campaign.
All activities developed under the framework of the EU project LIFE-B43200/95/35 University of Azores, Coordinator Dr. Luís Monteiro.
6) Selected Publications
Peer-reviewed journals:
Neves VC, Griffiths K, Savory FR, Furness RW & Mable B (2010). Are European Starlings breeding in the Azores
archipelago genetically distinct from birds breeding in mainland Europe? European Journal of Wildlife Research 56:
Bried J, Magalhães MC, Bolton M, Neves VC, Bell E, Pereira JC, Aguiar L, Monteiro LR & Santos RS (2009). Seabird
habitat restoration on Praia Islet, Azores archipelago. Ecological Restoration, 27(1): 27-36.
Neves VC, Murdoch N & Furness RW (2006). Population Status and Diet of Yellow-Legged Gull in the Azores.
Arquipélago Life and Marine Sciences 23A: 59-73.
Neves VC, Panagiotakopoulos S & Furness RW (2006). A control taste aversion experiment on predators of roseate
tern (Sterna dougallii) eggs. European Journal of Wildlife Research 52(4): 259-264.
Neves VC, Bolton, Mark & Monteiro, LR (2006) Validation of the water offloading technique for diet assessment: an
experimental study with Cory’s shearwaters Calonectris diomedea. Journal of Ornithology 147(3): 474-478.
Dickens M & Neves VC (2005). The Azores Woodpigeon: abundance and habitat use. Arquipélago Life and Marine
Sciences 22A: 61-69.
Bried, J, Fraga, H, Calabuig-Miranda, P & Neves VC (2005). The first two cases of melanism in Cory’s Shearwater
Calonectris diomedea. Marine Ornithology, 33: 19-22.
León A, Mingués E, & Neves, VC 2005. Factors affecting breeding distribution and seabird richness within the Azores
archipelago. Seabirds, 7(1): 15-22.
Curriculum vitae _ Verónica Neves
Neves VC, Bremer E & Hays H 2002. Recovery in Punta Rasa, Argentina of Common Terns banded in the Azores
Archipelago, North Atlantic. Waterbirds 25(4): 459-461.
Hays H, Neves VC & Lima P 2002. Banded Roseate Terns from different continents trapped in the Azores. Journal of
Field Ornithology 73(2): 180-184.
Neves VC, Fraga JC, Schäfer H, Vieira V, Bívar-de-Sousa A & Borges PAV 2001. The occurrence of the Monarch
Butterfly, Danaus plexippus L. in the Azores, with a brief review of its biology. Arquipélago Life and Marine
Sciences, 18A: 17-24.
Monteiro LR, Ramos JA, Pereira JC, Monteiro PR, Feio RS, Thompson DR, Bearhop S, Furness RW, Laranjo M,
Hilton G, Neves VC, Groz MP, Thompson KR (1999) Status and distribution of Fea’s Petrel, Bulwer's Petrel,
Manx Shearwater, Little Shearwater and Band-rumped Storm-petrel in the Azores Archipelago. Waterbirds
22(3): 358-366.
Conservation journals:
Amaral J, Almeida S., Sequeira M. & Neves VC (2010). Black rat Rattus rattus eradication by trapping allows recovery
of breeding roseate tern Sterna dougallii and common tern S. hirundo populations on Feno islet, the Azores,
Portugal. Conservation Evidence 7:16-20
Book chapters:
Ramírez I, Geraldes P, Meirinho A, Amorim P, Paiva V, Magalhães M, Bried J & Neves V (2008). Arquipélago dos
Açores In: Ramírez I, Geraldes P, Meirinho A, Amorim P, Paiva V. Áreas Marinhas Importantes para as Aves
em Portugal. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves.
Porteiro, F.M., R. Ferraz, F. Tempera, F. Cardigos, V. C. Neves, H. Fraga, J. Melo, R.S. Santos e equipa OGAMP.
2007. Capelinhos: a explosão da vida. In Forjaz, V.H. (ed.). Vulcão dos Capelinhos Memórias 1957-2007, pp.
639-666. Observatório Vulcanológico e Geotérmico dos Açores, Ponta Delgada, 824 pp.
Neves VC (2008). Equipa Atlas. Atlas das aves nidificantes em Portugal (1999-2005). Instituto da Conservação da
Natureza e da Biodiversidade, Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves
Science divulgation:
Neves VC (2010). Trocar o ninho pelo mar. Jornal Ilha Maior, 15/10/2010.
Neves VC (2010). O Ilhéu da Vila e os Garajaus. Jornal O Baluarte de Santa Maria, edição de Abril.
Neves VC (2010). Garajau-comum Sterna hirundo. Jornal Fazendo nº35, 25/3/2010.
Neves VC (2010). De volta a terra. Jornal Ilha Maior, 12/3/2010.
Neves VC (2010). Açores: um viveiro para o garajau-rosado. Jornal Fazendo nº 32, 11/2/2010.
Neves VC (2010). A ilha dos Garajaus. Jornal Monchique das Flores, edição de Julho/2010.
Neves VC (2009). Ainda as Cagarras. Jornal Ilha Maior, 2/10/2009.
Neves VC (2009). The forerunners of Marine Ornithology in the Azores. Boletim do Núcleo Cultural da Horta nº18.
Neves VC (2009). Feliz aniversário, Darwin! Jornal Fazendo nº 10, Fevereiro.
Neves VC (2008). Painho-de-Monteiro, uma nova espécie de uma velha ave. Jornal Fazendo nº2, Novembro 2008.
Neves VC (2007). Garajaus, as andorinhas-do-mar. Revista Cais, Fevereiro.
7) Selected Presentations
Important Areas for Seabird in Azores. 1 World Seabird Conference, 7-11 September 2010, Victoria, Canada.
Amorim P, Carvalho M, Bried J, Meirinho A, Paiva V, Neves VC, Geraldes P, Ramirez I.
Between the land and the sea. Contendas Lighthouse, 10 July 2010, celebrating the International Biodiversity Year.
Neves VC [invited speaker].
Terns: the swallows of the sea. Environmental Centre Dalberto Pombo. 30 March 2010. Santa Maria, Açores
Neves VC [invited speaker].
Azorean seabirds: two decades of conservation. 1st Azorean Biologists Congress, Lajes do Pico, 26-30 October 2009.
Neves VC, Magalhães M & Bried J [invited speaker].
Can we monitor deep water cephalopods off the Azores? (or anywhere?): a review of the past and a look to the future.
CIAC Meeting, 3-11 Setembro 2009, Vigo, Spain.
Neves VC, Pereira JNG & Clarke MR
Could competitive exclusion among closely related colonists play a role in constraining island biodiversity? Darwin’s
Mistake, 23-27 September 2009. Ponta Delgada, Açores.
Rodrigues T., Drovetski SV, Zink RM, Neves VC & Gonçalves D
Charles Darwin (1809-1888). Palestra realizada para celebrar os 200 anos do nascimento de Darwin. Bar do Teatro
Faialense, Horta, 12 Fevereiro 2009.
Neves VC
Curriculum vitae _ Verónica Neves
Azorean seabirds: ecology and migrations. EuroBirdwatch 2008 Celebrations. Ecoteca do Pico, 2008.
Neves VC
On Birds and Beaks. Department of Zoology, Natural History Museum, London, 2008.
Neves VC
Conservation of the Cory’s Shearwater in the Azores. OMA – Whale Factory, Faial, Azores, 2007
Neves VC [invited speaker].
The SOS Cory’s Shearwater campaign in the Azores. Forte de São Sebastião, Ecoteca do Faial, Azores, 2006
Neves VC [invited speaker].
SOS Cory’s Shearwater: scope, results & procedures. Bomb. Voluntários da Madalena, Pico, Azores, 2006
Neves VC [invited speaker].
SOS Cory’s Shearwater: scope, results & procedures. Escola EBI Mouzinho da Silveira, Corvo, Azores, 2006
Neves VC [invited speaker].
V National Ornithological Conference. SPEA, Oeiras, Portugal, 2006
Conservation and Status of Roseate Tern in the Azores
Neves VC & Furness RW
How do Buildings Learn? Dept. of Environmental & Evolutionary Biology, University of Glasgow, Scotland, 2005.
Neves VC
8 International Seabird Group Conference. North Atlantic Populations, Aberdeen, UK, 2004
Present Status of Roseate Tern in the Azores
Neves VC & Furness RW
Terns, Starlings and Tortillas. Dept. of Environmental & Evolutionary Biology, University of Glasgow, Scotland, 2003
Neves VC
The Importance of Vila Islet for Seabird Conservation in the Azores. Clube Naval, Santa Maria, Azores, 2003.
Neves VC
The importance of Praia islet for Seabird Conservation in the Azores. Salão Público da Câmara Municipal, Graciosa,
Azores, 2003.
Neves VC
9 International Roseate Tern Workshop, Ireland, 2003
Predation on eggs of the endangered Roseate Tern by the European Starling
Neves VC & Furness RW
Population Dynamics of the Azores Roseate Tern. Dept. of Environmental & Evolutionary Biology, University of
Glasgow, Scotland, 2002
Neves VC
Workshop “The Future of Bird conservation in the Azores”, Azores, 2001. Promoted by the Port. Society for the Study
of Birds.
Feeding Ecology of Seabirds from the Azores Archipelago.
Neves VC
8) Posters
Feeding ecology, movements and winter distribution of the Macaronesian Shearwater in the Azores, north-east
Atlantic. 1 World Seabird Conference, 7-11 September 2010, Victoria, Canada.
Neves VC, Bried J, González-Solís J, Roscales J & Clarke M.
32nd annual meeting of the Waterbird Society, South Padre Island, Texas, 5-8 November 2008.
Gene flow among common tern populations in the Atlantic ocean.
Szczys P, Wingate D, Neves VC, Nisbet ICT
24th International Ornithological Conference, Hamburg, Germany, 2006.
Are European Starlings native to the Azores archipelago or introduced by people? Insights from mt-DNA studies.
Neves VC, Griffiths K, Savory F, Mable B & Furness RW.
V National Ornithological Conference. SPEA, Oeiras, Portugal, 2006
Population Status and Diet of Yellow-Legged Gull in the Azores.
Neves VC, Murdoch N & Furness RW.
A Control Taste Aversion Experiment on Predators of the Roseate Tern.
Neves VC, Panagiotakopoulos S & Furness RW.
Preliminary results of European Starling genetics (mt-DNA).
Neves VC, Griffiths K, Savory F, Mable B & Furness RW.
CIAC Meeting – Cephalopod Biomass Production. University of Aberdeen, 2000
Use of diet of the Cory's shearwater as a supplementary way of collecting information on squid biology
Neves VC, Monteiro LR, Clarke MR, Bolton M
7 Seabird Group Conference, Wilhelmshaven – Germany, 2000
Squid prey of the Cory's shearwater (Calonectris diomedea borealis) in the sub-tropical mid-north Atlantic
Neves VC, Monteiro LR, Clarke MR, Bolton, M
Curriculum vitae _ Verónica Neves
18ª Semana das Pescas dos Açores, Horta-Faial, 1999
As Aves Marinhas como Indicadores de Recursos
Neves VC, Monteiro LR, Clarke MR
22 International Ornithological Congress, Durban (South Africa) 1998.08.16-22
Using Raft Counts to Census Cory’s Shearwater (Calonectris diomedea) Monteiro LR, Feio R, Wilson L,
Hewitson L, Pereira J, Ramos JA, Sola E, Monteiro P, Furness RW, Tavares A, Neves V
9) Other Relevant Experience
Referee for Ibis and Ardeola.
Referee for Journal of Ornithology.
Field volunteer collecting data for the Census of Common Birds (CAC) coordinated by SPEA.
Azores representative in the Workshop on Seabird Ecological Quality Indicator (WKSEQUIN), promoted by the
International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) - Lisbon 8 and 9 March 2008.
ICES. 2008. Report of the Workshop on Seabird Ecological Quality Indicator, 8-9
March 2008, Lisbon, Portugal. ICES CM 2008/LRC:06. 60 pp.
Internet based course on Linnaeus’ Life and Sciences. Biology Education Centre, Uppsala University.
2003 & 2004
Coordinated fieldwork of master students Nadia Murdoch and Sotirios Panagiotakopoulos (University of
Glasgow). Thesis produced: “Diet of Yellow-legged Gull Larus cachinnans atlantis in the Azores Archipelago”
and “A taste aversion experiment on predators of roseate tern Sterna dougallii eggs”.
Sporadic collaborator on the :ilhas magazine (
Active member on a Portuguese NGO working in the Environmental Education section: Geota - Grupo de
Estudos de Ordenamento de Território e Ambiente.
Verónica Neves
Horta, 10/October/2010

VNeves CV Outubro 2010