V Postgraduate Refreshment Course
21 horas | 6 ECTS
IX Theoretical and Practical Course
Hand Surgery
29-30 November 2013
Hands-On Practice on
Cadaveric Specimens
Dra. Maria Angélica Roberto
Professor Doutor J. Goyri O' Neill
Dra. Maria Manuel Mouzinho
Faculdade de Ciências Médicas
Department of Anatomy
SPlastic and Reconstructive Surgery Department
Hand Surgery Group
Scientific Association for the Development of
Plastic Surgery
Theoretical Teaching (Hospital São José / Department of Anatomy - NOVA Medical School)
Anatomy and physiology of the hand, physical examination of the hand in different pathologies. Presentation
and discussion of issues in the area of Pathology of the hand including: Loco-regional Anesthesia; tendon,
nerve, vascular and osteoarticular injuries and skin coverage
P r a c t i c a l Tr a i n i n g ( A n a t o m i c a l T h e a t r e a n d A n i m a l H o u s e N O VA M e d i c a l S c h o o l
a) anatomical dissection in cadavers in the Anatomical Theatre in the NOVA Medical School, aimed at
increasing experience with the surgical anatomy of the hand, and training in the raising of flaps useful for
coverage of the upper limb, including cutaneous, fasciocutaneous and muscle defects with exposure of
important structures.
NOTE | Ratio: 1 to 2 participants;
b) Surgical training in tendon and nerve repair and raising of skin grafts in animal models performed at the
animal house of the NOVA Medical School.
This course is especially aimed at residents in surgical specialties with an interest in hand surgery, including:
Plastic Surgery, Orthopedics, Surgical Pediatrics; General Surgery, as well as other specialties with an interest
in hand pathology, namely: Physical Medicine, Radiology, Physiotherapy and Nursing.
Prof. Doutor João Goyri O' Neill | FCM
Dr. Pedro Alves | CHLC
Prof. Doutor Diogo Pais | FCM
Dra. Rita Carvalho Silva | HBA
Dra. Maria Angélica Roberto | CHLC
Dr. Diogo Casal | FCM/CHLC
Dra. Maria Manuel Mouzinho
Dr. David Rasteiro | CHLC
Dra. Maria Manuel Mendes
CHLC - Hand Surgery
Dr. Carlos Mavioso
Evaluation Methodology
Qualitative Evaluation open mode:
Theoretical Component | Multiple Choice Test;
Practical Component | Acquisition of skills supervised by tutors.
Friday 29 – November 2013
THEORETICAL TRAINING | Amphitheater at the Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Central E. P. E. – CHLC
(Hospital São José)
08:30 | Open Course
08:45 | Rating Methodology | J. Goyri O'Neill
09:00 | Objective Examination of the Hand
General Principles of Hand Surgery | Maria Manuel Mouzinho
10:00 | Radiologie in Hand Surgery | Pedro Alves
10:30 | Diagnosis of Lesions with Small Wounds | Angelica Maria Roberto
11:00 | Injuries with Loss of Substance | Carlos Mavioso
11:30 | Coffee-break
12:00 | Tendon injuries | Carlos Mavioso
12:30 | Nerve and Vascular Injuries | Diogo Casal
13:00 | Hand Fractures | Rita Silva
13:30 | Lunch
PRACTICAL TRAINING | NOVA Medical School (Anatomy Department)
14:30 | Surgical Anatomy of the Hand | J. O'Neill, Diogo Pais
16:30 | Animal House - Facility (Animal Model)
- Tendon repair
- Nerve repair
- Flaps
- Skin grafts
Saturday - 30 November | NOVA Medical School (Anatomy Department)
08:30 | Cadaveric Practical Training (Hands On) (Anatomical Theatre)
13:00 | Lunch
14:00 | Cadaveric Practical Training (Hands On) (Anatomical Theatre)
General Information
Duration | 21 hours
ECTS | 6
Schedule | Friday and Saturday from 08h30 to 19h00.
Absent Regimen | Participants must be present throughout the duration of the course.
Selection Criteria | Selection of candidates will be made by the Coordination Course, based on curriculum
Pre-registration fee | 25 €
Registration fee | 50 €
Participation fee | 450 €
Numerus Clausus
Theoretical Component | Those selected for course entrance and those invitated
Practical Component | Those selected for course entrance in a minimum of 16 and maximum of 20 participants.
V Postgraduate Refreshment Course
21 horas | 6 ECTS
IX Theoretical and Practical Course
Hand Surgery
Hands-On Practice on
Cadaveric Specimens
Patrocínio Científico
Divisão Académica - Secção de Pós-Graduação
Campo Mártires da Pátria, 130 - 1169-056 Lisboa
[email protected]
| www.fcm.unl.pt
Tel.: 21 880 30 66

Hand Surgery - Sociedade Anatomica