1. PERSONAL DATA António Alexandre Ventura Araújo, Associate Professor, portuguese, born in March 11, 1961 Institution: Department of Geosciences and Geophysical Centre of Évora, ECT/IIFA, University of Évora, 7002-554, Portugal Phone: +351 266 745 301; Fax: +351 266 745 397; E-mail: [email protected] 2. ACADEMIC DEGREES 1995, PhD (Structural Geology), University of Évora, Portugal 1989, MSc.D, (Structural Geology), FCUL, University of Lisbon, Portugal 1984, Graduation (Geology), FCUL, University of Lisbon, Portugal 3. CURRENT SCIENTIFIC AND/OR PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES Since 2011, Vice-director of the Geophysical Centre of Évora (CGE), University of Évora Since 2010, Member of editorial board of the journal “Comunicações Geológicas”, LNEG, Lisbon Since 2009, Member of the General Council of the University of Évora Since 2009, Member of the Scientific Council of the School of Sciences and Technology, University of Évora Since 2001, Associate Professor, Department of Geosciences, University of Évora, Portugal 4. ACADEMIC HISTORY AND PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES Supervisor of 4 graduation, 2 MSc.D and 4 PhD Thesis, in the last ten years 2010, Evaluator of bilateral projects of the Foundation of the Portuguese Universities 2007 – 2011, Editorial Director of “Geoboletim”, newsletter of the CGE 2007 – 2009, Director of the first cycle in Earth and Atmospheric Sciences 2005 – 2008, Scientific Coordinator of the Group of Dynamics of Geological Processes, CGE 2001 – 2003, Vice-President of the Pedagogical Council of University of Évora 1996 – 2003, Director of the first cycle in Geological Engineering, University of Évora 1996 – 1997, Vice-President of the Scientific Council of the Departmental Area of Natural Sciences and Environment 1995 - 2001, Assistant Professor, University of Évora 1996 – 1999, Head of Geosciences Department, University of Évora 1995 - 1996, Invited Professor, University of Madeira 1993 - 1995, Assistant, University of Évora 1989 – 1993, Assistant, FCUL, University of Lisbon 1985 – 1989, Trainee Assistant, FCUL, University of Lisbon 5. PRESENT RESEARCH INTERESTS Structural Geology and Tectonics, Neotectonics, Regional Geology, Geological Mapping. 6. PUBLICATIONS Co-editor of 2 books and 9 proceedings of scientific meetings; author or co-author of 12 chapters of books; 14 papers in refereed journals; Collaborator on the edition of 4 sheets of the geological map of Portugal (1/50.000 and 1/200.000 scales); 69 abstracts in conferences. 7. MOST RELEVANT PUBLICATIONS IN THE LAST 5 YEARS ARAÚJO, A. (2006). O Varisco do Sector Sul de Portugal. In Dias, R.; Araújo, A. Terrinha, p. & Kullberg, J. C. Coords. (2006) Geologia de Portugal no Contexto da Ibéria. Universidade de Évora, pp 139-143. ARAÚJO, A.; PIÇARRA de ALMEIDA, J.; BORREGO, J.; PEDRO, J. & TOMÁS de OLIVEIRA, J. (2006). As Regiões Central e Sul da Zona de Ossa-Morena. In Dias, R.; Araújo, A. Terrinha, p. & Kullberg, J. C. Coords. (2006) Geologia de Portugal no Contexto da Ibéria. Universidade de Évora, pp 151-172. PEDRO, J.; ARAÚJO, A.; FONSECA, P. & MUNHÁ, J. Ofiolitos e Metamorfismo de Alta Pressão. In Dias, R.; Araújo, A. Terrinha, p. & Kullberg, J. C. Coords. (2006) Geologia de Portugal no Contexto da Ibéria. Universidade de Évora, pp 195-206. RIBEIRO, A.; MUNHÁ, J.; DIAS, R.; MATEUS, A.; PEREIRA, E.; RIBEIRO, L.; FONSECA, P.; ARAÚJO, A.; OLIVEIRA, T.; ROMÃO, J.; CHAMINÉ, H.; COKE, C.; PEDRO, J. (2007) Geodynamic evolution of the SW Europe Variscides. Tectonics, Doi.10.1029/2006TC002058 RIBEIRO, A.; MUNHÁ, J.; FONSECA, P.E.;ARAÚJO, A.; PEDRO, J.C.; MATEUS, A.; TASSINARI, C..; MACHADO, G. & JESUS, A. (2009) Variscan ophiolite belts in the Ossa-Morena Zone (Southwest Iberia): Geological characterization and geodynamic significance. Gondwana Research, doi:10.1016/j.gr.2009.09.005 ROCHA, R.C.; ARAÚJO, A.; BORREGO, J. S. & FONSECA, P. E. (2009). Transected folds with opposite patterns in Terena Formation (Ossa Morena Zone, Portugal): Anomalous structures resulting from sedimentary basin anisotropies. Geodinamica Acta 22/1 (2009) 1-7, doi:10.3166/ga.22.1-7 PEDRO, J.; ARAÚJO, A.; FONSECA, P.; TASSINARI, C. & RIBEIRO, A. (2010) Geochemistry and U-Pb zircon age of the internal Ossa-Morena Zone ophiolite sequences: a remnant of Rheic Ocean in SW Iberia. Ofioliti, 2010, 35 (2), pp. 117-130