XXVII. Encontro Economico Brasil-Alemanha 2009 XXVII. Deutsch-Brasilianische Wirtschaftstage 2009 Sessão Plenária (Painel IV) Masterplan zur FIFA FußballWeltmeisterschaft 2014 Dieter Garlik Líder do Centro de Competências Brasil-Alemanha da Deloitte Vitória, August 31, 2009 Our world wide foot print XXVII. Encontro Economico Brasil-Alemanha 2009 XXVII. Deutsch-Brasilianische Wirtschaftstage 2009 Revenues Deloitte US$ 27.4bn Europa 297 Büros in 47 Ländern 54.000 Mitarbeiter Nordamerika 131 Büros in 2 Ländern 52.700 Mitarbeiter Lateinamerika/Karibik 69 Büros in 28 Ländern 16.000 Mitarbeiter Mittlerer Osten 29 Büros in 16 Ländern Afrika 2.200 Mitarbeiter 46 Büros in Asien/Pazifik 21 Ländern 113 Büros in 26 Ländern 5.500 Mitarbeiter 30.900 Mitarbeiter The Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu organisation embracing 165,000 employees in 140 countries across all continents. (Brasil 3,600, Germany 4,200) Sessão Plenária (Painel IV) Masterplan zur FIFA Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft 2014 Dieter Garlik Deloitte Sports Business Group XXVII. Encontro Economico Brasil-Alemanha 2009 XXVII. Deutsch-Brasilianische Wirtschaftstage 2009 • Focus on international sports business for approximately 20 years (UK and Germany) • Commercialisation and professionalisation of the Premier League was the originator • Further emphasis is placed on advising major sports events (FIFA Football World Cups, Olympic Summer and Winter Games) • „Annual Review of Football Finance“ and „Football Money League“ – yearly published work of references that give guidance on finance in international football Sessão Plenária (Painel IV) Masterplan zur FIFA Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft 2014 Dieter Garlik Key facts of the FIFA World Cup 2006 Germany A 30-day mega event XXVII. Encontro Economico Brasil-Alemanha 2009 XXVII. Deutsch-Brasilianische Wirtschaftstage 2009 • 32 teams played 64 matches at 12 different host venues • Sold out stadia at all matches with an average crowd of more than 52,000 • Total amount of World Cup tickets: 3,370,000 • Over seven million visitors at the official Fan Fests in the 12 host cities • More than 20 million fans at official fan parties • 5.5 million nights in hotels with an average price/night of 190 Euro • Broadcast coverage in over 200 countries with a projected cumulative viewing audience of 32.5 billion Sessão Plenária (Painel IV) Masterplan zur FIFA Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft 2014 Dieter Garlik Key facts of the FIFA World Cup 2006 Germany Long-term investments and benefits XXVII. Encontro Economico Brasil-Alemanha 2009 XXVII. Deutsch-Brasilianische Wirtschaftstage 2009 • About 50,000 new jobs had been created around the WC 2006, of which one third in the area of security and hotels/restaurants were • GDP increase between 2003 and 2010 estimated of EUR 8bn due to WC 2006 • In 2006 the mark up of the annual German growth rate (GDP) is estimated at an additional amount of 0.1% • More than 2 million additional visitors before and during WC 2006 • For the construction of motorways about EUR 3.9bn and for traffic information & control about EUR 0.5bn had been invested by public entities • Additionally EUR 3.6bn expenditures for local transport infrastructure • Investments of more than EUR 1.5bn in stadia infrastructure • EUR 135m operating profit of FIFA 2006 Organising Committee Die Welt zu Gast bei FreundenTM – A time to make friends TM Sessão Plenária (Painel IV) Masterplan zur FIFA Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft 2014 Dieter Garlik European „Big Five“-Leagues Bundesliga possessing highest number of visitors on average due to their modern stadia infrastructure XXVII. Encontro Economico Brasil-Alemanha 2009 XXVII. Deutsch-Brasilianische Wirtschaftstage 2009 • Number of visitors on average in „Big Five“-Leagues until 2008/09 in tausend je Spiel 45.0 42.6 39.5 40.0 38.2 35.0 30.9 30.0 25.0 35.4 35.0 31.9 35.0 34.3 31.1 31.2 30.7 29.7 31.1 29.2 23.4 25.7 25.5 33.9 25.0 24.6 25.7 34.4 • 25.7 23.4 23.1 22.6 25.0 25.2 19.6 20.1 02/03 03/04 23.2 21.4 21.6 20.0 33.9 35.6 25.3 25.9 28.9 22.4 36.1 35.2 29.1 28.4 30.6 29.5 28.4 24.2 32.8 30.9 30.7 • 37.6 21.4 24.5 21.3 19.8 24.7 21.5 21.7 21.4 18.9 05/06 06/07 21.8 20.9 16.6 15.0 14.2 10.0 96/97 97/98 Deutschland 98/99 99/00 England 00/01 Italien 01/02 Spanien Frankreich * Deloitte Prognose. Quelle: Deloitte Annual Review of Football Finance 2009 Sessão Plenária (Painel IV) Masterplan zur FIFA Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft 2014 Dieter Garlik 04/05 07/08 08/09* In Germany‘s stadia there is a 86% utilisation, in England over 90%, small chances for improvements. England invested in its stadia on an ongoing basis, therefore it could easily host a football World Cup. Since WC 1990 low investments were made in Italy‘s stadia, which is shown by the decreasing number of visitors. National Master Plan XXVII. Encontro Economico Brasil-Alemanha 2009 XXVII. Deutsch-Brasilianische Wirtschaftstage 2009 Germany 2006 (and today) Die Welt zu Gast bei FreundenTM – A time to make friends TM Brasil 2014 ? • But it is not only about a motto, it is about the coordination of Brasil‘s longterm plans from transport infrastructure to the desired future global perception of Brasil • From July 11, 2010 onwards the world‘s focus is on Brasil Sessão Plenária (Painel IV) Masterplan zur FIFA Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft 2014 Dieter Garlik The House XXVII. Encontro Economico Brasil-Alemanha 2009 XXVII. Deutsch-Brasilianische Wirtschaftstage 2009 são Visão e Objetivos Visão e Objetivos Visão eVisão Visão Objetivos da e Objetivos Candidatura e e da Objetivos Objetivos Candidatura da Candidatura da Candidatura da para da Candidatura Candidatura para Copa para Copa dopara Mundo Copa do para para Copa Mundo do Copa FIFA Copa Mundo doFIFA Mundo 2014 do do Mundo Mundo FIFA 2014 FIFA 2014 FIFA FIFA 2014 2014 2014 Visão e Objetivos da Candidatura para Copa do Mundo FIFA 2014 Organização Organização Organização e governança Organização e governança Organização Organização e governança do eevento governança do ee governança evento governança do evento do evento do do evento evento Organização e governança do evento (Comitê (Comitê Organizador, (Comitê Organizador, (Comitê Organizador, (Comitê (Comitê Governos Organizador, Governos Organizador, Organizador, Federal, Governos Federal, Governos Estadual Governos Governos Federal, Estadual Federal, e Municipal) Estadual Federal, Federal, e Estadual Municipal) e Estadual Estadual Municipal) e Municipal) ee Municipal) Municipal) (Comitê Organizador, Governos Federal, Estadual e Municipal) Soluções Soluções & Tecnologia Soluções &Soluções Tecnologia Soluções & Soluções Tecnologia & Tecnologia & & Tecnologia Tecnologia Soluções & Tecnologia Impacto Impacto na Impacto naImpacto na Impacto Impacto na na na Impacto na sociedade sociedade sociedade sociedade sociedade sociedade Serviços Serviços Médicos Serviços Médicos Serviços Serviços Serviços Médicos Médicos Médicos Médicos ntos egmentos Segmentos Segmentos Segmentos Segmentos sociedade Serviços Médicos Centros Centros deCentros Treinamento de Centros Treinamento Centros Centros de Treinamento de Treinamento de de Treinamento Treinamento Segmentos Centros de Treinamento e de Saúde e de Saúde e de e Saúde de e e Saúde de de Saúde Saúde de de de de de e de (exemplo: Saúde (exemplo: (exemplo: (exemplo: (exemplo: (exemplo: de ria ndústria indústria indústria indústria indústria (exemplo: saúde, saúde, saúde, saúde, saúde, saúde, indústria Mídia/ Mídia/ Centros Mídia/ Centros Mídia/ deCentros Mídia/ Mídia/ de Centros Centros Centros de de de de lacionados ados relacionados relacionados relacionados relacionados saúde, Mídia/ Centros deAcomodações Acomodações Acomodações Acomodações Acomodações Acomodações relacionados transferência transferência transferência transferência transferência transferência Acomodações Transmissão Transmissão Transmissão Transmissão Transmissão Transmissão artes esportes a esportes a esportes aa esportes esportes transferência Transmissão a esportes de de de de de de de conhecimento, conhecimento, conhecimento, conhecimento, conhecimento, conhecimento, BF, bes(CBF, clubes e (CBF, clubes e (CBF, (CBF, clubes e clubes clubes e ee conhecimento, Tecnologia Tecnologia Tecnologia da Tecnologia daTecnologia Tecnologia da inovação, da da da inovação, inovação, inovação, inovação, inovação, (CBF,Transportes clubes ee Transportes Tecnologia da Transportes Transportes Logística eTransportes Transportes Logística e Logística e Logística e e Logística Logística os) eventos) eventos) eventos) eventos) eventos) inovação, Transportes e Logística Informação Informação Informação Informação Informação Informação emprego, emprego, emprego, emprego, emprego, emprego, eventos) Informação emprego, etc.) etc.) etc.) etc.)etc.) etc.) etc.) Segurança Segurança Segurança Segurança Segurança Segurança Energia Energia Energia Energia Energia Energia Segurança Energia Controle Controle do Controle planejamento, do Controle planejamento, Controle Controle do planejamento, do planejamento, patrocínio, do do planejamento, planejamento, patrocínio, patrocínio, patrocínio, patrocínio, patrocínio, Controle do planejamento, patrocínio, impostos impostos eimpostos finanças impostos e finanças impostos impostos e finanças e finanças e e finanças finanças impostos e finanças Sessão Plenária (Painel IV) Masterplan zur FIFA Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft 2014 Dieter Garlik Responsibilities XXVII. Encontro Economico Brasil-Alemanha 2009 XXVII. Deutsch-Brasilianische Wirtschaftstage 2009 • Federal government guarantees for • Infrastructure: transport, medical centre, transmission possibilities, security, IT • Legal security: residence permits, working permits, customs and taxes, money transactions, usage of national anthems and flags • Protection of FIFA-sponsors (e.g. Public Viewing) • National governments/venues are responsible for • Infrastructure: transport, medical supply, accomodation/hotels, energy supply • Stadium: construction and financing, security • Local Organising Committee and CBF • Match operations, teams, organisation, security, coordination with FIFA Sessão Plenária (Painel IV) Masterplan zur FIFA Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft 2014 Dieter Garlik Success factors for FIFA Football-WC 2014 XXVII. Encontro Economico Brasil-Alemanha 2009 XXVII. Deutsch-Brasilianische Wirtschaftstage 2009 From July 11, 2010 30 Days in Summer 2014 After the Final Implementation of Master Plan 64 football games in 12 venues with millions of visitors and a global media audience A long-term legacy for the people of Brazil Unique opportunity to show … … Brasil is more than Coffee, Samba and Pelé Sessão Plenária (Painel IV) Masterplan zur FIFA Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft 2014 Dieter Garlik Thank You For your Attention XXVII. Encontro Economico Brasil-Alemanha 2009 XXVII. Deutsch-Brasilianische Wirtschaftstage 2009 Deloitte & Touche GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft Rosenheimer Platz 4 81669 München Dieter Garlik Director Tel +49 (0)89 29036-8748 Mob +49 (0) 172 8644 559 Fax +49 (0)89 29036-118748 [email protected] www.deloitte.com/de Member of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Sessão Plenária (Painel IV) Masterplan zur FIFA Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft 2014 Dieter Garlik Backup XXVII. Encontro Economico Brasil-Alemanha 2009 XXVII. Deutsch-Brasilianische Wirtschaftstage 2009 Sessão Plenária (Painel IV) Masterplan zur FIFA Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft 2014 Dieter Garlik European „Big Five“-Leagues Bundesliga claim second place behind Premier League Revenue development of „Big Five“-Leagues from 1996/97 to 2008/09 Mio. Euro 3.000 2.441 2.500 Wechselkurseffekt 2.273 1.977 2.000 1.747 1.975 1.791 1.500 1.024 685 500 954 895 1.000 650 569 551 524 444 513 293 323 96/97 97/98 714 722 681 1.027 1.017 1.043 1.024 1.108 880 676 776 2.237 1.995 1.557 1.219 2.526 1.052 1.058 1.219 1.236 1.029 1.277 1.195 1.158 953 910 847 1.438 1.379 1.438 1.326 1.421 1.064 972 1.550 1.460 1.450 990 989 612 577 607 644 643 689 655 696 99/00 00/01 01/02 02/03 03/04 04/05 393 - 98/99 England Deutschland Spanien * Deloitte Prognose. Quelle: Deloitte Annual Review of Football Finance 2009 Sessão Plenária (Painel IV) Masterplan zur FIFA Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft 2014 Dieter Garlik Italien 05/06 06/07 07/08 08/09* Frankreich XXVII. Encontro Economico Brasil-Alemanha 2009 XXVII. Deutsch-Brasilianische Wirtschaftstage 2009 • Revenues increased three- to five-fold in the last 12 years. • Key drivers were media rights and commercialization of football European „Big Five“-Leagues Modern stadias of the Bundesliga reason for matchday and sponsoring revenues Source of income distribution of „Big Five“-Leagues in 2007/08 Mio. Euro 2.500 2.441 1 565 23% 2.000 1.176 48% 1.438 1.500 1.438 221 15% 403 28% 1.000 500 476 33% 700 29% 1.421 185 13% 1 463 32% 188 13% 579 40% 863 61% Spieltag TV 557 56% 396 338 24% 28% Deutschland Spanien Sponsorship 192 103 10% 20% 185 137 14% 13% 0 England 989 Italien Frankreich Sonstige Erlöse 1 Für die englische Premier League und die spanische Liga gibt es keine Aufteilung zwischen Sponsorship und Sonstigen Erlösen. Die Aufteilung der Einnahmen der spanischen Liga ist geschätzt. Quelle: Deloitte Annual Review of Football Finance 2009 Sessão Plenária (Painel IV) Masterplan zur FIFA Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft 2014 Dieter Garlik XXVII. Encontro Economico Brasil-Alemanha 2009 XXVII. Deutsch-Brasilianische Wirtschaftstage 2009 • England has lower average match day attendance than Germany , but more games (380 vs 306) and higher ticket prices • With the exception of Germany the main source of income is TV. European „Big Five“-Leagues Premier League again the most profitable league in the world Profit/loss ot the „Big Five“-Leagues until 2007/08 Mio. Euro 300 222 127 148 105 100 - 183 178 200 37 8 (7) 27 47 84 135 130 87 100 (100) 234 1.944 Mio. 200 141 138 36 37 Break Even 1 35 (1) (70) (46) 136 1.211 Mio. 82 89 (36) (46) 250 240 (15) (41) (114) 23 (40) (61) (98) (66) (1.413) Mio. (84) (428) Mio. (102) (216) (200) (265) (234) (300) (400) 96/97 97/98 98/99 99/00 00/01 01/02 02/03 03/04 04/05 05/06 06/07 07/08 England Deutschland Italien Quelle: Deloitte Annual Review of Football Finance 2009 Sessão Plenária (Painel IV) Masterplan zur FIFA Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft 2014 Dieter Garlik Frankreich XXVII. Encontro Economico Brasil-Alemanha 2009 XXVII. Deutsch-Brasilianische Wirtschaftstage 2009 • Germany‘s and England‘s Leagues are sustained profitable, Italy and France are vulnerable Comparison of Germanys Top-Clubs Four German clubs (with FIFA WC 2006 Stadia) in Top 20 Total revenue of European Top-Clubs in 2007/08 Quelle: Deloitte Annual Review of Football Finance 2009 Sessão Plenária (Painel IV) Masterplan zur FIFA Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft 2014 Dieter Garlik XXVII. Encontro Economico Brasil-Alemanha 2009 XXVII. Deutsch-Brasilianische Wirtschaftstage 2009 Stadium Development A Deloitte approach for stadium planning I. Environment and user analysis • Demand potential • Leisure time attitudes • Competition • Potential users • Customer expectations II. Sports facility design • Sports facility type • New build vs. redevelopment • Location • Secundary sources • Operator model • Ownership III. Businessplan • Description of the expenses • Description of the revenues • Cashflow plan • Scenario analysis IV. Financing and marketing • Preparation of documents • Approaching investors, operators and marketers • Negotiation with potential partners Public Private Partnership Project management / Documentation / Quality assurance Sessão Plenária (Painel IV) Masterplan zur FIFA Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft 2014 Dieter Garlik XXVII. Encontro Economico Brasil-Alemanha 2009 XXVII. Deutsch-Brasilianische Wirtschaftstage 2009 V. Tender process • Fixing requirements for architects and constructors • Implementation of tender process • Analysis and selection of applicants Stadia and Arena in Germany Stadia construction boom not only due to the WC 2006 XXVII. Encontro Economico Brasil-Alemanha 2009 XXVII. Deutsch-Brasilianische Wirtschaftstage 2009 Overview of selected stadia construction costs per place 5,500 € Kosten / Platz München 4,500 € Düsseldorf Frankfurt 3,500 € Gelsenk. Berlin Mönchengladbach 2,500 € Leverkusen RostockWolfsburg MainzLeipzig Duisburg Koblenz Magdeburg 1,500 € Köln Hamburg Kaiserslautern Hannover Kapazität Paderborn 500 € 0 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 70,000 80,000 Quelle: Deloitte Analyse • Depending on size, equipment and respective costs, there generally can be found three categories of new constructions of stadias in the last few years: „Nur-Fußball“, Mittelgroß, Multifunktional. • Football arena with a capactiy of 30.000 seats can be build for approx. 1.500 Euro per seat. Sessão Plenária (Painel IV) Masterplan zur FIFA Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft 2014 Dieter Garlik Stadia and Arena in Germany High utilisation due to modern stadia infrastructure XXVII. Encontro Economico Brasil-Alemanha 2009 XXVII. Deutsch-Brasilianische Wirtschaftstage 2009 Capacities and utilisations of the first round in season 2008/09 of the 1. Bundesliga Capacitiy / Utilisation 91% 100% 99% 96% 85% 86% 56% 85% 99% 86% 83% 96% 87% 78% 66% 86% 97% 84% 67% Quelle: Deloitte Analyse • The club of the 1. Bundesliga attracted 42.600 visitors on average in the season 2008/09. • Ideal utilisation (95-100%) is reached in Munich, Schalke, Hamburg, Cologne, Karlsruhe and Bremen. • On average, the 1. Bundesliga reached a utilisation of approx. 86% at a capacityof approx. 47.000 seats. In England the average utilisation is at over 90%. Sessão Plenária (Painel IV) Masterplan zur FIFA Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft 2014 Dieter Garlik XXVII. Encontro Economico Brasil-Alemanha 2009 XXVII. Deutsch-Brasilianische Wirtschaftstage 2009 Deloitte Sport Business Group The group is a unique team of specialists in our global network which advises major event organisers, governing bodies, venue operators and developers, clubs, leagues, sports commercial partners, and investors in Europe and worldwide. Our team of business consultants work primarily on sports assignments, bringing unparalleled commercial, financial, regulatory, taxation and general business knowledge from major sports to service your needs. Deloitte have consulted various events including Football World Cups, European Championships, Olympic and Commonwealth Games during the bidding and staging phase. The Deloitte sports venues team has also worked on more than 40 stadium/arena assignments over the past 5 years. For further information please contact Stefan Ludwig at [email protected] or www.deloitte.com/de/sports Sessão Plenária (Painel IV) Masterplan zur FIFA Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft 2014 Dieter Garlik XXVII. Encontro Economico Brasil-Alemanha 2009 XXVII. Deutsch-Brasilianische Wirtschaftstage 2009 Deloitte & Touche GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft is a limited liability company registered in Munich, Germany under HRB 83442, and is authorised and regulated by the Wirtschaftsprüferkammer (Chamber of Public Accountants) in Germany. Deloitte & Touche GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft is the German member firm of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu (‘DTT’), a Swiss Verein whose member firms are separate and independent legal entities. Neither DTT nor any of its member firms has any liability for each other’s acts or omissions. Services are provided by Sessão Plenária (Painel IV) member firms or their subsidiaries and not by DTT. Masterplan zur FIFA Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft 2014 © Deloitte Garlik & Touche GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft 2009. All rights reserved. Dieter