Pontes & Viadutos no Exterior Estruturas Isostáticas FEA- FUMEC Pontes Mill St Bridge Tempe_ Arizona Golden Gate Bridge_ Califórnia Oakland Bay Bridge _ Califórnia Main St _ Flórida George Washington Bridge_ New York New Carquinez Bridge_ Califórnia Brooklyn Bridge,_ Nova York Triboro Bridge-East River,Elsewhere _ New York Henry Hudson Bridge_ New York Bayonne Bridge, _ NStaten Island _ New York Astoria Bridge, Columbia River _ Oregon Bridge of the Gods, Columbia River _ Oregon Ross Island; Willamette River, Portland _ Oregon Hawthorne Bridge, Willamette River, Portland _ Oregon Yaquina Bay Bridge, Oregon Coast _ Oregon SR-509 Bridge, Tacoma _ Washington Williamsburg Bridge, New York City Ponte Vasco da Gama, Lisboa_ Portugal Webb Bridge_ Austrália The Cable-Stayed Meiko Bridges, Nagoya_ Japão Katsushika Harp Bridge,Tokyo Mackinac Bridge_Michigan_USA Ohnaruto Bridge_ Japão Skjomen Bridge_ Noruega Rainbow Bridge_ Tokyo Gwang-An Bridge_ Busan_ Coréia do Sul Elizabeth Bridge_ Hungria Oresundsbron Bridge_ Dinamarca Hong Kong_ China Pedestrian bridge at Expo ´98_ Portugal Franjo Tudjman Bridge_ Croácia