[Type text] 1.4305 Stainless Steel Round Bar 1.4305 - AISI 304 popularly is known as grade 303 stainless steel. Grade 303 is the most readily machineable of all the austenitic grades of stainless steel. The machineable nature of grade 303 is due to the present of Sulphur in the steel composition. Whilst the Sulphur improves machining, it also cause a decrease in the corrosion resistance and a slight lowering of the toughness. The corrosion resistance is lower than that for 304. The toughness is still excellent as with other austenitic grades. By using 1.4305 (AISI 303 – SS2346) you get corrosion resistant free-machining stainless steel excellent for machining. It has good corrosion resistance and is often used for details within construction, building and processindustry. The steel grade 1.4305 (also called AISI 303 and SS2346) is a free-machining austenitic stainless steel with excellent machinability. It is suitable for massproduction of details requireing good resistance to atmospheric corrosion and good resistance to many organic and inorganic chemicals. It shall not be used in marine environment or coastal environments. It is non-magnetic but may become slightly magnetic after cold working and welding. [Type text] Typical application areas for 1.4305: Pump- and Valve details Bolts Fittings Construction Building Reliant pipes and Tubes is ISO certified 1.4305 elastic modulus, 1.4305 edelstahl, 1.4305 eigenschaften, 1.4305 e-modul, 1.4305 edelstahl datenblatt, 1.4305 en 10088-3, 1.4305 elastizitätsmodul, 1.4305 elektrische leitfähigkeit, e-modul stahl 1.4305, 1.4305 festigkeit, 1.4305 federstahl, 1.4305 fda, 1.4305 fda zulassung, 1.4305 für lebensmittel, 1.4305 fräsen, 1.4305 flachstahl, 1.4305 festigkeitsklasse, 1.4305 f7, 1.4305 аналог, 1.4305 grade, 1.4305 gewicht, 1.4305 material grade, edelstahl güte 1.4305, 1.4305 gehärtet, 1.4305 gezogen, 1.4305 gefüge, 1.4305 geschliffen h6. Reliant Pipe & Tubes Pvt. Ltd. 501, 5th Floor, 67, Ankush Apartment, 10th khetwadi Lane, Mumbai - 400004, India http://bit.ly/2BIbqTL