. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Tecbnical Review. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Establishment and analytical quality control of laboratories for Hg determination in biological and geologicalsamplesin the Amazon, Brazil WANDERLEY R. BASTOSI , OLAF MALMI, WOLFGANG C. PFEIFFERI, DAVID CLEARy2 lLaboratório de Radioisótopos EPF, Instituto de Biofisica Carlos Chagas Filho, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ 21940-900 and 2Laboratório de Mercúrio, Fundação Esperança, Santarém, PA 68040-100, Brasil During the past 20 years significant amounts of Hg have been released in the Amazonian environment due to goldmining activities. Several Brazilian and foreign research groups have been studying the region, always facing difficulties regarding preservation and transfer of the collected samples from the field to the analytical laboratories. Aiming to solve these problems two high quality Hg analytical laboratories were established in the region. One is 10cated at Fundação Esperança (FE, Santarém, PA), a medical assistance foundation and the other at the Universidade Federal de Rondônia (UNIR), Porto Velho, RO. Their main equipment is: Atomic absorption spectrophotometers for Hg analysis (Flow Injection Mercury System-FIAS 400 with automatic samples-AS90-Perkin Elmer) and a microwave oven digestion system (MDS-2000-CEM). Technicians and researchers were trained in several aspects like environmental and human sampling, digestion methods and Hg analysis for biotic and abiotic materiaIs. This training as well as the installation of the mentioned laboratories were the responsibility of the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). Intercalibration exercises were performed between several laboratories: Environmental Medicine of Odense University (Denmark), Centre de Toxicologie du Québec, Canada and Occupational Health Sciences (Health-Canada). In the last 18 months the FE laboratory joined the Hg urine analysis intercalibration program of the Laboratory of the Centre of Toxicology in Québec, Canada, reaching accurate results. To date both Amazonian laboratories are able to analyze several different materiaIs: Sediment, soil, fish, urine, hair and blood. The FE laboratory is becoming more specialized in human samples such as urine, blood and hair, while UNIR laboratory deals with environmental samples such as fish, sediment and soil. A Amazônia vem sendo, nos lÍltimos 20 anos, alvo de significativos lançamentos de merclÍrio no ambiente devido à atividade dos garimpos de ouro. Vários grupos de pesquisa do Brasil e do exterior vem estudando esta região, deparando-se sempre com problemas de p,'eservação e transporte das amostms coletadas pam os laboratÓI'ios analíticos, pois estes ficam muito distantes. Em jimção disto. e principalmente, para transferência de conhecimentos cientificos e formação de pesquisadores da região. projetou-se a instalação de dois laboratórios de alto nível técnico de qualidade analítica. um na Fundação Esperança em Santarém, PA e outro na Universidade Federal de Rondônia em Porto Velho, RO. Tendo estes como equipamentos principais: Espectl'ofotômetro de absorção atômica dedicado para análises de merclÍrio-FIMS (Flow Injection Mercury System-FIAS 400 com amostrador automático-AS90-Perkin Elmer), Correspondence to: Wanderley Rodrigues Bastos, Centro de Ciências da Saúde, Laboratório de Radioisótopos EPF, Instituto de Biofisica Carlos Chagas Filho, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ 21940-900, Brasil E-mail: [email protected] Volume 50(4) . July/ August 1998 Ciência e Cultura Journal of the Brazilian Assoc/at/on for the Advancement of Sc/ence. 255 ...................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Technical - Review. Sistema de Digestão por Microondas (MDS-2000-CEM). Grupos foram treinados em procedimentos como: Amostragens. métodos de digestão e análises de amostras biológicas e geológicas. O Laboratório de Radioisótopos (LREPF) da UFRJ é o principal res- ponsável no desenvolvimento de técnicas de preparo de amostras e no controle de qualidade analítico desses laboratórios em implantação. O laboratório de Santarém. nos riltimos 18 meses. participa T he main sourceof mercwy (Hg) inthe BrazilianAmazonian environrnent during the past decades is from goldmining activities. Its use began at the end of the 50's in the Tapajós river basin and during the 70's, an intense gold rush spread over other river basins inc1udingthe Madeira river basin. Mercury is used in gold prospecting for the amalgamation of alluvial gold, reaching the environment mainly through water and air. The total amount of Hg used during the whole process depends on the technique applied but it is about 1.3 kg ofHg per kg of gold produced (1). Since the 80's several research groups have been working on the Hg problem in the Amazon, trying to understand its cyc1eand its fate in tropical areas. Factors such as preservation and transfer of samples, have always been a limiting factor for more detailed follow-up studies, but also for results with analytical quality. To solve these problems, establishing regionallaboratories and training local people in the technical requirements ofHg analysis is important, both regarding the public health aspects and the development of local research groups about other different environrnental issues. Two new generation analyticallaboratories for Hg determination were established in the Amazon, near the main affected areas: One at a nongovernrnental medical assistance organization, Fundação Esperança (FE) in Santarém, PAand the other at the Universidade Federal de Rondônia, in Porto Velho, RO (UNIR). A third laboratory at the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) provides the methodologies and controls the quality of analysis. Digestion methods of environrnentaland human samples using microwave in c10sedsystems, were developed, making the process less time consuming and almost free of contamination risk. These methods were adapted to a new automated flow injection Hg analysis system, controlled by a PC computer with aWindows software programoInterlaboratorycomparison programswere implementedfor analyticalqualitycontrol in several different matrices. Amazon laboratories A research project supported by the European Union, began in 1994 with the establishment ofthe laboratories in the Amazon. Fundação Esperança situated in the central part of Amazonia in Pará state, has provided medical and social assistance to the Tapajós riverine population for more than 20 years, therefore the Hg laboratory was established at this foundation in Santarém at the beginning of 1994. This city 256. Ciência e Cultura Journal of the Brazllfan Assoclatlon for the Advancement de um programa de intercalibração com o Laboratório do Centro de Toxicologia de Québec. Canadá, obtendo resultados excelentes. AtlIalmente esses laboratórios estão aptos à rotina analítica em matrizes como: Sedimento. solo. peixe, urina. cabelo e sangue. O laboratório instalado na Fundação Esperança em Santarém tem se especializado nas amostras humanas, e o Laboratório da UNIR em amostras ambientais. was an important gold trading center but is also a strategic site for the follow-up studies of Hg contamination in the Tapajós river basin. It can also serve other local areas such as the Tocantins river basin. The UNIR laboratory, was installed at the end of 1994, when analytical Hg determination training began. This site was selected since Porto Velho city is located on the border of the Madeira river, southwest Amazon and could provide analytical support also for areas like the Negro river. During 15 years (1978-1993) the Madeira river area was a heavy mining area and is one of the most studied regions in Amazonia regarding Hg contamination. Sample digestion: Traditional method Traditional digestion of different biological and nonbiological samples for total Hg analysis can last a couple of hours to a few days before achieving complete solubilization. These processes are mainly performed in open systems without an effective temperature control, increasing risks of volatilization losses and sample contamination as well as exposing the laboratory to acid vapors. Equipments such as hot baths, digestion blocks, hot plates, teflon digestion bombs and others are used. These are efficient but time consuming processes that have been widely used for many years. Those methods have some advantages: The sample mass is not limited; reagents and sample are easily introduced; it is possible and sometimes easy to monitor the process; and it has a low cost. But it also has some disadvantages: Time consuming; higher risk of contamination; risk of volatilization or losses; release of acid vapours and higher consumption of reagents. Microwave oven digestion The use of microwave energy for acid digestion was first demonstrated approximately 20 years ago (2). The use of a microwave oven for acid digestion of solid samples is welldocumented (3). Afterwards, several different companies developed various adaptations with open and c10sed teflon vessels, with pressure and temperature controI. Other types ofvessels made of glass, quartz and plastics can also be used with acids like HN03, HCl, ~SO 4' In general accuracy and precision can be greatly affected by digestion efficiency. The presence ofpartic1es in mineralized organic matter can give unrealiable results or cause interference. For trace metaIs, and specifically for Hg, analysis usof Sclence Volume50(4). July/August1998 ,- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Tecbnica[ Review. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , Detection ing mineralization methods in a microwave oven is being more widely used, and is considered a very competitive procedure (4). Those methods have some advantages: Can be performed in a short time; digestion can be done at 270°C in closed systems; acids do not evaporate; drastic reduction of The detection limit (DL) ofFIMS-400 provided by Perkin- Elmer Corporation is ofO.O1 ppb (parts per billion). For practical reasons, the DL for each specific technique is ca1culated as: risks of contamination and losses; control of pressure and temperature; on the other hand, the main disadvantage is the high cost of the equipment. - DL (llg gl orllg VI) =men The present paper aims to present the methodological improvements and results of intercalibration programs, which guaranteed the analytical quality control of Hg concentrations measured by two laboratories installed in a tropical area, mainly the Amazon basin. Establishment of two high levellaboratories in the Amazonregion,traininglocalpeopleinsampling,preparationand determinationof Hg in human (hair,urine and blood) and environmental (sediment, soil and fish) samples. Toimproveandadaptnewmethodsformineralizationof different matrices using a microwave oven coupled to the very recent automated flow injection mercury system. Implementation of an analytical intercalibration exercise I 5.0 mL of H20milli-Q + 5.0 mL HCI:HNOa (3:1) JJ Hot water bath (60°C) during 5 mino JJ 50.0 mL HP milli-Q + 15.0 mL KMn04 5% JJ Hot water bath (60°C) during 30 mino JJ control programo Overnigth .. I I I I , "S vl.: JJ between the three laboratories as well as with other Brazilian The three laboratories, besides the infrastructure (analytical balances-AB204 Mettler, water purification systemsmilli-Q Millipore, hoods and others) where provided with: Microwave oven CEM-:MDS-2000(630i: 50 W), with an exhaustion system and microprocessed control of energy and pressure. Each laboratory received 3 complete turntables with 12teflon (PTFE)line devicevessels (LDV)with 120ml capacity each, and atomic absorption spectrophotometers for Hg analysis with a flow injection system (FIMS-400) and autosampler (AS-90), both from Perkin-Elmer.This system is fully controlled by a PC-486, 433-DX from Digital; software Winlab (perkin-Elmer) running under Windows. LJ mass(g)orvolume(rnL)a 2.0 9 of sediment or soi! «200 mesh) and internationalreferencelaboratoriesas part of a quality i ael!!. Figure 1presents the traditional technique for Hg analysis in sediment and soil samples. Figures 2 to 6 present the analytical methods developed for urine, blood, hair, soil and sediment,and fish samples.Detectionlimit (DL) for eachtechnique is included in the Figures. Objectives o limit of the methods Add drops of NHPCI12% JJ Filter inWhatman 42 final volume 100mL JJ Analysis on CVAAS". Figure 1. Traditionalanalyticalsediment and soi! techniquesused at the UFRJ laboratOlY. DL = 15.0 J.!gklf'/ (5). 2.0 mL of urine JJ 3.0 mL HNOfiH2S04(1:1) Development of the digestion method for samples 4.5 mL KMn04 5% JJ Microwave (urine Hg program) 20 mino A methodology with a minimum of sample handling to avoid contamination and losses was developed adapting the experience of the laboratory of environmental medicine at Odense University, Denmark (with a long experience ofmicrowave After cooling to room tempoadd drops of NHPCI12% digestion), aiming to reduce the number of steps. Some modifications were introduced in the microwave instruction manual for the same matrices, to adapt the system to specific Hg properties. Internal standard addition ofHg was initially used during the development of the techniques. Afterwards certified reference materiaIs and other interlaboratory reference samples were established for continuous routine analysis. Volume50(4) o July/August1998 Ciência e Cultura JJ JJ Final volume 10 mL analysis on FIMS* Figure 2. Digestion of urine samples in a microwave oven for total Hg determination. DL = 1.5 J.!gL-/. a Average mass value (g) was used for fish, hair, sediment and soil samples, while volume (mL) was used for blood and urine. Journal of the Brazillan Assoclation for the Advancement of Science o 257 ...................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Tecbl1ica[Review. -- - -1.0 mL of blood 500 mg of fish U U 3.0 mL HN03cone. 1.0 mL H202 cone. 5.5 mL KMn04 5% 3.0 mL H2S04:HN03(1:1) ,- U U U U 5.0 mL KMn045% Microwave (blood Hg program) 35 mino U U . Microwave(fishHgprogram)30 mino U Aftercoolingto roomtempoadddropsof NHPCI12% After cooling to room tempoadd drops of NHPCI12% U Final volume 10 mL:=} analysis on FIMS* ~ Figure 3. Digestion of blood samples in a microwave oven for total Hg determination. DL = 3.0 !1gL-I. Final volume 10 mL:=} analysis on FIMS* Figure 6. Digestion of jish samples in a microwave oven for total Hg determination. DL = 10.0 !1g kg-1. 50 mL of hair (washed with EDTA0,01%) U METHODOLOGY COMPARISON 3.0 mL HN03:H2S04(1:1) U MERCURYIN SOILANDSEDIMENT( ~g.g-1) 8 ::-7 6.0 mL KMn04 5% U y ~6 C> Microwave (Hair Hg program) 40 mino '::""5 ~4 After cooling to room tempoadd drops of NHPCI12% U; 3 J fE2 => 1 O J. O Final volume 10 mL:=} analysis on FIMS* Figure 4. Digestion of hair samples in a microwave oven for total Hg determination. DL = 35.0 !1g Kg-l. - 0.0197 R2 = 0.9966 N=9 U U = 1.1411x 2 6 3 4 5 UFRJ-VGA (~g.g.1) 7 8 Figure 7. Correlation between traditional (hot bath. continuous flow (VGA)) and new digestion (microwave. flow injection (FlMS)) and Hg determination in sediment samples. at the UFRJ laboratory. 100 mg of soi! or sediment U 1.0mLHP milli-Q U 6.0 mL HN03:HCI (1:1) U 3.0 mL KMn04 5% U Microwave (sediment Hg program) 30 mino U After cooling to room tempoadd drops of NHPCI12% and filterWhatman 42 U Final volume 10 mL:=} analysis on FIMS* Figure 5. Digestion of soi! or sediment samples in a microwave oven for 258. total Hg determination. DL = 4.0 !1g kg-I Ciência e Cultura Journal of the Brazlllan Associatlon for the Advancement INTERLABORATORY COMPARISON PROGRAM MERCURY IN FISH ( ~g.g'1) ::- 1.2 b> y = 1.2601x - 0.0156 ÓJ 1 .::.... R2 = 0.9847 ~ 0.8 N=22 o "§ 0.6 o ii! ...I 0.4 9;; z => . 0.2 O O 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.2 FE Laboratory (~g.g-1) Figure 8. Correlation between FE and UNIR laboratories regarding Hg analysis in jish samples. of Sclence Volume 50(4). July/August 1998 ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .TecbJ1icaf ...................... --Review. - INTERLABORATORY COMPARISON PROGRAM MERCURY IN HAIR ( ~g.g") INTERLABORATORY COMPARISON PROGRAM MERCURY IN URINE ( ~g.L-1) 350 ~ 300 .:.J P 250 y = 0.9172x- 1.9177 R2= 0.9839 N = 18 ~ ~ 200 o 150 25 . ~ 15 16 210 ~o (\3 ...J fà 100 ...J ~ it 50 O 50 100 150 200 CTQ-Canada (~g.L-') 250 300 30 . y = 0.7964x + 2.7471 R2= 0.857 N = 27 UFRJ lab. 20 . -g :g 15 eu "C o it 16 10 u. o y = 0.7989x + 2.0566 R2= 0.8577 N = 27 FE lab. ~ fà 5 ::> ...J O O 5 10 15 20 Odense Universitet Lab. (~g.L-') 25 30 Figure 10. Correlation between three laboratories: Odense. UFRJ and FE regarding Hg analysis of urine. 35 30 y = 0.93x - 0.8612 R2= 0.9996 N=05 P 25 ~ ~ 20 16 (; 15 .Q (\3 ...J w 10 u. 5. 5 10 15 20 25 CTQ-Canada (~g.L-') 30 35 Figure 11. Intel'laboratory comparisonprogram of Hg blood analysis between Fundação Esperança Laboratory (FE) and the Centre de Toxicologie dll Québec. Canada (CTQ). Volume 50(4) -July/August 1998 5 10 15 OHS-Canada (~g.g") 20 25 Figure 12. lnterlaboratory comparisonprogram of Hg hair analysis between UFRJ Laboratory and Occllpational Health Sciences-Health. Canada (OHS). During the development ofthe methods, mercury determinations were performed using'a modern flow injection system (FIMS-400) and compared with the traditional methods and analytical systems of our laboratory provided with a cold vapor atomic absorption spectophometer (CV-AAS-Varian VGA-76 andVarian-1475). Internal standard addition was initialIy used for testing recovery during-the development of the techniques. Afterwards certified reference materiaIs were used for checking accuracy. For routine use in monitoring analysis we prepared at our laboratory homogenized freeze-dried fish and homogenized sediment samples and determined their Hg concentration. Those samples were used regularly in the three laboratories. International intercalibrationprogram were established jointly with the Centre de Toxicologie du Québec, Canada for urine blood and hair samples. AlI analysis were done in triplicate including analytical blanks. A complete solubilization of the samples was obtained in all the developed methods'.Recovery ofHg in internal standard experiments was between 90 and 105%. Table 1presents the results ofHg determinations in several different certified and internaI reference materiaIs performed by the three laboratories. Interlaboratory calibration exercises with a greater number of samples present a very good analytical correspondence between the participant laboratories regarding soil and sediment (Fig. 7), fish (Fig. 8), urine (Figs. 9 and 10), blood (Fig. 11)and hair (Fig. 12).Correlationcoefficients(R2)ranged from 0.8570-0.9997, and angular coefficients (a) between INTERLABORATORY COMPARISON PROGRAM MERCURY IN BLOOO ( ~g.L") ~ O Hg determinations and quality control INTERLABORATORY COMPARISON PROGRAM MERCURY IN URINE SAMPLES ( ~g.L-1) ~ 25 .:.J o 350 Figure 9. lnterlaboratory comparisonprogram of Hg urine analysis between Fundação Esperança Laboratory (FE) and the Centre de Toxicologie du Québec. Canada (CTQ). ~ 5 u. ::> O ~t y = 1.0872x - 0.4108 R2= 0.9997 N=6 ~20 ~ 0.7964-1.2601. T he digestion of samples is better and faster using a microwave oven in all types of studied matrices. The developed methods are more sensitive, efficient and Ciência e Cultura Journal of the Brazifian Association for the Advancement of Science - 259 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Tecbnical Review. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . clean, reducing contamination risks due to the closed system digestion and less manipulation of samples during analysis (automated). The established laboratories in Amazonia present excellent performances,succeedingin overcomingphysical isolation regarding materiais and technical and human resources. . - Table 1 Average Hg concentration in reference samples: Different analytical methods and different laboratories. Standard samp/es UFRJ FIMS UFRJ VGA-76 Hair (Jlg g-I) IAEA397 11.80 11.76 2.98 3.06 3.10 3.19 2.85 (IPEN) 2.94 (CENA) Fish (Jlg g-') APPX2960" 5.03 4.98 4.84 4.68 4.72 (IPEN) 4.98 (CENA) Blood (Jlg VI) SERONORM 8.80 10.60 9.00 (SERONORM) Soil(Jlgg-I) GMSL-167" 0.23 0.23 Sediment pond (Jlgg-I) 1.22 \.16 Fish (Jlg g-I) APPX2958" Lab UNIR Lab FE Certificatel Reference va/ue 12.30 (IAEA) Q.21 0.23 (GKSS) 1.30 (No. 2-NIES) " Reference sample of UFRJ laboratory. IAEA = Intemational Agency of Energy Atomic, USA; IPEN = Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, Brazil; CENA = Centro de Energia Nuclear e Agricultura, Brazil; GKSS = GKSS Research Center, Germany; NIES = National Institute for Environment Sciences, Japan; SERONORM = Seros AIS, Norway; UFRJ = Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; UNIR = Universidade Federal de Rondônia, Brazil; FE = Fundação Esperança, Brazil; FIMS = Flow Injection Mercury System, Perkin-Elmer; VGA = Vapor Generation Accessory, Varian. References and notes , 1. Pfeiffer WC, LD Lacerda 1988 Mercury inputs into the Amazon region, Brasil. Environ Techno/ Lett 9: 325-330 2. Heltai G, K Peresich 1994 Moderated pressure microwave digestion system for preparation of biological samples. Elsevier Sei Talanta 41: 1067-1072 3. Zhou CY, MK Wong, LL Koh, YC Wee 1995 Orthogonal array design for the optimization of closed-vessel microwave digestion parameters for the determination of trace metais in sediments. Anal Chim Acta 314: 121-130 4. Welz B, LD Tsalev, M Sperling 1992 On-line microwave sample pretreatment for the determination of mercury in water and urine by flow-injection cold-vapour atomic absorption spectrometry. Chim Acta 261: 91-103 5. Malm O, WC Pfeiffer, WR Bastos, CMM Souza 1989 Utilização do acessório de geração de vapor frio para análise de mercúrio em investigações ambientais por espectrofotometria de absorção atômica. Ci Cult 41: 88-92 6.Acknowledgements: The authors wish to thank the Fundação Esperança (FE), Universidade Federal de Rondônia (UNIR) and Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) for local support, and Fernando Pinto (UFRJ), Doralice A Leão (FE), Prof Ene Glória and Priscila Gali (UNIR) for technique assistance, Profs Miriam Brugnara and Luciana Andrade for reviewing manuscript. This research was supported by the European Union (Contract no. B7-5041/1/93/15) and CNPq. - - Received 04 July 1997 Accepted 10 August 1997 ,. 260. Ciência e Cultura Journal ofthe Brazillan Association for the Advancement of Sclence Volume 50(4). July/August 1998