IQNet and its partner CISQ/RINA hereby certify that the organisation INTECH ENGENHARIA LTDA AV. ADOLFO PINHEIRO, 1010 - CONJUNTO 52 - SÃO PAULO - SP - BRASIL in the following operative units AV. ADOLFO PINHEIRO, 1010 - CONJUNTO 52 - SÃO PAULO - SP - BRASIL E CANTEIROS OPERACIONAIS for the following field of activities DESIGN AND EXECUTION OF HORIZONTAL DIRECTIONAL DRILLING. SALE OF HEAT SHRINKABLE SLEEVES AND EQUIPMENT FOR CATHODIC PROTECTION has implemented and maintains a Health and Safety Management System which fulfills the requirements of the following standard BS OHSAS 18001:2007 Registration Number: First Issue : 2009-02-20 IT-64753 Current Issue : 2009-02-20