62º Congresso Nacional de Botânica Botânica e Desenvolvimento Sustentável 07 a 12 de Agosto de 2011 Frotaleza, Ceará, Brasil PLANKTONIC ALGAE AT BATE ESTACAS AFFLUENT, PORTO VELHO, RONDONIA GLENDA MARIA BASTOS FÉLIX Co-autores: IVAN BRITO FEITOSA , GLENDA MARIA BASTOS FÉLIX e ANA CRISTINA RAMOS DE SOUZA Tipo de Apresentação: Pôster RESUMO PLANKTONIC ALGAE AT BATE ESTACAS AFFLUENT, PORTO VELHO, RONDÔNIA (1) Ivan Brito FEITOSA (2) Glenda Maria Bastos FÉLIX (2) Ana Cristina Ramos de SOUZA (3) The algaes may occour in various environments on the planet, and have variated life habits and have different living habits among which we can highlight the planktonic and periphyton communities.The aim of this study was to identify the community of planktonic algae in the affluent Bate Estacas, located in Porto Velho, Rondônia. The collections occur at September, October and November 2010 at two stations georeferenced, E1: 8º47'32.89"S 63º55'15.41"O; e E2: 8º48'20.03 65º55'48.74"O. Were collected 80L of water, soon after were filtered on a plankton network with mesh size of 25μm. The samples were fixed in transeau solution. The species identification was performed in an optical microscope, with literature for each algal group. As results were identified 29 species in five divisions, 6 classes, 8 orders and 11 families. Division Chlorophyta showed 10 species, appear as the richest group. The species of Chlorophyta: Treubaria triapendiculata; Scenedesmus acuminatus; Scenedesmus arcuatus; Ankistrodesmus sp; Pediastrum tetras; Dictyosphaerium sp; Desmodesmus sp; Acathosphaera sp; Pediastrum duplex; Pediastrum simplex. The division Streptophyta with 8 species: Micrasterias borgei var. multidentata; Micrasterias mahabuleshwarensis var. mahabuleshwarensis; Staurastrum sp; Staurastrum margaritaceum var. margaritaceum; Closterium sp; Closteriopsis ongíssima var. tropica; Closterium rostratum; Staurastrum glodiosum. Were also identified seven species of algae flagellated, Euglenophytas: Lepocinclis ovata; Lepocinclis salina var. salina; Trachelomonas sydneyensis; Phacus triqueter; Phacus longicauda; Strombomonas scabra; Euglena sp.Divisions with less frequent were Bacillariophyta and Cianophytas with 2 species respectively Surirella sp; Pinnularia cardinalis, Oscillatoria princips, Microcystis sp. The present study expanded the knowledge of planktonic algae from the state of Rondônia. 62º Congresso Nacional de Botânica Botânica e Desenvolvimento Sustentável 07 a 12 de Agosto de 2011 Frotaleza, Ceará, Brasil Key-words: Planktonic Algae, Bate Estacas, Taxonomy. ____ 1 Financiamento do Programa institucional de bolsa de iniciação cientifica/CNPq 2 Faculdade São Lucas, Curso de Ciências Biológicas, [email protected] 3 Msc curadora do Herbário Ary Tupinambá, Faculdade São Lucas