57º Congresso Brasileiro de Genética Resumos do 57º Congresso Brasileiro de Genética • 30 de agosto a 2 de setembro de 2011 Centro de Convenções do Hotel Monte Real Resort • Águas de Lindóia • SP • Brasil www.sbg.org.br - ISBN 978-85-89109-06-2 191 Genetic structure and diversity of grapevine accessions using Tvv1: a Vitis retrotransposon based marker Sant’Ana, GC1, 2; Ferreira, JL1; Borém, A2; Pasqual, M3; Cançado, GMA1 1Plant Biotechnology Laboratory, Agricultural Research Agency of Minas Gerais (EPAMIG). 2Plant Science Department, Universidade Federal de Viçosa. 3Plant Science Department, Universidade Federal de Lavras. [email protected] Keywords: Vitis spp., DNA fingerprinting, Genotyping, Genetic Resource, PCR Introduction: The grapevine is a perennial fruit of greater economic importance worldwide. The correct identification and the knowledge about the genetic diversity are fundamental for rational management and use of grapevine germplasm. Tvv1 is a highly variable untranslated leader region (UTL) and constitute a particular class of short Long Terminal Repeats (LTRs) retroelements. The use of retrotransposon sequences as Tvv1 as a source of informative markers might optimize the process of genotyping due its high ability of sampling the genome at several loci simultaneously. Objective: To analyze the genetic diversity of main grapevine varieties from a germplasm collection kept by the Agricultural Research Agency of Minas Gerais (EPAMIG). Methods: The DNA of 26 grapevines was extracted by the CTAB method, amplified using the Tvv1 primers - Pltr1 (5’CCTAATTCAGGACTCTCAAT3’ - forward) and P17 (5’CTAGAATTCTTACTCTCTTCC3’ – reverse). After that, the samples were run in electrophoresis at 6% denaturing poliacrilamide gels, and then, stained in a silver nitrate. Results: In this study were identified 18 polymorphic amplified bands that allowed a very sensitive DNA fingerprinting. Among the 26 cultivars examined, 25 different SSR profiles were detected with exception to ‘Niagara Branca’ and ‘Niagara Rosada’ which were not discriminated. ‘Niagara Rosada’ was originating from a putative single mutation of ‘Niagara Branca’, and thereby they do not have profile differentiation resolved by this marker technique. The phylogenetic structure analysis showed two main groups (scion and rootstocks) agreeing with the genetic pedigree of these varieties. In the principal coordinate analysis, the two groups were well dispersed in the bi-dimensional graph, showing 65.25% of explanation considering the two first axes together. Furthermore in the phenetic analysis, those two groups were well scattered in the Neighbor joining tree, showing agreement between the several analyzes used. Conclusion: These results evidenced the usefulness of Tvv1 marker during the DNA fingerprinting of grapevine, but they also showed the lack of efficiency of this marker during the discrimination of structured sub-groups, within scion and rootstock groups. Financial support: IFS, FAPEMIG, CNPq, CAPES, FINEP, and EMBRAPA.