93323_OIV Kaft 09-03-2010 13:30 Pagina 1 Bulletin GHO¶OIV, vol. 83, janvier - février - mars 2010, n°947-948-949 ACTIVITÉS '(/¶2,9/ 2,9¶6ACTIVITIES 33. Weltkongress für Rebe und Wein«««««««««««««««««««««««5 33nd World Congress of Vine and Wine««««««««««««««««««««««6 XXXIII° Congreso Mundial de la Viña y el Vino ««««««««««««««««««« XXXIIIème Congrès Mondial de la Vigne et du Vin«««««««««««««««««« XXXIII° Congresso Mondiale della Vigna e del Vino«««««««««««..«««..«««9 BULLETIN DE L’OIV TABLE DES MATIÈRES / CONTENTS LE BULLETIN DE L’OIV ARTICLES ORIGINAUX / ORIGINAL CONTRIBUTIONS C. VAN LEEUWEN, J.-P. ROBY, D. PERNET AND B. BOIS ± Methodology of soil-based zoning for viticultural terroirs.................................................................................................. 13 Revue Technique Internationale P. B. GURNEY - ,QGLD¶VGUDPDWLFGHEXWXSRQWKHJOREDOZLQHVWDJH Can winemakers from downunder play a leading part via joint venture investment? ..............................................................................................................................................................43 A. CHARRY CORREA, I. SÁNCHEZ RECARTE - Law Framework Compilation on GMOs .............................................................................................................................................................. 61 A. CHARRY CORREA, I. SÁNCHEZ RECARTE - Law Framework Compilation on Organic Production.........................................................................................................................................79 REVUE SIGNALÉTIQUE / CURRENT AWARENESS Revue signalétique des périodiques / Current awareness of periodicals................................................. 111 INFORMATIONS / NEWS 3UL[GHO¶2,9 / 2,9¶V$ZDUGV««.......................................................................................151 3XEOLFDWLRQVGHO¶2,92,9¶V3XEOLFDWLRQV««............................................................. 154 Recommandations aux auteurs / Recommandations to authors............................................................158 Vol. 83 – 947-948-949 – Janvier-Février-Mars 2010 E. AGUERA, V. ATHÈS-DUTOUR, M. BES, S. CAILLÉ, P. COTTEREAU, J.-L. ESCUDIER, M. MIKOLAJCZAK, A. ROY, J.-M. SABLAYROLLES, A. SAMSON, I. SOUCHON, J.-P. VIDAL Réduction de la teneur en alcool des vins : Étude comparative de différentes technologies.....................................................................................................................................31 Viticulture Œnologie Economie Droit Vin et santé ORGANISATION INTERNATIONALE DE LA VIGNE ET DU VIN Janvier-Février-Mars 2010 Vol. 83 - N° 947-948-949 ISSN 0029-7127 AFRIQUE DU SUD, ALGÉRIE, ALLEMAGNE, ARGENTINE, AUSTRALIE, AUTRICHE, BELGIQUE, BRÉSIL, BULGARIE, CHILI, CHYPRE, CROATIE, ESPAGNE, FINLANDE, FRANCE, GÉORGIE, GRÈCE, HONGRIE, IRLANDE, ISRAËL, ITALIE, LIBAN, LUXEMBOURG, ARY MACÉDOINE, MALTE, MAROC, MOLDAVIE, MONTÉNÉGRO, NORVÈGE, NOUVELLE-ZÉLANDE, PAYS-BAS, PÉROU, PORTUGAL, RÉPUBLIQUE TCHÈQUE, ROUMANIE, RUSSIE, SERBIE, SLOVAQUIE, SLOVÉNIE, SUÈDE, SUISSE, TURQUIE, URUGUAY États : TUNISIE, UKRAINE, Province de Yantaï (Chine) OBSERVATEURS Organisations internationales : Association Internationale des Juristes du Droit de la vigne et du vin (AIDV) Association Universitaire Internationale du Vin et des Produits de la Vigne (AUIV) Académie Internationale Amorim Fédération Internationale des Vins et Spiritueux (FIVS) Fédération Mondiale des Grands Concours Internationaux de Vins et Spiritueux (VINOFED) Union Internationale GHV¯QRORJXHV8,2( Association de la Sommellerie Internationale (ASI) Assemblée des Régions Européennes Viticoles (AREV) Centre de recherche d'études et de valorisation de la viticulture de montagne (CERVIM) PRESIDENT DE L¶ORGANISATION : M. Yves BENARD (France) DIRECTEUR GENERAL DE L¶2,9 : M. Federico CASTELLUCCI (Italie) VICE-PRESIDENT : M. Michele BORGO (Italie) Président : M. Michele BORGO (Italie) Vice-président : M. François MURISIER (France) Secrétaire scientifique : M. Alberto GARCÍA DE LUJÁN (Espagne) COMMISSION I : VITICULTURE Président : Mme Monika CHRISTMANN (Allemagne) Vice-président : M. Santiago MÍNGUEZ SANZ (Espagne) Secrétaire scientifique : M. Dominique TUSSEAU (France) &200,66,21,,¯12/2*,( Président : M. John BARKER (Nouvelle-Zélande) Vice-président : M. Jean-Luc DAIRIEN (France) Secrétaire scientifique : M. Wolfgang HAUPT (Allemagne) COMMISSION III : ÉCONOMIE et DROIT Président : M. Mladen BOBAN (Croatie) Vice-président : Mme Patrizia RESTANI (Italie) Secrétaire scientifique : M. Pierre-Louis TEISSEDRE (France) COMMISSION IV : SÉCURITÉ et SANTÉ Président : Mme Ana-Isabel BLANCH CORTES (Espagne) Vice-président : Mme Pekka LEHTONEN (Finlande) Secrétaire scientifique : M. Paulo BARROS (Portugal) SOUS-COMMISSION « 0e7+2'(6'¶$1$/<6((7'¶$335e&,$7,21'(69,16 » SOUS-COMMISSION « RAISINS DE TABLE, RAISINS SECS ET PRODUITS NON FERMENTÉS DE LA VIGNE » Président : M. Luís PÉRES DE SOUSA (Portugal) Vice-président : M. Donato ANTONACCI (Italie) Secrétaire scientifique : M. Ahmet ALTINDISLI (Turquie) Président : Vice-président : Secrétaire scientifique : JURY DES PRIX S.E.M. Frantisek LIPKA (Slovaquie) Mme Wendy JONKER (Afrique du Sud) M. Jean-Luc BERGER (France) Président : Patrick Aigrain (France) Vice-président : Peter Botos (Hongrie) Secrétaire : Marcello Agosta (Italie) Président : Wolfgang Haupt (Allemagne) Vice-président : Véronique Fouks (France) Secrétaire : Ignacio Sánchez Recarte (Espagne) Président : Eugenio Pomarici (Italie) Vice-président : João Carvalho Ghira (Portugal) Président : Hervé Hannin (France) Vice-président : Armando Tonioni (Argentine) Formation Président : Víctor Carrascal (Espagne) Vice-président : Silvia Nicoli (Italie) Boissons spiritueuses vitivinicoles Groupe Ad Hoc Cartographie Coordonnateur : Jean Strohl (CIHEAM) Groupe Ad Hoc Bilan de CO2 Président : Creina Stockley (Australie) Vice-président : Birgit Dusemund (Allemagne) Secrétaire : Patrizia Restani (Italie) Sécurité alimentaire Coordonnateur : Secrétariat général de O·2,9 Président : Susana Buxaderas (Espagne) Vice-président : Philippe Gambert (France) Consommation, nutrition et santé Président : Mladen Boban (Croatie) Vice-président : Patrizia Restani (Italie) Secrétaire scientifique : Pierre-Louis Teissedre (France) Marchés et consommation Commission IV « Sécurité et Santé » Commission III « Économie et Droit » Coordonnateur : Philippe Hunziker (Suisse) Groupe Ad Hoc Biotechnologies innovatrices Président : Ana-Isabel Blanch (Espagne) Vice-président : Pekka Lehtonen (Finlande) Secrétaire scientifique : Paulo Barros (Portugal) ORGANISATION INTERNATIONALE DE LA VIGNE ET DU VIN Edit. Octobre 2009 Analyse économique et conjoncturelle Président : Valeriu Cotea (Roumanie) Vice-président : Jean-Claude Villetaz (Suisse) Secrétaire : Alain Bertrand (France) Spécification des SURGXLWV±QRORJLTXHV Sous-Commission « 0pWKRGHVG·DQDO\VH » Président : John Barker (Nouvelle-Zélande) Vice-président : Jean-Luc Dairien (France) Secrétaire scientifique : Wolfgang Haupt (Allemagne) Président : Yves Bénard (France) Vice-président : Michele Borgo (Italie) Secrétaire : Federico Castellucci (Directeur Général GHO·2,9 COMITE SCIENTIFIQUE ET TECHNIQUE Président : Monika Christmann (Allemagne) Vice-président : Santiago Mínguez Sanz (Espagne) Secrétaire scientifique : Dominique Tusseau (France) Président : Michele Borgo (Italie) Vice-président : François Murisier (Suisse) Secrétaire scientifique : Alberto García de Luján (Espagne) Président : Luís Peres de Sousa (Portugal) Vice-président : Donato Antonacci (Italie) Secrétaire scientifique : Ahmet Altindiüli (Turquie) Droit et information du consommateur Président : Patrizia Romano (Italie) Vice-président : Manfred Grossmann (Allemagne) Président : Vice-président : William D. Hardy (Australie) Microbiologie Technologie Commission II « Oenologie » Président : Vicente Sotés (Espagne) Vice-président : Christian Asselin (France) Secrétaire : Hans Schultz (Allemagne) Environnement viticole et évolution climatique Commission I « Viticulture » Président : Ben Ami Bravdo (Israël) Vice-président : Vittorino Novello (Italie) Secrétaire : Alain Carbonneau (France) Sous-Commission « Raisins de table, raisins secs et produits non fermentés de la vigne » Projet spécial CST pour la collecte G·LQIRUPDWLRQV statistiques Coordonnateur : Abdellatif Benhiba (Maroc) Groupe Ad Hoc Raisons secs Président : Jean-Michel Boursiquot (France) Vice-président : Angelo Costacurta (Italie) Secrétaire : Erika Maul (Allemagne) Gestion et innovation des techniques viticoles ÉTATS MEMBRES Président : Jan Booysen (Afrique du Sud) Vice-président : Olivier Viret (Suisse) Secrétaire : Alejandro Marianetti (Argentine) Organisation intergouvernementale FUppHj3DULVSDUO¶$FFRUGGXDYULO Protection de la vigne 13:30 Ressources génétiques et sélection de la vigne 09-03-2010 ORGANIGRAMME DU COMITE SCIENTIFIQUE ET TECHNIQUE DE L·25*$1,6$7,21,17(51$7,21$/('(/$9,*1((7'89,1 93323_OIV Kaft Pagina 2 ORGANISATION INTERNATIONALE DE LA VIGNE ET DU VIN Direction-Administration 18, rue d’Aguesseau - 75008 Paris Tél. : + 33 (0)1 44 94 80 92 – Fax : + 33 (0)1 42 66 90 63 E-mail : [email protected] - Site web : www.oiv.int Directeur de publication : Federico CASTELLUCCI Rédactrice : Camille LAPLANCHE BULLETIN DE L’OIV Fondé en 1928 – Trimestriel Vol. 83, n°947-948-949, janvier-février-mars 2010 Comité de Lecture Jan BOOYSEN (Afrique du Sud) Monika CHRISTMANN (Allemagne) Manfred GROSSMANN (Allemagne) Wolfgang HAUPT (Allemagne) Reiner WITTKOWSKI (Allemagne) Martín CAVAGNARO (Argentine) Claudia QUINI (Argentine) Peter HAYES (Australie) Tony SPAWTON (Australie) Creina STOCKLEY (Australie) Reinhard EDER (Autriche) Brigitte VANDECAVEY (Belgique) Regina VANDERLINDEN (Brésil) Mladen BOBAN (Croatie) Marina DEUR (Croatie) Ana-Isabel BLANCH (Espagne) Suzana BUXADERAS (Espagne) Victor CARRASCAL (Espagne) Ana CASP VANACHLOCHA (Espagne) Alberto GARCIA DE LUJAN (Espagne) Santiago MINGUEZ SANZ (Espagne) Vicente SOTES RUIZ (Espagne) Greg HODSON (Etats-Unis) Pekka LEHTONEN (Finlande) Patrick AIGRAIN (France) Christian ASSELIN (France) Yves BENARD (France) Jean-Luc BERGER (France) Alain BERTRAND (France) Jean-Michel BOURSIQUOT (France) Jean-Luc DAIRIEN (France) Hervé HANNIN (France) Jean-Marc ORGOGOZO (France) Joël ROCHARD (France) Pierre-Louis TEISSEDRE (France) Dominique TUSSEAU (France) Stefanos KOUNDOURAS (Grèce) Zoltán ZILAI (Hongrie) Ben Ami BRAVDO (Israël) Donato ANTONACCI (Italie) Alberto BERTELLI (Italie) Michele BORGO (Italie) Mario FREGONI (Italie) Eugenio POMARICI (Italie) Patrizia RESTANI (Italie) Patrizia ROMANO (Italie) John BARKER (Nouvelle-Zélande) Paulo BARROS (Portugal) Amadeu PEIXOTO MENESES (Portugal) Luis PERES de SOUSA (Portugal) Valeriu COTEA (Roumanie) Philippe HUNZIKER (Suisse) François MURISIER (Suisse) Frédéric ROTHEN (Suisse) Ahmet ALTINDISLI (Turquie) Estella de FRUTOS (Uruguay) Activités de l’OIV OIV’s Activitys (Vol. 83, n°947-948-949) 5 Bulletin de l’OIV 33. Weltkongress für Rebe und Wein Tiflis (Georgien), 20. bis 27. Juni 2010 Rebe und Wein - Welterbe Tradition und Innovation Thema 1 Umwelt im Weinbau und der Weinbereitung: Schutz und Verbesserung Thema 2 Neue Produkte, neue Technologien, neue Herausforderungen Subthema 1-A (Weinbau) Subthema 2-A (Weinbau) Auswirkungen des Klimawandels im Weinbau Anpassung der Sorten für neue Herausforderungen im Sektor Weinbau und Weinbereitung Produktionssysteme für umweltfreundlichen Nachhaltigen Weinbau Biotechnologien für Weinreben Biodiversität der Rebe: genetische Ressourcen Innovative Techniken im Weinbau Subthema 1-B (Önologie) Subthema 2-B (Önologie) Önologische Verfahren für Nachhaltige Weinbereitung Umsetzung traditioneller und moderner Biotechnologien in der Önologie Wein und Weinbereitungsumfeld: Verbindungen und Zusammenhänge Neue önologische Verfahren und deren Anwendung im Hinblick auf Konsumentenanforderungen Analysemethoden: Innovationen und Perspektiven Subthema 1-C (Wirtschaft & Recht) Subthema 2-C (Wirtschaft & Recht) Nachhaltige Produktion: wirtschaftliche Parameter Neue Produkte, neue Konsumentenanforderungen Etikettierung von ökologischen Erzeugnissen Produkte, die GVO enthalten: Definition, Etikettierung Kohlendioxid-Bilanz Subthema 1-D (Sicherheit & Gesundheit) Subthema 2-D (Sicherheit & Gesundheit) Gesundheits- und Umwelt"Risiko"-Management Auswirkungen der Produkte des Weinbaus und der Weinbereitung auf die Gesundheit Gute Hygienepraktiken Veränderung des Konsumverhaltens www.oiv2010.ge 6 Bulletin de l’OIV (Vol. 83, n°947-948-949) 33rd World Congress of Vine and Wine Tbilissi (Georgia), 20-27 June 2010 Vine and Wine – Worldwide Heritage Tradition and innovation Theme 1 Theme 2 Vitiviniculture Environment: Protection and Development New products, new technologies, new challenges Sub-theme 1-A (Viticulture) Sub-theme 2-A (Viticulture) Impact of climate change in viticulture Adapting varieties to new challenges facing the vitiviniculture sector Environmentally-friendly Production Systems for sustainable viticulture Biotechnologies applied to vines Grapevine Biodiversity: Genetic resources Innovative techniques in grape production Sub-theme 1-B (Oenology) Sub-theme 2-B (Oenology) Oenological practices for sustainable wine production Application of traditional and modern biotechnologies in oenology Links and relations between wine and its production environment New oenological practices and their application with regards to consumer demands Methods of analysis: Innovation and perspectives Sub-theme 1-C (Economy & Law) Sub-theme 2-C (Economy & Law) Sustainable Production: Economic parameters New products, new consumer demands Labelling of organic products Products containing GMOs: Definition, Labelling Carbon Dioxide balance Sub-theme 1-D (Safety & Health) Sub-theme 2-D (Safety & Health) Health and environmental "risk" management Health impact of vitivinicultural products Good hygiene practices Changing consumer patterns www.oiv2010.ge (Vol. 83, n°947-948-949) 7 Bulletin de l’OIV 33º Congreso Mundial de la Viña y el Vino Tbilisi (Georgia), 20-27 de junio de 2010 Viña y Vino - Patrimonio Mundial Tradición e innovación Tema 1 Tema 2 Medio Ambiente Vitivinícola: Protección y Desarrollo Nuevos productos, nuevas tecnologías, nuevos desafíos Sub-tema 1-A (Viticultura) Sub-tema 2-A (Viticultura) Impacto del cambio climático en la viticultura Adaptación de variedades a los nuevos desafíos del sector vitivinícola Sistemas de producción respetuosos con el medio ambiente para una viticultura sostenible Las biotecnologías aplicadas a la vid Biodiversidad de la vid: recursos genéticos Técnicas innovadoras en la producción de uva Sub-tema 1-B (Enología) Sub-tema 2-B (Enología) Prácticas enológicas para la producción sostenible de vino Aplicación de biotecnologías tradicionales y modernas en enología Vínculos y relaciones entre el vino y su ambiente de producción Las nuevas prácticas enológicas y su aplicación a la luz de las demandas de los consumidores Métodos de análisis: Innovaciones y Perspectivas Sub-tema 1-C (Economía y Derecho) Sub-tema 2-C (Economía y Derecho) Producción sostenible: Parámetros económicos Nuevos productos, nuevas demandas de los consumidores Etiquetado de productos ecológicos Productos que contienen OGM: Definición, etiquetado Balance de dióxido de carbono Sub-tema 1-D (Seguridad y Salud) Sub-tema 2-D (Seguridad y Salud) Gestión del “riesgo” sanitario y ambiental Impacto en la salud de los productos vitivinícolas Buenas prácticas de higiene Cambio de patrones de consumo www.oiv2010.ge 8 Bulletin de l’OIV (Vol. 83, n°947-948-949) 33ème Congrès Mondial de la Vigne et du Vin Tbilissi (Géorgie), 20-27 juin 2010 Vigne et Vin - Patrimoine mondial de l’humanité Tradition et innovation Thème 1 Thème 2 L’environnement vitivinicole : Protection et amélioration Nouveaux produits, nouvelles technologies, nouveaux défis Sous-thème 1-A (Viticulture) Sous-thème 2-A (Viticulture) Impact du changement climatique en viticulture Adaptation des variétés aux nouveaux défis du secteur vitivinicole Systèmes de production respectueux de l’environnement pour une viticulture durable Biotechnologies appliquées à la vigne Biodiversité de la vigne : Ressources génétiques Techniques innovantes dans la production viticole Sous-thème 1-B (Œnologie) Sous-thème 2-B (Œnologie) Pratiques œnologiques pour la production durable des vins Application des biotechnologies traditionnelles et modernes à l’œnologie Liens et relations entre le vin et son environnement de production Nouvelles pratiques œnologiques et leur application vis-à-vis de la demande du consommateur Méthodes d’analyse : Innovations et perspectives Sous-thème 1-C (Économie et Droit) Sous-thème 2-C (Économie et Droit) Production durable : Paramètres économiques Nouveaux produits, nouvelle demande des consommateurs Étiquetage des produits biologiques Produits contenant des OGM : Définition, Étiquetage Bilan du Dioxyde de Carbone Sous-thème 1-D (Sécurité et Santé) Sous-thème 2-D (Sécurité et Santé) Maîtrise des « risques » sanitaires et environnementaux Impact des produits vitivinicoles sur la santé Bonnes pratiques d’hygiène Évolution des modes de consommation www.oiv2010.ge (Vol. 83, n°947-948-949) 9 Bulletin de l’OIV XXXIII° Congresso Mondiale della Vigna e del Vino Tbilissi (Georgia), 20-27 giugno 2010 Vite e Vino – Patrimonio Mondiale dell’Umanità Tradizione e Innovazione Tema 1 Tema 2 L’ambiente vitivinicolo: Protezione e sviluppo Nuovi prodotti, nuove tecnologie, nuove sfide Sottotema 1-A (Viticoltura) Sottotema -A (Viticoltura) Impatto dei cambiamenti climatici sulla viticoltura Adattamento delle varietà alle nuove sfide del settore vitivinicolo I sistemi di produzione rispettosi dell’ambiente per una viticoltura sostenibile Biotecnologie applicate alla vite Biodiversità della vite: risorse genetiche Tecniche innovative perla produzione dell’uva Sottotema 1-B (Enologia) Sottotema 2-B (Enologia) Pratiche enologiche per la produzione sostenibile di vino Applicazione delle biotecnologie tradizionali e moderne all’enologia Legami e relazioni tra il vino e il suo ambiente di produzione Nuove pratiche enologiche e loro applicazione alla luce delle richieste dei consumatori Metodi d’analisi: Innovazioni e Prospettive Sottotema 1-C (Economia & Diritto) Sottotema 2-C (Economia & Diritto) Produzione sostenibile: Parametri economici Nuovi prodotti, nuove richieste dei consumatori Etichettatura dei prodotti biologici I prodotti contenenti OGM: Definizione, etichettatura Bilancio del biossido di carbonio Sottotema 1-D (Sicurezza & Salute) Sottotema 2-D (Sicurezza & Salute) Gestione del “rischio” sanitario e ambientale L'impatto sulla salute dei prodotti vitivinicoli Buone pratiche igieniche Evoluzione del gusto del consumatore www.oiv2010.ge Articles originaux Original Contributions Methodology of soil-based zoning for viticultural terroirs CORNELIS VAN LEEUWEN (1*), JEAN-PHILIPPE ROBY (1), DAVID PERNET (2) (3) AND BENJAMIN BOIS (1) ENITA de Bordeaux, ISVV, UMR EGFV, 1 Cours du Général de Gaulle, CS 40201, 33175 Gradignan cedex, France * Contact: [email protected] (2) SOVIVINS, Site Montesquieu, 4 allée Isaac Newton, 33650 Martillac, France (3) Centre de Recherches en Climatologie, UMR 5210, CNRS - Université de Bourgogne, 6 Boulevard Gabriel, 21000 Dijon, France KEYWORDS: viticulture, terroir, zoning, soil, vine, mapping, scale ABSTRACT Terroir is a key-concept in viticulture that is more and more widely recognized to explain variations in wine quality and wine style. Terroir refers to an area and thus possesses a geographical dimension. Hence, zoning of viticultural terroir is necessary. This paper addresses soil related aspects of terroir zoning. The first step of the zoning process is a clear identification of the objectives that are being pursued: demarcation of production areas, the adaptation of the viticultural management practices to variations in soil types or the protection of viticultural landscapes. The second step is the definition of a scale adapted to the objectives. The precision of the zoning increases with the scale, but so does its cost. Thirdly, a scientific discipline must be chosen for the zoning approach. Geology or geomorphology enable the production of synthetic maps at low costs for scales ranging from 1:50 000 to 1: 250 000. However, several soil types can be located in the same geological or geomorphological unit and it is difficult to relate vine behaviour to geology or geomorphology. Soil mapping by a pedological approach at scales ranging from 1:2 000 to 1:50 000 allows to produce more refined maps that can be used for an agronomic interpretation. However, it is not possible to relate wine quality directly to soil type. Soil maps are more expensive than geological or geomorphological maps, because their implementation is more time consuming (auger drilling, soil pit studies). The use of new technologies, like Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Digital Elevation Models (DEM), Geophysics, remote sensing and geostatistics enable the production of more detailed maps at reduced costs. Viticultural zoning has to be validated by eco-physiological studies. (Bulletin de l’OIV, 2010, vol. 83, n°947-948-949, p. 13-29) 14 Bulletin de l’OIV (Vol. 83, n°947-948-949) Les terroirs viticoles : une méthodologie de zonage en fonction du sol CORNELIS VAN LEEUWEN (1*), JEAN-PHILIPPE ROBY (1), DAVID PERNET (2) ET BENJAMIN BOIS (3) (1) ENITA de Bordeaux, ISVV, UMR EGFV, 1 Cours du Général de Gaulle, CS 40201, 33175 Gradignan cedex, France * Contact: [email protected] (2) SOVIVINS, Site Montesquieu, 4 allée Isaac Newton, 33650 Martillac, France (3) Centre de Recherches en Climatologie, UMR 5210, CNRS - Université de Bourgogne, 6 Boulevard Gabriel, 21000 Dijon, France MOTS CLÉS: viticulture, terroir, zonage, sol, vin, cartographie, échelle RÉSUMÉ La notion de terroir est de plus en plus utilisée en viticulture pour expliquer des variations dans la qualité et le style de vins produits. Le terroir fait référence à une zone de production et possède donc une dimension géographique. Par conséquent, se pose la question du zonage. Cet article aborde la question du zonage de la composante « sol » du terroir viticole. La première étape du zonage consiste à définir clairement les objectifs poursuivis : délimitation des zones de production, optimisation de l’itinéraire technique en fonction du type de sol ou protection des paysages viticoles. Ensuite, une échelle adaptée à ces objectifs doit être choisie. La précision du zonage augmente avec l’échelle ; cependant le coût du zonage augmente également avec l’échelle. La troisième étape consiste à choisir une discipline scientifique pour effectuer le zonage. La géologie et la géomorphologie permettent la production de cartes synthétiques à un coût réduit, à des échelles comprises entre 1 :50 000e et 1 :250 000e. La cartographie des sols (approche pédologique) permet l’élaboration de cartes plus détaillées, à des échelles comprises entre 1 :2 000e et 1 :50 000e. La pédologie est une discipline proche de l’agronomie, donc des cartes pédologiques se prêtent à une interprétation concernant le comportement de la vigne. Cependant, il n’est pas possible de relier directement le type de sol à la qualité du vin. Des cartes de sol sont plus onéreuses que des cartes géologiques ou géomorphologiques, car elles nécessitent un important travail d’investigation sur le terrain (sondages et étude de profils). L’utilisation de nouvelles technologies, comme les Système d’Information Géographiques (SIG), des Modèles Numériques de terrain (MNT), la géophysique, la télédétection et les géostatiques permettent d’améliorer la précision des cartes et de réduire leur coût de production. Le zonage viticole doit être validé par des études éco-physiologiques. (Bulletin de l’OIV, 2010, vol. 83, n°947-948-949, p. 1329) Viticultural Terroirs 15 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. The concept of terroir in viticulture The notion of terroir in viticulture is complex. It involves the vine and its physical environment (soil and climate) as well as their interactions. Numerous authors have offered definitions of the concept of terroir (Seguin, 1986; Vaudour, 2003). The quality of a wine, and consequently the value it can acquire, is largely dependent on the terroir in which it is produced. Terroir varies in space and therefore possesses a geographical dimension. Demarcating the terroir is therefore necessary in order to define the link between terroir and the wines which are produced there. It implies the development of a zoning methodology. The aim of this article is to propose zoning methodologies, in particular for the “soil” component of terroir. This methodology varies according to the objective pursued. 1.2. The purpose of zoning Before proceeding with the zoning of a viticultural terroir, it is important to define the objective or objectives pursued. Historically, viticultural zoning proved particularly useful in demarcating territories according to their potential to produce wine of a certain quality or wine of a certain typicity. This demarcating of the Appellations d’Origine Contrôlée can be relatively rough in precision, or on the contrary very refined. The demarcating precision can be understood by scale (Côte d’Or in the Burgundy vineyard) or by the number of criteria taken into consideration (Port wine production in Portugal). More recently, wine producers have become interested in viticultural zoning in order to enhance the technical management of their vineyards. A deeper knowledge of the spatial variability of certain terroir factors has enabled a choice of the best adapted plant material in each of the zones studied. The same goes for numerous aspects of the vineyard management practices (soil management, fertilisation, drainage, harvesting dates and so on). Viticultural zoning is also useful for sustainable viticultural purposes; for each type of terroir defined, the appropriate viticultural techniques can be chosen that will have the lowest environmental impact. Zoning can also be useful in demarcating terroirs and viticultural landscapes which merit protection, particularly from the effects of urbanisation. 1.3. Scale Viticultural zoning can be carried out at various scales, depending on the objective pursued. The zoning of a large region with little differentiation can be done at a small scale (1:100 000 or 1:250 000). The demarcating of crus (wine growths), in a region where the quality potential is well differentiated, requires work at a larger scale (1:25 000 or 1:10 000). Adapting technical management to the environmental, site-specific factors requires an even more refined approach (scale 1:5 000 or even 1:1 000). The soil often has a great spatial variability, which is not necessarily the case for other terroir factors, such as climate. Consequently, a small-scale mapping will have difficulties in taking into account this soil variability. The larger the scale (i.e. the more precise the map), the more costly the zoning will be. In practice, the scale of the zoning is often a compromise between the desired precision and the available budget. 16 Bulletin de l’OIV (Vol. 83, n°947-948-949) 1.4. Initial discipline Numerous scientific disciplines have taken an interest in soil studies: geology, geomorphology, pedology, agronomy, geophysics, etc. Scientists in these different disciplines are all interested in viticultural zoning. The approaches to these studies turned out to be very varied, both in terms of method and of scale chosen, and the results obtained are not easily comparable. Each researcher has often thought their discipline to be the best tool for the zoning, often with little knowledge of the other disciplines. Each of these different approaches can have its merits for a particular zoning objective. In this article, these different approaches are discussed, specifying their usefulness, their limits and their field of application. 2. USEFUL SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINES FOR SOIL BASED VITICULTURAL ZONING 2.1. The geological (and lithological) approach Geology is a discipline which is interested in the rocks which make up the earth’s globe and in particular their origin and evolution. Lithology aims to describe and study the features of the rocky outcrops on the earth’s surface. In some wine regions a correspondence between the type of geological outcrop and the quality or the typicity of the wine produced has been observed. The case most often mentioned is the Chablis wine region, where all the famous crus are situated on Kimmeridgian limestone (Upper Jurassic, Secondary). On the Portlandian shelf (Upper Jurassic) there are also vineyards, but these are only entitled to the much less prestigious appellation “Petit Chablis” (Wilson, 1998). In other vineyards, the geology effect on wine quality appears less marked. This is the case in the Bordeaux wine region, where great wines are produced on very varied geological layers of the Quaternary and Tertiary eras. Wine quality in this region can vary considerably even on the same geological layer (Seguin, 1983, 1986). Zoning based on geological criteria shows several advantages. Geology is less variable in space than pedology. Consequently, it is possible to produce synthetic geological maps at small scales (1:50 000, 1:100 000 or even 1:250 000) which remain readable. There is a link between the soil-type and the geological nature of the parent rock, even if on a given rock varied soils can develop according to the slope, which can condition phenomena of erosion, climate, vegetation-type and the duration of pedogenesis. Geology plays a great role in determining geomorphology (the forms of land surface). The superimposing of a hard rock over a softer rock creates a landscape where plateaux (hard rock) alternate with slopes (soft rock) (figure 1). Geological maps are quite cheap to produce, and for most French regions recent geological maps exist, having been made at a scale of 1:50 000 by the Bureau des Recherches Géologiques et Minières (B.R.G.M.). Viticultural Terroirs 17 Zoning based on geological maps however has its limitations. Firstly, varied soils can develop on a same geological outcrop. In the wine region of Saint-Emilion, shallow CALCOSOLS (30 to 60cm) developed on the Asteria limestone (Oligocene, Tertiairy) around the town of Saint-Emilion. In the same appellation in the commune of Saint-Hippolyte, on the same geological formation, soils are much deeper (sometimes over 2m) and are often decarbonated. It is not possible therefore to use a geological zoning alone to predict the functioning of the vine and the quality potential of the grapes. In viticultural zoning, geology can be used as a first approach, but it needs to be complemented with further, more in-depth study (determination of soil-types). Figure 1. The alternation of hard limestone and soft limestone in the region of Saint-Emilion has created a landscape of plateaux and slopes. 2.2. The geomorphological approach Geomorphology is a physical geography discipline which describes the forms of land surface (plateau, slope, valley, terrace, etc). The land surface forms are the result of the nature of the rocks (especially the differences in hardness), tectonic phenomena and the duration and intensity of erosion phenomena. As with geology, geomorphology presents less variability in space than soils. Geomorphological maps at average scales (1:50 000, 1:100 000, even 1:250 000) maintain good readability (figure 2). Geomorphology presents not only a link with geology, but with pedology, too. It often enables a better understanding of the distribution of the soils in a given region. Since geomorphology describes slopes and exposure, it allows possible local topoclimatic effects to be shown (effect of altitude on temperatures, effect of south or north exposure on sunshine and temperatures, effect of slopes on the draining of water and so on). Geomorphological maps can be produced at relatively low cost, as drilling is not required. Geomorphological maps can be deduced from precise topographical maps with sufficiently close level curves, or else they can be created on computer with the help of a Digital Elevation Model (D.E.M., see section “contribution of new technologies”). 18 Bulletin de l’OIV (Vol. 83, n°947-948-949) The geomorphological approach presents the same limitations for zoning as geology. Several soil-types may be present on the same form of land surface. For example, on the asteria limestone plateau of the Saint Emilion appellation, the soil depth and the active lime content vary considerably. It is not possible therefore to predict how the vine will function and what its grape quality potential is from a geomorphological map alone. In alluvial systems, a virtual absence of land surface relief can conceal considerable variability in the nature of the substrata and soil-types. However, geomorphology remains a very useful tool in a first approach and enables landscape interpretation at a medium scale. Figure 2. Example of a geomorphological map of the Montpellier, Languedoc region (Raynaud, 1996). Viticultural Terroirs 19 2.3. The pedological approach (soil mapping) Pedology is the science of the soil. It describes soils and studies their genesis and functioning. Soils evolve over time, very slowly on the human scale, but more quickly than geology. Soils develop on a parent rock (the geological deposit) under the effect of (1) vegetation, which produces humus, (2) climatic conditions (rainfall and temperatures) and (3) time. Soils can disappear through erosion or become buried under a new geological deposit. Soils’ evolution is also dependent on the circulation (or stagnation) of water, which depends among other things on the surrounding topography. Thus, the soil-type integrates geological factors (the type of rock at the beginning of the pedogenesis), geomorphological factors (position of the soil in the landscape), climatic factors (temperatures, height and distribution of rainfall) and botanic factors (type of vegetation). Pedology is a closely related science to agronomy, since it is easy to establish a link between the soil-type and its mineral and hydric fertility. Since pedology integrates factors of geology, geomorphology and agronomy, it makes a precious tool in carrying out viticultural zoning. Despite the closeness of pedology to agronomy, it is not possible however to transform a soil map into a map of potential wine quality. Sometimes, small differences between two soil profiles (differences in the amount of organic matter or in soil depth, for example) can prove sufficient to modify the quality potential for wine production, without modifying the soil type in the pedological classification. Soils present a very great variability in space. It is not uncommon to find several soil-types in a single one-hectare plot. Consequently, pedological mapping is only of interest at large scales (1:25 000 to 1:2 000). At smaller scales (1:100 000 or 1:250 000) several soil types have to be grouped together in each unit of the map key, otherwise the map becomes unreadable. In these conditions, pedological mapping loses much of its interest. Pedological mapping requires numerous drillings and soil profiles (the number of which varies according to the scale, table 1), which make it very expensive. Prior drawing up of geological and geomorphological maps helps to improve the quality of pedological maps, but increases further the costs. In the key of a pedological soil map, soil units can be grouped for each geomorphological landscape unit. This approach can make the soil maps more easy to read. Table 1. Number of drillings and soil profiles required to draw up a map of soils according to scale (Van Leeuwen and Chéry, 2001). Scale 1/2 500 1/10 000 1/25 000 1/100 000 1/250 000 No. of ha per drilling 0.1 to 0.2 (7d/ha) 0.5 to 3 5 to 20 50 to 100 200 to 300 No. of ha per profile 4 to 10 10 to 50 50 to 200 300 to 1000 3000 to 5000 Surface area mapped per day (ha) 2 to 4 40 to 80 100 to 250 500 to 1000 3000 to 9000 Price per ha (€) 300 to 400 30 to 60 15 to 25 2 to 3 0.2 to 0.5 20 Bulletin de l’OIV (Vol. 83, n°947-948-949) The soil acts on the functioning of the vine essentially through water supply and the nitrogen nutrition that it induces (Trégoat et al., 2002). These effects are often in relation to the soil depth: in a deep soil, water and nitrogen supply are most of the time not limiting or not very limiting (Coipel et al., 2006). In order to gain a more synthetic approach than pedology, while continuing to use the concept of pedogenesis, Bodin and Morlat (2006) put forward a terrain model based on the depth of soil and the degree of profile evolution (figure 3). They distinguish modalities of Rock (shallow soil, little pedogenesis, little fertility), Alteration (medium deep soil, medium fertility), Alterite (deep soil, high pedogenesis, strong fertility) and Colluvions/alterite (deep soil resulting from colluvionment phenomena). This model functions well on sedimentary formations and enables zoning of efficient viticultural potential at a lower cost compared with the mapping of soils. This model does not function on alluvial soils, where the notion of soil depth is less precise, since there can be large differences between the depth of the pedogenesis and the depth of rooting. Figure 3. Terrain model based on soil depth (Morlat, 2001) Viticultural Terroirs 21 2.4. Complementary approaches Spontaneous vegetation is an indicator of climate and soil-type. It was used for viticultural zoning in the Aude department in France (Astruc et al., 1980). Since then, it has seldom been used. This approach, which requires botanical knowledge, is of great interest and merits more attention from people practising viticultural zoning. Some authors stress the importance of the role of the soil’s microflora in the terroir’s expression (Bourguignon, 1995). The soil’s microflora plays a role, particularly in the mineralisation of organic matter. It therefore has importance, since without active microflora, the vine would have difficulties in nourishing itself correctly with nitrogen. However, although it is indisputable that soil needs viable microflora to function normally, no study has shown a direct link between the quantity of micro-organisms present in the soil and the expression of the terroir. It could even be thought that a too active microflora might induce excessive nitrogen supply, with negative consequences on the quality potential of the grapes. 2.5. The contribution of new technologies The development of new technologies has opened up interesting prospects for the study of terroir. These new technologies use computer technology and measurements taken by sensors mounted on machines whose geographical position is known with precision at each moment thanks to Global Positioning System (G.P.S.). 2.5.1. Geographical Information System (G.I.S.) G.I.S. enables geo-referenced information to be managed with the help of a computer. The first application in viticultural zoning is its utilisation in the publishing of maps. Thanks to G.I.S., maps can easily be updated. Databases can be associated with the map –e.g. the analytical data for each soil profile. G.I.S. also enables different layers of spatialised information to be cross referenced. For example, information on soil-type, climatic zone, altitude, slope and exposure can be cross referenced in order to identify the viticultural potential of a vast geographical zone. This approach is of particular interest for the identification of zones with high quality potential in new regions of production. It has been applied successfully in Oregon by Jones et al., 2004. The limitation of this approach is in the quality and the reliability of the different layers of information used. Furthermore, the cross-referencing of the information supposes the attribution of classes to each layer and allotting them a value. It is not always easy to determine the optimal class for each layer of information. 22 Bulletin de l’OIV (Vol. 83, n°947-948-949) 2.5.2. Digital Elevation Model (D.E.M.) The Digital Elevation Model (D.E.M.) divides a given region into a network of regular small squares. Each small square in the network is allotted an average altitude. The network of squares enables the slope and exposure of each square to be determined with precision. The D.E.M. enables geomorphological maps to be produced and calculations to be made about the percentage of the surface with a slope superior to X degrees, the percentage of the surface with an altitude superior to Y metres, etc. The precision of the maps depends on the sampling density of the network square, often 25m or 50m. 2.5.3. Geophysics The measurement of the electrical resistivity of the soil (geophysics) enables us to determine the soil’s capacity to conduct an electric current (Corwin and Lesh, 2003). This capacity depends essentially on the amount of water in the soil and the concentration of solutes in the water in the soil, as well as the temperature of the soil. The amount of water in the soil and its concentration in solutes are closely correlated with the amount of clay. Soil resistivity maps therefore enable us to highlight the variations in the amount of clay, among other things. In order to draw up a resistivity map, a device mounted on a farm machine (quad, tractor, over-the-row-tractor) injects an electric current into the soil and measures, at a known distance, the strength of this current. Through a calculation, the resistivity of the soil to the current is deduced. The depth of the measurement is proportional to the gap between the electrodes. It is therefore possible, by adjusting the gap between the electrodes, to make measurements at different depths (generally at 50cm, 1m and 2m). Several thousand measurements per hectare can be made and can be positioned with precision by G.P.S. Resistivity maps therefore show very precise borders. They do not replace pedological work (soil sampling, study of soil profiles) in determining the type of soil in each of the zones with a homogeneous resistivity, but they enable us to determine with precision the borders of these zones. The measurement of the resistivity is especially useful for very refined mappings of soils, at scales between 1:1 000 and 1:5 000 (the scale of the parcel or the estate). The resistivity can also be evaluated with an electromagnetic technique. This is easier to carry out than injecting a current into the soil, but the results are much less reliable. They are particularly disturbed by the metal wires and stakes which are present in most vineyard plots. 2.5.4. Remote sensing Remote sensing enables measurements of objects to be made at distance. This technique is based on measurements of wavelength, or ratios of wavelength, of reflected radiation. Remote sensing can be performed using sensors mounted on farm machines (close-range remote sensing) or using airborne sensors (balloon, helicopter, plane or satellite). Remote sensing over bare earth enables us to determine its colour, the presence of coarse elements and its temperature. Remote sensing over vegetation can provide information about the vigour (the vegetation’s richness in chlorophyll, the vegetation’s density and porosity). Viticultural Terroirs 23 2.5.5. Geostatistics Geostatistics enables us to transform punctual data (measured in a given point) into spatial data (quantified in any point of space, i.e. maps). Different techniques exist, of which the most often used is kriging. The production of good quality maps requires a large amount of punctual data, generally more than 50 points. 3. VALIDATION OF TERROIR ZONING 3.1. Validation of viticultural zoning through eco-physiological studies (interactions between soil climate and plant material) In order to validate terroir zoning, the behaviour of the vine in relation the physical environment has to be taken into account. The interaction between the vine, the soil and the climate is the domain of eco-physiology. These studies can eventually explain differences in quality potential and typicity among various terroirs, which a study of the physical environment alone cannot. Ecophysiological studies rely most often on a network of plots. In each plot, the soil and climate are studied, and measurements are taken on the vines and detailed analyses are made on the grapes. Sometimes, micro-vinifications are carried out, enabling an evaluation of the vine’s response to its environment in terms of wine composition and tasting. Numerous eco-physiological studies have been made in very varied environments (Seguin, 1975 ; Duteau et al., 1981; van Leeuwen and Seguin, 1994; Choné et al., 2001; Trégoat et al., 2002; Tésic et al., 2002 and 2002; Bodin and Morlat, 2006; Koundouras et al., 2006; Coipel et al., 2006). They have enabled us to improve considerably our understanding of the functioning of viticultural terroirs. All these studies highlighted the important role played by the vine’s water supply regime on the expression of viticultural terroirs. Vine water deficit reduces vine vigour and yield, limits the size of the berries and increases the grape’s sugar content and phenolic components. Some studies show a similar effect on the quality potential of red wines when the nitrogen supply is limited (Choné et al., 2001; Trégoat et al., 2002), but a low supply of nitrogen is not desirable for the production of dry, white wines, particularly for the Sauvignon blanc grape variety (Peyrot des Gachons et al., 2005; Choné et al., 2006). Despite eco-physiological studies being of interest for advances in viticultural terroir knowledge, their main disadvantage is the extremely timeconsuming nature of these studies. The great number of measurements performed (several dozen per site and per year) result in very high costs and limits the number of sites that can be studied simultaneously. Furthermore, these studies remain difficult to spatialise: the functioning of a vine can be known with precision at a given place, but the domain of validity of this type of response is not known. It can be very limited in space and concern an area of less than one hectare. 24 Bulletin de l’OIV (Vol. 83, n°947-948-949) Thanks to the development of new tools, two very important elements of the eco-physiological approach can be routinely measured and therefore spatialised: the vine’s nitrogen status and its water status. The vine’s nitrogen status can be evaluated by the measure of yeast available nitrogen in grape juice at ripeness (van Leeuwen et al., 2000). Through taking numerous measurements on a wine estate, maps of the vines’ nitrogen status on the estate can be produced (figure 4). Figure 4. Spatialisation of the nitrogen status of the vines at the scale of the estate, based on the amount of ammoniacal nitrogen and primary alpha-amine in the grapes (2007 vintage; data: SOVIVINS, F33650 Martillac) The vines’ water status can be determined through the measurement of carbon isotope discrimination (13C/12C ratio) on the must sugars at ripeness (van Leeuwen et al., 2001; Gaudillère et al., 2002). This measuring is offered by specialised laboratories at a reasonable price. Carrying out numerous measurements enables the water supply regime to be spatialised at the scale of the plot (figure 5) or of the estate (figure 6). It is conceivable that one day the crossing of maps of vines’ nitrogen status and water supply regime with those of the response of the vines to the effects of the environment (maps of the vine canopy, maps of the grape sugar content, maps of the grapes’ anthocyanins) will enable a precise zoning of the terroir’s potentialities to be carried out at an intraplot level. Viticultural Terroirs 25 Figure 5. Spatialisation of vine water status at plot scale, based on the measurement of carbon isotope discrimination (13C/12C ratio) on the grape sugars at ripeness (2005 vintage, Van Leeuwen et al., 2006) 80 70 -21.4 -21.6 60 -21.8 -22 -22.2 50 -22.4 -22.6 -22.8 -23 40 -23.2 -23.4 -23.6 30 -23.8 -24 -24.2 20 -24.4 -24.6 -24.8 10 0 4.8 9.6 14.4 19.2 24 Figure 6. Spatialisation of vine water status at the scale of the estate based on the measurement carbon isotope discrimination (13C/12C ration) on the grape sugars at ripeness (2007 vintage; data: SOVIVINS, F33650 Martillac) 26 Bulletin de l’OIV (Vol. 83, n°947-948-949) 3.2. Other ways of validating soil based terroir zoning The ability of each terroir unit to produce a distinctive wine can be assessed through the analysis and tasting of wines produced by small scale or real scale vinifications. Vinification and tasting protocols have to be rigorously standardized. Another approach is the use the perception of growers for the terroirs on which they grow grapes (Morlat, 2001). This author showed that terroir zoning can be validated by means of a survey among vine growers. In the Loire Valley, where this study was carried out, a good relationship exists between the perception of the growers of vine behaviour in relation to terroir (precocity, vigour, water status, quality potential…) and characteristics of the physical environment (soil, climate, topography). 3.3. Examples of soil-based viticultural zoning 3.3.1. The demarcation of a region of production Most of the vine-growing regions have become interested in zonings of their territories. The appellation boundaries had often been established on the basis of administrative borders. It should be remembered that the appellations were originally created to defend the common good, which means the name of the commune or the region. Then, a criterion used at the beginning of the first demarcations was the surface area under vine: plots without vines were often excluded from the zones of production at the time of demarcation. This criterion is very disputable, and examples exist where plots have been wrongly excluded. Then, geology and geomorphology criteria were taken into account. They are easy to use and require few documents or necessitate easily accessible documents (a geological map). It is possible to use geomorphological criteria for zoning based on a good interpretation of the landscape in the field (particularly of the relief). Geology and geomorphology have enabled low flood-prone valleys and hydromorphic dales to be excluded from appellation zones, particularly in the prestigious appellations. To gain a more refined knowledge of their territory, many management bodies (Organismes De Gestion or O.D.G.s) in wine appellations and inter-professional wine boards drew up pedological maps. The appropriate scale for this type of work is 1:25 000. A good knowledge of the physical environment enables a possible segmentation of the production into several quality levels to optimise their value. 3.3.2. Viticultural management Zoning relating to soil can have the aim of optimising the technical management by adapting it in the best way possible to each soil-type. This optimisation can be realised at different scales. In a zone of production, the drawing up of soil maps at a scale of 1:10 000 or 1:25 000 enables the technical choices to be worked out according to the soiltype: soil management, choice of grape variety, rootstock, fertilisation and so on. Great work of this type has been carried out in the Loire valley where viticultural advice maps at a scale of 1:10 000 have been made from pedological maps for the whole of the region of production (Morlat, 2001). Viticultural Terroirs 27 On a vine-growing estate level, this work can be carried out with greater precision at a scale of between 1:2 000 and 1:5 000. In order to make pedological maps at this scale, apart from the classic pedology techniques (auger drillings, profiles study), geophysics can enable us to distinguish the boundaries between soil types at a much higher degree. To study the behaviour of vines according to soil-type (eco-physiological approach), the vine’s water and nitrogen status can be evaluated with the help of physiological indicators (the isotope ratio 13C/12C measured on grape sugar, also called δ13C, for the water supply regime and the must’s yeast available nitrogen for the vine’s nitrogen status). The vigour of the vine can be evaluated in each zone using close-range remote sensing (sensors mounted on farm machines) or airborne remote sensing. On a plot level, it becomes difficult to draw up a map of the soil with sufficient precision using the classic pedology techniques alone. The use of geophysics, as a complement to drillings and profiles study, is practically unavoidable for the production of maps with sufficient precision at a scale of 1:500 or 1:1 000. As on the estate level, the response of the vine to the type of soil (validation of the zoning) can be evaluated at the plot scale with the δ13C (water supply regime), the must’s yeast available nitrogen (nitrogen status) and remote sensing (vigour). The adaptation of the viticultural management to the variability of the soil inside the plot is called “precision viticulture”. 3.3.3. Protection of the resources (viticultural landscapes and terroirs of high quality potential) Terroir can be destroyed by man’s actions: town planning, road-building, railway lines, high tension power lines etc. Those responsible for planning have become aware that terroirs and viticultural landscapes are a resource which deserves to be protected, either by adapting local urban planning or by creating sanctuaries (UNESCO world heritage sites). Zoning for this type of action can be carried out using a geological and geomorphological approach, e.g. at a scale of 1:50 000. However, in some specific cases, a mapping of the soils at a scale of 1:25 000 is necessary. The evaluation of the quality potential of a small zone of production could be considered, for example, which would have priority protection. The aim of this measure is to preserve high quality potential terroirs and the most beautiful landscapes. Exemplary work of this type has been done in the Côtes du Rhône (Assemat et al., 2006). 4. CONCLUSION Soil is a major component of viticultural terroir. Zoning of the soil is of interest in the demarcating of zones of production, in order to segment the supply of wines in a given region, to optimise the technical management of the vineyard and, in addition, to protect viticultural landscapes. Different approaches exist. They can be based on varied disciplinary fields: geology, geomorphology, pedology or agronomy. They can be carried out at very variable scales. Consequently, the results of these works are not always comparable. Before carrying out a zoning related to soil, the objectives pursued must be defined with precision. On the basis of these objectives, the zoning method must be chosen together with the most appropriate zoning scale. 28 Bulletin de l’OIV (Vol. 83, n°947-948-949) BIBLIOGRAPHY ASSEMAT C., RODRIGUEZ-LOVELLE B., FABBRI L. ET FABRE F. 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Réduction de la teneur en alcool des vins : Étude comparative de différentes technologies* Evelyne AGUERA (1), Violaine ATHÈS-DUTOUR (2), Magali BES (1), Soline CAILLÉ (3), Philippe COTTEREAU (4), Jean-Louis ESCUDIER (1), Michel MIKOLAJCZAK (1), Amélié ROY (1), Jean-Marie SABLAYROLLES (3), Alain SAMSON (1), Isabelle SOUCHON (2), Jean-Paul VIDAL (5) (1) INRA Unité Expérimentale de Pech Rouge, 11430 Gruissan, FRANCE, [email protected] (2) INRA UMR-Génie et Microbiologie des Procédés Alimentaires, 78850 Thiverval-Grignon, FRANCE (3) UMR Science Pour l’Oenologie, 2 Place Viala, 34060 Montpellier, FRANCE (4) Institut Français de la Vigne et du Vin, Domaine de Donadille, 30230 Rodilhan, FRANCE (5) Union Nationale des Groupements des Distillateurs d’Alcool, 174 Boulevard Camélinat, F-92247 Malakoff, FRANCE MOTS-CLÉS : œnologie, désalcoolisation, procédé REDUX, distillation, osmose inverse, nanofiltration, contacteur à membrane. RÉSUMÉ L’objectif était d’étudier différentes stratégies et technologies de désalcoolisation, applicables au cours du processus d’élaboration des vins, dans le but de réduire de 2% vol. le degré d’alcool : • • • la diminution de la teneur en sucre, la désalcoolisation en cours de fermentation, la désalcoolisation des vins finis. Le procédé REDUX et la dilution avec du vin sans alcool du moût avant fermentation donnent des vins semblables au Témoin. La distillation pratiquée en cours de fermentation permet d’obtenir des vins non différenciables du Témoin. Sur vins, les meilleurs résultats sont observés pour le couplage osmose inverse–contacteur à membrane. Toutefois, la distillation totale d’un lot de vin utilisé en assemblage permet aussi d’obtenir des vins de qualité même s’ils sont parfois différents. Le couplage nanofiltration-contacteur à membrane aboutit à des vins se différenciant souvent du témoin mais acceptables. Le couplage osmose inverse-distillation n’est pas satisfaisant lors d’une conduite séquentielle, les résultats devraient être tout autres en mode continu. (Bulletin de l’OIV, 2010, vol. 83, n°947-948-949, p. 31-42) * L'article publié ci-après intitulé "Réduction de la teneur en alcool des vins : Étude comparative de différentes technologies" a fait l'objet d'une présentation orale au 32ème Congrès mondial de la vigne et du vin, suite à une sélection du Comité mixte de lecture et de sélection du Congrès. Cet article, comme tout article publié dans le Bulletin de l'OIV, n'engage que ses auteurs et ne peut être considéré comme une position officielle de l'OIV. Reduction of wine alcohol content: A comparative study of different technologies* E. AGUERA (1), V. ATHÈS-DUTOUR (2), M. BES (1), S. CAILLÉ (3), P. COTTEREAU (4), JL ESCUDIER (1), M. MIKOLAJCZAK (1), A. ROY (1), JM SABLAYROLLES (3), A. SAMSON (1), I. SOUCHON (2), JP VIDAL (5) (1) INRA Unité Expérimentale de Pech Rouge, 11430 Gruissan, FRANCE, [email protected] (2) INRA UMR-Génie et Microbiologie des Procédés Alimentaires, 78850 Thiverval-Grignon, FRANCE (3) UMR Science Pour l’Oenologie, 2 Place Viala, 34060 Montpellier, FRANCE (4) Institut Français de la Vigne et du Vin, Domaine de Donadille, 30230 Rodilhan, FRANCE (5) Union Nationale des Groupements des Distillateurs d’Alcool, 174 Boulevard Camélinat, F-92247 Malakoff, FRANCE KEYWORDS: enology, dealcoholisation, REDUX process, distillation, reverse osmosis, nanofiltration, membrane contactor. ABSTRACT The aim was to study different strategies and different technologies, applied during the wine elaboration process, to reduce wine alcohol content about 2%: • • • reduction of the sugar content, alcohol removal during fermentation, alcohol removal from wines. The REDUX process and the dilution of musts with alcohol free wine give wines similar to the control. The distillation carried out during the fermentation produces wines non different to the control. For the treatment of dealcoholisation on wine after fermentation, the best results were obtained with the membrane process coupling the reverse osmosis and the membrane contactor. However, the complete distillation of a part of wine, used to do a mix with non treated wine, gives quality wines too, although these wines are sometimes different to the control. The membrane process coupling nanofiltration to the membrane contactor gives wines often different to the control but they are acceptable too. Because of non continuous way in our experimentation to carry out the trials with the coupling of reverse osmosis and distillation, the wines were not right, but we think that they will be different and probably good in a continuous way. (Bulletin de l’OIV, 2010, vol. 83, n°947948-949, p. 31-42) * The article published below entitled "Reduction of wine alcohol content: A comparative study of different technologies" has been the subject of an oral presentation at the 32nd World Congress of Vine and Wine, after being selected by the reading and selection Board of the Congress. This article, like any article published in the Bulletin of the OIV, commits only its authors and can not be considered as an official position of the OIV. Réduction de la teneur en alcool des vins 33 1. INTRODUCTION Le réchauffement climatique, l’évolution des pratiques culturales et œnologiques de production des vins, ont conduit à une augmentation de la teneur en alcool des vins (+2% en 20 ans). Parallèlement, les habitudes de consommation ont fortement évolué. En France, par exemple, la consommation annuelle de vin, per capita, a diminué de 50% en 40 ans et se situe aux environs de 55L (ONIVINS 2004). En 20 ans, la part du vin dans la quantité d’alcool ingérée par les français a chuté de 75 à 60%. La politique de santé publique visà-vis de l’alcool mise en place en France amène la filière vitivinicole à s’interroger sur les nouvelles orientations à prendre pour relancer la consommation de vin. Ces différents constats nous ont conduits à construire un programme d’étude complet pour examiner les différentes stratégies possibles pour élaborer des vins de qualité à teneur réduite en alcool. Les techniques envisageables pour extraire l’alcool d’un vin peuvent être des méthodes thermiques ou non grâce à l’utilisation de membrane ou par entraînement à l’aide d’un gaz. Les procédés utilisables ont fait l’objet de revues de synthèse (Scott et al., 1995 ; Pickering, 2000). Certains sont déjà utilisés à l’échelle industrielle : procédé REDUX (Cottereau et al., 2006) distillation sous vide (Mermelstein, 2000) ; colonne à cônes rotatifs (Makarytchev et al., 2004) et osmose inverse (Bui et al., 1986 ; Chinaud et al., 1991). D'autres approches proposées dans la littérature sont l’évaporation osmotique avec contacteur à membrane (Hogan et al., 1998 ; Diban et al., 2008), la pervaporation (Takács et al., 2007), l’adsorption sur zéolite (Anglerot, 1994) ou l’extraction par fluide supercritique (Medina et al., 1997). Concernant la désalcoolisation en cours de fermentation, très peu d'études ont abordé ce sujet et aucune ne concerne le domaine oenologique (Scott et al., 1995, Costa et al., 2000). Cette approche mérite cependant une évaluation car l'extraction de l'éthanol en début de fermentation permet d'envisager de préserver la production des composés volatils d'intérêt organoleptique. En effet, les connaissances sur ces composés, leurs précurseurs et leur cinétique d'apparition ont fortement progressé ces dernières années et témoignent d'une production largement prédominante dans les phases tardives de la fermentation (Lee et al., 2004). Dans notre projet, différentes technologies applicables au cours du processus d’élaboration des vins ont été étudiées : x x x la diminution de la teneur en sucre (traitement pré-fermentaire par le procédé RTS), la désalcoolisation en cours de fermentation, la désalcoolisation des vins finis. 34 Bulletin de l’OIV (Vol. 83, n°947-948-949) Les vins obtenus par les différentes technologies ont été comparés sur la base d’analyses sensorielles et physicochimiques. Pour choisir le niveau de désalcoolisation, nous avons utilisé un des principaux résultats obtenu dans le projet VDQA, à savoir que la réduction d’alcool dans un vin titrant entre 13 et 14% vol. est perceptible à partir de -3% vol. et qu’il n’y a pas de différence notable entre les sujets entraînés à la dégustation et les consommateurs (Urbano et al., 2007). Les traitements de désalcoolisation ont ainsi été conduits pour obtenir une réduction de -2% vol., de façon à ce que les différences observées ne relèvent pas de la différence de teneur en alcool. 2. MATÉRIELS ET MÉTHODES L’étude a été conduite sur les cépages suivants : Chardonnay et Sauvignon pour les blancs, Syrah, Grenache, Carignan et Portan pour les rouges. En traitement pré-fermentaire, nous avons étudié deux options : la dilution du moût par ajout de vin sans alcool et l’extraction du sucre par procédé à membranes. Pour la première option, du vin est préalablement totalement désalcoolisé par distillation sous vide. Ce Vin Sans Alcool (VSA) est ensuite ajouté au moût pour abaisser sa concentration en sucre par dilution. L’extraction des sucres du moût a été réalisée à l’aide d’un couplage de procédés membranaires, ultrafiltration suivie d’une nanofiltration, procédé de Réduction de la Teneur en Sucres (RTS), (Cottereau et al., 2006). Les deux étapes de filtration successives permettent de soustraire au moût, environ 34 g.L-1 de sucres (correspondant à environ 2% d’éthanol) sous forme d’un concentré de sucre à 400 g.L-1 environ (Figure 1). Figure 1. Procédé de Réduction de la Teneur en Sucre (RTS) des moûts avant fermentation par couplage Ultrafiltration/Nanofiltration Rétentat NF = Sucre Concentr é (~400g/L) Perm éat UF = eau, sucre, Ac . organiques R étentat UF = Polyph é nols , macromol écules UF NF Mo û t All é g é En sucres Mo û t Perm éat NF = eau, acides organiques Réduction de la teneur en alcool des vins 35 Le pilote utilisé a été fourni par Bucher-Vaslin (procédé REDUX®). Il est équipé de membranes spiralées dont le seuil de coupure est de 0,01 à 0,1 μ en UF et de 0,001 à 0,01 μ en NF. Les pressions de travail sont de l’ordre de 6 bars en UF et 70 bars en NF. Des procédés de distillation (D) et de stripping au CO2 (S) ont été utilisés en cours de fermentation alcoolique pour extraire l’éthanol, lorsque le degré d’alcool du moût en fermentation était d’environ 6% vol. Seule une partie du moût est totalement désalcoolisée par distillation, pour atteindre ensuite l’objectif visé par réassemblage. En revanche, pour le stripping, la totalité du moût est traitée. Le pilote de distillation, d’une capacité de 45 L, comprend une colonne adiabatique à garnissage Sulzer (40 plateaux théoriques) fonctionnant sous vide (80 à 60 mbar) chauffée par deux générateurs micro-ondes (2 kW) et équipée d’un système de condensation étagée (4°C puis -10°C). Le pilote de stripping, d’une capacité de 100 L, est constitué de la cuve de traitement équipée d’un système de diffusion du gaz, d’un condenseur maintenu à 4°C, d’un ballon recette et d’une pompe de circulation du gaz. Le gaz utilisé pour le stripping est du CO2 circulant en boucle dans l’installation à un débit de 50 m3.h-1. Les technologies suivantes ont été utilisées pour le traitement de désalcoolisation post fermentaire, sur vin fini : x x x x la distillation sous vide ; le stripping ; l’osmose inverse (OI) ou la nanofiltration (NF) couplée aux contacteurs à membrane (CM) ou à la distillation ; les contacteurs à membranes (CM). Dans le cas des couplages de procédés à membranes, la première étape du procédé de désalcoolisation (osmose inverse ou nanofiltration) permet de séparer les constituants du vin en extrayant l’éthanol sous forme d’un perméat hydro alcoolique. La seconde étape, avec le contacteur à membrane, permet d’extraire en partie l’éthanol du perméat selon le principe de l’évaporation osmotique, en utilisant de l’eau comme solvant, les pores de la membrane utilisée (matériau hydrophobe) étant remplis d’air. Les deux étapes sont conduites en continu, les perméats étant désalcoolisés au fur et à mesure de leur production et réintroduits au fur et à mesure dans le vin en cours de traitement (figure 2). 36 Bulletin de l’OIV (Vol. 83, n°947-948-949) Figure 2. Désalcoolisation par couplage de procédés membranaires Perméat = eau, éthanol OI ou NF Vin Eau + Ethanol Immobilisation des 2 interfaces Phase 1 =s eau CM Rétentat = Constituants du vin Phase 2 = produit Eau Vin partiellement désalcoolisé Perméats partiellement désalcoolisés Phase 3 = phase gaz Le contacteur à membrane est un carter de fibres creuses microporeuses (0,02 à 0,2 μm) en matériau hydrophobe. Pour nos expérimentations, la sortie du perméat du pilote Busher-Vaslin équipé soit en osmose inverse, soit en nanofiltration, alimentait le contacteur à membrane. Le solvant d’extraction sur le contacteur à membrane est l’eau (appelée stripwater). Cette eau est chauffée aux environs de 55°C pour favoriser le transfert d’éthanol. Le vin, quant à lui, est maintenu aux environs de 18°C. Les pressions de travail sont de l’ordre de 60 bars pour les vins rouges et 40 bars pour les vins blancs en osmose inverse ; de 25 bars pour les vins rouges et 20 bars les vins blancs en nanofiltration. Dans le cas des couplages de procédés à membrane à la distillation (OI-D et NF-D), les deux étapes ont les mêmes objectifs que pour les couplages de procédés uniquement à membranes, la distillation remplaçant l’étape de traitement par contacteur à membrane. La distillation permet contrairement aux contacteurs à membrane de désalcooliser totalement les perméats avant leur réintroduction dans le vin. Lors de nos expérimentations, le couplage procédé à membrane –distillation a été conduit de façon séquentielle et non continu. Les vins élaborés ont été caractérisés par analyses physico-chimiques et analyses sensorielles. Les composés volatils sont dosés en CPG selon les méthodes décrites dans la littérature pour les esters (Bertrand et al., 1978), pour les glycosides (Schneider et al., 2001). Le coefficient de variation de ces analyses est de l’ordre de 10%. L’analyse sensorielle est réalisée sur les différents vins issus des expérimentations par un jury expert de 19 juges, en tests de différences tripartites et/ou en analyse descriptive. Les données sont acquises à l’aide du logiciel FIZZ et le traitement est fait avec le logiciel XLstat. Réduction de la teneur en alcool des vins 37 3. RÉSULTATS ET DISCUSSION 3.1. Traitements pré-fermentaires Tableau 1. Exemple de concentration en composés volatils pour un vin blanc et variation de concentration pour des séries d’essais Chardonnay 2007 Concentration en μg/L Témoin Acétate d’isoamyle Acétate d’hexyle Hexanoate d’éthyle Octanoate d’éthyle Furanéol b E-Damascénone a a a c a a RTS Variation de concentration par rapport au Témoin en % Maximum Minimum En moyenne 5314 3550 -50 0 -15 381 360 -60 0 -18 998 1037 -25 +10 -8 1584 1607 -80 0 -18 -- -- -7 -2 -5 17 14 -30 0 -11 Résultats de 8 essais dont 2 industriels. b Résultats de 2 essais dont 1 industriel, composés uniquement présents dans les cépages rouges. c Résultats de 3 essais dont 1 industriel. Le tableau 1 indique que les concentrations en composés volatils dans le vin obtenu par traitement RTS sont plus faibles que celles du Témoin. En fonction des composés, les variations moyennes de concentration pour les essais sont acceptables (≤ à -18%) mais une forte variabilité existe. L’analyse sensorielle descriptive de ces vins a permis de démontrer que les profils olfactifs et gustatifs étaient globalement peu modifiés par rapport au témoin. Les tests sensoriels tripartites entre le vin témoin et le vin obtenu par dilution du moût au VSA avant fermentation montrent que ces vins ne sont pas significativement différents. La dilution au VSA est très facile à mettre en œuvre mais elle nécessite cependant l’élaboration préalable d’un VSA de qualité par distillation à température maîtrisée sous vide. L’inconvénient majeur de cette méthode de dilution réside dans la réglementation (assemblage d’un vin avec du moût) qui ne l’autorise pas. La limite de réduction de cette méthode n’a pas été évaluée, elle dépendra uniquement d’impact sensoriel. Le traitement par REDUX est applicable en cave. Pour les cépages rouges en vinification traditionnelle, la diminution de la teneur en sucre est limitée par le volume de saignée disponible, et une clarification de cette saignée est indispensable avant traitement. Cette technique génère une perte en volume importante (environ 7% par degré probable retiré). La limite de réduction pour cette technique est de l’ordre de 3%. Dans les deux cas, la diminution de la concentration en sucres avant fermentation améliore les conditions de fermentation des moûts. Les productions en acétate et en esters sont sensiblement inférieures sans que cela soit dommageable pour le profil sensoriel des vins. 38 Bulletin de l’OIV (Vol. 83, n°947-948-949) 3.2. Traitements en cours de fermentation alcoolique La figure 3 (ci-après) montre que jusqu’au moment du traitement, les cinétiques se superposent parfaitement (bonne répétabilité des fermentations). Après désalcoolisation, la vitesse de fermentation augmente de manière très significative pour le lot traité par stripping et de façon moindre pour la distillation. Dans les deux cas, la durée de fermentation est écourtée. L’analyse sensorielle de ces vins montre que celui obtenu par distillation ne se différencie pas significativement du vin Témoin, contrairement au vin produit par Stripping ; les deux vins à degré réduit se différenciant parfois entre eux. Figure 3. Cinétiques fermentaires de moûts de Chardonnay désalcoolisés pendant la fermentation vitesse de fermentation (gl-1h-1) 1,2 Traitement de Désalcoolisation 1 Témoin stripping 0,8 distillation 0,6 0,4 0,2 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Durée de fermentation (h) Les analyses des composés volatils d’arômes de ces vins montrent que les pertes existent mais les concentrations finales dans les vins restent comparables à celles reportées dans la littérature pour des vins finis et largement supérieures au seuil olfactif (Francis et al., 2005). Les deux traitements en cours de fermentation nécessitent une intervention à un moment précis de la fermentation ce qui est très contraignant en période des vendanges et rend, de fait, quasi-impossible, le transfert de ces méthodes. En plus, le traitement par stripping implique un couplage avec une autre technologie rendant son application complexe et provoque parfois des défauts sensoriels. En revanche, la distillation en cours de fermentation permet d’obtenir des vins de qualité sensorielle équivalente au témoin, cependant son transfert est difficilement envisageable pour des raisons réglementaires et des contraintes techniques importantes. Réduction de la teneur en alcool des vins 39 3.3. Traitements post fermentaire sur vin Tableau 2. Comparaison Osmose Inverse - Nanofiltration en désalcoolisation de 2% d’un vin à 14% Osmose Inverse ~ 10-11% 1,8 Degré du perméat Débit Alcool Pur en L/h.m² Composition du perméat Nanofiltration ~ 13% 2,5 Eau Acides organiques, potassium Des arômes : alcools supérieurs, certains acétates et éthyl esters Eau Trace de potassium Très faible trace d’arômes Avantage Pertes en composés volatils très limitées Traitement plus rapide Il apparaît dans le tableau 2 que la NF en retenant moins de constituants du vin transfère plus d’éthanol dans les perméats. Le traitement d’extraction de l’éthanol est donc plus rapide par NF que par OI. En revanche, cette dernière permet une meilleure rétention des composés volatils d’arômes dans le vin traité. Tableau 3. Données comparatives des traitements en couplage en désalcoolisation -2% d’un vin à 14% Volume de perméat à produire / L de vin en % Quantité d’eau nécessaire au traitement L eau / L vin Nature du co-produit (effluent) OI-D NF-D OI-CM NF-CM ~ 25 ~ 18 ~ 50 ~ 30 0 0 0,45 0,3 Alcool ≥ 92% Eau alcoolisée (~4% OI, ~7% NF) Valeur en italique = valeur estimée par calculs. La concentration en éthanol dans les perméats étant supérieure lors d’un traitement en NF par rapport à l’OI, il en découle (tableau 3) que les quantités de perméats à produire pour un même objectif de désalcoolisation sont supérieures en OI. Le couplage au Contacteur à membrane nécessite une production plus importante de perméat que le couplage à la distillation. Le traitement du vin est donc plus long. Un traitement de désalcoolisation de -4% nécessiterait une production d’environ 27% de perméat en NF-D et près de 120% en NF-CM avec pour cette dernière une consommation d’eau de l’ordre de 0,6L / L de vin. Ainsi une limite raisonnable de traitement de désalcoolisation doit être fixée pour les procédés de couplage à membrane, elle se situe à -3% environ. Pour le couplage procédé à membrane distillation la limite est plus basse, reste à valider la qualité sensorielle finale dans ce cas. Les sous-produits résultant du traitement sont de nature différente, le retraitement de l’eau alcoolisée du couplage à membrane doit être pris en compte. 40 Bulletin de l’OIV (Vol. 83, n°947-948-949) Tableau 4. Résultats d’analyses sensorielles en test tripartite, risque D de la différence Test T/D T / OI-CM T / NF-CM T / CM D / OI-CM D / NF-CM OI-CM / NF-CM D / CM OI-CM / CM NF-CM / CM a b Syrah Sauvignon Prémium 0,0074 a 0,5207 0,013 a --0,1905 0,0648 a 0,5207 ------- 0,1719 b 0,0755 0,0273 a 0,1719 b 0,0004 a 0,0557 0,3992 0,0212 a 0,3992 0,2399 Syrah Prémium 0,5207 0,5207 0,1905 0,0376 a 0,3385 0,7186 0,4569 0,1076 0,0919 0,2233 Syrah Australienne 0,7186 0,7186 --0,1719 b 0,0755 ----0,5223 0,1265 --- Différence significative entre les deux vins comparés. Zone d’incertitude, tendance à la non différence. Le tableau 4 regroupe les résultats d’analyses sensorielles de vins pour un seuil de désalcoolisation de 2%. Il apparaît que le traitement permettant d’obtenir un vin ne se différenciant pas du témoin est le couplage OI-CM. Le traitement par distillation permet aussi d’obtenir dans de nombreux cas, des vins proches du témoin. En revanche, le traitement direct par CM sans étape préalable d’osmose inverse ou de nanofiltration conduit à la production de vins significativement différents du témoin. Il est à remarquer que globalement, les vins désalcoolisés par les différentes technologies ne sont pas significativement différents entre eux. 4. CONCLUSION Cette étude a permis de montrer que pour produire un vin à teneur réduite en éthanol plusieurs options étaient possibles. Des traitements à différents moments du processus d’élaboration du vin sont envisageables. Les avantages et les inconvénients de chaque technologie ont été identifiés. Les critères sensoriels pour une désalcoolisation maîtrisée de l’ordre de 2% étant satisfaisants, le choix de la technologie à mettre en œuvre dépendra plutôt de critères économiques et environnementaux. Pour des traitements de désalcoolisation plus poussés, le choix de la technologie sera imposé par les limites de chaque technique. Il est important de noter que le choix du vin est aussi un élément clé à prendre en considération selon l’objectif de désalcoolisation visé pour produire un vin de qualité à teneur réduite en alcool. Des études complémentaires devraient permettre de guider ce choix. Réduction de la teneur en alcool des vins 41 REMERCIEMENTS Ce travail a été financé par Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) au travers du programme “Vins de Qualité à teneur réduite en Alcool” (N° ANR-05PNRA-011). www.agence-nationale-recherche.fr/actualite/13?lngInfold=279 BIBLIOGRAPHIE ANGLEROT D. Process of making alcohol-free beer and beer aroma concentrates. US Patent 5308631, 1994. BERTRAND A., C. MARLY-BRUGEROLLE ET C. SARRE. Influence du débourbage des moûts et du sulfitage sur les teneurs en substances volatiles des vins et eaux-de-vie. Conn. Vigne Vin, 1978, vol. 12, p. 35-48. BUI K., D.R. MOULIN AND P. GALZY. A reverse osmosis for production of low ethanol content wine. Am. J. Enol. Vitic., 1986, vol. 37, n°4, p. 297-300. CHINAUD N., P. BROUSSOUS AND G. FERRARI. Application de l’osmose inverse à la désalcoolisation des vins. J. Inter. Sc. de la Vigne et du Vin, 1991, vol. 25, n°4, p. 245-250. COSTA A.C., E.C. DECHECHI, F.L.H. SILVA, F. MAUGERI, AND R. MACIEL. Simulated dynamics and control of an extractive alcoholic fermentation. Applied biochemistry and biotechnology, 2000, vol. 84-86, p. 577-593. COTTEREAU P., D. SOLANET, P. VUCHOT, E. FERMENT, P. NOILET. Réduction de la teneur en sucre des moûts. 20ème Congrès International de la Vigne et du Vin, Logroňo (Espagne), 2006. DIBAN N., V. ATHÈS, M. BES, AND I. SOUCHON. Ethanol and aroma compounds transfer study for partial dealcoholization of wine using membrane contactor. Journal of Membrane Science, 2008, vol. 311, 136-146. FRANCIS I.L. AND J.L. NEWTON. Determining wine aroma from compositional data. Australian Journal of Grape and Wine research, 2005, vol. 11, p. 114-126. HOGAN P.A., R.P. CANNING, P.A. PETERSON, R.A. JOHNSON AND A.S. MICHAELS. A New Option: Osmotic Distillation. Chem. Eng. Prog, 1998, vol. 94, n°77, p. 49-61. LEE S.J., D. RATHBONE, S. ASIMONT, R. ADDEN AND S.E. EBELER. Dynamic changes in ester formation during Chardonnay juice fermentations with different yeast inoculation and initial brix conditions. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture, 2004, vol. 55, n°4, p. 346-354. MAKARYTCHEV S.V., T.A.G. LANGUISH AND D.F. FLETCHER. Mass transfer analysis of spinning cone columns using CFD. Chem. Eng. Res. Des., 2004, vol. 82, n°6, p. 752761. MALLOUCHOS A., M. KOMAITIS, A. KOUTINAS AND M. KANELLAKI. Investigation of volatile evolution during the alcoholic fermentation of grape must using free and immobilized cells with the help of solid phase microextraction (SPME) headspace sampling. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2002, vol. 50, n°13, p. 3840-3848. 42 Bulletin de l’OIV (Vol. 83, n°947-948-949) MEDINA I. AND J.L. MARTINEZ. Dealcoholisation of cider by supercritical extraction with carbon dioxide. J. Chem. Technol. and Biotechnol., 1997, vol. 68, n°1, 14-18. MERMELSTEIN N.H. Removing Alcohol from Wine. Food Technol., 2000, vol. 54, n°11, p. 89-92. PICKERING G.J. Low-and reduced-alcohol wine: a review. Journal of Wine Research, 2000, vol. 11, n°2, p. 129-144. SCHNEIDER R., R.A. RAZUNGLES, C. AUGIER, R. BAUMES. Monoterpenic and Norisoprenoidic Glycoconjugates of Vitis vinifera L. cv. Melon B. as Precursors of Odorants in Muscadet Wines. J. Chromatogr., 2001, vol. 936, n°1-2, p. 145-157. SCOTT J.A. AND D.E. COOKE. Continuous gaz (CO2) stripping to remove volatiles from an alcoholic beverage. Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists, 1995, vol. 53, n°2, p. 63-67. TAKÁCS L., G. VATAI AND K. KORÁNY. Production of alcohol free wine by pervaporation. J. Food Eng., 2007, vol. 78, n°1, 118-125. URBANO C., C. DUPRESSOIR, A. SAMSON, S. CORDELLE, G. GUILLOT AND P. SCHLICH. R-index and triangular tests to determine the perception threshold of a reduction of alcohol content in wine. 7th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium, Minneapolis (USA), 2007. ,QGLD¶VGUDPDWLFGHEXWXSRQWKHJOREDO wine stage: Can winemakers from downunder play a leading part via joint venture investment? PHILIP B. GURNEY Auckland, New Zealand [email protected] KEY WORDS: economy, India, wine, export potential, joint venture ABSTRACT India has a growing middle class approaching 300 million people, and an increasing thirst for quality wine. Starting from the 1980s, a modern wine industry has emerged in India. But domestic production notwithstanding, there is also huge growth potential for Australasian winemakers in relation to boosting exports of wine into the Indian market. As well as commenting on such export potential, this essay focuses on the merits of expanding market presence in India by investing in joint ventures with Indian wine producers. Some examples of such activity are described; and the legal framework for joint venturing in India is reviewed. The ability to safeguard intellectual property rights in India (in respect of wine labels) also allows for an optimistic conclusion. %XOOHWLQGHO¶2,9YROQ-948-949, p. 43-59) 44 %XOOHWLQGHO¶2,9 (Vol. 83, n°947-948-949) 1. INTRODUCTION India is the second most populous country on earth with a population estimated at 1.2 billion and a growing middle class approaching 300 million. It also has a grape growing tradition going back thousands of years. But even today, the average Indian is far more likely to be familiar with whisky, beer or toddy (which is made from the sap of palm trees) than with wine made from grapes. This is not surprising when one considers that winegrowing in India in the modern era, using Vitis vinifera grapevines, dates back little more than a quarter-century. However, DFFRUGLQJ WR RQH DXWKRULWDWLYH VRXUFH ³ZLQH FRQVXPSWLRQ DQG SURGXFWLon are increasing fast [in India] despite the general unsuitability of most of the country for conventional winegrowing. A prosperous, wine-drinking middle class has emerged in ,QGLD>DQG@GHPDQGIRUZLQHKDVEHHQJURZLQJ´5RELQVRQSS-356). In the context of these statistics, the challenge posed by the title to this paper is to identify what new opportunities may arise for Australasian winemakers IURP ,QGLD¶s accelerating development - as both a wine consuming and wine producing nation. In Part 2, some historical perspective is introduced ± including the trend to prohibition in India following independence in 1947. The emergence of three principal domestic winemakers starting from the 1980s is also described. This leads on, in Part 3, to an examination of what (if any) laws and rules are in place to govern and control the production and distribution of wine. It will be observed that QRW PXFK PRUH WKDQ D ERG\ RI ³recommended specifications´ can be identified at present although steps have been taken to establish Wine Boards at both the national and state levels. The possibility of expanding market presence in India by investing in joint ventures with Indian producers is dealt with in Part 4. It will be seen that there are already some examples of foreign winemakers entering into joint venture arrangements in India. Benefits that can be derived from joint venturing are spelt out, as well as the practical steps that need to be taken to establish an incorporated joint venture in India. The Australian wine producer Howling Wolves Wine Group ³+::*´ RI 0DUJDUHW 5LYHU :HVWHUQ $XVWUDOLD LV XVHG DV DQ H[DPSOH RI KRZ DQ Australasian wine exporter has moved forward to become a joint venture participant in India in partnership with its former distributor. The issue of safeguarding winemakers¶ intellectual property is also dealt with in this Part. This includes a brief review of relevant Indian legislation as well as the availability of the common law ³passing off ´ action. The results of this review are sufficiently encouraging to allow for an optimistic conclusion to be arrived at in Part 5. Wine industry in India 45 2. ORIGINS OF INDIAN VITICULTURE It is generally thought that grapevines were introduced into India from Persia as far back as the 4th millennium BC, but they were initially used to produce table grapes or grape-juice rather than alcoholic drinks. The first reference to wine made from grapes is apparently contained in the writings of Kautilya around 300 BC, who wrote a text on statecraft in which he mentions madhu (wine). ³'RZQWKHFHQWXULHV wine has maintained its status in India as a drink of the Kshatriya caste of DULVWRFUDWVDQGZDUULRUVUDWKHUWKDQRIWKHPDVVHV´5RELQVRQS By the 16th century, European travellers to the courts of the Mughal emperors reported tasting wines grown in royal vineyards (Karibasappa, Adsule, Sawant and Banerjee, 2006, p. 2); and around the same period Portuguese colonists at Goa introduced port wine to India which led to the production of fortified wine in other regions. Centuries later, during the period of the British Raj in the 19th century, wine production was strongly encouraged for consumption by British colonists; and vineyards were planted in the Baramati, Kashmir and Surat regions. According to historical accounts, a number of Indian wines were exhibited at the Great Calcutta Exhibition of 1884 and received favourable comment. But by the end of the 19th century the phylloxera epidemic had made its way to India and effectively destroyed all grape production. In the 20th century a prohibition movement developed in India, supported by Mahatma Gandhi amongst others and following Indian independence in 1947, the new Constitution of India stated as one of its aims the total prohibition of alcohol (Robinson, 2006, p. 355). In the ensuing period, VHYHUDOVWDWHVGLGLQIDFWJR³dry ´ and Indian governments encouraged vineyards to convert to table grape and raisin production. However, by 2008 only Gujarat in the west (the home state of Mahatma Gandhi) ZDVFRQWLQXLQJWRDGKHUHWRD³strict ´ legislative policy of total prohibition. It seems, though, that this policy has not been an unqualified success. According to one history of the state (Yagnik and Sheth, 2005, p. 232): ³*XMDUDW LV OHJDOO\ D ³GU\´ VWDWH ZKLFK PHDQV WKDW LW KDV D IORXULVKLQJ ERRWOHJJLQJ business. With the establishment of giant corporations and entry of large numbers of professionals from outside the state, the demand for liquor increased and liquor suppliers prospered. The liquor mafia could not survive without police and political patronage and, for its part, the mafia generously funded political parties and supplied muscle power during elections.´ Some states, including Kerala and Tamil Nadu in the south, continue to apply less extreme liquor control policies by simply imposing restrictions on the production and consumption of locally distilled liquor such as arrack (which is usually distilled from coconut sap or sugarcane). But throughout the whole of India, the advertising or direct promotion of alcoholic drinks (including wine) is still prohibited; and wine distributors must rely on tasting or food pairing events in order to promote their products. 03-03-2010 12:31:29 46 %XOOHWLQGHO¶2,9 (Vol. 83, n°947-948-949) Prohibition and other restrictions regardless, by the 1980s the genesis of the modern Indian wine industry had occurred. In 1982, Chateau Indage was established near Pune in Maharashtra and it began to produce sparkling wines in 1984. It was soon followed by Grover Vineyards which was established near Bangalore in Karnataka in 1988. Subsequently, in 1997, Sula Vineyards began to plant vines in Maharashtra at a location approximately 200 kilometres north of Mumbai. These three vineyards remain the leading producers in ,QGLD¶s domestic wine industry, although many smaller winemakers have appeared on the scene in recent years. As at May 2008, Maharashtra was UHSRUWHG WR EH GRPLQDWLQJ ,QGLD¶s wine industry, SURGXFLQJ SHU FHQW RI ,QGLD¶s grape wine (The Times of India, 4 May 2008). 2.1. Chateau Indage Chateau Indage Estate was established in 1982 pursuant to a technical collaboration agreement with Piper-Heidsieck of France. With its main vineyard located at Narayangaon in the Sahyati Valley of western Maharashtra, Indage began by producing sparkling wine for the export market and, in 1986, it sent an initial consignment of wine to the United Kingdom. This had the distinction of being the first Indian wine ever to be exported abroad. By 1988, Indage had launched its flagship product undHU WKH DOWHUQDWLYH EUDQG QDPHV ³2PDU .KD\\DP´ and ³Marquise de Pompadour ´ - this being a méthode traditionelle sparkling wine made from the Chardonnay grape. By 1990, Chateau Indage had also started to sell a variety of wine styles into an expanding domestic market and, according to its own website1, LWQRZKDV³DSHUFHQWPDUNHWVKDUHLQWKHSUHPLXPUHGDQGZKLWHZLQH FDWHJRULHVDQGDYLUWXDOPRQRSRO\LQWKHVSDUNOLQJZLQHVHJPHQW´7KHVHZLQHVDUH produced from vineyards spread over 2,500 hectares, with 20 varieties under cultivation including Chardonnay, Ugni Blanc, Pinot Blanc, Pinot Noir, Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot. The Indage manufacturing facility in Narayangaon has a production capacity of 15,000 bottles per hour, making it the largest wine production facility in India. Chateau Indage now exports its wines to 69 countries around the world ± and is seeking to enter into joint venture arrangements as well as embark on international acquisitions. It has already formed a joint venture with Wienkellerei Peter Mertes GmbH of Germany; and in 2000 it signed a memorandum of understanding with Cranswick Premium Wines Ltd of Australia to establish a joint venture to market Australian wine in India. It has also recently acquired Thachi Wines, a listed winery in South Australia. Clearly, Chateau Indage is becoming a significant player in the worldwide wine industry. 1 www.indagegroup.com 03-03-2010 12:31:29 Wine industry in India 47 2.2. Grover Vineyards In 1988, Grover Vineyards was established at Dodballapur which is located about 40 kilometres north of Bangalore in Karnataka state. According to the Grover website2, ³QLQH YDULHWLHV WKDW UHVSRQGHG ZHOO WR ,QGLDQ FRQGLWLRQV ZHUH SODQWHG RQ DQLQGXVWULDOVFDOH´$WWKHWLPHRILQLWLDOHVWDEOLVKPHQWWKH,QGLDQRZQHUVRI*URYHU were assisted by technical viticultural expertise provided from France. This led, in 1996, to the champagne house Veuve Clicquot Ponsardin of France purchasing a minority shareholding in Grover. Veuve Clicquot now provides technical support to Grover via their subsidiaries in both Australia and New Zealand. Grover Vineyards has more than 200 hectares planted with Vitis vinifera grapes. This creates a wine producing capacity of more than 1 million litres per annum. Grover is currently producing both Sauvignon Blanc and a Viognier blend, as well as a Shiraz rose and a Cabernet Shiraz. Its premier label is La Reserve made from a blend of Cabernet Sauvignon and Shiraz grapes, and aged in French oak barrels. Grover aims to export 25 per cent of its production, and its main export markets at present are France, the USA, and the UK, with some wine being sent to Russia also. 2.3. Sula Vineyards Sourced from grapes grown on a family estate at Nashik in Maharashtra, Sula Vineyards released its first bottled wines to the marketplace in the year 2000 with an initial emphasis on Sauvignon Blanc and Chenin Blanc. The land used to establish Sula Vineyards is owned by a local Indian family and technical assistance was obtained from an experienced Californian winemaker. According to the Sula Vineyards website3, ³WKH IRXU ZLQHULHV WKDW 6XOD RZQV WRGD\ KDYH D FRPELQHG FDSDFLW\ RI ILYH PLOOLRQ OLWUHV«>DQG@ 6XOD KDV H[SDQGHG IURP WKH RULJLQDO DFUH family estate to 1500 acres (owned and contracted) under plantation both in Nashik as well as in nearb\ 'LQGRUL´ 7KH UDQJH RI ZLQHV SURGXFHG E\ 6XOD KDV HYLGHQWO\ expanded and now includes Cabernet Sauvignon, Zinfandel, Shiraz and Merlot. Sula sells its wines within India; and also exports some of its production to overseas destinations including the USA, UK, France, Italy, Canada and Ireland. By its own accouQW 6XOD 9LQH\DUGV LV QRZ ,QGLD¶V ³SUHPLXP ZLQH FRPSDQ\ ZLWK VDOHV RI RYHU WZRPLOOLRQERWWOHVLQWR´ 2 www.groverwines.com 3 www.sulawines.com 03-03-2010 12:31:29 48 %XOOHWLQGHO¶2,9 (Vol. 83, n°947-948-949) According to one source (www.bharatbook.com 9 August 2008), the three Indian winemakers whose operations are reviewed above (Indage, Grover and Sula) collectively supply more than 90 per cent of the wine consumed in India; and the balance is supplied by a number of smaller Indian winemakers, together with wine imported from overseas either in bottles or in bulk form. There are now more than 50 wineries operating in India altogether, with the vast majority being located in Maharashtra. Total domestic production in India is about 6.2 million litres per annum (Seth and Associates, 2007). The Indian domestic market for wine has huge growth potential. As noted in one recent report, wine is beginning to replace hard liquor as the drink of preference on many tables and therefore demand is rising (The Times of India, 4 May 2008). While France and Italy consume 60 to 70 litres of wine per person per year, consumption in India (for 2008) is estimated at 10 millilitres per person (which is equivalent to about one dessertspoonful!). Consumption in the future is expected to grow at more than 30 per cent per annum in India, with the demand for red wine outstripping white. It is clear that wine and other luxury consumables are likely to have increasing appeal for India¶s growing middle class. In recent times, both Maharashtra and Karnataka states have sanctioned the opening of wine bars which will further promote domestic consumption of wine. 3. GOVERNANCE OF THE WINE INDUSTRY IN INDIA Given the growth in winemaking in India since the early 1980s, it might reasonably be expected that India already has a body of laws in place to regulate all aspects of the production and sale of wine. However, this is far from being the case at present. Whereas Australia and New Zealand have both enacted laws aimed at regulating winemaking procedures and labelling requirements, as well as to protect the quality of wine exported abroad, it is evident that India has yet to promulgate equivalent country-wide rules. A detailed review of Indian legislation at the national level discloses only one statute with any particular relevance, namely the Prevention of Food Adulteration Act 1954 (India). Pursuant to this Act, together with the Standards of Weights and Measures (Packaged Commodities) Rules 1977 (India) and various State Excise Duty rules, certain specifications have been recommended for Indian wine production (as prescribed by the Bureau of Indian Standards). Wine industry in India 49 The most important of these have been outlined as follows (Karibasappa et al., 2006): x Table wines shall be produced from the alcoholic fermentation of fresh grape juice/must, grape juice concentrate (obtained by reverse osmosis), or frozen grapes; and shall possess the varietal character derived from the grapes or the constituents formed during fermentation. x Sparkling wines shall be wines that have retained the carbon dioxide which naturally evolved from alcoholic fermentation; or wines that are carbonated externally with carbon dioxide. x Table wines shall be free from any unpleasant aroma, unpleasant taste, cloudiness or sediment and also from any suspended matter, mould, bacteria, or other growth. x Table wines shall be free from any ingredients injurious to health, but may contain permitted food additives (such as colouring) where this is specifically allowed by the relevant State Excise Department and is clearly disclosed on the label. x When a varietal is specified on the label of table wines, the taste should respect the property and the characteristics of the particular variety of grape and the style of wine. The addition of any artificial or external aromas to enhance the palate and the flavours in the wine should completely be prohibited. The natural flavor and taste of the wine should only come from the fermentation process, and characteristics of grape variety. x Table wines shall comply with stipulated tolerance levels in relation to characteristics such as residual sugar, total acid, total sulphur dioxide, tannins, and ethyl alcohol content by volume. x Table wines may be filled in glass bottles, plastic bottles, or other suitable neutral or non-reactive containers. The bottles or containers shall be properly sealed. Used bottles are generally not permitted for bottling wines ± but may be so permitted by the relevant State Excise Department if the bottles are thoroughly cleaned and sanitised in a hygienic manner by the producer and in accordance with stipulated International Organization for Standardization ³,62´VWDQGDUGV x Wine containers must be marked legibly and indelibly with the following information: (a) Name and type of thHFRPPRGLW\HJ³:LQH´ (b) Alcoholic content, in percentage terms by volume; (c) Batch or code number; (d) Month and year of packing; (e) Name and address of the producer; (f) Net volume in ml; (g) Geographical region from where the grapes are produced; 03-03-2010 12:31:29 50 %XOOHWLQGHO¶2,9 (Vol. 83, n°947-948-949) (h) Varietal name of the grape, as long as 85 per cent of the bottled wine is sourced from a single variety; twin varietal names shall be stipulated (where two varieties are used); and where more than two varieties are used in the wine, it should be cleaUO\VWDWHGDV³EOHQGHG´7KHVWLSXODWLRQRI³,QGLDQZLQH´ shall not appear on the label if Indian wine is blended with foreign (imported) wine amounting to more than 25 per cent of the volume in the bottle; (i) Any other markings required under the Standards of Weights and Measures (Packaged Commodities) Rules 1977 (India), or any other statutory requirement. Amusingly, there is one further specification not reproduced above, which VWDWHV WKDW ³WDEOH ZLQHV VKDOO KDYH WKH FKDUDFWHULVWLF WDVWH DQG DURPD RI ZKLVN\´ This may say something about the traditional Indian love affair with hard liquor! More significantly, standards relating to water used in wine production as well as guidelines for hygienic production have yet to be issued. This has led one Indian cRPPHQWDWRUWRQRWHWKDW³ZKDWWKHFRXQWU\QHHGVQRZLVDVHWRIUXOHVDQGQRUPV to monitor quality compliance so that [the] credibility of Indian wines as a product RUEUDQGLVHVWDEOLVKHG´ (Seth and Associates, 2007). In addition, there are ongoing difficulties with the proper storage and transportation of wine within India. In 2008, the Indian Ministry of Food Processing Industries announced, on its own website4, that a National Wine Board has been established at Pune in the state of Maharashtra (as a non-profit body corporate). Its mandate includes the following: x x x x To disseminate best viticulture practices. To fix grade/standards of juice, raisins and wine. To provide quality testing facilities for wine to meet global standards. To advise farmers, industry and government on commercial and technical issues relating to grapes and other fruits/wine. The most important point to bear in mind when considering the regulation of wine production in India (or lack thereof) is that India is a federal republic where the Constitution allows the states autonomous powers to manage alcohol related policies. And this is complicated by the fact that many states are ruled by opposition parties from time to time. The federal government has control over customs duties that are chargeable on alcoholic beverages imported into India; but it performs only an advisory role in relation to the production and sale of alcoholic products within India. By contrast, each state has full control over the manufacture and distribution of alcohol within its own borders ± as well as responsibility for levying state excise duties and (in some cases) imposing prohibitLRQUXOHV6RPHVWDWHVUHTXLUH³safety holograms ´ to be printed on each locally produced bottle of wine certifying that duty has been paid and that the wine is of a prescribed standard. 4 www.mofpi.nic.in Wine industry in India 51 Only two states in India have started to implement the regulation of wine production in any real detail and these are (not surprisingly) Maharashtra and Karnataka. IQ 0DKDUDVKWUD LVVXHG LWV ³Grapes Processing Industry Policy´ which largely dealt with tax and licensing matters. It also provided for the HVWDEOLVKPHQW RI ZLQH LQVWLWXWHV LQ RUGHU ³WR maintain the quality of wine at the LQWHUQDWLRQDOOHYHO´0LWUDS 232). Such an Institute has been set up already in the Krishna wine park which lies within Sangli district, with more on the way. In addition, a Grape Processing Industry Board has been set up in Pune, comprising industry representatives together with government officials and Wine Institute personnel, with responsibility for the following (Mitra, 2003): x x x x To inspect and control the quality of grape cultivation and wine production. To give approval to labels. To inspect quality and standard norms. To draft various schemes for sale of processed grape products on the global level. KarnaWDND DOVR DQQRXQFHG LWV IXWXUH ³Grape Processing and Wine Policy ´ in 2007, including the intended establishment of a Grape Processing Industries Board. It is noted that draft rules dealing with the manufacture of wine were published in Bangalore on 1st July 2008 for public consultation. If introduced into law as currently drafted, these rules will impose a number of requirements pertaining to the process of wine production ± LQFOXGLQJDQREOLJDWLRQ³WRXVHRQO\IUHVKIUXLWV´>VLF@ At this point in time, then, legislation governing production and hygiene standards for wine is quite limited in India. It must be assumed that quality control within the major Indian wineries has been largely a matter of self-regulation; and in many cases this has been assisted by the employment of specialist foreign winemakers on-site in India. The efficacy of such self-regulation must be even more critical, where wine produced in India is destined for overseas export markets. 52 %XOOHWLQGHO¶2,9 (Vol. 83, n°947-948-949) 4. JOINT VENTURING IN INDIA As seen already in Part 2, some Indian winemakers ± notably Chateau Indage ± have already moved toward the establishment of winemaking joint ventures in India with the desired investment flowing in from foreign winery operations. Following the commencement of domestic Indian wine production in the 1980s, overseas winemakers have progressively begun to take a closer interest in investing in winemaking activity in India (and indeed in Asia generally) rather than simply exporting to the region. A good example of this is the recently announced joint venture inYROYLQJ ,QGLDQ ZLQHPDNHU 1DWXUH¶s Bounty Wines & Allied Products and Casa Vinicola Calatrasi of Sicily, Italy. According to a newspaper report (The Financial Express, India, 5 March 2008), a joint venture was to be formed between these two parties to enable wine to be imported into India in bulk form, and then bottled in India for domestic sale. However, the joint venture was only likely to proceed if there was found to be a promising market for various Sicilian brands currently being imported into India in bottles. The report goes on to state that India imports 1.7 million litres of wine (per annum) mostly from France, Australia, Italy and the U.K. ± about three quarters of which comes in as bulk wine. 4.1. Motivating Factors The rationale for Australasian winemakers to consider joint venturing in foreign markets has not changed substantially over the last quarter-century. As was QRWHG LQ ³7KHUH LV D QHHG IRU >$XVWUDODVLDQ@ FRPSDQLHV WR EH DZDUH RI WKH opportunity for business expansion not only through export trade, but also through offshore joint ventures. In the past, many companies have sought to do no more than increase exports per se. Joint venture investment offers an opportunity to PD[LPLVHH[SRUWHDUQLQJVE\FRQFHQWUDWLQJRQPDUNHWGHYHORSPHQW´*XUQH\ p. 3). In the case of wine production in India, there is one overriding reason why intending foreign investors need to search for a local joint venture partner. This is due to the fact that ownership of vineyard land and control of the viticultural process is reserved solely for Indian nationals (Seth and Associates, 2007). However, a foreign invested joint venture is permitted to set up a winery facility in India; to process grapes for the production of wine and to handle the distribution of the finished product. Indeed, foreign winemaking technology and skills are much sought after in India ± and this form of intellectual property might be licensed to the Indian joint venture or even contributed as a form of investment capital in lieu of cash. Wine industry in India 53 So although a local partner is a prerequisite for a grassroots wine producing operation in India (involving the cultivation of land), this is not necessarily disadvantageous. On the contrary (Gurney, 1983): Many foreign investors in fact prefer joint ventures with host country partners to total foreign ownership. A local partner may be able to expedite the commencement of business by liaising with the government, suppliers, and outlets, and by overcoming language problems. The involvement of a local partner often leads to readier acceptance of a project in the host country. ThHORFDOSDUWQHU¶s capital contribution may help to cover high start-up costs, and the commercial risk is spread accordingly. A joint venture may be inevitable because the local partner controls the market or source of supply, or is able to provide skills or facilities which are essential to the success of the enterprise. Frequently, the local partner has acted for the foreign investor as an agent or distributor prior to the formation of the joint venture. In relation to winemaking specifically, a local joint venture partner might also be able to provide valuable advice on matters such as local labelling requirements and taste or varietal preferences. The ability to educate Indian consumers on all aspects of wine consumption ± whether through wine clubs or otherwise ± is another key area that a local partner might handle effectively, thus growing market share for the foreign invested joint venture and its branded wines. This is likely to be particularly important, given that the direct advertising or promotion of wine (and other alcoholic beverages) is not permitted in India (as mentioned in Part 2). Producing wines locally in India through a joint venture arrangement may also be a clever method of circumventing protectionist tariff barriers. This was apparently a key reason for HWWG entering into a joint venture with its Indian distributor to manufacture wine in India rather than simply export bottled wines SDUWLFXODUO\ WKH ³Eight Vineyards´ label) from Australia into that country. According to a newspaper report (The Financial Express, India, 26 August 2007), ³RQWKHEDFNRIJURZLQJZLQHFRQVXPSWLRQLQ,QGLDDQGVWHHSLPSRUWGXW\:HVWHUQ Australia based HWWG is entering into a 50-50 joint venture agreement with Indian distiller and distributor Brihans to manufacture wine in India [in the Shreepur area, about 100 kilometres south of Mumbai]. The newly formed company will be called Brihans Howling Wolves Wines Pvt Ltd. This is the first time an Indian company has tied up with [an] international wine major to manufacture and sell foreign brands in WKHFRXQWU\´7KHILQDOFRPPHQWUHIHUVWRWKHIDFWWKDWDOOZLQHVDUHVWLOOWREHVROG under the Howling Wolves brand name in India ± but moving the production of ³Eight Vineyards´ into India would allow its local pricing to remain low due to the fact that it would in the future be categorised as a local wine and be eligible for tax and import duty relief. Overall, then, it is evident that moving to a joint venture relationship in India was a critical step for HWWG in expanding its presence in the Indian domestic market. To date, it seems that no other Australasian based winemakers have followed the lead of HWWG and entered into joint venture arrangements on the ground in India ± but it must surely be just a matter of time before this occurs. 54 %XOOHWLQGHO¶2,9 (Vol. 83, n°947-948-949) 4.2. Legal Framework Turning to Indian law as it relates to the establishment of joint ventures in India, the first important point to note is that there is no specific legislation governing joint ventures per se. The usual structure used to set up a joint venture in India is a private limited company vehicle - and this will be treated exactly the same as a domestic Indian company even though a percentage of shares is held by a non-resident. The two sides to the joint venture may choose to incorporate a new company and subscribe for shares therein in their agreed proportions; or the foreign investor might subscribe for newly issued shares in an existing Indian company, thus turning it into a joint venture. There will invariably be a joint venture agreement concluded between the parties beforehand which will set out in some detail the terms and conditions upon which the joint venture will operate; and the DUWLFOHVRIDVVRFLDWLRQRIWKHMRLQWYHQWXUHFRPSDQ\³VKRXOGFRQWDLQWKHVWLSXODWLRQV mentioned in the joint venture agreement, and clearly delineate the rights and REOLJDWLRQVRIWKHSDUWQHUV´6HWKDQG$VVRFLDWHV In India, it is important to make the joint venture agreement conditional upon all necessary consents or licences being granted by governmental agencies such as WKH )RUHLJQ ,QYHVWPHQW 3URPRWLRQ %RDUG ³),3%´ RU WKH 5HVHUYH %DQN RI ,QGLD ³5%,´,IVXFKDSSURYDOVDUHQRWIRUWKFRPLQJit should be stipulated that the joint venture will not proceed (in which case, neither side should incur any penalty). In general, though, the process for sanctioning foreign direct investment into India is in the process of being liberalised. For instance, a foreign (non-resident) investor needs the approval of the RBI to acquire shares in an Indian company and to establish a place of business in India. However, the RBI has (as from 1993) granted JHQHUDO SHUPLVVLRQ IRU WKH ,QGLDQ VLGH WR D MRLQW YHQWXUH ³to subscribe to the memorandum and articles of association of a company for the purpose of LQFRUSRUDWLRQ LQ ,QGLD« and such company is also permitted to issue shares to the non-residents subject to the condition that the total face value of shares is not to H[FHHG,QGLDQ5XSHHV³5V´WKHFRPSDQ\ZLOOQRWHQJDJHLQWKHDFWLYLW\RI agriculture/plantation/dealing in real estate other than its development; and the FRPSDQ\ILOHVDGHFODUDWLRQZLWK5%,ZLWKLQGD\VRILWVLQFRUSRUDWLRQ´6HWKDQG Associates, 2007). The issue of non-involvement in land ownership and agricultural/plantation activities is an important one. As noted already in Part 4.1., these sectors are reserved for Indian nationals. But as long as the investment is solely directed into the winery operation, grape processing and distribution of the finished wine, the joint venture investment can proceed automatically without any need to obtain FIPB approval beforehand (Seth and Associates, 2007). Thus, the procedure for initiating a joint venture investment into the wine industry in India appears to be considerably more straightforward than would be the case for comparable investments into some other Asian locations. Wine industry in India 55 Every joint venture agreement should cover a number of important matters to avoid disputes arising between the partners once the winemaking joint venture is up and running. These might include the intended financial gearing of the company as between shareholders equity and external borrowings; confidentiality provisions, particularly where winemaking know-how is contributed to the joint venture from abroad; exit provisions should it be necessary to terminate the joint venture at some future point in time; and an ongoing dividend policy whilst the joint venture is up and running. Finally, Australasian winemakers considering making an investment into an Indian joint venture might find it worthwhile to structure the investment via a holding company in the Indian Ocean state of Mauritius. The combination of a favourable India/Mauritius double tax treaty, together with the corporate tax regime that operates in Mauritius itself, can eliminate the Indian tax burden on capital gains extracted from India by a non-resident shareholder ± when the time comes to dispose of equity in an Indian joint venture. To achieve this, it would be necessary for the winemaker in question to set up an intermediary company in Mauritius which would make the required investment into the joint venture company in India. This has nothing to do with reducing withholding tax on dividends remitted out of India, as the latter no longer imposes such tax (although the Indian joint venture company would still be required to pay a dividend distribution tax at the rate of 12.5 per cent when dividends are distributed to shareholders). Under the India/Mauritius double tax treaty, the right to tax capital gains becomes the prerogative of the recipient treaty country (in this case, Mauritius). But because Mauritius does not impose any capital gains tax whatsoever, the profit from the sale of shares in the Indian joint venture can pass through the Mauritian holding company and back to the Australian or New Zealand shareholder without any tax being imposed upon the (potentially substantial) capital gain ± either in India or Mauritius. So all in all, this represents an attractive tax planning scenario for investing into an Indian winemaking joint venture. 4.3. Safeguarding intellectual property There is a risk, where winemaking technology or secret know-how has been contributed to the joint venture (whether by way of equity contribution, or licensing arrangement), that this form of intellectual property might be inadequately safeguarded in India and be leaked to a third party for one reason or another. As has been suggested in Part 4.2., appropriate confidentiality provisions should be inserted into the joint venture agreement (or licensing agreement) to try and safeguard against such an event. In addition, the foreign investor might endeavour to retain management control over the joint venture and its daily operations where possible. This could be achieved by way of a management agreement supplemental to the joint venture agreement. In some cases, the foreign side might be given the authority to appoint the joint venture board chairman with a casting vote, regardless of the equity percentages held by the respective parties to the joint venture. Having management control of the joint venture company (or other vehicle) would be a useful first step in safeguarding intellectual property relating to viticulture. 56 %XOOHWLQGHO¶2,9 (Vol. 83, n°947-948-949) The greatest potential for loss of intellectual property by Australasian based winemakers may arise, however, where wine is simply exported to India - and the exporting winemaker does not have any legal presence in India through a joint venture or otherwise. Bearing in mind that India is now developing its own wine industry while at the same time importing branded wines from Australia, New Zealand and other countries, there must be some ongoing risk that wine labels could be copied or duplicated by unscrupulous competitors. It is pertinent, therefore, to review what steps can be taken in India to protect goodwill in Australasian wine labels. The most obvious course of action open to both exporters and investors is to register their wine labels or brands as trade marks in India. Under the Trade Marks Act 1999 (India), foreign persons/entities are able to register trade marks in India; and the effect of such registration is to confer exclusive rights to the use of such trade marks for a period of ten years. It is also possible to renew the registration for a further period at the expiry of the ten years. The statutory remedy for unauthorised use of a registered tradePDUNLQ,QGLDLVDQDFWLRQIRU³infringement ´ ; and the maximum penalty under s 104 of the Indian statute for selling goods or providing services using a falsely applied trademark, is imprisonment for a period of up to three years and/or a maximum fine of Rs 200,000. In the event that a wine label or brand name is misappropriated in India but no trademark has been registered there, it would also be possible to mount a common law action in the tort of passing off. To be successful in such an action, an Australasian winemaker would need to prove three elements: x x x Reputation and goodwill in the label or brand in India; A misrepresentation which has injured the business or goodwill of the Australasian winemaker; and The likelihood of RQJRLQJGDPDJHWRWKHSODLQWLII¶s business and goodwill. There have been a number of high profile passing off cases conducted in India, but they are often long drawn out and costly affairs. Success with a passing off action in India would normally result in the grant of an injunction and/or the award of monetary damages. Finally, it is noted that India has enacted its own Geographical Indications of *RRGV 5HJLVWUDWLRQ DQG 3URWHFWLRQ $FW WKH ³*,$´ ZKLFK HVWDEOLVKHV D system for registering both Indian and foreign geographical indications in relation to classes of goods (such as wine). The term ³geographical indication´ is defined in s 2 of the GIA as follows: Geographical Indication in relation to goods, means an indication which identifies such goods as agricultural goods, natural goods or manufactured goods as originating or manufactured in the territory of a country, or a region or locality in that territory, where a given quality, reputation or other characteristic of such goods is essentially attributable to its geographical origin and in case where such goods are manufactured goods one of the activities of either the production or of processing or preparation of the goods concerned takes place in such territory, region or locality, as the case may be. Wine industry in India 57 This definition is similar to that contained in Article 22.1 of the World Trade 2UJDQL]DWLRQ ³:72´ VSRQVRUHG $JUHHPHQW RQ 7UDGH-Related Aspects of ,QWHOOHFWXDO3URSHUW\5LJKWV³75,36´$VDPHPEHURIWKH:72DQGDVLJQDWRU\WR TRIPS, India enacted the GIA in 1999 to give effect to its obligation to protect the geographical indications of interested parties pursuant to Articles 22 and 23 of TRIPS. The GIA came into force on 15 September 2003. Under s 21, the registration of a geographical indication gives to the authorised user an exclusive right to use the geographical indication in relation to the relevant goods. According to one commentary on the GIA (LVVXHG E\ WKH 86 (PEDVV\ 1HZ 'HOKL ³E\ UHJLVWHULQJ D geographical indication in India, the rights holder can prevent unauthorised use of the registered geographical indication by others and promote economic prosperity of producers of goods produced in a particular region. Registration of the geographical indication is not mandatory as an unregistered geographical indication can also be enforced by initiating an action of passing off against the infringer. It is, however, advisable to register the geographical indication as the certificate of registration is SULPDIDFLHHYLGHQFHRILWVYDOLGLW\DQGQRIXUWKHUSURRIRIWKHVDPHLVUHTXLUHG´ Thus it should be possible to register distinctive names liNH³&RRQDZDUUa´ or ³Marlborough´ as geographical indications under the GIA and gain registered protection for them in India. On balance, WKHQ LW VHHPV WKDW ZLQHPDNHUV¶ intellectual property rights are likely to be quite well protected in India ± taking into account the availability of trade mark and geographical indications legislation as well as the common law action in passing off. The fact that India has a British legal heritage and remains a member of the Commonwealth of Nations is also helpful in conveying a sense of familiarity in terms of legal process ± and any hypothetical risk in relation to the possible loss of goodwill in Australasian wine labels is probably less pronounced in India than in some other Asian locations which have quite different legal regimes. 58 %XOOHWLQGHO¶2,9 (Vol. 83, n°947-948-949) 5. CONCLUSION There is a growing thirst for quality wine amongst the more affluent sections of Indian society. But India is not just a consumer of imported foreign wines ± it is also now home to a steadily developing wine industry of its own. As has been seen in Part 2, wines are being produced by three major Indian winemakers together with a growing army of smaller players. Although the governance and regulation of the wine industry in India is still in its infancy, it is apparent that self-regulation (as to quality) has been of a sufficiently high standard to make it possible for some Indian wine to be exported to developed country markets. As noted in Part 2.1., Chateau Indage has led the charge in this area. In many cases, the quality of wine produced in India has been enhanced by the contribution of imported technical skills. A common strategy used has been to incorporate international winemaking experts into the production process in India by entering into formal joint venture arrangements. It has been suggested in Part 4 that Australasian winemakers keen to get a foothold in the Indian domestic market should consider entering into joint ventures with local Indian industry participants. The rationale behind moving toward a joint venture relationship has been discussed, with the ultimate objectives being to achieve stronger market presence and increase profit overall. There might also be opportunities to license winemaking technology to a partly owned Indian joint venture in return for an ongoing royalty stream. A review of Indian law as it relates to joint venture activity has shown that a company with foreign invested capital is treated exactly the same as a local company, and no special regulatory approval is needed for a straightforward investment into an Indian wine processing and distribution venture. The important issue of safeguarding winemakers¶ intellectual property has also been considered in Part 4.3.; and it has been seen that India has effective trademark and geographical indications legislation in place. In addition, a common law passing off action could be mounted there. Thus, it has been concluded that intellectual property rights are quite well protected in India. In short, India offers exciting opportunities to Australasian winemakers ± not only as an export destination but also as a location in which joint venturing with a local wine producer may be an attractive option. If Australia and/or New Zealand succeed in concluding relevant free trade agreements with India in the future, then trade and investment opportunities might potentially improve further still. Perhaps, then, the best advice to Australasian winemakers at this early stage is carpe diem5 and look to initiate export business and/or investment activity into India before too many competitors from other wine-SURGXFLQJ QDWLRQV JHW WKHLU ³feet in the door ´ first. 5 A Latin phrase, popularly WUDQVODWHGDV³VHL]H WKHGD\´ Wine industry in India 59 BIBLIOGRAPHY GURNEY Philip B. Joint Venture Investment in ASEAN. ISEAS Fellowship paper, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, New Zealand, 1983. G.S. KARIBASAPPA, P.G. ADSULE, S.D. SAWANT and K. BANERJEE. Present Scenario of Wine Industry in India. (www.indianwine.com 2006) Sudipto MITRA. Wine Industry in Maharashtra: an Analysis. Centre for Civil Society, 2003, p. 221-233. Jancis ROBINSON (ed.). The Oxford Companion to Wine. UK: Oxford University Press, 2006 (3rd ed.). Suchitra SETH and Associates. Wine Import India (www.sethassociates.com 2007). Achyut YAGNIK and SHETH. The Shaping of Modern Gujarat ± Plurality, Hindutva and Beyond. India: Penguin Books, 2005, 328 p. Other sources Bharatbook.com report entitled ³Indian wine market witnesses tremendous growth´ (www.prlog/org/10101848 2008) Indian legislation website: www.commonlii.org/in/legis/num_act/ The Financial Express, India The Times of India US embasV\1HZ'HOKLUHSRUWHQWLWOHG³IPR Toolkit ± India´ http://newdelhi.usembassy.gov/iprgeoind.html 2007 :LQHPDNHUV¶ZHEVLWHV www.howlingwolveswines.com www.indagegroup.com www.groverwines.com www.sulawines.com Indian governmental websites www.maharashtra.gov.in www.mofpi.nic.in Law Framework Compilation on GMOs Cartagena Protocol Codex Alimentarius Australia United States European Union South Africa Argentina Brazil Andrea CHARRY CORREA, Ignacio SÁNCHEZ RECARTE International Organisation of Vine and Wine – OIV Economy and Law Unit 18, rue d’Aguesseau – 75008 Paris – France [email protected] [email protected] KEYWORDS: Law, biotechnology, GMO. This document is a working paper and cannot be interpreted as OIV's official position. 09/11/2001 06/21/2001 2003 09/11/2003 Date Regulates all the dealings with GMOs, and establishes a licensing system, a low risk control procedure, the conditions for certification and accreditation as well as the Gene Technology Advisory Committee and the Ethics and Community Committee. Regulates all the activities involving gene technology and other related purposes. Collection of internationally adopted food standards presented in a uniform manner and established by the Codex Alimentarius Commission intended to guide and promote the elaboration and establishment of definitions and requirements for foods, to assist in their harmonization and, in doing so, to facilitate international trade. It applies to cross-border movement, transit, manipulation and use of all the resulting Living Modified Organisms issued from modern biotechnology that can have adverse effects for the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity. It provides an international law frame to reconcile the respective needs to protect biotechnological industry, commerce and environment. This agreement promotes the biotechnology security, tying a risk evaluation, based on solid scientific procedures and establishing principles and methodologies on how to carry out this evaluation, thus allowing, the safe transference, manipulation and use of OVMs. It is an international instrument that regulates Living Modified Organisms (OVMs), products issued from modern biotechnology, focusing specifically in the cross-border movement. Objective This document is a working paper and cannot be interpreted as OIV's official position. Gene Technology Regulations 2001 Gene Technology Act 2000 Food Labelling Foods Derived from Biotechnology Act / Legislation / Regulation Bulletin de l’OIV Australia CODEX Alimentarius Cartagena Protocol Country / Organisation 1. GMO Acts, Legislations and/or Regulations 62 (Vol. 83, n°947-948-949) Provides the legal requirements for U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s registration process for all pesticides and covers regulation of new substances and DNA in plants when it is pesticidal in nature or whereas the pesticidal substance produced by a plant has been genetically modified. Regulates the introduction of new foods, whether they are conventionally produced or developed by genetic engineering. Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and 1996 Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA) Amended 2002 Regulates the introduction of organisms and products altered or produced trough genetic engineering which are “plant pests or which there is reason to believe are “plant pests”. 2000 Plant Protection Act 2000 Objective Date Act / Legislation / Regulation This document is a working paper and cannot be interpreted as OIV's official position. United States Country Law Framework Compilation on GMOs 63 Establishes a system for the development and assignment of unique identifiers for genetically modified organisms. It establishes common principles and responsibilities, the means to provide a strong science base, efficient organizational arrangements and procedures to underpin decision-making in matters of food and feed safety. It lays down the general principles governing food and feed in general, and food and feed safety in particular, at Community and national level, and establishes the European Food Safety Authority. 10/17/2002 04/18/2004 04/18/2004 01/14/2004 Directive 2001/18/CE amended by Directive 2008/27/CE Regulation N° 1829/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 09/22/2003, amended by Regulation 298/2008/CE of European Union 03/11/2008 Regulation N° 1830/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 09/22/2003 amending Directive 2001/18/CE Regulation N° 65/2004 Regulation N° 178/2002 01/01/2005 Single authorization procedure; Assessment and risk management; Labelling; GMO adventitious presence threshold. Bulletin de l’OIV This document is a working paper and cannot be interpreted as OIV's official position. This Regulation harmonizes the traceability measures and labelling of genetically modified organisms and the traceability of food and feed products produced from genetically modified organisms, provided for in legislation, in particular Directive 2001/18/CE of the European Parliament and of the Council. - Establishes: - Genetically modified organisms for food and feed use; - Food and feed containing GMOs; - Food and feed produced from or containing ingredients produced from GMOs. The Regulation applies to three types of product: Establishes: - The principles applying to environmental risk; - A common methodology for risk assessment; - A safety mechanism; - A mandatory public consultation and GMO labelling. Regulates the deliberate release of GMOs into the environment and the placing of GMOs on the market. Objective Date Regulation Organisation 64 (Vol. 83, n°947-948-949) 01/01/1973 Foodstuffs, Cosmetics and Disinfectants Act 1972 1999 National Environmental Management Act 1998 December 1999 Amended 1997 Environment Conservation Act, 1989 Genetically Modified Organisms Act (Act N° 15 of 1997) Date Act / Legislation / Regulation Controls the sale, manufacture and importation of foodstuffs, cosmetics and disinfectants; and provides for incidental matters. Provides measures that promote a responsible development, production, use and application of genetically modified organisms to ensure that all the activities involving the use of GMOs (importation, transportation, production, release and distribution) is carried out responsibly as to limit possible harmful consequences on the environment. Gives significant powers to the South African Minister of Environmental Affairs and Tourism (DEAT) on biosafety issues. There are two acts that have a direct bearing on genetically modified (GM) crops: 1) The National Environmental Management Act, 1998, which provides for cooperative environmental governance by establishing principles for decision making on matters affecting the environment, institutions that will promote cooperative governance and procedures for coordinating environmental functions exercised by organs of state. 2) The National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act, 2004, which provides for the management and conservation of South Africa’s biodiversity. Provides measures to protect and controlled utilization of the environment and for matters incidental thereto. Objective This document is a working paper and cannot be interpreted as OIV's official position. South Africa Country Law Framework Compilation on GMOs 65 1992 2003 2003 2003 2002 2002 Resolution SAGyP N° 656/92 Resolution SAGPyA N° 39/03 Resolution SAGPyA N° 39/03 (amending Resolutions 656/92, 837/93 and 289/97) Resolution SAGPyA N° 57/03 Resolution SAGPyA N° 644/03. Applied by The Technical Advising Committee concerning GMO use CTAUOGM (SENASA) Resolution SENASA N° 412/02 Provides safety standards and oversight mechanisms for the building, cultivation, production, manipulation, transport, transfer, import, export, storage, research, trading, consumption and release into the environment of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and their derivates. GMO evaluation regarding its aptitude to be use as a feed and/or food. Regulates GMO evaluation regarding its aptitude to be use as feed and/or food. Regulates the production of genetically modified corn seed in the evaluation process. Regulates the genetically modified animal experimental projects. Regulates the development of genetically modified vegetal organisms. Regulates the development of GMOs and/or products issued from GMOs for animal application. Objective This document is a working paper and cannot be interpreted as OIV's official position. Biosafety Law 11.105/2005, which 2005 replaces the 8.974/1995 Biosafety Law Date Act / Legislation / Regulation Bulletin de l’OIV Brazil Argentina Country 66 (Vol. 83, n°947-948-949) 1 “Conventional Counterpart” means a related organism/variety, its components and/or products for which there is experience of establishing safety base don common use as foods. “Conventional Counterpart” also means: - A microorganism / strain with a known history of safe use in producing and/or processing the food and related to the recombinant-DNA strain. The microorganism may be viable in the food or may be removed in processing or rendered non-viable during processing; or - Food produced using the traditional food production microorganisms for which there is experience of establishing safety based on common use in food production. “Recombinant-DNA Microorganism” means bacteria, yeasts or filamentous fungi in which the genetic material has been changed through in vitro nucleic acid techniques including recombinant deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and direct injection of nucleic acid into cells or organelles. “Modern Biotechnology” means the application of: - In vitro nucleic acid techniques, including recombinant deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and direct injection of nucleic acid into cells or organelles, or - Fusion of cells beyond the taxonomic family, that overcome natural physiological reproductive or recombinant barriers and that are not techniques used in traditional breeding and selection1. "Living modified organism" means any living organism that possesses a novel combination of genetic material obtained through the use of modern biotechnology. "Living organism" means any biological entity capable of transferring or replicating genetic material, including sterile organisms, viruses and viroids. "Modern biotechnology" means the application of: - In vitro nucleic acid techniques, including recombinant deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and direct injection of nucleic acid into cells or organelles, or - Fusion of cells beyond the taxonomic family, that overcome natural physiological reproductive or recombination barriers and that are not techniques used in traditional breeding and selection. Definitions This document is a working paper and cannot be interpreted as OIV's official position. This definition is taken from the Cartagena Biosafety Protocol under the Convention on Biological Diversity. CODEX Alimentarius Cartagena Protocol Organisation 2. Definitions Law Framework Compilation on GMOs 67 “GM product” as a thing (other than a GMO) derived or produced from a GMO. “Genetically modified organisms” means: - An organism that has been modified by gene technology; or - An organism that has inherited particular traits from an organism (the initial organism), being traits that occurred in the initial organism because of gene technology; or - Anything declared by the regulations to be a genetically modified organism, or that belongs to a class of things declared by the regulations to be genetically modified organisms; but does not include: - A human being, if the human being is covered by paragraph (a) only because the human being has undergone somatic cell gene therapy; or - An organism declared by the regulations not to be a genetically modified organism, or that belongs to a class of organisms declared by the regulations not to be genetically modified organisms. “Gene technology” means any technique for the modification of genes or other genetic material, but does not include: - Sexual reproduction; or - Homologous recombination; or - Any other technique specified in the regulations for the purposes of this Act. “Organism” means any biological entity that is: - Viable; or - Capable of reproduction; or - Capable of transferring genetic material. Definitions Gene Technology Act 2000 Legislation / Ref. Bulletin de l’OIV This document is a working paper and cannot be interpreted as OIV's official position. Australia Country “Recombinant-DNA Plant” means a plant, in which the genetic material has been changed through in vitro nucleic acid techniques, including recombinant deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and direct injection of nucleic acid into cells or organelles. 68 (Vol. 83, n°947-948-949) Under FDA’s policy, the term “GRAS” is used to make reference to food and feeds, including GE foods and GE feeds, which are considered to be “Generally Recognized as Safe”. “Insect resistance management” is the likelihood of insects to develop a resistance to the bioengineered plant. “Plant-incorporated protectant (PIP)” is a pesticidal substance that is produced and used by the living plant, typically to protect the plant from pests, such as insects, viruses and fungi. EPA classifies pesticides produced by GE plants as biopesticides. This category also includes other naturally occurring chemicals produced by microbes, plants, and animals (and some minerals). To date, only two classes of GE plants fall under the EPA purview: - Plants containing Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) toxins, and; - Plants expressing resistance to viruses. A “plant pest” is defined as any living stage of invertebrate animals, bacteria, fungi, parasitic plants, viruses; or any organisms, agents or substances, which can directly or indirectly damage or cause injury to plants or parts thereof. A “regulated article” is any organism which has been altered or produced through genetic engineering if: - The donor organism, recipient organism, or vector or vector agent belong to any genera or taxa designated as, or believed to be, a plant pest. - The article is deemed to be a plant pest. However, under the Plant Protection Act of 2000, an organism that is subjected to APHIS regulations is called a “regulated article”. APHIS uses the term “biotechnology” to mean the use of recombinant DNA technology, or genetic engineering (GE) to modify living organisms. Definitions This document is a working paper and cannot be interpreted as OIV's official position. United States Country Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA) Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) Plant Protection Act of 2000 Legislation / Ref. Law Framework Compilation on GMOs 69 ‘Genetically modified organism for food use’ means a GMO that may be used as food or as a source material for the production of food. ‘Genetically modified food’ means food containing, consisting of or produced from GMOs. ‘Produced from GMOs’ means derived, in whole or in part, from GMOs, but not containing or consisting of GMOs. - Cell fusion (including protoplast fusion) or hybridisation techniques where live cells with new combinations of heritable genetic material are formed through the fusion of two or more cells by means of methods that do not occur naturally. - Techniques involving the direct introduction into an organism of heritable material prepared outside the organism including micro-injection, macro-injection and microencapsulation; - Recombinant nucleic acid techniques involving the formation of new combinations of genetic material by the insertion of nucleic acid molecules produced by whatever means outside an organism, into any virus, bacterial plasmid or other vector system and their incorporation into a host organism in which they do not naturally occur but in which they are capable of continued propagation; Within the terms of this definition: “Genetically modified organism (GMO)” means an organism, with the exception of human beings, in which the genetic material has been altered in a way that does not occur naturally by mating and/or natural recombination. “Organism” means any biological entity capable of replication or of transferring genetic material. Definitions Regulation N° 1829/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 09/22/2003 Directive 2001/18/CE Legislation / Ref. Bulletin de l’OIV This document is a working paper and cannot be interpreted as OIV's official position. European Union Country / Organisation 70 (Vol. 83, n°947-948-949) “GMO derivate” refers to a product obtained from a GMO that does not have independent capacity for reproduction or one that does not contain a viable form of a GMO2. “Genetically modified organism (GMOs)”, an organism the genetic material of which – DNA/RNA has been modified by any genetic engineering technique. “Genetic engineering”, the activity of manipulating DNA/RNA recombinant molecules. “Recombinant DNA/RNA molecules”, molecules manipulated outside live cells through changes made to natural or synthetic DNA/RNA segments that can multiply in a live cell, or yet, DNA/RNA molecules resulting from this multiplication; DNA/RNA synthetic segments equivalent to natural DNA/RNA are also considered. “Deoxyribonucleic acid - DNA, ribonucleic acid – RNA”, genetic material which contains determining information about transmissible hereditary characters to progeny. “Organism”, each and every biological entity that is capable of reproducing or transferring genetic material, including virus and other classes that may be made known. “Gene therapy”, a technique for delivering functional genes (to replace aberrant ones) into living cells by means of a genetically modified vector or by physical means in order to genetically alter the living cell. “Gene release”, the introduction of GMOs into the environment by whatever means, where the organisms are no longer contained by any system of barriers and are no longer under any person’s control, so that the organism is likely to survive and be disseminated. “Genetically modified organism (GMOs)”, an organism the genes or genetic material of which has been modified in a way that does not occur naturally through mating or natural recombination or both, and “genetic modification” shall have a corresponding meaning. “Organism”, a biological entity, cellular or non-cellular, capable of metabolism, replication, reproduction or of transferring genetic material and includes a microorganism. Definitions Law Nº 11.105 of 03/24/2005 Genetically Modified Organisms Act (N° 15 of 1997) Legislation / Ref. This document is a working paper and cannot be interpreted as OIV's official position. 2 GMO derivates do not include the chemically defined pure substances obtained by biological processes that do not contain GMOs, heterologous proteins or recombinant DNA. Brazil South Africa Country Law Framework Compilation on GMOs 71 “Genetically Modified Vegetal Organism (GMVO)”, any vegetal organism that owns a new combination of genetic matter that has been obtained by means of the application of modern biotechnology: - The insertion in an organism, by direct microinjection, macroinjection, microencapsulation or other means, of genetic material inherited preparation outside that organism; - Where the recombinant DNA molecule is use in in vitro fertilization, implying genetic transformation of a eukaryotic cell. “Genetically Modified Organism”, that one organism in which anyone of its genes or genetic material has been modified by means of the following techniques of modern biotechnology: the insertion, by any method, of a virus, of bacterial plasma or other vector system of a nucleic acid molecule that has been produced by any method outside that virus, bacterial plasma or other vector system, in such a way to produce a new combination of genetic material which is able to be inserted in an organism which that combination does not happen naturally and within which will be inhered genetic material. “Vegetal genome” group of nuclear genomes and citoplasmatics. “Principal gene”, means the gene that confers the GMVO new characteristic. “Marking gene”, means the one gene allowing the GMVO selection, identifying it from organisms that have not been transformed. “Modern Biotechnology”: - In vitro nucleic acid techniques, including recombinant deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and direct injection of nucleic acid into cells or organelles, or - Fusion of cells beyond the taxonomic family, that overcome natural physiological reproductive or recombination barriers and that are not techniques used in traditional breeding and selection. Definitions Resolution SENASA N° 412/02 Resolution SAGPyA N° 644/03. Applied by The Technical Advising Committee concerning GMO use CTAUOGM (SENASA) Resolution SAGPyA N° 57/03 Resolution SAGPyA N° 39/03 (amending Resolutions 656/92, 837/93 and 289/97). Resolution SAGyP N° 656/92 Legislation / Ref. Bulletin de l’OIV This document is a working paper and cannot be interpreted as OIV's official position. Argentina Country 72 (Vol. 83, n°947-948-949) Living modified organisms that are intended for direct use as food or feed, or for processing, clearly identifies that they "may contain" living modified organisms and are not intended for intentional introduction into the environment, as well as a contact point for further information. The Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to this Protocol shall take a decision on the detailed requirements for this purpose, including specification of their identity and any unique identification, no later than two years after the date of entry into force of this Protocol; Living modified organisms that are destined for contained use clearly identifies them as living modified organisms; and specifies any requirements for the safe handling, storage, transport and use, the contact point for further information, including the name and address of the individual and institution to whom the living modified organisms are consigned; and Living modified organisms that are intended for intentional introduction into the environment of the Party of import and any other living modified organisms within the scope of the Protocol, clearly identifies them as living modified organisms; specifies the identity and relevant traits and/or characteristics, any requirements for the safe handling, storage, transport and use, the contact point for further information and, as appropriate, the name and address of the importer and exporter; and contains a declaration that the movement is in conformity with the requirements of this Protocol applicable to the exporter. a) b) c) Each Party shall take measures to require that documentation accompanying: In order to avoid adverse effects on the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity, taking also into account risks to human health, each Party shall take necessary measures to require that living modified organisms that are subject to intentional transboundary movement within the scope of this Protocol are handled, packaged and transported under conditions of safety, taking into consideration relevant international rules and standards. Mandatory Labelling This document is a working paper and cannot be interpreted as OIV's official position. Cartagena Protocol Country / Legislation 3. GMO Labelling Depends on each country’s legislation Threshold level of GMO N/A Exceptions Law Framework Compilation on GMOs 73 or containing GMOs, This document is a working paper and cannot be interpreted as OIV's official position. b) For non-pre-packaged products offered to the final consumer the words “This product contains genetically modified organisms” or “This product contains genetically modified [name of organism(s)]” shall appear on, or in connection with, the display of the product. a) For pre-packaged products consisting of, or containing GMOs, the words “This product contains genetically modified organisms” or “This product contains genetically modified [name of organism(s)]” appear on a label; For products consisting of operators shall ensure that: Mandatory Voluntary Mandatory All feeds and foods sold as mixes or combination, must declare the percentage of consumption with respect to the weight or volume of each ingredient at the time of the elaboration of the feed and/or food. Mandatory Labelling ≤ 0.9% N/A ≤ 1% Depends on each country’s legislation Threshold level of GMO Products with present signs of GMO in a proportion non superior to 0.9%. c) Pharmaceutical medicines and/or products. b) Products destined to the direct use as foods or feeds or for transformation, with accidental or technically traces of GMO smaller to 0.9%. a) Yes Yes N/A Exceptions Bulletin de l’OIV Regulation N° 1830/2003 concerning the traceability and labelling of genetically modified organisms and the traceability of food and feed products produced from GMO. Directive 2008/27/CE amending Directive 2001/18/CE. European Union Plant Protection Act 2000. United States Gene Technology Regulations 2001. Gene Technology Act 2000. Australia Codex Alimentarius Country / Legislation 74 (Vol. 83, n°947-948-949) Foodstuff obtained through certain techniques of genetic modification (different in respect to the composition, nutritional value, mode of storage, preparation or cooking, allergenicity or human or animal origin)3; Foodstuff obtained through certain techniques of genetic modification may bear a claim with regard to improved with regard to improved or enhanced characteristics such as composition, nutritional value and reduced causation of allerginicity. a) b) These Regulations establishes a labelling guideline for: Mandatory Labelling ≤ 5% Threshold level of GMO c) All ingredients of a mixture, compound or blend as well as foodstuffs for which compositional standards have been laid down under the Act or any another Act, shall be exempt from the b) The following foodstuffs need not be labelled with a list of ingredients: - Water to which no ingredient other than carbon dioxide has been added and the name of which indicates that it has been carbonated; - Vinegars which are derived by means of natural fermentation exclusively from a single basic product and to which no other ingredient has been added; or - A dairy product to which no ingredient other than milk, a starter culture or rennet has been added; a) The following ingredients of a foodstuff need not be named in the list of ingredients: - Constituents of an ingredient which have become temporarily separated during the manufacturing process and are later reintroduced in their original proportions; - Any substance other than water which is used as a solvent or carrier for a food additive or nutrient and which is used in an amount that is consistent with good manufacturing practice; - Water or other volatile ingredients evaporated in the course of manufacture; - The constituents of a compound ingredient in a case where the compound ingredient would not be required to bear a list of ingredients if it were itself being sold prepacked as a foodstuff. Yes Exceptions This document is a working paper and cannot be interpreted as OIV's official position. 3 For more detailed information about the labelling requirements see point (2) of the Regulations Relating to the Labelling of Foodstuffs Obtained Through Certain Techniques of Genetic Modification in the Annexe. Regulations Relating to the Labelling of Foodstuffs Obtained Through Certain Techniques of Genetic Modification, which came into force the 01/16/2004. South Africa Country / Legislation Law Framework Compilation on GMOs 75 Bulletin de l’OIV This document is a working paper and cannot be interpreted as OIV's official position. d) The following foodstuffs, sold as such, shall, unless otherwise provided in these regulations, be exempt from the requirements regarding labelling: - Hens' eggs and ostrich eggs; - Fresh, unprocessed vegetables and fruit which have not been mixed; - Wheaten products which are not prepacked and for which compositional standards exist in terms of the Agricultural Product Standards Act, 1990 (Act N° 119 of 1990); - Any drink referred to in the Liquor Products Act, 1989 (Act N°. 60 of 1989): Provided that where the drink contains the colourant "tartrazine", and where health statements/health warning are prescribed, these facts shall be indicated on the label in accordance with the provisions of the Act; - Unprocessed fish, unprocessed meat of bovines, goats, sheep, pigs and poultry which have not been prepacked; - Unprocessed fish, unprocessed meat of bovines, goats, sheep, pigs and poultry prepacked in such a way that the purchaser is able to identify the contents of the package except for an indication of the type of animal or fish; - Any foodstuff prepared and sold on the premises of a catering establishment for immediate consumption; - Unpacked or transparently-packed portions of foodstuffs that are sold as snacks on the premises of preparation; - Any foodstuff which is sold in bulk other than by retail and which is accompanied by relevant trade documents reflecting all particulars required by these regulations to appear on the label of a prepacked foodstuff; or - Flour confectionary intended to be consumed within 24 hours of manufacture. provisions of section 3(1) of the Act relating to the specification on the label of the proportions or amounts in which the ingredients are present, unless explicitly otherwise provided by regulation. 76 (Vol. 83, n°947-948-949) a) "(Product name) transgenic"; b) "Contains (name of ingredient or ingredients) transgenic(s)"; or c) "Product produced from (product name) transgenic." The label on the packaging or the container should state, in the main panel and together with a “T” symbol printed in a yellow triangle that stands for “transgenic”, one of the following expressions depending on the case: Mandatory Voluntary Labelling This document is a working paper and cannot be interpreted as OIV's official position. Decree n° 4.680 of 04/24/2003, which regulates the right to information, provided by the Law N° 8078 of 09/11/1990, Foods and food ingredients for human consumption or animal feed containing or produced from genetically modified organisms without prejudice to the other standards. Brazil MERCOSUR Technique Regulation concerning food labelling (MERCOSUR/GMC/RES. Nº 26/03). Resolution MERCOSUR, Chapter V “Labelling and Advertising Food Regulations”. Argentinean Foodstuffs Code (Código Alimentario Argentino - CAA). Resolution SENASA N° 412/02. Argentina Country / Legislation ≤ 1% N/A Threshold level of GMO N/A N/A Exceptions Law Framework Compilation on GMOs 77 Law Framework Compilation on Organic Production Codex Alimentarius Australia United States European Union South Africa Argentina Andrea CHARRY CORREA, Ignacio SÁNCHEZ RECARTE International Organisation of Vine and Wine – OIV Economy and Law Unit 18, rue d’Aguesseau – 75008 Paris – France [email protected] [email protected] KEYWORDS: Law, organic production. This document is a working paper and cannot be interpreted as OIV's official position. 1999 1992 Guidelines for the Production, Processing, Labelling and Marketing of Organically Produced Foods The National Standard for Organic and BioDynamic Produce Codex Alimentarius Australia General sections describing the organic production concept and the scope of the text; Description and definitions; Labelling and claims (including products in transition/conversion); Rules of production and preparation, including criteria for the substances allowed in organic production; Inspection and certification systems; Import control. x x x x x x x Production; Labelling; Transport and storage; Preparation; Preservation; Use of additives and processing aids; Packaging. These Standards stipulate minimum requirements for products placed on the market with labelling which states or implies they have been produced under organic or biodynamic systems for the Commonwealth, States and Territories. The requirements concern: x x x x x x The Guidelines include: The Codex Committee on Food Labelling developed the Guidelines for the Production, Processing, Labelling and Marketing of Organically Produced Foods in view of the growing production and international trade in organically produced foods with a view to facilitating trade and preventing misleading claims. The Guidelines are intended to facilitate the harmonization of requirements for organic products at the international level, and may also provide assistance to governments wishing to establish national regulations in this area. Objective Bulletin de l’OIV This document is a working paper and cannot be interpreted as OIV's official position. Date Act / Legislation / Regulation Country / Organisation 1. Acts, Legislations and/or Regulations 80 (Vol. 83, n°947-948-949) 01/01/2009 01/01/2009 Council Regulation (EC) N° 834/2007 of 06/28/2007 on organic production and labelling of organic products and repealing Regulation (EEC) N° 2092/91 Commission Regulation (EC) N° 889/2008 of 09/05/2008 laying down detailed rules for the implementation of EC N° 834/2007 12/21/2000 11/28/1990 Organic Foods Production Act of 1990, Title XXI – Organic Certification of the 1990 Farm Bill Title 7, Part 205, National Organic Program; Final Rule Date Act / Legislation / Regulation The National Organic Program (NOP) under the direction of the Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS), an arm of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA); A national-level accreditation program to be administered by the AMS for State officials and private persons who want to be accredited as certifying agents; Requirements for labelling products as organic and containing organic ingredients; Provides for importation of organic agricultural products from foreign programs determined to have equivalent organic program requirements. All stages of production, preparation and distribution of organic products and their control; The use of indications referring to organic production in labelling and advertising. x x x x Live or unprocessed agricultural products; Processed agricultural products for use as food; Feed; Vegetative propagating material and seeds for cultivation. This Regulation lays down specific rules on organic production, labelling and control in respect of the following products: x x It establishes common objectives and principles to underpin the rules set out under this Regulation concerning: This Regulation establishes a new legal framework for organic products and provides the basis for the sustainable development of organic production while ensuring the effective functioning of the internal market, guaranteeing fair competition, ensuring consumer confidence and protecting consumer interests. x x x x The National Organic Program Final Rule establishes and /or includes: This Act establishes national standards governing the marketing of certain agricultural products as organically produced product; assures consumers that organically produced products meet a consistent standard; and facilitates interstate commerce in fresh and processed food that is organically produced. Objective This document is a working paper and cannot be interpreted as OIV's official position. European Union United States Country / Organisation Law Framework Compilation on Organic Production 81 01/25/2001 09/08/1999 Law N°25.127 concerning Ecologic or Organic Production Decree Law N° 97 Draft Resolution 09/01/1991 Agricultural Product Standards Act of 1990 DRAFT: Regulations Regarding Control Over the Sale of Organically Produced Products in the Republic of South Africa Date Act / Legislation / Regulation Plants and plant products; Live animals; Products from bee keeping; Processed products for human consumption; Inputs influencing, or resulting from, organic production methods. It regulates the Law N°25.127, establishing the Authority of application and promulgates the promotion and development of internal and external markets of ecological, biological or organic products and foods. This Law defines, identifies and describes products that are considered ecological, biological or organic and establishes certification conditions. x x x x x The ministry of Agriculture has under section 15 of the Agricultural Product Standards Act of 1990, added these Regulations, which apply to the following products which carry, or are intended to carry, descriptive labelling referring to organic production methods: x The sale and export of certain agricultural products, x The sale of certain imported agricultural products; x Other related products; and for matters connected therewith. This Act provides legal measures to control over: Objective Bulletin de l’OIV This document is a working paper and cannot be interpreted as OIV's official position. Argentina South Africa Country 82 (Vol. 83, n°947-948-949) 06/03/1992 02/16/2001 Decree Law N° 206 Resolution SAGyP N° 423/92 Date Act / Legislation / Regulation x x x x x x x x Scope of Application; Concept; Importation; Norms of Production: on Transition, primary production, elaboration, packing, division and manufacturing plants and identification; Control systems; ANNEX A (allowed Fertilizers and Enhancers); ANNEX B (allowed products for plague and disease control); ANNEX C (allowed products in food processing). Regulates the norms of production and organic food elaboration, solving on the following points: Establishes a normative frame for organic vegetal production and organic production of animal origin. 3. Prohibits the commercialization of products of farming origin, raw materials, intermediate products, finished products and by-products under the ecological, biological or organic denomination that have not previously obtained the corresponding certification. x Will dictate, following a proposal by the National Service of Health and Agroalimentary Quality, the norms of application of the Law N°25.127 and will establish the practices that raw materials, intermediate products, finished products and byproducts should follow in order to obtain the denomination of ecological, biological or organic. x Will regulate the National Registry of Ecological, Biological or Organic Product Certifiers Organizations. x Will establish the procedures and instruments, including the requirement of stamped official or the incorporation of marks, passwords or companies that will allow the clear identification of ecological, biological or organic products to avoid damages to the consumers and to prevent disloyal competition. 2. Establishes that the Secretariat of Agriculture, Cattle, Fishing and Feeding (SAGPyA): 1. Creates the Organic Production Program (PRONAO). Objective This document is a working paper and cannot be interpreted as OIV's official position. Argentina Country Law Framework Compilation on Organic Production 83 03/04/1994 08/04/1994 Resolution IASCAV N° 331/94 11/05/1992 Resolution IASCAV N° 62/92 Resolution IASCAV N° 116/94 06/03/1992 Resolution IASCAV N° 82/92 06/04/1993 06/03/1992 Resolution SAGyP N° 424/92 Resolution SAGyP N° 354/93 Date Act / Legislation / Regulation Creation of the Registry for Organic Product Certifiers; Obligatory nature of the Registry of Organic Product Certifiers; General requirements for inscription procedures; Specific requirements of new recruits; Concerns of the Authority of Application. Art. 2° approves the annexed regulation regarding the Minimum Requirements of Control and Precautionary Means established within the Control System contemplated in the Art. 1° of Regulation SAGyP N° 423 of 3rd June 1992. Art. 1° adds to part 3 of the ANNEX of Resolution IASCAV N° 82 of June 3rd 1992 part 3.8 indicating that, for all the cases, the Statutes, Social Contracts or Contracts of constitution will have to contemplate in their objectives the explicit nomination to the functions of inspection and/or certification of organic products assuring objectivity in their function with respect to the operators attached to their control. Updates ANNEX B of Resolution SAGyP N° 423 of June 3rd 1992, including products based on pheromones for plague control in organic agriculture. Amends part b) of Article 5 of Resolution SAGyP N° 423 of June 3rd 1992 on plague and disease handling. Creates the Advisory Technical Committee for Organic Production creates, indicating the coordination, integration and faculties of the same. x x x x x Approves the norm annexed regarding the Registry of Organic Product Certifiers for exportation and internal market, and specifies the following points: Determines the tariff for the National Organic Product Certifying Company Registry for inscription and annual renovation, establishing the fixed term for the application of the surcharge and/or the loss of the Registry. Objective Bulletin de l’OIV This document is a working paper and cannot be interpreted as OIV's official position. Argentina Country 84 (Vol. 83, n°947-948-949) Enhance biological diversity within the whole system; Increase soil biological activity; Maintain long-term soil fertility; Recycle wastes of plant and animal origin in order to return nutrients to the land, thus minimizing the use of non-renewable resources; Rely on renewable resources in locally organized agricultural systems; Promote the healthy use of soil, water and air as well as minimize all forms of pollution thereto that may result from agricultural practices; Handle agricultural products with emphasis on careful processing methods in order to maintain the organic integrity and vital qualities of the product at all stages; Become established on any existing farm through a period of conversion, the appropriate length of which is determined by site-specific factors such as the history of the land, and type of crops and livestock to be produced. The Rules of Production and Preparation for Organic Production Methods have been also established under Section 4 of the Guidelines (see Annex of the present working paper). x x x x x x x x An “organic production system” is designed to: “Organic agriculture” is a holistic production management system which promotes and enhances agroecosystem health, including biodiversity, biological cycles, and soil biological activity. It emphasizes the use of management practices in preference to the use of off-farm inputs, taking into account that regional conditions require locally adapted systems. This is accomplished by using, where possible, cultural, biological and mechanical methods, as opposed to using synthetic materials, to fulfill any specific function within the system. “Organic” is a labelling term that denotes products that have been produced in accordance with organic production standards and certified by a duly constituted certification body or authority. There is not a specific definition for the terms “ecologic”, “biologic” or “organic” or for “production ecologic”. However, the following terms are defined in the Foreword of the Guidelines for the Production, Processing, Labelling and Marketing of Organically Produced Foods. Definitions This document is a working paper and cannot be interpreted as OIV's official position. Codex Alimentarius Country / Organisation 2. Definitions Guidelines for the Production, Processing, Labelling and Marketing of Organically Produced Foods Legislation / Ref. Law Framework Compilation on Organic Production 85 This document is a working paper and cannot be interpreted as OIV's official position. x Have been produced and handled without the use of synthetic chemicals, except as otherwise provided in this title; x Except as otherwise provided in this title and excluding livestock, not be produced on land to which any prohibited substances, including synthetic chemicals, have been applied during the 3 years immediately preceding the harvest of the agricultural products; x Be produced and handled in compliance with an organic plan agreed to by the producer and handler of such product and certifying agent. “Organically Produced” means an agricultural product that is produced and handled in accordance with the Organic Foods Production Act of 1990, Title XXI – Organic Certification of the 1990 Farm Bill. Therefore, and according to the National Standards for Organic Production within the Organic Foods Production Act of 1990, to be sold or labelled as an organically produced agricultural product, an agricultural product shall: “Organic produce certificate” is the official government certificate required for all organic export consignments. It does not include any other official health or phytosanitary export certificate. “Organic management practices” means organic farming systems and operator practices as described in theses Standards. “Organic” means the application of practices that emphasize the: x Use of renewable resources; x Conservation of energy, soil and water; x Environmental maintenance and enhancement, while producing optimum quantities of produce without the use or artificial fertilizer or synthetic chemicals. “Natural” means existing or formed by nature, not artificial. “Bio-dynamic preparation(s)” means the natural activators developed according to Steiner’s original indications. “Bio-dynamic” means an agricultural system that introduces specific additional requirements to an organic system. These are based on the application of preparations indicated by Rudolf Steiner and subsequent developments for management derived from practical application, experience and research based on these preparations. Definitions Organic Foods Production Act of 1990, Title XXI – Organic Certification of the 1990 Farm Bill The National Standards for Organic and Bio-Dynamic Produce Legislation / Ref. Bulletin de l’OIV United States Australia Country 86 (Vol. 83, n°947-948-949) 2 1 Produced in accordance with the requirements specified in §205.101 or §§205.202 through 205.207 or §§205.236 through 205.239 and all other applicable requirements of part 205; Handled in accordance with the requirements specified in §205.101 or §§205.270 through 205.272 and all other applicable requirements of this part 205. NOTE: Despite the above and for the effects of the present definition, the General Principles and the Norms of Production equally established in the present Regulation will be considered.2 “Organic production” means the use of the production method compliant with the rules established in this Regulation, at all stages of production, preparation and distribution.1 “Organic” means coming from or related to organic production. “Organic production”: a production system that is managed in accordance with the Organic Foods Production Act and regulations in this part to respond to site-specific conditions by integrating cultural, biological, and mechanical practices that foster cycling of resources, promote ecological balance, and conserve biodiversity. “Organic matter”: the remains, residues, or wastes products of any organism. x x “Organic”: a labelling term that refers to an agricultural product produced in accordance with the Organic Foods Production Act and the regulations in this Final Rule. Therefore, and according to section 205.102 of the NOP Final Rule, any agricultural product that is sold, labelled, or represented as “100% organic”, “organic”, or “made with organic (specified ingredients or food group(s))” must be: “Nonsynthetic (natural)”: a substance that is derived from mineral, plant, or animal matter and does not undergo a synthetic process as defined in section 6502(21) of the Organic Foods Production Act. “Nonagricultural substances”: a substance that is not a product of agricultural, such as a mineral or a bacterial culture, that is used as an ingredient in an agricultural product. A non-agricultural product also includes any substance, such as gum, citric acid, or pectin, which is extracted from, isolated from, or a fraction of an agricultural product so that the identity of the agricultural product is unrecognizable in the exact, isolated, or fraction. Definitions This document is a working paper and cannot be interpreted as OIV's official position. To see the Norms of Production established by Regulation (EC) N° 834/2007, see Chapter I of the Regulation. Council Regulation 834/2007, Title II, Article 4. European Union United States Country / Organisation EC N° 834/2007 on organic production and labelling of organic products and repealing EEC N° 2092/91 Title 7, Part 205, National Organic Program; Final Rule Legislation / Ref. Law Framework Compilation on Organic Production 87 Enhance biological diversity within the whole system; Increase soil biological activity; Maintain and improve long term soil fertility; Recycle wastes of plant and animal origin in order to return nutrients to the soil, thus minimising the use of non-renewable resources; Rely on renewable resources in locally organised agricultural systems; Promote the healthy use of soil, water and air as well as minimise all forms of pollution thereto that may result from agricultural practices; Handle agricultural products with emphasis on careful processing methods in order to maintain the organic integrity and vital qualities of the product at all stages; Become established on any existing farm through a period of conversion, the appropriate length of which is determined by site specific factors such as the history of the farm-land, and type of crops and livestock to be produced. Offer healthy products; Maintain and/or increase the fertility of grounds and biological diversity; Conserve hydric resources; Present/display or intensify earth biological cycles in order to provide the nutrients destined to vegetal and animal life; Provide to natural systems, vegetal cultures and cattle conditions that will allow them to express the basic characteristics of their innate behavior, covering its physiological and ecological needs. This document is a working paper and cannot be interpreted as OIV's official position. x x x x x "Ecologic", "Biologic" or "Organic": all farming production system and its corresponding agroindustry, as well as the harvesting systems, capture and hunt, viable in the time. These systems, by means of the rational handling of natural resources and avoiding the use of chemical synthesis products and others of potential poisonous effect for human health, must: “Organic product” means a product which has been produced, processed and/or handled in compliance with these regulations. “Organic in conversion” means a production system which has adhered to these regulations for at least one year and has been certified as such but which does not qualify as fully organic. Provided that the term is applicable only to plants and plant products, not animals and animal products. “Organic compounds” means chemical compounds containing carbon combined with hydrogen and often also with oxygen, nitrogen and other elements. “Organic chemistry” means the chemistry of organic compounds. x x x x x x x x “Organic” means produced by the specific management practices indicated in these regulations which are designed to: Definitions Law 25.127 on Ecological, Biological or Organic Production “Draft” Regulations Regarding the Control Over the Sale of Organically Produced Products Legislation / Ref. Bulletin de l’OIV Argentina South Africa Country 88 (Vol. 83, n°947-948-949) Guidelines for the Production, Processing, Labelling and Marketing of Organically Produced Foods Codex Alimentarius x Such indications show clearly that they relate to a method of agricultural production; x The product was produced in accordance with the requirements of Section 4 of the Guidelines or imported under the requirements laid down in Section 7 of the Guidelines; x The product was produced or imported by an operator who is subject to the inspection measures laid down in Section 6 of the Guidelines; x The labelling refers to the name and/or code number of the officially recognized inspection or certification body to which the operator who has carried out the production or the most recent processing operation is subject. 2. The labelling and claims of unprocessed plants and plant products may refer to organic production methods only where: 1. Organic products should be labelled in accordance with the Codex General Standard for the Labelling of Prepackaged Foods. Taken the above into account, the Guidelines for the Production, Processing, Labelling and Marketing of Organically Produced Foods establishes that: A product will be regarded as bearing indications referring to organic production methods where, in the labelling or claims, including advertising material or commercial documents, the product, or its ingredients, is described by the terms “organic”, “biodynamic”, “biological”, “ecological”, or words of similar intent including diminutives which, in the country where the product is placed on the market, suggests to the purchaser that the product or its ingredients were obtained according to organic production methods. Labelling This document is a working paper and cannot be interpreted as OIV's official position. Legislation / Ref. Organisation 3. Labelling Law Framework Compilation on Organic Production 89 Guidelines for the Production, Processing, Labelling and Marketing of Organically Produced Foods Codex Alimentarius x x x The development of specific labelling provisions for products containing less than 95% ingredients of agricultural ingredients; The calculation of the percentages in 3.4 (5%) and in 3.5 (95%) on the basis of the ingredients of agricultural origin (instead of all ingredients excluding only salt and water); The marketing of product with in transition/conversion labelling containing more than one ingredient of agricultural origin. Pending further review of the Guidelines in accordance with Section 8, Member Countries can consider the following with regard to products referred to in §1.1(b) marketed in their territory: 4. Labelling of products containing 95% of organic ingredients: x Such indication show clearly that they relate to a method of agricultural production and are linked with the name of the agricultural product in question, unless such indication is clearly given in the list of ingredients; x All the ingredients of agricultural origin of the product are, or are derived from, products obtained in accordance with the requirements of Section 4, or imported under the arrangements laid down in Section 7of the Guidelines; x The product should not contain any ingredient of non-agricultural origin not listed in Annex 2, Table 3 of the Guidelines; x The same ingredients shall not be derived from an organic and non-organic origin; x The product or its ingredients have not been subjected during preparation to treatments involving the use of ionizing radiation or substances not listed in Annex 2, Table 4 of the Guidelines; x The product was prepared or imported by an operator subject to the regular inspection system as set out in Section 6 of these Guidelines; x The labelling refers to the name and/or the code number of the official or officially recognized certification body or authority to which the operator who has carried out the most recent preparation operation is subject. 3. The labelling and claims of processed agricultural crop products intended for human consumption may refer to organic production methods only where: Labelling Bulletin de l’OIV This document is a working paper and cannot be interpreted as OIV's official position. Legislation / Ref. Organisation 90 (Vol. 83, n°947-948-949) Guidelines for the Production, Processing, Labelling and Marketing of Organically Produced Foods Codex Alimentarius The product satisfies the requirements of paragraphs 3.3(c), (d) (e), (f) and (g); The indications referring to organic production methods should only appear on the front panel as a reference to the approximate percentage of the total ingredients including additives but excluding salt and water; The ingredients appear in descending order (mass/mass) in the list of ingredients; Indications in the list of ingredients appear in the same colour and with an identical style and size of lettering as other indications in the list of ingredient. The requirements referred to in paragraphs 3.2 and 3.3 are fully satisfied; The indications referring to transition/conversion do not mislead the purchaser of the product regarding its difference from products obtained from farms and/or farm units which have fully completed the conversion period; Such indication take the form of words, such as “product under conversion to organic farming”, or similar words or phrase accepted by the competent authority of the country where the product is marketed, and must appear in a colour, size and style of lettering which is not more prominent than the sales description of the product; Foods composed of a single ingredient may be labelled as “transition to organic” on the principal display panel; The labelling refers to the name and/or the code number of the official or officially approved certification body or authority to which the operator who has carried out the most recent preparation is subject. The labelling of non-retail containers of product specified in paragraph 1.1 should meet the requirements set out in Annex 3, paragraph 10 of the Guidelines for the Production, Processing, Labelling and Marketing of Organically Produced Foods. 7. Labelling of non-retail containers x x x x x 6. Products of farms in transition/conversion to organic production methods may only be labelled as “transition to organic” after 12 months of production using organic methods providing that: x x x x 5. In developing labelling provisions from products containing less than 95% of organic ingredients in accordance with the paragraph above, member countries may consider the following elements in particular for products containing 95% and 70% of organic ingredients: Labelling This document is a working paper and cannot be interpreted as OIV's official position. Legislation / Ref. Organisation Law Framework Compilation on Organic Production 91 4 x The same ingredient may not be derived from an organic/bio-dynamic source, and a source not complying with The National Standard. x Organically or Bio-Dynamically derived ingredients must be used if available. Any ingredients not satisfying the production/processing or handling requirements of The National Standard, must be clearly indicated as such in the ingredients lists. x The wording of the ingredients that comply with The National Standard must appear in the same color and with an identical style and size of lettering as the other ingredients listed in the ingredients list. x The ingredients and their relative levels appear in descending order (m/m) in the list of ingredients. x Only those substances listed in the Appendix III of The National Standard, can be used as food additives and processing aids.4 x The final product, or any of its ingredients, must not have been subject to treatments involving the use of ionising radiation (excluding X-rays used for detection or foreign matter), or products subject to genetic manipulation, or nanotechnology. 3. In addition to points 1 and 2 above, the following conditions apply: This document is a working paper and cannot be interpreted as OIV's official position. See The National Standard for Organic and Bio-Dynamic Produce complete text, which has been enclosed at the end of the present working paper. The National Standard for Organic and Bio-Dynamic Produce text has been enclosed at the end of the present working paper. The National Standard for Organic and BioDynamic Produce Australia x The name and address, or number of the certified operator; x The approved certifying organisations name, address, and/or logo/trademark; x Other labelling requirements as required by Commonwealth, State/territory law. 2. Product labels must be authorised by the approved certifying organisation, and must include the following on the label: x Such labelling and/or advertising shows clearly that it relates to a method of production that satisfies the requirements of this standards; x The products have been produced or prepared by an operator whose undertakings are subject to an inspection and certification system as detailed in Section 6 of The National Standard.3 1. The labelling and advertising of a product specified in Section 1 of The National Standard for Organic and Bio-Dynamic Produce, may refer to organic or bio-dynamic production methods only where: Standards: Labelling Bulletin de l’OIV 3 Legislation / Ref. Country 92 (Vol. 83, n°947-948-949) The National Standard for Organic and BioDynamic Produce Australia NOTE: If any ingredient is a concentrate, or reconstituted from concentrates, the calculation should be made on the basis of single-strength concentrations of the ingredients and finished product. x Special conditions apply where 70% or more water has been added to a product (see below). x For products containing ingredients in both solid and liquid form: Dividing the combined weight of the solid organic/bio-dynamic ingredients and the weight of the liquid organic/biodynamic ingredients (excluding salt and water) by the total weight (excluding salt and water) of the finished product. x If the product and ingredients are liquid: Dividing the fluid volume of all organic/biodynamic ingredients (excluding salt and water) by the fluid volume of the finished product (excluding salt and water). x By weight: Dividing the total net weight (excluding water and salt) of the organic/bio-dynamic ingredients by the total weight (excluding water and salt) of the finished product. To calculate the percentage of product that may be labelled or represented as “organic” or “biodynamic” in a composite product, the following calculations should be used: Organic or Bio-Dynamic Ingredient percentage in the Final Product: Labelling This document is a working paper and cannot be interpreted as OIV's official position. Legislation / Ref. Country Law Framework Compilation on Organic Production 93 The National Standard for Organic and Bio-Dynamic Produce Australia Substances listed in the Appendix III of The National Standard. - x The specified ingredients are from organic or bio-dynamic production; x At least 70% of the ingredients are from organic or bio-dynamic production; x The remaining ingredients are: - Of agricultural origin, and cannot be sourced in sufficient quantities in accordance with the requirements of The National Standard; and/or - Substances listed in the Appendix III of The National Standard. A product may be labelled with the statement made with “organic” or “bio-dynamic” (specified ingredient/s) provided the conditions indicated in above and the following: Produce labelled as made with Organic or Bio-Dynamic Ingredients: Of agricultural origin, and cannot be sourced in sufficient quantities in accordance with the requirements of The National Standard for Organic and Bio-Dynamic Produce; and/or - x The remaining ingredients are: x At least 95% of the ingredients are from organic or bio-dynamic production; A product may be sold, labelled or represented as “organic” or “bio-dynamic” provided the conditions indicated above and the following: Produced labelled as Organic or Bio-Dynamic: Products sold, labelled, or represented as “100% Organic or Bio-Dynamic” must contain, by weight or by fluid volume, 100% raw or processed agricultural product that fulfils the production and handling/processing requirements of The National Standard for Organic and Bio-Dynamic Produce. Produced labelled 100% Organic or Bio-Dynamic: Labelling ≥ 70% ≥ 95% 100% Threshold level of Organic Ingredient Bulletin de l’OIV This document is a working paper and cannot be interpreted as OIV's official position. Legislation / Ref. Country 94 (Vol. 83, n°947-948-949) The National Standard for Organic and Bio-Dynamic Produce Australia For other than reconstituted products, where water is added in concentrations greater than 70% of the product volume the organic ingredient percentage shall be listed per total product volume. Labelling where water is in excess of 70% by volume of a product: The indications referring to in-conversion product must not mislead the purchaser that the product is other than in-conversion product. Therefore, any in-conversion indications must be adjacent to and in the same color, shade and size as the word “organic” or “bio-dynamic”. The conditions indicated above apply for any products that are to be sold, labelled or represented as in-conversion, with the exception that the ingredients used are sourced from farm in-conversion to organic or bio-dynamic production. Produce labelled as in-conversion: x The certifying organisations logo or trademark or other identifying marks may only be used in reference to those ingredients which satisfy The National Standard. x The wording of the ingredients that comply with The National Standard for Organic and Bio-Dynamic Produce, must appear in the same color and with an identical style and size of lettering as the other ingredients listed in the ingredients list; x The ingredients and their relative levels appear in descending order (m/m) in the list of ingredients; Reference to organic or bio-dynamic production methods can only be included in the ingredient list, in conjunction with the name of the ingredient(s) that satisfy The National Standard for Organic and Bio-Dynamic Produce: Produce Containing less than 70% Organic or Bio-Dynamic Ingredients: Labelling This document is a working paper and cannot be interpreted as OIV's official position. Legislation / Ref. Country ≤ 70% Threshold level of Organic Ingredient Law Framework Compilation on Organic Production 95 The National Organic Program Final Rule, Title 7, Part 205 United States OP - Any Other Panel. Any other than the principal display panel, information panel, or ingredients statement. IS – Ingredients Statement. The list contained in a product shown in their common and usual names in the descending order of predominance. IP - Information Panel. Part of the label of a packaged product that is immediately contiguous to and to the right of the principal display panel as observed by an individual facing the principal display panel, unless another section of the label is designated as the information panel because of package size or other package attributes (e.g., irregular shape with one usable surface). PDP - Principal Display Panel. Part of a label that is most likely to be displayed, presented, shown, or examines under customary conditions of display for sale. Letters codes of the information beside indicate position on package and are defined as follow: Labelling Bulletin de l’OIV This document is a working paper and cannot be interpreted as OIV's official position. Legislation / Ref. Country 96 (Vol. 83, n°947-948-949) The National Organic Program Final Rule, Title 7, Part 205 United States x The term “100 percent organic” to modify the product name. (PDP/IP/OP) 6 x The term “organic” to identify the organic ingredients . Water and salt included as ingredients must not be identified as organic. (IS) x The USDA organic seal and/or certifying agent seal(s). (PDP/OP) x The certifying agent business/Internet address or telephone number. (IP) Your label MAY show: x An ingredient statement when the product consists of more than one ingredient. x Below the name and address of the handler (producer, bottler, distributor, importer, manufacturer, packer, processor, etc.), the statement: “Certified organic by…” or similar phrase, followed by the name of the Certifying Agent. Certifying Agent seals may not be used to satisfy this requirement. (IP) Your label MUST show: Your product must contain 100% organically produced ingredients, not counting added water and salt. “100 percent Organic” (or similar statement): Labelling Packaged Products5 and Labelling Alcohol Beverage Containers Labelling 100% Threshold level of Organic Ingredient This document is a working paper and cannot be interpreted as OIV's official position. 6 To identify an ingredient as organically produced, in the ingredients statement, use the word, “organic” in conjunction with the name of the ingredient, or an asterisk or other reference mark which is defined below the ingredient statement. 5 These requirements do not preempt Food and Drug Administration; USDA, Food Safety and Inspection Service; or the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms labelling regulations or label approval requirements. Legislation / Ref. Country Law Framework Compilation on Organic Production 97 x The certifying agent business/Internet address or telephone number. (IP) x The USDA Organic seal and/or certifying agent seal(s). (PDP/OP) x “X% organic” or “X% organic ingredients”. (PDP/IP/OP) x The term “Organic” to modify the product name. (PDP/IP/OP) Your label MAY show: x Show below the name and address of the handler (producer, bottler, distributor, importer, manufacturer, packer, processor, etc.), the statement: “Certified organic by….” or similar phrase, followed by the name of the Certifying Agent. Certifying Agent seals may not be used to satisfy this requirement. (IP) x List the organic ingredient as “organic” when other organic labelling is shown7. Water and salt included as ingredients must not be identified as organic. (IS) x Show an ingredient statement; Your label MUST: This document is a working paper and cannot be interpreted as OIV's official position. Ibis. The National Organic Program Final Rule, Title 7, Part 205 United States x May contain up to 5% of: - Nonorganically produced agricultural ingredients which are not commercially available in organic form; and/or - Other substances, including yeast, allowed by 7 CFR 205.605. x Must not contain added sulfites. x Must contain at least 95% organic ingredients, not counting added water and salt. Your product: “Organic” (or similar statement): Labelling ≥ 95% Threshold level of Organic Ingredient Bulletin de l’OIV 7 Legislation / Ref. Country 98 (Vol. 83, n°947-948-949) United States Your label MUST NOT show the USDA Organic seal. x The certifying agent business/Internet address or telephone number. (IP) x The certifying agent seal(s). (PDP/OP) x “X% organic” or “X% organic ingredients”. (PDP/IP/OP) x The term “Made with organic (specified ingredients or food groups)”. (PDP/IP/OP) Your label MAY show: x Show below the name and address of the handler (bottler, distributor, importer, manufacturer, packer, processor, etc.) of the finished product, the statement: “Certified organic by….” or similar phrase, followed by the name of the Certifying Agent. Certifying Agent seals may not be used to satisfy this requirement. (IP) x List the organic ingredients as “organic” when other organic labelling is shown8. Water and salt included as ingredients must not be identified as organic. (IS) x Show an ingredient statement. Your label MUST: x May contain up to 30% of: - Nonorganically produced agricultural ingredients; and/or - Other substances, including yeast, allowed by 7 CFR 205.605. x Must not contain added sulfites; except that, wine may contain added sulfur dioxide in accordance with 7 CFR 205.605. x Must contain at least 70% organic ingredients, not counting added water and salt. Your product: “Made with Organic Ingredients” (or similar statement): Labelling This document is a working paper and cannot be interpreted as OIV's official position. Ibis. The National Organic Program Final Rule, Title 7, Part 205 8 Legislation / Ref. Country ≥ 70% Threshold level of Organic Ingredient Law Framework Compilation on Organic Production 99 Your label MUST NOT show: x Any other reference to organic contents. x The USDA Organic seal. x The Certifying agent seal. Your label MAY show (for Alcohol Beverage Containers): x The organic status of ingredients in the ingredient statement. (IS) Your label MAY show (for Packaged Products): x The organic status of ingredients in the ingredient statement. (IS) x “X% organic ingredients” when organically produced ingredients are identified in the ingredient statement. (IP) Your label MUST show (for Alcohol Beverage Containers): x An ingredient statement when the word organic is used. x “X% organic ingredients” when organically produced ingredients are identified in the ingredient statement. (IP) This document is a working paper and cannot be interpreted as OIV's official position. Ibis. The National Organic Program Final Rule, Title 7, Part 205 United States Your label MUST (for Packaged Products): x Show an ingredient statement when the word organic is used. x Identify organic ingredients as “organic” in the ingredients statement9 when % organic is displayed. Water and salt included as ingredients must not be identified as organic. (IS) Your product may contain: x Less than 70% organic ingredients, not counting added water and salt. x Over 30% of: - Nonorganically produced agricultural ingredients; and/or - Other substances, without being limited to those in 7 CFR 205.605. The product has some organic ingredients: Labelling ≤ 70% Threshold level of Organic Ingredient Bulletin de l’OIV 9 Legislation / Ref. Country 100 (Vol. 83, n°947-948-949) Council Regulation (EC) N° 834/2007 of 06/28/2007 repealing Regulation (EEC) N° 2092/91 Commission Regulation (EC) N° 889/2008 of 09/05/2008 laying down detailed rules for the implementation of Council Regulation (EC) N° 834/2007 on organic production and labelling of organic products with regard to organic production, labelling and control. Legislation / Ref. For transformed foods, at least 95%, expressed in weight, of the ingredients of agrarian origin, have to be ecological. x The indication is linked to the code number of the control body or control authority as referred to in Article 27(10) of Regulation N° 834/2007. x The product contains only one crop ingredient of agricultural origin; x The indication shall appear in a colour, size and style of lettering which is not more prominent than the sales description of the product, the entire indication shall have the same size of letters; x A conversion period of at least 12 months before the harvest has been complied with; In-conversion products of plant origin In-conversion products of plant origin may bear the indication “product under conversion to organic farming” provided that: x The indication of the place of origin of the raw materials that compose the product. x The communitarian logo which will adjust to the model picked up in Annex XI of Regulation (EC) N° 834/2007; x The reference of the control organism that certifies the product; The labelling of an organic product must be easily visible in the package and contain: In the labelling, publicity or commercial documents, it may appear the terms “eco” and “bio” to characterize an organic product, its ingredients or raw materials. Labelling This document is a working paper and cannot be interpreted as OIV's official position. European Union Country ≥ 95% Threshold level of Organic Ingredient Law Framework Compilation on Organic Production 101 DRAFT: Regulations Regarding Control Over the Sale of Organically Produced Products in the Republic of South Africa South Africa the product contains only one crop ingredient from agricultural origin; the expression is indicated in letters of the same size, type and colour and the word "organic" may not be more prominent than the rest of the expression; x The name and address of the certified operator responsible for the production or preparation of the products; x The name of the product; x The certification carried by the product; x An indication specifying that the product is covered by the regular inspection arrangements of an approved certifying organisation. 5. Products covered by these regulations which are not in final packaging may be transported to other premises only in appropriate packaging or containers which are adequately labelled and identified to include all of the following: 4. Products covered by these regulations which are in final packaging shall, subject to any other applicable legislation, also indicate the name and address of the certified operator responsible for the production or preparation of the products or the certification number of the certified operator. 3. A registered distinctive mark, indicating that the products are covered by the inspection scheme of an approved certifying organisation shall appear on the labelling of organically produced products. Provided that, subject to the provisions of regulation 2, no labelling of a product may refer to organic production methods without indicating a distinctive mark of the approved certifying organisation. 2. Organically produced products from plant and animal origin may be labelled as "product of organic agriculture", "organic", "organically produced", "certified organic" or with a similar expression referring to "organic", having the same meaning. x may not be indicated on the labelling of animal products. - x may be indicated on the labelling of organically produced products from plant origin in conversion after a conversion period of 12 months. Provided that: 1. The indications "produce of organic agriculture in process of conversion" or "organic in conversion" or similar expression referring to "organic" and "conversion", having the same meaning, Labelling 100% Bulletin de l’OIV This document is a working paper and cannot be interpreted as OIV's official position. Legislation / Ref. Country 102 (Vol. 83, n°947-948-949) DRAFT: Regulations Regarding Control Over the Sale of Organically Produced Products in the Republic of South Africa South Africa Ingredients of non-agricultural origin as indicated in Annex VII; Ingredients which have not been produced organically as indicated in Annex X; The operator regularly evaluates the ingredients used on the operation against the criteria in Annexure I to re-confirm the organic status thereof or to identify possible alternatives that are of better organic status. Provided further that the operator reconfirms with the approved certifying organisation when ingredients are changed. - x Where a minimum of 95% of the ingredients are of organic agricultural origin, products may be labelled as organic or organic in conversion as indicated in subregulation (1) and (2) and shall carry the distinctive mark of the approved certifying organisation. Provided that the balance of the ingredients of the products may only be: NOTE: Added potable water and salt shall not be included in the percentage calculations of organic ingredients. 6. Products containing partly organically produced ingredients may be labelled in the following way (raw material weight). Labelling This document is a working paper and cannot be interpreted as OIV's official position. Legislation / Ref. Country ≥ 95% Threshold level of Organic Ingredient Law Framework Compilation on Organic Production 103 The balance of the ingredients of the products may only be ingredients of non-agricultural origin as indicated in Annex VII and ingredients which have not been produced organically as indicated in Annex X; The operator regularly evaluates the ingredients used on the operation against the criteria in Annex I to re-confirm the organic status thereof or to identify possible alternatives that are of better organic status. Provided further that the operator reconfirms with the approved certifying organisation when ingredients are changed. - - 8. Any non-certified production system, such as Participatory Guarantee System, although based on organic principles, may not refer to "organic" in any way except for a written explanation on a pamphlet indicating that the system is based on the "organic principles" as required by these regulations. Provided that the production system is based on the requirements of these regulations. Provided further that the word "organic" in the writing shall not be larger or more prominent than the rest of the writing 7. No wording, mark, illustration, depiction or any other method of expression that constitutes a misrepresentation or directly or by implication creates or may create a misleading impression regarding the quality, nature, class, origin or composition of organically produced products and organically produced products in conversion shall be marked on a container of such products. x Where less than 70% of the ingredients are of certified organic origin, the indication that an ingredient is organic or organic in conversion may only appear in the ingredient list. There is a clear statement of the proportion of the organic ingredients; - ≤ 70% ≥ 70% Bulletin de l’OIV This document is a working paper and cannot be interpreted as OIV's official position. South Africa DRAFT: Regulations Regarding Control Over the Sale of Organically Produced Products in the Republic of South Africa The expression is indicated in letters of the same size, type and colour and the word "organic" may not be more prominent than the rest of the expression; - x Where less than 95% but not less than 70% of the ingredients are of organic origin the word “organic” may be used on the principal display panel only in expressions like “made with organic (in conversion) ingredients”, "with organic (in conversion) ingredients and appearing with the distinctive mark of the approved certifying organisation. Provided that: 104 (Vol. 83, n°947-948-949) Resolution SAGyP N° 423 of 06/03/1992 Argentina x The products as well as the ingredients, will not be able to be put under treatments with ionizing radiations, nor contain substances that do not appear in Annex C. x Organic products will not be able to include products originated from the chemical synthesis industry. They will neither include products contaminated with heavy metals and/or pesticides, like sulfites, nitrates or nitrites. Dyestuffs, synthetic preservatives and flavors are also excluded. The water that is used in the system will have to be preferably potable and without chemical treatments. x When an organic product does not contain the totality of its ingredients produced organically, the ingredients that are not organic will have to be specified in the ingredient list using the word “conventional". x For the products containing less than 95% of organic ingredients, the word “organic” can only be mentioned after each ingredient, in the ingredient list. x Notwithstanding this first point, agrarian products are allowed to contain, within the maximum limit of 5% in weight, ingredients of agrarian origin that do not fulfill the requirements of the present regulation, provided that they are necessary, and that they can not be produced organically. x The agrarian product must contain only ingredients of agrarian origin, produced, imported or obtained according to the present regulation. Elaboration Conditions: They will also fulfill the effective norms in the country on conventional products. x Certifying company’s name and number corresponding its respective Registry; x Identification number of origin and processing; x The mention "Product issued from organic agriculture” when it corresponds to the final product or in the ingredient list that will appear in decreasing order of weight; The products must have the mention “Product issued from organic agriculture”, and show the inspection organ label and the record number, as well as the number of the lot that identifies its origin, in accordance with the stipulated in article 9 of Decree 423/92 (SENASA, 1992) which establishes the following. The packages will have to have adhered forms and/or labels, in a visible place and a single front the following: Labelling This document is a working paper and cannot be interpreted as OIV's official position. Legislation / Ref. Country ≥ 95% Law Framework Compilation on Organic Production 105 106 Bulletin de l’OIV (Vol. 83, n°947-948-949) Bibliography Organic Food, From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Organic_food Codex Alimentarius, Guidelines for the Production, Processing, Labelling and Marketing of Organically Produced Foods, http://www.codexalimentarius.net Argentina InfoAgro.com: http://www.infoagro.com/agricultura_ecologica/ecologia_argentina/ley25127/ley2 5127.htm Australia The National Association for Sustainable Agriculture Australia (NASAA) website: http://www.nasaa.com.au/ Organic Federation of Australia (OFA) website: http://www.ofa.org.au/ Food Standards Australia New Zealand: http://www.foodstandards.gov.au/links/foodlaw.cfm Australian Government, Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry http://www.daff.gov.au/agriculture-food/food/organic-biodynamic http://www.daffa.gov.au/aqis/export/organic-bio-dynamic Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service: http://www.aquis.gov.au/organic United States U.S. Department of Agriculture: http://www.nal.usda.gov/afsic/pubs/ofp/ofp.shtml Organic Agricultural Information website: http://www.organicaginfo.org/ Beyond Pesticides website: http://www.beyondpesticides.org Organic Trade Association: http://www.ota.com/pp/legislation/backgrounder.html Electronic Code of Federal Regulation; Title 7, Part 205, National Organic Program, Final Rule: http://ecfr.gpoaccess.gov/cgi/t/text/textidx?c=ecfr&rgn=div5&view=text&node=7: This document is a working paper and cannot be interpreted as OIV's official position. Law Framework Compilation on Organic Production 107 South Africa National Department of Agriculture: http://www.nda.agric.za South African Organic Certifying Body (Organic Standards): http://www.afrisco.net/ Organic S.A.: http://www.organicsouthafrica.co.za// South African Organic Cosmetic Company: http://www.esse.co.za/ American Site set up by the government to educate consumers on the foods they consume: http://www.foodnews.org/ Organic Research information: http://www.organic-research.com/ International Organic certifying Body: http://www.soilassociation.org/ http://www.sqs.com/ health24.com: http://www.health24.com/natural/Go_organic/17-673,22723.asp European Union European Union Activities: http://europa.eu/scadplus/leg/es/lvb/l21118.htm Organic Agriculture – Europe: http://ec.europa.eu/agriculture/organic/home_es Authorities and/or Organisms of Control and Certification Organisme de contrôle et de certification - ECOCERT France: http://www.ecocert.fr/Mise-a-jour-de-la-liste-des.html Go-organic, Organic Directory: http://www.go-organic.co.za Organic Food Directory, Australian Organic Certifiers: http://www.organicfooddirectory.com.au/organic-answers/what-isorganic/australian-organic-certifiers.html Euro-Lex, Official Journal of the European Union: http://eurlex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:C:2007:035:0009:0032:EN:PDF The National Organic Program: http://www.ams.usda.gov/AMSv1.0/ams.fetchTemplateData.do?template=Templa teJ&navID=NationalOrganicProgram&leftNav=NationalOrganicProgram&page=NOP ACAs&description=USDA%20Accredited%20Certifying%20Agents&acct=nopgeninf o This document is a working paper and cannot be interpreted as OIV's official position. 108 Bulletin de l’OIV (Vol. 83, n°947-948-949) Annex: Rules of Production and Preparation 1. Organic production methods require that for the production of unprocessed plants and plant products: a) at least the production requirements of Annex 1 of the Guidelines for the Production, Processing, Labelling and Marketing of Organically Produced Foods should be satisfied; b) in the case where (a) (above) is not effective, substances listed in Annex 2, Tables 1 and 2 of the Guidelines for the Production, Processing, Labelling and Marketing of Organically Produced Foods, or substances approved by individual countries that meet the criteria established in Section 5.1 of the Guidelines for the Production, Processing, Labelling and Marketing of Organically Produced Foods, may be used as plant protection products, fertilizers, soil conditioners, insofar as the corresponding use is not prohibited in general agriculture in the country concerned in accordance with the relevant national provisions. 2. Organic processing methods require that for the preparation of processed agricultural crop intended for human consumption derived from unprocessed plants and plant products: a) at least the processing requirements of Annex 1 of the Guidelines for the Production, Processing, Labelling and Marketing of Organically Produced Foods, should satisfied; b) substances listed in Annex 2, Tables 3 and 4 of the Guidelines for the Production, Processing, Labelling and Marketing of Organically Produced Foods, or substances approved by individual countries that meet the criteria established in Section 5.1 of the Guidelines for the Production, Processing, Labelling and Marketing of Organically Produced Foods, may be used as ingredients of non-agricultural origin or processing aids insofar as the corresponding use is not prohibited in the relevant national requirements concerning the preparation of food products and according to good manufacturing practice. 3. Organic products should be stored and transported according to the requirements of Annex 1 of the Guidelines for the Production, Processing, Labelling and Marketing of Organically Produced Foods. 4. By derogation of the provisions of paragraphs 4.1 (a) and 4.2 (a), the competent authority may, with regard to the provisions on livestock production at Annex 1 of the Guidelines for the Production, Processing, Labelling and Marketing of Organically Produced Foods, provide for more detailed rules as well as for derogations for implementation periods in order to permit gradual development of organic farming practices. This document is a working paper and cannot be interpreted as OIV's official position. Revue signalétique des périodiques Current awareness of periodicals Revue signalétique ECONOMIE / CONSOMMATEURS 111 N° 28 407 STEVEN S. CUELLAR, DAN KARNOWSKY AND FREDERICK ACOSTA Sonoma State University, Department of Economics, 1801 East Cotati Avenue, Rohnert Park, CA 94928, USA [email protected] The Sideways Effect: A Test for Changes in the Demand for Merlot and Pinot Noir EN Journal of Wine Economics, 2009, vol. 4, n°2, p. 219-232. KEYWORDS: USA; wine movie; consumer behaviour; Merlot; Pinot Gris This paper examines the effect of the movie Sideways on US wine consumption. Specifically, we examine the affects of the movie on the consumption of Merlot, which is derided in the movie and the affect on Pinot Noir, which is praised. We examine the trends in consumption before and after the movie and perform statistical tests for structural changes in consumption. We also test for changes in consumption of each varietal by price point. ECONOMIE / CONSOMMATEURS N° 28 408 JULIE ANNA GUIDRY, BARRY J. BABIN, WILLIAM G. GRAZIANO, W. JOEL SCHNEIDER Louisiana State University, 101 Agricultural Administration Building, Baton Rouge LA 70803-5606, USA Pride and prejudice in the evaluation of wine? EN International Journal of Wine Business Research, 2009, vol. 21, n°4, p. 298311. KEYWORDS: wines; country of origin; France; USA Purpose: The region where a wine is produced is a factor that influences consumers' preferences and price perceptions. For most consumers, a wine from an established place like France would be preferred over a wine from less established place, like Texas. However, a consumer's identity with their home area (not well known for wine) may override such an effect. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to determine whether a wine's geographic origin influences wine preference and price perceptions and, if so, whether identity with a place and/or wine expertise moderate this relationship. Methodology: A total of 257 students from a Texas university sample and rate two identical wines – yet one is labeled as from France and the other as from Texas. Findings: The paper finds that a wine's country of origin has a strong effect on consumers' preferences and price perceptions. Specifically, consumers prefer the French wine over Texas wine and are willing to pay more for the French wine. Consumers' identification with Texas does not significantly mitigate the effects of country of origin; those who score low on Texas identity as well as those who score high had similar ratings for the wines. Similarly, no moderating effects for wine expertise are found. 112 Bulletin de l’OIV ECONOMIE / CONSOMMATEURS (Vol. 83, n°947-948-949) N° 28 409 K.A. LATTEY, B.R. BRAMLEY AND I.L. FRANCIS The Australian Wine Research Institute, PO Box 197, Glen Osmond, Adelaïde, SA 5064, Australia Consumer acceptability, sensory properties and expert quality judgements of Australian Cabernet Sauvignon and Shiraz wines EN Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research, 2010, vol. 16, n°1, p. 189202. KEYWORDS: consumer liking; preference mapping; red wine; sensory descriptive analysis; winemakers Background and Aims: This study aimed to determine what sensory attributes most drive consumer and expert acceptance for Cabernet Sauvignon and Shiraz wines. Methods and Results: The sensory attributes of a set of commercial wines were quantified by a trained panel. A subset was assessed blind for liking by 203 consumers and for quality by 67 winemakers. For the total group of consumers, wines with low levels of 'bitterness', 'hotness', 'metallic', 'smoky' and 'pepper' were preferred. In addition, four consumer clusters were identified, each with different sensory drivers of preference, with the attributes 'red berry', 'floral', 'caramel' and 'vanilla' aroma, 'acidity', 'green' flavour and astringency being of importance in distinguishing the different clusters' acceptance scores. The winemakers' quality scores had little relationship with consumer response, although both groups gave low ratings to wines with Brettanomycesrelated flavour. Conclusions: A relatively small set of sensory attributes were of greatest importance to consumer liking, and these generally dominate varietal differences. Winemakers' quality concepts do not closely align with those of the consumers. Significance of the Study: This study identifies sensory properties of red wines which could be maximised as well as those which should be reduced, allowing producers to better meet consumers' preferences. Revue signalétique ECONOMIE / MARCHÉS 113 N° 28 410 YOUNGJAE LEE, P. LYNN KENNEDY AND BRIAN M. HILBUN Louisiana State University AgCenter, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, 101 Agricultural Administration Building, Baton Rouge LA 70803-5606, USA [email protected] A Demand Analysis of the Korean Wine Market Using an Unrestricted Source Differentiated LA/AIDS Model EN Journal of Wine Economics, 2009, vol. 4, n°2, p. 185-200. KEYWORDS: Korea; wine market An unrestricted source differentiated LA/AIDS model was used to estimate Korean wine demand. In doing so, this study tested the null hypotheses of product aggregation, block separability and substitutability. The test results show that the unrestricted source differentiated model is significantly different from the aggregated model, separated model, and restricted source differentiated model at the conventional level. By using this system-wide model, this study estimated price and expenditure elasticities to identify the price effect on Korean wine consumption. 114 ECONOMIE / MARKETING Bulletin de l’OIV (Vol. 83, n°947-948-949) N° 28 411 LARRY LOCKSHIN, DAVID KNOTT University of South Australia, Wine Marketing Research Group, City West Campus, SA 5001 Adelaïde, Australia [email protected] Boozing or branding? Measuring the effects of free wine tastings at wine shops EN International Journal of Wine Business Research, 2009, vol. 21, n°4, p. 312324. KEYWORDS: wines; Australia; consumer behaviour; retailing; promotional methods Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to focus on both the sales effects of free wine tastings and the effects on attitudes towards future purchases four weeks after the tastings. Methodology: Store scanner data for the four weeks before and after each of ten wine tastings are used to measure the effect tastings had on sales. A total of 170 consumers, who attended a free tasting in wine shops across 4 cities, are interviewed as they leave the store and 37 of these consumers respond to a call back survey one month after the free tasting. Findings: Scanner data shows a 400 per cent increase in sales of the wines tasted on the day of tasting, and a small but significant effect on sales during the four weeks afterwards. The survey shows that there is no difference in purchasing between those attending a tasting with the intention to purchase and those just stopping by. Both groups purchase at about the same rate. Only about 33 per cent of the attendees purchase; the other two-thirds are boozing. Research limitations/implications: Free tastings boost immediate sales just like most price promotions, but the effect on the intention to purchase is stronger for those who made a purchase. The study is conducted in one country among a small number of buyers, which limits its generalisability. Practical implications: The results and implications of this research can be used by retailers and wine companies to make more informed decisions about free tastings. From this small study, attracting the maximum number of tasters to increase sales and longterm purchasing intentions would be recommended. Revue signalétique ECONOMIE / MARKETING 115 N° 28 412 DANIEL STEICHEN, CHRISTOPHE TERRIEN Université de Picardie, IUT de Laon, 2 rue Pierre Curie 02000 LAON [email protected] ; [email protected] A model of demand in a repeated purchase situation: A simulation of the Champagne wine market EN International Journal of Wine Business Research, 2009, vol. 21, n°4, p. 354372. KEYWORDS: consumer behaviour; France; repeat buying; simulation Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to propose a model for consumer demand for vertically differentiated products. The approach is resolutely dynamic. Consumers are especially placed in situations of repeated purchases. They may reflect their past purchases in their decision. The suppliers adapt to the demand by amending their offer price. A simulation of the model of consumer behavior is made on the Champagne wine market. It results in a stable market that validates the theoretical choices. Methodology: The methodology used is multi-agent simulation. It is little used compared to cross-cutting approaches such as multiple regression, joint analysis and constrained optimization. The multi-agent simulation is a metaphor of the real world that makes virtual agents (consumers and suppliers) compete; these agents are provided with features that can vary over time and with predetermined behavior. This longitudinal approach allows in particular the capture of the effects of time on the choices observed in the habit phenomena, and also allows a description of nonlinear relationships. Findings: The use of a variable personal capital leads to the creation of a simple dynamic model of consumer behavior and fulfils the simulation of the demand in a market of vertically differentiated products. Originality/value: The originality of this work is based both on the formalization of the dynamic decision process and the methodology used, based on multi-agent simulation. It helps to explore the evolution of the behavior of agents in the long term by taking into account past experiences. The simulation allows us to show that, in situations of repeated purchase, habits and involvement put into perspective the impact of salient cues of choice (reputation, price). 116 Bulletin de l’OIV (Vol. 83, n°947-948-949) ŒNOLOGIE / ARÔMES 1 N° 28 413 2 1 3 1 C. THIBON , S. SHINKARUK , M. JOURDES , B. BENNETAU , D. DUBOURDIEU , T. TOMINAGA1 1. Université de Bordeaux, UMR Œnologie, INRA, F-33000 Bordeaux, France 2. Université de Bordeaux, ENITAB, CS 40201, F-33000 Bordeaux, France 3. Université de Bordeaux, CNRS, UMR 5255 ISM, F-33405 Bordeaux, France Aromatic potential of botrytized white wine grapes: Identification and quantification of new cysteine-S-conjugate flavor precursors EN Analytica Chimica Acta, 2010, vol. 660, n°1-2, p. 190-196. KEYWORDS: aroma precursor; Botrytis cinerea; cysteine-S-conjugate; GC derivatization; sweet wine; Vitis vinifera Sweet wines made from botrytized grapes contain much higher concentrations of volatile thiols, especially 3-sulfanylhexan-1-ol (3SH), than dry white wines. Three new specific volatile thiols (3-sulfanylpentan-1-ol (3SP), 3-sulfanylheptan-1-ol (3SHp), and 2-methyl3-sulfanylbutan-1-ol (2M3SB) were recently identified in Sauternes wines. Like most volatile thiols, these compounds were almost totally absent from must, mainly being formed during alcoholic fermentation. In this work, we describe the identification and quantification of three new cysteine-S-conjugate precursors in must made from Botrytisinfected grapes. S-3-(pentan-1-ol)-l-cysteine (P-3SP), S-3-(heptan-1-ol)-l-cysteine (P3SHp), and S-3-(2-methylbutan-1-ol)-l-cysteine (P-2M3SB) were identified by direct GCMS analysis of their derivative forms obtained by silylation of an enriched fraction, isolated from must by affinity chromatography. Concentrations were considerably higher when Botrytis cinerea had developed on the grapes. In botrytized must, the mean levels of P-3SP, P-3SHp, and P-2M3SB were in the vicinity of 700, 50, and 500 nM, respectively, whereas concentrations in healthy must ranged from 0 to 50 nM. This indicated that these three new sulfanyl alcohols, responsible for the characteristic aroma of botrytized wines, were formed by the yeast metabolism during alcoholic fermentation from the corresponding non-volatile cysteine-S-conjugate precursors. Moreover, these results highlighted the predominant role of botrytization in developing grape aroma potential. Revue signalétique ŒNOLOGIE / MÉTHODES D'ANALYSE 117 N° 28 414 M.UGLIANO, P.A. HENSCHKE The Australian Wine Research Institute, PO Box 197, Glen Osmond, SA 5064, Australia Comparison of three methods for accurate quantification of hydrogen sulfide during fermentation EN Analytica Chimica Acta, 2010, vol. 660, n°1-2, p. 87-91. KEYWORDS: detector tubes; fermentation; hydrogen sulfide; nitrogenius® kit; wine; yeast Two analytical approaches for the rapid measurement of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) have been compared to a reference method for their potential application as a rapid procedure for the quantification of H2S formed during alcoholic fermentations. In one case, silver nitrate, lead acetate, and mercuric chloride selective detector tubes for the analysis of H2S in air were investigated. In the other case, a commercially available kit for the diagnosis of nitrogen starvation in wine fermentations, which is based on the detection of H2S, was investigated. Both methods exhibited excellent linearity of response, but the mercuric chloride tube was found to suffer from interferences due to the concomitant presence of mercaptans, which resulted in erroneous H2S quantification. A comparative study between the two methods studied and the cadmium hydroxide/methylene blue reference method commonly used to monitor H2S indicate that the two new methods displayed better recoveries at low H2S concentrations, besides being more rapid and economical. The two new methods were successfully used to quantify production of H2S in different grape juice fermentations. The suitability of each method for the study of specific aspects of H2S production during fermentation is discussed. 118 Bulletin de l’OIV (Vol. 83, n°947-948-949) ŒNOLOGIE / MÉTHODES D'ANALYSE 1 1 N° 28 415 1 1 REBIÈRE L. , CLARK A.C. , SCHMIDTKE L.M. , PRENZLER P.D. , SCOLLARY G.R.2 1. National Wine and Grape Industry Centre, Charles Sturt University, Locked Bag 588, Wagga Wagga, NSW 2678, Australia 2. School of Chemistry, The University of Melbourne, Vic. 3010, Australia A robust method for quantification of volatile compounds within and between vintages using headspace-solid-phase micro-extraction coupled with GC-MS - Application on Semillon wines EN Analytica Chimica Acta, 2010, vol. 660, n°1-2, p. 149-157. KEYWORDS: gas chromatography-mass spectrometry; internal standard; Semillon; solid-phase micro-extraction; volatile compounds; white wine A headspace-solid-phase micro-extraction-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (HSSPME-GC-MS) method has been developed to quantify a range of volatile compounds in Hunter Valley Semillon wines. The fibre selected for the method was a 50/30 μm divinylbenzene/carboxen/polydimethylsiloxane fibre, a three-phase fibre that allows extraction and desorption of a wide range of volatile compounds of different chemical functionalities and polarities. Four internal standards, methyl isobutyl ketone, ndodecane, 4-methyl-2-pentanol and ethyl nonanoate were used to monitor the SPME fibre extraction efficiency and integrity. Fibre integrity was monitored by plotting the ratio of the peak area for each internal standard divided by the sum of the peak area for all internal standards as a function of analysis number. The advantage of using four internal standards for better quality control of the fibre integrity is described. The identity of twenty-one volatile compounds was ascertained by comparison of their chemical characteristics (retention indices, mass spectra) with reference compounds using two columns of different polarities. Quantification was achieved using calibration curves constructed for each compound with linear regression equations having correlation coefficients (R2) ranging from 0.9717 to 0.9999. The method was applied to two Semillon wines (recent vintage and aged) representative of the Hunter Valley styles. As is typical of white wines, 3-methyl-1-butanol was quantified as the most concentrated volatile compound (83 and 66 mg L-1 for the 2006 and the 1996 wines, respectively). The study highlights the use of well-defined procedures to ensure integrity of quantitative data where several fibres may be required during an extended study over one or more vintages. Revue signalétique ŒNOLOGIE / MÉTHODES D'ANALYSE 119 N° 28 416 S. MARCHAND, G. DE REVEL UMR 1219 Œnologie, ISVV, Université de Bordeaux, 210, Chemin de Leysotte, CS 50008, 33 882 Villenave d'Ornon Cedex, France A HPLC fluorescence-based method for glutathione derivatives quantification in must and wine EN Analytica Chimica Acta, 2010, vol. 660, n°1-2, p. 158-163. KEYWORDS: HPLC fluorescence-based method; glutathione derivatives; must; wine A simple and automated high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method for the separation and quantitative determination of γ-glutamylcysteine and reduced glutathione (GSH) in wines is reported. This technique involves the use of a pre-column derivatization with 2,3-naphthalenedialdehyde (NDA), an isocratic separation in presence of β-cyclodextrine and a fluorimetric detection. The quantification of oxidized glutathione (GSSG) has also been studied, for the first time in wines, using an additive prederivatization step for reduction using glutathione reductase. The method has been designed for use in laboratories with limited equipment. The assay has been optimized and presents very good performances in terms of sensitivity and selectivity. Then, it has been validated for linearity, LOD, LOQ, precision and accuracy. ŒNOLOGIE / MÉTHODES D'ANALYSE N° 28 417 L.M. GONÇALVES, J.G. PACHECO, P.J. MAGALHÃES, J.A. RODRIGUES, A.A. BARROS REQUIMTE - Departamento de Química, Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade do Porto, Rua do Campo Alegre, 687, 4169-007 Porto, Portugal Determination of free and total sulfites in wine using an automatic flow injection analysis system with voltammetric detection EN Food Additives and Contaminants, 2010, vol. 27, n°2, p. 175-180. KEYWORDS: analysis; method validation; polarography; stripping voltammetry; sulfite; wine An automated flow injection analysis (FIA) system, based on an initial analyte separation by gas-diffusion and subsequent determination by square-wave voltammetry (SWV) in a flow cell, was developed for the determination of total and free sulfur dioxide (SO2) in wine. The proposed method was compared with two iodometric methodologies (the Ripper method and a simplified method commonly used by the wine industry). The developed method displayed good repeatability (RSD lower than 6%) and linearity (between 10 and 250 mg l-1) as well as a suitable LOD (3 mg l-1) and LOQ (9 mg l-1). A major advantage of this system is that SO2 is directly detected by flow SWV. 120 Bulletin de l’OIV (Vol. 83, n°947-948-949) ŒNOLOGIE / MÉTHODES D'ANALYSE 1 N° 28 418 2 2 2 P.A. GRANT-PREECE , K.H. PARDON , D.L. CAPONE , A.G. CORDENTE , M.A. SEFTON2, D.W. JEFFERY2, G.M. ELSEY1,2 1. School of Chemistry, Physics and Earth Sciences, Flinders University, P.O. Box 2100, Adelaide, SA 5001, Australia 2. Australian Wine Research Institute, P.O. Box 197, Glen Osmond, SA 5064, Australia Synthesis of wine thiol conjugates and labeled analogues: Fermentation of the glutathione conjugate of 3-mercaptohexan-1-ol yields the corresponding cysteine conjugate and free thiol EN J. Agric. Food Chem., 2010, vol. 58, n°3, p. 1383-1389. KEYWORDS: chiral analysis; diastereoisomers; elution order; fermentation; GCMS; HPLC-MS/MS; synthesis; varietal thiols; wine thiol precursors Synthesis of the putative wine thiol precursor 3-S-glutathionylhexan-1-ol (Glut-3-MH) has been undertaken to provide pure reference materials for the development of HPLCMS/MS methods for precursor quantitation in grape juice and wine, and for use in fermentation experiments. Labeled thiol conjugates were also prepared for use as internal standards. Purification and fermentation of a single diastereomer of Glut-3-MH with VIN13 (CSL1) yielded not only the (R)-enantiomer of the wine impact odorant 3mercaptohexan-1-ol (3-MH) but also the cysteine conjugate intermediate as a single (R)diastereomer, as determined by HPLC-MS/MS. Chiral GC-MS was used to quantify the total amount of (R)-3-MH released from the ferments, resulting in a molar conversion yield of the glutathione conjugate of about 3%. Enzymatic degradation of the single (R)Glut-3-MH diastereomer with a γ-glutamyltranspeptidase confirmed the stereochemical relationship to the related cysteine conjugate. This is the first demonstration that Glut-3MH can liberate 3-MH under model fermentation conditions, where the cysteine conjugate is also formed in the process. This furthers our understanding of the nature of wine thiol precursors and opens avenues for additional studies into formation and interchange of wine thiols and their precursors. Revue signalétique ŒNOLOGIE / MICROBIOLOGIE 121 N° 28 419 M. CIANI, F. COMITINI, I. MANNAZZU, P. DOMIZIO Dipartimento S.A.I.F.E.T., Sez. di Microbiologia Alimentare, Università Politecnica Delle Marche, via Brecce Bianche, 60131 Ancona, Italy Controlled mixed culture fermentation: A new perspective on the use of non-Saccharomyces yeasts in winemaking EN FEMS Yeast Research, 2010, vol. 10, n°2, p. 123-133. KEYWORDS: fermentation technology; mixed fermentation; non-Saccharomyces; wine quality Mixed fermentations using controlled inoculation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae starter cultures and non-Saccharomyces yeasts represent a feasible way towards improving the complexity and enhancing the particular and specific characteristics of wines. The profusion of selected starter cultures has allowed the more widespread use of inoculated fermentations, with consequent improvements to the control of the fermentation process, and the use of new biotechnological processes in winemaking. Over the last few years, as a consequence of the re-evaluation of the role of non-Saccharomyces yeasts in winemaking, there have been several studies that have evaluated the use of controlled mixed fermentations using Saccharomyces and different non-Saccharomyces yeast species from the wine environment. The combined use of different species often results in unpredictable compounds and/or different levels of fermentation products being produced, which can affect both the chemical and the aromatic composition of wines. Moreover, possible synergistic interactions between different yeasts might provide a tool for the implementation of new fermentation technologies. Thus, knowledge of the Saccharomyces and non-Saccharomyces wine yeast interactions during wine fermentation needs to be improved. To reach this goal, further investigations into the genetic and physiological background of such non-Saccharomyces wine yeasts are needed, so as to apply '-omics' approaches to mixed culture fermentations. 122 Bulletin de l’OIV (Vol. 83, n°947-948-949) ŒNOLOGIE / TECHNOLOGIE 1,2 N° 28 420 1 1 2 C.A. STEFENON , M. COLOMBO , C. DE M. BONESI , V. MARZAROTTO , R. VANDERLINDE1,3, M. SALVADOR1, J.A.P. HENRIQUES1,4 1. Instituto de Biotecnologia, Universidade de Caxias do Sul, Caxias do Sul, RS, Brazil 2. Laboratório Randon Ltda, Rua Bento Goncalves, 3365 /114, 95020-412 Caxias do Sul, RS, Brazil 3. Laboratório de Referência Enológica, Caxias do Sul, RS, Brazil 4. Faculdade de Farmácia, Universidade Luterana do Brasil, Canoas, RS, Brazil Antioxidant activity of sparkling wines produced by Champenoise and Charmat methods EN Food Chemistry, 2010, vol. 119, n°1, p. 12-18. KEYWORDS: antioxidant; DPPH•; phenolic compounds; Saccharomyces cerevisiae; sparkling wine The objective of this study was to evaluate the antioxidant activity of 19 Brazilian sparkling wines produced by Champenoise and Charmat methods. All sparkling wines tested showed significant antioxidant activity, both in vivo and in vitro assays. In general, the Charmat brut possessed more antioxidant activity than Charmat demi-sec and Champenoise samples. In most of the sparkling wines studied, the majority compound found was gallic acid, although trans-resveratrol, (+)-catechin, (-)epicathechin and procyanidins B1, B2, B3 and B4, were also identified. Significant differences were observed in the concentrations of these compounds, when considering the assemblage used and the production methods. The wine industry around the world uses similar oenological technologies and the wines are divided into categories, for example, in relation to sugar concentration or elaboration methods. The findings of this study would help the wineries to determine the sugar contents and time to mature (sur lie) appropriate for sensorial characteristics desired by the winemakers and consumers. Furthermore, the data can offer an improvement in the biological properties of the sparkling wines. Revue signalétique ŒNOLOGIE / TECHNOLOGIE 123 N° 28 421 C. CILINDRE, G. LIGER-BELAIR, S. VILLAUME, P. JEANDET, R. MARCHAL Laboratoire d'Oenologie et Chimie Appliquée, Université de Reims, URVVC-SE UPRES EA 2069, BP 1039, 51687 Reims Cedex 2, France Foaming properties of various Champagne wines depending on several parameters: Grape variety, aging, protein and CO2 content EN Analytica Chimica Acta, 2010, vol. 660, n°1-2, p. 164-170. KEYWORDS: aging; Champagne; Champagne tasting; CO2; effervescence; foaming properties; protein; yeast A comparison of the foaming parameters of various Champagne wines was undergone with two well distinct methods: (i) a classical gas-sparging method providing standardized but artificial effervescence conditions (the so-called Mosalux), and (ii) a computer assisted viewing equipment (CAVE), much closer to the real champagne tasting conditions. The latter one is the only apparatus which enables a thorough descriptive analysis of foam behavior, during the pouring process of a sparkling wine, and from the end of its pouring. Various Champagne wines elaborated from two grape varieties (Chardonnay and Pinot Meunier) and having experienced different aging-periods (15 months and 5 years) were analyzed and compared to a model sparkling wine, elaborated from a model base wine (devoid of grape colloids). The CO2 and protein content was also investigated to discuss the foaming behavior of these wines. A significant loss of the CO2 content during aging was observed and might be the reason for the worse foaming properties of the old champagnes, as determined with CAVE. It is worth noting that contradictory foaming parameters were obtained through the Mosalux method, which is indeed more intrusive than the CAVE, and finally far from the real champagne tasting conditions, since it requires filtration and champagne degassing prior experiment. 124 SANTÉ / ALIMENTATION Bulletin de l’OIV (Vol. 83, n°947-948-949) N° 28 422 N. BABIO, M. BULLÓ, J. BASORA, M.A. MARTÍNEZ-GONZÁLEZ, J. FERNÁNDEZ-BALLART, F. MÁRQUEZ-SANDOVAL, C. MOLINA, J. SALAS-SALVADÓ Human Nutrition Unit, Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Rovira i Virgili University, Spain Adherence to the Mediterranean diet and risk of metabolic syndrome and its components EN Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases, 2009, vol. 19, n°8, p. 563-570. KEYWORDS: metabolic syndrome; mediterranean diet; PREDIMED study; olive oil; legumes; red wine Background and aims: The role of diet in the aetiology of metabolic syndrome (MetS) is not well understood. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the relationship between adherence to the Mediterranean diet (MedDiet) and MetS. Methods and results: A cross-sectional study was conducted with 808 high cardiovascular risk participants of the Reus PREDIMED Centre. MetS was defined by the updated National Cholesterol and Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III criteria. An inverse association between quartiles of adherence to the MedDiet (14-point score) and the prevalence of MetS (P for trend<0.001) was observed. After adjusting for age, sex, total energy intake, smoking status and physical activity, participants with the highest score of adherence to the MedDiet (≥9 points) had the lowest odds ratio of having MetS (OR [95% CI] of 0.44 [0.27-0.70]) compared to those in the lowest quartile. Participants with the highest MedDiet adherence had 47 and 54% lower odds of having low HDL-c and hypertriglyceridemia MetS criteria, respectively, than those in the lowest quartile. Some components of the MedDiet, such as olive oil, legumes and red wine were associated with lower prevalence of MetS. Conclusion: Higher adherence to a Mediterranean diet is associated with a significantly lower odds ratio of having MetS in a population with a high risk of cardiovascular disease. Revue signalétique SANTÉ / CANCER 125 N° 28 423 M. MIKSITS, K. WLCEK, M. SVOBODA, O. KUNERT, E. HASLINGER, T. THALHAMMER, T. SZEKERES, W. JÄGER Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Diagnostics, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria Antitumor activity of resveratrol and its sulfated metabolites against human breast cancer cells EN Planta Medica, 2009, vol. 75, n°11, p. 1227-1230. KEYWORDS: Breast disease; cancer; phenols; resveratrol; antineoplastic agent Resveratrol (3,4',5-trihydroxy-trans-stilbene) is a naturally occurring polyphenolic compound found in grapes, wine and medicinal plants with a variety of biological and pharmacological activities including pronounced anticancer properties. These effects are observed despite its extremely low bioavailability and rapid clearance from the circulation due to extensive sulfation and glucuronidation in the intestine and liver. In order to determine whether its metabolites demonstrate any cytotoxic properties, three major human sulfated conjugates of resveratrol were synthesized and their anticancer activity evaluated against three breast cancer cell lines (two hormone-dependent: MCF-7 and ZR75-1; one hormone-independent: MDA-MB-231) and one immortalized breast epithelial cell line (MCF-10A). We found that, in contrast to resveratrol, all three sulfated metabolites were less potent against MCF-7, MDA-MB-231 and ZR-75-1 cells (transresveratrol 3-O-sulfate < trans-resveratrol 4'-O-sulfate < trans-resveratrol 3-O-4'-Odisulfate) indicating that any conjugation of the phenolic groups with sulfuric acid strongly affecting the cytotoxicity. Interestingly, all sulfated metabolites were reduced about 10-fold, but showed nearly equal cytotoxicity towards nonmalignant MCF-10A breast cells (IC50s: 202-228 μM). In summary, in contrast to resveratrol its sulfated metabolites showed poor cytotoxicity in human malignant and nonmalignant breast cancer cell lines. However, the in vitro activity of the metabolites may not necessarily reflect their in vivo function, given the fact that the ubiquitously existing human sulfatases could convert the metabolites back to resveratrol in humans. 126 Bulletin de l’OIV (Vol. 83, n°947-948-949) SANTÉ / CANCER N° 28 424 L. GAO, M.N. WECK, C. STEGMAIER, D. ROTHENBACHER, H. BRENNER Division of Clinical Epidemiology and Aging Research, German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg, Germany Alcohol consumption and chronic atrophic gastritis: population-based study among 9,444 older adults from Germany EN International journal of cancer, 2009, vol. 125, n°12, p. 2918-2922. KEYWORDS: chronic atrophic gastritis; alcohol consumption; Helicobacter pylori Moderate alcohol consumption has been suggested to facilitate elimination of Helicobacter pylori infection which is a key risk factor for chronic atrophic gastritis (CAG) and gastric cancer. The aim of our study was to assess the association of alcohol consumption with CAG among older adults from Germany. In the baseline examination of ESTHER, a population-based study conducted in Saarland, serological measurements of pepsinogen I and II (for CAG definition) and H. pylori antibodies were taken in 9,444 subjects aged 50-74 years. Moderate current (<60 g/week) and lifetime (≤51,376 g, lowest quartile) alcohol consumption were found to be associated with significantly reduced CAG risk compared to alcohol abstinence with adjusted odds ratios of 0.71 (0.55-0.90) and 0.73 (0.55-0.96), respectively. Inverse associations with CAG were observed for moderate alcohol consumption from both beer and wine, and were slightly attenuated after additional adjustment for H. pylori infection. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that moderate alcohol consumption may be inversely related to CAG, partly through facilitating the elimination of H. pylori. However, the observed patterns suggest that other mechanisms are likely to contribute to the association as well. Revue signalétique SANTÉ / CANCER 127 N° 28 425 C. CHAO, R. HAQUE, S.K. VAN DEN EEDEN, B.J. CAAN, K.Y. POON, V.P. QUINN Department of Research and Evaluation, Kaiser Permanente Southern California, Pasadena, CA 91101, USA [email protected] Red wine consumption and risk of prostate cancer: the California men's health study EN International Journal of Cancer, 2010, vol. 126, n°1, p. 171-179. KEYWORDS: prostate cancer; red wine; alcohol; alcoholic beverage Red wine contains polyphenol antioxidants that inhibit prostate cancer development in animal studies. We investigated the effect of red wine intake on the risk of prostate cancer using data prospectively collected in the California Men's Health Study (CMHS). CMHS is a multiethnic cohort of 84,170 men aged 45-69 years who were members of the Kaiser Permanente Southern and Northern California Health Plans. Information on demographic and lifestyle factors was collected using mailed questionnaires between 2002 and 2003. We used Cox models to estimate the effect of red wine on prostate cancer risk, adjusting for potential confounders. A total of 1,340 incident prostate cancer cases identified from Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Result-affiliated cancer registries were included in the analyses. We did not find a clear association between red wine intake and risk of prostate cancer. Hazard ratio (HR) estimates for consuming <1 drink/week, ≥1 drink/week but <1 drink/day and ≥1 drink/day were 0.89, 95% confidence interval (0.74-1.07), 0.99 (0.83-1.17) and 0.88 (0.70-1.12), respectively. Further, we observed no linear dose response. The lack of association for red wine intake was consistently observed when we restricted the analyses to those with and without a history of PSA screening. In addition, we also did not observe any association with prostate cancer for beer, white wine, liquor or combined alcoholic beverage intake (HR for combined alcoholic beverage intake of ≥5 drinks/day = 1.16 (0.83-1.63). Neither red wine nor total alcohol consumption were associated with prostate cancer risk in this population of moderate drinkers. 128 Bulletin de l’OIV SANTÉ / CARDIOVASCULAIRE (Vol. 83, n°947-948-949) N° 28 426 B.S. ROCHA, B. GAGO, R.M. BARBOSA, J. LARANJINHA Faculty of Pharmacy, Center for Neurosciences and Cell Biology, University of Coimbra, Health Sciences Campus, Azinhaga de Santa Comba, 3000-548 Coimbra, Portugal Dietary polyphenols generate nitric oxide from nitrite in the stomach and induce smooth muscle relaxation EN Toxicology, 2009, vol. 265, n°1-2, p. 41-48. KEYWORDS: wine; polyphenols; cardiovascular; nitrite; nitric oxide; diet; stomach; muscle relaxation Nitrite, considered a biological waste and toxic product, is being regarded as an important physiological molecule in nitric oxide (•NO) biochemistry. Because the interaction of dietary phenolic compounds and nitrite would be kinetically (due to the high concentrations achieved) and thermodynamically (on basis of the redox potentials) feasible in the stomach, we have studied the potential reduction of nitrite by polyphenols present in several dietary sources. By measuring the time courses of •NO production in simulated gastric juice (pH 2), the efficiency of the compounds studied is as follows: Epicatechin-3-O-gallate>quercetin>procyanidin B8 dimer>oleuropein>procyanidin B2 dimer>chlorogenic acid>epicatechin>catechin>procyanidin B5 dimer. The initial rates of •NO production fall in a narrow range (ca. 1-5 μMs-1) but the distinct kinetics of the decay of •NO signals suggest that competition reactions for •NO are operative. The proof of concept that, in the presence of nitrite, phenol-containing dietary products induce a strong increase of •NO in the stomach was established in an in vivo experiment with healthy volunteers consuming lettuce, onions, apples, wine, tea, berries and cherries. Moreover, selected mixtures of oleuropein and catechin with low nitrite (1 μM) were shown to induce muscle relaxation of stomach strips in a structure-dependent way. Data presented here brings strong support to the concept that polyphenols consumed in a variety of dietary products, under gastric conditions, reduce nitrite to •NO that, in turn, may exert a biological impact as a local relaxant. Revue signalétique SANTÉ / CARDIOVASCULAIRE 129 N° 28 427 A. DÁVALOS, G. DE LA PEÑA, C.C. SÁNCHEZ-MARTÍN, M. TERESA GUERRA, B. BARTOLOMÉ, M.A. LASUNCIÓN Servicio de Bioquímica-Investigación, Hospital Ramón y Cajal, Carretera de Colmenar km. 9.1, E-28034 Madrid, Spain [email protected] Effects of red grape juice polyphenols in NADPH oxidase subunit expression in human neutrophils and mononuclear blood cells EN British Journal of Nutrition, 2009, vol. 102, n°8, p. 1125-1135. KEYWORDS: endothelial cells; gene expression; grapes; leucocytes; NADPH oxidase; polyphenols The NADPH oxidase enzyme system is the main source of superoxide anions in phagocytic and vascular cells. NADPH oxidase-dependent superoxide generation has been found to be abnormally enhanced in several chronic diseases. Evidence is accumulating that polyphenols may have the potential to improve cardiovascular health, although the mechanism is not fully established. Consumption of concentrated red grape juice, rich in polyphenols, has been recently shown to reduce NADPH oxidase activity in circulating neutrophils from human subjects. In the present work we studied whether red grape juice polyphenols affected NADPH oxidase subunit expression at the transcription level. For this, we used human neutrophils and mononuclear cells from peripheral blood, HL60-derived neutrophils and the endothelial cell line EA.hy926.Superoxide production was measured with 2'7'-dichlorofluorescein diacetate or lucigenin, mRNA expression by realtime RT-PCR and protein expression by Western blot. Each experiment was performed at least three times. In all cell types tested, red grape juice, dealcoholised red wine and pure polyphenols decreased superoxide anion production. Red grape juice and dealcoholised red wine selectively reduced p47phox, p22phox and gp91phox expression at both mRNA and protein levels, without affecting the expression of p67phox. Pure polyphenols, particularly quercetin, also reduced NADPH oxidase subunit expression, especially p47phox, in all cell types tested. The present results showing that red grape juice polyphenols reduce superoxide anion production provide an alternative mechanism by which consumption of grape derivatives may account for a reduction of oxidative stress associated with cardiovascular and/or inflammatory diseases related to NADPH oxidase superoxide overproduction. 130 SANTÉ / CARDIOVASCULAIRE Bulletin de l’OIV (Vol. 83, n°947-948-949) N° 28 428 L. BROWN, P.A. KROON, D.K. DAS, S. DAS, A. TOSAKI, V. CHAN, M.V. SINGER, P. FEICK School of Biomedical Sciences, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia The biological responses to resveratrol and other polyphenols from alcoholic beverages EN Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 2009, vol. 33, n°9, p. 15131523. KEYWORDS: alcoholic beverages; nonalcoholic constituents; polyphenol; resveratrol; cardiovascular disease Although excessive consumption of ethanol in alcoholic beverages causes multi-organ damage, moderate consumption, particularly of red wine, is protective against all-cause mortality. These protective effects could be due to one or many components of the complex mixture of bioactive compounds present in red wine including flavonols, monomeric and polymeric flavan-3-ols, highly colored anthocyanins as well as phenolic acids and the stilbene polyphenol, resveratrol. The therapeutic potential of resveratrol, firstly in cancer chemoprevention and then later for cardioprotection, has stimulated many studies on the possible mechanisms of action. Further indications for resveratrol have been developed, including the prevention of age-related disorders such as neurodegenerative diseases, inflammation, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. These improvements are remarkably similar yet there is an important dichotomy: low doses improve cell survival as in cardio- and neuro-protection yet high doses increase cell death as in cancer treatment. Fewer studies have examined the responses to other components of red wine, but the results have, in general, been similar to resveratrol. If the nonalcoholic constitutents of red wine are to become therapeutic agents, their ability to get to the sites of action needs to be understood. This mini-review summarizes recent studies on the possible mechanisms of action, potential therapeutic uses, and bioavailability of the nonalcoholic constituents of alcoholic beverages, in particular resveratrol and other polyphenols. Revue signalétique SANTÉ / CARDIOVASCULAIRE 131 N° 28 429 H. BERROUGUI, G. GRENIER, S. LOUED, G. DROUIN, A. KHALIL Research Center on Aging, Sherbrooke, QC, Canada A new insight into resveratrol as an atheroprotective compound: inhibition of lipid peroxidation and enhancement of cholesterol efflux EN Atherosclerosis, 2009, vol. 207, n°2, p. 420-427. KEYWORDS: atherosclerosis; resveratrol; antioxidant; cholesterol efflux Resveratrol, a polyphenolic constituent of red wine, is known for its anti-atherogenic properties and is thought to be beneficial in reducing the incidence of cardiovascular diseases (CVD). However, the mechanism of action by which it exerts its anti-atherogenic effect remains unclear. In this study, we investigated the relationship between the antioxidant effects of resveratrol and its ability to promote cholesterol efflux. We measured the formation of conjugated dienes and the rate of lipid peroxidation, and observed that resveratrol inhibited copper- and irradiation-induced LDL and HDL oxidation as observed by a reduction in oxidation rate and an increase in the lag phase (p<0.05). We used DPPH screening to measure free radical scavenging activity and observed that resveratrol (0-50 μM) significantly reduced the content of free radicals (p<0.001). Respect to its effect on cholesterol homeostasis, resveratrol also enhanced apoA-1-mediated cholesterol efflux (r2=0.907, p<0.05, linear regression) by upregulating ABCA-1 receptors, and reduced cholesterol influx or uptake in J774 macrophages (r2=0.89, p<0.05, linear regression). Incubation of macrophages (J774, THP-1 and MPM) with Fe/ascorbate ion, attenuated apoA-1 and HDL3-mediated cholesterol efflux whereas resveratrol (0-25 μM) significantly redressed this attenuation in a dose-dependent manner (p<0.001). Resveratrol thus appears to be a natural antioxidant that enhances cholesterol efflux. These properties make it a potential natural antioxidant that could be used to prevent and treat CVD. 132 Bulletin de l’OIV (Vol. 83, n°947-948-949) SANTÉ / CARDIOVASCULAIRE N° 28 430 M.M. DOHADWALA, J.A. VITA Evans Department of Medicine and the Whitaker Cardiovascular Institute, Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, MA 02118, USA Grapes and cardiovascular disease EN The Journal of nutrition, 2009, vol. 139, n°9, p. 1788 S-1793 S. KEYWORDS: fruit; nutrition; cardiovascular disease; grape Epidemiological studies suggest that consumption of wine, grape products, and other foods containing polyphenols is associated with decreased risk for cardiovascular disease. The benefits of wine consumption appear to be greater than other alcoholic beverages. Experimental studies indicate that grape polyphenols could reduce atherosclerosis by a number of mechanisms, including inhibition of oxidation of LDL and other favorable effects on cellular redox state, improvement of endothelial function, lowering blood pressure, inhibition of platelet aggregation, reducing inflammation, and activating novel proteins that prevent cell senescence, e.g. Sirtuin 1. Translational studies in humans support these beneficial effects. More clinical studies are needed to confirm these effects and formulate dietary guidelines. The available data, however, strongly support the recommendation that a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, including grapes, can decrease the risk for cardiovascular disease. Revue signalétique SANTÉ / ENDOTHÉLIUM 133 N° 28 431 K. KARATZI, E. KARATZIS, C. PAPAMICHAEL, J. LEKAKIS, A. ZAMPELAS Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Harokopio University, 50 Promitheos str., Glyfada, 16674, Athens, Greece Effects of red wine on endothelial function: postprandial studies vs clinical trials EN Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases, 2009, vol. 19, n°10, p. 744-750. KEYWORDS: red wine; endothelial function; FMD; alcohol; antioxidants Aims: There are several epidemiological studies suggesting that moderate daily consumption of red wine may reduce cardiovascular risk. Additionally, results from a great number of in vitro studies indicate that constituents found in red wine are responsible for quite a few beneficial effects on endothelial cells. However, comparison of postprandial studies and clinical trials concerning red wine consumption leads to controversial results about its effect on endothelial function and especially flow-mediated dilatation (FMD). Endothelial function is an early indicator of atherosclerosis and vessel damage and at the same time, it is an independent prognostic factor for cardiovascular risk. Therefore, it is very important to investigate the known acute postprandial effects of red wine consumption, which is highly advised by dieticians and doctors, especially in high-risk populations, such as patients with coronary artery disease (CAD). Data Synthesis: This is a review of studies investigating acute and short-term effects of red wine on endothelial function, as well as relevant in vitro studies. Conclusion: Analysis of all data about the acute effects of red wine constituents on endothelial function, is inconclusive and it is obvious that new studies are necessary in order to elucidate this matter. Undoubtedly, one should be very careful in suggesting red wine consumption in high-risk populations, as its acute postprandial effect is not yet clear. 134 Bulletin de l’OIV SANTÉ / MALADIES DÉGÉNÉRATIVES (Vol. 83, n°947-948-949) N° 28 432 J. BOURNIVAL, P. QUESSY, M.G. MARTINOLI Department of Biochemistry and Neuroscience Research Group, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Trois-Rivières, QC, G9A 5H7, Canada Protective effects of resveratrol and quercetin against MPP+ -induced oxidative stress act by modulating markers of apoptotic death in dopaminergic neurons EN Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology, 2009, vol. 29, n°8, p. 1169-1180. KEYWORDS: apoptosis; resveratrol; quercetin; neuroprotection; oxidative stress Reactive oxygen species produced by oxidative stress may participate in the apoptotic death of dopamine neurons distinctive of Parkinson's disease. Resveratrol, a red wine extract, and quercetin, found mainly in green tea, are two natural polyphenols, presenting antioxidant properties in a variety of cellular paradigms. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of resveratrol and quercetin on the apoptotic cascade induced by the administration of 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium ion (MPP+), a Parkinsonian toxin, provoking the selective degeneration of dopaminergic neurons. Our results show that a pre-treatment for 3 h with resveratrol or quercetin before MPP+ administration could greatly reduce apoptotic neuronal PC12 death induced by MPP+. We also demonstrated that resveratrol or quercetin modulates mRNA levels and protein expression of Bax, a pro-apoptotic gene, and Bcl-2, an anti-apoptotic gene. We then evaluated the release of cytochrome c and the nuclear translocation of the apoptosis-inducing factor (AIF). Altogether, our results indicate that resveratrol and quercetin diminish apoptotic neuronal cell death by acting on the expression of pro- and anti-apoptotic genes. These findings support the role of these natural polyphenols in preventive and/or complementary therapies for several human neurodegenerative diseases caused by oxidative stress and apoptosis. Revue signalétique SANTÉ / POLYPHÉNOLS 135 N° 28 433 N. HALEAGRAHARA, A. RADHAKRISHNAN, N. LEE, P. KUMAR Division of Human Biology, Faculty of Medicine and Health, International Medical University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Flavonoid quercetin protects against swimming stress-induced changes in oxidative biomarkers in the hypothalamus of rats EN Eur J Pharmacol., 2009, vol. 621, n°1-3, p. 46-52. KEYWORDS: wine; nutrition; polyphenols; stress; quercetin; oxidative stress; antioxidant; hypothalamus Quercetin is a bioflavonoid abundant in onions, apples, tea and red wine and one of the most studied flavonoids. Dietary quercetin intake is suggested to be health promoting, but this assumption is mainly based on mechanistic studies performed in vitro. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of quercetin on stress-induced changes in oxidative biomarkers in the hypothalamus of rats. Adult male Sprague Dawley rats were subjected to forced swimming stress for 45 min daily for 14 days. Effect of quercetin at three different doses (10, 20 and 30 mg/kg body weight) on serum corticosterone and oxidative biomarkers (lipid hydroperoxides, antioxidant enzymes and total antioxidants) was estimated. Swimming stress significantly increased the serum corticosterone and lipid hydroperoxide levels. A significant decrease in total antioxidant levels and super oxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase and catalase levels was seen in the hypothalamus after stress and treatment with quercetin significantly increased these oxidative parameters and there was a significant decrease in lipid hydroperoxide levels. These data demonstrate that forced swimming stress produced a severe oxidative damage in the hypothalamus and treatment with quercetin markedly attenuated these stress-induced changes. Antioxidant action of quercetin may be beneficial for the prevention and treatment of stress-induced oxidative damage in the brain. 136 Bulletin de l’OIV (Vol. 83, n°947-948-949) SANTÉ / POLYPHÉNOLS N° 28 434 S.C. FORESTER, A.L. WATERHOUSE Department of Viticulture and Enology, University of California, Davis, CA 95616, USA Metabolites are key to understanding health effects of wine polyphenolics EN The Journal of nutrition, 2009, vol. 139, n°9, p. 1824 S-1831 S. KEYWORDS: alcoholic beverage; nutrition; wine; health; metabolite Phenolic compounds in grapes and wine are grouped within the following major classes: stilbenes, phenolic acids, ellagitannins, flavan-3-ols, anthocyanins, flavonols, and proanthocyanidins. Consumption of foods containing phenolic substances has been linked to beneficial effects toward chronic diseases such as coronary heart disease and colorectal cancer. However, such correlations need to be supported by in vivo testing and bioavailability studies are the first step in establishing cause and effect. Class members from all phenolic groups can be glucuronidated, sulfated, and/or methylated and detected at low concentrations in the bloodstream and in urine. But the majority of phenolic compounds from grapes and wine are metabolized in the gastrointestinal tract, where they are broken down by gut microflora. This typically involves deglycosylation, followed by breakdown of ring structures to produce phenolic acids and aldehydes. These metabolites can be detected in bloodstream, urine, and fecal samples by using sophisticated instrumentation methods for quantitation and identification at low concentrations. The health effects related to grape and wine consumption may well be due to these poorly understood phenolic acid metabolites. This review discusses the known metabolism of each major class of wine and grape phenolics, the means to measure them, and ideas for future investigations. Revue signalétique VITICULTURE / GÉNÉTIQUE 137 N° 28 435 KEIKO FUJITA, MAMIKO SHIMAZAKI, TERUMI FURIYA, TSUTOMU TAKAYANAGI AND SHUNJI SUZUKI Laboratory of Fruit Genetics Engineering, The Institute of Enology and Viticulture, University of Yamanashi, Kofu, Yamanashi 400-0005 Japan Genetic Variation among Koshu (Vitis vinifera L.) Accessions Generated by Retrotransposon Insertion into Genome EN American Journal of Enology and Viticulture, 2009, vol. 60, n°4, p. 490-496. KEYWORDS: retrotransposon; IRAP; Vitis vinifera; Koshu; genetic variation Koshu (Vitis vinifera L.) is indigenous to Japan, where it is the most popular cultivar for white winemaking. Koshu grapevines have not been systematically classified according to yield, fruit quality, morphologic phenotype, and genetic variation. We report here the genetic variation among Koshu accessions classified by the region where they were cultivated. Eight retroelements were selected for inter-retrotransposon amplified polymorphism (IRAP) analysis and 16 retrotransposon-specific primers were designed. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using 136 primer sets amplified 731 PCR bands. Thirtyfive polymorphic bands among Koshu accessions were identified by PCR using 24 primer sets. Individual grapevines from the same accession exhibited monomorphic band patterns for the primer sets. Cluster analysis based on polymorphic band patterns identified by IRAP analysis demonstrated that the Koshu accessions tested might be classified into three genetic groups. Results indicate that genetic variation among accessions might be generated by retrotransposon insertion into the Koshu genome. 138 Bulletin de l’OIV (Vol. 83, n°947-948-949) VITICULTURE / GÉNÉTIQUE 1 2 N° 28 436 2 2 3 P.C.S. LEÃO , S. RIAZ , R. GRAZIANI , G.S. DANGL , S.Y. MOTOIKE AND M.A. WALKER2 1. Embrapa Semi-Árido, BR 428 km 152, Zona Rural, Caixa Postal 23, Petrolina, CEP. 56.302-970 Brasil 2. Department of Viticulture and Enology and Foundation Plant Services, University of California, Davis, CA 95616, USA 3. Departamento de Fitotecnia, Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Av. Peter Henry Rolfs, s/n, Viçosa, CEP. 36.570-000, Brasil Characterization of a Brazilian Grape Germplasm Collection Using Microsatellite Markers EN American Journal of Enology and Viticulture, 2009, vol. 60, n°4, p. 517-524. KEYWORDS: Vitis; SSR markers; parentage; genetic diversity Two hundred and twenty-one grapevine accessions from the Embrapa Semi-Árido, Juazeiro, Bahia, collection in Brazil were fingerprinted at seven SSR loci: VVS2, VVMD5, VVMD7, VVMD27, VVMD31, VrZAG62, and VrZAG79. Of these, 187 accessions had reliable allelic profiles allowing them to be divided into three groups. Group 1 consisted of 86 accessions that were correctly identified; group 2 consisted of 30 accessions that were incorrectly named, but matched the reference profile of a different cultivar; and group 3 consisted of 71 accessions with SSR profiles that did not match any available reference profile. Group 3 contained 11 accessions that did not match their internationally validated reference and 60 accessions for which international reference profiles did not exist. The profiles of group 3 may then serve as references for those accessions. The SSR allelic profiles from the reported parents of 19 of the group 3 accessions were used to determine whether the accessions were correctly named and six were confirmed. These profiles can now serve as references for this group of important Brazilian cultivars. Revue signalétique VITICULTURE / GÉNÉTIQUE 139 N° 28 437 ALBA M. VARGAS, M. TERESA DE ANDRÉS, JOAQUÍN BORREGO AND JAVIER IBÁÑEZ Instituto Madrileño de Investigación y Desarrollo Rural, Agrario y Alimentario (IMIDRA), Finca El Encín, Carretera A-2, PK 38,200, 28800 Alcalá de Henares, Spain Pedigrees of Fifty Table-Grape Cultivars EN American Journal of Enology and Viticulture, 2009, vol. 60, n°4, p. 525-532. KEYWORDS: chlorotype; genotyping; microsatellite; parentage analysis; Vitis vinifera L. Information on the origin of elite table-grape cultivars is essential for breeding programs. A parentage study on table-grape accessions based on analysis of 25 nuclear and five chloroplast microsatellite loci was carried out. The pedigree of 50 cultivars was analyzed, including morphology studies when necessary. The chlorotypes clarify the direction of the crosses in the majority of cases, while likelihood ratios indicate high reliability of the proposed crosses. Nineteen new pedigrees are proposed for varieties from highly diverse geographical origins, such as Circé, Imperial Roja, Misket Vratchanskii, Mistress Hall, and Pizzutello Nero. Mistakes were also detected in previously described pedigrees for 13 cultivars, including Delizia di Vaprio and Madeleine Angevine. Alternative parents were identified for these 13 varieties. For another 18 varieties the previously proposed pedigree was confirmed. The cultivars Muscat of Alexandria, Afus Ali, Muscat Hamburg, and Chasselas were the most frequent parents of these 50 varieties. 140 Bulletin de l’OIV (Vol. 83, n°947-948-949) VITICULTURE / MALADIES ET RAVAGEURS 1 1 N° 28 438 2 M.A. JACOMETTI , S.D. WRATTEN AND M. WALTER 1. Bio-Protection Research Centre, PO Box 84, Lincoln University, Canterbury 7647, New Zealand 2. Plant & Food Research, PO Box 51, Lincoln, New Zealand Review: Alternatives to synthetic fungicides for Botrytis cinerea management in vineyards EN Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research, 2010, vol. 16, n°1, p. 154172. KEYWORDS: biological control; Botrytis cinerea; habitat manipulation; induced resistance; mulch; sustainable viticulture Botrytis cinerea, the causal agent of botrytis bunch rot, is an important disease of grapevines worldwide, with canopy management and the prophylactic use of fungicides being the most common control methods. The latter has resulted in fungicide resistance and is increasingly raising concerns regarding residues in wine and effects on human and environmental health. Research-led alternatives to this practice are beginning to emerge, including a range of biotic and abiotic treatments that induce vine resistance to B. cinerea and inundative applications of biological control agents such as Trichoderma, Bacillus, Ulocladium and Streptomyces species. Also, habitat manipulation techniques that aim to improve the effectiveness of naturally occurring biological control are being developed using mulches brought into the vineyard, as well as mulched cover crops. These can accelerate decomposition of botrytis mycelium and sclerotia on the vineyard floor in winter. The challenges of these different techniques and the prospects for habitat manipulation for this fungal disease are discussed. Extensive tables on synthetic fungicides, biofungicides, essential oils and plant extracts effective against B. cinerea are included. Revue signalétique 141 VITICULTURE / PHYSIOLOGIE 1 N° 28 439 1 2 M. CARMO VASCONCELOS , MARC GREVEN , CHRIS S. WINEFIELD , MIKE C.T. TROUGHT1 1 AND VICTORIA RAW 1. The New Zealand Institute for Plant and Food Research Limited, Marlborough Wine Research Centre, PO Box 845, Blenheim 7240, Marlborough, New Zealand 2. Lincoln University, PO Box 84, Lincoln 7647, Canterbury, New Zealand The Flowering Process of Vitis vinifera: A Review EN American Journal of Enology and Viticulture, 2009, vol. 60, n°4, p. 411-434. KEYWORDS: variability; carbohydrates; nutrition; growth regulators; water relations; genetic control The flowering of Vitis vinifera spreads over two seasons. Tendrils and inflorescences have a common origin known as anlage or uncommitted primordia. The fate of the uncommitted primordia depends on the cytokinin-gibberellin balance, with cytokinins promoting transition to flowering and gibberellins inhibiting it. High temperature and high light are induction stimuli for flowering. Neither photoperiod nor vernalization is very relevant for flowering induction. Inflorescence primordia development in latent buds stops after the formation of secondary and tertiary branches, approximately one month before shoot periderm formation. Buds resume growth after dormancy, with further branching of inflorescences before differentiation of individual flowers. Warm weather at budburst favors further inflorescence differentiation, resulting in more clusters per shoot, while cool weather favors differentiation of more flowers per clusters and fewer clusters per shoot. Environment and cultural practices influence flowering, either directly or indirectly via their impact on photosynthesis and nutrient availability. Cultural practices encouraging light penetration into the canopy favor flower initiation, while practices resulting in shading have a detrimental impact. Flower formation occurs through a series of sequential steps under hormone-mediated genetic control. The first genetic change involves the switch from the vegetative to the floral state, in response to different environmental and developmental signals, through the activity of floral-meristem identity genes. Second, the floral meristem is patterned into the whorls of organ primordia through the activity of floral-organ identity genes. Third, the floral-organ identity genes activate downstream effectors that specify the various tissues which constitute the different floral structures. The flowers are hermaphroditic and most are self-pollinated but cross-pollination also occurs. Fertilization is hindered by cool rainy weather and favored by warm dry weather. 142 Bulletin de l’OIV VITICULTURE / PHYSIOLOGIE (Vol. 83, n°947-948-949) N° 28 440 JASON P. SMITH AND BRUNO P. HOLZAPFEL National Wine and Grape Industry Centre, Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga, NSW 2678, Australia Cumulative Responses of Semillon Grapevines to Late Season Perturbation of Carbohydrate Reserve Status EN American Journal of Enology and Viticulture, 2009, vol. 60, n°4, p. 461-470. KEYWORDS: carbohydrate reserves; postharvest period; vegetative growth; fruiting; water stress; overcropping The response of grapevine carbohydrate reserves and seasonal growth and development to defruiting at the onset of ripening or complete defoliation at commercial harvest was examined at four sites in two hot, inland regions of New South Wales, Australia. Early defruiting over two consecutive seasons increased total nonstructural carbohydrates (TNC) in the roots, and to a lesser extent in the wood, and resulted in yield increases of up to 60% in the third season when fruit was allowed to remain on the vine until harvest. In contrast, defoliation at harvest caused a decline in TNC concentrations and reduced fruit production by up to 22% following one season of treatment and by 50% following two seasons. The higher yields developed after the two proceeding seasons of early defruiting were associated with depletion of the initially high carbohydrate reserves between budbreak and harvest, and reserve restoration did not take place until after harvest. However, in the lower yielding, previously defoliated vines, carbohydrate reserves were restored before fruit maturity. These findings show that carbon demands of ripening fruit, and photoassimilation capacity after harvest, can both limit the restoration of carbohydrate reserves to preseason levels. Marked differences between sites in the seasonal maxima of nonstructural carbohydrate concentrations in perennial tissues and aspects of floral and vegetative development are attributed to water deficits. The interaction between carbohydrate reserves and fruit and shoot growth suggests a feedback process whereby homeostasis, following environmental or cultural perturbations, is restored to a level determined by the capacity of the grapevine to assimilate and store carbohydrates. Revue signalétique 143 VITICULTURE / PHYSIOLOGIE 1 1 N° 28 441 2 3 J. JREIJ , MARY T. KELLY , A. DELOIRE , E. BRENON , A. BLAISE 1 1. UMR 1083 "Sciences pour l'Oenologie et la Viticulture" Centre de formation et de Recherche en Œnologie, Faculté des Sciences Pharmaceutiques, 15 Av. Charles Flahault, 34093 Montpellier, France 2. Department « plant sciences » Montpellier-SupAgro, 2 Place Viala, 34060 Montpellier, France 3. VIVELYS, Domaine du Chapitre, 170 boulevard du Chapitre, 34750 Villeneuve-lès-Maguelone, France Combined Effects of Soil-applied and Foliar-applied Nitrogen on the Nitrogen composition and distribution in water stressed Vitis Vinifera L. cv Sauvignon blanc Grapes EN Journal International des Sciences de la Vigne et du Vin, 2009, vol. 43, n°4. KEYWORDS: Sauvignon blanc; water-stressed; soil and foliar applied nitrogen Aims: The aim of this work is to test the effects of soil-applied nitrogen (N) at budbreak and subsequent foliar-applied N at veraison on the N composition and partitioning in berries of water stressed Vitis vinifera L. cv. Sauvignon blanc vines. Methods and results: N fertilizer was applied to the soil at budbreak at doses of 30 or 60 kg N/ha, while the control did not receive any treatment. This did not increase N content of leaves and the vines showed symptoms of N deficiency from the beginning of the season. In order to overcome this deficiency, N foliar sprayings were applied at veraison at doses of 2.5 or 5 kg N/ha to vines having received 30 or 60 kg N/ha of soilapplied N, respectively. Total N of berry flesh responded to N foliar fertilization more than that any other berry part, whereas amino acids in skins were the more affected by N foliar fertilization than those of other berry parts. Only the 60 soil/5 foliar N treatment produced a measurable increase in the total, assimilable and amino N in berry juices at maturity. Assimilable N was a better indicator for N summer uptake by the vine than total N. Of all amino acids, arginine showed the highest increases following N fertilization and could be considered among the better indicators to distinguish between N summer fertilization treatments. Conclusion: In conditions of severe water deficit and N deficiency, fertilization at a dose of 60 kg/ha soil-applied N combined with 5 kg/ha foliar-applied N improved fruit fermentability. Results support the use of foliar fertilization at veraison as a tool for enhancing grape quality and to a certain extent the style of wine. Significance and impact of study: This work helps to provide insight into the effect of N soil fertilization along with foliar fertilization on water-stressed vines. This may be useful in fertilization programs in the Mediterranean area and may help to choose the type and the rate of the N fertilization in case of severe vine water deficit. Also, we provide information of utmost importance on the distribution of summer foliar-applied N in grape tissues. 144 Bulletin de l’OIV VITICULTURE / PHYSIOLOGIE H.R. SCHULTZ 1,2 AND (Vol. 83, n°947-948-949) N° 28 442 1 M. STOLL 1. Institut für Weinbau und Rebenzüchtung, Forschungsanstalt Geisenheim, von-Lade Str. 1, D-65366, Germany 2. Fachhochschule Wiesbaden, Fachbereich Geisenheim, von-Lade Str. 1, D65366 Geisenheim, Germany Some critical issues in environmental physiology of grapevines: future challenges and current limitations EN Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research, 2010, vol. 16, n°S 1, p. 4-24. KEYWORDS: aquaporins; cover crops; efficient water use; CO2; environmental stress; isotopic signatures; mesophyll conductance; remote sensing; stomatal conductance The rapidly increasing world population and the scarcity of suitable land for agricultural food production together with a changing climate will ultimately put pressure on grapeproducing areas for the use of land and the input of resources. For most grape-producing areas, the predicted developments in climate will be identical to becoming more marginal for quality production and/or to be forced to improve resource management. This will have a pronounced impact on grapevine physiology, biochemistry and ultimately production methods. Research in the entire area of stress physiology, from the gene to the whole plant and vineyard level (including soils) will need to be expanded to aid in the mitigation of arising problems. In this review, we elaborate on some key issues in environmental stress physiology such as efficient water use to illustrate some of the challenges, current limitations and future possibilities of certain experimental techniques and/or data interpretations. Key regulatory mechanisms in the control of stomatal conductance are treated in some detail and several future research directions are outlined. Diverse physiological aspects such as the functional role of aquaporins, the importance of mesophyll conductance in leaf physiology, night-time water use and respiration under environmental constraints are discussed. New developments for improved resource management (mainly water) such as the use of remote sensing and thermal imagery technologies are also reviewed. Specific cases where our experimental systems are limited or where research has been largely discontinued (i.e. stomatal patchiness) are treated and some promising new developments, such as the use of coupled structural functional models to assess for environmental stress effects on a whole-plant or canopy level are outlined. Finally, the status quo and research challenges around the 'CO2-problem' are presented, an area which is highly significant for the study of 'the future' of the grape and wine industry, but where substantial financial commitment is needed. Revue signalétique VITICULTURE / PRATIQUES VITICOLES 145 N° 28 443 MICHAEL J. COSTELLO Cooperative Extension, University of California, 1720 S. Maple Ave., Fresno, CA 93702, USA Growth and Yield of Cultivated Grape with Native Perennial Grasses Nodding Needlegrass or California Barley as Cover Crops EN HortScience, 2010, vol. 45, n°1, p. 154-156. KEYWORDS: Vitis vinifera; vineyard; Nassella cernua; Hordeum brachyantherum ssp. Californicum Two California native perennial grasses, nodding needlegrass [Nassella cernua (Stebbins & R.M. Love) Barkworth] and California barley [Hordeum brachyantherum Nevski ssp. californicum (Covas & Stebbins) Bothmer, N. Jacobsen & Seberg], were compared with a conventional grass cover crop, ‘Blando’ brome (Bromus hordeaceus L.), as well as resident (weedy) vegetation and a clean cultivated control for effects on growth and yield of cultivated grape (Vitis vinifera L. cv. Barbera). Statistical analyses did not reveal yield differences between treatments with floor vegetation (the native grasses, ‘Blando’ brome, and resident vegetation) and clean cultivation, the cover crop treatments (the native grasses and ‘Blando brome’) and clean cultivation, nor the native grass treatments versus treatments with non-native floor vegetation (‘Blando’ brome and resident vegetation). However, there was a significant difference between the two native grasses with the average yield of nodding needlegrass 26.2% higher than that of California barley. Treatments did not differ in °Brix, berry weight, or pruning weight. At the end of the study, vine trunk diameter was 7.1% higher under the cover crop treatments than resident vegetation. Given these results, in vineyards where a neutral effect on growth or yield is desired, nodding needlegrass would be suitable as a permanent cover crop, whereas California barley would not. 146 Bulletin de l’OIV (Vol. 83, n°947-948-949) VITICULTURE / RAISIN DE TABLE 1 2 N° 28 444 1 1 LIPING KOU , YAGUANG LUO , WU DING , XINGHUA LIU AND WILLIAM CONWAY2 1. College of Food Science and Engineering, Northwest A&F University, 28, Xinong Road, Yangling, Shaanxi, 712100, China 2. Produce Quality and Safety Laboratory, USDA ARS, 10300 Baltimore Avenue, Beltsville, MD 20705, USA Hot Water Treatment in Combination with Rachis Removal and Modified Atmosphere Packaging Maintains Quality of Table Grapes EN HortScience, 2009, vol. 44, n°7, p. 1947-1952. KEYWORDS: hot water; microbial growth; sensory; chlorine; packaging; table grapes; sulfur dioxide Alternatives to sulfur dioxide to maintain quality of table grapes, including various combinations of rachis removal, chlorinated wash, hot water treatment, and modified atmosphere packaging, were explored in this study. Grapes were prepared by cutting off the rachis 1 to 2 mm from the fruit or by keeping the clusters intact. After initial preparation, short-stem and cluster grapes were subjected to chlorinated wash and/or hot water (45°C, 8 min) treatment and packaged in plastic trays sealed with a gaspermeable film. The treated grapes as well as the commercially packed grapes (COM) in their original packages were stored at 5°C for up to 4 weeks. Hot water treatment resulted in significantly (P < 0.05) higher oxygen retention and lower carbon dioxide accumulation in package headspaces, maintained a firmer texture, higher overall visual quality, lower decay rate, and lower microbial populations than other treatments or COM during the entire storage period. Grapes that were cut from the rachis and treated with hot water and chlorine maintained the highest quality for 4 weeks with the least decay among all treatments. A chlorine prewash treatment significantly (P < 0.05) reduced microbial populations on cluster grapes and maintained better overall quality. Conventional COM grapes developed dark decay and lost turgidity and were of unacceptable quality at 28 days of storage. Revue signalétique VITICULTURE / RAISIN DE TABLE 147 N° 28 445 S. LURIE, R. OVADIA, A. NISSIM-LEVI, M. OREN-SHAMIR, T. KAPLUNOV, Y. ZUTAHY, H. WEKSLER AND A. LICHTER Departments of Postharvest Science and Ornamental Horticulture, ARO, The Volcani Center, Israel Abscisic acid improves colour development in 'Crimson Seedless' grapes in the vineyard and on detached berries EN The Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology, 2009, vol. 84, n°6, p. 639-644. KEYWORDS: Crimson Seedless; abscisic acid; colour development ‘Crimson Seedless’ is a high quality, red, table grape (Vitis vinifera) cultivar, which may fail to develop adequate red colour in warm climates. In addition, most bunches contain some green berries when the rest of the bunch has become red. Abscisic acid (ABA) is a plant hormone which increases in grape berry skin at the onset of maturation and is involved in the regulation of anthocyanin accumulation. A commercial formulation, S-ABA (ProTone®), was sprayed at 400 mg l-1 or 800 mg l-1 in a vineyard at the beginning of veraison, or 200 mg l-1, 400 mg l-1, or 600 mg l-1 S-ABA was applied to detached berries or to small bunches (five-to-six berries) in the laboratory by spraying or by allowing uptake through the pedicel. In the vineyard, the application of S-ABA affected berry colour, changing the red berry colour of the control [hue angle (h°) = 3.6] to black for SABA-treated clusters (h° = –45°). Ripeness parameters (soluble solids content, titratable acidity, and berry size) were not affected by S-ABA treatment, but treated berries were less firm (250 g mm-1) than untreated control fruit (335 g mm-1) using a compression durometer. Anthocyanin accumulation in berries treated with 400 mg l-1 S-ABA was almost double that of control berries, although the anthocyanin compositions were similar. Storage of grapes at 0°C for 3 weeks, with no protection from decay, indicated that S-ABA did not increase their sensitivity to fungal infection. Green or breaker-stage detached berries, or bunches, developed a red colour by spraying with S-ABA or by uptake through the pedicel. Detached berries may therefore serve as an efficient system with which to test the effects of S-ABA and its interactions with other factors which influence colour development. 148 Bulletin de l’OIV VITICULTURE / RAISIN DE TABLE (Vol. 83, n°947-948-949) N° 28 446 M.E. AMIRI, E. FALLAHI AND M. MIRJALILI University of Idaho Research and Extension Center, Parma Research and Extension Center, Parma, USA Effects of abscisic acid or ethephon at veraison on the maturity and quality of 'Beidaneh Ghermez' grapes EN The Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology, 2009, vol. 84, n°6, p. 660-664. KEYWORDS: abscisic acid; ethephon; veraison; Beidaneh Ghermez; berry color Vitis vinifera ‘Beidaneh Ghermez’ is one of the most popular seedless table-grape cultivars grown in the Middle East, but it usually has a poor berry colour. The impact of abscisic acid (ABA) or ethephon, applied at four rates (0, 100, 200, or 300 μl l-1) at 20 – 30% of verasion, on berry quality in ‘Beidaneh Ghermez’ was studied over two seasons (2007 – 2008). Application of ethephon or ABA did not significantly affect berry yield compared to untreated controls, but berry size increased as the rate of ethephon increased. Neither treatment affected soluble solids concentrations (SSC), titratable acidity (TA), or juice pH. The highest SSC and TA values were recorded in the untreated controls. Total anthocyanin contents of berry skin increased with each incremental increase in ABA or ethephon. The relationship between anthocyanin content and berry skin colour was linear. Berries that received ABA were firmer than the untreated controls, or those treated with ethephon. Ethephon reduced berry firmness compared to control and ABA-treated grapes. All ABA-treated grapes had better overall berry quality than those which received no treatment or ethephon. Informations News Prix de l’OIV 151 Prix de l’OIV Chaque année depuis 1930, les prix de l’OIV récompensent les meilleurs ouvrages parus au cours des deux précédentes années dont le contenu représente un apport scientifique, original, pertinent et de portée internationale pour le secteur de la vigne et du vin. Les ouvrages sont jugés par un panel de lecteurs spécialisés, présidé par le diplomate, poète et écrivain, Frantisek Lipka, actuellement Ambassadeur de Slovaquie auprès du Royaume de Belgique et du Grand Duché du Luxembourg. Un prix est décerné dans chacune des disciplines suivantes : Viticulture Œnologie Economie et droit vitivinicoles Histoire, Littérature et Beaux-arts Médecine et hygiène du vin Monographies et études spécialisées Actes de symposia et colloques scientifiques Les auteurs qui désirent proposer leur candidature à l’un des prix de l’OIV devront adresser leur ouvrage en 6 exemplaires, à l'adresse suivante: OIV - Jury des Prix 18, rue d’Aguesseau F-75008 Paris OIV Awards Every year since 1930, the Award jury of the OIV commemorates the best written works published over the past two previous years which are original, pertinent, and with an international scope for the vine and wine sector. These works are evaluated by a panel of specialists (university professors, journalists, scientists, historians) under the presidency of His Excellency the Ambassador František Lipka. One award is given in each of these fields: Viticulture Oenology Vitivniculture economy and law History, literature and fine arts Medicine and hygiene of wine Monographs and specialised studies Symposium proceedings Authors wanting to submit a candidacy for one of the OIV Awards need to send 6 copies of their work to the following address: OIV, Jury des Prix 18, rue d’Aguesseau F-75008 Paris 152 Bulletin de l’OIV (Vol. 83, n°947-948-949) Preis der OIV Seit 1930 verleiht die OIV jährlich einen Preis für die besten, innerhalb der letzten zwei Jahre erschienenen Bücher, die sich durch Originalität und Pertinenz auszeichnen und von internationaler Tragweite für den Weinbausektor sind. Die Werke werden von einem Gremium fachkundiger Leser beurteilt. Vorsitzender der Jury ist Frantisek Lipka, Diplomat, Schriftsteller und Dichter sowie Botschafter der Slowakei in Belgien und Luxemburg. Es wird jeweils ein Preis in folgenden Kategorien vergeben: Weinbau Önologie Weinbaurecht und wirtschaft Geschichte, Literatur, schöne Künste Medizin, Hygiene Monographien und/oder Fachstudien Symposiumbeiträge Autoren, die sich für einen Preis der OIV bewerben möchten, werden gebeten, sechs Exemplare ihres Werkes bis spätestens an folgende Adresse zu senden: OIV - Jury des Prix 18, rue d’Aguesseau F-75008 Paris Premios de la OIV Cada año desde 1930, los Premios de la OIV recompensan las mejores obras escritas aparecidas durante los dos años precedentes y cuyo contenido representa un aporte original, pertinente y de alcance internacional para el sector de la viña y el vino. Las obras son juzgadas por un panel de lectores especializados. Preside el Jurado de los Premios el diplomático, poeta y escritor Frantisek Lipka, actualmente Embajador de Eslovaquia ante el Reino de Bélgica y el Gran Ducado de Luxemburgo. Se otorgará un premio en cada una de las siguientes disciplinas: Viticultura Enología Economía y derecho vitivinícolas Historia, literatura y bellas artes Medicina e higiene del vino Monografía y/o estudios especializados Actas de simposios Los autores que deseen proponer su candidatura a uno de los premios de la OIV deberán enviar su obra en seis ejemplares a la dirección siguiente: OIV - Jury des Prix 18, rue d’Aguesseau F-75008 Paris Prix de l’OIV 153 Premi dell’OIV Dal 1930, ogni anno, i Premi dell’OIV ricompensano i migliori lavori scritti pubblicati nel corso dei due anni precedenti e il cui contenuto rappresenta un contributo originale, pertinente e di portata internazionale per il settore della vigna e del vino. I lavori sono giudicati da un panel di lettori specializzati. La giuria dei premi è presieduta dal diplomatico, poeta ed autore, Frantisek Lipka, attualmente ambasciatore della Slovacchia presso il regno del Belgio ed il Granducato del Lussemburgo. Per ciascuna delle discipline seguenti verrà attribuito un premio: Viticoltura Enologia Economia e diritto vitivinicoli Storia, letteratura e belle arti Medicina ed igiene del vino Monografie e/o studi specializzati Atti de simposi Gli autori che desiderano proporre la loro candidatura ad uno dei premi dell’OIV dovranno inviare le loro opere in 6 copie all'indirizzo seguente: OIV - Jury des Prix 18, rue d’Aguesseau F-75008 Paris 154 Bulletin de l’OIV (Vol. 83, n°947-948-949) Les Publications de l’OIV OIV’s Publications Titre / Title Edition Format Prix Price Langue Language VITICULTURE - VITICULTURE DE, EN, ES, FR, IT, PO, RU Lexique de la vigne et du vin 1963 680 p. 70 € Description des cépages du monde Description of wine and grape varieties throughout the world 2000 449 p. 100 € DE, EN, ES, FR Liste des descripteurs OIV pour les variétés et espèces de Vitis (2ème édition) List of OIV descriptors for Vitis varieties and species (2nd ed) Traduit en arabe par / Translated in Arab by / Fethi ASKRI 2009 232 p. 50 € AR, DE, EN, ES, FR, IT Liste internationale des variétés de vigne et de leurs synonymes International list of vine varieties and their synonyms 2009 237 p. 30 € DE, EN, ES, FR, IT Cahier scientifique et technique : Gestion des effluents de cave et de distillerie Scientific and technical Booklet: Management of winery and distillery effluents 1999 81 p. 25 € EN, FR La protection des terroirs viticoles 1991 222 p. 51 € FR Histoire de la lutte contre le phylloxera de la vigne en France de Roger POUGET 1990 157 p. 20 € FR Codex œnologique international International Oenological Codex 2009 493 p. 70 € EN, ES, FR Code International des Pratiques Œnologiques International Code of Oenological Practices 2010 276 p. 65 € EN, ES, FR Recueil des méthodes internationales d’analyse des vins et des moûts (2 vol.) Compendium of International Methods of Analysis of Wines and Musts (2 vol.) 2009 424 p. 476 p. 100 € EN, FR ŒNOLOGIE - OENOLOGY Recueil des méthodes internationales d’analyse des boissons spiritueuses 1994 312 p. 50 € FR Cahier scientifique et technique : Le Plomb 1995 145 p. 15 € FR Cahier scientifique et technique : Vin et maladies cardiovasculaires 1998 245 p. 25 € FR Norme internationale pour l’étiquetage des vins et des eaux-devie d’origine vitivinicole International Standard for labelling wines and spirited beverages 2006 60 p. 10 € DE, EN, ES, FR Norme OIV des concours internationaux de vins et de boissons spiritueuses d'origine vitivinicole OIV Standard for International Wine and Spirituous Beverages of viticultural origin Competitions 2009 125 p. 20 € DE, EN, ES, FR, IT Quels vins pour le troisième millénaire ? 2000 31 p. 10 € FR ECONOMIE - ECONOMY Situation et statistiques mondiales du secteur vitivinicole World Situation and Statistics of the vitiviniculture sector 2005 206 p. 20 € DE, EN, ES, FR, IT Vignes et Vin, composantes d’une civilisation de Maurice VALLERYRADOT 1990 56 p. 20 € FR Le vin au Moyen-âge dans le bassin méditerranéen 1994 120 p. 15 € FR L’histoire du vin : une histoire de rites 1997 200 p. 15 € FR Le vin : 50 siècles de passion (chrono-rama) 1997 - 56 € FR HISTOIRE - HISTORY (Vol. 83, n°947-948-949) Bulletin de l’OIV 155 BON DE COMMANDE / ORDER FORM / PEDIDOS OIV - 18, rue d’Aguesseau - 75008 Paris – France Tél. + 33 (0) – Fax. + 33 (0) - e-mail [email protected] – www.oiv.int Quantité Quantity Prix Unitaire Unit Price Titre / Title * FRAIS D E P O R T E T D ’ E M BA L L A G E AND PACKING PRICE EUROPE ALGERIE, TUNISIE, MAROC 5,00 € 10,00 € 12,50 € 10 % FRANCE Jusqu’à (up to) 24 Euros de (from) 25 à (to) 60 Euros de (from) 61 à (to) 130 Euros au delà de (above) 130 Euros - P O S T A GE 3,00 € 7,00 € 9,50 € 8% Pour toute commande importante ou expédition par porteur, frais réels sur facture For all important orders or expeditions by special mailing, real postage price on invoice Prix Total Total Price AUTRES PAYS OTHER COUNTRIES 7,00 € 13,00 € 16,00 € 15 % FRAIS DE PORT / POSTAGE* TOTAL Nom (Name) Prénom (First Name) : Adresse d’expédition (Destination Address) : Code Postal (Post Code) : Téléphone (Phone Number) : Ville (Town) : Télécopie (Fax Number) : Pays (Country) : E-mail : Adresse de facturation (Invoice Address) : N° de TVA (VAT Identification) : Date : Signature : Chaque facture sera établie en 2 exemplaires / Each invoice will be made out in two copies Publications expédiées à réception du règlement / Publications are sent on receipt of payment REGLEMENT PAR / PAYM ENT BY / MODALIDADES DE PAGO Chèque à l’ordre de l’OIV et payable en France /Cheque made out to OIV and payable in France Virement / Bank credit transfer / Giro bancario : SOCIÉTÉ GÉNÉRALE - PARIS ST HONORÉ CODE BANQUE 30003 - SWIFT : SOGEFRPP CODE GUICHET 03031 N° COMPTE 00020073947 CLE RIB 04 - Iban : FR 76 30003 03031 00020073947 04 Carte Bleue – Visa –MasterCard N°: Notez les 3 derniers chiffres du numéro au verso de votre carte bancaire Write down the last 3 numbers on the back of your credit card Escriba las últimas 3 cifras del número que se encuentra en el reverso de su tarjeta } Date d'expiration Expiry date : …...../…..... 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Fecha de expiración RECOMMANDATIONS AUX AUTEURS Le « Bulletin de l’OIV » publie exclusivement des travaux originaux et de haut niveau scientifique ou technique se rapportant à la Viticulture, à l’Œnologie, à l’Economie et au Droit vitivinicoles ainsi qu’au Vin et à la Santé. Tout article présenté doit répondre aux normes suivantes, faute de quoi sa parution risque d’être retardée, voire refusée. Les travaux doivent être adressés en version électronique, dans leur texte définitif et dans leur langue originale, à [email protected] pour être soumis au Comité de Lecture qui s’entourera, le cas échéant, de l’avis de spécialistes. Les articles doivent respecter la présentation suivante : titre, auteur(s), mots-clés, résumé, texte de l’article, tableaux et figures légendés, remerciements éventuels, bibliographie. Titre, résumé et mots-clés Le titre doit être bref, précis et suivi des noms et adresses des auteurs. Le résumé doit être complet et fournir tous les renseignements sur la nature du mémoire, son but, ses conclusions. Il sera accompagné d’environ cinq motsclés. Un résumé en anglais doit obligatoirement être fourni, quelle que soit la langue originale de l’article. Tableaux, figures et photographies Les tableaux et figures doivent être compréhensibles sans référence au texte et accompagnés d’une légende brève et claire. Les tableaux ainsi que les figures doivent être numérotés dans l’ordre de leur première citation dans le texte. Le tracé des figures doit être de bonne qualité pour permettre un clichage direct. Références bibliographiques Dans la bibliographie, les références doivent être conformes au modèle cidessous : auteur(s), titre de l’article, titre du périodique, année de parution, volume, numéro, première et dernière page. PRIOR R.L., WU X., SCHAICH K. Standardized methods for the determination of antioxidant capacity and phenolics in food and dietary supplements. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2005, vol. 53, n°8, p. 3101-3113. ANTONACCI D. Sotto controllo i residui di fitofarmaci nella viticoltura da tavola pugliese. Rivista di Frutticoltura, 2003, vol. 4, p. 52-57. ___________________________ RECOMMENDATIONS TO AUTHORS The « Bulletin de l’OIV » publishes exclusively original works of a high scientific and technical level dealing with Viticulture, Oenology, Economy and vitivinicultural law as well as wine and health. All articles presented must correspond to the following norms, in order to avoid delayed or refused publication. Texts must be addressed in electronic version, in their final text and in their original language, to [email protected] in order to be submitted to the Editorial Committee which will, should the occasion arise, refer to the advice of specialists. The articles should follow this presentation: title, author(s), keywords, abstract, text, tables, figures, captions to the figures, possible acknowledgments, references. Title, abstract and keywords The title must be brief, concise and followed by the author’s names and addresses. The abstract must be complete and supply all information on the nature of the dissertation, its aim and its conclusions. It should be accompanied by at least five key words. An abstract in English must necessarily be provided, regardless of the original language of the article. Tables, figures and photographs Tables and figures must be understood without reference to the main text and accompanied by a short and clear caption. The tables as well as the figures must be in the numerical order of appearance in the text. Figure drawings must be of good quality to allow direct printing. References In the bibliography, cited references must conform to the models as below: authors(s), article title, journal title, year of publication, volume, issue, first and last page. PRIOR R.L., WU X., SCHAICH K. Standardized methods for the determination of antioxidant capacity and phenolics in food and dietary supplements. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2005, vol. 53, n°8, p. 3101-3113. ANTONACCI D. Sotto controllo i residui di fitofarmaci nella viticoltura da tavola pugliese. Rivista di Frutticoltura, 2003, vol. 4, p. 52-57. Bulletin de l’OIV REVUE INTERNATIONALE DE VITICULTURE, OENOLOGIE, ECONOMIE, DROIT VITIVINICOLE, VIN ET SANTE Fondée en 1928 – Trimestrielle – Direction, Rédaction, Administration 18, rue d’Aguesseau, 75008 Paris Tél. : 01 44 94 80 80 – Fax : 01 42 66 90 63 Direction de publication : Réalisation et abonnements : Federico CASTELLUCCI Camille LAPLANCHE La reproduction totale ou partielle des textes publiés dans cette Revue n’est autorisée que sous réserve de la mention « Extrait du Bulletin de l’OIV ». For the full or partial reproduction of papers published in this Journal, proper acknowledgement ought to be made with reference “Excerpt from Bulletin de l’OIV”.