CATÁLOGO BRICOFERRAMENTAS BRICOFERRAMENTAS Assistência técnica garantida Page 2 BRICOFERRAMENTAS Índice GERAL JARDIM…………………………...4 FLORESTA………………………...20 Índice DETALHADO CORTA RELVAS………………...4 DISCOS ROÇADORA…………..30 APARADORES…………………..8 AFIADOR CORRENTE………….32 CORTA-SEBES…..……………..9 CABEÇAS FIO DE NYLON…..12 FIO DE NYLON………………..14 TESOURAS DE PODA………..14 MANGUEIRA AUTOMÁTICA….16 BOMBAS DE ÁGUA SUJA……16 BOMBAS VÁRIAS……………..18 ROÇADORAS …………………20 MOTOSERRAS………………...22 RACHADORES………………...24 VISEIRAS……………………….26 CANELEIRAS…………………..27 ROLO CORRENTE…………….27 CRAVADOR/ DESCRAVADOR.28 Page 3 BRICOFERRAMENTAS JARDIM Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. Price: $00.00 Order #: 000000 Type: Type Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. CORTA RELVAS 18” MOTOR BRIGGS & STRATTON Price: $00.00 450 SERIESS — 3,5cv Order #: 000000 SEM TRAÇÃO Type: Type LARGURA DE CORTE: 18” CAPAC. SACO: 65L PESO: 29KG CHASSIS DE AÇO PREÇO: Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. Price: $00.00 Order #: 000000 Type: Type Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. CORTA RELVAS 20” Price: $00.00 MOTOR BRIGGS & STRATTON Order #: 000000 500 SERIES - 4CV PESO: 38KG CHASSIS DE AÇO FUNÇÃO 3 EM 1 - CAPAC. SACO: 65L LARGURA DE CORTE: 20” PREÇO: Type: Type COM TRAÇÃO RODAS GRANDES Page 4 BRICOFERRAMENTAS JARDIM Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. Price: $00.00 Order #: 000000 Type: Type Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. CORTA RELVAS 6HP Price:BRIGGS $00.00 & STRATTON MOTOR #: 000000 625Order SERIES - 6CV PESO: 32KG CHASSIS DE AÇO Type: Type COM TRAÇÃO LARGURA DE CORTE:18” CAPAC. SACO: 65L PREÇO: Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. Price: $00.00 Order #: 000000 Type: Type Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. CORTA RELVAS 20” MOTOR Price:BRIGGS $00.00 & STRATTON 625Order SERIES - 6CV #: 000000 PESO: 43KG CHASSIS DE AÇO Type: Type COM TRAÇÃO RODAS GRANDES FUNÇÃO 4 EM 1 - CAPAC. SACO: 65L LARGURA DE CORTE: 20” PREÇO: Page 5 BRICOFERRAMENTAS JARDIM Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. Price: $00.00 Order #: 000000 Type: Type Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. CORTA RELVAS 22” MOTOR Price:HONDA $00.00 GXV 160 - 5,5 cv Order #: 000000 PESO: 50KG CHASSIS ALUMÍNIO Type: Type COM TRAÇÃO LARGURA DE CORTE: 22” CAPAC. SACO: 75L PREÇO: Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. Price: $00.00 Order #: 000000 Type: Type Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. CORTA RELVAS ELÉCTRICO Price: $00.00 MOTOR 1000W Order #: 000000 PESO: 18 KG Type: Type IDEAL PARA RELVADOS SECOS E PEQUENOS CHASSIS PLASTICO PREÇO: Page 6 BRICOFERRAMENTAS JARDIM Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. Price: $00.00 Order #: 000000 Type: Type Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. CORTA RELVAS ELÉCTRICO Price: $00.00 MOTOR 1200W — 2800 RPM Order #: 000000 Type: Type IDEAL PARA RELVADOS SECOS E PEQUENOS DIÂMETRO DE CORTE: 380 mm ALT. CORTE: 5 POS. 25 A 70 mm CAPAC. SACO: 50L PESO: 18,50 KG CHASSIS PLASTICO PREÇO: Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. Price: $00.00 Order #: 000000 Type: Type Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. CORTA RELVAS ELÉCTRICO MOTOR Price:1400W $00.00 — 2800 RPM Order #: 000000 PESO: 18,50 KG CHASSIS PLASTICO Type: Type IDEAL PARA RELVADOS SECOS E PEQUENOS DIÂMETRO DE CORTE: 400 mm ALT. CORTE: 5 POS. 25 A 70 mm CAPAC. SACO: 50L PREÇO: Page 7 BRICOFERRAMENTAS JARDIM Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. Price: $00.00 Order #: 000000 Type: Type Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. APARADOR DE CANTOS P/ RELVA Price:ELÉCTRICO $00.00 MOTOR 280W SAÍDA DE FIO: MANUAL Order #: 000000 Type: Type RPM: 11000 DIAM. FIO: 1,2mm DIAM. CORTE: 210mm PREÇO: Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. Price: $00.00 Order #: 000000 Type: Type Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. APARADOR DE CANTOS P/ RELVA Price: $00.00 MOTOR ELÉCTRICO 550W Order #: 000000 SAÍDA DE FIO: SEMI-AUTOMÁTICO Type: Type RPM: 13500 DIAM. FIO: 1,2mm DIAM. CORTE: 320mm PREÇO: Page 8 BRICOFERRAMENTAS JARDIM Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. Price: $00.00 Order #: 000000 Type: Type Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. Price: $00.00 CORTA SEBES - PODADORA GASOLINA MOTOR 26 CC 2 TEMPOS Order #: 000000 POTENCIA: 800W Type: Type R.P.M.: 7500 PESO: 6KG DEPÓSITO COMB.: 0,6L COMB. MISTURA: 25:1 LÂMINA: 600mm DIÂMETRO DE DENTES: 600mm PREÇO: Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. Price: $00.00 Order #: 000000 Type: Type Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. CORTA SEBES ELECTRICO Price:ELECT. $00.00 500W MOTOR R.P.M.: 1600 Order #: 000000 PESO: Type: Type COM TRAVÃO MECÂNICO 2 MÃOS LÂMINA: 510 mm PREÇO: Page 9 BRICOFERRAMENTAS JARDIM Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. Price: $00.00 Order #: 000000 Type: Type Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. CORTA SEBES ELECTRICO MOTOR Price:ELECT. $00.00 600W R.P.M.: 1600 Order #: 000000 PESO: Type: Type COM TRAVÃO MECÂNICO 2 MÃOS LÂMINA: 610 mm PREÇO: Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. Price: $00.00 Order #: 000000 Type: Type Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. CORTA SEBES ELÉCTRICO Price: $00.00 MOTOR ELÉCTRICO 600 W Order #: 000000 TRAVÃO MECÂNICO 2 MÃOS Type: Type PUNHO ROTATIVO 180º LÂMINA: 610 mm LARGURA DE CORTE: 24mm PREÇO: Page 10 BRICOFERRAMENTAS JARDIM Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. Price: $00.00 Order #: 000000 Type: Type Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. ASPIRADOR—SOPRADOR ELÉCTRICO Price: $00.00 MOTOR ELÉCTRICO 2400 W Order #: 000000 PESO: 5,8KG Type: Type R.P.M.: 15000 VELOCIDADE AR: 270 km/h CAPACIDADE DO SACO: 35L PREÇO: Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. Price: $00.00 Order #: 000000 Type: Type Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. ASPIRADOR—SOPRADOR GASOLINA Price:GASOLINA $00.00 MOTOR 31CC 2 TEMPOS Order #: 000000 750 Type: W Type PESO: 6KG VELOCIDADE DO AR: 25O KM/ H VOLUME MAX AR: 12M3/ min 2 FUNÇÕES: ARPIRADOR + SOPRADOR PREÇO: Page 11 BRICOFERRAMENTAS JARDIM Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. Price: $00.00 Order #: 000000 Type: Type Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. CABEÇA UNIVERSAL Price: $00.00 SMART EASY CHARGE Order #: 000000 CAPACIDADE: 3mm ~9mt 2,4mm ~12 mt Type: Type CARREGAMENTO LATERAL EVITA DESMONTAGEM DA CABEÇA DE FIO COMPOSTO DE POLIAMIDE COM ÓXI- PREÇO: DO DE ALUMÍNIO Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. Price: $00.00 Order #: 000000 Type: Type Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. CABEÇA UNIVERSAL Price: $00.00 Order #: 000000 Type: Type PREÇO: Page 12 BRICOFERRAMENTAS JARDIM Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. Price: $00.00 Order #: 000000 Type: Type Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. CABEÇA UNIVERSAL MULTIFIOS ATT BF Price: $00.00 INCLUI 8 FIOS 3mm QUADRADO Order #: 000000 FACIL CARREGAMENTO DE FIOS Type: Type PRODUTO EM POLÍMERO DE ALTA ADAPTÁVEL A MÁQUINAS DE QUALRESISTÊNCIA, PARTE SUPERIOR EM ALU- QUER TIPO DE CILINDRADA MÍNIO, ANTI—VIBRAÇÃO OPCIONAL: RECARGA DE 50 DE 50PCS 3mmX38cm PREÇO: Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. Price: $00.00 Order #: 000000 Type: Type Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. CABEÇA UNIVERSAL ALUMÍNIO 4 CORRENTES Price: $00.00 Order #: 000000 IDEAL PARA CORTE DE ERVA, ARBUSTOS E MATO Type: Type CORPO EM ALUMÍNIO ADAPTA-SE A CONDIÇÕES EXTREMAS PARA MÁQUINAS COM CILINDRADA SUPERIOR A 35 CC PREÇO: Page 13 BRICOFERRAMENTAS JARDIM Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. Price: $00.00 Order #: 000000 Type: Type Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. BLISTER FIO DE NYLON REDONDO 1,3mmX15mt / 1,6mmX15mt / 2mmX15mt Price: $00.00 RODILHA DE FIO DE NYLON REDONDO: Order 2,4mmX87mt #: 000000 / 3mmX56mt BOBINE FIO DE NYLON REDONDO 3mmX168mt BOBINE FIO DE NYLON QUADRADO 3mmX168mt Type: Type RODILHA FIO DE NYLON QUADRADO: 3mmX56mt PREÇO ESPECIAL PARA GRANDES QUANTIDADES Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. Price: $00.00 Order #: 000000 Type: Type Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. TESOURA DE PODA Price: $00.00 Order #: 000000 Type: Type PREÇO: Page 14 BRICOFERRAMENTAS JARDIM Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. Price: $00.00 Order #: 000000 Type: Type Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. Price: $00.00 Order #: 000000 Type: Type Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. Price: $00.00 Order #: 000000 Type: Type Name of product or service SUPORTES DE MANGUEIRA VÁRIOS Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. Price: $00.00 Order #: 000000 PREÇO: Type: Type Page 15 BRICOFERRAMENTAS JARDIM Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. Price: $00.00 Order #: 000000 Type: Type Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. MANGUEIRA 20MT Price: $00.00 COM ENROLADOR AUTOMÁTICO Order #: 000000 20 METROS DE MANGUEIRA Type: Type MATERIAL DE ALTA RESISTÊNCIA E DURABILIDADE PRENDE E ENROLA A MANGUEIRA CONFORME DESEJAR PREÇO: Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. Price: $00.00 Order #: 000000 Type: Type Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. BOMBA DE ÁGUA SUJA PLASTICA POTÊNCIA: 550 W Price: $00.00 ALT. MAX.: 8 mt Order #: 000000 Type: Type CAUDAL MAX. 10500 L / H COMPRIMENTO DO CABO: 10 mt PREÇO: Page 16 BRICOFERRAMENTAS JARDIM Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. Price: $00.00 Order #: 000000 Type: Type Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. Price: $00.00 BOMBA DE ÁGUA SUJA INOX POTÊNCIA: 750 W CAUDAL MAX. 12000 L / H COMPRIMENTO DO CABO: 10 mt Order #: 000000 ALT. MAX.: 9 mt Type: Type PREÇO: Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. Price: $00.00 Order #: 000000 Type: Type Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. BOMBA DE ÁGUA SUJA INOX POTÊNCIA: 550 W Price: $00.00 ALT. MAX.: 8 mt Order #: 000000 Type: Type CAUDAL MAX. 10500 L / H COMPRIMENTO DO CABO: 10 mt PREÇO: Page 17 BRICOFERRAMENTAS JARDIM Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. Price: $00.00 Order #: 000000 Type: Type Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. BOMBA DE ÁGUA JET PUMP - 100P Price: $00.00 POTÊNCIA: 1KW - 1,3HP Order #: 000000 CAPACITOR (uF): 20 Type: Type CURRENT (A): 4,6 CAUDAL MAX.: 54L/H ALT. MAX.: 52MT TAM. FURO: 1”X1” TAM. CAB (M).: 8 PREÇO: Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. Price: $00.00 Order #: 000000 Type: Type Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. BOMBA DE ÁGUA CARDEN PUMP GN-WP017AG Price: $00.00 POTÊNCIA: 750 W CAUDAL MAX. 12000 L / H COMPRIMENTO DO CABO: 10 mt ALT. MAX.: 9 mt Order #: 000000 Type: Type PREÇO: Page 18 BRICOFERRAMENTAS JARDIM Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. Price: $00.00 Order #: 000000 Type: Type Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. Price: $00.00 BOMBA DE ÁGUA - CARDEN PUMP GN-WP025AG POTÊNCIA: 550 W CAUDAL MAX. 10500 L / H COMPRIMENTO DO CABO: 10 mt Order #: 000000 ALT. MAX.: 8 mt Type: Type PREÇO: Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. Price: $00.00 Order #: 000000 Type: Type Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. GRUPO DE PRESSÃO INOX POTÊNCIA: 800 W Price: $00.00 POWER: Order1,1HP #: 000000 CAPACITOR: Type: Type16uF ALT. MAX.: 43 mt CAUDAL MAX. 46 L / min TAM.: 1”X1” PREÇO: Page 19 BRICOFERRAMENTAS FLORESTA CORTA RELVA 6HP TESTE 200,00 EUROS Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. ROÇADORA 43cc Price:43 $00.00 MOTOR cc, 2 TEMPOS, REFRIGERA- GASOLINA - ÓLEO 2T—25:1 ÇÃOOrder AR #: 000000 DEPÓSITO: 900ml POWER: Type:1,4KW Type / 7500 RESISTENTE E VERSÁTIL INCLUI: DISCO 3 DENTES, CORREIAS PREÇO: Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. Price: $00.00 Order #: 000000 Type: Type Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. ROÇADORA 26cc MOTOR cc, 2 TEMPOS, REFRIGERA- GASOLINA - ÓLEO 2T—25:1 Price:26 $00.00 ÇÃOOrder AR #: 000000 DEPÓSITO: 700ml POWER: Type: 0.75KW/7500 Type LEVE E VERSÁTIL TORNA O TRABALHO MAIS FÁCIL PREÇO: Page 20 BRICOFERRAMENTAS FLORESTA Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. Price: $00.00 Order #: 000000 Type: Type Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. ROÇADORA KAWASAKI Price: KAWASAKI $00.00 MOTOR TH 43CC Order #: 000000 GASOLINA - ÓLEO 2T—25:1 DEPÓSITO: 900ml Type: Type RESISTENTE E VERSÁTIL INCLUI: DISCO 3 DENTES, CORREIAS PREÇO: Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. Price: $00.00 Order #: 000000 Type: Type Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. ROÇADORA MITSUBISHI MOTOR KAWASAKI TB 43CC Price: $00.00 Order #: 000000 GASOLINA - ÓLEO 2T—25:1 DEPÓSITO: 900ml Type: Type RESISTENTE E VERSÁTIL INCLUI: DISCO 3 DENTES, CORREIAS PREÇO: Page 21 BRICOFERRAMENTAS FLORESTA CORTA RELVA 6HP TESTE 200,00 EUROS Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. MOTOSERRA GASOLINA 52CC Price: 52CC $00.00 MOTOR LEVE E VERSÁTIL Order #: 000000 Type: Type LÂMINA OREGON 18” CARBURADOR WALBRO PREÇO: Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. Price: $00.00 Order #: 000000 Type: Type Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. MOTOSERRA GASOLINA 46CC MOTOR Price: 46CC $00.00 LEVE E VERSÁTIL Order #: 000000 Type: Type LÂMINA OREGON 18” CARBURADOR WALBRO PREÇO: Page 22 BRICOFERRAMENTAS FLORESTA Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. Price: $00.00 Order #: 000000 Type: Type Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. MOTOSERRA GASOLINA 40CC Price: 40CC $00.00 MOTOR LEVE E VERSÁTIL Order #: 000000 Type: Type LÂMINA OREGON 18” CARBURADOR WALBRO PREÇO: Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. Price: $00.00 Order #: 000000 Type: Type Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. MOTOSERRA-PODADORA GASOLINA MOTOR 2T 25CC, REFRIGERAÇÃO AR Price: $00.00 POWER: 900W, Order #: 0000002800 RPM INCLUI LÂMINA E CORRENTE MAX. CORTE: 355mm MAX. DEP. COMB.: 230 ml LEVE E VERSÁTIL PESO BRUTO: 7KG Type: Type PREÇO: Page 23 BRICOFERRAMENTAS FLORESTA CORTA RELVA 6HP TESTE 200,00 EUROS Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. ELÉCTROSERRA EL1800 Price: $00.00 POTÊNCIA: 1800 W DEPÓSITO DO ÓLEO: 170 ml Order #: 000000 Type: Type LÂMINA E CORRENTE OREGON 400mm VELOC. CORR.: 13M/ S. PREÇO: Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. Price: $00.00 Order #: 000000 Type: Type Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. RACHADOR DE 7TON Power: 2200w, 230v/50Hz, Price: $00.00 Order #: 000000 PESO: 56KG CAPAC. ÓLEO HIDRAULICO: 3,1L Type: Type RPM: 3340/min FORÇA MÁX. CORTE: 7 TONELADAS MAX. MEDIDAS DE CORTE: 520X250mm PREÇO: Page 24 BRICOFERRAMENTAS FLORESTA Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. Price: $00.00 Order #: 000000 Type: Type Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. RACHADOR DE 7T Power: 2200w, 230v/50Hz, Price: $00.00 Order #: 000000 PESO: 56KG CAPAC. ÓLEO HIDRAULICO: 3,1L Type: Type FORÇA MÁX. CORTE: 7T MAX. MEDIDAS DE CORTE: 520X250mm PREÇO: Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. Price: $00.00 Order #: 000000 Type: Type Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. RACHADOR DE 8T Price: $00.00 Power: 3000W, 110/230V Order #: 000000 PESO: 117KG CAPAC. ÓLEO HIDRAULICO: 3,1L Type: Type FORÇA MÁX. CORTE: 8 TONELADAS MAX. MEDIDAS DE CORTE: PREÇO: 1050/550/430(comp)x500 Page 25 BRICOFERRAMENTAS FLORESTA CORTA RELVA 6HP TESTE 200,00 EUROS Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. RACHADOR DE 10T Price: 3000W, $00.00 Power: 110/230V, Order #: 000000 PESO: 125KG CAPAC. ÓLEO HIDRAULICO: 3,1L Type: Type FORÇA MÁX. CORTE: 10 TONELADAS MAX. MEDIDAS DE CORTE: PREÇO: 1050/550/430(comp)x500 (diam) Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. Price: $00.00 Order #: 000000 Type: Type Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. VISEIRA PROTECÇÃO ROÇADORA REDEPrice: METÁLICA AJUSTÁVEL $00.00 PREÇO Order #: 000000 Type: Type VISEIRA PROTECÇÃO ROÇADORA VISEIRA PLÁSTICA AJUSTÁVEL PREÇO: Page 26 BRICOFERRAMENTAS FLORESTA Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. Price: $00.00 Order #: 000000 Type: Type Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. CANELEIRAS Price: $00.00 PROTECÇÃO ROÇADORA Order #: 000000 AJUSTÁVEL Type: Type ALTA RESISTÊNCIA E DURABILIDADE PROFISSIONAL PREÇO: Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. Price: $00.00 Order #: 000000 Type: Type Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. ROLO CORRENTE MOTOSERRA BRICOFERR USA PROFISSIONAL Price: $00.00 CADA ROLO INCLUI VÁRIAS CAIXAS Order #: 000000 INDIVIDUAIS Type: Type MATERIAL PROVENIENTE DOS ESTADOS UNIDOS DA AMÉRICA MATERIAL DE EXTREMA QUALIDADE MEDIDA: 3/8 P - .050 – 73LP PREÇO: MEDIDA: .325 - .050 – 73LP PREÇO: MEDIDA: 3/8 - .050 – 73LP PREÇO: Page 27 BRICOFERRAMENTAS FLORESTA FAÇA A SUA PRÓPRIA CORRENTE CORTADA E GANHE MUITO DINHEIRO! CORTA RELVA 6HP TESTE 200,00 EUROS Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. Price: $00.00 Order #: 000000 Type: Type Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. Price: $00.00 Order #: 000000 Type: Type Name of product or service ROLO CORRENTE Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. PROFISSIONAL COMPRIMENTO: 100 PÉS / 30,50 METROS BRICOFERR USA Price: $00.00 MATERIAL PROVENIENTE DOS ESTADOS UNIDOS DA AMÉRICA MATERIAL DE EXTREMA QUALIDADE Order #: 000000 CADA ROLO INCLUI VÁRIAS CAIXAS Type: Type INDIVIDUAIS PREÇO: Page 28 BRICOFERRAMENTAS FLORESTA Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. Price: $00.00 Order #: 000000 Type: Type Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. Price: $00.00 Order #: 000000 Type: Type Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. Price: $00.00 Order #: 000000 Type: Type Name of product or service CRAVADOR PROFISSIONAL Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. COMPOSIÇÃO: AÇO PREÇO: Price: $00.00 DESCRAVADOR PROFISSIONAL Order #: 000000 COMPOSIÇÃO: Type: Type AÇO PREÇO: Page 29 BRICOFERRAMENTAS FLORESTA CORTA RELVA 6HP TESTE 200,00 EUROS Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. Price: $00.00 Order #: 000000 Type: Type Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. Price: $00.00 Order #: 000000 Type: Type Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. Price: $00.00 Order #: 000000 Type: Type Page 30 BRICOFERRAMENTAS FLORESTA Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. Price: $00.00 Order #: 000000 Type: Type Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. Price: $00.00 Order #: 000000 Type: Type Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. Price: $00.00 Order #: 000000 Type: Type Name of product or service DISCOS DE ROÇADORA Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description FURO: 25,4 CAIXA INDIVIDUAL COLORIDA and anymm features. BRICOFERR IDEAL PARA TODO O TIPO DE ROÇADORAS MATERIAL ALTA RESISTÊNCIA E Order #:DE 000000 DURABILIDADE Type: Type Price: $00.00 PREÇO: Page 31 BRICOFERRAMENTAS FLORESTA CORTA RELVA 6HP TESTE 200,00 EUROS Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. Price: $00.00 Order #: 000000 Type: Type Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. Price: $00.00 Order #: 000000 Type: Type Name of product or service AFIADOR DE CORRENTE Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief INCLUI: DISCO + MEDIDOR NÃO NECESSITA DE DESMONTAR A description and any features. CORRENTE IDEAL PARA TODO O TIPO DE CORRENTES MATERIAL ALTA RESISTÊNCIA E Order DE #: 000000 DURABILIDADE Type: Type Price: $00.00 PREÇO: Page 32 BRICOFERRAMENTAS FLORESTA Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. Price: $00.00 Order #: 000000 Type: Type Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. Price: $00.00 Order #: 000000 Type: Type Name of product or service Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description and any features. Price: $00.00 Order #: 000000 Type: Type Name of product or service ÓLEO PARA CORRENTES DE MOTOSERRAS Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description ÓLEO MOTORES DE 2T ÓLEO PARA MOTORES DE 4T andPARA any features. Price: $00.00 PREÇO: PREÇO: Order #: 000000 PREÇO: Type: Type Page 33 CONDIÇÕES GERAIS DE VENDA 2010 / 2011 » Preços: O preço deste tarifário, são preços de revenda, não inclui o I.V.A. e pode ser modificado pela Bricoferramentas sem aviso prévio, consulte promoções junto do seu Comercial. » Abrir uma conta / primeira operação: a primeira operação comercial com a Bricoferramentas é a pronto pagamento, as seguintes serão acordadas as condições de pagamento. » Transporte: Assumimos sempre 50% do custo do transporte, quando realizado por Transportadora. » Garantia: o período de garantia para os equipamentos é de 24 meses ou 12 meses para uso profissional, segundo Legislação em vigor, no momento da venda contra defeitos de fabricação, desde que reconhecidos pelo nosso serviço, a garantia não cobre peças danificadas por desgaste de uso normal e / ou manutenção mal efectuada, as peças danificadas por má utilização ou reparações do produto sem autorização Bricoferramentas e todas as manutenções. Por exemplo, a garantia não cobre a seguinte situação: máquina de relva eléctrica queimada por uso em relva molhada. » Faturamento e as condições de pagamento: • Encomendas de menos de 300 euros antes de impostos e taxas líquidas: pagamentos em menos de 60 dias da data da factura. • Encomendas de mais de 301 euros antes de impostos e taxas líquidas: condições acordadas com o cliente. • Pagamento a pronto: 3% desconto imediato na factura. • Falha nas condições de pagamento, sem aviso prévio, serão cobrados encargos e juros de mora. » Propriedade da Mercadoria: a mercadoria é propriedade da Bricoferramentas até o pagamento da factura, o cliente pode ser obrigado a devolver a máquina e / ou equipamentos sem nenhum procedimento especial. » Devolução de mercadoria: A devolução da mercadoria é aceite no prazo de 15 dias após a emissão da ordem de entrega, todos as devoluções devem ser sempre previamente autorizadas pela Bricoferramentas e custos de transporte, bem como revisão e manipulação dos mesmos são sempre suportados pelo cliente.