Flesh and Blood (Book 1) by Robert Tinnell You need to read Tinnell & Vokes Black Forest. Not to figure it out what is going on in Flesh & Blood but because their both so damn good. Its Vamps vs Vamp Hunters vs the Wolfman, but with a Hammer film feel! Great art & story. I mean Lesbian Vampires in the opening pages? Love it !|Este livro assume-se como uma homenagem bem humorada ao terror clássico dos filmes da Hammer, com os seus monstros icónicos, horrores sexualizados, ambientes góticos e argumentos inacreditáveis. É uma homenagem bem sucedida, divertida e bem ilustrada. Drácula e as suas noivas juntam-se para lançar uma horde de vampiros vingativos sobre os assassinos de Carmilla, que antes de ser exterminada pelo sanguinário caçador Spielsdorf consegue enfeitiçar a bela Laura. Spielsdorf recruta os serviços do Dr. Frankenstein para criar uma praga capaz de dizimar vampiros. Frankenstein dedica-se com afinco ao trabalho, injectando uma bela vampira capturada com soluções de sangue e alho com resultados horripilantes que chocam o jovem Dr. Van Helsing, médico de Frankenstein no asilo de lunáticos de onde foi libertado pelos caçadores de vampiros. Drácula ataca, Frankenstein experimenta, e Van Helsing apaixona-se pela maléfica Laura. Tudo isto é contado num tom exagerado e grandiloquente, adequado a uma narrativa que se quer perto dos limites do absurdo. Esta vénia ao terror clássico de Robert Tinnell e Neil Vokes consegue ser ao mesmo tempo divertida e respeitosa.|Robert Tinnell and Neil Vokes add to their impressive list of Horror-themed graphic novels with FLESH AND BLOOD, the first of a multi-part series once again revisiting the time-honored tradition of the "monster rally", but this time from a slightly different perspective. Unlike Universal Studios, which grouped their major Horror characters into a series of single movies during the latter half of the 1940s, Hammer Films kept their Frankenstein, Dracula, and other sagas on separate paths for the entirety of their run. FLESH AND BLOOD is the Hammer Horror monster rally that never was, and should have been. The story opens boldly with the destruction of the vampiress Carmilla at the hands of a group of single-minded hunters. But Carmilla's death is only the beginning- the group seeks to wipe out every last trace of vampires from the world, and to that end they have acquired the services of the expert on life and death: Baron Frankenstein. The story opens boldly with the destruction of the vampiress Carmilla at the hands of a group of single-minded hunters. But Carmilla's death is only the beginning- the group seeks to wipe out every last trace of vampires from the world, and to that end they have acquired the services of the expert on life and death: Baron Frankenstein. However, this action does not remain unnoticed- Dracula, who takes the threat of Frankenstein very seriously, unites his undead legion for a war for their very survival. Everything about the book, from its nuanced characterization to its gothic "neverwhere" setting to even its title, is reminiscent of Hammer Horror, and this is a wonderful thing. With contemporary cinema emphasizing over-thetop gory horror movies or teen-angst driven movies with moderate horror themes, FLESH AND BLOOD is a welcome return to the classics of yesteryear and a glimpse into what they might look like today, if left to the mercies of people who know the genre and understand the genre's appeal. People like Robert Tinnell and Neil Vokes. I eagerly await the next installment.|I'm a life long Hammer film fan and I absolutely adored it. Fabulous, inspired and clearly a labour of love!