Brazilian National Institute for Space Research (INPE) Center for Weather Forecast and Climatic Studies (CPTEC) DevCoCast “Capacity Building” WORKSHOP Training Report Eng. Sérgio Pereira - CPTEC/INPE [email protected] June 2011 1. Introduction GEONETCast is a low cost, global environmental information delivery system that transmits satellite and in situ data, products and services from the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) to users through communication satellites. The satellite broadcast uses standard digital video broadcasting protocols and technology to provide a multi-cast, access-controlled broadband capability. No internet connection is required and the receiving station is simply a standard personal computer, an off-the-shelf satellite television dish and a couple of computer cards. Accordingly, GEONETCast will be able to reach users in developing country, even in areas with limited or no access to high speed internet. The result is worldwide dissemination of urgently needed environmental data to users located anywhere on the planet, in a reliable manner, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. As many developing countries are in particular exposed to serious environmental risks and often have a high need for, but no reliable access to real time environmental information, a 3-year project called GEONETCast for and by Developing Countries (DevCoCast) was established in order to involve Developing Countries in the GEONETCast initiative and sets up a strong user and provider base. DevCoCast is a project funded largely by the European Community’s 7th Framework Programme and coordinated by VITO, leading a consortium of 15 full partners (4 from Africa, 4 from South America, 7 from Europe) and 10 associated organizations. The DevCoCast project disseminates existing environmental added-value data (both in-situ as well as satellite based) from various sources in Africa, South-America and Europe via GEONETCast to a broad range of end-users in developing countries. Making this relevant environmental information available on a wide scale is only a first technical step; even more important is the support of the actual use of this data. Therefore, a major focus lies on capacity building, including training, user support, networking, and outreach. Aiming for a better usage of GEONETCast system and an optimal application of the available data by the different users, the Center for Weather Forecast and Climatic Studies (CPTEC) of the Brazilian National Institute for Space Research (INPE), through its Satellite and Environmental Systems Division (DSA) organized the course “DevCoCast – Capacity Building” in the period 13 to 17 June 2011. The overall objective of this training was not only to demonstrate the advantage of using freely available data disseminated via the low cost and highly reliable GEONETCast system, but also to make available a set of exercises that can be used for training (“training of trainers”) or end-users applications. The classes were prepared to describe the various (pre-)processing and analysis steps in a structured manner following a clearly described methodology for different application domains. 2. Training Description and Materials Nine modules covering different aspects related with GEONETCast system were programmed in Cachoeira Paulista, São Paulo, Brazil. Five Application themes were selected, plus a CBERS module: André Souza (Crop Monitoring) Eliana Fonseca (Biomass Monitoring) Elizabeth Ferreira (Estimation of Evapotranspiration) Daniel Vila (Methodology for Estimation of Precipitation on a river basin) Fabio Torrezan (Assessing Vegetation Coverage) The modules were expository, aiming to give to the participants, within sufficient detail, the complete processing flow from source data and products, through algorithms, to the final application, as developed in the ITC DevCoCast Advanced Training which occurred in Feb-2011. The teachers in some cases have also provided hints or recommendations to help the participants to be able to adapt the methodology to their areas/targets of interest. Cesar de Mello has presented details of a GEONETCast Antenna Receiving System, and the main resources of ILWIS that the Applications would be using. Daniel Vila also presented some basic principles of Remote Sensing and Image Processing. The language used in this training was Portuguese and the course calendar is shown in Figure 1. The participants list is included at the end of this report. Segunda-feira Terça-feira Quarta-feira Quinta-feira 13/junho 14/junho 15/junho 16/junho Sexta-feira 17/junho 8:30 às 11:30h 8:30 às 11:30h 8:30 às 11:30h 8:30 às 11:30h 8:30 às 11:30h Introdução ao Sistema GeonetCast/DevCoCast Configuração da Estação de Recepção e Visita à estação da EUMETCast na DAS Visualização e manuseio de produtos GeonetCast através do Software ILWIS Uso dos índices de vegetação derivados do satélite SPOT para identificação e monitoramento de áreas agrícolas. Monitoramento da biomassa da vegetação nativa do Pampa a partir de produtos NDVI-SPOT Estimativa da Evapotranspiração, no estado de Minas Gerais, utilizando o modelo SEBS através do software ILWIS Cesar de Mello Cesar de Mello André Souza Eliana Fonseca Elizabeth Ferreira 14:00 às 16:30 14:00 às 16:30 14:00 às 16:30 14:00 às 16:30 14:00 às 16:30 Princípios Básicos de Sensoriamento Remoto por Satélite e processamento de imagens Aplicação de metodologia de estimação de precipitação por satélite para monitoramento de bacias hidrológicas Identificação e monitoramento de pastagens degradadas através dos produtos Geonetcast/DevCoCast Imagens CBERS Daniel Vila Daniel Vila Fábio Torresan Eliana Kalil Figure 1: Workshop DevCoCast – “Capacity Building” calendar A total of 129 registrations for attendance were received and 30 participants were selected from different countries: 9 (30%) students from outside Brazil (Peru, Argentina, Uruguay, Venezuela, Ecuador, Chile, South Africa and Mozambique) and 21 (70%) from Brazil, from universities, weather services, and private and public companies (Figure 2). We have "almost" got two additional candidates from Angola, but unfortunately they were not able to attend. Participant's geografical distribution 25 20 15 10 5 0 Latin America Africa Brazil Figure 2: Workshop DevCoCast – “Capacity Building” participant’s geographical distribution The complete lectures material was placed available to each participant, initially in a server to be accessed by ftp: _DevCoCast_Capacity_Building/ A complete DVD is being compiled and will be mailed to all participants, together with the proper certificate document. 3. Results Participants completed and returned an evaluation questionnaire in order to assist the organizers in evaluating the course and to improve the planning and preparation, publicity, content and delivery of any similar future training event. The results from the collected evaluation questionnaires for the course “DevCoCast – Capacity Building” are shown in this section. The evaluation questionnaire was composed of 10 multiple choice questions, where each question has 3 alternatives: (a) Excellent; (b) Good and (c) Acceptable. In Figure 3, the questions and the relative percentages were presented. In general terms, the results were very satisfactory with the exception of depth and course length (25% and 30% “Acceptable”, respectively) due to the fact that only one week (with only one session for each application theme) wasn’t enough for a comprehensive development of all topics exposed. 1. Overall, how do you rate the course? 0% 15% 2. Course organization? 0% 20% 80% 85% Acceptable Good Excellent 3. How do you rate the resource material available? 5% Acceptable Good Excellent 4. Overall, did the course meet your expectations? 0% 40% 45% 50% Acceptable Good Excellent 60% Acceptable 50% 50% 50% Acceptable Acceptable Good Good Excellent Excellent 8. Know ledge gained? 5% 7. Depth? 25% Excellent 6. Content? 0% 5. Scope? 0% 50% Good 25% 20% 75% Acceptable 50% Good Excellent 9. Course Length? 25% Acceptable Good Excellent 10. Impact of the course on your w ork abilities? 5% 30% 25% 70% 45% Acceptable Good Excellent Figure 3: Graphs for evaluation questionnaire Acceptable Good Excellent We have received from the participants a "general" request that we should carefully study the possibility to provide a dedicated and a more extensive training in the full ILWIS package ("at distance course"), in order to facilitate to all the efficient experimentation of the given methodologies. (This kind of course certainly could not be fit in our "one week" Workshop). Some of the participant’s comments are attached in the paragraphs below: “Mi sugerencia sería, realizar más horas en la manipulación del software ILWIS o un curso separado para su uso, ya que es la base para poder generar productos de los datos del GEONETCast.” “Este Workshop foi muito bom, porém sugiro que seja realizado uma capacitação complementar (de preferência presencial) sobre as ferramentas ILWIS e GEONETCast Toolbox, para que possamos realmente nos “apropriar” desta tecnologia. Sugiro também que seja criado um sistema de Tutoria para cada participante que desejar propor/realizar uma nova aplicação ambiental.” 4. Conclusions As a preliminary result, we are observing the clear interest of the participants of Minas Gerais - EMATER (crop and biomass monitoring), EPAMIG (crop and biomass monitoring) and IGAM (hidrology and evapotranspiration) - in installing their GEONETCast Receiving Systems to start adapting the methodology to their areas of interest. In the coming days we shall be discussing a draft for a joint project with INPE with large probability to get State funding. Funding for the receiving system is already in progress to be granted. A participant from Federal University of State of PARA, is also already taking steps to get a Receiving station to initiate a work based on Daniel Vila’s methodology, and is also interested in becoming deeply familiar with ILWIS package. Civil Defense Coordination (State of ACRE) has also shown great interest in having their GEONETCast System in place. A participant from Dept of Meteorology (Lab. of Applied Meteorology), Federal University of State of Rio de Janeiro has already taken almost all the steps to implement their GEONETCast-DevCoCast Receiving System (only pendency at this time is to get the DVB card). The participant from EMPBRAPA (State of Santa Catarina) has already signalized that is in progress the acquisition of 2 (two) receiving systems, at institutions joined to EMBRAPA. A participant from Civil Defense (of State of ACRE) is starting a project aiming the installation of a DevCoCast Receiving System. The participant from Mozambique has asked for a version of the “Hydroestimador” for Africa. Our feeling here is that we shall be capable to support the implementation of this product, using MSG imagery, Global Model output, the topographic base for Africa, and the software code. In general, we think we have achieved what we aimed for: showing to each institution that we are counting on real and valid methodologies that allow satellite data and products to become usable for some particular applications that can support decision makers. Since this subject is very important nowadays, and with the knowledge gained in the course the trainees are now more familiar with the satellite products that are currently produced and delivered by the different remote sensing centers. DevCoCast Workshop “Capacity Building” - DevCoCast Workshop “Capacity Building” Lecturer Eliana da Fonseca’s class June 2011 Participant List Participant Institutions Country Berino Francisco Silinto INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE METEOROLOGIA (INAM) MOZAMBIQUE Hugo Jose De Lemos SOUTH AFRICAN NATIONAL SPACE AGENCY (SANSA) SOUTH ÁFRICA Carlos Gastón Catalini UNIVERSIDAD CATÓLICA DE CÓRDOBA ARGENTINA Marco Lucio Hernández DIRECCIÓN DE AGRICULTURA Y CONTINGENCIAS CLIMÁTICAS (DACC) ARGENTINA Jose Luis Ticona Jara SERVICIO NACIONAL DE METEOROLOGÍA E HIDROLOGÍA DEL PERÚ PERU Jeannette Isaura Lopez Barceló DIRECCIÓN NACIONAL DE METEOROLOGÍA URUGUAI Mayri Concepción Chourio Alvarez INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE METEOROLOGÍA E HIDROLOGÍA (INAMEH) VENEZUELA Luis Rogelio Poveda Zaruma INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE METEOROLOGÍA E HIDROLOGÍA (INAMHI) ECUADOR Cristobal Torres Ravelo DIRECCIÓN METEOROLÓGICA DE CHILE CHILE Cristian Melo De Souza COORDENADORIA ESTADUAL DE DEFESA CIVIL BRASIL (ACRE ) José Carvalho De Moraes SISTEMA DE PROTEÇÃO DA AMAZÔNIA (SIPAM) BRASIL (Porto Velho, RO) Janice Freitas Leivas EMBRAPA MONITORAMENTO POR SATÉLITE (CNPM) BRASIL (Campinas, SP) Wagner Luiz Barbosa Melciades FUNDAÇÃO CEARENSE DE METEOROLOGIA E RECURSOS HÍDRICOS (FUNCEME) BRASIL (Fortaleza) Ana Cláudia M P Albanez EMPRESA DE ASSISTÊNCIA TÉCNICA E EXTENSÃO RURAL DO ESTADO DE MINAS GERAIS (EMATER - MG) BRASIL (Belo Horizonte) Maria Lélia Rodriguez Simão EMPRESA DE PESQUISA AGROPECUÁRIA DE MINAS GERAIS (EPAMIG) BRASIL (Belo Horizonte) Antonio Marcos Vianna Campos MARINHA DO BRASIL, CENTRO DE HIDROGRAFIA DA MARINHA BRASIL ( Niteroi, RJ) Julio Cesar Marchiori De Paula SECRETARIA DE MEIO AMBIENTE E DESENVOLVIMENTO SUSTENTÁVEL DE PETRÓPOLIS BRASIL (Petrópolis, RJ) Antônio Do Nascimento Oliveira LABORATÓRIO DE METEOROLOGIA APLICADA /UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO RIO DE JANEIRO (UFRJ) BRASIL (Jacarepaguá, RJ) Frederico De Moraes Rudorff EMPRESA DE PESQUISA AGROPECUÁRIA E EXTENSÃO RURAL DE BRASIL (Florianópolis, SC) SANTA CATARINA Paulo Afonso Fischer Kuhn UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO PARÁ BRASIL (Belem, PA) Gláucia De Fátima Gomes Da Silva UNITINS - NÚCLEO ESTADUAL DE METEOROLOGIA E RECURSOS HÍDRICOS (NEMET/RH) BRASIL (Palmas, TO) Elio Andrei Pissaia Maciel GLOBALSAT SENSORIAMENTO REMOTO/ FUNDAÇÃO DE APOIO A PESQUISA AGROPECUÁRIA (MT) BRASIL Gerson Pagano Galli UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO RIO GRANDE DO SUL (UFRGS) BRASIL (Porto Alegre -RS) Carlos Alberto Prata De Almeida INSTITUTO BRASILEIRO DO MEIO AMBIENTE E DOS RECURSOS NATURAIS RENOVÁVEIS (IBAMA) BRASIL Sandra Maria Oliveira Sá UNIVERSIDADE ESTADUAL DO MARANHÃO (UEMA) BRASIL Almir Venancio Ferreira CENTRO FEDERAL DE EDUCAÇÃO TECNOLÓGICA (CEFET-RJ) BRASIL Paula Pereira De Souza INSTITUTO MINEIRO DE GESTÃO DAS ÁGUAS (IGAM) BRASIL Gilmar Aparecido Gallo TOTAL QUALITY ENGENHARIA E SERVIÇOS LTDA. BRASIL Hugo Do Nascimento Bendini EMPRESA BRASILEIRA DE PESQUISA AGROPECUÁRIA (EMBRAPA) BRASIL INSTRUMENTAÇÃO / UFSCar. Helcio Marcelo De Russi TERRASATII BRASIL