Leishmania infantum chagasi
Théo de Araújo Santos
Leishmania infantum chagasi
Théo de Araújo Santos
Orientadora: Dra. Valéria de Matos Borges
Co-orientadora: Dra. Patrícia Torres Bozza
Tese apresentada ao Colegiado do Curso de Pósgraduação em Patologia como requisito para
obtenção do grau de Doutor em Patologia
Salvador – Bahia – Brasil
Ficha Catalográfica elaborada pela Biblioteca do
Centro de Pesquisas Gonçalo Moniz / FIOCRUZ - Salvador - Bahia.
Araújo-Santos, Théo
Corpúsculos lipídicos e eicosanoides nos momentos iniciais da infecção com
Leishmania infantum chagasi . [manuscrito] / Théo de Araújo Santos. - 2013.
138 f.; 30 cm
Datilografado (fotocópia).
Tese (Doutorado) – Universidade Federal da Bahia - Fundação Oswaldo Cruz,
Centro de Pesquisas Gonçalo Moniz. Pós-Graduação em Patologia Experimental,
Orientadora: Drª. Valéria de Matos Borges, Laboratório Integrado de
Microbiologia e Imunorregulação.
Co-Orientadora: Drª. Patrícia T. Bozza, Laboratório de imunofarmacologia, IOC.
1. Corpúsculo lipídicos. 2. Eicosanoides. 3. Leishmania 4. Lutzomyia
longipalpis I. Título.
CDU 591.131.3:616.993.161
Dedico este trabalho a
Carla, minha amada companheira
Letícia, meu tesouro amado
Meus pais Virgínia e Edielson, sempre presentes pelo exemplo
Lia e João, meus queridos irmãos
Cláudio Emanuel e Dona Del, meus pais postiços
A Deus que está acima de todas as coisas e sempre será meu eterno amigo e companheiro
À minha orientadora Valéria de Matos Borges pela paciência, dedicação, confiança e
amizade durante os últimos sete anos de minha formação acadêmica;
À minha co-orientadora Patrícia T. Bozza pela inspiração e discussão construtivas
nos últimos anos;
À minha orientadora de doutorado SWE pela dedicação e pelas discussões científicas
frutíferas e produtivas;
À Sara de Moura Pontes pela dedicação nos experimentos e companheirismo durante
todos esses anos de doutorado;
À Elze Leite, Andrezza Souza, Elaine Arruda, Jorge Tolentino e Natali Alexandrino
pelo apoio administrativo e logístico;
À Deboraci Prates, Bruno Bezerril, Petter Entringer, Nívea Farias, Jaqueline Costa,
Claudia Bordskyn, Natália Machado, Lilian Afonso pela amizade e pelas valiosas discussões e
À Adriana Lanfredi, Claudio Figueira, Diego Menezes e Marcos André Vannier pelo
avanço em minha compreensão sobre microscopia eletrônica de transmissão;
Aos professores do CPqGM, em especial aos professores Manoel e Aldina Barral
pelos exemplos de dedição e aspiração científica;
Aos amigos da família LIMI-LIP e do CPQGM/FIOCRUZ;
To colaborators from University of Iowa – Leishmania Laboratory;
Aos funcionários do biotério pelo cuidado e fornecimento dos animais;
Aos funcionários da Biblioteca do CPqGM pela ajuda na busca pelas bibliografias;
Ao CNPq, CPqGM e UFBA pelo suporte financeiro;
A todos aqueles que contribuíram pela execução deste trabalho;
Muito obrigado!
1.1. Aspectos gerais da leishmaniose visceral
1.2. Ciclo biológico da Leishmania
1.3. Papel da saliva do vetor durante os estágios iniciais da infecção por Leishmania
1.4. Eicosanoides na resposta inflamatória
1.5. Corpúsculos lipídicos e a síntese de eicosanoides
1.6. Corpúsculos e mediadores lipídicos na infecção por Leishmania
1.7. Eicosanoides e corpúsculos lipídicos de Leishmania
3.1 Geral
3.2 Específicos
4.1 MANUSCRITO I - Lutzomyia longipalpis Saliva Triggers Lipid Body Formation
and Prostaglandin E2 Production in Murine Macrophages
4.2 MANUSCRITO II - New Insights on the Inflammatory Role of Lutzomyia
longipalpis Saliva in Leishmaniasis
4.3 MANUSCRITO III - Lutzomyia longipalpis Saliva Favors Leishmania infantum
chagasi Infection Through Modulation of Eicosanoids
4.4 MANUSCRITO IV - Prostaglandin F2α Production in Lipid Bodies from Leishmania
infantum chagasi is a Critical Virulence Factor
MOMENTOS INICIAIS DA INFECÇÃO COM Leishmania infantum chagasi. Tese
(Doutorado) – Centro de Pesquisas Gonçalo Moniz, Salvador, Bahia, 2013.
Corpúsculos lipídicos são organelas citoplasmáticas envolvidas na produção de eicosanoides
em leucócitos. Eicosanoides como as prostaglandinas têm sido envolvidos no controle da
resposta inflamatória e imunológica. A saliva de Lutzomyia longipalpis participa do
estabelecimento e desenvolvimento da doença pela modulação das respostas hemostática,
imunológica e inflamatória do hospedeiro favorecendo a infecção. Entretanto, o papel dos
eicosanoides nos momentos iniciais da infecção por Leishmania ainda não foi esclarecido,
assim como a participação da saliva neste contexto. Aqui, nós investigamos o papel dos
eicosanoides induzidos pela saliva de L. longipalpis e produzidos pela Leishmania infantum
chagasi na infecção. O sonicado de glândula salivar (SGS) de L. longipalis induziu um
aumento no número de CLs em macrófagos de maneira dose e tempo dependente, o qual
esteve correlacionado com o aumento de PGE2 nos sobrenadante de cultura. As enzimas COX2 e PGE-sintase foram co-localizadas nos CLs induzidos pela saliva e a produção de PGE2 foi
reduzida pelo tratamento com NS-398, um inibidor de COX-2. Nós verificamos que o SGS
rapidamente estimulou a fosforilação de ERK-1/2 e PKC-α e a inibição farmacológica dessas
vias inibiu a produção de PGE2 pelos macrófagos estimulados com SGS. Em seguida, nós
avaliamos o efeito da saliva de L. longipalpis sobre a produção de eicosanoides durante a
infecção por L. i. chagasi no modelo peritoneal murino. Nós observamos que a saliva
aumentou a viabilidade intracelular de L. i. chagasi tanto em neutrófilos como em neutrófilos
recrutados para a cavidade peritoneal. As células recrutadas para cavidade peritoneal
apresentaram maiores níveis da relação PGE2/LTB4 e o pré-tratamento com NS-398 reverteu o
efeito da saliva sobre a viabilidade intracelular dos parasitas. Parasitas como Leishmania são
capazes de produzir PGs utilizando uma maquinaria enzimática própria. Neste estudo nós
descrevemos a dinâmica de formação e a distribuição celular dos CLs em L. i. chagasi bem
como a participação desta organela na produção de PGs. A quantidade de CLs aumentou
durante a metaciclogênese assim como a expressão de PGF2α sintase (PGFS), sendo esta
enzima co-localizada nos CLs. A adição de ácido araquidônico AA à cultura de L. i. chagasi
aumentou a quantidade de CLs por parasita, bem como a secreção de PGF2α. A infecção com
as diferentes formas de L. i. chagasi não foi capaz de estimular a formação de CLs na célula
hospedeira. Por outro lado, os parasitas intracelulares apresentaram maiores quantidades de
CLs. A infecção estimulou uma rápida expressão de COX-2, mas não foi detectado aumento
na produção de PGF2α nos sobrenadantes. Por fim, nós verificamos a presença do receptor de
PGF2α (FP) nos vacúolos parasitóforos de macrófagos infectados com L. i. chagasi. O prétratamento das células com um antagonista do receptor FP inibiu os índices de infecção de
forma dose-dependente. Em conjunto, nossos dados apontam que os eicosanoides
desempenham um papel crucial para evasão da resposta imune durante os momentos iniciais
da infecção por L. i. chagasi com diferentes contribuições do parasita, do vetor e da célula
hospedeira neste contexto.
Palavras-Chave: Corpúsculos Lipídicos; Eicosanoides; Leishmania; Lutzomyia longipalpis;
STEPS OF Leishmania infantum chagasi INFECTION. Tese (Doutorado) – Centro de
Pesquisas Gonçalo Moniz, Salvador, Bahia, 2013.
Lipid bodies (LB) are cytoplasmic organelles involved in eicosanoid production in leukocytes.
Eicosanoids as prostaglandins (PG) have been implicated in the inflammatory and immune
response control. Sand fly saliva participates of the establishment and development of the
disease by modulation of haemostatic, inflammatory and immunological response of the host
favoring the infection. However, the role of eicosanoids in the early steps of the infection
remains to be investigated as well as the role of the sand fly in this context. Herein, we
investigated the role of eicosanoids trigged by L. longipalpis saliva and produced by
Leishmania infantum chagasi during infection. L. longipalpis salivary gland sonicate (SGS)
induced an increase of LB number in the macrophages of a dose and time dependent manner,
which was correlated with an increase of PGE2 release in the culture supernatants.
Furthermore, COX-2 and PGE-synthase co-localized within the LBs induced by L. longipalpis
saliva and PGE2 production was abrogated by treatment with NS-398, a COX-2 inhibitor. We
verified SGS rapidly triggered ERK-1/2 and PKC-α phosphorylation, and blockage of the
ERK-1/2 and PKC-α pathways inhibited the SGS effect on PGE2 production by macrophages.
Next, we evaluated the effect of the L. longipalpis saliva in the eicosanoid production during
L. i. chagasi in the murine peritoneal model. We observed SGS increased parasite viability
inside recruited monocytes and neutrophils. In this regarding, SGS-recruited cells to peritoneal
cavity displayed an increase in the levels of PGE2/LTB4 and the pre-treatment with NS-398
abrogated the sand fly saliva effect on parasite viability. Parasites as Leishmania are capable
to produce PGs using enzymatic machinery itself. Parasite LBs amounts increased during
metacyclogensis as well as the PGF2α synthase (PGFS) expression and this enzyme was colocalized on LBs. Exogenous addition of aracdonic acid in the Leishmania cultures increased
LB number per parasite and PGF2α release. Macrophage infection with different forms of L. i.
chagasi was not able to stimulate LB formation in the host cell. Notwithstanding, Leishmania
infection upregulated COX-2 expression but this was not followed by PGF2α release by
macrophages. We detected PGF2α receptor (FP) on the Leishmania PV surface. In addition, the
pre-treatment of the host cells with a selective antagonist of FP, dramatically hampered
Leishmania infection in a dose dependent manner. In set, our data point out a crucial role for
eicosanoids to immune response evasion during early steps of L. i. chagasi infection with
different contributions of parasite, vector and host cells in this context.
Keywords: Lipid bodies; Eicosanoids; Leishmania infantum chagasi; Lutzomyia longipalpis;
Ácido Aracdônico
sonda fluorescente utilizada para marcação de corpúsculos lipídicos.
Corpúsculo Lipídico
Ensaio Imunoenzimático
Receptor acoplado a proteína G
HBSS -/-
Solução Salina Balanceada de Hank sem Ca2+ e Mg2+ do inglês
Hank´s Balanced Salts Solution without Ca2+ and Mg2+
HBSS +/+
Solução Salina Balanceada de Hank com Ca2+ e Mg2+ do inglês
Hank´s Balanced Salts Solution with Ca2+ and Mg2+
Quinase ligada a Corpúsculos Lipídicos em Trypanossoma brucei do
inglês Lipid Droplet Kinase
Leucotrieno B4
Leishmaniose Visceral
Chemoattractant Protein-1
Microscopia Eletrônica de Transmissão
Proteína inibidora de Macrófago do inglês Macrophage Inhibitory
Óxido Nítrico
Meta-sulfonamida N-[ciclohenilona)] 4-nitrofenil, inibidor seletivo
de COX-2
Peptídeo de ativação da adenilato-ciclase pituitária do inglês
Pituitary Adenylate Cyclase-Activating Peptide
Fator de Ativação Plaquetária do inglês Platelet-Activanting Factor
Prostaglandina E2
Prostaglandina F2α sintase
Prostaglandina F2α
Receptor da Prostaglandina F2α
Receptor da Prostaglandina E2
Fosfolipase A2
Espécies Reativas de Oxigênio
Sonicado de Glândula Salivar de Lutzomyia longipalpis
Fator de Crescimento Transformante Beta do inglês Transforming
Growth Factor Beta
Fator de Necrose Tumoral alfa do inglês Tumoral Necrosis Factor
Vacúolo parasitóforo
Diferença da Intensidade Média de Fluorescência do inglês Difference
of Media Fluorescence Intensity
Figura 1. Ciclo biológico da Leishmania
Figura 2. Representação esquemática da cinética da resposta inflamatória
Figura 3. Representação esquemática das vias de produção dos principais eicosanoides
Tabela 1. Eicosanoides e seus respectivos receptores
Figura 4. Representação esquemática sobre micrografia eletrônica de um corpúsculo lipídico
1.1. Aspectos gerais da Leishmaniose Visceral
A leishmaniose é considerada uma das principais endemias do Mundo e o seu
controle é uma das prioridades da Organização Mundial de Saúde. Estima-se que cerca
de 2 milhões de novos casos sejam registrados a cada ano, sendo 500 mil de
leishmaniose visceral (LV) (WHO 2010).
A LV tem ampla distribuição, ocorrendo na África, Ásia, Europa, Oriente
Médio e nas Américas. O Brasil está entre os países mais acometidos com a
leishmaniose em seus variados aspectos clínicos. Na América do Sul, 90% dos casos
registrados de LV estão no Brasil, onde anualmente são registrados 3.156 casos, em
média, ao longo dos últimos onze anos, tendo a incidência da LV aumentado de 1,7 para
2,7 casos por 100.000 habitantes entre 1993 e 2003. Atualmente, a LV é observada em
19 dos 27 estados da federação, com aproximadamente 1.600 municípios envolvidos,
sendo 77% dos casos registrados encontrados na região Nordeste (CHAPPUIS et al.,
2007; COSTA, 2005).
A LV tem como agentes etiológicos os parasitos Leishmania donovani e
Leishmania infantum. Na América do Sul o agente etiológico é a Leishmania chagasi. O
genoma das espécies L. infantum e L. chagasi é idêntico, sendo então, essa
nomenclatura utilizada como sinonímia (WHO 2010). Durante esta tese utilizaremos o
termo Leishmania infantum chagasi para distinguir a espécie trabalhada aqui daquela
que ocorre na Europa.
A LV é uma infecção crônica que apresenta altas taxas de morbidade e
mortalidade em muitos países em desenvolvimento. Os sintomas mais prevalentes são
febre alta, substancial perda de peso, esplenomegalia e hepatomegalia. Quando não
tratada, a doença pode ter uma taxa de letalidade próxima a 100% dentro do período de
dois anos (WHO 2010). A resposta imune durante a LV humana é caracterizada por
uma resposta mista Th1 e Th2 e linfoproliferação in vitro diminui com a gravidade da
doença (WHO 2010). Altos níveis de mortalidade estão normalmente associados com
uma co-infecção com HIV (WHO 2010) e/ou bactérias e hemorragia (ABDELMOULA
et al., 2003; SAMPAIO et al., 2010). No Brasil, a maioria dos casos ocorre em crianças
com menos de 10 anos de idade e as formas assintomáticas e moderadas da doença são
mais frequentes (WHO 2010). Um trabalho recém-publicado, mostrou que a gravidade
em casos pediátricos de LV está associada com altos níveis de citocinas proinflamatórias séricas (COSTA et al., 2013), entretanto o perfil de eicosanoides na
doença permanece por ser estabelecido.
Poucos estudos tem investigado preditores específicos de gravidade da doença.
No Brasil, muitos esforços têm sido feitos para atender esta demanda e em 2006 foi
proposto um manual para o tratamento de LV grave (Manual de Vigilância da
Leishmaniose Visceral Grave, 2006). Recentemente um estudo propôs um escore de
prognóstico para LV em crianças, o qual foi composto por seis fatores preditores de
risco de morte por LV: sangramento de mucosa, icterícia, dispneia, infecções
bacterianas, neutropenia e trombocitopenia (SAMPAIO et al., 2010). Entretanto, os
possíveis mecanismos associados ao aumento da gravidade ainda são desconhecidos,
mas aparentemente a inflamação sistêmica desempenha um papel central. A descrição
de fatores específicos ligados a imunopatogênese da LV pode levar a descrição de
potenciais biomarcadores para a gravidade da doença. Por sua vez, a avaliação desses
biomarcadores pode favorecer o desenvolvimento de novos alvos terapêuticos e uma
melhor condução clínicas dos casos.
A LV humana pode ser parcialmente reproduzida no modelo experimental
murino, uma vez que camundongos infectados não apresentam o desfecho letal da
doença. Em camundongos C57BL/6 e BALB/c, a injeção intravenosa de L. i. chagasi
leva ao aumento do baço e do fígado, resultando em um aumento da carga parasitária
nestes órgãos, nos quais ocorre o desenvolvimento de uma imunidade órgão-específica
(LIESE; SCHLEICHER; BOGDAN, 2008). O fígado é o sítio de resolução da infecção
aguda associada com o desenvolvimento de granulomas inflamatórios circundados por
células de Kupffer infectadas e resistência a reinfecção. O baço, embora seja um sítio
inicial para a produção da resposta imune mediada por célula, se torna um sítio de
persistência da infecção com mudanças imunopatológicas associadas. O progresso da
doença é caracterizado pelo imunocomprometimento do hospedeiro associado com altos
níveis de TNF e IL-10 (STANLEY; ENGWERDA, 2007).
O tratamento da LV é realizado pelo uso de antimoniais pentavalentes,
entretanto a resistência a medicamentos tem aumentado, chegando a 50% dos casos na
Índia (CHAPPUIS et al., 2007). A ausência de uma vacina eficaz contra a doença tem
incentivado pesquisas por antígenos que possam ser utilizados como novos candidatos
vacinais. Neste sentido, foram obtidos alguns sucessos com vacinas utilizando proteínas
do parasita ou da saliva do vetor em modelos experimentais em hamsters e camundongo
(GOMES et al., 2008). Entretanto, a busca por novos alvos terapêuticos ainda se faz
1.2. Ciclo biológico da Leishmania
Leishmania é um parasita digenético, caracterizado por uma forma
promastigota, extracelular e uma forma amastigota, intracelular. A forma promastigota é
encontrada no trato intestinal de Diptera da família Psicodidae, onde passam por
diversos estágios de diferenciação até chegar à forma promastigota metacíclica ou
infectiva, em um processo denominado metaciclogênese (figura 1).
Durante o repasto sanguíneo, o flebotomíneo consegue o sangue do hospedeiro
pela introdução de suas peças bucais na pele do hospedeiro vertebrado, dilacerando
tecidos, rompendo capilares e criando um lago hemorrágico no qual se alimenta.
Durante este processo, os flebotomíneos precisam inibir várias respostas hemostáticas
do hospedeiro, tais como a ativação das cascatas de coagulação, vasoconstricção,
agregação plaquetária e resposta imune (ANDRADE et al., 2005). Neste ambiente,
flebotomíneos evoluíram um conjunto de componentes farmacológicos potentes com
atividades redundantes e sinérgicas que subvertem a resposta fisiológica do hospedeiro
favorecendo o repasto sanguíneo (ANDRADE et al., 2007). Vários estudos utilizando
técnicas avançadas de análise têm sido conduzidos para identificar fatores salivares e
suas atividades biológicas.
Lutzomyia longipalpis é o principal vetor da LV na América do Sul e a sua
saliva tem sido extensivamente estudada. Durante a resposta inflamatória, a saliva de L.
longipalpis induz o recrutamento celular, modula tanto a produção de anticorpos quanto
a formação de imunocomplexos (SILVA et al., 2005; VINHAS et al., 2007), regula a
atividade de linfócitos T e inibe células fagocíticas, tais como neutrófilos (Prates et al.,
2011), células dendríticas (COSTA et al., 2004) e macrófagos (ZER et al., 2001).
Entretanto, o papel da saliva na indução de eicosanoides, bem como sua associação a
biogênese de corpúsculos lipídicos ainda não havia sido investigado até o presente
1.3. Papel da saliva do vetor durante os estágios iniciais da infecção por
As leishmanioses têm como vetores, dípteros pertencentes à ordem
Phlebotominae, sendo os principais gêneros de importância médica Phlebotomus e o
Lutzomyia, endêmicos do Velho Mundo e das Américas, respectivamente (SOARES;
TURCO, 2003). No Brasil, o agente etiológico da LV é a Leishmania infantum chagasi,
que é transmitida principalmente pelo flebotomíneo Lutzomyia longipalpis.
Durante o repasto de fêmeas de flebotomíneos, os capilares epiteliais são
lacerados formando um lago sanguíneo, onde a Leishmania é inoculada juntamente com
a saliva do vetor. Componentes salivares do flebótomo afetam a atividade hemostática
do hospedeiro, facilitando a formação do lago sanguíneo pela inibição da coagulação,
aumento da vasodilatação e atração de leucócitos para o local da picada (CHARLAB et
al., 1995; RIBEIRO, 1987). Este cenário favorece a infecção do hospedeiro vertebrado
pela Leishmania (ANDRADE et al., 2005, 2007).
Dentre as propriedades da saliva de L. longipalpis está a capacidade de
estimular o recrutamento celular. Utilizando o modelo de bolsão inflamatório, Teixeira
e cols. (2005) demonstraram experimentalmente que o sonicado de glândula salivar de
L. longipalpis foi capaz de induzir um aumento no recrutamento de macrófagos após 12
horas de estímulo em camundongos BALB/c, mas não em camundongos C57BL/6. Este
aumento foi correlacionado a expressão de CCL2/MCP-1 e seu receptor CCR2
(TEIXEIRA et al., 2005). A saliva de Phlebotomus dubosqi atrai monócitos in vitro
(ANJILI et al., 1995) e a saliva de P. papatasi, não só atrai macrófagos como também
favorece a infecção por Leishmania donovani nestas células, aumentando a carga
parasitária (ZER et al., 2001). Além de induzirem o recrutamento de macrófagos, os
componentes salivares de L. longipalpis inibem uma resposta pró-inflamatória em
monócitos humanos estimulados com LPS (Costa et al., 2004). O tratamento com a
saliva de L. longipalpis desabilita macrófagos estimulados com LPS à produção de
citocinas como TNF-α e IL-10, ao passo que aumenta a capacidade produção de IL-6
nestas células (Costa et al., 2004). A saliva de L. longipalpis inibe a capacidade de
macrófagos de apresentar antígenos de Leishmania a linfócitos T (THEODOS; TITUS,
1993). Foi demonstrado também que a saliva de P. papatasi é capaz de inibir a
apresentação de antígeno e a produção de óxido nítrico em macrófagos infectados por
Leishmania major, importante mecanismo microbicida no controle da infecção
A saliva de L. longipalpis também foi capaz de estimular o influxo de
neutrófilos no modelo peritonial murino, o qual foi aumentado durante a infecção por L.
major (MONTEIRO et al., 2007). Dados do nosso grupo revelaram que a saliva de L.
longipalpis induziu um rápido edema com acúmulo de neutrófilos quando inoculada
intradermicamente na orelha de camundongos previamente expostos à picada natural do
flebotomíneo (SILVA et al., 2005). Peters e cols. (2008) demonstraram em tempo real
que a picada do Phlebotomus duboscqi foi capaz de induzir o rápido influxo de
neutrófilos para o local da picada. Recentemente, o nosso grupo desmonstrou que a
saliva L. longipalpis é capaz de induzir apoptose de neutrófilos relacionada com a
supressão da produção de ROS (Prates et al., 2011). Além disso, nós demonstramos que
neutrófilos estimulados com a saliva de L. longipalpis produzem fatores quimiotáticos
para neutrófilos e macrófagos (Prates et al., 2011), o que poderia contribuir para a
transmissão da Leishmania após a picada.
As proteínas da saliva de L. longipalpis foram purificadas e tiveram seus
cDNAs descritos (ANDERSON et al., 2006). Dentre os componentes da saliva
identificados que já tem atividade bem caracterizada na literatura estão: maxadilan (6,5
kDa), peptídeo com potente atividade vasodilatadora (Lerner et al., 1991; Svensjö et al.,
2009); apirase (35,07 kDa), enzima com a ação anti-agregação plaquetária e antiinflamatória que hidrolisa ADP e ATP a AMP e ortofosfato; hialuronidase (42,28 kDa),
enzima que auxilia na difusão de agentes farmacológicos da própria saliva na pele
(CERNA; MIKES; VOLF, 2002); adenosina desaminase (52 kDa), enzima que hidrolisa
a adenosina em inosina, que possui efeitos anti-inflamatórios (CHARLAB; ROWTON;
RIBEIRO, 2000); adenosina e AMP, envolvidos na vasodilatação e anti-agregação
plaquetária, substâncias que inibem a síntese de óxido nítrico e a função de linfócitos
(KATZ et al., 2000); alfa-amilase (54,02 kDa), enzima responsável pela digestão de
carboidratos (RIBEIRO; ROWTON; CHARLAB, 2000); 5’-nucleotidase (60,62 kDa),
pertencente a família das apirases, essa enzima degrada AMP à adenosina, uma proteína
(CHARLAB et al., 1999); a proteína LJM11 da família yellow exerce uma função
kratagonista, ou seja atua como quelante, neste caso de amina biogênicas (XU et al.,
2011); além de proteínas com função ainda desconhecida, como as proteínas da família
D7 (15,5 a 36,3 kDa), apesar de estarem expressas em grande quantidade na saliva de
flebotomíneos (VALENZUELA et al., 2004) e a família antígeno-5 (28,8 kDa)
(VALENZUELA et al., 2001).
Apesar do conhecimento sobre a ação de alguns componentes da saliva de L.
longipalpis, pouco é conhecido sobre o seu efeito na indução da produção de
mediadores lipídicos. Apenas o maxadilan, proteína presente na saliva de L. longipalpis,
foi implicado em ativar a produção de PGE2 em macrófagos murinos através de um
receptor que reconhece um neuropeptídio, o PACAP. Este efeito induzido maxadilan
parece estar associado com um perfil anti-inflamatório, pois concomitante à produção
de PGE2 foi observado um aumento de IL-6 e IL-10 e a redução da produção de TNF-α
(BOZZA et al., 1998; SOARES et al., 1998; SVENSJÖ et al., 2009). Recentemente, nós
demonstramos que a saliva de L. longipalpis é capaz de beneficiar a infecção por L. i.
chagasi pela indução de apoptose em neutrófilos associada com o aumento da produção
de PGE2 e diminuição da produção de ROS por essas células (PRATES et al., 2011 –
Ver apêndice).
1.4. Eicosanoides na resposta inflamatória
Os mediadores lipídicos desempenham um papel importante nos estágios
iniciais da inflamação, bem como nas etapas de resolução do processo inflamatório.
Após a lesão tecidual, a produção de prostaglandinas e leucotrienos está associada ao
processo de vasodilatação, aumento da permeabilidade vascular e recrutamento celular
de neutrófilos, gerando uma resposta pró-inflamatória, característica dos primeiros
estágios da resposta inflamatória aguda. Já nos estágios tardios, a fagocitose de
neutrófilos apoptóticos por macrófagos recrutados para o sítio inflamatório induz uma
mudança na categoria de mediadores lipídicos para um perfil anti-inflamatório e,
consequentemente, há uma redução no influxo de células ao local da lesão associado ao
processo de resolução da inflamação (figura 2) (LAWRENCE; WILLOUGHBY;
GILROY, 2002).
Figura 2. Representação esquemática da cinética da resposta inflamatória. O painel abaixo da figura
mostra os principais mediadores inflamatórios produzidos ao longo dessa cinética (adaptado de Lawrence
et al., 2002).
Mediadores lipídicos da inflamação são moléculas orgânicas biologicamente
ativas que são liberadas no decorrer da resposta inflamatória. Os mediadores lipídicos
mais estudados são os eicosanoides, uma família de metabólitos derivados da oxidação
do ácido araquidônico (AA), uma molécula de 20 carbonos. O AA faz parte dos ácidos
graxos que se encontram na porção sn-2 dos fosfolipídios de membrana e sua
disponibilidade depende da capacidade relativa de enzimas de realizarem sua remoção
ou reinserção nos fosfolipídios (BROCK; PETERS-GOLDEN, 2007). O processo de
desacilação ou liberação do AA dos fosfolipídios de membrana está associado à
atividade da enzima fosfolipase A2 (PLA2), a qual possui três famílias: a secretória e a
citosólica, ambas dependentes de Ca2+ e a iPLA2, independente de cálcio. A PLA2
citosólica (cPLA2) está envolvida no processo de síntese de eicosanoides e sua ação
pode ser estimulada por uma série de estímulos exógenos, como citocinas, hormônios
ou microrganismos (BROCK; PETERS-GOLDEN, 2007).
O AA liberado pela estimulação da PLA2, por sua vez, pode ser metabolizado
principalmente por duas classes de enzimas: as ciclooxigenases (COX) e a
lipoxigenases (LO) (figura 3).
Figura 3. Representação esquemática das vias de produção dos principais eicosanoides (retirado
de Bozza et al. 2011).
As COXs são isoenzimas que catalisam, a partir do AA, a formação de
prostaglandina H2, a qual pode ser convertida pela ação de PG sintases célula-específica
em diversas moléculas biologicamente ativas, tais como: PGE2, PGF2α, PGI2, PGD2 e
tromboxano A2 (TXA2), coletivamente conhecidos como prostanóides (FUNK, 2001).
A COX-1 tem expressão constitutiva, sendo a enzima responsável pela síntese basal de
prostanóides, enquanto que a COX-2 é importante em vários processos inflamatórios
devido a sua expressão ser induzível (FUNK, 2001). Existe ainda a COX-3, a qual é um
produto do splicing alternativo da COX-1 (CHANDRASEKHARAN et al., 2002). No
contexto da infecção com microrganismos, a produção de prostaglandina E2 tem sido
associada ao aumento da produção de cAMP e supressão da resposta imune do
hospedeiro com a inibição da produção de citocinas pró-inflamatórias, tais como: IFN-γ,
TNF-α, IL-12, IL-2 e IL-1β. Em contrapartida, a PGE2 é capaz de induzir a produção de
citocinas de perfil Th2, bem como IL-10, IL-4 e imunoglobulinas do tipo IgE e IgG1
(HARRIS et al., 2002).
As lipoxigenases constituem a outra via de metabolismo do AA, dentre as
quais a 5- lipoxigenase (5-LO) se destaca pela produção de leucotrienos (LTs) e
lipoxinas (LXs). A expressão da 5-LO está correlacionada a eventos de inflamação da
fase aguda, com a produção de citocinas pró-inflamatórias e radicais de oxigênio. Entre
os produtos da via da 5-LO se destacam o LTB4 em doenças infecciosas e os chamados
cistenil-leucotrienos LTC4, LTD4 e LTE4, envolvidos na resposta alérgica (PetersGolden et al., 2007). O LTB4 está correlacionado com o aumento da produção de
citocinas pró-inflamatórias e diminuição da infecção em diversas patologias, associado
ao aumento da produção de óxido nítrico (PETERS-GOLDEN et al., 2005; ROGERIO;
ANIBAL, 2012).
Os eicosanoides se ligam a receptores associados à proteína G (GPCRs). A
ação dos eicosanoides na resposta inflamatória está intimamente associada à cascata de
transdução do sinal ativada pelos receptores aos quais eles se ligam. Dentre os
eicosanoides, a PGE2 é a molécula que apresenta uma maior variedade de resposta
durante a ativação por se ligar a quatro diferentes receptores: EP1, EP2, EP3 e EP4. Os
eicosanoides e seus respectivos receptores, bem como o efeito da inter-relação entre
estes estão listados na tabela abaixo:
BLT1 e 2
Cys-LT1 e 2
↑ Ca2+
Gqi / Gs
↑ Ca2+
↑ cAMP
↑ cAMP
↑ Ca2+
Tabela 1. Eicosanoides e seus respectivos receptores. São mostrados na tabela os desfechos da
ativação quanto ao tipo de proteína G ativada, produção de Ca2+ e cAMP (BOS et al., 2004; PetersGolden, 2007; Medeiros et al., 2012; PETERS-GOLDEN; HENDERSON JR.; HENDERSON, 2007).
*PGF2α pode se ligar também aos receptores EP1 e EP3 (BOS et al., 2004).
1.5. Corpúsculos lipídicos e a síntese de eicosanoides
Corpúsculos lipídicos (CLs) são organelas citoplasmáticas compostas de um
conjunto de lipídios neutros, tais como diacilglicerol, triacilglicerol, caveolina e ésteres
de colesterol circundados por uma hemi-membrana composta de fosfolipídios (BOZZA
et al., 2011). Os CLs estão envolvidos no estoque e processamento de lipídios e estão
presentes em todos os organismos. No entanto, apenas recentemente, os corpúsculos
lipídicos foram reconhecidos como organelas (FARESE; WALTHER, 2009), uma vez
que participam em diversos processos celulares como sinalização, tráfico de membranas
e síntese de mediadores inflamatórios (BOZZA et al., 2011).
Os CLs apresentam uma grande quantidade de AA, o principal substrato
utilizado na síntese de eicosanoides. Os CLs também possuem uma grande quantidade
de proteínas relacionadas com o processo de sinalização celular e endereçamento de
vesículas (WAN et al., 2007). Além disso, os CLs podem apresentar enzimas
diretamente relacionadas à síntese de eicosanoides, as COXs e LOs (BOZZA et al.,
Tem sido demonstrado que os CLs podem ser os principais sítios intracelulares
de produção de eicosanoides, uma vez que possuem todo o aparato enzimático e de
substrato. O ambiente hidrofóbico dos CLs é ideal para o funcionamento da maquinaria
responsável pela síntese de mediadores lipídicos. Foi demonstrado que a formação de
CLs, sua constituição lipídica e o seu engajamento na produção de mediadores lipídicos
específicos estão diretamente correlacionados ao estímulo inflamatório envolvido
(figura 4). Neste sentido, a formação de CLs em leucócitos teria um importante papel
durante a resposta inflamatória em diversos processos patogênicos (D’AVILA; MAYAMONTEIRO; BOZZA, 2008)
Figura 4. Representação esquemática sobre micrografia eletrônica de um corpúsculo lipídico. Na
imagem são ilustrados alguns aspectos moleculares da organela bem como algumas vias de sinalização
envolvidas na sua formação.
No contexto da infecção por patógenos, tem sido mostrado que estas organelas
participam ativamente da produção de mediadores durante a infecção. Pacheco e cols.
(2002) mostraram que LPS é capaz de induzir a formação de CLs de maneira dose e
tempo dependente e identificou nestas organelas enzimas das vias de produção de
leucotrienos e prostaglandinas, o que esteve associado com a produção destes
mediadores in vivo (PACHECO et al., 2002). Componentes isolados da membrana de
microrganismos tais como de M. bovis aumentaram a quantidade de corpúsculos
lipídicos em macrófagos, o que esteve associado com um aumento na produção de
PGE2 (D’AVILA et al., 2008). Ainda neste contexto, Melo e cols. (2003) mostraram
que durante a infecção em ratos por Trypanosoma cruzi houve uma intensa formação de
CLs em macrófagos peritoneais, o que esteve correlacionada com a produção de PGE2
no sítio inflamatório (MELO et al., 2003; MELO; SABBAN; WELLER, 2006). Durante
a infecção por T. cruzi a presença no tecido cardíaco de corpúsculos lipídicos em
macrófagos infectados é um indício de ativação celular (MELO, 2008).
Diferentes patógenos intracelulares se beneficiam da formação de CLs nas
células hospedeiras. A formação dessas organelas e sua associação com os vacúolos
parasitóforos foram demonstradas em infecções por Trypanossoma cruzi (D’AVILA et
al., 2011), Toxoplasma gondii (CHARRON; SIBLEY, 2002) e Plasmodium falciparum
(JACKSON et al., 2004). A distribuição dessas organelas próxima aos fagolisossomos
sugere a possibilidade do corpúsculo lipídico servir como fonte de nutriente para o
patógeno. Esses achados sugerem então, que a indução da formação de corpúsculos
lipídicos por patógenos intracelulares pode ser uma via de inibição da resposta do
1.6. Corpúsculos e mediadores lipídicos na infecção por Leishmania
Os eicosanoides desempenham um papel crucial na infecção por Leishmania.
A maioria dos estudos que investigaram a participação dos eicosanoides na
leishmaniose utilizaram L. amazonensis como modelo experimental. Durante a infecção
de macrófagos por L. amazonensis, PAF (LONARDONI et al., 2000) e LTB4
(SEREZANI et al., 2006) induziram a morte do parasito. Recentemente, o nosso grupo
também demonstrou participação de LTB4 na morte de L. amazonensis em neutrófilos
pela indução da produção de ROS e ativação da NFκB (Machado et al. 2013,
manuscrito em preparação).
A outra via de processamento do AA é a das COXs. Diversos trabalhos têm
demonstrado que a ativação de COX beneficia a infecção por L. amazonensis pela
produção de PGE2 (AFONSO et al., 2008; LONARDONI et al., 2000; PINHEIRO et
al., 2008). A interação entre macrófagos humanos infectados e neutrófilos apoptóticos
no modelo experimental humano (AFONSO et al., 2008) e murino (RIBEIRO-GOMES
et al., 2005) resultou no sucesso da infecção por Leishmania e aumento da carga
parasitária por um mecanismo de supressão da resposta imune dependente da produção
de PGE2 e TGF-β.
Um fator crucial para resposta induzida pelos eicosanoides é o receptor
envolvido na ativação da célula hospedeira. A PGE2 pode desempenhar tanto um papel
anti-inflamatório como pró-inflamatório a depender dos receptores expressos pela célula
alvo (HARRIS et al., 2002). A PGE2 possui 4 receptores diferentes que são
diferencialmente expressos em macrófagos, são eles EP1, 2, 3 e 4 (HARRIS et al.,
2002). Os receptores EP1 e EP3 estão associados com a resposta pro-inflamatória com
ativação de PKC e diminuição de cAMP, respectivamente. Já os receptores EP2 e EP4
estão associados à resposta anti-inflamatória, pela ativação de proteína G estimulatória
com aumento dos níveis de cAMP. Recentemente, foi demonstrado que a infecção por
L. major induz a expressão de EP1 e EP3 e, que a ativação desses receptores está
associada com o aumento da carga parasitária, enquanto que a ativação de EP2 e EP4
induziu a redução da carga parasitária (PENKE et al., 2013).
A indução da produção de PGE2 também foi demonstrada para espécies que
causam leishmaniose visceral, tais como L. donovani (REINER; NG; MCMASTER,
1987) e L. infantum (MATTE et al., 2001; PANARO et al., 2001). Entretanto, o papel
do PGE2 na infecção por L. infantum permanece por ser determinado. Foi demonstrado
que macrófagos murinos infectados por L. donovani tem o metabolismo de AA
direcionado à produção de PGE2 (REINER; MALEMUD, 1984, 1985; REINER;
SCHULTZ; MALEMUD, 1988). Matte e cols. (2001) demonstraram que L. donovani é
capaz de induzir a expressão de COX-2 e produção de PGE2, entretanto Panaro e cols.
(2001) demonstraram que macrófagos humanos tratados com PGE2 eliminam melhor os
parasitas internalizados. A infecção por L. donovani de macrófagos induziu uma maior
expressão de COX e PGE sintase quando comparada a infecção por L. major, o que
sugere haver a indução de respostas distintas a depender da espécie de Leishmania
(GREGORY et al., 2008).
Apesar de existirem vários trabalhos mostrando a importância dos eicosanoides
para infecção por Leishmania, os dados sobre a formação de CLs lipídicos em células
infectadas são escassos. Pinheiro e cols. (2008) mostraram que a infecção por L.
amazonensis só foi capaz de induzir a formação de CLs em células de camundongos
Balb/c privadas de nutrientes, e esta formação esteve associada com a produção de
PGE2. Durante a infecção por L. major foi observado a formação de CLs em
macrófagos derivados de medula, mas não foi observada uma produção de PGE2
associada a essa formação (RABHI et al., 2012). Desta forma, o papel dos CLs na
infecção por Leishmania, bem como por L. i. chagasi permanece por ser estudado.
1.7. Eicosanoides e Corpúsculos lipídicos de Leishmania
O estudo de CLs em diversos parasitas tem sido direcionado à participação
destas organelas no estoque e metabolismo de lipídios. Em Toxoplasma gondi estas
inclusões têm sido implicadas no armazenamento de lipídios “seqüestrados” da célula
hospedeira, embora o mecanismo pelo qual o parasito obtém os lipídeos
intracelularmente aindam não sejam bem compreendidos (NISHIKAWA et al., 2005;
QUITTNAT et al., 2004).
CLs também foram caracterizadas ultraestruturalmente em Leishmania
donovani (CHANG, 1956). Pimenta e cols. (1991) correlacionaram o aumento do
número de inclusões lipídicas em promastigotas Leishmania com o processo de
metaciclogênese, produção e endereçamento de LPG à membrana plasmática do
parasita (PIMENTA; SARAIVA; SACKS, 1991). O aumento dos CLs em Leishmania
esteve correlacionado com o tratamento com drogas leishmanicidas que afetavam a via
de síntese de ergosterol, importante componente estrutural da membrana plasmática dos
parasitas (VANNIER-SANTOS et al., 1995).
Apesar da semelhança morfológica entre os CLs dos leucócitos e os de células
de outros organismos, a função de CLs de parasitas e a produção de eicosanoides por
estes CLs ainda não foi demonstrada. Genes homólogos a COX e proteínas análogas
não existem em organismos da Ordem Trypasomatidae, contudo parasitas tais como
Leishmania são capazes de metabolizar ácido araquidônico a PGs (KUBATA et al.,
2007). A produção de PGs por Leishmania é possível, por que estes parasitas possuem
uma enzima chamada prostaglandina F2α sintase (PGFS), a qual é responsável pela
produção de PGF2α (KABUTUTU et al., 2003). Os sítios de produção intracelular bem
como a participação dos CLs na síntese de PGF2α eram desconhecidos até o presente
estudo. Além disso, não existe dado na literatura sobre a participação da PGF2α na
resposta imune, o que torna este campo atraente para investigação científica.
A saliva total e as frações proteicas de L. longipalpis têm sido cogitadas como
antígenos vacinais devido à importância deste componente na transmissão por
Leishmania. Apesar de existirem trabalhos na literatura sobre a importância de
eicosanoides para a infecção por Leishmania, não existiam dados sobre o papel dos
eicosanoides nos estágios iniciais da doença até o presente estudo. Este trabalho
contribuiu neste sentido, mostrando que a saliva de Lutzomyia longipalpis é capaz de
beneficiar a infecção por L. i. chagasi por modular a produção de eicosanoides. Além
disso, a capacidade de produção de eicosanoides pelos parasitas e essa característica
como um fator de virulência é negligenciada pela literatura. O estudo sobre os
mecanismos de produção de eicosanoides por L. i. chagasi traz novas perspectivas para
o entendimento da biologia celular da Leishmania e suas implicações com a célula
3.1. Geral
Investigar o papel dos corpúsculos lipídicos e eicosanoides produzidos durante
os momentos iniciais da infecção por Leishmania infantum chagasi
3.2. Específicos
Avaliar o efeito da saliva de L. longipalpis na ativação celular
quanto à formação de corpúsculos lipídicos e produção de eicosanoides in vivo e
in vitro;
Investigar vias de sinalização celular envolvidas no processo de
ativação da produção de eicosanoides induzidos pela saliva de L. longipalpis in
Avaliar o efeito da saliva de L. longipalpis na produção de
eicosanoides durante a infecção por L. i. chagasi in vivo e ex vivo;
capacidade de produção de eicosanoides por L. i. chagasi;
Avaliar a contribuição de eicosanoides produzidos pela L. i.
chagasi como fator de virulência e na infecção in vitro.
Lutzomyia longipalpis Saliva Triggers Lipid Body Formation and Prostaglandin E2
Production in Murine Macrophages
A Saliva de Lutzomyia longipalpis Induz a Formação de Corpúsculos Lipídicos e a
Produção de Prostaglandina E2 em Macrófagos Murinos
Este trabalho avalia o efeito da saliva de L. longipalpis na ativação celular de
macrófagos quanto à formação de corpúsculos lipídicos e a produção de eicosanoides
associada a essas organelas, bem como vias de sinalização envolvidas neste processo.
Resumo dos resultados: Neste estudo vimos que o sonicado de glândula salivar (SGS)
de L. longipalpis induziu o recrutamento de neutrófilos e macrófagos para a cavidade
peritoneal com cinética distinta para ambos os tipos celulares. A saliva do flebotomíneo
induziu a produção de PGE2 e LTB4 em leucócitos após a estimulação com ionóforo de
cálcio ex vivo. Após três e 6 horas de inoculada, a saliva induziu o aumento de CLs em
macrófagos, mas não em neutrófilos quando comparados ao grupo controle que recebeu
solução salina. Além disso, macrófagos peritoneais residentes quando estimulados com
SGS in vitro tiveram um aumento no número de CLs de maneira dose e tempo
dependente, o qual esteve correlacionado com o aumento de PGE2 nos sobrenadante de
cultura. As enzimas COX-2 e PGE-sintase foram co-localizadas nos CLs induzidos pela
saliva e a produção de PGE2 foi reduzida pelo tratamento com NS-398, um inibidor de
COX-2. Por fim, nós verificamos que o SGS rapidamente estimulou a fosforilação de
ERK-1/2 e PKC-α e a inibição farmacológica dessas vias inibiu a produção de PGE2
induzida pela saliva.
Este artigo foi publicado no periódico internacional PLoS Neglected Tropical
Diseases (Fator de impacto JCR 2011 = 4.752).
Lutzomyia longipalpis Saliva Triggers Lipid Body
Formation and Prostaglandin E2 Production in Murine
Théo Araújo-Santos1,2, Deboraci Brito Prates1,2, Bruno Bezerril Andrade1,2, Danielle Oliveira
Nascimento3, Jorge Clarêncio1, Petter F. Entringer1, Alan B. Carneiro4, Mário A. C. Silva-Neto4, José
Carlos Miranda1, Cláudia Ida Brodskyn1,2,5, Aldina Barral1,2,5, Patrı́cia T. Bozza3, Valéria Matos
1 Centro de Pesquisas Gonçalo Moniz, FIOCRUZ-BA, Salvador, Brasil, 2 Universidade Federal da Bahia, Salvador, Brasil, 3 Laboratório de Imunofarmacologia, Instituto
Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, 4 Institutos de Bioquı́mica Médica, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, 5 Instituto de Investigação em
Imunologia, Instituto Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia (INCT), São Paulo, Brasil
Background: Sand fly saliva contains molecules that modify the host’s hemostasis and immune responses. Nevertheless, the
role played by this saliva in the induction of key elements of inflammatory responses, such as lipid bodies (LB, also known as
lipid droplets) and eicosanoids, has been poorly investigated. LBs are cytoplasmic organelles involved in arachidonic acid
metabolism that form eicosanoids in response to inflammatory stimuli. In this study, we assessed the role of salivary gland
sonicate (SGS) from Lutzomyia (L.) longipalpis, a Leishmania infantum chagasi vector, in the induction of LBs and eicosanoid
production by macrophages in vitro and ex vivo.
Methodology/Principal Findings: Different doses of L. longipalpis SGS were injected into peritoneal cavities of C57BL/6
mice. SGS induced increased macrophage and neutrophil recruitment into the peritoneal cavity at different time points.
Sand fly saliva enhanced PGE2 and LTB4 production by harvested peritoneal leukocytes after ex vivo stimulation with a
calcium ionophore. At three and six hours post-injection, L. longipalpis SGS induced more intense LB staining in
macrophages, but not in neutrophils, compared with mice injected with saline. Moreover, macrophages harvested by
peritoneal lavage and stimulated with SGS in vitro presented a dose- and time-dependent increase in LB numbers, which
was correlated with increased PGE2 production. Furthermore, COX-2 and PGE-synthase co-localized within the LBs induced
by L. longipalpis saliva. PGE2 production by macrophages induced by SGS was abrogated by treatment with NS-398, a COX-2
inhibitor. Strikingly, SGS triggered ERK-1/2 and PKC-a phosphorylation, and blockage of the ERK-1/2 and PKC-a pathways
inhibited the SGS effect on PGE2 production by macrophages.
Conclusion: In sum, our results show that L. longipalpis saliva induces lipid body formation and PGE2 production by
macrophages ex vivo and in vitro via the ERK-1/2 and PKC-a signaling pathways. This study provides new insights regarding the
pharmacological mechanisms whereby L. longipalpis saliva influences the early steps of the host’s inflammatory response.
Citation: Araújo-Santos T, Prates DB, Andrade BB, Nascimento DO, Clarêncio J, et al. (2010) Lutzomyia longipalpis Saliva Triggers Lipid Body Formation and
Prostaglandin E2 Production in Murine Macrophages. PLoS Negl Trop Dis 4(11): e873. doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0000873
Editor: Jesus G. Valenzuela, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, United States of America
Received June 29, 2010; Accepted October 6, 2010; Published November 2, 2010
Copyright: ß 2010 Araújo-Santos et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Funding: This work was supported by Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientı́fico e Tecnológico (CNPq), Instituto de Investigação em Imunologia,
Instituto Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia (INCT) and Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado da Bahia (FAPESB). TAS, DBP, BBA, DON, PFE and ABC received
fellowships from the CNPq. VMB, PTB, CIB, AB and MACSN are senior investigators from CNPq. The funders had no role in the study design, data collection and
analysis, decision to publish or preparation of the manuscript.
Competing Interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
* E-mail: [email protected]
redundant and synergistic activities that subvert the host’s
physiological responses and favor the blood meal. Intense research
using high-throughput analyses has been conducted to identify
salivary factors and their biological activities. Lutzomyia (L.)
longipalpis, the main vector of visceral leishmaniasis in South
America, has been extensively studied. During the inflammatory
response, L. longipalpis saliva induces cellular recruitment, modulates both antibody production and the formation of immunocomplexes [3,4], regulates T cell activities and inhibits dendritic
cells and macrophages, the latter being preferential host cells for
To obtain a blood meal, sand flies locate blood by introducing
their mouthparts into the vertebrate host’s skin, tearing tissues,
lacerating capillaries and creating hemorrhagic pools upon which
they feed. During this process, sand flies need to circumvent a
number of the host’s homeostatic responses, such as activation of
blood coagulation cascades, vasoconstriction, platelet aggregation
and immune responses [1,2]. In this environment, sand flies
evolved an array of potent pharmacologic components with
November 2010 | Volume 4 | Issue 11 | e873
Sand Fly SGS Triggers Eicosanoid Production
Author Summary
After the injection of saliva into the host’s skin by sand
flies, a transient erythematous reaction is observed, which
is related to an influx of inflammatory cells and the release
of various molecules that actively facilitate the blood
meal. It is important to understand the specific mechanisms by which sand fly saliva manipulates the host’s
inflammatory responses. Herein, we report that saliva
from Lutzomyia (L.) longipalpis, a widespread Leishmania
vector, induces early production of eicosanoids. Intense
formation of intracellular organelles called lipid bodies
(LBs) was noted within those cells that migrated to the site
of saliva injection. In vitro and ex vivo, sand fly saliva was
able to induce LB formation and PGE2 release by
macrophages. Interestingly, PGE2 production induced by
L. longipalpis saliva was dependent on intracellular
mechanisms involving phosphorylation of signaling proteins such as PKC-a and ERK-1/2 and subsequent
activation of cyclooxygenase-2. Thus, this study provides
new insights into the pharmacological properties of sand
fly saliva and opens new opportunities for intervening
with the induction of the host’s inflammatory pathways by
L. longipalpis bites.
Antibodies and Reagents
Dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) was purchased from ACROS
Organics (New Jersey, NJ). RPMI 1640 medium and L-glutamine,
penicillin, and streptomycin were from Invitrogen (Carlsbad, CA).
Nutridoma-SP was from Roche (Indianapolis, IN). A23187
calcium ionophore, was from Calbiochem/Novabiochem Corp.
(La Jolla, CA). NS-398, PGE2 and LTB4 enzyme-linked
immunoassay (EIA) Kits, anti-murine COX-2 and PGE-synthase
antibodies were all from Cayman Chemical (Ann Arbor, MI).
(BODIPY 493/503) was obtained from Molecular Probes
(Eugene, OR). Osmium tetroxide (OsO4) was obtained from
Electron Microscopy Science (Fort Washington, PA). Aqua
Polymount was from Polysciences (Warrington, PA). Thiocarbohydrazide, Ca2+-Mg2+-free HBSS(2/2), HBSS(+/+) with Ca2+Mg2+, LPS from Escherichia coli (serotype 0127:b8), and N-ethyl-N’(3-dimethylaminopropyl) carbodiimide hydrochloride (EDAC)
were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, MO). Rabbit
anti-mouse kinase proteins were from Santa Cruz Biotechnology
(Santa Cruz, CA). PD 98059, 29-Amino-39-methoxyflavone and
Bisindolylmaleimide-I, 2-[1-(3-Dimethylaminopropyl)-1H-indol-3yl]-3-(1H-indol-3-yl)-maleimide were obtained from Merck-Calbiochem (Darmstadt, Hessen).
Leishmania [5,6]. There is also evidence that maxadilan, a L.
longipalpis salivary protein with vasodilator properties, downregulates LPS-induced TNF-a and NO release through a
mechanism dependent on PGE2 and IL-10 [7].
PGE2 is an eicosanoid derived from arachidonic acid (AA)
metabolism by the enzyme cyclooxygenase (COX). Prostanoids
and leukotrienes can be intensely produced by macrophages
during inflammatory responses [8], and these mediators are
implicated in cellular recruitment and activation. Among the
eicosanoids, LTB4 induces neutrophil recruitment [9], whereas
PGE2 and PGD2 attract mainly macrophages [10]. Previous
studies used different experimental models to show that L.
longipalpis saliva induces an influx of neutrophils [11] and
macrophages [12], but neither the role of saliva in LTB4 and
PGE2 release nor the involvement of these mediators in this
process has been fully addressed.
Under inflammatory and infectious conditions, prostaglandins
and others lipid mediators are mainly produced by cytoplasmic
organelles called lipid bodies (LB) [13]. Intense research over the
past few years has defined lipid bodies as dynamic cytoplasmic
organelles. It has been demonstrated that lipid bodies compartmentalize enzymes involved in the biosynthesis, transport and
catabolism of lipids, proteins involved in membrane and
vesicular transport and proteins involved in cell signaling and
inflammatory mediator production, including eicosanoid-forming enzymes, phospholipases and protein kinases. All of these
molecules can be localized into lipid bodies in various cells under
a range of activation conditions, suggesting a wide role for
lipid bodies in the regulation of cellular lipid metabolism and
signaling [13].
Herein, we evaluated the effect of L. longipalpis salivary gland
sonicate (SGS) on the induction of LB formation as well as PGE2
and LTB4 production in vitro and ex vivo. Moreover, we explored
the role of peritoneal macrophages in the production of these lipid
mediators in response to L. longipalpis SGS in vitro. Finally, we
found that the PGE2 production induced by L. longipalpis saliva is
dependent on intracellular mechanisms involving the phosphorylation of signaling proteins such as PKC-a and ERK-1/2 and
subsequent activation of COX-2.
Inbred male C57BL/6 mice, age 6–8 weeks, were obtained
from the animal facility of Centro de Pesquisas Gonçalo Moniz,
Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (CPqGM-FIOCRUZ, Bahia, Brazil). All
experimental procedures were approved and conducted according
to the Animal Care and Using Committee of the FIOCRUZ.
Sand flies and preparation of salivary glands
Adult Lutzomyia longipalpis captured in Cavunge (Bahia, Brazil)
were reared at the Laboratório de Imunoparasitologia/CPqGM/
FIOCRUZ (Bahia, Brazil) as described previously [3]. Salivary
glands were dissected from 5- to 7-day-old L. longipalpis females
under a Stemi 2000 Carl Zeiss stereoscopic microscope (Göttingen, Germany) and stored in groups of ten pairs in 10 mL of
endotoxin-free PBS at 270uC. Immediately before use, the glands
were sonicated with a Branson Sonifier 450 (Danbury, CT) and
centrifuged at 10,0006 g for four minutes. The supernatant from
salivary gland sonicate (SGS) was used for experiments. The level
of LPS contamination of L. longipalpis SGS preparations was
determined using a commercially available LAL Chromogenic Kit
(Lonza Bioscience, Walkersville, MD); negligible levels of endotoxin were found in the salivary gland supernatant (0.1 gg/mL).
We measured 0.7 micrograms of protein in an amount equivalent
to 0.5 pair of salivary glands and used SGS dilutions (2.0–0.2 pairs)
in our experiments [14].
Leukocyte recruitment to the peritoneal cavity
To assess the leukocyte recruitment induced by L. longipalpis
SGS, we used the well-established peritoneal model of inflammation because the peritoneal cavity is a self-contained and
delineated compartment and thus provides a large number of
post-stimulus leukocytes. As previously established in the air pouch
murine model [12] and peritoneal cavity (unpublished data), a 0.5pair dose of SGS was used for the leukocyte recruitment assay.
C57BL/6 mice were inoculated i.p. with 0.1 mL of L. longipalpis
SGS (0.5 pair/cavity), endotoxin-free saline (negative control) or
0.1 mL of LPS (20 mg/mL, positive control). At 1, 3 and 6 h poststimulus, leukocytes inside the peritoneal cavity were harvested by
November 2010 | Volume 4 | Issue 11 | e873
Sand Fly SGS Triggers Eicosanoid Production
injection and recovery of 10 mL of endotoxin-free saline. Total
counts were performed on a Neubauer hemocytometer after
staining with Turk’s solution. Differential cell counts (200 cells
total) were carried out microscopically on cytospin preparations
stained with Diff-Quick.
Immunofluorescence for COX-2 and PGE-synthase
Resident peritoneal macrophages were cultured on coverslips in
the presence of L. longipalpis SGS (1.5 pair/well) as described
above. After 24 h, the cells were washed twice with 500 ml of
HBSS2/2 and immediately fixed with 500 mL of water-soluble
EDAC (1% in HBSS2/2), used to cross-link eicosanoid carboxyl
groups to amines in adjacent proteins. After 15 min of incubation
at room temperature (RT) with EDAC to promote both cell
fixation and permeabilization, macrophages were then washed
with HBSS2/2 and incubated with 1 mM BODIPY 493/503 for
30 min. Then, the cover slips were washed with HBSS2/2 and
incubated with mouse anti-COX-2 (1:150) or anti-PGE-synthase
(1:150) for 1 h at RT. MOPC 21 (IgG1) was used as a control.
After further washes, cells were incubated with biotinylated goat
anti-rabbit IgG secondary Ab, washed twice and incubated with
avidin conjugated with PE for 30 min. The cover slips were then
washed three times and mounted in Vectashield medium
containing DAPI (Vector Laboratories, Burlingame, CA). The
samples were observed by fluorescence microscopy and images
were acquired using the software Image-Pro Plus (Media
Cybernetics, Silver Spring, MD).
Lipid body staining and quantification
Cells harvested by peritoneal lavage 1, 3, 6 or 24 h after i.p.
injection of 0.1 mL of L. longipalpis SGS (0.5 pair/cavity),
endotoxin-free saline or LPS (20 mg/mL) were centrifuged at
4006 g and the lipid bodies within the leukocytes were stained
with BODIPY 493/503 (5 ug/mL) according to Plotkowisk et al.
[15]. Samples were analyzed using a FACSort flow cytometer
from Becton Dickinson Immunocytometry Systems (San Jose, CA)
and by fluorescence microscopy.
Macrophages adhered to coverslips within 24-well plates were
fixed with 3.7% formaldehyde and stained with osmium tetroxide
as described previously [16]. The morphology of the fixed cells was
observed, and lipid bodies were counted by light microscopy with
a 100x objective lens in 50 consecutively scanned macrophages.
Resident peritoneal macrophage harvesting and
Western blotting analysis
For in vitro assays, macrophages were obtained by peritoneal
lavage with cold RPMI 1640. Then, cells were centrifuged at
4006 g for 10 minutes. Macrophages (36105/well) were cultured
in 1 mL of RPMI 1640 medium supplemented with 1%
Nutridoma-SP, 2 mM L-glutamine, 100 U/mL penicillin and
100 mg/mL streptomycin in 24-well plates for 24 hours. Next, the
macrophages were stimulated with different doses of L. longipalpis
SGS (0.2, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 pairs/well). In some experiments, LPS
(500 ng/well) was used as a positive control. One, 6, 24, 48 and
72 hours after stimuli, supernatants were collected and cells were
fixed with 3.7% formaldehyde. For inhibitory assays, macrophages
were pretreated for one hour with 1 mM NS-398, a COX-2
inhibitor; 20 gM BIS, a PKC inhibitor; or 50 mM PD98059, an
ERK-1/2 inhibitor. Then, the cells were stimulated with SGS (1.5
pairs/well) or medium containing vehicle (DMSO) for 24 hours,
and the supernatants were collected for eicosanoid measurement.
Cell viability as assessed by trypan blue exclusion was always
greater than 95% after the end of treatment.
Macrophages were treated or not with SGS (1.0 pair/well) for
40 min. Next, the cells were washed once with phosphate-buffered
saline, homogenized in lysis buffer containing phosphatase
inhibitors (10 mM TRIS-HCl, pH 8.0, 150 mM NaCl, 0.5% v/
v Nonindet-P40, 10% v/v glycerol, 1 mM DTT, 0.1 mM EDTA,
1 mM sodium orthovanadate, 25 mM NaF and 1 mM PMSF)
and a protease inhibitor cocktail (Roche, Indianapolis, IN). Protein
concentrations were determined using the method of Lowry et al.
[17] with BSA as the standard. Total proteins (20 mg) were then
separated by 10% sodium dodecyl sulfate–polyacrylamide gel
electrophoresis (SDS–PAGE) as described previously [18] and
transferred onto nitrocellulose membranes. The membranes were
blocked in Tris-buffered saline (TBS) supplemented with 0.1%
Tween 20 (TT) plus 5% BSA for 1 h before incubation overnight
in the primary rabbit anti-mouse PKC-a and anti-ERK-1/2
(1:1,000) antibodies. After removal of the primary antibody and
washing five times in TT, the membranes were incubated in the
secondary antibody conjugated to peroxidase (1:10,000) for 1 h.
Figure 1. Leukocyte influx into the peritoneal cavity of C57BL/6 mice in response to L. longipalpis SGS. Mice were injected i.p. with
endotoxin-free saline or SGS (0.5 pair/cavity). One (A), 3 (B) and 6 (C) hours after stimulation, cells were harvested by peritoneal lavage and differential
leukocyte counts were performed on Diff-quick stained cytospin preparations. The data are the means and SEM from an experiment representative of
three independent experiments. Groups were compared using Student’s t test at each time point. *, p,0.05 and ***, p,0.001.
November 2010 | Volume 4 | Issue 11 | e873
Sand Fly SGS Triggers Eicosanoid Production
Washed blots were then incubated with an ECL chemiluminescence kit (Amersham, UK). The membranes were discharged and
immunoblotted again using primary rabbit anti-mouse phosphorylated-PKC-a and ERK-1/2 (1:1,000) antibodies according to the
manufacturer’s instructions (Amersham, UK).
Quantification of the level of proteins in the western blotting
membranes was determined by densitometry. Briefly, bands were
scanned and processed using Adobe Photoshop 5.0 software
(Adobe Systems Inc.), and arbitrary values for protein density were
estimated. Ratios between phosphorylated and unphosphorylated
proteins were obtained to calculate the difference between groups.
Lipid bodies and eicosanoids in leukocytes recruited by
L. longipalpis SGS
To measure the leukocyte recruitment induced by SGS, we
injected 100 mL of saline or SGS (0.5 pair/cavity), and 1, 3 and
6 hours after injection, we enumerated total leukocytes recruited
to the peritoneal cavity. Most of the cells recruited were
mononuclear cells and neutrophils (Figure 1). In this context,
SGS induced mononuclear cell recruitment for 3 hours (Figure 1
A and B) and neutrophil recruitment for over 6 hours (Figure 1A–
C) of stimulation when compared with the saline group. Other cell
populations (eosinophils and mast cells) were not altered after SGS
stimulation, and there was no variation in these numbers over time
(Figure 1). The peritoneal cell population in unstimulated animals
(time zero) was composed of mononuclear cells (2.9856104
60.027) and negligible amounts of neutrophils (0.0186104
60.027). At this time, macrophages are the major cells within
PGE2 and LTB4 measurement
C57BL/6 mice were inoculated i.p. with 0.1 mL of L. longipalpis
SGS (0.5 pair/cavity), endotoxin-free saline or 0.1 mL of LPS (500
gg/mL). At 1, 3 and 6 h post-stimulus, leukocytes were harvested
by peritoneal washing with HBSS2/2 and 16106 cells/mL were
resuspended in HBSS+/+ and stimulated with A23187 (0.5 mM) for
15 min [16]. The reactions were stopped on ice, and the samples
were centrifuged at 5006 g for 10 min at 4uC. Supernatants from
leukocytes re-stimulated ex vivo or those of in vitro assays were
collected for measurement of PGE2 and LTB4 by enzyme-linked
immunoassay (EIA) according to the manufacturer’s instructions
(Cayman Chemical, Ann Arbor, MI).
Statistical analysis
The in vivo assays were performed using at least five mice per
group. Each experiment was repeated at least three times. Data
are reported as the mean and standard error of representative
experiments and were analyzed using GraphPad Prism 5.0
software. Disparities in leukocyte recruitment, lipid bodies and
lipid mediator quantification were explored using Student’s t test.
Means from different groups from the in vitro assays were
compared by ANOVA followed by Bonferroni’s test or a posttest for linear trends. Differences were considered statistically
significant when p#0.05.
Figure 3. Lipid body formation induced by SGS in vivo. C57BL/6
mice were injected i.p. with saline or SGS (0.5 pair/cavity). One, 3, 6 and
24 hours after stimulation, cells were harvested from the peritoneal
cavity and stained with the neutral lipid probe BODIPY 493/503. Kinetics
of LB formation in mononuclear (A) and polymorphonuclear (B) cells.
Mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) histograms of mononuclear (C) and
polymorphonuclear (D) cell populations at the 3-hour time point.
Dotted lines indicate unstained cells, full lines indicate stained cells
from the saline group (empty curves) and from the SGS-treated group
(filled curves). LBs in mononuclear cells stimulated with saline (E) or SGS
(F) for 3 h detected by fluorescence microscopy, nuclei stained with
DAPI. Groups were compared using Student’s t test at each time point.
*, p,0.05. MO, mononuclear; PMN, polymorphonuclear.
Figure 2. Kinetics of eicosanoid production in response to L.
longipalpis SGS ex vivo. C57BL/6 mice were injected i.p. with saline or
SGS (0.5 pair/cavity). One, 3 and 6 hours after stimulation, peritoneal
cavities were washed and cells were harvested. The cells were then
incubated with A23187 (0.5 mM) for 15 min at 37uC to evaluate LTB4 and
PGE2 production. The concentrations of PGE2 (A) and LTB4 (B) in the
supernatant were measured by ELISA. The data are the means and SEM
from an experiment representative of three independent experiments.
Groups were compared using Student’s t test at each time point. *, p,0.05.
November 2010 | Volume 4 | Issue 11 | e873
Sand Fly SGS Triggers Eicosanoid Production
Figure 4. Effect of L. longipalpis SGS on lipid body formation in peritoneal macrophages in vitro. Representative image of peritoneal
macrophages untreated (A) or stimulated with SGS (1.5 pair/well) (B) for 24 hours. Dose-response (C) and kinetics (D) of lipid body formation induced
by SGS in peritoneal macrophages. **, p,0.01 and ***, p,0.001 compared with unstimulated cells.
Figure 5. COX-2 and PGE-synthase co-localize within lipid bodies induced by L. longipalpis SGS. Peritoneal macrophages were stimulated
with SGS (1.5 pair/well) for 24 hours. BODIPY probe-labeled lipid bodies were visualized as green punctuate intra-cytoplasmic inclusions (A and D).
COX-2 (B) and PGE-synthase (E) were localized with anti-COX-2 and anti- PGE-synthase antibodies, respectively. Merged images show co-localization
of COX-2 (C) and PGE-synthase (F) within lipid bodies.
November 2010 | Volume 4 | Issue 11 | e873
Sand Fly SGS Triggers Eicosanoid Production
the mononuclear population in the peritoneal cavity besides
lymphocytes, which represent ,10% of mononuclear cells (data
not shown). As shown in Figure 2, SGS administration led to
enhanced PGE2 (Figure 2A) and LTB4 (Figure 2B) release within
those cells recruited to the peritoneal cavity.
Because LBs are sites of eicosanoid production [19], we
evaluated LB formation in leukocytes recruited to the peritoneal
cavity by FACs using the neutral lipid probe BODIPY 493/503.
The kinetics of LB formation was evaluated at 1, 3, 6 and
24 hours after SGS stimulation by measuring mean fluorescence intensity (MFI). SGS increased MFI in mononuclear but
not in polymorphonuclear cells after 3 and 6 hours, (Figure 3A
and B) compared with the saline group. Histograms (Figure 3C
and D) and fluorescence microscopic images (Figures 3E and F)
at the 3-hour time point confirmed these effects of SGS on
L. longipalpis SGS triggers LB biogenesis in peritoneal
macrophages in vitro
To assess the role of SGS in lipid body formation in resident
macrophages, we stimulated these cells with different doses of SGS
(0.2–2.0 pairs/well) for different time periods (1, 6, 24, 48 and
72 hours). At 24 hours post-stimulus, SGS strongly induced LB
formation compared with the untreated group (Figure 4A–D). LB
formation was induced in a dose-dependent manner, and the
maximum of LBs per macrophage was observed at a dose of 2.0
pairs/well (Figure 4C). Because LB formation induced by SGS (1.5
pairs/well) was more evident at 24 hours (Figure 4D), we selected
this time point to perform further experiments.
L. longipalpis SGS induces macrophage PGE2 production
via the COX-2 enzyme
Prostaglandins are produced by cyclooxygenases, which occur
in constitutive (COX-1) and inducible (COX-2) forms [20]. We
investigated the expression and subcellular localization of COX-2
within SGS-stimulated macrophages. Immunofluorescence microscopy revealed the presence of COX-2 (Figure 5A–C) and
PGE-synthase (Figure 5D–F) within LBs in macrophages stimulated with SGS.
Next, we measured PGE2 and LTB4 production in the
supernatant of macrophage cultures. SGS induced PGE2 production starting at 1.0 pair/well (Figure 6A), whereas LTB4 was not
detectable under any conditions (data not shown). As expected,
PGE2 production by macrophages stimulated with SGS was
reduced to basal levels when the cells were pre-incubated with NS398, a COX-2 inhibitor (Figure 6B). Thus, the PGE2 production
in peritoneal macrophages induced by SGS occurs in newly
formed lipid bodies and is dependent on COX-2.
Figure 6. L. longipalpis SGS induces PGE2 production via COX-2.
A, Dose-response of PGE2 production induced by SGS in peritoneal
macrophages. B, Macrophages were pre-treated for 1 hour with the COX2 inhibitor N-398 before incubation with SGS (1.5 pair/well). Twenty-four
hours after stimulation, PGE2 was measured in the supernatant. The data
are the means and SEM from a representative experiment of three
independent experiments. **, p,0.01 and #, p,0.05.
Sand fly saliva triggers an inflammatory response characterized
by cellular influx followed by hemostatic and immune mechanism
suppression. Nevertheless, the role of sand fly saliva in eicosanoid
production during the early steps of the innate immune response is
poorly understood. In inflammatory conditions, eicosanoids are
mostly produced in cytoplasmic organelles called lipid bodies
(LBs), which are formed in leukocytes and other cells involved in
the inflammatory and infectious responses to several stimuli [13].
Herein, we showed that L. longipalpis saliva induces lipid body
formation and PGE2 production in peritoneal macrophages ex vivo
and in vitro via kinase phosphorylation and COX-2 activation.
Previous investigations have demonstrated that sand fly saliva
plays an important role in cellular recruitment in multiple
experimental models [3,9,11,12], including in vivo sand fly bites
[22]. Herein, we confirmed previous reports that L. longipalpis SGS
induces an inflammatory infiltration composed mainly of macrophages and neutrophils. Moreover, we showed that the cellular
recruitment induced by L. longipalpis saliva is concomitant with
PGE2 and LTB4 production. In this scenario, lipid mediators
SGS induces PGE2 production via PKC-a and ERK-1/2
Multiple pathways are involved in the signaling for PGE2
production [13]. Recently, ERK and PKC-a were shown to be
involved in COX-2 activity [21]. We observed that SGS activated
both ERK (Figure 7A and C) and PKC-a phosphorylation
(Figure 7B and D), but it did not alter the levels of the
unphosphorylated proteins. To investigate whether these kinases
are involved in the induction of PGE2 production by SGS, we
pretreated macrophages with bisindolylmaleimide I (BIS I) and
PD98059, PKC-a and ERK-1/2 inhibitors, respectively
(Figure 8A–B). Inhibition of both enzymes completely abrogated
PGE2 production induced by SGS (Figure 8A–B). In sum, these
results suggest that PKC-a and ERK-1/2 are involved in the
PGE2 production induced by SGS.
November 2010 | Volume 4 | Issue 11 | e873
Sand Fly SGS Triggers Eicosanoid Production
Figure 7. L. longipalpis SGS induces PKC-a and ERK phosphorylation. Peritoneal macrophages were incubated in the absence
(control) or presence of SGS (1.5 pair/mL) for 40 min. The cells were
lysed and immunoblotted using polyclonal anti-ERK-1/2 (A) or anti-PKCa (B) antibodies. The membranes was discharged and immunoblotted
using polyclonal anti- phospho-ERK-1/2 (A) or anti- phosphor-PKC-a (B)
antibodies. Quantification of phosphorylated-ERK-1/2 (C) and phosphorylated-PKCa (D) was determined by densitometry. The data show
the fold increase in the phosphorylated/unphosphorylated kinase ratio
of the SGS group relative to the control group. P-, phosphorylated.
could be triggering cellular recruitment. Secretion of LTB4 by
resident macrophages plays an important role in neutrophil
migration [23]. In addition, lipopolysaccharides induce macrophage migration via prostaglandin D2 and prostaglandin E2 [10].
Prostaglandin E2 is an abundant eicosanoid produced by
inflammatory cells, and it is known to exert anti-inflammatory
and vasodilator effects. PGE2 is found in Ixodes scapularis saliva and
is also implicated in the immunomodulatory activity of tick saliva
on dendritic cell and macrophage activation [24]. Furthermore,
previous studies using saliva from several Phlebotomus species have
suggested that the anti-inflammatory properties of sand fly saliva
could be attributed to PGE2 and IL-10 released by dendritic cells
[9,25]. In these studies, the cellular recruitment induced by OVA
stimulation was abrogated by saliva from various sand fly species
[9,25], which was associated with an anti-inflammatory profile
dependent on the production of IL-10, IL-4 [25] and PGE2 [9].
Intriguingly, maxadilan, a vasodilator peptide with immunomodulatory activities present in L. longipalpis saliva, is able to induce
LPS-activated macrophages to release PGE2 via COX-1, an
enzyme that is constitutively active [7]. In the present study, we
showed that L. longipalpis SGS triggers PGE2 production in
resident macrophages by an inducible pathway, since this effect
was completely abrogated when the cells were incubated in the
presence of NS-398, a COX-2 inhibitor. Nevertheless, whether
sand fly saliva contains other molecules involved in PGE2
production or pharmacological amounts of this mediator similarly
to tick saliva remains unknown.
Our study is the first to establish a direct link between L.
longipalpis saliva, eicosanoid production and lipid body formation.
Under inflammatory and infectious conditions, lipid mediators are
mainly produced within LBs, which compartmentalize both the
substrate and the enzymatic machinery required for eicosanoid
production [13]. In this regard, the enzymes COX and 5-LO have
Figure 8. ERK and PKC kinase inhibitors abrogate PGE2
production induced by L. longipalpis SGS. Peritoneal macrophages
were pre-treated for 1 hour with BIS I (A) or PD98059 (B) before
incubation with SGS (1.5 pair/well). Twenty-four hours after stimulation,
PGE2 was measured in the supernatant. The data are the mean and SEM
from an experiment representative of three independent experiments.
***, p,0.001; ##, p,0.01 and ###, p,0.001. PD98059, ERK inhibitor;
BIS-I, PKC inhibitor.
been localized to lipid bodies in various inflammatory cells by the
use of multiple techniques including fluorescence microscopy [13].
Previous studies have shown that various inflammatory and
infectious stimuli are able to trigger LB formation in macrophages
[13,19]. Our findings demonstrate that SGS induces LB formation
in macrophages in vivo and in vitro, suggesting that L. longipalpis
saliva acts directly on these cells, but not on neutrophils. Indeed, L.
longipalpis SGS triggered LB formation in macrophages committed
to PGE2 production via COX-2 and PGE-synthase.
Data regarding the direct effects of sand fly salivary compounds
on host signaling pathways cells are scarce. The extracellular
signal-regulated kinases (ERKs) and protein kinase C (PKC) are
among the key enzymes implicated in signaling pathways of
diverse cellular responses, including eicosanoid production. The
MAP kinases ERK1 and ERK2 induce activation of cPLA2, an
enzyme that hydrolyzes arachidonic acid, which is metabolized to
November 2010 | Volume 4 | Issue 11 | e873
Sand Fly SGS Triggers Eicosanoid Production
prostaglandin H2 by COX [13]. Previous studies have demonstrated the compartmentalization of MAP kinases and cPLA2 at
arachidonate-enriched lipid bodies [26,27], as well as COX-2 and
PGE-synthase [16,28,29]. Herein, it is shown for the first time that
L. longipalpis SGS triggers ERK-1/2 and PKC-a phosphorylation
in macrophages. Other studies have shown that COX-2 activation
and PGE2 production in LPS stimulated-macrophages is dependent on the phosphorylation of protein kinases such as PKC-a [21]
and ERK-1/2 [30]. We showed that the PGE2 production
induced by SGS is dependent on both ERK-1/2 and PKC. This
association between the activation of kinases and the metabolism
of eicosanoids within lipid bodies may serve to enhance rapid
eicosanoid production in response to extracellular stimuli such as
sand fly saliva. Of note, in addition to their role in regulating the
host response to infection by modulating inflammatory mediator
production, lipid bodies may also serve as rich sources of nutrients
for intracellular pathogens, thus favoring intracellular pathogen
replication [31,32].
In brief, the present work provides new insights into the
mechanisms involved in macrophage responses to L. longipalpis
saliva, including LB formation and the signaling pathways that
trigger PGE2 release. Although the roles of the newly formed LBs
and PGE2 induced by sand fly saliva in the pathogenesis of
leishmaniasis have not yet been addressed, several studies have
shown that PGE2 is essential to the infection of macrophages
[33,34] and parasite dissemination after infection [35]. The
induction of PGE2 production by sand fly saliva demonstrated
herein can influence the initial steps of host infection by favoring
less intense macrophage activation. Our group and others have
been providing strong evidence that saliva components are
immunogenic and have potential as markers of exposure to sand
fly vectors [36–39]. Further studies are required to determinate if
the immunization based on components of vector saliva interferes
in eicosanoid production with consequences for the host’s immune
response and the transmissibility of the parasite.
We thank Dr. Manoel Barral-Netto for critical discussion of the
manuscript. We also gratefully acknowledge the technical assistance of
Edvaldo Passos, Marcos Fonseca and to Dr. Clarissa M. Maya-Monteiro
and Dr. Heloiza D’Ávila for intellectual contributions.
Author Contributions
Conceived and designed the experiments: TAS DBP BBA DON JC PFE
CIB AB PTB VMB. Performed the experiments: TAS DBP BBA DON JC
Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: ABC MACSN JCM PTB
VMB. Wrote the paper: TAS DBP BBA PTB VMB.
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November 2010 | Volume 4 | Issue 11 | e873
Sand Fly SGS Triggers Eicosanoid Production
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November 2010 | Volume 4 | Issue 11 | e873
New Insights on the Inflammatory Role of Lutzomyia longipalpis Saliva in
Novas Ideias Sobre ao Papel Inflamatório da Saliva de Lutzomyia longipalpis na
Este trabalho revisa os principais achados do nosso grupo sobre o papel da saliva na
resposta inflamatória durante os momentos iniciais da infecção por Leishmania. Nesta
revisão destacamos o efeito da saliva sobre macrófagos e neutrófilos no que tange a
modulação da produção de PGE2.
A seção 4.1 intitulada “Eventos Inflamatórios
Disparados pela Saliva de L. longipalpis” aborda dados preliminares que serão melhor
discutidos no Manuscrito III desta tese. Na seção 5 intitulada “Resposta do Macrófago
Hospedeiro à Saliva de L. longipalpis” encontramos um breve resumo dos dados
apresentados no Manuscrito I desta tese, bem como uma discussão sobre os achados da
literatura acerca do efeito da saliva sobre macrófagos. Por fim, na seção 6 intitulada
“Neutrófilos e Saliva de L. longipalpis: Uma Interação Negligenciada sobre o Cenário
da Infecção por Leishmania”, nós abordamos nossos achados sobre o efeito da saliva na
indução da apoptose de neutrófilos murinos e humanos. Os dados desta última seção são
apresentados em uma publicação de minha co-autoria intitulada “Lutzomyia longipalpis
saliva drives apoptosis and enhances parasite burden in neutrophils”, a qual pode ser
encontrada na seção Apêndice.
Este artigo foi publicado no periódico internacional Journal of Parasitology Research
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Journal of Parasitology Research
Volume 2012, Article ID 643029, 11 pages
Review Article
New Insights on the Inflammatory Role of Lutzomyia longipalpis
Saliva in Leishmaniasis
Deboraci Brito Prates,1, 2 Théo Araújo-Santos,2, 3 Cláudia Brodskyn,2, 3, 4
Manoel Barral-Netto,2, 3, 4 Aldina Barral,2, 3, 4 and Valéria Matos Borges2, 3, 4
1 Departamento
de Biomorfologia, Instituto de Ciências da Saúde, Universidade Federal da Bahia, Avenida Reitor Miguel Calmon S/N,
40110-100 Salvador, BA, Brazil
2 Centro de Pesquisa Gonçalo Moniz (CPqGM), Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (FIOCRUZ), Rua Waldemar Falcão 121,
40296-710 Salvador, BA, Brazil
3 Faculdade de Medicina da Bahia, Universidade Federal da Bahia, Avenida Reitor Miguel Calmon S/N,
40110-100 Salvador, BA, Brazil
4 Instituto Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia de Investigação em Imunologia (iii-INCT), Avenida Dr.Enéas de Carvalho Aguiar 44,
05403-900, São Paulo, SP, Brazil
Correspondence should be addressed to Valéria Matos Borges, [email protected]
Received 15 August 2011; Revised 24 October 2011; Accepted 27 October 2011
Academic Editor: Marcela F. Lopes
Copyright © 2012 Deboraci Brito Prates et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly
When an haematophagous sand fly vector insect bites a vertebrate host, it introduces its mouthparts into the skin and lacerates
blood vessels, forming a hemorrhagic pool which constitutes an intricate environment of cell interactions. In this scenario,
the initial performance of host, parasite, and vector “authors” will heavily influence the course of Leishmania infection. Recent
advances in vector-parasite-host interaction have elucidated “co-authors” and “new roles” not yet described. We review here the
stimulatory role of Lutzomyia longipalpis saliva leading to inflammation and try to connect them in an early context of Leishmania
1. Introduction
Leishmaniasis remains a serious problem in public health,
endemic in 88 countries on four continents, but most of the
cases occur in underdeveloped or developing countries [1].
Visceral Leishmaniasis (VL) is a progressive infection with
fatal outcome in the absence of treatment. Approximately
90% of the VL cases registered in the Americas occur in
Brazil and are concentrated in the Northeast region. In the
New World, Lutzomyia longipalpis is the principal vector of
Leishmania infantum chagasi, the agent of American Visceral
Leishmaniasis [2].
The causes related to development of distinct clinical
manifestations in leishmaniasis are multifactorial and reflect
the complexity at the vector-pathogen-host interface [3].
Protozoan parasites of the genus Leishmania are the causative
agents of the disease and are transmitted to the mammalian
hosts by the bite of female phlebotomine sand flies during blood repast. For blood meal obtainment, sand flies
introduce their mouthparts into the skin, tearing tissues,
lacerating capillaries, and creating haemorrhagic pools upon
which they feed [4]. The presence of sand fly saliva in the
blood pool, the environment where the parasite encounters
host cells, influences the development and functions of
several leukocytes. In recent years, the importance of the
interaction between components of sand fly saliva and host
immune mechanisms in regulating infectivity and disease
progression has become clearer and suggests their consequences to disease outcome in leishmaniasis [5].
The aspects involved in immune response resulting
in resistance or susceptibility widely depend on the first
attempt of host’s innate response to contain infection that
may influence on the predominance of a pattern of future
host’s immune adaptive response against Leishmania. Many
studies have been performed to understand the mechanisms
leading to protection or exacerbation of the disease however;
relatively few studies have investigated the role of the sandfly-derived salivary compounds in the innate immunity.
In this paper we integrate the influence of sand fly bite
with current ideas regarding the role of early steps of host
inflammatory response against Leishmania.
2. Sand Fly Saliva: A Rich Field of Study
Sand fly vectors display a rich source of salivary biological
active components to acquire blood from vertebrate hosts,
a task not easy due the haemostatic, inflammatory and immune responses resultant from the bite [6]. Thus, it is
not unexpected that many scientists have progressively
investigated several aspects of sand fly saliva, concerning its
composition and the range of mammalian response to it.
Among the New World species of sand fly which are
vectors of Leishmania, L. longipalpis and its salivary gland
content are the best studied. One of the first components
related to L. longipalpis salivary gland was maxadilan [7],
the most potent vasodilator peptide known and one of the
two phlebotomine salivary proteins more extensively studied.
Maxadilan is recognized by causing typical erythema during
the feeding of L. longipalpis [8]. Further, it was described that
maxadilan is able to modulate the inflammatory response
by inhibiting cytokines such as TNF-α, by inducing IL-6
production, and by stimulating hematopoiesis [9–11]. Charlab et al. (1999) reported nine full clones and two partial
cDNA clones from salivary gland from L. longipalpis [12]. In
that work, they reported for the first time a hyaluronidase
activity from sand fly saliva, an activity not yet described on
phlebotomine sand flies, helping the diffusion of other pharmacological substances through the skin matrix [13]. It
was also described an apyrase activity on L. longipalpis
saliva which hydrolyses ATP and ADP to AMP, functioning
as a potent antiplatelet factor [12, 14]. Interestingly, a 5 nucleotidase activity is also present in L. longipalpis saliva
exert vasodilator and antiplatelet aggregation role by converting AMP to adenosine [12]. One of the most abundant
protein found in the L. longipalpis saliva is the Yellow-related
protein [12, 13, 15, 16]. Our group has demonstrated that
this family of proteins are the most recognized in sera from
children living in an endemic area of visceral Leishmaniasis in Brazil [17] and by normal volunteers exposed to
laboratory-reared L. longipalpis bites [18]. Recently, Xu et al.
(2011) described the structure and function of a yellow
pro-tein LJM 11 [19]. In this report, the authors described
that yellow proteins from L. longipalpis saliva act as binder
of proinflammatory biogenic amines such as serotonin,
histamine, and catecholamines [19]. One member of the D7
family of proteins (commonly found in dipterans saliva) is
present in L. longipalpis [12]. The exact function of this protein in sand fly saliva is still unknown. However, its role on
mosquito’s saliva suggests that it could act as anticoagulant or
binding biogenic amines avoiding host inflammatory events
[12, 15].
Herein, we present some of the most studied proteins
related to L. longipalpis saliva. (See [6, 15, 16, 20] for more
Journal of Parasitology Research
details about this topic). Although many of them have been
associated with blood-feeding, their biological functions
remain undefined. Nevertheless, by modulating the host
haemostatic and inflammatory response, this yet unreported
sand fly salivary content remains as a research challenge,
acting on host immunity to Leishmania during transmission
and establishment of infection.
3. Immune Response to Lutzomyia longipalpis
Saliva against Leishmania
There are several studies contributing to a better understanding of L. longipalpis saliva effects on host immunity
to Leishmania infection. A brief exposition of these major
contributions in the last 10 years is shown in Figure 1.
In mice, salivary products seem to exacerbate the infection with Leishmania and may, in fact, be mandatory for
establishment of the parasite in vertebrate hosts. It has been
shown that components of L. longipalpis or Phlebotomus
papatasi salivary gland lysates mixed with Leishmania major
resulted in substantially larger lesions compared to controls
[21, 22]. Our group have shown that repeated exposure of
BALB/c mice to L. longipalpis bites leads to local inflammatory cell infiltration comprised of neutrophils, macrophages
and eosinophils [23]. Total IgG and IgG1 antibodies react
predominantly with three major protein bands (45, 44, and
16 kD) from insect saliva by Western blot [23]. The injection
of immune serum previously incubated with salivary gland
homogenate induced an early infiltration with neutrophils
and macrophages, suggesting the participation of immune
complexes in triggering inflammation [23].
We have shown that in endemic areas natural exposures
to noninfected sand fly bites can influence the epidemiology
of the disease [17, 24]. We observed that people who
presented antibodies against saliva of L. longipalpis also
showed DTH anti-Leishmania, suggesting that the immune
response against saliva of the vector could contribute to the
induction of a protective immune response against the parasite. Recently, in a prospective study this data was reinforced
by Aquino et al. (2010) evaluating 1,080 children from 2
endemic areas for VL [25]. There was a simultaneous appearance of antibodies anti-saliva and an anti-Leishmania DTH,
or a cellular response against the parasite [25], sup-porting
the idea that eliciting immunity against saliva could benefit
the induction of a protective response against the parasite.
The anti-sand fly antibodies can serve as epidemiological
marker of vector exposure in endemic areas. In fact, we
demonstrated that two salivary proteins, called LJM 17 and
LJM 11, were specifically recognized by humans exposed to
L. longipalpis, but not Lutzomyia intermedia [26]. We also
evaluated the specificity of anti-L. longipalpis in a panel of
1,077 serum samples and verified that LJM 17 and LJM 11
together in an ELISA assay identified the effectiveness of
these proteins for the prediction of positivity against salivary
gland sonicate (SGS) [27]. In experimental model using
C57BL/6 mice, immunization with LJM 11 triggered DTH
response and decrease the diseased burden after L. major
infection [19].
Journal of Parasitology Research
Sand fly
Silva et al. 2005 [23]
Teixeira et al. 2005 [42]
Araújo-Santos et al., 2010 [51]
Costa et al., 2004 [28]
↑PGE2 via PKC-α
and ERK-1/2
↑CD4+ CD25+
↑CD8+ CD25+
Vinhas et al., 2007 [18]
Araújo-Santos et al., 2010
Red blood cell
↓IL-10 and TNF-α
↑IL-6, IL-8 and IL-12 p40
↑CD86 and HLA-DR
Dendritic cell
Costa et al., 2004 [28]
↑IgG, IgG4 and IgG1
Barral et al., 2000 [17]
Gomes et al., 2002 [24]
Silva et al., 2005 [23]
Vinhas et al., 2007 [18]
↑Parasite burden
↑FasL and apoptosis
↑MCP-1, PGE2
T lymphocyte
B lymphocyte
↓ CD80, CD86 and HLA-DR
Prates et al., 2011 [76]
Costa et al., 2004 [28]
Figure 1: Roles of Lutzomyia longipalpis saliva in host immune response cell. After L. longipalpis saliva injection a set of events can be
triggered in the host immune response. Herein, we summarized the roles of saliva on major cell populations involved in the host immune
response against Leishmania infection.
We also characterized the immunological patterns following sand fly saliva exposure, using healthy volunteers exposed to laboratory-reared L. longipalpis [18]. We
noticed high levels of IgG1, IgG4, and IgE antibodies antisaliva. Furthermore, following in vitro stimulation with
salivary gland sonicate, there was an increased frequency
of CD4(+)CD25(+) and CD8(+)CD25(+) T cells as well as
IFN-γ and IL-10 synthesis. Strikingly, 1 year after the first
exposure, PBMC from the volunteers displayed recall IFNγ responses that correlated with a significant reduction in
infection rates using a macrophage-lymphocyte autologous
culture. Together, these data suggest that human immunization against sand fly saliva is feasible and recall responses are
obtained even 1 year after exposure, opening perspectives for
vaccination in man [18].
Sand fly saliva also seems to exert a direct effect on
human antigen presenting cells. L. longipalpis SGS inhibited
IL-10 and TNF-α production but induced IL-6, IL-8, and
IL-12p40 production by LPS-stimulated monocytes and
dendritic cells [28]. Besides cytokine production, sand fly
saliva also interfered with the expression of costimulatory
molecules in macrophages (reduced CD80 and increased
HLA-DR expression) and in monocytes (increased CD80 and
HLA-DR expression). During dendritic cell differentiation
induced by CD40L, a slight reduction in CD80, CD86, HLADR, and CD1a expression were also observed [28].
Whereas enhancement of Leishmania transmission by
saliva is probably due to immunomodulatory components of
sand fly saliva, an explanation of the anti-Leishmania effect
resulting from host immunization against salivary antigen is
not straightforward. Immunity in this system could derive
from neutralization of salivary immunomodulators such as
the peptide maxadilan from L. longipalpis (as reviewed in
[22]). Alternatively, immunity could derive from a DTH
reaction at the site of the bite generated by a cellular
response to salivary antigens injected by the fly [29, 30]. This
particular reaction could turn the lesion and its surroundings
into an inhospitable site for the establishment of Leishmania
infection in the new host, or it could modify the environment
priming the initial events of the host immune reaction to
The disease exacerbative properties of saliva, often resulting from the bioactive property of one or more of
its molecules, should not be confounded with antigenic
molecules in saliva that induce an adaptive immune response
in the host. This acquired immunity can be either protective
or exacerbative depending on the nature and dominance of
the salivary components of a vector species. Exposure to
uninfected bites of the sand fly P. papatasi induces a strong
delayed-type hypersensitivity response and IFN-γ production at the bite site that confers protection in mice challenged
by L. major-infected flies [29]. By contrast, acquired immunity to L. intermedia saliva results in disease exacerbation not
protection [31]. Moreover, P. papatasi saliva, despite its overall protective property, contains molecules that alone induce
a protective (PpSP15) or exacerbative (PpSP44) im-mune
response in the host [32, 33]. It is likely that L. intermedia
saliva also contains molecules with similar profiles despite
the overall exacerbative effect of total saliva.
Recently, we developed a model for visceral Leishmaniasis (VL) in hamsters, using an intradermal inoculation
in the ears of 100,000 L. chagasi parasites together with
L. longipalpis saliva to mimic natural transmission by sand
flies [34]. Hamsters developed classical signs of VL rapidly,
culminating in a fatal outcome 5-6 months postinfection.
Immunization with 16 DNA plasmids coding for salivary
proteins of L. longipalpis resulted in the identification of
LJM19, a novel 11-kDa protein that protected hamsters
against the fatal outcome of VL. LJM19-immunized hamsters
maintained a low parasite load that correlated with an overall
high IFN-γ/TGF-β ratio and inducible NOS expression in
the spleen and liver up to 5 months post-infection. Importantly, a delayed-type hypersensitivity response with high
expression of IFN-γ was also noted in the skin of LJM19immunized hamsters 48 h after exposure to uninfected sand
fly bites. Induction of IFN-γ at the site of bite could partly
explain the protection observed in the viscera of LJM19immunized hamsters through direct parasite killing and/or
priming of anti-Leishmania immunity. Recently, Tavares
et al. [35] showed that LJM19 was also able to protect
hamsters against an infection composed by Leishmania
braziliensis plus saliva of L. intermedia, the vector responsible
for the transmission of this parasite in Brazil [35]. The
immunization also induced a higher ratio of IFN-γ/TGFβ production in the cells from lymph nodes draining the
infection site. Collin et al., (2009) immunized dogs using
intradermal injections of DNA codifying salivary proteins of
L. longipalpis (LJM17 and LJL 143), followed by injection
of recombinant Canarypox virus containing the same genes
[36]. They also observed a potential protective response
against Leishmania, showing high concentrations of IFNγ in PBMC stimulated with recombinant salivary proteins.
Importantly, the bite of uninfected sand flies resulted in a
strong DTH characterized by high amount of IFN-γ and low
levels of TGF-β [36]. Together, these results point out the
possibility to immunize against leishmaniasis using defined
proteins of vector’s saliva against Leishmania.
4. Early Steps of Host-Vector-Leishmania
Interplay: Cell Recruitment Induced by Saliva
It is well established that the first steps in leishmaniasis are
critical in determining the development of the disease. In
order to understand this critical moment, several reports
Journal of Parasitology Research
have investigated the early recruitment of cells induced by
both L. longipalpis saliva alone or coinoculated with L.
chagasi. Sand fly saliva is able to induce an inflammatory
process in the host by recruiting different cells into the
bite site. In fact, it was verified that L. longipalpis salivary
gland lysate markedly modifies the inflammatory response to
infection with L. braziliensis in BALB/c mice [37]. The salivaassociated lesions progressed to extensive accumulations of
heavily parasitized epithelioid macrophages, with persistent
neutrophilia and eosinophilia [37]. Eosinophilia has also
been described in dogs intradermally inoculated with L.
longipalpis saliva associated with L. chagasi promastigotes
[38]. Interestingly, this inflammatory response was not
observed in animals that received saliva or parasites alone
[38]. The significance of this in the context of Leishmaniasis remains to be investigated. However, this phenomena
is not exclusive to L. longipalpis saliva once eosinophils
were described in the inflammatory course at the site of
immunization of mice with the salivary recombinant 15kDa protein from P. papatasi, the sand fly species vector
of Leishmania major [32]. It is well established the abundant presence of eosinophils in both inflammatory site
and allergic response. Activated eosinophils release lipid
mediators as PAF, prostaglandins, leukotrienes, and lipoxins,
as well as cytokines IL-10 and IL-8 that, in conjunct, trigger
vasodilatation and leukocyte chemotaxis (reviewed in [39]).
In the context of sand fly bite, this eosinophilic reaction could
favor vector feeding but creates an unfriendly environment
for Leishmania parasites.
Host cell infiltration induced by sand fly bite is the
most physiologic approach to reinforce the inflammatory
role of vector saliva. This event has been explored using P.
papatasi, in which saliva-induced DTH response observed
was associated to a possible fly adaptation to manipulate host
immunity for the vector’s own advantage [30]. Concerning
L. longipalpis saliva, our group investigated the initial
vertebrate reactions against sand fly saliva. We demonstrated
that repeated exposures of BALB/c mice to L. longipalpis
bites lead to an intense and diffuse inflammatory infiltrate
characterized by neutrophils, eosinophils, and macrophages
[23]. This response was observed by histological analysis
of the ear dermis from exposed mice as early as 2 hours
and was sustained up to 48 hours after challenge with the
L. longipalpis salivary sonicate [23]. Moreover, the injection
of immune serum previously incubated with salivary gland
homogenate induced an early infiltration with neutrophils
and macrophages, suggesting the participation of immune
complexes in triggering inflammation [23]. An elegant and
remarkable visual advance obtained by two-photon intravital
imaging has recently demonstrated that the neutrophils
represent the first cell population which is recruited to Phlebotomus duboscqi bite site [40]. Although the participation of
vector salivary components had not been directly attributed
to this inflammatory event by the authors, we could not
discharge this possibility considering diverse data showing
that saliva from different sand flies species exert chemotaxis.
As neutrophils were observed on L. longipalpis bite site [23]
the implications of its saliva on this cells will be further
discussed in this paper.
Journal of Parasitology Research
In addition to in vivo models, cell chemotaxis induced by
saliva has also been observed in vitro. This is of particular
interest, indicating that L. longipalpis salivary components
can act directly as inflammatory mediator. Using transwell
system, Zer et al. (2001) showed the direct chemotatic
effect of saliva on BALB/c peritoneal macrophages. In the
same work, it was demonstrated that L. longipalpis saliva is
able to both increase the percentage of macrophages that
became infected with Leishmania in BALB/c and C3H/HeN
mice and exacerbate the parasite load in these cells [41].
The authors discuss the possibility that, during natural
transmission, saliva could reduce the promastigote exposure
to the immune system by attracting host cells to the bite site
and by accelerating the uptake of these parasites.
Exploring a straightforward and consistent model—the
mouse air pouch—to investigate the inflammatory response
induced by L. longipalpis, our group has described that L.
longipalpis salivary gland sonicate was able to induce not only
macrophages, but also neutrophil and eosinophil recruitment after 12 h in BALB/c [42]. The increased macrophage
recruitment was linked to production of chemokine
CCL2/MCP-1 and expression of its receptor CCR2 in the air
pouch lining tissue. It was observed that L. longipalpis also
synergizes with L. chagasi to recruit more inflammatory cells
to the site of inoculation [42]. This is noteworthy because it
increases the availability of “safe targets,” the macrophages,
for parasite evasion of the effector immune responses [43].
Interestingly, the recruitment profile observed in BALB/c
was not observed in C57BL/6 mice, indicating that the
same salivary components can induce diverse inflammatory
effects depending on the host background [42]. However,
because of limited number of cells that can be recovered
on the air pouch model, some questions concerning early
inflammatory events could not be investigated. Alternatively,
the peritoneal cavity has been employed to this kind of study
allowing the collection of high number of immigrating cells
[44, 45]. In this regard, leukocyte recruitment into peritoneal
cavity induced by L. longipalpis saliva has been evaluated
in both BALB/c and C57BL/6 mouse strains [45]. In this
work, significant neutrophil recruitment was observed six
hours after administration of saliva, L. major, or saliva plus
L. major. However, in BALB/c mice, all stimuli were able to
induce more neutrophil migration than in C57BL/6 mice.
Seven days later, it was observed that all stimuli were able
to induce higher numbers of eosinophils and mononuclear
cells in BALB/c when compared with C57BL/6 mice [45].
This study focused on the effect of saliva from L. longipalpis
on adaptive immunity, evaluating CD4+ T lymphocyte
migration and production of IL-10 and IFN-γ cytokines [45].
4.1. Inflammatory Events Triggered by L. longipalpis Saliva.
Neutrophils rapidly accumulate at the inflammatory site (as
reviewed in [46]) and have been described on the sand fly
bite site [23, 40]. Focusing on inflammatory events triggered
by L. longipalpis saliva using the peritoneal model, we could
observe a distinct kinetic of neutrophil recruitment to the
peritoneal cavity of BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice (Figure 2).
A late neutrophil influx was observed in BALB/c mice
(Figure 2(a)), whereas in C57BL/6 mice neutrophils were
already evident in the first hours after L. longipalpis saliva
inoculation compared to mice injected with endotoxin-free
saline (Figure 2(b)).
The link between neutrophil recruitment induced by L.
longipalpis saliva and other events which initiate and switch
off the inflammatory response is an attractive field to be
explored. Inflammation resolution is regulated by the release
of mediators that contribute to an orchestrated sequence of
events [47]. For simplicity, they result in predominance of
neutrophils in the inflamed area which are later replaced
by monocytes that differentiate into macrophages. During
the resolution, inflammatory cells undergo apoptosis and
are phagocytosed. Clearance of apoptotic cells by macrophages drives a response characterized by release of antiinflammatory mediators [48]. Such safe removal of apoptotic
cells has been implicated in exacerbation of Leishmania
infection [49, 50]. The influence of L. longipalpis saliva in the
time course of inflammation could be observed in cytospin
preparations of the peritoneal cells from C57BL/6 mice.
Neutrophils in contact with or phagocytosed by macrophages were observed at six hours (Figures 2(c) and 2(d))
and leukocyte phagocytosis by macrophages was an early
event as well (Figure 2(e)). Moreover, apoptotic neutrophils
were evident in C57BL/6 mice in the presence of saliva
(Figure 2(f)). Therefore, components of sand fly saliva are
able to both recruit and induce proapoptotic effects on neutrophils. These findings, in the scenario of anti-inflammatory
clearance of apoptotic cells, add to the notion of beneficial
effects of vector saliva on Leishmania transmission. Further
work on mediators and mechanisms involved in this process
is necessary.
5. Host Macrophage Response to
L. longipalpis Saliva
Sand fly saliva displays an important role in the macrophage
response by triggering the recruitment [42, 51] and suppressing the killing of parasites within macrophages [41, 52]. In
this regard, P. papatasi saliva inhibits the NO production in
macrophages treated with IFN-γ [52] and L. longipalpis saliva
hampers Leishmania antigen presentation to T lymphocytes
by macrophages [53] as well as upregulates the IL-10
production related with NO suppression in macrophages
infected with L. amazonensis [54]. Moreover, pure adenosine
from P. papatasi saliva decreases NO production in murine
macrophages [55] and maxadilan peptide present in L. longipalpis saliva upregulates IL-6, IL-10, and TGF-β cytokine
responses of LPS-activated macrophages and downregulates
IL-12, TNF-α, and NO associated with L. major killing [56].
Despite this, few research reports cover the cellular pathways
involved in sand fly saliva modulation of macrophage
response. Previous study showed that maxadilan acts on
PAC-1 receptor in LPS-activated macrophages and inhibits
TNF-α production whereas it increases IL-6 and PGE2 [11],
and the authors suggest the participation of cAMP activation
by maxadilan in this process.
Although the literature abounds with reports on the effects of sand fly saliva in the immune response and infection,
Journal of Parasitology Research
Leukocytes/mφ (%)
PMN (×104 /mL)
Pyknotic nuclei (%)
PMN (×104 /mL)
Figure 2: Neutrophil influx, apoptosis, and phagocytosis into BALB/c and C57BL/6 peritoneal cavity in response to L. longipalpis saliva.
Mice were injected with endotoxin-free saline or L. longipalpis salivary gland sonicate (SGS) (0.5 pair/animal). After stimulation, peritoneal
cavities were washed and differential cell counts were performed on Diff-Quik stained cytospin preparations. (a-b) Kinetics of neutrophil
recruitment in BALB/c (a) and C57BL/6 (b) mice. (c-d) Representative events of C57BL/6 neutrophil phagocytosis by macrophages on DiffQuik stained cytospin (magnification 1000x). (e-f) Phagocytosis of C57BL/6 leukocytes by macrophages (e) and neutrophil apoptosis (f)
after stimulation with SGS (•) or saline (). Data shown are from a single experiment representative of three independent experiments.
Values represent means ± SEM of five mice per group. ∗ P < 0.05 and ∗∗ P < 0.01.
the effect of whole sand fly saliva on macrophages is
poorly understood. Recently, we showed that L. longipalpis
saliva activates lipid body (LB) formation in resident
macrophages committed with PGE2 production by COX-2
enzyme (Figure 3) [51]. Lipid bodies are intracellular sites
related with eicosanoid production, and their formation
can be triggered by activation via different intracellular
pathways (as reviewed in [57]). In this context, L. longipalpis
saliva activated ERK-1/2 and PKC phosphorylation and
the inhibition of both pathways resulted in blockade of
saliva-induced PGE2 production by macrophages [51]. PGE2
modulates the macrophage response during Leishmania
infection in macrophages [58, 59] and is related with parasite
dissemination after infection; however, the role of saliva
in the PGE2 released by macrophages during Leishmania
infection remains to be addressed. Further studies will be
necessary to clarify the importance of eicosanoids stimulated
by sand fly saliva in macrophage clearance of parasites and
consequently in parasite transmission after sand fly bite.
6. Neutrophils and L. longipalpis Saliva:
A Neglected Interaction on Scenery of
Leishmania Infection
Looking to the neutrophils as a significant host-defense cell
player in both innate and adaptive response of immune
system, it is surprising that few works have attempted to
investigate the consequences of vector’s saliva and neutrophils interaction in the pathogenesis of leishmaniasis. The
reasons to encourage this special attention rise from several
lines of evidence showing that neutrophils participate in
Leishmania immunopathogenesis, by uptaking promastigote
forms, producing cytokines and inflammatory mediators
or interacting with macrophages enhancing infection (as
reviewed in [60, 61]).
Neutrophils are considered as an initial target of Leishmania infection [40, 62], and they are implicated in the
immunopathogenesis of murine leishmaniasis [50, 63, 64].
Moreover, significant numbers of neutrophils are present at
Journal of Parasitology Research
Mφ recruitment
via caspase
parasite burden
Figure 3: Effects of Lutzomyia longipalpis saliva on macrophage activation and neutrophil apoptosis. Macrophages and neutrophils are the
first host cells to contact Leishmania after sand fly bite. Saliva triggers macrophages activation by lipid bodies formation committed with the
PGE2 production via COX-2 after phosphorilation of kinases. On the other hand, saliva induces neutrophil apoptosis by caspase and FasL
activation. In addition, neutrophils activated by saliva become susceptible to Leishmania chagasi and release MCP-1, which is associated with
macrophage recruitment. This scenario promoted by L. longipalpis saliva can contribute to Leishmania transmission in the early times of
the inoculation site, lesions, and draining lymph nodes from
Leishmania-infected mice [31, 63, 65–67]. In addition, Leishmania parasites undergo a silent entry into macrophages
inside phagocytosed neutrophils, thus reinforcing the role of
neutrophils on establishment of Leishmania infection [68].
Leishmania donovani inhibition of traffic into lysosomederived compartments in short-lived neutrophils was suggested as a key process for the subsequent establishment of
long-term parasitism [69]. On the other hand, neutrophils
have also been implicated in parasite control. Phagocytosis
of L. major by human neutrophils led to parasite killing [70].
Human neutrophils were capable to kill L. donovani by oxidative mechanisms [71], and, more recently, it was described
the involvement of NET’s (Neutrophil Extracellular Traps)
on L. amazonensis destruction [72].
One elegant approach that reinforced the essential role
for neutrophils in leishmaniasis revealed the presence of
Leishmania-infected neutrophil on the sand fly bite site [40].
However, in that work, although the sustained neutrophil
recruitment had been evident only in response to the sand
fly bite, the authors did not attribute the neutrophil influx to
vector salivary components. Surprisingly, besides neutrophil
recruitment, there are no previous reports on further effects
of sand fly saliva on neutrophil inflammatory response.
Interestingly, studies performed with tick saliva disclose
that the inhibition of neutrophil functions favors the initial
survival of spirochetes [73–75].
Our group has recently shown the first evidence of direct
effect of L. longipalpis salivary components on C57BL/6 mice
neutrophils [76]. In summary, we described that saliva from
L. longipalpis triggers apoptosis of inflammatory neutrophils
obtained from C57BL/6 peritoneal cavity (Figure 3). The
proapoptotic effect of saliva was due to caspase activation
and FasL expression on neutrophil surface. Although salivary
glands from blood feeding vectors have a variety of components [76], it seems that the proapoptosis compound in
L. longipalpis saliva is a protein. However, further work is
required to elucidate which protein or proteins act in this
process. Additional helpful information from this study is
that preincubation of L. longipalpis saliva with anti-saliva
antibodies abrogated neutrophil apoptosis. This allows us
to propose that proapoptotic component from L. longipalpis
saliva could be target for the host’s antibodies.
Moreover, neutrophil apoptosis induced by L. longipalpis
saliva was also increased in the presence of L. chagasi
[76]. This is particularly interesting by reinforcing the synergistic effect of both vector component and parasite on
host inflammatory response, as have been observed in cell
chemotaxis [42]. Interestingly, saliva from L. longipalpis
enhanced L. chagasi viability inside neutrophils. This effect
was attributed to modulation of neutrophil inflammatory
response [76], as treatment of neutrophils with a pan
caspase inhibitor (z-VAD) and a COX-2 inhibitor (NS398) abrogated the increased parasite burden observed.
Finally, we also described a novel inflammatory function
of L. longipalpis saliva on neutrophils, stimulating MCP1 production, able to attract macrophages in vitro. Even
though chemotatic activity from L. longipalpis saliva has
been previously reported, this is the first demonstration that
saliva modifies directly the neutrophil inflammatory function, inducing the release of chemotatic factors by these
7. Future Directions
In this paper, we explored the new inflammatory events
induced by L. longipalpis in the recruitment and cellular
function of leukocytes, as well as the repercussion to
L. chagasi infection. The understanding of protective
mechanisms regarding the initial steps of host’s response
to salivary molecules that can correlate with resistance
or susceptibility to Leishmania has been poorly explored.
Further investigation should address factors that determine
the success of Leishmania infection. Identifying new
escape mechanisms used by Leishmania associated to the
pharmacological complexity of the sand fly saliva remains
a challenge. In this scenario, phylogenetic implications
between vector and Leishmania species can result in distinct
action under host cells. The insights from the inflammatory
scenery approached here, as lipid body induction in
macrophages and apoptotic death of neutrophils, need to be
investigated during the interaction between saliva from other
sand fly and Leishmania species. Another important point
is that these inflammatory effects were detected in salivary
gland extract of sand fly vector. However, recombinants
proteins from L. longipalpis saliva that presented known
immunogenic role should be tested as inducers of these
inflammatory events during infection by Leishmania sp. The
studies discussed here suggest that saliva components can act
on virulence factors from parasite surface in the first steps
involved the recognition, resistance to oxidative mechanisms,
and modulation of inflammatory mediators’ produced by
host cells. However, this finding seems to be part of a “large
puzzle,” since they are viewed in isolation, by methodological
limitations. Recent emerging imaging technologies have
opened the possibility to monitor the process of Leishmaniahost cell interaction in real time from the first moment
upon sand fly bite, allowing understanding of molecular and
cellular mechanisms in Leishmania experimental infection.
These advances will enable future integrated studies that may
increase understanding of immunopathogenic mechanisms
induced by saliva in this intricate and fascinating interaction.
Conflict of Interests
The authors have no financial or other conflicts to declare.
This work was supported by Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa
do Estado da Bahia (FAPESB), Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientı́fico e Tecnológico (CNPq), and Instituto
de Investigação em Imunologia (iii-INCT). T. Araújo-Santos.
is recipient of a CNPq fellowship. C. Brodskyn, M. BarralNetto, A. Barral, and V. M. Borges are senior investigators
from CNPq.
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Lutzomyia longipalpis Saliva Favors Leishmania infantum chagasi Infection
Through Modulation of Eicosanoids
A Saliva de Lutzomyia longipalpis Favorece a Infecção por Leishmania infantum
chagasi Através da Modulação de Eicosanoides
Este trabalho avalia o efeito da saliva no modelo peritoneal murino de macrófagos
quanto à formação de corpúsculos lipídicos e a produção de eicosanoides associada a
essas organelas, bem como vias de sinalização envolvidas neste processo.
Resumo dos resultados: Neste trabalho, nós avaliamos o efeito da saliva de Lutzomyia
longipalpis sobre a produção de eicosanoides durante os momentos iniciais da infecção
por L. i. chagasi no modelo peritoneal murino. Nós observamos que a saliva aumentou a
viabilidade intracelular de L. i. chagasi tanto em monócitos como em neutrófilos
recrutados para a cavidade peritoneal. As células recrutadas para cavidade peritoneal
apresentaram maiores níveis da relação PGE2/LTB4 e o pré-tratamento com NS-398, o
inibidor de COX-2, reverteu o efeito da saliva sobre a viabilidade intracelular dos
Este artigo será submetido ao periódico internacional Parasites & Vectors (Fator de
impacto JCR 2011 = 2.937).
Lutzomyia longipalpis Saliva Favors Leishmania infantum chagasi Infection Through
Modulation of Eicosanoids
Théo Araújo-Santos1,2, Deboraci Brito Prates1,3, Jaqueline França-Costa1,2, Nívea Luz1,2,
Bruno B. Andrade4, José Carlos Miranda1, Claudia I. Brodskyn1,2,5, Patrícia T. Bozza6, Aldina
Barral1,2,5 and Valéria Matos Borges1,5*
1. Gonçalo Moniz Research Center, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ), Salvador, BA,
2. Federal University of Bahia (UFBA), Salvador, BA, Brazil;
3. Departamento de Biomorfologia, Instituto de Ciências da Saúde, Universidade Federal da
Bahia, 40110-100 Salvador, BA, Brazil;
4. Immunobiology Section, Laboratory of Parasitic Diseases, National Institute of Allergy and
Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health, 20893, Bethesda, MD, USA;
5. Institute for Investigation in Immunology, iii-INCT (National Institute of Science and
Technology), São Paulo, Brazil.
6. Oswaldo Cruz Institute, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil;
* Correspondence: [email protected]
Phone: +55 71 3176-2215. Fax: +55 71 3176-2279.
Running Title
Leishmania escape by saliva-driven eicosanoid
Monocytes and neutrophils are considered the first line of host defense against infections, and
seem to be implicated in the immunopathogenesis of leishmaniasis. Here, we evaluated the
effect of Lutzomyia longipalpis salivary gland sonicate (SGS) on neutrophil and monocyte
recruitment and activation of eicosanoid production in a murine model of inflammation.
Intraperitoneal injection of L. longipalpis SGS together with L. i. chagasi induced an early
increased parasite viability inside monocytes and neutrophils. L. longipalpis SGS increased
PGE2 but reduced LTB4 production ex vivo in peritoneal leukocytes. In addition, the
pharmacological inhibition of COX-2 with NS-398 decreased parasite viability during
Leishmania infection in the presence of L. Longipalpis SGS indicating that PGE2 is important
to prevent parasite killing. These findings point out L. longipalpis SGS as a critical factor
driving immune evasion of Leishmania through modulation of eicosanoids, which may
represent an important mechanism on establishment of the infection.
Despite of efforts towards the development of an antileishmanial vaccine and effective
antiparasite agents, visceral leishmaniasis (VL) continues to cause high morbidity and
considerable mortality worldwide (WHO, 2002). In America VL is transmitted by the bite of
Lutzomyia longipalpis sand flies. Transmission of Leishmania sp. by hematophagous sand fly
vectors occurs during blood feeding, when salivary content is inoculated alongside
Leishmania into host skin. Sand fly saliva enhances Leishmania infection on several
experimental models [1–3] through its modulatory effects on the host immune system [4,5]. A
successful blood feeding depends on the formation of a blood hemorrhagic pool [6]. In such
microenvironment there are many inflammatory cells [4], and L. longipalpis saliva has been
shown to enhance recruitment of immune cells, including monocytes and neutrophils [7–9].
Macrophage recruitment induced by L. longipalpis saliva has been previously described by
our group using the air pouch model. However, restrictions related to this model make it
impossible to point out a more detailed effect of saliva in the leukocytes recruited. The
peritoneal cavity is a self-contained and delineated compartment [9], and for this reason,
several studies have described the use of the peritoneal model to investigate the leukocyte
migration induced by sand fly salivary gland extracts [9–11] as well as by Leishmania
[9,12,13]. We have previously shown that L. longipalpis salivary gland sonicate (SGS) is able
to modulate eicosanoid release in monocytes and neutrophils recruited to peritoneal cavity
[14]. In neutrophils, SGS benefits L. i. chagasi infection stimulating production of PGE2 in
vitro [15].
In the present study, we explore the effect of L. longipalpis SGS on the eicosanoids
production in the context of L. i. chagasi infection in vivo using the peritoneal model in mice.
In addition, we demonstrate that eicosanoids can be important in modulation of immune
response elicited by SGS allowing increase in parasite viability as well as burden during early
moments of L. i. chagasi infection.
Antibodies and Reagents
Schneider’s insect medium, N-(1-naphthyl)-ethylenediamine and p-Aminobenzene-
sulfanilamide were purchased from SIGMA (St. Louis, MO). RPMI 1640 medium and L-
glutamine, penicillin, and streptomycin were from Invitrogen (Carlsbad, CA, USA).
Nutridoma-SP was from Roche (Indianapolis, In, USA). A23187 calcium ionophore was from
Calbiochem Novabiochem Corp. (La Jolla, CA). NS-398, PGE2 and LTB4 enzyme-linked
immunoassay (EIA) Kits were from Cayman Chemical (Ann Arbor, MI). Dimethylsulfoxide
(DMSO) was purchased from ACROS Organics (New Jersey, NJ).
Inbred male C57BL/6 mice, age 6–8 weeks, were obtained from the animal facility of Centro
de Pesquisas Gonçalo Moniz, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (CPqGM-FIOCRUZ, Bahia, Brazil).
The animals were kept at a temperature of 24 °C, with free access to food and water and light
and dark cycles of 12 hours each.
Ethics Statement
All experiments were performed in strict accordance with the recommendations of the
Brazilian National Council for the Control of Animal Experimentation (CONCEA). The
Ethics Committee on the use of experimental animals (CEUA) of the Centro de Pesquisas
Gonçalo Moniz, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz – (Permit Number: 27/2008) approved all protocols.
L. i. chagasi (MCAN/BR/89/BA262) promastigotes were cultured at 25°C in Schneider’s
insect medium supplemented with 20% inactive FBS, 2 mM L-glutamine, 100 U/ml
penicillin, and 100 µg/ml streptomycin.
Sand flies and preparation of salivary glands
Adult Lutzomyia longipalpis captured in Cavunge (Bahia, Brazil) were reared at the
Laboratório de Imunoparasitologia/CPqGM/FIOCRUZ (Bahia, Brazil) as described
previously [8]. Salivary glands were dissected from 5- to 7-day-old L. longipalpis females
under a stereoscopic microscope (Stemi 2000, Carls Zeiss, Jena, Germany) and stored in
groups of 10 pairs in 10 µl endotoxin-free PBS at -70°C. Immediately before use, glands were
sonicated (Sonifier 450, Brason, Danbury, CT) and centrifuged at 10,000 x g for 4 minutes.
The supernatants of salivary gland sonicate (SGS) were used for the experiments. The level of
LPS contamination of SGS preparations was determined using a commercially available LAL
Chromogenic Kit (QCL-1000, Lonza Bioscience) resulting in negligible levels of endotoxin
in the salivary gland supernatant. All experimental procedures used SGS equivalent to 0.5
pair of salivary gland per group which possesses approximately 0.7 micrograms of proteins
Mice infection
C57BL/6 mice were submitted to intra-peritoneal (i.p.) injection of with 0.1 ml of SGS (0.5
pair/cavity), 0.1 ml of L. i. chagasi (3x106/cavity), 0.1 ml of endotoxin-free saline per cavity
(negative control) or 0.1 ml of LPS (20µg/ml; positive control). One hour post stimulus the
total leukocytes that migrated to the peritoneal cavity was harvested by peritoneal lavage with
injection of 10 ml endotoxin-free saline. Alternatively, C57BL/6 mice were previously treated
with an i.p. injection of NS398 2 mg/kg or DMSO as a vehicle control. Total counts were
performed on a Neubauer hemocytometer after staining with Turk’s solution. Differential cell
counts (200 cells total) of infected cells were carried out microscopically on cytospin
preparations stained with Diff-Quick.
Assessment of intracellular load of L. i. chagasi
Intracellular load of L. i. chagasi was estimated by production of proliferating extracellular
motile promastigotes in Schneider medium [17]. Briefly, after 1h of infection, peritoneal cells
were centrifuged, supernatants containing non-internalized promastigotes were removed and
medium was replaced by 250 µl of Schneider medium supplemented with 20% inactive FBS,
2 mM L-glutamine, 100 U/ml penicillin, and 100 µg/ml streptomycin. Infected cells were
cultured at 25°C for additional 3 days. In the third day promastigotes in the cultures were
counted in a Neubauer hemocytometer.
Transmission Electron Microscopy
Peritoneal cells from mice infected with L. i. chagasi were centrifuged (1500 rpm, 10 min)
and the pellets were resuspended and fixed in a mixture of freshly prepared aldehydes (1%
paraformaldehyde and 1 % glutaraldehyde) in 0.1 M phosphate buffer, pH7.4 overnight at
4°C. The cells were washed in the same buffer and embedded in molten 2% agar (Merk).
Agar pellets containing the cells were post-fixed in a mixture of 1% phosphate-buffered
osmium tetroxide and 1.5% potassium ferrocyanide (final concentration) for 1 h and
processed for resin embedding (PolyBed 812, Polysciences, Warrington, PA). The section
were mounted on uncoated 200-mesh copper grids and viewed with a transmission electron
microscope (EM 109; Zeiss, Germany). Electron micrographs were randomly taken at the
magnifications of 7 000 – 30 000X to study the entire cell profile.
PGE2 and LTB4 measurements
PGE2 and LTB4 levels were measured ex vivo from leukocytes harvested by peritoneal cavity
washing with Ca2+-Mg2+-free HBSS. After, recovered cells (1x106 cells/ml) were
ressuspended in HBSS contained Ca2+-Mg2+ and then stimulated with A23187 (0.5 µM) for
15 min. Reactions were stopped on ice, and samples were centrifuged at 500 x g for 10 min at
4°C. Supernatants were collected to measure PGE2 and LTB4 by enzyme-linked immunoassay
(EIA), according to manufacturer’s instructions.
Statistical analysis
Each experiment was repeated at least three times. The data are presented as the mean and
SEM (standard error) of representative experiments and were analyzed using the GraphPad
Prism 5.0 software (GraphPad Software, San Diego, CA, USA). The comparisons between
two groups were analyzed using Mann-Whitney test. The differences were considered
statistically significant when p ≤ 0.05.
L. longipalpis SGS enhances parasite viability during L. i. chagasi infection in vivo
We have previously shown that the main cell types recruited to the inoculation site by L.
longipalpis saliva are neutrophils [8] and macrophages [7,14]. Here we observed this event
early (Supporting Information fig. S1) and curiously, when inoculated together L. i. chagasi,
SGS does not alter the number of infected neutrophils (fig. 1A) or monocytes (fig. 1B)
recovered from the peritoneum of mice injected with L. i. chagasi plus SGS after 1 hour.
However, significant increase in the number of viable parasites were obtained from cultures
of peritoneum recovered cells after the same time (fig. 1C). We have also evaluated the
presence of parasites inside peritoneal neutrophils and monocytes by electron microscopy
(fig. 2A-D). Cells recovered from mice injected with L. i. chagasi alone frequently presented
degenerated parasite inside vacuoles from neutrophils (fig. 2A) and monocyte (fig. 2B). In
contrast, when L. longipalpis SGS was inoculated together with Leishmania, viable parasites
were recurrently observed in both neutrophils (fig. 2C) and monocytes (fig. 2D), although the
relative number of these leukocytes were not enhanced by SGS plus L. i. chagasi inoculum
(fig. S1).
Effect of L. longipalpis SGS on eicosanoids production and L. i. chagasi infection ex vivo
It has been well demonstrated that different classes of eicosanoids promote both cellular
recruitment and safe removal of inflammatory cells coordinating the initial events of
inflammation [18]. In addition, LTB4 is important in host responses to infection because it
enhances leukocyte accumulation and phagocytic capacity [19]. We have previously
demonstrated that L. longipalpis is able to recruit neutrophils [20] and monocytes [14] to
peritoneal cavity and increases PGE2 but not LTB4 in these cells [14]. Considering these
findings, our further interest was to investigate whether L. longipalpis saliva is involved in
augmenting of PGE2 and LTB4 production by L. i. chagasi-infected mice. We measured PGE2
and LTB4 levels on supernatants of peritoneal cells recovered 1 hour after injection with L. i.
chagasi in the presence or absence of L. longipalpis SGS. Addition of SGS to Leishmania did
not alter PGE2 levels by peritoneal cells (fig. 3A) while LTB4 production was dramatically
reduced (fig. 3B). Concerning the fact that PGE2 and LTB4 present antagonistic effects on
inflammation and Leishmania infection [21,22], we addressed the inflammatory status of this
dynamic process by plotting the PGE2/LTB4 ratio (fig. 3C). L. longipalpis salivary
components triggered high PGE2/LTB4 ratio 1 h after stimulation (fig. 3C). Based on these
observations we hypothesized that L. longipalpis SGS favors L. i. chagasi infection by
inhibiting LTB4 production and favoring PGE2 formation. To assess if the manipulation of the
eicosanoid balance driven by SGS is important to L. i. chagasi infection in vivo, we inhibited
pharmacologically the PGE2 production by using a cicloxigenase-2 (COX-2) selective
inhibitor NS398. The inhibition of COX-2 decreased number of viable parasites in peritoneal
cells after L. i. chagasi infection in the presence of SGS (fig. 4).
Sand fly saliva displays an important role in the first steps of Leishmania infection. In this
regard, saliva induces cellular recruitment to inflammatory site, inhibits proinflammatory
cytokines and deactivates dendritic cells to mobilize regulatory T cells [5]. Previous studies
have shown the participation of eicosanoid in the inflammatory response triggered by sand fly
saliva [9,14,23]. Herein, we showed for the first time that saliva can modulate eicosanoid
profile with a balance skewed towards COX-2 driven PGE2 over LTB4 during early time post
L. i. chagasi inoculation, benefiting infection.
PGE2 production supports establishment of several pathogen infections [24]. In rats and mice,
Trypanossoma cruzi infection induces PGE2 by macrophages [25–27]. During Mycobacterium
bovis infection, the increase of PGE2 and TGF-β1 production by macrophages that phagocyte
apoptotic neutrophils in the inflammatory site increases infection [28]. In addition, the
interaction between human apoptotic neutrophils and macrophages also increases L.
amazonensis infection via PGE2 and TGF-β1 production [29]. On the other branch of the
inflammatory response is LTB4. The production of LTB4 is associated to increase of pathogen
killing [19,30]. In the context of Leishmania infection, LTB4 is involved in nitric oxide
production and reduced parasite burden in susceptible and resistant mice to L. amazonensis
[21]. We have previously shown that L. longipalpis saliva promptly activates macrophages to
produce PGE2 but not LTB4 [14] in vitro and ex vivo. In addition, SGS increases PGE2
production by neutrophils during L. i. chagasi infection [15]. Here we demonstrate that L.
longipalpis SGS reduce the early LTB4 production during L. i. chagasi, infection whereas
orchestrates an anti-inflammatory response by increment of PGE2 production. In addition, the
inoculation of L. longipalpis SGS plus L. i. chagasi increased parasite viability inside
peritoneal cells. The pharmacological inhibition of COX-2 reversed the effect of SGS on
enhancing parasite viability. These data suggest that the presence of sand fly SGS favors an
inflammatory balance which could facilitate the parasite transmissibility and infection since
eicoisanoid can be released faster than other mediators as cytokines and chemokines, which in
general need to be expressed after stimuli. In set our data show that eicosanoid profile induced
by sand fly saliva displays an important role in the inflammatory modulation during early
stages of L. i. chagasi infection and point out potential implications of the eicosanoid balance
in the immunopathogenesis of visceral leishmaniasis.
We thank Edvaldo Passos for technical assistance with the insect colony and Dr. Adriana
Lanfredi for electronic microscopy support.
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Figure legends
Figure 1. L. longiplapis SGS favors L. i. chagasi survival inside neutrophils and
monocytes. C57BL/6 mice were inoculated with L. i. chagasi and/or SGS according to
methods. Percentage of infected (A) neutrophils and (B) monocytes were estimated on Diff-
Quick-stained cytospin preparations. (C) The figure shows viable parasite counting recovered
by total infected peritoneal cells. Bars represent the mean ± SEM, n = 3. p values are shown
on graphs.
Figure 2. L. longiplapis SGS favors viability of L. i. chagasi inside neutrophils and
monocytes. C57BL/6 mice were inoculated with L. i. chagasi and/or SGS according to
methods. Transmission electron microscopic images of peritonial cells after 1h infection with
L. i. chagasi are shown. Disrupted L. i. chagasi inside neutrophils (A) and monocytes (B) are
showed. Viable parasites were observed in neutrophils (C) and monocytes (D) those animals
infected in the presence of L. longipalpis SGS. Insets indicated by white arrowheads shows
details of parasite inside parasitophorous vacuoles (PV) outlined in white (50k-fold
increase). P-parasite.
Figure 3. Eicosanoid production in response to L. longipalpis SGS during L. i. chagasi
infection. C57BL/6 mice were injected i.p. with saline (control), L. i. chagasi and/or SGS
according to methods. One hour after stimulation, peritoneal cavities were washed and cells
were harvested. The cells were then incubated with A23187 (0.5 mM) for 15 min at 37ºC to
evaluate LTB4 and PGE2 production. The concentrations of PGE2 (A) and LTB4 (B) in the
supernatant were measured by ELISA. (C) The figure shows the PGE2/LTB4 ratios. The data
are the means and SEM from an experiment representative of three independent experiments.
p values are showed on graphs.
Figure 4. Eicosanoid inhibition affects the parasite viability in vivo during L. i. chagasi
infection in the presence of SGS. C57BL/6 mice were treated with DMSO (vehicle – Veh),
NS398 2 mg/kg. After 1h of treatment, mice were injected i.p. with L. i. chagasi and SGS
according to methods. Graph shows viable parasite counting recovered by total infected
peritoneal cells. The data are the means and SEM from an experiment representative of three
independent experiments.
Supporting Information
Figure S1. Leukocyte recruitment in response to L. longipalpis SGS during L. i. chagasi
infection. C57BL/6 mice were injected i.p. with saline (control), L. i. chagasi and/or SGS
according to methods. One hour after stimulation, peritoneal cavities were washed and cells
were harvested. (A) Total leucocytes, (B) monocytes and (C) neutrophil were estimated on
Diff-Quick-stained cytospin preparations. The data are the means and SEM from an
experiment representative of three independent experiments. p values are showed on graphs.
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
Figure S1
Prostaglandin F2α Production in Lipid Bodies from Leishmania infantum chagasi is
a Critical Virulence Factor
A Produção Prostaglandina F2α em Corpúsculos Lipídicos de Leishmania infantum
chagasi é um crítico fator de virulência
Durante os estudos anteriores, ao tentarmos avaliar a formação de CLs em células
infectadas observamos a presença de CLs restrita ao parasito Leishmania. Neste
trabalho, nós caracterizamos a dinâmica de formação dos CLs de L. i. chagasi. Além
disso, verificamos o papel dessa organela na produção de prostaglandina F2α pelo
parasita e a importância deste eicosanoide durante a infecção de macrófagos.
Resumo dos resultados: Neste estudo nós descrevemos a dinâmica de formação e a
distribuição celular dos CLs nas distintas formas evolutivas de L. i. chagasi utilizando
técnicas de microscopia ótica convencional, confocal e microscopia eletrônica de
transmissão. Aqui, nós verificamos que a quantidade de CLs é aumentada durante a
metaciclogênese. Além disso, a expressão de PGF2α sintase (PGFS) foi maior nas
formas metacíclicas quando comparada às outras formas e a enzima foi localizada nos
CLs. A adição de ácido araquidônico AA à cultura de Leishmania aumentou a
quantidade de CLs por parasita, bem como os níveis de PGF2α nos sobrenadantes de
cultura. A infecção com as diferentes formas de L. i. chagasi não foi capaz de estimular
a formação de CLs na célula hospedeira. Entretanto, os parasitas intracelulares
apresentaram maiores quantidades de CLs. A infecção estimulou uma rápida expressão
de COX-2, mas não foi detectado aumento na produção de PGF2α nos sobrenadantes de
células infectadas. Por fim, nós verificamos a presença do receptor de PGF2α (FP) nos
vacúolos parasitóforos e o pré-tratamento das células com um antagonista do receptor
FP inibiu os índices de infecção de forma dose-dependente.
Este artigo foi submetido ao periódico internacional PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases
(Fator de impacto JCR 2011 = 4.716) e encontra-se em segunda fase de revisão por
Prostaglandin F2α Production in Lipid Bodies from Leishmania infantum chagasi is
a Critical Virulence Factor
Théo Araújo-Santos1,2,3, Nilda E. Rodríguez3,7, Sara de Moura Pontes1, 2, Upasna Gaur
Dixt3, Daniel R. Abánades4, Patrícia T. Bozza5, Mary E. Wilson3 and Valéria Matos
1. Gonçalo Muniz Research Center, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ), Salvador,
BA, Brazil;
2. Federal University of Bahia (UFBA), Salvador, BA, Brazil;
3. University of Iowa and the Iowa City VA Medical Center, Iowa City, IA, USA
4.Department of Chemical and Physical Biology, Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas,
C.S.I.C, Madrid, Spain
5. Oswaldo Cruz Institute, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.
6. Institute for Investigation in Immunology, iii-INCT (National Institute of Science and
Technology), São Paulo, Brazil
7. Present address, Department of Biology, University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls,
* Correspondence: [email protected]
Phone: +55 71 3176-2215. Fax: +55 71 3176-2279.
Footnote Page
The authors declare they have no commercial association that might pose a conflict of
Running Title
Lipid bodies from L. i. chagasi produce PGF2α
Lipid bodies (LB) are cytoplasmic organelles involved in eicosanoid production in
leukocytes. Eicosanoids such as prostaglandins (PG) have been implicated in the
immune response control. Parasites such as Leishmania are also capable of producing
PGs, but the role of parasite LBs in biosynthesis of PGs has not yet been investigated.
In this work, we studied the dynamics of LB formation and PG release from Leishmania
infantum chagasi. Using light and electron microscopy techniques, we described here
the cellular arrangement and abundance of LBs during development of the protozoan L.
i. chagasi. In this regard, a virulent metacyclic state of Leishmania displayed more LBs
as well as expressed high levels of PGF2α synthase (PGFS) compared to others
developmental stages. Moreover, PGFS was localized in the parasite LBs and the
addition of exogenous arachdonic acid to procyclic Leishmania cultures increased
parasite LBs formation and PGF2α release. During macrophage infection with L. i.
chagasi, LBs were restricted to parasites inside the parasitophorous vacuoles (PV).
Notwithstanding, Leishmania infection upregulated COX-2 expression but this was not
followed by PGF2α release by macrophages. We detected PGF2α receptor (FP) on the
Leishmania PV surface by immunogold electron and fluorescence microscopy. The
blockage of FP receptor with AL8810, a selective antagonist, dramatically hampered
Leishmania infection suggesting that PGF2α should be important to parasite infectivity.
Overall these results suggest that PGF2α production in LBs is a virulence factor to
metacyclic forms of L. i. chagasi. The data demonstrate novel functions for LBs and
PGF2α in the cellular biology of Leishmania, with possible implications for interactions
with the surrounding host microenvironment.
Author Summary
Leishmania parasites contain the enzymes to synthesize prostaglandin F2α (PGF2α). It is
unknown whether PGF2α associates with lipid body (LB) formation in parasites, and
whether LB from the parasite and/or the host macrophage contribute to parasite
infectivity. We report here that LBs increased in abundance during development of the
protozoan L. i. chagasi to a virulent metacyclic state, as did the expression of PGF2α
synthase (PGFS). The abundance of parasite LBs, and of PGFS and PGF2α were
modulated by exogenous arachdonic acid, a substrate of PGFS. Infected macrophages
rapidly upregulate COX-2 expression but this was not followed by PGF2α release,
suggesting that the macrophage metabolites were used by parasites inside the
parasitophorous vacuole. Moreover, inhibition of the host PGF2α receptor dramatically
hampered Leishmania infection, suggesting that this prostaglandin may facilitate
parasite infectivity. The data demonstrate novel functions for prostaglandin F2α
production in LBs and for the PGF2α receptor (FP) in the cellular biology of Leishmania
with critical implications for the host-parasite interactions.
Lipid bodies (also called lipid droplets) (LBs) are cytoplasmic organelles involved in
the storage and processing of lipids and are present in all cell types [1]. In leukocytes
and endothelial cells, LBs are critically involved in eicosanoid production because they
contain the necessary enzymatic machinery and substrates [2]. Several intracellular
pathogens take advantage of the LB formation in the host cells. The increase in the
number of host cell LBs and their recruitment to parasitophorous vacuoles have been
demonstrated in infections with Trypanossoma cruzi [3], Toxoplasma gondii [4],
Plasmodium falciparum [5], Chlamydia trachomatis [6] and Mycobacterium leprae [7]
The location of LBs close to phagolysosomes suggests that LBs could be used as a
source of nutrients by pathogens. In addition, an increase in the LB number in the
cytoplasm of macrophages is associated with release of PGE2 and enhancement of
M.bovis [8,9] and T. cruzi [3]. All together, these findings argue that induction of LB
formation by intracellular pathogens promotes their survival [10].
Notwithstanding the morphological similarity between the LBs in leukocytes and
parasites, the function of parasite LBs and the eicosanoid production by its LBs have
not been demonstrated. Eicosanoids, such as prostaglandins (PG), are bioactive
molecules produced from arachidonic acid (AA) metabolism by specific enzymes, such
as cyclooxyganase (COX) and prostaglandin synthases. Prostaglandins have been
implicated in the control of immune responses [11,12]. Despite the absence of COX
genes and homologous proteins in the Order Trypasomatidae protozoa, parasites such
as Leishmania are capable of producing PGs [13]. These parasites contain the
prostaglandin F2α synthase (PGFS) responsible for PGF2α production [14]. PGF2α acts
directly on the PGF2α receptor (FP) and triggers the activation of the COX pathway
[15]. However, the question of whether PG biosynthesis localizes in parasite has not
been investigated. Beside is unknown what the role of PGF2α and your FP receptor in
the Leishmania-host interplay.
In this study, we investigated the dynamics of LB formation and PGF2α release in
Leishmania infantum chagasi (L. i. chagasi). In addition, we investigated the role of the
FP receptor in macrophages during L. i. chagasi infection. Our findings demonstrated
an increase in the expression of PGFS during L. i. chagasi metacyclogenesis and
showed that parasite-derived PGF2α plays a critical role in macrophage infection.
Materials and Methods
Antibodies and Reagents
The L-glutamine, penicillin, streptomycin, RPMI 1640 medium, Ca2+ Mg2+-free HBSS-/-
and HBSS+/+ with Ca2+ and Mg2+ were purchased from Gibco (Carlsbad, CA).
Dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) was purchased from ACROS Organics (New Jersey, NJ).
The rabbit anti-FP receptor antibody, PGF2α enzyme-linked immunoassay (EIA) Kit and
AA were from Cayman Chemical (Ann Arbor, MI). The 4,4-difluoro-1,3,5,7,8-
pentamethyl-4-bora-3a,4a-diaza-s-indacene (BODIPY 493/503) was obtained from
Molecular Probes (Eugene, OR) and osmium tetroxide (OsO4) was from Electron
Microscopy Science (Fort Washington, PA). Aqua-polymount was from Polysciences
(Warrington, PA). Thiocarbo-hydrazide and N-ethyl-N’- (3-dimethylaminopropyl)
carbodiimide hydrochloride (EDAC) were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis,
MO). Rat 1D4B anti-LAMP antibody was from the University of Iowa (Iowa City, IA).
The Texas Red-conjugated with goat anti-rabbit IgG and Vectashield H-1000 and 1200
medium were purchased from Vector Labs (Burlingame, CA). Alexa Fluor 647 and
488-conjugated with goat anti-rat IgG were purchased from Molecular Probes
(Carlsbad, CA).
Inbred male BALB/c mice, age 3–5 weeks, were obtained from the animal facility of
Centro de Pesquisas Gonçalo Moniz, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (CPqGM-FIOCRUZ,
Bahia, Brazil). The animals were kept at a temperature of 24 °C, with free access to
food and water and light and dark cycles of 12 hours each.
Ethics Statement
All experiments were performed in strict accordance with the recommendations of the
Brazilian National Council for the Control of Animal Experimentation (CONCEA). The
Ethics Committee on the use of experimental animals (CEUA) of the Centro de
Pesquisas Gonçalo Moniz, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz – (Permit Number: 27/2008)
approved all protocols.
Wild-type Parasites
The Leishmania chagasi promastigotes (MHOM/BR/00/1669) were serially passed
through Syrian hamsters and isolated from spleens. Parasites were cultured in
hemoflagellate-modified minimal essential medium (HOMEM) containing 10% HI-FCS
for 7–9 days until the culture reached stationary phase. To obtain a pure population of
logarithmic-phase promastigotes, the cultures were re-diluted every 2 days for at least 3
consecutive cycles [16]. Metacyclic promastigotes were isolated from the stationary
cultures using the Ficoll-Hypaque (Sigma St. Louis, MO) density gradient separation
method described previously [17]. Amastigotes were isolated from the spleens of the
infected male Syrian hamsters and were incubated overnight h in amastigote growth
medium containing 20% FCS at 37ºC and 5% CO2, pH 5.5 [18].
LcJ Parasites
The LcJ parasite line, derived from wild-type L. i. chagasi, converts between
promastigote and amastigote forms in axenic culture. LcJ promastigotes were
maintained in HOMEM, and amastigotes were maintained in a low pH medium with
fetal calf serum, as reported [19]. Parasites were switched from one stage to the other
every 3 weeks. To ensure that the LcJ promastigotes or amastigotes were fully
converted, the experiments were performed using parasites that were passaged three
times under conditions specific for each stage[18].
Cloning, Expression and Purification of Prostaglandin F2α Synthase from L. i.
The prostaglandin f2-alpha synthase/D-arabinose dehydrogenase (PGFS) coding region
(genedb code: LinJ31_V3.2210) was amplified from L. i. chagasi total DNA using the
polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and was cloned into the BamHI site of pBluescript
vector using the primers 5’-CGGGATCCATGGCTGACGTTGGTAAGGC-3’ and 5’-
CCAAGCTTTAGAACTGCGCCTCATCGGG-3’ (the restriction sites are underlined).
Amplification of the correct gene sequence was confirmed by DNA sequence analysis
(CPqGM – FIOCRUZ facility) and the coding region was subcloned in frame with an
N-terminal His6 tab in the pQE30 expression vector (Qiagen, Germany).
Expression of the recombinant protein was induced in E. coli cultures by the addition of
2 mM isopropyl β-D-1-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG) for 3 h at 37ºC. The bacterial
lysates were loaded onto nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA) chromatographic columns, and the
protein purification was performed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions
(Qiagen, Germany).
Production of Antiserum Against L. i. chagasi Prostaglandin F2α Synthase
C57BL/6 mice were immunized intraperitoneally with 50μg of L. i. chagasi PGFS
recombinant protein in the presence of a 50% solution of Freud’s incomplete adjuvant
(Sigma-Aldrich) three times with a 15-day interval between each immunization. After
each immunization, mouse serum was collected and evaluated the anti-PGFS antibody
production using ELISA on plates coated with the PGFS recombinant protein (see
Figure S1A). The specificity of the antiserum to the L. i. chagasi PGFS protein was
evaluated by Western blot analysis of the L. i. chagasi total protein (see Figure S1B) as
described below.
Western Blotting
Leishmania parasites (2x108/mL) at different stages were lysed using LyseM solution
(Roche Mannheim, Germany). Sample protein concentrations were measured using the
BCA protein assay (Pierce, Rockford, IL). Total proteins (30μg) were separated by 10%
SDS–PAGE and were transferred to nitrocellulose membranes. The membranes were
blocked in Tris-buffered saline (TBS) supplemented with 0.1% Tween 20 (TT) plus 5%
dry milk for 1 h before incubation overnight in murine anti-PGFS (1:1,000) antibodies.
After the removal of the primary antibody, the membranes were washed five times in
TT and were incubated in the peroxidase-conjugated secondary antibody (1:5,000) for
1h. The membranes were washed and developed using the ECL chemiluminscence kit
(Amersham, UK). The membranes were stripped in accordance with the manufacturer’s
instructions (Amersham, UK) and reprobed with primary anti-α tubulin (1:1,000)
antibody as a loading control. The protein bands were detected using the ImageQuant
LAS 4000 system (GE, Piscataway, NJ).
Culture and Infection of Bone Marrow Macrophages
Bone marrow cells were harvested from BALB/c mouse femurs and cultured at 37ºC
and 5% CO2 in RPMI-1640 medium supplemented with 10% HI-FCS, 2 mM L-
glutamine, 100 U/ml penicillin, and 50 mg/ml streptomycin (RP-10), and 20% L929 cell
culture supernatant (American Tissue Type Collection, Manassas, VA) as a source of
macrophage colony-stimulating factor. After 7–9 days, differentiated adherent bone
marrow derived macrophages (BMMs) were detached from the plate using 2.5 mg/ml
trypsin plus 1 mM EDTA (Gibco) [18]. Bone marrow macrophages (3x105/well) were
plated on coverslips in 24-well plates and cultured at 37ºC, 5% CO2 in RP-10 for 24
BMMs were either treated with 50, 10 and 1 µM of AL 8810 isopropyl ester or with
ethanol as the vehicle control. Treated macrophages were infected with non-opsonized
metacyclics promastigotes at a multiplicity of infection (MOI) of 10:1, LcJ
promastigotes at a MOI of 20:1 or LcJ amastigotes at a MOI of 3:1. Macrophage
binding was synchronized by centrifugation of BMMs and parasites for 3 min at 1,200
rpm and 4ºC, followed by placement at 37ºC, 5% CO2 at time = 0.
After 30 min extracellular parasites were removed by rinsing twice with HBSS without
Ca++ or Mg++ (HBSS-/-) followed by the addition of fresh RP-10. After specified times,
some coverslips were fixed, and stained with Diff Quik (Wright-Giemsa). Intracellular
parasites were counted under light microscopy. Other coverslips were harvested after 1,
4, 8, 24, 48 or 72 h, fixed in 2% paraformaldehyde and analyzed by confocal
microscopy as described below.
Measurement of PGFα production
Supernatants from Leishmania cultures medium or infected macrophages were collected
for measurement of PGF2α by enzyme-linked immunoassay (EIA) according to the
manufacturer’s instructions (Cayman Chemical, Ann Arbor, MI).
COX-2 Expression
Total RNA was extracted from infected BMMs using RNeasy Protect Mini Kit (Qiagen,
USA) 1, 4 and 24 hours after infection. First-strand cDNA synthesis was performed
with 1µg of RNA in a total volume of 25 µL by using SuperScript II (Gibco, USA).
Oligonucleotide primers used were: GAPDH 5’-CTGACATGCCGCCCTGGAG-3’ and
All primers were synthesized by Integrated DNA Technologies, Inc. (Coralville, Iowa).
RT-PCRs were performed by using µ10 L Fast SYBR Green Master Mix in a total
volume of 20µL including cDNA samples and primers. The results were expressed by
Confocal microscopy Analysis
Parasites were washed by centrifugation in HBSS-/- and subjected to cytospin onto glass
slides, fixed in 2% paraformaldehyde, permeabilized in 0.1% Triton X-100 for 10 min,
and rinsed with HBSS-/-. The parasites were incubated overnight in anti-PGFS
antiserum, and non-immune mouse serum as the negative control.
Infected macrophages were fixed in 2% paraformaldehyde and permeabilized with 0.1%
Triton X-100 in PBS for 15 min and blocked with 5% dry milk for 1 hour. To stain
parasitophorous vacuoles, BMMs were incubated with rat 1D4B anti-LAMP-1 (1:100)
in 5% milk/PBS overnight at 4°C, washed and incubated with secondary antibodies
(1:200) Alexa Fluor 647 or 488-conjugated with goat anti- rat IgG for 1h at room
Both parasites and infected BMMs were stained for lipid bodies and nuclei. Cells were
first incubated in BODIPY® 493/503 (10 µM) at room temperature for 1h to stain the
lipid bodies. Cells were washed and then stained with 5ηg/mL ethidium bromide to
stain the nuclei. Images were analyzed by confocal microscopy using a Zeiss 510
microscope equipped with ZEN2009 software (Carl Zeiss, Inc., Thornwood, NY).
In addition, uninfected and infected macrophages were stained with anti-FP receptor
antibody (1:20) overnight at 4ºC, washed and incubated with Texas Red-conjugated
with goat anti-rabbit IgG for 1h at room temperature. The FP receptor staining was
colocalized with anti-LAMPI and DAPI staining (Vector Laboratories, Burlingame,
CA). Samples were observed by AX-70 Olympus microscopy and images were
acquired using the software Image-Pro Plus (Media Cybernetics, Silver Spring, MD).
Transmission Electron Microscopy
Metacyclic L. i. chagasi or infected BMMs were centrifuged, and the pellets were
resuspended and fixed in a mixture of freshly prepared aldehydes (1%
paraformaldehyde plus 1% glutaraldehyde) in 0.1 M phosphate buffer (pH 7.4)
overnight at 4°C. A subset of metacyclic parasites were fixed using an imidazole-based
technique to stain the neutral lipids [20] prior to fixation. All cells were washed using
the 0.1 M phosphate buffer (pH 7.4) and embedded in molten 2% agar (Merck). Agar
pellets containing the cells were post-fixed in a mixture of 1% phosphate-buffered
osmium tetroxide and 1.5% potassium ferrocyanide (final concentration) for 1 h and
processed for resin embedding (PolyBed 812, Polysciences, Warrington, PA). The
sections were mounted on uncoated 200-mesh copper grids and were viewed using a
transmission electron microscope (JEOL JEM-1230, Tachikawa, Tokyo). Grids were
examined at 50–120,000X magnification.
Immunogold Electron Microscopy
The infected macrophages and metacyclic L. i. chagasi were processed for immunogold
staining. Cells were fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde, 1% glutaraldehyde (Sigma, grade I),
and 0.02% picric acid in 0.1 M cacodilate buffer (pH 7.2) at 4 °C. Free aldehyde groups
were quenched in a 0.1-M glycine solution for 60 min. Cells were then dehydrated in a
methanol series and embedded at progressively lowered temperatures in Lowicryl K4M.
Thin sections containing the parasites were stained with mouse anti-PGFS antibody
(1:20), and the thin sections containing the infected macrophages were stained with
rabbit anti-FP receptor antibody (1:20) overnight at 4ºC. After incubation the sections
were washed with HBSS-/- and incubated with 10 ηm colloidal gold-AffiniPure-
conjugated anti-mouse or anti-rabbit IgG (H + L) for 1h at room temperature. The
samples were examined at 120,000X magnification using a transmission electron
microscope (JEOL JEM-1230, Tachikawa, Tokyo).
Statistical Analyses
Each experiment was repeated at least three times. The data are presented as the mean
plus SEM (standard error) of representative experiments and were analyzed using the
GraphPad Prism 5.0 software (GraphPad Software, San Diego, CA, USA). The dose-
response experiments were analyzed using one-way ANOVA with post-test to linear
trend, and comparisons between the two groups were analyzed using Student´s t-test.
The differences were considered statistically significant when p ≤ 0.05.
Lipid Body Arrangement During L. i. chagasi Metacyclogenesis
Lipid bodies can be visualized using techniques to stain neutral lipids, such as osmium
impregnation or BODIPY (a fluorescent probe) [21]. Both light and confocal
microscopic analyses were used to visualize and enumerate the LBs content in the
different developmental forms of L. i. chagasi (Figure 1A-F). We used the LcJ L. i.
chagasi parasite cell line that converts between promastigote and amastigote forms in
axenic culture [18]. Graphical representation of the numbers of lipid bodies per parasite
showed that LcJ amastigotes contained more LBs per cell than LcJ promastigotes in
logarithmic stage growth (Figure 1G). Similarly, wild-type (wt) L. i. chagasi
amastigotes isolated from spleens of infected hamsters contained more LBs than
promastigotes (Figure 1G). Remarkably, the LB content increased during
metacyclogenesis, with the lowest numbers in logarithmic, higher in unpurified
stationary and highest content in isolated metacyclic forms. The amount of LBs per
metacyclic promastigote cell did not differ statistically from LB number per amastigote
(Figure 1G). Next we investigated the ultrastructural arrangement of LBs in the
metacyclic forms of the L. i. chagasi, because this is the infective stage of the parasite.
Confocal microscopy showed that the LBs were arranged in a linear sequence near to
the cell nucleus (Figure 2A-B). In addition, we confirmed that the observed structures
were LBs using osmium imidazole-based (Figure 2C) and conventional Transmission
Electron Microscopy (TEM) (Figure 2D). The TEM analysis clearly showed the
location of the LBs close to the mitochondrion and cell nucleus in the metacyclic forms
(Figure 2D).
L. i. chagasi Lipid Bodies are Intracellular Sites for the Production of PGF2α
In Trypasomatidae, the only two enzymes in the eicosanoid synthesis pathway that have
been described are phospholipase A2 and PGFS [14]. To address whether PGFS is
associated with LBs and whether this association correlates with virulence of parasite
forms, we generated an anti-PGFS mouse antiserum against L. chagasi PGFS
recombinant protein (Supporting Information Figure S1A-B). The LcJ promastigotes
expressed higher levels of PGFS than amastigotes (Figure 3A). Strikingly, the PGFS
expression in L. i. chagasi metcyclic forms was increased compared to wt amastigotes
and procyclic forms (Figure 3A).
Lipid bodies are intracellular sites of eicosanoid synthesis in mammalian cells [22]. We
tested if this is the case for L. i. chagasi by investigating the subcellular localization of
PGFS in the metacyclic forms of the parasite. We verified that staining for PGFS was
strictly localized in the LBs (Figure 3B-D). Furthermore, we incubated wt L. i. chagasi
procyclic forms with different doses of arachdonic acid (AA) (3.75 – 30 µM), a major
eicosanoid precursor. AA induced both LB formation and a dose-dependent release of
PGF2α by Leishmania (Figure 4B-C). However, there was no detectable effect on the
cellular content of PGFS in the AA-stimulated L. i. chagasi procyclic forms (Figure
4A). These results suggest that: (i) L. i. chagasi LBs are the intracellular sites for PGF2α
production, (ii) the promastigote production of PGF2α increases in response to AA and
(iii) this prostaglandin is released from the parasite to the extracellular environment.
Because compartmentalization is an important component of eicosanoid synthesis, a
failure to induce the total cellular abundance of the PGFS biosynthetic enzyme does not
signify a failure to increase its activity.
Leishmania-driven PGF2α promotes L. i. chagasi infection of macrophages
Several intracellular pathogens induce LB formation and recruitment to parasitophorous
vacuoles [22]. Intriguingly, our data suggest that the different developmental stages of
L. i. chagasi forms did not induce host cell LB formation during infection of bone
marrow-derived macrophages (BMMs). In contrast, we observed that the LB staining
was restricted to the L. i. chagasi cell itself within the infected BMM (Figure 5A-B;
Figure 7A-D and Video S1). Because we have documented PGF2α release from L. i.
chagasi, we decided to assess the role of this eicosanoid in BMM infection. PGF2α acts
directly on the FP receptor and triggers the activation of the COX pathway [15]. The
distribution of FP receptor was observed by confocal immunofluorescence in uninfected
and L.i. chagasi -infected BMMs for 1h (Figure 6). The FP receptor staining in
uninfected cell present diffuse in the cytoplasm while in infected cell it was punctual
and near to the early phagocytic vacuoles and to parasitophorous vacuoles containing
parasites (Figure 6). Using immunogold TEM to investigate BMMs infected for 1 hr
with L.i. chagasi, we observed that the FP receptor, which recognizes PGF2α, was
localized near to the parasitophorous vacuoles (Figure 7E-F).
In addition, BMMs triggered a rapid expression of COX-2 mRNA after 1-4 hours of
infection (Figure 8A). Surprisingly, the infected BMMs did not release PGF2α at the
early time points (Figure 8B). These results suggest that the COX-2 products of AA
metabolism could be being internalized and used by the parasites. Accordingly,
pretreatment of BMMs with AL8810, a specific inhibitor of the FP receptor, resulted in
a dose-dependent decrease in L. i. chagasi infection (Figure 9A-C). Furthermore,
inhibition of the FP receptor decreased the infection index levels in BMMs infected
with all forms of parasites examined, i.e., amastigotes, procyclics and metacyclics
(Figure 9A-C). Taken together, these results indicate that PGF2α plays an important role
in L. i. chagasi infection.
Lipid bodies can play important roles as nutritional sources and in eicosanoid
production during host-pathogens interactions [23,24]. Eicosanoids released by
macrophage LBs have the potential to modulate immune response [10,22]. Despite of
this, the role of eicosanoids produced by parasites and the cellular mechanism involved
in their production have not been previously addressed. In the present study, we
demonstrate that the LBs in L. i. chagasi are intracellular sites of prostaglandin
production. Because LBs increase during both metacyclogenesis and in the intracellular
amastigote form, we hypothesize that they could act as virulence factors. In addition, the
LBs in L .i. chagasi are responsible for the production of PGF2α, which we also
demonstrate here that is important for the modulation of macrophage infection.
LBs have been associated with other infectious agents, such as T. gondii and P.
falciparum [10]. The increase in the number of LBs in these parasites was demonstrated
in in vitro cultures and is associated with the acquisition of lipids, such as
triacylglycerol (TAG), from the host cell during infection [25]. Herein, we demonstrate
that L. i. chagasi increases the lipid storage in the LBs and amplifies the expression of
PGFS during metacyclogenesis, demonstrating that the parasites can mobilize the
eicosanoid machinery in the infective forms of the parasite.
The biology of LBs in mammalian cells is relatively well understood. In leukocytes, LB
formation is a coordinated process involving the activation of receptors and kinase
proteins [2]. Similarly, recent studies in leukocytes have shown that T. brucei modulate
the LB number via the activation of a specific parasite kinase named lipid droplet kinase
LDK [26]. In the current study, we found that AA, a substrate of parasite PGFS,
increases both the number of LBs and the release of PGF2α by L. i. chagasi. Previous
studies have shown that AA induce parasites to release prostaglandins, such as PGE2,
PGD2 and PGF2α [13,14,27,28]. Here we extend these observations and show an
association of these mediators with parasite infectivity. Our data suggest that L. i.
chagasi-derived PGF2α may be important for parasite virulence because the expression
of PGFS in the parasite increase during metacyclogenesis. In addition, the PGFS is
expressed predominantly in LBs, indicating that LBs are the major intracellular site for
the production of prostaglandins in L. i. chagasi (Figure 10).
It has been reported that the host cell LBs are an important source of TAG and
cholesterol for pathogens [23]. Indeed, pathogens can recruit host cell LBs to their
parasitophorous vacuoles during infection [3,6]. A recent study suggested that
Leishmania may use a similar mechanism to acquire lipids and to induce foam cell
formation [29]. However, our data demonstrated that the LBs formed during the L. i.
chagasi infection are exclusively from the parasites because the LBs are located inside
the parasites within the parasitophorous vacuoles in the infected macrophages. Further
studies will be necessary to elucidate how Leishmania acquires lipids from the host cells
for its metabolism.
The role of PGF2α in the immune response is not well understood. Macrophages can
produce PGF2α during inflammation [30] or during L. donovani infection [27]. PGF2α
ligates and activates the FP receptor to enhance COX-2 expression in the 3T3-L1 cell
line, and the autocrine signaling of this mediator increases PGE2 and PGF2α levels [15].
Herein, we demonstrate that the FP receptor is localized in the early phagocytic
vacuoles and surface parasitophorous vacuoles during macrophages infection with
metacyclic forms of L. i. chagasi (Figure 10). In addition, the L. i. chagasi-infected
macrophages rapidly express COX-2 but do not release PGF2α. These results are
consistent with previous studies showing that Leishmania infections trigger COX-2
expression [29,31–33]. We hypothesize that the COX-2 expression observed in the L. i.
chagasi-infected macrophages is induced by the PGF2α released from parasites, and that
the metabolites from COX-2 enzyme, such as prostaglandin H2 (PGH2), in the
macrophages could be harvested by the L. i. chagasi inside the parasitophorous
vacuoles. We further reinforce this idea by showing that the inhibition of the FP
receptor in the macrophages diminishes the L. i. chagasi parasite load 72h after
Our findings demonstrate that LBs and PGFS from L. i. chagasi are upregulated in the
metaclyclic forms of the parasites and the role of PGF2α and your FP receptor in the
Leishmania-host interplay. They also suggest that parasite derived eicosanoids may
enhance the survival of the parasite inside macrophages. Further studies will be
necessary to elucidate how intracellular Leishmania could acquire lipids from the host
cells and if and how they in turn release eicosanoid precursors into the infected
macrophage cytoplasm. Ultimately this could reveal a major mechanism through which
the parasite controls the inflammatory microbicidal state of the infected host cell.
We thank Dr. Bruno Bezerril Andrade, Dr. Petter F. Entringer, Msc. Leonardo Arruda,
Dr. Claudia Ida Brodskyn and Dr. Marcelo T. Bozza for their helpful discussions, and
Dr. Adriana Rangel and Dr. Claudio Figueira for their technical assistance with the
TEM and Dr Jian Shao, Dr Milena Soares and Carine M. Azevedo for his assistance
with confocal microscopy. We also thank to Dr. Jason L. Weirather and Dr. Bradjsh
Kumar Singh for their technical help in the laboratory and for their discussions.
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Figure Legends
Figure 1. LB number during in vitro differentiation of L. i. chagasi. LcJ axenic
parasite strain, which converts between amastigote and promastigote forms in vitro and
wild-type (wt) metacyclic parasites were stained with (A-C) osmium tetroxide. (D-F)
show merged images of confocal microscopy of the parasites to LBs stained with
BODIPY (green), DNA stained with ethidium bromide (red), and cell contours (DIC).
(G) shows the number of LBs in the different stages of Leishmania including the
amastigote and promastigote LcJ axenic parasites strain and wt parasites. Ama:
Amastigote; Pro: Procyclic; Log: Logarithmic; Sta: Stationary: Meta: Metacyclic. Bars
represent the mean ± SEM from LB per parasite; n = 3; ***, p<0.001 between groups
(One-way ANOVA).
Figure 2. Cellular characterization of LBs in metacyclic promastigotes of L. i.
chagasi. (A) Schematic representation of the arrangement of the LBs in most
metacyclic forms, also shown microscopically in (B) by merge between LBs (green),
DNA (red), and cell contours (DIC). Neutral lipids were detected using osmium
imidazole-based (C) or conventional TEM (D). Lipid bodies are indicated with white
arrowheads. C-D, Left panels show details of indicated LBs. m – mitochondrion; k –
Figure 3. Leishmania LBs are intracellular sites for the production of PGF2α. (A)
Immunoblot comparing the abundance of PGFS at different stages in the wild-type (wt)
or LcJ strain of L. i. chagasi, as described in the methods section. Blots were incubated
with polyclonal antiserum to recombinant PGFS (see Figure S1A- B). B, left panel
shows merged image of metacyclic promastigotes visualized by confocal microscopy
with anti-PGFS (blue), LBs stained with BODIPY (green), DNA stained with ethidium
bromide(red), and cell contours (DIC). B, right panels show the left white box area as
individual stains and a merged image to visualize PGFS co-localization with LBs. C and
D show PGFS localized close to the LBs in the metacyclic forms of two different
parasites by post-embedding immunogold staining (120k-fold increase). Black
arrowheads indicate the immunogold staining of PGFS.
Figure 4. LBs formation and PGF2α release are modulated by arachdonic acid. (A)
Immunoblot documents the abundance of PGFS in the procyclic forms of L. i. chagasi
stimulated with arachdonic acid (AA), vehicle (veh) or buffer (CTR) for 12 h. (B)
Parasites were incubated with different doses of AA (3.75 – 30 µM) for 72 h, and then
stained with osmium tetroxide to enumerate the LBs. (C) Supernatants from
promastigotes in panel B were harvested and PGF2α levels were measured. Significance
was tested by one-way ANOVA with post-test linear trend. Bars represent the mean ±
SEM, n = 3.
Figure 5. LBs are restricted to parasites during macrophage infection. (A) shows
images of BMMs infected with LcJ amastigotes and promastigotes for 24 h. Nuclei
were stained with ethidium bromide (red), parasitophorous vacuole (PV) membranes
were stained with anti-Lamp1 (blue), and LBs were stained with BODIPY (green). (B)
shows a z-section sequence of images through an infected BMM. White arrowheads
indicate the LBs inside PVs after 1 hour of LcJ amastigote infection (see Video S1).
Figure 6. Localization of FP receptor during early macrophage infection. BMMs
were infected or not with metacyclic L. i. chagasi for 1h and FP receptor localization
was shown in the uninfected (left panel) and infected cells (right panels). Nuclei were
stained with DAPI (red), parasitophorous vacuole (PV) membranes were stained with
anti-Lamp1 (blue), and PGF2α receptors (FP) were stained using anti-FP receptor or IgG
control (green). Merge of fluorescence and differential interference contrast (DIC)
microscopy shows images from uninfected and infected.
Figure 7. LBs and FP receptor arrangement in the Leishmania-infected
macrophage. Transmission electron microscopic images of BMMs after 1h infection
with metacyclic L. chagasi are shown. (A) shows an infected BMM with
parasitophorous vacuoles (PV) outlined in white. Panels B (80k-fold increase), C, and
D (120k-fold increase) show details of LBs inside the parasites. (E) shows post-
embedding immunogold staining for FP receptor (50k-fold increase). (F) shows details
of FP receptor arrangement close to the PVs in the black box region from the panel B
(120k-fold increase). FP receptor staining is indicated by black arrowheads. P –
Figure 8. COX-2 expression and PGF2α release during macrophage infection. (A)
shows the COX-2 transcript levels measured using qPCR in BMMs infected with LcJ
amastigotes, promastigotes and wt metacyclics for 1, 4 and 24 hours and processed
immediately. * p<0.05 (Student’s t-test). (B) shows the kinetic of PGF2α levels released
by BMMs infected with L. i. chagasi metacyclic forms for 1-48 hours. * p<0.05
(Student’s t-test).
Figure 9. Inhibition of the FP receptor hampers L. i. chagasi infection. BMMs were
pretreated for 1 h with AL8810 (50-1 µM), a FP receptor antagonist, and infected with
(A) LcJ amastigotes, (B) promastigotes or (C) wt metacyclic forms of the parasite for 72
h. Infection index is illustrated (One-way ANOVA with post-test´s linear trend). Bars
represent the mean ± SEM, n = 3.
Figure 10. Schematic view of LB formation and PGF2α release in L. i. chagasi
during macrophage infection. (i) LBs are intracellular sites of PGF2α in L. i. chagasi.
PGFS is localized in the LBS and increase during metacyclogenesis. In addition, LBs
and PGF2α can be up regulated by AA in promastigote forms. (ii) FP receptor is
mobilized to macrophages PVs, and there it is activated by PGF2α increasing parasite
Supporting Information
Figure S1. Specificity of antiserum against prostaglandin F synthase from L. i. chagasi.
(A) C57BL/6 mice were immunized intraperitoneally with three doses of PGFs
recombinant protein (30 µg) plus incomplete Freud´s adjuvant (IFA), and the serum
conversion was measured using ELISA using plates coated with recombinant PGFS. (B)
Immunoblot showing the specific binding of the PGFS antiserum in to membranes
containing L. chagasi total promastigote lysate.
Video S1. LBs are restricted to parasitophorous vacuoles during macrophage infection.
BMMs were infected with LcJ amastigotes at an MOI of 3 parasites:1 macrophage for 1
h. Nuclei were stained with ethidium bromide (red), parasitophorous vacuole (PV)
membranes were stained with anti-Lamp1 (blue), and LBs were stained with BODIPY
(green). The movie shows the z-section sequence of images.
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
Figure 5
Figure 6
Figure 7
Figure 8
Figure 9
Figure 10
Figure S1
Sob condições inflamatórias, eicosanoides são prioritariamente produzidos em
organelas citoplasmáticas denominadas corpúsculos lipídicos, os quais são formados em
leucócitos e outras células envolvidas na resposta inflamatória às infecções e diversos
outros estímulos (BOZZA et al., 2009). Os eicosanoides exercem um importante papel
na infecção por Leishmania.
Nessa tese foram abordadas as participações de
eicosanoides e corpúsculos lipídicos na interface da interação parasita-vetor-célula
hospedeira. Nós verificamos que: (1) a saliva de L. longipalpis é capaz de modular a
biogênese dos corpúsculos lipídicos e a produção de eicosanoides; (2) o perfil de
mediadores lipídicos favorece o estabelecimento da infecção e possivelmente a
transmissão do parasito e, além disso, (3) nós demonstramos os mecanismos pelo qual a
L. i. chagasi produz eicosanoides e que estes também são importantes para a
infectividade da forma metacíclica, a forma envolvida na fase inicial de transmissão do
parasita do flebótomo para o hospedeiro vertebrado.
A saliva de flebotomíneos induz uma resposta inflamatória caracterizada pelo
influxo celular seguido por um mecanismo de supressão da resposta imunológica e
hemostática do hospedeiro (ANDRADE et al., 2005). Nosso grupo de pesquisa e outros
tem demonstrado o papel da saliva como marcador epidemiológico e como modulador
da resposta imune do hospedeiro (CHARMOY et al., 2010; PETERS; SACKS, 2009)
(MANUSCRITO II). Entretanto, a participação da saliva na indução de eicosanoides,
bem como sua associação com a biogênese de corpúsculos lipídicos ainda não haviam
sido investigadas até o presente estudo. Aqui, nós mostramos que a saliva de L.
longipalpis induz a formação de corpúsculos lipídicos e produção de PGE2 em
macrófagos peritoneais ex vivo e in vitro via a fosforilação de quinases e ativação de
Estudos anteriores demonstraram em vários modelos experimentais que a
saliva de flebótomo é capaz de induzir o recrutamento celular (CARREGARO et al.,
2008; MONTEIRO et al., 2007; SILVA et al., 2005; TEIXEIRA et al., 2005). Peters e
cols. (2008) mostraram um perfil semelhante de recrutamento durante a picada de
flebótomo usando um sistema de aquisição de imagem intravital. Aqui, nós
confirmamos os relatos anteriores de que a saliva de L. longipalpis induz um infiltrado
inflamatório composto principalmente de macrófagos e neutrófilos. Além disso,
mostramos que o recrutamento celular induzido pela saliva ocorre concomitante com a
produção de PGE2 e LTB4 (MANUSCRITOS I e III). Neste cenário, os eicosanoides
poderiam estar deflagrando o recrutamento celular. A produção de LTB4 por
macrófagos residentes é responsável por induzir a migração de neutrófilos (OLIVEIRA
et al., 2008). Além disso, outros estímulos inflamatórios como o LPS induzem a
migração de macrófagos através da produção de PGD2 e PGE2 (TAJIMA et al., 2008).
A PGE2 é o eicosanoide mais comumente produzido por células inflamatórias,
e que é conhecido por exercer efeitos anti-inflamatórios e vasodilatadores. Esses efeitos
são úteis para a manutenção da hematofagia de alguns insetos. A saliva do carrapato
Ixodes scapularis, por exemplo, contém níveis farmacológicos de PGE2, o qual está
implicado na atividade imunomoduladora da saliva na ativação de células dendríticas e
macrófagos (SÁ-NUNES et al., 2007). Estudos anteriores utilizando a saliva de
Phlebotomus sugerem que as propriedades anti-inflamatórias da saliva podem ser
atribuídas à produção PGE2 e IL-10 por células dendríticas (CARREGARO et al., 2008;
MONTEIRO et al., 2005). Nestes estudos, o recrutamento celular induzido pela
estimulação OVA foi inibido em presença da saliva, o qual foi associado com um perfil
anti-inflamatório dependente da produção de IL-10, IL-4 (MONTEIRO et al., 2005) e
PGE2 (CARREGARO et al., 2008). Já a saliva de L. longipalpis contém o maxadilan,
um peptídeo vasodilatador com atividades imunomoduladoras que é capaz de induzir
em macrófagos ativados com LPS a produção de PGE2 via ativação de COX-1
(SOARES et al., 1998). Aqui, nós demonstramos que a saliva de L. longipalpis induz a
produção de PGE2 em macrófagos residentes pela ativação da COX-2, uma vez que a
inibição farmacológica com NS-398 reverteu esse efeito da saliva (MANUSCRITO I).
Além disso, nós investigamos a presença de PGE2 na saliva de L. longipalpis, mas não
encontramos níveis detectáveis deste eicosanoide (dado não mostrado).
Corpúsculos lipídicos de células inflamatórias podem conter enzimas
relacionadas com o metabolismo de eicosanoides tais como a COX e 5-LO (BOZZA et
al., 2009). Estudos anteriores têm mostrado que vários estímulos inflamatórios e
infecciosos são capazes de induzir a formação de CLs em macrófagos (BOZZA;
MELO; BANDEIRA-MELO, 2007; BOZZA et al., 2009). Nós verificamos que a saliva
L. longipalpis induz a formação de CLs em macrófagos in vivo e in vitro, sugerindo que
a saliva atua diretamente sobre estas células. Além disso, os CLs induzidos em
macrófagos pela saliva de L. longipalpis parecem estar comprometidos com a produção
de PGE2, uma vez que nós observamos a co-localização das enzimas COX-2 e PGEsintase nestas organelas (MANUSCRITO I).
Dados referentes ao efeito direto dos componentes da saliva de L. longipalpis
sobre vias de sinalização nas células hospedeiras são escassos. MAP quinases como
ERKs e proteína quinase C (PKC), estão entre as principais enzimas envolvidas na
sinalização nas respostas celulares, incluindo a produção de eicosanoides. As quinases
ERK1 e ERK2 induzem a ativação de cPLA2, uma enzima que hidrolisa fosfolipídios de
membrana liberando o AA, o qual é metabolizado em prostaglandina H2 pelas COXs
(BOZZA et al., 2009). Estudos anteriores demonstraram a compartimentalização em
CLs de MAP quinases e cPLA2 (MOREIRA et al., 2009; YU et al., 1998), bem como de
COX-2 e PGE-sintase (ACCIOLY et al., 2008; D’AVILA et al., 2006; PACHECO et
al., 2002). Aqui, nós verificamos que a saliva de L. longipalpis ativa a fosforilação de
ERK-1/2 e PKC-α em macrófagos (MANUNSCRITO I).
A ativação de COX-2 e a produção de PGE2 em macrófagos estimulados com
LPS são dependentes da fosforilação de quinases tais como PKC-α (GIROUX;
DESCOTEAUX, 2000) e ERK-1/2 (WEST et al., 2000). Nós mostramos que a
produção de PGE2 induzida pela saliva de L. longipalpis é dependente da atividade de
ERK-1/2 e PKC-α (MANUSCRITO I). Esta associação entre a ativação de quinases e o
metabolismo de eicosanoides dentro de CLs pode servir para aumentar a rápida
produção de eicosanoides em resposta a estímulos extracelulares tais como a saliva.
Além do seu papel na regulação da resposta do hospedeiro à infecção pela modulação
da produção de eicosanoides, os CLs também podem servir como fontes ricas de
nutrientes para os patógenos intracelulares, favorecendo assim a replicação intracelular
patógeno (BOZZA et al., 2009; D’AVILA; MAYA-MONTEIRO; BOZZA, 2008).
Apesar de grande parte dos estudos realizados sobre eicosanoides na infecção
por Leishmania envolver espécies que acometem o sistema tegumentar, parece claro que
existe uma dicotomia na resposta imune, em que a produção de produção de PGE2
beneficia a viabilidade do parasita (AFONSO et al., 2008; LONARDONI et al., 1994;
PINHEIRO et al., 2008), enquanto que a produção de LTB4 favorece a resolução da
infecção (SEREZANI et al., 2006). Por outro lado, Ansted e cols. (2001) demonstraram
de forma elegante que a produção de PGE2 facilitava a visceralização de L. donovani
em animais submetidos a uma dieta com restrição de Cu e Zn, mas não afetava a
parasitemia dos animais infectados (Ansted et al.; 2001), sugerindo que em outras
espécies de Leishmania o efeito da PGE2 poderia estar associado a disseminação do
parasita. A maioria dos estudos envolvendo eicosanoides negligencia em quais etapas
da infecção os eicosanoides poderiam estar envolvidos. Aqui, nós mostramos que a
saliva modula o perfil de eicosanoides de maneira que a ativação de COX-2 coordena a
produção de PGE2 em detrimento da produção de LTB4 nos momentos iniciais da
infecção por L. i. chagasi (MANUSCRITO III).
A importância da produção de PGE2 para o estabelecimento da infecção foi
demonstrada para alguns patógenos (D’AVILA; MAYA-MONTEIRO; BOZZA, 2008).
Em ratos e camundongos, a infecção com Trypanosoma cruzi induz produção de PGE2
por macrófagos (D’AVILA et al., 2011; FREIRE-DE-LIMA et al., 2000; MELO et al.,
2003). Um dos fatores responsáveis pela indução da produção de PGE2 por macrófagos
é o reconhecimento de células apoptóticas (FREIRE-DE-LIMA et al., 2000). A
interação entre neutrófilos apoptóticos e macrófagos aumenta a infecção por
Mycobacterium bovis via o aumento dos níveis de PGE2 e TGF-β1 (D’AVILA et al.,
2006). Um mecanismo similar foi demonstrado para infecção por L. amazonensis, onde
a interação entre neutrófilos apoptóticos e macrófagos humanos aumentou a infecção
com a participação de PGE2 e TGF-β1 (AFONSO et al., 2008).
A saliva de L. longipalpis aumenta a apoptose de neutrófilos ao mesmo tempo
em que aumenta a produção de PGE2 durante a infecção por L. i. chagasi in vitro
(PRATES et al., 2011). In vivo, é possível notar a interação entre macrófagos e
neutrófilos infectados, após poucas horas da infecção por L. i. chagasi (dado não
mostrado). Aqui, nós observamos que a saliva de L. longipalpis reduz a produção de
LTB4 nos momentos iniciais da infecção por L. i. chagasi, ao mesmo tempo que
estimula uma resposta anti-inflamatória pelo aumento da produção de PGE2
(MANUSCRITO III). Este ambiente induzido pela saliva em que prevalece a produção
de PGE2 sobre LTB4 aumenta a viabilidade dos parasitas dentro das células peritoneais.
Neste sentido, nós verificamos que a inibição farmacológica de COX-2 reverteu o efeito
da saliva de L. longipalpis sobre a viabilidade dos parasitas (MANUSCRITO III),
sugerindo que a presença da saliva favorece um balanço inflamatório que poderia
facilitar a transmissibilidade e infecção de L. i. chagasi , uma vez que eicosanoides
podem ser produzidos mais rápido do que outros mediadores tais como citocinas e
quimiocinas, os quais precisam ser expressos de novo.
A despeito da produção de eicosanoides pela célula hospedeira, parasitas
também são capazes de produzir eicosanoides (KUBATA et al., 2007). Entretanto, o
mecanismo celular envolvido nesta produção, bem como a importância dos
eicosanoides produzidos pelo parasito para a infecção permanece por ser esclarecida.
Nós demonstramos que os CLs de L. i. chagasi são sítios intracelulares de produção de
prostaglandina (MANUSCRITO IV). Uma vez que os CLs de L. i. chagasi aumentam
em número durante a metaciclogênese nós acreditamos que os CLs e as PGs
proveniente destes CLs sejam fatores de virulência em L, i. chagasi (MANUSCRITO
Os corpúsculos lipídicos têm sido associados com a virulência de diversos
patógenos, tais como T. gondii e P. falciparum (SAKA; VALDIVIA, 2012). O aumento
no número de CLs nos parasitas foi demonstrado em culturas in vitro e está associado
com a aquisição de lipídeos como o triacilglicerol (TAG) da célula hospedeira durante a
infecção por Toxoplasama (NISHIKAWA et al., 2005). Aqui, nós demonstramos que L.
i. chagasi aumenta o estoque de lipídios em CLs durante a metaciclogênese
(MANUSCRITO IV), sugerindo que os parasitas podem mobilizar o metabolismo
lipídico em suas formas infectivas.
A biologia dos CLs de leucócitos e outras células de mamíferos é relativamente
bem conhecida. Em leucócitos, a formação de CLs é um processo controlado e que
envolve a ativação de receptores de membrana, a fosforilação de proteínas quinase e a
produção de eicosanoides (BOZZA; MAGALHÃES; WELLER, 2009). Similarmente,
um estudo recente mostrou que a formação de CLs em T. brucei depende da ativação de
uma quinase específica do parasita denominada proteína quinase de corpúsculo lipídico
(LDK) (FLASPOHLER et al., 2010). Entretanto a associação dos CLs de outras células
eucarióticas que não as mamíferas, ainda não haviam sido associadas à produção de
eicosanoides até o presente estudo. Leishmania não possui PLA2 descrita em seu
genoma e não apresenta proteínas análogas às COXs para o metabolismo de AA à
eicosanoides. Kabutu e cols. (2003) descreveram a presença de uma PGFS em L.
donovani capaz de metabolizar AA à PGF2α (KABUTUTU et al., 2003). Aqui, nós
verificamos que a expressão da PGFS de L. i. chagasi aumenta durante a
metaciclogênese. Além disso, a PGFS foi localizada predominantemente em CLs,
indicando que CLs são os principais sítios intracelulares para a produção de
prostaglandinas em L. i. chagasi (MANUSCRITO IV), sugerindo que este pode ser um
fator de virulência.
A quantidade de CLs e a produção de eicosanoides podem ser moduladas pela
presença de AA (BOZZA et al., 2002; MOREIRA et al., 2009; WELLER; DVORAK,
1985). Estudos anteriores mostraram que o tratamento com AA induz L. donovani a
produzir as prostaglandinas PGE2, PGD2 e PGF2α (KABUTUTU et al., 2003; KUBATA
et al., 2000, 2007). Nós estendemos esses achados e demonstramos que a incubação de
L. i. chagasi com AA aumenta tanto a quantidade de CLs, quanto a produção de PGF2α,
embora a expressão da PGFS permaneça quase inalterada (MANUSCRITO IV).
Corpúsculos lipídicos das células hospedeiras são importantes fontes de TAG e
colesterol para os patógenos (MURPHY, 2012). Além disso, patógenos podem recrutar
CLs das células hospedeiras para o vacúolo parasitóforo durante a infecção
(COCCHIARO et al., 2008; D’AVILA et al., 2011). Um estudo recente sugeriu que
Leishmania pode utilizar um mecanismo similar para aquisição de lipídios do
hospedeiro (RABHI et al., 2012). Entretanto, nossos dados sugerem que os CLs
formados durante a infecção são exclusivamente do parasito intracelular, uma vez que
os CLs estão restritos aos parasitas dentro dos vacúolos parasitóforos dos macrófagos
infectados (MANUSCRITO IV). Estudos posteriores serão essenciais para elucidar
como Leishmania adquire lipídios da célula hospedeira para o seu metabolismo.
O papel do PGF2α na resposta imune ainda não havia sido elucidado até o
presente estudo. Macrófagos produzem PGF2α durante a inflamação (LEE et al., 2012)
ou durante a infecção por L. donovani (REINER; MALEMUD, 1985). PGF2α se liga,
ativa o receptor FP e induz a expressão de COX-2 em células de linhagem 3T3-L1, e a
sinalização autócrina deste mediador aumenta a produção de PGE2 e PGF2α (UENO;
FUJIMORI, 2011). Aqui, nós verificamos que o receptor FP está localizado na
superfície dos vacúolos parasitóforos de L. i. chagasi nos momentos iniciais da
infecção. Além disso, macrófagos infectados com L. i. chagasi expressaram
rapidamente COX-2 mas não liberaram PGF2α (MANUSCRITO IV). Nossos resultados
são consistentes com estudos anteriores que mostraram que a infecção com Leishmania
ativa a expressão de COX-2 (GIROUX; DESCOTEAUX, 2000; GREGORY et al.,
2008; MATTE et al., 2001). Nós hipotetizamos que a expressão de COX-2 observada
em macrófagos infectados é induzida pelo PGF2α produzido pelos parasitas e que os
metabólitos da enzima COX-2, tais como a prostaglandina H2 (PGH2) poderiam ser
captados pela L. i. chagasi nos vacúolos parasitóforos (MANUSCRITO IV). Essa idéia
é reforçada pela evidência encontrada durante a inibição do FP receptor em macrófagos,
a qual reduziu a carga parasitária nos macrófagos infectados (MANUSCRITO IV).
Esses dados sugerem que a PGF2α atua beneficiando a L. i. chagasi durante a infecção.
Em conjunto, os nossos dados sugerem que tanto o balanço de eicosanoides
modulado pela saliva, quanto à prostaglandinas produzidas pela L. i. chagasi
desempenham um papel importante nos momentos iniciais da infecção. Embora não
tenha sido o foco desse estudo, nós nos perguntamos quais seriam as implicações dos
nossos achados na LV crônica. Não existem dados experimentais ou clínicos sobre o
status de produção dos eicosanoides durante a LV. Em uma análise preliminar nós
verificamos que os níveis de PGE2 no soro de pacientes adultos com LV não alteram
com a infecção, enquanto que os níveis de PGF2α estiveram aumentados em relação aos
grupos de indivíduos assintomáticos (ver Anexo). Esses dados sugerem que PGF2α pode
ser importante para a infecção por L. i. chagasi mesmo durante a fase crônica da
doença. Estudos posteriores serão necessários para avaliar o papel das prostaglandinas
durante a doença estabelecida e serão importantes para estabelecer novos perfis de
tratamento em pacientes com LV.
 A saliva de L. longipalpis induz a formação de CLs em macrófagos
associada a produção de PGE2 via fosforilação de PKC-α e ERK-1/2 e
ativação de COX-2;
 A produção de PGE2 induzida pela saliva de L. longipalpis favorece a
viabilidade intracelular de L. i. chagasi in vivo em neutrófilos e macrófagos;
 Corpúsculos lipídicos são sítios intracelulares de produção de PGs em L. i.
 Prostaglandina F sintase é localizada em CLs e aumenta durante a
metaciclogênese de L. i. chagasi;
 A formação de CLs e a produção de PGF2α pode ser modulada pela presença
de AA em formas procíclicas de L. i. chagasi;
 A infeção por L. i. chagasi não induz a formação de CLs em macrófagos;
 O receptor FP é mobilizado para o VP de macrófagos e é importante para
infectividade de L. i. chagasi.
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Lutzomyia longipalpis saliva drives
apoptosis and enhances parasite burden in
Deboraci Brito Prates,*,† Théo Araújo-Santos,*,† Nı́vea Farias Luz,*,† Bruno B. Andrade,‡
Jaqueline França-Costa,*,† Lilian Afonso,*,† Jorge Clarêncio,* José Carlos Miranda,*
Patrı́cia T. Bozza,§ George A. DosReis,ⱍⱍ Cláudia Brodskyn,*,¶ Manoel Barral-Netto,*,†,¶
Valéria de Matos Borges,*,¶,1,2 and Aldina Barral*,†,¶,1,2
*Centro de Pesquisa Gonçalo Moniz (CPqGM)-Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (FIOCRUZ), Salvador, Brazil; †Universidade Federal da
Bahia, Salvador, Brazil; ‡Laboratory of Parasitic Diseases, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National
Institutes of Health, Besthesda, Maryland, USA; §Laboratório de Imunofarmacologia, Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro,
Brazil; ⱍⱍInstituto de Biofı́sica Carlos Chagas Filho, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; and
Instituto Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia de Investigação em Imunologia (iii-INCT), Salvador, Bahia, Brazil
RECEIVED FEBRUARY 25, 2011; REVISED MAY 3, 2011; ACCEPTED MAY 24, 2011. DOI: 10.1189/jlb.0211105
Neutrophils are considered the host’s first line of defense against infections and have been implicated in
the immunopathogenesis of Leishmaniasis. Leishmania
parasites are inoculated alongside vectors’ saliva,
which is a rich source of pharmacologically active substances that interfere with host immune response. In
the present study, we tested the hypothesis that salivary components from Lutzomyia longipalpis, an important vector of visceral Leishmaniasis, enhance neutrophil apoptosis. Murine inflammatory peritoneal neutrophils cultured in the presence of SGS presented
increased surface expression of FasL and underwent
caspase-dependent and FasL-mediated apoptosis.
This proapoptosis effect of SGS on neutrophils was abrogated by pretreatment with protease as well as preincubation with antisaliva antibodies. Furthermore, in
the presence of Leishmania chagasi, SGS also increased apoptosis on neutrophils and increased PGE2
release and decreased ROS production by neutrophils,
while enhancing parasite viability inside these cells. The
increased parasite burden was abrogated by treatment
with z-VAD, a pan caspase inhibitor, and NS-398, a
COX-2 inhibitor. In the presence of SGS, Leishmaniainfected neutrophils produced higher levels of MCP-1
and attracted a high number of macrophages by chemotaxis in vitro assays. Both of these events were abrogated by pretreatment of neutrophils with bindarit, an
inhibitor of CCL2/MCP-1 expression. Taken together,
our data support the hypothesis that vector salivary
proteins trigger caspase-dependent and FasL-medi-
Abbreviations: bindarit⫽2 methyl-2-1-(phenylmethyl)-1H-indazol-3yl[methoxy]
propanoic acid, CNPq⫽Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientı́fico e
Tecnológico, CPqGM-FIOCRUZ⫽Centro de Pesquisa Gonçalo Moniz-Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, H2DCFDA⫽dihydrodichlorofluorescein diacetate,
L⫽ligand, PS⫽phosphatidylserine, SGS⫽salivary gland sonicate
0741-5400/11/0090-575 © Society for Leukocyte Biology
ated apoptosis, thereby favoring Leishmania survival
inside neutrophils, which may represent an important
mechanism for the establishment of Leishmania
infection. J. Leukoc. Biol. 90: 575–582; 2011.
Neutrophils play complex roles in infection. They provide an
important link between innate and adaptive immunity during
parasitic infections [1, 2] but also undergo apoptosis and are
ingested by macrophages, thereby triggering secretion of antiinflammatory mediators [1, 3, 4]. At the onset of Leishmania
infection, neutrophils establish a cross-talk with other cells in
the development of an immune response [5], but the ultimate
outcome is controversial, as protective [6 – 8] and deleterious
[9 –12] effects to the host have been shown.
Leishmania is transmitted by bites from sandflies looking for
a blood meal. Tissue damage caused by sandfly probing [10]
and sandfly saliva [13] is a potent stimulus for neutrophil recruitment, which results in a rapid migration and accumulation of neutrophils at the site of the vector’s bite [10, 12, 14].
Pharmacological properties of the saliva from sandflies are diverse [15, 16], and we have shown recently that saliva from
Lutzomyia longipalpis, the main vector of Leishmania chagasi in
Brazil, triggers important events of the innate immune response [17]. Despite the recognition of the importance of
phlebotomine saliva and neutrophils in the initial steps of
leishmanial infection, the direct role of saliva on the parasiteneutrophil interplay has not been addressed.
Recent studies demonstrated the presence of Leishmaniainfected apoptotic neutrophils at the sandfly bite site [10];
1. These senior authors contributed equally to this work.
2. Correspondence: Centro de Pesquisa Gonçalo Moniz (CPqGM)-Fundação
Oswaldo Cruz (FIOCRUZ), Av. Waldemar Falcão, Candeal, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]
Volume 90, September 2011
Journal of Leukocyte Biology 575
however, a possible role of the sandfly saliva in this phenomenon remains unclear. Herein, we show an important FasL- and
caspase-dependent apoptosis effect of Lu. longipalpis SGS upon
neutrophils. In addition, the SGS-induced apoptosis favors L.
chagasi survival inside neutrophils. These results represent the
first evidence of direct effects of Lu. longipalpis SGS on host
neutrophils and bring implications for the innate immune response to Leishmania infection.
Mice and parasites
Inbred male C57BL/6 mice, aged 6 – 8 weeks, were obtained from the animal facility of CPqGM-FIOCRUZ (Bahia, Brazil). This study was carried out
in strict accordance with the recommendations of the International Guiding Principles for Biomedical Research Involving Animals. All experimental
procedures were approved and conducted according to the Brazilian Committee on the Ethics of Animal Experiments of the FIOCRUZ (Permit
Number: 027/2008). L. chagasi (MCAN/BR/89/BA262) promastigotes were
cultured at 25°C in Schneider’s insect medium, supplemented with 20%
inactive FBS, 2 mM L-glutamine, 100 U/ml penicillin, and 100 ␮g/ml
Sandflies and preparation of salivary glands
Adult phlebotomines from a Lu. longipalpis colony from Cavunge (Bahia,
Brazil) were reared at the Laboratório de Imunoparasitologia/CPqGM/
FIOCRUZ, as described previously [16]. Salivary glands were dissected from
5- to 7-day-old Lu. longipalpis females under a stereoscopic microscope
(Stemi 2000; Carl Zeiss, Jena, Germany) and stored in groups of 10 pairs in
10 ␮l endotoxin-free PBS at –70°C. Immediately before use, glands were
sonicated (Sonifier 450; Brason, Danbury, CT, USA) and centrifuged at
10,000 g for 4 min. Supernatants of SGS were used for experiments. The
level of LPS contamination of SGS preparations was determined using a
commercially available Limulus amoebocyte lysate chromogenic kit (QCL1000, Lonza Bioscience, Walkersville, MD, USA); negligible levels of endotoxin were found in the salivary gland supernatant. All experimental procedures used SGS in an amount equivalent to 0.5 pair of salivary glands/
group, representing ⬃0.7 ␮g protein [18].
Anti-Gr-1-FITC, anti-mouse CD178L-PE (FasL; CD95L), PE hamster IgG ␬
isotype control (anti-TNP), CBA mouse inflammation kit, neutralizing antibody anti-mouse FasL, and hamster IgG ␬ isotype control were purchased
from BD Biosciences (San Jose, CA, USA). Anti-mouse Ly-6G Alexa Fluor
647 was from BioLegend (San Diego, CA, USA). Annexin-V, PI (apoptosis
detection kit), and z-VAD-FMK were from R&D Systems (Minneapolis, MN,
USA). NS-398 and DMSO were from Cayman Chemical (Ann Arbor, MI,
USA). Proteinase K was from Gibco, Invitrogen (Grand Island, NY, USA).
RPMI-1640 medium and L-glutamine, penicillin, and streptomycin were
from Invitrogen (Carlsbad, CA, USA). Schneider’s insect medium and etoposide (VP-16) were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, MO, USA).
Nutridoma-SP was from Roche (Indianapolis, In, USA), and thioglycolate
was from Difco (Detroit, MI, USA). Bindarit was from Angelini Farmaceutici (Santa Palomba-Pomezia, Rome, Italy).
Inflammatory neutrophils
Peritoneal exudate neutrophils were obtained as described previously [19].
Briefly, C57BL/6 mice were i.p.-injected with aged 3% thioglycolate solution. Seven hours after injection, peritoneal lavage was performed using 10
ml RPMI-1640 medium supplemented with 1% Nutridoma-SP, 2 mM L-glutamine, 100 U/ml penicillin, and 100 ␮g/ml streptomycin. To remove adherent cells, exudate cells were incubated at 37°C in 5% CO2 for 1 h in
576 Journal of Leukocyte Biology
Volume 90, September 2011
250-ml flasks (Costar, Cambridge, MA, USA); cells on supernatants were
then recovered and quantified in a hemocytometer by microscopy. Cell viability was ⬎95%, as determined by trypan blue exclusion (data not shown).
Nonadherent cells were stained with anti-Gr-1 and Ly-6G to assess purity
and were subsequently analyzed by flow cytometry using CellQuest software
(BD Immunocytometry Systems, San Jose, CA, USA). Gr-1⫹ Ly-6G⫹ cells
were routinely ⬎95% pure.
Neutrophil apoptosis assay
For cell cultures, neutrophils (5⫻105/well) were cultured in 200 ␮l RPMI1640 medium, supplemented with 1% Nutridoma-SP, 2 mM L-glutamine,
100 U/ml penicillin, and 100 ␮g/ml streptomycin in 96-well plates (Nunc,
Denmark) in the presence of different doses of Lu. longipalpis SGS (0.5,
1.0, and 2.0 pairs/well). In some experiments, etoposide (20 ␮M) or LPS
(100 ng/well) was used as a positive control. Three hours and 20 h after
stimuli, neutrophil apoptosis was assessed by PS, exposed in the outer
membrane leaflet through labeling with annexin-V-FITC by FACS analyses
in combination with PI nuclear dye [19]. Annexin-V specificity was tested
using Ca2⫹-free buffer; binding was not observed in this case. Morphological criteria for apoptosis, such as separation of nuclear lobes and darkly
stained pyknotic nuclei, were also applied for quantification purposes using
cytospin preparations stained by Diff-Quick under light microscopy [19].
Neutrophils were graded as apoptotic or nonapoptotic after examination of
at least 200 cells/slide. To FasL-blocked assays, neutrophils were pretreated
with a neutralizing antibody specific for FasL (10 ␮g/mL) or an IgG isotype control (10 ␮g/mL) for 30 min before use. In some experiments, SGS
was preincubated with sandfly antisaliva serum (0.5 salivary gland pair plus
50 ␮l serum preincubated for 1 h at 37°C) [20] or with proteinase K (10
mg/ml) at 65°C for 2 h and then for 5 min at 95°C for enzyme inactivation before use.
Anti-sandfly saliva serum
Hamster-derivated serum was obtained as described previously [20]. Briefly,
hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus) were exposed to bites from 5- to 7-day-old
female Lu. longipalpis. Animals were exposed three times to 50 sandflies
every 15 days. Fifteen days after the last exposure, serum was collected and
tested for IgG antisaliva detection by ELISA.
Human neutrophil assay
Human blood from healthy donors was obtained from Hemocentro do Estado da Bahia (Salvador, Brazil) after donors had given written, informed
consent. This study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of
FIOCRUZ-Bahia. Human neutrophils were isolated by centrifugation using
PMN medium, according to the manufacturer’s instructions (Robbins Scientific, Sunnyvale, CA, USA). Briefly, blood was centrifuged for 30 min at
300 g at room temperature. Neutrophils were collected and washed three
times at room temperature by centrifugation at 200 g. Cells/well (106) were
cultured in RPMI-1640 medium, supplemented with 10% heat-inactivated
FBS (Hyclone, Ogden, UT, USA), 2 mM/ml L-glutamine, 100 U/ml penicillin, and 100 ␮g/ml streptomycin (all from Invitrogen) for 3, 6, and 20 h
at 37°C, 5% CO2, in the presence or absence of Lu. longipalpis SGS (0.5
pair/well) or etoposide (20 ␮M). Cells were then cytocentrifuged and
stained with Diff-Quick, and pyknotic nuclei were analyzed by light microscopy.
In vitro neutrophil infection
Peritoneal neutrophils were infected in vitro with L. chagasi promastigotes
stationary-phase at a ratio of 1:2 (neutrophil:parasites) in the presence or
absence of SGS (0.5 pair/well) in RPMI-1640-supplemented medium. In
some experiments, neutrophil infection was performed in the presence of
etoposide (20 ␮M). For inhibitory assays, neutrophils were pretreated for
30 min with z-VAD-FMK (100 ␮M) to block caspase activation or preincubated for 1 h with NS-398 (1 ␮M), a COX-2 inhibitor. DMSO (vehicle)
0.4% was used as control. After 20 h, infected neutrophils were centri-
Prates et al. Sandfly saliva drives neutrophil apoptosis
fuged, supernatants containing noninternalized promastigotes were collected, and medium was replaced by 250 ␮l Schneider medium, supplemented with 20% inactive FBS, 2 mM L-glutamine, 100 U/ml penicillin,
and 100 ␮g/ml streptomycin. Infected neutrophils were cultured at 25°C
for an additional 3 days. Intracellular load of L. chagasi was estimated by
production of proliferating extracellular motile promastigotes in Schneider
medium [21].
Quantification of ROS production
Intracellular ROS detection in neutrophils cultured at 5 ⫻ 105 cells/well
was performed using H2DCFDA fluorescent probe following analyses by
FACS, according to the manufacturer’s instructions. For investigation of
ROS production, the purified neutrophil population was analyzed by forward- and side-scatter parameters following application of the H2DCFDAFITC probe.
Measurement of PGE2 production
Supernatants from neutrophil cultures were collected 20 h after incubation
with L. chagasi or L. chagasi plus SGS and cleared by centrifugation. PGE2
was measured by the EIA kit from Cayman Chemical. All measurements
were performed according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
MCP-1/CCL2 measurement
Supernatants from neutrophil cultures were collected 20 h after incubation
with RPMI medium, SGS, L. chagasi, or L. chagasi plus SGS and cleared by
centrifugation. MCP-1 (CCL2) chemokine was measured using the CBA
mouse inflammation kit (BD Biosciences), according to the manufacturer’s
Chemotaxis assays
Neutrophils were pretreated or not with bindarit propanoic acid (Angelini
Farmaceutici; 100 ␮M) for 30 min before incubation with medium, SGS, L.
chagasi, or L. chagasi plus SGS, and supernatants were harvested. The culture supernatants were added to the bottom wells of a 96-well chemotaxis
microplate ChemoTx system (Neuro Probe, Gaithersburg, MD, USA). Macrophages were obtained 4 days after i.p. injection of 1 ml 3% thioglycolate
solution on C57BL/6 mice and ressuspended in RPMI-1640 medium before being added to the top wells (105 cells/well) and incubated for 1.5 h
at 37°C under 5% CO2. Following incubation, cells that migrated to the
bottom wells were counted on a hemocytometer. Macrophage migration
toward RPMI-1640 medium alone (radom chemotaxis) was used as a negative control and toward LPS as a positive control. The chemotaxis indexes
were calculated as the ratio of the number of migrated cells toward supernatants taken from L. chagasi-infected or not infected neutrophils cultured
in the presence or absence of SGS to the number of cells that migrated to
RPMI-1640 medium alone.
Statistical analysis
The in vitro systems were performed using at least five mice/group. Each
experiment was repeated at least three times. Data are reported as mean
and se of representative experiments and were analyzed using GraphPad
Prism 5.0 (GraphPad Software, San Diego, CA, USA). Data distribution
from different groups was compared using the Kruskal-Wallis test with
Dunn’s multiple comparisons, and comparisons between two groups were
explored using the Mann-Whitney test. Differences were considered statistically significant when P ⱕ 0.05.
Lu. longipalpis SGS induces neutrophil apoptosis
Different doses of Lu. longipalpis SGS (0.5–2.0 pairs/well) were
capable of inducing apoptosis of neutrophils from C57BL/6
mice (Fig. 1A and C). Such effect was significantly higher than
that observed in untreated controls (Fig. 1A and B). The occurrence of apoptosis was similar between the conditions containing diverse doses of SGS (Fig. 1A). We then decided to
keep the lowest dose of SGS with biological effect in our
model (0.5 pair of salivary gland/well) for further experiments.
Neutrophils exhibited markers of apoptosis up to 20 h upon
incubation with SGS, such as PS exposure (Fig. 1D) and the
pyknotic nuclei (Fig. 1E). At 3 h after stimulus with SGS, indicators had levels similar to those observed in unstimulated
cells. Etoposide was used as a positive control to induce neutrophil apoptosis, and its effect was evident at 3 h by annexin-V detection (Fig. 1D) and 20 h by pyknotic nuclei analyses (Fig. 1E). These results confirm the proapoptotic effect of
Lu. longipalpis SGS upon murine neutrophils.
Our further interest was to explore whether Lu. longipalpis
SGS displays a proapoptotic effect on human neutrophils. To
address this question, neutrophils obtained from healthy donors were incubated in the presence or absence of SGS or etoposide (Fig. 1F). Strikingly, 3 h after incubation, SGS induced
human neutrophil apoptosis (Fig. 1F). At further times (6 and
20 h), this proapoptotic effect was no longer evident by comparison with negative control.
Neutrophil apoptosis induced by SGS is
caspase-dependent and mediated by FasL
To evaluate the mechanisms triggered by Lu. longipalpis saliva
to induce neutrophil apoptosis, we incubated C57BL/6 murine neutrophils with z-VAD, a pan-caspase inhibitor, for 30
min before addition of Lu. longipalpis SGS (Fig. 2A). Treatment of neutrophils with z-VAD prevented apoptosis induced
by SGS, in contrast to treatment with the vehicle (DMSO)
alone (Fig. 2A). Caspase activation can be induced by FasL, a
molecule whose expression relates to susceptibility in Leishmania infection [22]. We then assessed FasL expression in neutrophils exposed to Lu. longipalpis SGS, which induced increased expression of FasL in neutrophils concerning
intensity/cell (Fig. 2B) and also the percentage of neutrophils
expressing FasL (Fig. 2C). Moreover, blockade of FasL prevented neutrophil apoptosis induced by Lu. longiplapis SGS
(Fig. 2D). These results indicate that Lu. longipalpis SGS induces neutrophil apoptosis by a mechanism that involves activation of caspases and expression of FasL.
Lu. longipalpis SGS proteins induce neutrophil
To depict initially the composition of the Lu. longipalpis salivary components responsible for the proapoptosis effect on
neutrophils, we preincubated SGS with proteinase K before in
vitro neutrophil stimulation. We observed a reduction of proapoptotic activity of SGS by incubation with proteinase K
(Fig. 3A). This result suggests that apoptosis of neutrophils
induced by Lu. longipalpis SGS is mediated by one or more
proteic components.
Furthermore, as many evidences point out the immunogenicity
of sandfly salivary proteins [13, 23, 24], we hypothesized that the
Volume 90, September 2011
Journal of Leukocyte Biology 577
Figure 1. Effect of Lu. longipalpis SGS on neutrophil apoptosis. (A–E) Neutrophils from C57BL/6 mice were kept unstimulated (–) or stimulated
with SGS or etoposide (Etop) 20 ␮M (positive control). (A) Neutrophil apoptosis induced by SGS in different doses was assessed by counting cells
with pyknotic nuclei 20 h after stimulation. (B and C) Representative image of inflammatory neutrophils, unstimulated (B) or stimulated with Lu.
longipalpis SGS (0.5 pair/well; original magnification, ⫻1000; C). Arrows point to neutrophil pyknotic nuclei. (D and E) Kinetic of neutrophil apoptosis in response to Lu. longipalpis SGS. Three hours and 20 h after stimulation, apoptosis was assessed by flow cytometry after annexin-V staining
(D) and by counting cells with pyknotic nuclei (E) on Diff-Quick-stained cytospin preparations. (F) Human neutrophil apoptosis induced by SGS
(0.5 pair/well). Data shown are from a single experiment that is representative of three independent experiments. *P ⱕ 0.05; **P ⱕ 0.01, compared with the unstimulated cells.
proteic component of the Lu. longipalpis saliva could be targets
for the host’s antibodies. To test this possibility, we preincubated
the SGS with polled sera from hamsters pre-exposed to Lu. longipalpis bites. Strikingly, preincubation of SGS with specific antiserum completely abrogated induction of neutrophil apoptosis after 20 h in culture (Fig. 3B), reinforcing that components present in Lu. longipalpis saliva with proapoptotic activity are proteins
and can be neutralized by antibodies.
Effect of Lu. longipalpis SGS in apoptosis and
parasite burden of infected neutrophils
After determining the proapoptotic effect of Lu. longipalpis
SGS, we evaluated whether L. chagasi, the parasite transmitted
by this sandfly, can modify this effect in vitro. Analysis of PS
exposure on inflammatory neutrophils demonstrated that L.
chagasi was also able to induce neutrophil apoptosis (Fig. 4A).
Moreover, this effect was exacerbated when neutrophils were
coincubated with parasite and saliva (L. chagasi vs. L. chagasi
plus SGS: 29.19% vs. 46.39%; Fig. 4A).
Neutrophils can act as important host cells for Leishmania [10,
25, 26]. As sandfly saliva exacerbates Leishmania infection [27],
we investigated the infection of inflammatory neutrophils with L.
578 Journal of Leukocyte Biology
Volume 90, September 2011
chagasi in the presence of Lu. longipalpis SGS in vitro. Saliva increased the viability of L. chagasi inside neutrophils (Fig. 4B). Infection in the presence of etoposide did not enhance parasite
burden in neutrophils compared with the control cultures infected with L. chagasi alone (Fig. 4B). Apoptotic neutrophils displayed a high number of parasites (Fig. 4C). To investigate
whether neutrophil apoptosis induced by Lu. longipalpis saliva
affects this increase of parasite burden in vitro, we pretreated the
cultures with z-VAD (Fig. 4D), which abolished the increase in L.
chagasi replication induced by SGS (Fig. 4D). COX activation is
associated with an increase of Leishmania infection [28]. Herein,
we evaluated the role of COX-2, an inflammatory form of COX,
in the increase of parasite burden triggered by SGS. NS-398, a
COX-2 inhibitor, led to an inhibition of viable parasite number
(Fig. 4D) when added to the neutrophil culture before infection.
Moreover, PGE2, a product of COX-2, favors intracellular pathogen growth, a phenomenon that could be reverted by treatment
with COX-2 inhibitors [29, 30]. Indeed, our experiments show
that SGS increased production of PGE2 by Leishmania-infected
neutrophils (Fig. 4E).
As ROS production is a primarily important microbicidal
mechanism from neutrophils, we evaluated the effect of SGS on
Prates et al. Sandfly saliva drives neutrophil apoptosis
phage recruitment in vitro. We found that supernatants obtained from neutrophil cultures in the presence of L. chagasi
could attract macrophages (Fig. 5A) and that Lu. longipalpis
saliva induced a synergistic effect (Fig. 5A). Analyses of the
MCP-1 (CCL2) revealed that neutrophils incubated with L.
chagasi plus SGS produced significantly higher amounts of this
chemokine (Fig. 5B). To investigate whether the macrophage
recruitment was a result of production of CCL2/MCP-1 induced by L. chagasi plus SGS, we previously treated the neutrophils with bindarit, an inhibitor of CCL2/MCP-1 synthesis, before incubation with SGS, L. chagasi, or both. Treatment with
bindarit resulted in total reduction of macrophage chemotaxis
(Fig. 5B).Taken together, these results indicate that SGS synergizes with L. chagasi to enhance neutrophil apoptosis, CCL2/
MCP-1 production, and macrophage recruitment.
Figure 2. FasL expression and inhibition of neutrophil apoptosis by zVAD and anti-FasL. (A) Neutrophils from C57BL/6 mice were pretreated
with the pan-caspase inhibitor z-VAD (100 ␮M) or with vehicle (DMSO)
before incubation with SGS. Twenty hours after incubation, apoptosis was
assessed by annexin-V staining. (B and C) FasL expression induced by
SGS on neutrophils was analyzed by flow cytometry 20 h after incubation.
Results are expressed as the mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) (B) and
percentage of FasL-expressing neutrophils on the Gr-1 population (C).
(D) Mouse neutrophils were pretreated with neutralizing antibody specific for FasL (␣-FasL; 10 ␮g/ml) or with IgGk1 (10 ␮g/ml). Apoptosis
was assessed by annexin-V staining after 20 h. Data shown are from a single experiment representative of three independent experiments. –, Unstimulated (Unst) cells. *P ⱕ 0.05; **P ⱕ 0.01.
ROS production by these cells (Fig. 4E). Addition of SGS on the
neutrophil cultures induced a partial reduction on ROS production 1 h after infection with L. chagasi (Fig. 4E). In summary,
these results suggest that neutrophil apoptosis induced by Lu.
longipalpis SGS favors L. chagasi infection by COX-2 activation and
PGE2 production, while reducing ROS generation.
CCL2/MCP-1 released by L. chagasi-infected
neutrophils induces macrophage recruitment
We next examined whether supernatans from neutrophils incubated with L. chagasi and SGS are able to induce macro-
The present study provides the first evidence that salivary components from a Leishmania vector play a relevant and direct
role on neutrophils, which in turn, influence the L. chagasi
parasite burden. We found that Lu. longipalpis salivary components induced neutrophil FasL-mediated and caspase-dependent apoptosis, and this event was associated with Leishmania
survival inside these cells.
Neutrophils are now generally considered an initial target of
Leishmania parasites [10, 31]. Significant numbers of neutrophils are present at the parasite inoculation site, as well as in
lesions and draining LNs in Leishmania experimentally infected
mice [11, 32–35]. Moreover, Lu. longipalpis SGS induces accumulation of neutrophils on an air-pouch model [20]. These
experimental data are reinforced by the the fact that massive dermal neutrophilic infiltrates are noted in Lu. longipalpis [13] and Phlebotomus duboscqi bite sites [10], suggesting
that accumulation of this cell type may be orchestrated, at
least in part, by sandfly saliva constituents. Besides neutrophil recruitment, there are no previous reports about the
Figure 3. Inhibition of neutrophil apoptosis after Lu. longipalpis SGS
treatment with proteinase K and ␣-saliva serum. Annexin-V staining from
C57BL/6 mice neutrophils incubated for 20 h with SGS pretreated with
proteinase K (PK; A) or with SGS preincubated for 1 h with anti-Lu. longipalpis saliva serum (B). Data shown are from a single experiment representative of three independent experiments. *P ⱕ 0.05.
Volume 90, September 2011
Journal of Leukocyte Biology 579
Figure 4. Effect of Lu. longipalpis SGS on
neutrophil apoptosis and infection.
(A) Inflammatory neutrophils from
C57BL/6 mice were kept unstimulated
(–) or stimulated with SGS (0.5 pair/
well), L. chagasi (L.c.; 2:1) or SGS ⫹ L.
chagasi. After 20 h, apoptosis was assessed by annexin-V staining. (B) In
vitro neutrophil infection in the presence of SGS or etoposide (20 ␮M), followed by cultivation at 26°C and viable
promastigote counts after 1, 2, and 3
days. (C) Representative image of L.
chagasi-infected apoptotic neutrophils
stimulated with Lu. longipalpis SGS (0.5
pair/well; original magnification,
⫻1000). Arrows point to infected apoptotic neutrophils. (D) Prior treatment
of neutrophils with z-VAD (100 ␮M)
and NS-398 (1 ␮M), followed by infection in the presence or absence of SGS.
Viable promastigote counts were performed after 3 days. (E) PGE2 levels of
supernatants from neutrophils incubated for 20 h with L. chagasi and/or
SGS (left side). ROS production by neutrophils cultured with L. chagasi for 1 h
in the presence or absence of SGS
(right side). Neutrophils were incubated with H2DCFDA, and ROS production was evaluated by flow cytometry. Data shown are from a single experiment representative of three independent experiments. *P ⱕ 0.05; **P ⱕ 0.01.
further effects of sandfly saliva on neutrophils. Interestingly,
studies performed with tick saliva reveal that the inhibition
of critical functions of neutrophils favors the initial survival
of spirochetes [36 –38].
Our findings on human neutrophils confirm apoptosis induction by SGS and interestingly, indicate that mice and human neutrophils have a different kinetic of spontaneous and
saliva-induced apoptosis. Notably, the apoptosis of human neutrophils induced by Lu. longipalpis SGS also indicates that this
mechanism may be important for the pathogenesis of human
disease. Indeed, phagocytosis of apoptotic human neutrophils
increases parasite burden in macrophages infected with Leishmania amazonensis [28].
It is likely that proteins from SGS trigger neutrophil apoptosis, as reincubation of Lu. longipalpis SGS with proteinase K
abrogated its proapoptosis effect. Additionally, antisaliva serum
was able of block neutrophil apoptosis. This is particularly interesting, as it reinforces the idea of a host protection mediated by the immune response against sandfly saliva, allowing
for the development of an immune response against Leishmania. Interestingly, SGS-induced neutrophil apoptosis was associated with caspases and FasL expression. Previous studies have
implicated FasL in neutrophil apoptosis [39]. Likewise, turnover of neutrophils mediated by FasL drives Leishmania major
infection [22]. Further studies are necessary to deeply address
this observation.
Our results demonstrate that SGS increases the neutrophil
leishmanial burden by inducing neutrophil apoptosis, as inhibition of apoptosis by z-VAD reduced the viable parasite numbers in vitro. Indeed, treatment with z-VAD blocks lymphocyte
580 Journal of Leukocyte Biology
Volume 90, September 2011
apoptosis and increases in vitro and in vivo resistance to
Trypanosoma cruzi infection [30, 40]. van Zandbergen and colleagues [12] have proposed that infected apoptotic neutrophils can serve as “Trojan horses” for Leishmania. Alternatively,
uptake of parasites egressing from dying neutrophils in an
anti-inflammatory environment created by the phagocytosis of
these cells, per se, could favor the infection (“Trojan rabbit”
strategy) [41]. Our findings that Lu. longipalpis SGS could favor neutrophil apoptosis and infection by L. chagasi seem to
give support to either of these two proposed hypotheses.
We found that neutrophil infection in the presence of SGS
induced PGE2 release, but was decreased in the presence of
COX-2 inhibitor NS-398, indicating the participation of COX-2
products in parasite survival. Indeed, PGE2, a major product
from COX-2, facilitates Leishmania infection by deactivating
macrophage microbicidal functions [19, 28 –30]. Moreover,
addition of exogenous PGE2 to macrophage cultures induces a
marked enhancement of Leishmania infection [19, 42]. Exposure of neutrophils to SGS caused a marked reduction of ROS
production, which is a primarily important microbicidal mechanism of neutrophils. In this regard, Lu. longipalpis salivary
proteins could be contributing to deactivation of the neutrophil inflammatory response, favoring the early steps of Leishmania infection. Taken together, our data suggest that the presence of sandfly SGS drives an anti-inflammatory response in L.
chagasi-infected neutrophils by initially reducing ROS production, favoring the parasite survival. Furthermore, SGS could be
triggering neutrophil deactivation through induction of apoptosis, activation of COX-2, and PGE2 production by these
cells. L. major promastigotes drive a selective fusion of azuro-
Prates et al. Sandfly saliva drives neutrophil apoptosis
tween vector saliva and neutrophils in innate immunity to
Leishmania infection.
D.B.P., T.A-S., B.B.A., M.B-N., V.M.B., and A.B. conceived of
and designed the experiments. D.B.P., T.A-S., N.F.L., J.C.,
B.B.A., L.A., and J.F-C. performed the experiments. D.B.P.,
T.A-S., J.C., L.A., M.B-N., V.M.B., and A.B. analyzed the data.
J.C.M., M.B-N., V.M.B., and A.B. contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools. D.B.P., T.A-S., B.B.A., M.B-N., and V.M.B.
wrote the paper. D.B.P., T.A-S., B.B.A., P.T.B., G.A.D., C.B.,
M.B-N., V.M.B., and A.B. participated in critical discussion of
the manuscript.
Figure 5. Macrophage recruitment and CCL2/MCP-1 release by L. chagasi-infected neutrophils in the presence of Lu. longipalpis SGS. (A) Macrophages were allowed to migrate toward supernatants from neutrophils
infected or not with L. chagasi in the presence or absence of SGS (white
bars), as described in Materials and Methods. Migration toward supernatants
from bindarit-pretreated neutrophils (black bars). Following incubation, the
migrated macrophages were counted, and the chemotatic index was calculated. Crtl, Negative control of radom chemotaxis. (B) CCL2/MCP-1 production (white bars) in the supernatants of neutrophil cultures after 20 h and its
inhibition by bindarit pretreatment (black bars). Data are representative of
two independent experiments performed in triplicate for each sample. *P ⱕ
0.05; #P ⱕ 0.05, compared with no bindarit-treated neutrophils.
This work was supported by CNPq, Instituto Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia de Investigação em Imunologia (iii-INCT),
and Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado da Bahia
(FAPESB). D.B.P., T.A-S., N.F.L., and L.A. are recipients of a
CNPq fellowship. J.F-C. is the recipient of a CAPES fellowship.
P.T.B., G.A.D., C.B., M.B-N., V.M.B., and A.B. are senior investigators from CNPq. We thank Edvaldo Passos for technical
assistance with the insect colony.
philic granules into parasite-containing phagosomes in human
neutrophils [43]. It remains to be elucidated whether, in the
present system, SGS modulates neutrophil granule mobilization and contributes to early L. chagasi survival.
Macrophages are the preferential host cells for Leishmania, and the recruitment of these cells could provide safe
havens for the parasite [31]. Neutrophils infected by L. major produce chemokines such as MIP-1␤ [12, 44], and sandfly SGS leads to increased expression of the macrophage
chemokine MCP-1 at the site of injection [20], leading to
macrophage recruitment. We have shown here that neutrophils infected with L. chagasi in the presence of SGS displayed higher MCP-1 production, corroborating with macrophage recruitment. This result was reinforced with the use
of bindarit, an original indazolic derivative that has been
shown the ability to inhibit CCL2/MCP-1 synthesis [45]. As
a matter of fact, L. chagasi-infected neutrophil supernatants
are able to recruit mouse macrophages, even though they
did not induce significant MCP-1 production, which suggests that other chemotatic factors could be implicated in
this event. A direct chemotatic activity of sandfly saliva has
been described with several experimental models [13, 20,
46]. Herein, we also report an indirect chemotactic effect of
SGS by inducing chemokine production by neutrophils.
In summary, our data demonstrate that Lu. longipalpis saliva orchestrates FasL- and caspase-dependent apoptosis of
neutrophils. At the same time, saliva proapoptosis activity is
of benefit to the parasite and may represent an important
mechanism to facilitate Leishmania infection. These results
contribute to a better understanding of the interactions be-
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Leishmania chagasi 䡠 sand fly 䡠 cell death 䡠 FasL 䡠 chemotaxis
The Journal of Immunology
Heme Impairs Prostaglandin E2 and TGF-b Production by
Human Mononuclear Cells via Cu/Zn Superoxide Dismutase:
Insight into the Pathogenesis of Severe Malaria
Bruno B. Andrade,*,†,1 Théo Araújo-Santos,*,† Nı́vea F. Luz,*,† Ricardo Khouri,‡
Marcelo T. Bozza,x Luı́s M. A. Camargo,{,‖ Aldina Barral,*,†,# Valéria M. Borges,*,# and
Manoel Barral-Netto*,†,#
evere malaria is a highly lethal condition and a major health
threat in many tropical countries. Multiple factors have been
implicated in the pathogenesis of the severe complications of
this condition, such as uncontrolled cytokine production (1, 2), hemolysis (3), and erythropoiesis suppression (4). Severe malaria was
firstly described as originating from Plasmodium falciparum infection (5), but severe cases, including those with lethal outcomes, have
also been observed from Plasmodium vivax infections (6–8). One of
the major factors thought to be involved in sustaining systemic inflammation is the release of free heme, as a consequence of
*Centro de Pesquisas Gonçalo Moniz (Fundação Oswaldo Cruz); †Faculdade de
Medicina da Bahia, Universidade Federal da Bahia, Salvador; {Departamento de Parasitologia, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Universidade de São Paulo; #Instituto de
Investigação em Imunologia (iii), Instituto Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia, São
Paulo; ‖Faculdade de Medicina, Faculdade São Lucas, Porto Velho; xDepartamento
de Imunologia, Instituto de Microbiologia, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro,
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; and ‡Rega Institute, Katholieke Universiteit, Leuven, Belgium
Current address: Laboratory of Parasitic Diseases, National Institute of Allergy and
Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD.
Received for publication December 29, 2009. Accepted for publication May 13,
This work was supported by Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos (Grant 010409605)/
Fundo Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnológico Amazônia. B.B.A.,
T.A.S., and N.F.L. received fellowships from the Brazilian National Research Council
(Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Tecnologia). M.T.B., V.M.B., A.B., and M.B.-N. are
senior investigators from the Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Tecnologia.
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr. Manoel Barral-Netto, Centro de
Pesquisas Gonçalo Moniz (Fundação Oswaldo Cruz), Rua Waldemar Falcão, 121,
Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, CEP 40295-001. E-mail address: [email protected]
Abbreviations used in this paper: 7-AAD, 7-aminoactinomycin D; A, asymptomatic;
ALT, alanine aminotransferase; CoPPIX, cobalt protoporphyrin IX; CRP, C-reactive
protein; DETC, diethyldithiocarbamate; Hb, hemoglobin; HO-1, heme oxygenase-1;
M, mild; NAC, N-acetyl-L-cysteine; NI, noninfected individual; PPIX, protoporphyrin
IX; ROS, reactive oxygen species; S, severe; siRNA, small interfering RNA; SnPPIX,
Tin protoporphyrin IX; SOD-1, Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase.
Copyright Ó 2010 by The American Association of Immunologists, Inc. 0022-1767/10/$16.00
hemolysis inherent to the life cycle of Plasmodium within RBCs
(9). Recently, heme has been implicated in the pathogenesis of
severe forms of malaria in mice (10, 11). Under homeostasis, the
heme released from hemoproteins such as cell-free hemoglobin
(Hb) is scavenged by plasma proteins such as hemopexin or albumin
as well as by lipoproteins (12). However, these proteins can be depleted during severe hemolytic conditions, such as associated with
Plasmodium infection (13). This leads to the accumulation of free
Hb tetramers in the plasma (14), which dissociate spontaneously
into dimers. In the presence of reactive oxygen species (ROS) or
other free radicals, cell-free Hb dimers are readily oxidized into
methemoglobin, releasing their heme prosthetic groups (12). As
a consequence, in malaria and other hemolytic disorders, the concentrations of heme can reach levels of up to 50 mM in the bloodstream (15), which can trigger an intense oxidative burst and
unspecific tissue damage (11). Moreover, a crystal form of heme
molecules produced by Plasmodium sp., and referred to as hemozoin, also acts as a proinflammatory agonist and thus could be associated with the development of severe forms of malaria (16–18).
Hemozoin inhibits PGE2 production in both mice (19) and humans
(20, 21), and there is an inverse relationship between PGE2 and
blood mononuclear cell cyclooxygenase-2 with disease severity in
children with P. falciparum malaria (22). Until now there is no clear
description of the effect of free heme on the PGE2 production.
During malaria infection, superoxide anions are thought to be
the main form of ROS produced (23). In this context, the antioxidant
enzyme Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD-1) is activated and
may display an important role in the pathological oxidative injury.
Notwithstanding, SOD-1 has been linked to an increased inflammatory activity by amplifying TNF-a production on macrophages (24).
In addition, overexpression of SOD-1 increases NF-kB–related
rapid responses, such as immune response and antiapoptosis factors (25). Therefore, studies have correlated SOD-1 activity with
Downloaded from http://jimmunol.org/ by guest on October 26, 2012
In many hemolytic disorders, such as malaria, the release of free heme has been involved in the triggering of oxidative stress and
tissue damage. Patients presenting with severe forms of malaria commonly have impaired regulatory responses. Although intriguing, there is scarce data about the involvement of heme on the regulation of immune responses. In this study, we investigated the
relation of free heme and the suppression of anti-inflammatory mediators such as PGE2 and TGF-b in human vivax malaria.
Patients with severe disease presented higher hemolysis and higher plasma concentrations of Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase
(SOD-1) and lower concentrations of PGE2 and TGF-b than those with mild disease. In addition, there was a positive
correlation between SOD-1 concentrations and plasma levels of TNF-a. During antimalaria treatment, the concentrations of
plasma SOD-1 reduced whereas PGE2 and TGF-b increased in the individuals severely ill. Using an in vitro model with human
mononuclear cells, we demonstrated that the heme effect on the impairment of the production of PGE2 and TGF-b partially
involves heme binding to CD14 and depends on the production of SOD-1. Aside from furthering the current knowledge about the
pathogenesis of vivax malaria, the present results may represent a general mechanism for hemolytic diseases and could be useful
for future studies of therapeutic approaches. The Journal of Immunology, 2010, 185: 1196–1204.
Published March 28, 2012, doi:10.4049/jimmunol.1103072
The Journal of Immunology
Heme Oxygenase-1 Promotes the Persistence of Leishmania
chagasi Infection
Nı́vea F. Luz,*,† Bruno B. Andrade,‡ Daniel F. Feijó,x Théo Araújo-Santos,*,†
Graziele Q. Carvalho,*,† Daniela Andrade,*,† Daniel R. Abánades,*,† Enaldo V. Melo,{
Angela M. Silva,{ Cláudia I. Brodskyn,*,†,‖ Manoel Barral-Netto,*,†,‖ Aldina Barral,*,†,‖
Rodrigo P. Soares,# Roque P. Almeida,{,‖ Marcelo T. Bozza,x and Valéria M. Borges*,†,‖
isceral leishmaniasis (VL) continues to be a major health
threat worldwide and is classified as one of the most
neglected diseases by the World Health Organization.
VL is a chronic infection clinically characterized by progressive
fever, weight loss, splenomegaly, hepatomegaly, anemia, and spon-
*Centro de Pesquisas Gonçalo Moniz/Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Salvador 40295-001,
Brazil; †Universidade Federal da Bahia, Salvador 40110-060, Brazil; ‡Immunobiology
Section, Laboratory of Parasitic Diseases, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious
Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD 20892; xDepartamento de
Imunologia, Instituto de Microbiologia, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro,
Rio de Janeiro 21941-590, Brazil; {Department of Medicine, University Hospital,
Universidade Federal de Sergipe, Aracaju 49010-390, Brazil; ‖Instituto Nacional de
Ciência e Tecnologia de Investigação em Imunologia, Salvador, Bahia 40110-100,
Brazil; and #Centro de Pesquisas René Rachou/Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Belo Horizonte 30190-002, Brazil
Received for publication October 27, 2011. Accepted for publication March 1, 2012.
This work was supported by Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado da Bahia,
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientı́fico e Tecnológico (CNPq), and Instituto Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia de Investigação em Imunologia. N.F.L., D.F.F,
T.A.-S., and G.Q.C. are recipients of CNPq fellowships. D.A. receives a fellowship
from Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nı́vel Superior. C.I.B., R.P.S.,
M.B.-N., A.B., R.P.A., M.T.B., and V.M.B. are senior investigators from CNPq. The
work of B.B.A. is supported by the intramural research program of the National
Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health.
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr. Valéria M. Borges, Centro
de Pesquisas Gonçalo Moniz, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Rua Waldemar Falcão,
121, Candeal, Salvador, Bahia 40295-001, Brazil. E-mail address: vborges@bahia.
The online version of this article contains supplemental material.
Abbreviations used in this article: BMM, bone marrow-derived macrophage; CoPP,
cobalt protoporphyrin IX; DHE, dihydroethidium; HC, healthy control; HO-1, heme
oxygenase-1; LPG, lipophosphoglycan; PPARg, peroxisome proliferator-activated
receptor g; PTX, pentoxifylline; ROC, receiver-operator characteristic; ROS, reactive
oxygen species; SOD-1, Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase; VL, visceral leishmaniasis;
WT, wild-type.
taneous bleeding associated with marked inflammatory imbalance
(1). The hallmark of this disease is thought to be a lack of cellular
immune responses against the parasite and high systemic levels
of IFN-g and IL-10 (2). The New World Leishmania infantum
chagasi is the major species implicated in the VL in Brazil.
Leishmania parasites are obligate intracellular protozoa that replicate preferentially inside macrophages (3). It is well known that
L. chagasi is able to evade pro-oxidative responses and other
macrophage effectors mechanisms (4), possibly hampering the
activation of adaptive immune responses against infection (5).
During parasite–host interactions, complex signaling pathways
are triggered by the recognition of key molecules from parasite
(4). In this context, lipophosphoglycan (LPG), a glycoconjugate
expressed on the surface of Leishmania parasites and TLR2 agonist (6, 7), has been implicated in the modulation of a wide range
of innate immune functions. Those may include resistance to
complement, attachment and entry into macrophages, protection
against proteolytic damage within acidic vacuoles (8), inhibition
of phagosomal maturation (9), modulation of NO and IL-12 production (10–13), inhibition of protein kinase C (14), induction of
neutrophil extracellular traps (15), and induction of protein kinase
R (16). However, specific aspects of how the parasites regulate
some protective responses are still unknown. Moreover, it is not
fully understood whether LPG from Leishmania is the major
regulator of the effectors pathways associated with the protective
responses against this protozoan.
Excess of heme is very hazardous for the cells, and we have
previously shown that heme suppresses some anti-inflammatory
mediators in human malaria caused by Plasmodium vivax (17).
Heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) is a stress-responsive enzyme that
Downloaded from www.jimmunol.org on March 28, 2012
Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) remains a major public health problem worldwide. This disease is highly associated with chronic inflammation and a lack of the cellular immune responses against Leishmania. It is important to identify major factors driving the
successful establishment of the Leishmania infection to develop better tools for the disease control. Heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) is
a key enzyme triggered by cellular stress, and its role in VL has not been investigated. In this study, we evaluated the role of HO-1
in the infection by Leishmania infantum chagasi, the causative agent of VL cases in Brazil. We found that L. chagasi infection or
lipophosphoglycan isolated from promastigotes triggered HO-1 production by murine macrophages. Interestingly, cobalt protoporphyrin IX, an HO-1 inductor, increased the parasite burden in both mouse and human-derived macrophages. Upon L. chagasi
infection, macrophages from Hmox1 knockout mice presented significantly lower parasite loads when compared with those from
wild-type mice. Furthermore, upregulation of HO-1 by cobalt protoporphyrin IX diminished the production of TNF-a and
reactive oxygen species by infected murine macrophages and increased Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase expression in human monocytes. Finally, patients with VL presented higher systemic concentrations of HO-1 than healthy individuals, and this increase of
HO-1 was reduced after antileishmanial treatment, suggesting that HO-1 is associated with disease susceptibility. Our data argue
that HO-1 has a critical role in the L. chagasi infection and is strongly associated with the inflammatory imbalance during VL.
Manipulation of HO-1 pathways during VL could serve as an adjunctive therapeutic approach. The Journal of Immunology,
2012, 188: 000–000.
Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Vol. 105(5): 642-648, August 2010
Control of Mycobacterium fortuitum and Mycobacterium intracellulare
infections with respect to distinct granuloma formations
in livers of BALB/c mice
Tânia Regina Marques da Silva, Antonio Luis de Oliveira Almeida Petersen, Theo de Araújo Santos,
Taís Fontoura de Almeida, Luiz Antônio Rodrigues de Freitas, Patrícia Sampaio Tavares Veras/+
Centro de Pesquisas Gonçalo Moniz, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz-Fiocruz, Rua Waldemar Falcão 121, 40296-710 Salvador, BA, Brasil
Mycobacterium fortuitum is a rapidly growing nontuberculous Mycobacterium that can cause a range of diseases in humans. Complications from M. fortuitum infection have been associated with numerous surgical procedures. A protective immune response against pathogenic mycobacterial infections is dependent on the granuloma
formation. Within the granuloma, the macrophage effector response can inhibit bacterial replication and mediate
the intracellular killing of bacteria. The granulomatous responses of BALB/c mice to rapidly and slowly growing mycobacteria were assessed in vivo and the bacterial loads in spleens and livers from M. fortuitum and Mycobacterium
intracellulare-infected mice, as well as the number and size of granulomas in liver sections, were quantified. Bacterial loads were found to be approximately two times lower in M. fortuitum-infected mice than in M. intracellulareinfected mice and M. fortuitum-infected mice presented fewer granulomas compared to M. intracellulare-infected
mice. These granulomas were characterized by the presence of Mac-1+ and CD4+ cells. Additionally, IFN-γ mRNA
expression was higher in the livers of M. fortuitum-infected mice than in those of M. intracellulare-infected mice.
These data clearly show that mice are more capable of controlling an infection with M. fortuitum than M. intracellulare. This capacity is likely related to distinct granuloma formations in mice infected with M. fortuitum but not
with M. intracellulare.
Key words: Mycobacterium fortuitum - Mycobacterium intracellulare - granuloma - liver - control of infection
Nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) include different species of the genus Mycobacterium that do not
belong to the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex.
These include both slowly growing [e.g., Mycobacterium
avium-intracellulare (MAI)] and rapidly growing (e.g.,
Mycobacterium fortuitum and Mycobacterium abscessus) species (Runyon 1959). NTM are human opportunistic pathogens and are predominantly acquired from
the environment. A large number of NTM species have
been recovered from soil, household dust, water, dairy
products, cold-blooded animals, vegetation and human
faeces (Ho et al. 2006). These species can also colonize
surgical equipment and materials, such as endoscopes
and solutions (Brown-Elliott & Wallace 2005).
In humans, NTM are organisms that belong to a
heterogeneous group in which each species of bacteria
should be studied separately (Alvarez-Uria 2010). These
pathogens can cause a range of diseases affecting a variety of tissues, including the lungs, lymph nodes, skin and
soft and skeletal tissue. These diseases can also affect
the genitourinary systems and cause disseminated infections (Ho et al. 2006, Griffith et al. 2007, Jarzembowski
Financial support: CNPq (306672/2008-1)
+ Corresponding author: [email protected]
Received 14 January 2010
Accepted 15 June 2010
online | memorias.ioc.fiocruz.br
& Young 2008). MAI is primarily a pulmonary pathogen
and is the NTM species most commonly associated with
human disease (Griffith et al. 2007). Inhalation of this
bacterium may cause pulmonary disease, whereas the ingestion of contaminated water may cause a disseminated
disease. A cutaneous manifestation can be attributed to
direct inoculation, direct contact or disseminated disease (Weitzul et al. 2000). Infections caused by rapidly
growing NTM including M. fortuitum can appear after
surgical procedures, such as liposuction, silicone injection and breast implantation, or after intravenous catheter
insertion, exposure to prosthetic material and pacemaker
placement (Sungkanuparph et al. 2003, Palwade et al.
2006, Uslan et al. 2006). There is still no defined optimal
treatment for NTM infections because these organisms
are resistant to the standard antituberculous agents. In
addition, susceptibility to anti-mycobacterial agents varies across different NTM species (ATS 1997).
A protective immune response against pathogenic mycobacterial infections depends on the ability of individuals to form organ granulomas. During infection, mycobacteria induce the formation of these organized immune
complexes of differentiated macrophages, lymphocytes
and other cells, which are critical for the maintenance of
the granuloma architecture and for the restriction of the
infection. In the centre of the granuloma, macrophages
produce a response that can effectively prevent the replication of bacteria and/or mediate the killing of the intracellular pathogen. On the other hand, compromised
granuloma formation is accompanied by dissemination.
In addition, the course of the infection in individuals that

Tese_Med_Théo Araújo-Santos - RI UFBA