42 LEG ULCER – 20 YEARS UNTIL COMPRESSION THERAPY Jose Antonio Coelho, Jose Mario Baleca, Marta Carvalho Centro De Saúde De Elvas, Elvas, Portugal Aim: This work describes a case of leg ulcer that had been developing for 20 years and whose healing was achieved after applying Compression Therapy. Method: The study involved identification of the clinical case and was supported by a literature search and technical and scientific knowledge, and photographic records. Results: The results obtained in this study demonstrate the efficacy of Compression Therapy as a fundamental component of leg ulcer treatment, which culminated in the complete healing of a leg ulcer that had been developing for 20 years, after 6 weeks of treatment. Discussion: Compression Therapy improved the quality of life of the patient and his family, particularly evident in pain reduction, increased mobility, and less social isolation, and also enabled costs to be cut quite significantly by minimising the economic impact that this condition has on the health services. This study offers a way of showing compression therapy as an effective technique in chronic leg ulcer treatment and encourages its use by other professionals. References: Miguéns, Cristina – Estudo prospectivo da eficácia de um novo sistema de ligaduras (Prospective study on the efficacy of a new bandaging system) – Nursing Magazine, Portuguese Ed., no. 210, May/2006,Year 16, p.24-27. Pina, E. et al – Boas práticas no tratamento e prevenção das úlceras de perna de origem venosa (Good practices in treating and preventing leg ulcers of venous origin) – Gaif 2007, p.11-48