STUDENT Nº _______________/ D
Dear Sir
Vice President of the Scientific Board
Professor Leonel Sousa
Instituto Superior Técnico
Post-Graduate and
Advanced Training Unit
Student’s Name:_____________________________________________________________
I hereby request acceptance for the change of the Co-Supervisor (s) in my PhD Programme:
Co-Supervisor full name
Basis for proposal to change the Scientific Co-Supervisor:
Lisboa, ______/_____/______
(student signature)
Note: If there is any change in the Research Plan, please attach the new Plan signed by the Supervisor.
I agree with the request
I agree with the request
I agree with the request
Lisboa, ______/_____/______
Lisboa, ______/_____/______
Lisboa, ______/_____/______
The Supervisor
The Co-supervisor (previous)
The Co-Supervisor (new)
I agree with the request
Scientific Board Acceptance
Lisboa, ______/_____/______
Lisboa, ______/_____/______
The PhD Programme Coordinator

Dear Sir Vice President of the Scientific Board Professor Leonel