CONGRESO LXV CONGRESSO NACIONAL DE BOTÂNICA BOTÁNICA XXXIV ERBOT - Encontro Regional de Botânicos MG, BA, ES 18 A 24 DE OUTUBRO DE 2014 - SALVADOR - BAHIA - BRASIL Latinoamericano de Botânica na América Latina: conhecimento, interação e difusão FLORISTIC COMPOSITION OF ROCK OUTCROP IN LAJINHA, PARQUE ESTADUAL DA SERRA DO BRIGADEIRO, MINAS GERAIS, BRAZIL AUTOR(ES):Andreza Viana NERI;Vitor Moreira Moura;Bruno Vancini Tinti;Jaquelina Alves Nunes;Primula Viana Campos;Pedro Paulo de Souza; INSTITUIÇÃO: Universidade Federal de Viçosa Universidade do Estado de Minas Gerais Mountain areas are recognized as centers of diversity and endemism. Because of their isolation are also known as terrestrial island. The landscape on this high altitude complex is often a mosaic of scrubs, rock outcrops, grassland and small patches of forests where the soil is deeper. The objective of this work was to study the variation of flora, in high altitude complex in the Parque Estadual da Serra do Brigadeiro (PESB). The PESB belongs to the Mantiqueira range between the coordinates 40º20' and 42º 40'S and 20º 21' and 21º00' W, in Zona da Mata in the state of Minas Gerais. The area is located at an altitude of 1000 m and surrounded by Atlantic Forest. In the studied area, Lajinha da Sede, we sampled two physiognomies and three habitats: the rock outcrop, the scrub, and the vegetation under the scrub. In the rock outcrop we studied 15 plots (1 x 1 m) where all individuals were sampled. In the superior scrub layer, we used 10 quadrats of 5 x 5 m where all individuals with stem diameter ? 5 cm at soil height were sampled. In the inferior layer, we used smaller plots (1 x 1 m) inside of the biggest quadrats. In this case, all the plants with stem diameter ? 5 cm at soil height were sampled. The spectrum of the vegetation was evaluated using the Raunkier's life form. In total 71 species were found: 31 on the rock outcrop, 25 in the superior scrub layer and 37 in the inferior layer. The most representative families were Asteraceae (09 spp.), Fabaceae (07 spp.), Melastomataceae (07 spp.), Rubiaceae (07 spp.), Poaceae (05 spp.), Bromeliaceae (02 spp.), Eriocaulaceae (02 spp.), Myrsinaceae (02 spp.), Polytrichaceae (02 spp.) and Verbenaceae (02 spp.). Asteraceae and Melastomataceae were sampled in all studied habit. Fabaceae was one of the richest families in inferior layer of scrub and absent in rock outcrop. However, in the superior layer Rubiaceae were the richest family. The main life forms in the scrub and the rock outcrop were chamaephyte and phaneophyte. Studies on high altitude complexes are very important because they have contributed with information about the flora, revealing a great numbers of endemic species and species adapted to adverse environmental conditions. (FAPEMIG, UNESCO-HIDOREX). Key words: High altitude vegetation, Atlantic Forest, scrub.