fi( tRdÑrffih F&GULf-fA.b&& Avd'S$,ffiWffifr" Papéis Museu deZnologia da Universidade de Sáo Paulo Volume 5l (3) 229-47, 20ll Axnrourn wwv¡ ISSN impresso:0031-1049 ISSN on-Iine: l8O7 -O2O5 E CoMpARADAE MoRFOMETRIAnn OueOnyZo*tvS NIGRIPES No Rlo Gnnxonoo Sut, Bn¡srr O. rt¿wscn¡'ts(RooBNnn,Srcn¿oooNrINen) Lrox¡noo E Mncnnoor'3 RosrRTAPenrsqun2 U. Csrusroppr'a ATExANDRE ABSTRACT andO. nigripesarewidelydistributedand sympanycin manybiomes. Oligoryzomsflavescens theseare not clearlye*ablished.In thisstudyd'evripusedto recognize Thediagnosticcharacters tion and comparisonwasconductedof externalmorpholog,anatomyof theskull, teeth,postcranial sheleton,as well asstoruachand penis morphology.Statisticalanalysiswasgeneratedfom of 208 specimens rrtorphomaricdata. Thesampleconsisted fom 24 localitiesin Brazil. O. nigripeswasfound to be krger, with dnrsalpelagedarkerand uentralpelagewhitish with bkch O. flavescensis smalbr with theshull beinglargerand morerobustthan O. flavescens. specks, dorsalpekgeandyellowishbelly.Thepaxern of cephaliccirculationisdtriuedfrom slightlycl.earer in CornparisonofpostcranialsheletonreueabproTninentaccid.ents thesecondtypein bothspecies. numerous On theotherhandO. nigripesdem.onstrated scapulaand bumerusin O. flavescens. in dffirenceslocalizedin the iliac blade,orientationof the ischiumand prominentaccid¿nts of bothtaxahad thesameunihcular-hemighnduhr tibia andfibuk. Thestomachmorphology pattern. Thepenis clnsistedof distal baculumni-digited. Analysisof the discriminantfunction Accordingto by thespecies. groupsrepresented clearlyindicatesthedistinctionof two homogeneous t tesr,two morphometicuariables(width of thezigomaticphte and width offirst uppermolar) are irreleuant(P > 0.05) to thediscriminationof taxa. Sexualdimorphismbasedon morphomeny wassupportedby t testfor O. nigripes.1z O. flavescensthis conditionwasnot su?Ported'. Krv'woRDs: Okgoryzomys; Description;Anatomy; Morphometry. INTRODUQÁO Os roedoresformam o grupo com maior diversidadede espéciesna ClasseMammalia, sendo a subfamília Sigmodontinaeo clado mais diverso da família Cricetiade presentenos limites da América Neotropical(MusserEc Carleton,2005). Dentre os sigmodontineos,Oryzomyini é a tribo com maior riqueza,contandocom 28 génerosreconhecidos(Musser & Carleton, 2005; \leksler et al., 2006) e tendo 1' Departamento de Biologia, Museu de CiénciasNaturais, UniversidadeLuterana do Brasil (ULBRA). Rua Faroupilha, 101, SáoJosé, 92420-900, Canoas,RS, Brasii. 2. Departamento de Ciéncias da SaúdeBiológicase Agrárias, Centro Universi¡ário No¡te do Espírito Santo, UniversidadeFederaldo Espírito Santo. 29933-415,SáoMateus,ES, Brasil.E-mail: 3' E-mail: [email protected] a' E-mail: