39 Rev. Bras. Fisiot. Vol. 2, No. I (1997) ©Associação Brasileira de Fisioterapia Electromyographic Activity of Vastus Medialis Oblique Muscle in Step-Up and Step-Down Exercises* Vanessa Monteiro-Pedro 1, Mathias Vitti2 , Fausto Bérzin 3 , Débora Bevilaqua-Grosso 4 1 Department oj Physiotherapy, Federal University of São Carlos Via Washington Luís, Km 235, P.O. 676, 13565-905, São Carlos, SP- Brazil- [email protected] 2 Department of Morphological Sciences, College of Dentistry of Ribeirão Preto, University of São Paulo 3 Department de Morphological Sciences, College of Dentistry of Piracicaba, State University of Campinas 4 Department of Physiotherapy, University Methodist of Piracicaba. Received:31.03.97; Accepted: 12.05.97 Resumo. A proposta deste estudo foi analisar a atividade eletromiográfica do músculo vasto mediai oblíquo (VMO) nos exercícios de subi~ descer um degrau. A atividade elétrica do músculo VMO foi medida em 15 sujeitos, saudáveis com idade de 19 a 33 anos, (X= 24,4, SD = 4,1) sem história de patologia no joelho, utilizando um eletromiógrafo Nicolet de 8 canais e mini eletrodos de superfície tipo Beckman. Os sinais captados foram quantificados em RMS (raiz quadrada da média) e expressos em microvolts. A análise estatística (ANOV A e Teste de Tukey) foi calculada ao nível de 5% de significância. Os resultados mostraram que a atividade eletromiográfica do músculo VMO foi significativamente maior no exercício de subir (trabalho concêntrico) do que no de descer (trabalho excêntrico). Estes achados, dentro das condições experimentais usadas, sugerem que os exercícios de subir e descer um degrau poderiam recuperar a função do músculo VMO, inicialmente com trabalho excêntrico e, posteriormente, concêntrico. Palavras-chave: eletromiografia, exercício, reabilitação do joelho Abstract. The purpose of this study was to determine the electromyographic activity of the vastus medialis oblique muscle (VMO) during step-up and ste.E_-down exercises. The electrical activity of the VMO muscle was measured on 15 healthy subjects, aged 19 to 33 years, (X= 24.4, SD = 4.1) with no history ofknee pathology, using a 8 channels Nicolet Electromyograph and Beckman surface mini electrodes. The signal was recorded in root mean square (RMS), expressed in microvolts. The statistical analyses (ANOVA and Tukey test) were calculated at 5% of significance. The results showed that the electromyographic activity of the VMO muscle was significantly greater during the step-up (concentric work) than in the step-down exercise (eccentric work). These findings, within the experimental conditions used, suggest that the step-up and step-down exercises could recover the VMO muscle function, initially with eccentric work and afterwards,with concentric. Keywords : electromyography, exercise, knee rehabilitation Introduction The treatment of severa! pathologies of the knee joint (such as meniscal , ligament injury and others), including those of the patellofemoral joint, often include the step-up and stepdown (one or more steps) exercises, in the anterior, posterior or lateral planes (Malone et al., 1980; Mangine, 1988; Hilyard, 1990; Doucette & Goble, 1992 and Reynolds et al., 1992). In conservative treatment of the patellofemoral joint disorders, the referred exercises are indicated between the intermediary and advanced phases (Pevsner et al., 1979; Paulos, 1980; Antich & Brewster, 1986; Mcconnell, 1986; Shelboume & Nitz, 1990), with muscle power increasing and pain decreasing (Dehaven, et al., 1979). However, not many works that have studied the EMG activity of VMO muscles in these exercises have been found. Thus, the purpose of this work was to analyze the electromyographic activity of the VMO muscle on step-up and step-down exercises . Material and Method Subjects The VMO muscle, was analysed electromyographically in fifteen healthy adul!._volunteers, (five women and ten men), aged 19 to 33 years (X= 24.2 SD = 4.1), without any history of skeletal muscle dysfunction at the time they were studied, * Part of doctoral thesis, presented by Vanessa Monteiro Pedro to College of Dentistry of Piracicaba - State University of Campinas. *Artigo publicado no Brazilian Journal of Morphological Sciences., n.l, v. 14, p.I9-23, 1997. 40 Monteiro-Pedro et al. Rev. Bras. Fisiot. specially in the patellofemoral joint. This condition was established to assure that the volunteer did not show signals and symptoms that characterize knee and hip pathologies. Performed exercises Equipment Statistical Analysis Electromyograph The data were submitted to variance analysis (ANOV A) with two classification criteria: exercises and volunteers. To compare medium values, the Tukey's test at 5% significance levei was used. Step-up with right lower limb Step down with right lower limb The EMG activity was obtained through an 8 channels electromyograph Viking 11 (Nicolet Biomedical Instruments). The signals registered were quantified in root mean square (RMS), expressed in J.l.V using the MV A software package (Maximal Volunteer Activity). The calibration of the apparatus varied from 200 to 1000 J.l.V/division. The recording speed was of200 ms/division, and the filter used was of 10Hz (in low frequency) and 10KHz (in high frequency). To register the action potential of the VMO muscle a pair ofbipolar surface mini electrodes, type Beckman was used, and the distance between each electrode was of 2 em. Table 1. Means and Standard Deviations ofEiectromyographic Readings (RMS in j.tV) ofthe VMO muscle, during step up and step down exercises N = 15. Step Exercises Results The electromyographic activity of the VMO the muscle on step-up exercise was significantly greater at 5% levei , than on the step-down exercise (Tables 1 and 2). A step with a height of 17 em was used to perform the exercises. RMS (flV) Procedures Before initiating the tests, a short training period was provided, with the volunteer performing the exercises under orientation in order to get used to them. Following skin preparation (cleansing with alcohol, and when necessary, hair remova!), a pair of electrodes was fixed 5 em superior and mediai to the superomedial border of the patella, based on the technique proposed by Hanten & Shulthies (1990). The right low limb was chosen for being better positioned and nearer to the equipment, which made the performance of the exercises easier. The volunteer was instructed to concentrate on the verbal command of Attention now! given by the electromyograph operator to begin the exercises and ordered to perform them as naturally as possible, looking for some uniformity in the movement. For each exercise two contractions were performed and the mean obtained was used for calculus. The interval between each contraction was of 15 s, and between each exercise, of 1 min. This time was estimated in order to avoid irregularities during the performance of the exercises. The volunteer was instructed to report any possible signal of discomfort or muscle tiredness to the investigator. Position In the step-up exercise, the volunteer was placed with the distai part of the right foot supported on the step and the left lower !imb supported on the ground with the heel tumed towards the step. In the step-down exercise, the volunteer's feet were supported on the step and when the exerci se was done, he tumed to the initial position of stepping-up. Step-up* Step-down X SD X SD 135.33 74.43 70.87 29.14 * A significam difference existed between the mean of VMO for the step-up exerci se. Table 2. Analysis of variance with two criteria of classification: exercises and subjects. Source df ss Subjects 14 60776.20 4341.16 2.12 31169.63 31169.63 15.21* 2049.20 Exercises Erro r 14 28688.87 Total 29 120634.70 MS Test * Statistically significam at 5% levei. Conclusions We noticed that the EMG activity ofthe VMO muscle, in the step-up exercises was significantly greater than on the step-down ones. Thus, we could recover its function through these exercises, using initially the eccentric work and !ater the concentric. Besides, we believe that new works should be petformed in order to verify not just the influence of these exercises in patellofemoral joint dysfunctions patients, but also the EMG activity of vastus lateralis muscle, compared to the VMO activity. References 1. ANTICH, T.J. & BREWSTER, C.E. -1986- Modification of quadriceps tensoris muscle exercises during knee rehabilitation. Phys. Ther., 66: 1246-51. V oi. 2. No. I, 1997 EMG in step- up and step- down exercises 2. DEHA VEN, K.E.; DOLAN, W.A.; MA YER. P.J.1979 - Chondromalacia patellae in athletes: clinicai presentation and conservative management. Am. J. Sports Med., 7: 5-1 1. 3. DOUCETTE, S.A. & GOBLE, M. - 1992 - The effect of exercise on patellar tracking in lateral patellar compression syndrome. Am. J. Sports Med., 20: 434-40. 4. HANTEN, W.P. & SCHULTHIES, S.S. -1990 -Exercise effect on electromyographic activity ofthe vastus medialis oblique and vastus lateralis muscles. Phys Ther. 7: 561-5. 5. 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