atelierzoo anne-laure jullian de la fuente jorge dominguez PLANTA RES DO CHÃO CASA SANTORO Location: Pemba, Mozambique Coordinates: 12º 58’ S, 40º 33’ E Desing Team: atelierzoo arquitectos Engineer: Rodolfo Pinheiro Construction: atelierzoo arquitectos Design Years: 2008-2011 Client: Michele Santoro Built Surface: 320 M² Cost: 750 USD x M² Status: Built An italian client living in Maputo, wanted to build a holidays pavilion in the tropical city of Pemba, in the far north of the country. Pemba is a port 2,500 km far away from the capital Maputo. It is the 4th most populated city in Mozambique and the capital of Cabo Delgado Province, one of the most isolated areas in the country and the door of Quirimbas National Park and Niassa National Park. Pemba is a place with no good prefabricated materials and no skilled labor. It's a "prehistory " of a city and everything is built slowly with cement, iron stone and sand. The project is a first prototype of east-west narrow blocks walls as the minimum bioclimatic and appropriate structures to build in northern Mozambique. The concrete side walls and the “macuti” palm roof are containing the most intense solar radiation of the day while the north and south facades are completely permeable and opened for the more efficient natural ventilation. The common areas of the house located on the top floor and overlooking to the Indian Ocean represent almost 75% of the indoor volume of the house, in comparison with the small part for private program. Pemba have a humid equatorial climate with a dry winter where daily average temperatures exceed 30° C and the relative humidity is 70%; here common spaces with large indoor volume opened to natural ventilation make the best quality for living. ALÇADO OESTE 1 ENTRADA 2 QUARTO 3 CASA DE BANHO 4 VARANDA ALÇADO ESTE PLANTA PISO 1 ACESO 2 SALA 3 SALA DE PROJECÇÃO 4 COZINHA E COPA 5 ARMAZEM 6 BANHEIRO 7 TERRAÇO C-C A-A 0 1 5m CASA SANTORO 01 TECTO MACUTI ESTRUTURA TECTO Between the Ecuador and the tropics the sun is born in the east, then goes to the zenith and dies in the west. The east-west walls and roof receive more solar radiation. It is possible to extend north and South walls without a significantly increasing the amount of heat. ASNAS DE BLOCOS MUROS BLOCOS LATERAIS PLACA ESTRUTURA TERRAÇO SUPERESTRUTURA 45% BASE QUARTOS CASA SANTORO 02 CORTE PORMENOR HH 1. BETÃO DE LIMPIEZA 50MM 0 1 3m 2. FUNDAÇÕES PERIMETRAIS: SAPATAS 600x600 EM BETÃO 3. TERRA COMPACT MIN 60MM PROFUNDIDADE 4. BLOCO 400x200x200 ENCHIDO 5. VIGA ARMADA FUNDAÇÃO SEGUNDO CALCULO 6. LAJE DE BETÃO 150MM SEGUNDO CALCULO 7. ENROCAMENTO COM ESPESSURA 100MM PEDRA MEDIANA 8. CHÃO DE BETÃO 100MM 9. MURO GRELHA DUPLO CON REDE MOSQUETEIRA 10. PORTA CON VIDRO E REDE MOSQUETEIRA SEGUNDO O DETALHE 11.TECTO FALSO DE MADEIRA COM LUMINARIA EMBUTIDA 12. VIGA DE BETÃO ARMADO 450x200MM SEGUNDO O CALCULO 13. LAJE DE BETÃO 150MM SEGUNDO O CALCULO 14. MURO BLOCO ESTUCADO 200MM 15. POSTE DE MADEIRA Ø150MM 16. MURO DE GRELHA SIMPLE 17. BARROTE MADEIRA Ø50MM 18. ASNA DO TECTO: POSTE DE MADEIRA Ø150MM 19. MADRE TECTO: BARROTE MADEIRA @60CM 20. COBERTURA MACUTI 200MM 21. REVESTIMENTO INTERIOR CANIÇO 22. VENTILAÇÃO SUPERIOR COM REDE MOSQUETEIRA 23. TERMINAÇÃO CHAPA LISA 3MM CASA SANTORO 03 FOLDING DOORS 5 PANELS D-D E-E FOLDING DOORS PLAN DETAILS G-G 0 FOLDING DOORS 6 PANELS 1 FOLDING DOORS SECTION DETAILS B-B 5m CASA SANTORO 04 ALÇADO OESTE ALÇADO ESTE 5 6 6 3 4 A A 6 6 2 5 5 1 PLANTA RES DO CHÃO 1 ACESSO 2 COPA 3 COZINHA 4 SALA 5 CASA DE BANHO 6 QUARTO CASA MEAGY Location: Pemba, Mozambique Coordinates: 12º 58’ S, 40º 33’ E Desing Team: atelierzoo arquitectos Engineer: atelierzoo arquitectos Design Year: 2008 Client: Carla Meagy Built Surface: 200 M² Cost: 450 USD x M² Status: Unbuilt A mozambican woman wanted to build a house for her and an indefinite number of relatives who would live the house. The client has no land and the project was set in a fictional place in the Bay of Pemba. This house replicates Santoro’s house with different roof material and smallest structures. It is an extended block north-south opened to natural ventilation, while east-west faces are closed with solid walls to contain solar radiation. All the program except living room is arranged on only one elevated floor at one meter from the ground, to avoid humidity, insects and snakes. A timber ceiling becomes a device capable of transporting fresh air between north and south facades to resolve the problem of cross ventilation in the double line of rooms. All concrete beams are not longer of 3.5 meters, same size that the longest and cheapest piece of timber available in Pemba which could support the metal roof. The project becomes a low-cost house for typical solid housing construction in northern Mozambique, but stylized to recreate an object formally unknown in the landscape of the Bay of Pemba. With no specific site in mind the project resulted to be oriented object that you could build in other sites A-A 0 1 5m CASA MEAGY 05 ZINC ROOF PURLIN A B B’ C C’ D E SECTION DETAIL GG 1. BETÃO DE LIMPIEZA 50MM 2. FUNDAÇÕES PERIMETRAIS: SAPATAS 600x600 EM BETÃO 3. TERRA COMPACTA MIN. 60MM PROFUNDIDADE 4. BLOCO 150x200x400 ENCHIDO 5. VIGA ARMADA FUNDAÇÃO SEGUNDO CALCULO 6. LAJE DE BETÃO 15 MM SEGUNDO CALCULO 7. ENROCAMENTO COM ESPESSURA 100MM PEDRA MEDIANA 8. CHÃO DE BETÃO 100MM 9. PORTA CON REDE MOSQUETEIRA SEGUNDO O DETHALE 10. MURO BLOCO ESTUCADO 200MM 11. TECTO FALSO DE MADEIRA 12. VIGA DE MADEIRA PARA TECTO FALSO 50x100 13. VENTILAÇÃO FRONTAL CON REDE MOSQUETEIRA 14. VIGA BETÃO ARMADO 350x150 SEGUNDO O CALCULO 15. ASNA DE BLOCOS 150MM 16. MADRE DO TECTO DE MADEIRA 100x75MM 17. CHAPA ZINC LUXALITE 5MM 18. VENTILAÇÃO CENTRAL (VER DETALHE) 0 1 PROJEÇÃO SOBRE LATERAL DE TUBO 100MM PARA DRENAGEM CHAPA ZINC LUXALITE 5MM (BEIRAL MINIMO 200MM) SOLERA SUPERIOR 75x150MM MARCO MADEIRA 20x50MM TRUSS REDE MOSQUETEIRA TABUA MADEIRA 30x105MM CHAPA ZINC LISO 4MM (INCLINAÇÃO MINIMA 5%) ASNA MADEIRA CEILING TABUA MADEIRA 30x200MM LAJE BETÃO ARMADO 100MM VIGA BETÃO ARMADO 350x150MM 3m STRUCTURE 08:00 10:00 12:00 14:00 16:00 18:00 WALLS FOUNDATIONS 0 1 5m CASA MAEGY 06 CORTE PORMENOR E-E 25 24 23 22 21 20 01 BETÃO DE LIMPIEZA 50MM 02 FUNDAÇÕES PERIMETRAIS: SAPATAS 03 TERRA COMPACTADA 04 BLOCOS 200x200x400 ENCHIDOS 05 VIGA ARMADA FUNDAÇÃO SEGUNDO 06 ENROCAMENTO COM ESPESSURA 100MM PEDRA MEDIANA 07 CHÃO DE BETÃO 100MM 08 PILAR DE BETÃO ARMADO 300MM 09 JANELA PVC SEGUNDO O DETALHE 10 VIGA DE BETÃO 150MM SEGUNDO CALCULO 11 VIGA DE BETÃO ARMADO 700x225MM SEGUNDO CALCULO 12 PISO TECNICO CON AREIA SEGUNDO CALCULO 13 CHÃO DE BETÃO 70MM 14 CHÃO DE CERAMICA POR DEFINIR 15 BLOCOS 200x200x400 REBOCADOS 25MM 16 VIGETA DE BETÃO ARMADO 17 CELOSIA MADEIRA CORREDEIRA 18 JANELA CORREDEIRA SEGUNDO DETALHE 19 BLOCOS 200x200x400 REBOCADOS 25MM 20 TECTO FALSO, PLACA YESO CARTÃO 21 VIGA DE MADEIRA PARA TECTO FALSO 50x100MM 22 LAJE DE BETÃO 120MM SEGUNDO CALCULO 23 VIGA DE BETÃO ARMADO 200MM SEGUNDO CALCULO CASA GAK Location: Pemba, Mozambique Coordinates: 12º 58’ S, 40º 33’ E Desing Team: zoo + Diego Vergara Engineer: Rodolfo Pinheiro Design Year: 2009 Client: Gulzar Abdul Karim Built Surface:900 M² Cost:1.000 USD x M² Status: Unbuilt A mozambican business man wanted to build a house with the structural capacity to landed a small helicopter. The land was located in the water front of Maringanha in the south of Pemba, with a open view over the Indian ocean. The project is a 900 M² structure with three “wings”: east, west and south. The wings are the coincidente with the program: In the ground floor a east-dining room, a west-Living room and a south-kitchen. In the upper floor kids rooms are in the east, parents room in the west and south wing for the guests. Also in the basement floor there is another 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 0 1 3m guest apartment in the east and a party space in the west; the box of the swimming pool is in the middle of them. In the upper floor the house is air conditioned and natural ventilated in the ground floor. The finishing of the house should be the minimum, no tiles, no paint, timber in door and windows, just the local mud plaster. We always should think in this structure as a ruin, the kind of structures that owners never finish to build. GAK’s house is an object to be recognized from the air and to look and be looked from the ocean. 3 PLANTA DE IMPLANTAÇÃO 0 10 30m PLANTA PISO PLANTA RES DO CHÃO PLANTA NIVEL INFERIOR 1 SALA 2 QUARTO 3 CASA DE BANHO 4 VARANDA 1 ACESSO 2 ENTRADA 3 SALA 4 COPA 5 ARMAZEM 1 QUARTO 2 PISCINA 3 LAZER 4 LOCAL TECNICO 0 5 15m CASA GAK 07 A-A B-B DECK CAPA IMPERMEAVEL LAJE DE BETÃO 120MM LAJE DE BETÃO 100MM D-D VIGA DE BETÃO ARMADO 1100x200MM TECTO FALSO, PLACA YESO CARTÃO VIGA DE MADEIRA 50x100MM JANELA PVC CHÃO DE CERAMICA CHÃO DE BETÃO 70MM FACHADA NORTE PISO TECNICO CON AREIA VIGA DE BETÃO ARMADO 700x200MM LAJE DE BETÃO 120MM GRELHA LAJE DE BETÃO 150MM CHÃO DE BETÃO 100MM ENROCAMENTO COM ESPESSURA 100MM FACHADA ESTE 0 5 15m VIGA ARMADA FUNDAÇÃO BLOCOS 200x200x400MM ENCHIDOS TERRA COMPACTADA SAPATAS EM BETÃO SEGUNDO CALCULO BETÃO DE LIMPEZA 50MM DETALHE 0 1 3m CASA GAK 08 PLANTA TECTO PLANTA PISO PLANTA RES DO CHÃO CASA RAMSEY Location: Murrebue, Mozambique Coordinates: 12º 58’ S, 40º 33’ E Desing Team: atelierzoo arquitectos Engineer: atelierzoo arquitectos Design Year: 2009-2010 Client: Mark Ramsey Built Surface: 120 M² Cost: 400 USD x M² Status: Unbuilt An australian land broker based in Cape Town wanted to build an open tropical pavilion to spend time of the year in his vast land in the water front of the small village of Murrebue. Murrebue is a very poor village 10 kms away from Pemba with one of the most beautiful beach in the north of Mozambique. With the gentrification of these areas many foreigners bought big lands in the water front and started to build solid houses to legally secure these properties. The land is a beatiful wild plataform with a wide view over the Indian Ocean, many Baobabs live there. The project is a concrete structure elevated one meter from the ground to avoid humidity, insects and snakes. The ground floor plan contains kitchen and common spaces, store room, and bathroom with his private courtyard closed by a bamboo fence. The upper floor is an opened plan with beds protected by mosquito net. The palm leave roof is projected with a bigger distance on east and west side to protect the interior space from sun and rain. This house can be the example of a very precarious project, however this kind of spaces are the most comfortable way to spend the tropical night in the lands of Murrebue. CASA RAMSEY 11 SECTION 11’ SECTION BB’ CASA RAMSEY 12 LIVING COMMON SPACE BUNGALOWS DE LIGNE Location: Ngoma, Mozambique Coordinates: 13º 13’ S, 40º 33’ E Desing Team: Awazu-Ponfilly Paris Construction: atelierzoo arquitectos Design Year: 2010 Client: Charles Antoine de Ligne Built Surface: 300 M² Cost: 750 USD x M² Status: built A Belgium Prince wanted to build a house 40 kms on the south of Pemba. He started with three small bungalows and one big cover common space as a base camp on his vaste land in the water front of Ngoma. As a hunter, he dreamt of having his own place in the coast as a first step and approach to go to the Niassa Province, one of the wildest areas of Mozambique to hunt elephants and buffalos. The land is a 40 hectars site, 1000 mts beach coast and 400 mts inland. The landscape is a mix between green dunes on the sea side and red clay land full of baobab trees; a small lake is reproducing a rich biodiversity of plants, trees and birds. The only access to the land is through a local road which becomes almost impracticable in the rainy season when, in three months, 900 mm of water are falling. The use of local materials combined with concrete blocks for the foundations and walls were very important: local timber, bamboo and vegetal roof were essential. 1 LIVING 2 DINING 3 KITCHEN 4 BAR 5 SHOWER PLAN BUNGALOWS x 3 1 ENTRANCE 2 BEDROOM 3 BATHROOM 4 DRESSING ROOM 5 VERANDA 0 1 5m This project became an exciting and challenging experience in terms of logistic construction, climate condition, timing and human relation: most of the workers were unskills people from Ngoma village who worked together to build this project. FRONT ELEVATION BACK ELEVATION BUNGALOWS DE LIGNE 13 BUNGALOWS DE LIGNE 14 CORTE A-A 1. BETÃO DE LIMPIEZA 50MM 2. FUNDAÇÕES PERIMETRAIS: 800x800 EM BETÃO 3. TERRA COMPACTA MIN. 60MM PROFUNDIDADE 4. BLOCO 400x200x200 ENCHIDO 5. VIGA ARMADA FUNDAÇÃO SEGUNDO CALCULO 6. ENROCAMENTO COM ESPESSURA 100MM PEDRA MEDIAN 7. CHÃO DE BETÃO 120MM 8. MURO BLOCO ESTUCADO 250MM 9. MURO BLOCO ESTUCADO 200MM 10. JANELA CASA DE BANHO 11. VIGA TRANSVERSAL 12. VIGA 150x50x225 13. DECK 100x20x275 14. VIGA DIAGONAL TECTO 150x40x250 15. MURO DE BAMBOO 16. VIGA TRANSVERSAL TECTO 150x40x350 17. ASNA TECTO 18. MADRE DO TECTO 19. TECTO DE MACUTI 150MM 20. REDE MOSQUETEIRA 0 1 3m BUNGALOWS DE LIGNE 15 KEY PROJECTS ALAIN NICOLAS ALAIN NICOLAS HIGH SCHOOL SCHOELCHER Location: Fort de France, Martinique Coordinates: 14º 40’ N, 61º 00’ W Desing: Alain Nicolas Engineer: Haus BET Design Year: 2011-2012 Client: Martinique Built Surface: 18.500 M² Cost: 38.000.000 Euros Status: In progress Alain Nicolas is a french architect borned in Martinique. He leads aan important mid-size architectural office, based in the Island of Guadeloupe in the French Antilles. During his 30 years of architectural practice Alain Nicolas he has been the winner of several competitions in Guadeloupe, Martinique and French Guyana in a wide range of programs as education, health, residential and offices. The public competition for the "Reconstruction of Schoelcher's High School" in fort de france was won in 2006. The High School Victor Schoelcher is most important educational intitution in Martinique, and a building very important in the image of Fort de France. The high school Schoelcher represent the place where the people in Martinique was educated politically to leave slavery. Many important peoples in the history of Martinique were educated in this school; included Aimé Césaire, the famous poet martiniques. The building inaugurated in 1937 is considered as the most important heritage of modern architecture in Martinique but the political vision in 2006 was to demolish the entire existent building. In 2008 a new elected député of Martinique stopped the project. The original proposal in the awarded project in 2006 was to build new classrooms block parallel to the ocean creating a big screen facade; the roof, a massive steel structure covering and protecting all these blocks, unified them one big building. PROJECT HIGH SCHOOL SCHOELCHER AGENCE ALAIN NICOLAS 19 VO TRONG NGHIA ARCHITECTS Location: Hanoi & HCMC, Vietnam Coordinates: 21º 2’ N, 105º 51’ E Owner: Vo Trong Nghia Partner Hanoi: Takashi Niwa Partner HCMC: Masaaki Iwamoto Hanoi Office: 20 employers HCMC Office: 30 employers Vo Trong Nghia Architects (VTN) is the most successful architectural practice in Vietnam with several architectural prizes and publications from all over the world. VTN is lead by Vo Trong Nghia who was born in Vietnam in 1976, moved to Japan in 1996, studied architecture in the University of Tokio and came back to Vietnam to set up Vo Trong Nghia Architects in 2006. With branches in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City the company is working in a wide range of private projects: Resort, Universities, Houses, Schools and Kindergartens. VTN have proved experiencie in bamboo structures, with several project of differents scales. VTN has also big experience in concrete structure projects: narrow houses for the urban sites in HCMC, convention center outside of Hanoi, Schools and Kindergarten outside of HCMC. With projects in China, Korea, Cambodia, Thailand, Mexico and Panama, the architecture of VTN is exporting to the world the richness of vietnamese architecture. In his projects VTN is mixing compositions from japanese architecture with green culture and elements of Vietnam. WnW CAFE STACKING GREEN HOUSE FLAMINGO RESORT Kindergarten POUCHEN KINDERGARTEN TRIANGLE HOUSE BING DUONG SCHOOL CIRCULAR HOUSE VO TRONG NGHIA 20 NEW FRENCH SCHOOL HANOI Location: Hanoi, Vietnam Coordinates: 21º 2’ N, 105º 51’ E Desing Team: VTN Hanoi & HCMC Design Year: 2013 Client: AEFE Surface: 15.000 M² Cost: 450 USD x M² Status: Competition The Project for the French School was the result of the restricted competition organized by the AEFE for the desing of a new building for The French School Alexander Yersin in Hanoi. The last 10 years as a consequence of the fast economic development of the country, the expat community has been growing exponentially in Vietnam, especially the French - Vietnamese community because of the strong historical and economical relationship between the two countries. The French School Alexander Yersin is the second French School with a new building in Vietnam; one has been inagurated in 2012 in Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC). The new French School of Hanoi will be located in Long Bien district, in the new expansion area of Hanoi crossing the Red River through the famous Long Bien Bridge. The design of the new French School proposes a passive energy building with passive solar protection in facades, crossing natural ventilation and green roof for isolation and harvest water. The structure is a two floors concrete ring which distributes all the program inside and produces a safe interior space for 1200 students. The west part of the plot is organized for big sports installations as requirement by the client. The result is a unified volume surrounded by greenery all around. VO TRONG NGHIA ARCHITECTS 21