Presen~ aI d1e.Intem.tiona1 Con(ere~ on Cosmjc Rljji.tion and Ajrr;rew Expoture, 1mplemenWiol ole..opean RequilemencsiD Civil Avi.tiOQ, .(Xlanil.ed b'1 d\e Europeu CommiJlion and ~ ~ioIoIicIJ ProcectionInstiru~ ofIrcI.nd. ~bli", Ircland.ll&ty 1.3.1998. To bc p'Jb(j~ with ~ pr~inas ol tbe confete~. Guidelines and Technical Information Provided by the U. S. Federal A viation Administration to Promote Radiation Safety for Air Carrier Crewmembers w. Friedberg, K. Copeland, and F. E. Duke Civil Aeromedical Institute, AAM-610 Federal A viation Administration P. 0. Box 25082, Oklahoma City, OK 73125-5066, USA K. O'Brien m Department of Physics and Astronomy, Northern Arizona University flagstaff, AZ 86011, USA E. B. Darden, Jr. 105 Orchard Lane, Oak Ridge, TN 37830, USA INTRODUcrION Air carrier crews are occupationally exposed to ionizing radiation, principally from galactic cosmic radiation. To promote radiation safety in civil aviation, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has provided instructional material on radiation exposure during air travel (1, 2.3.4). FAA Advisory Circular 120-61 (4) contains recommended topics for a training program on in-flight radiation exposure risks from exposure to instruct to ionizing air carrier crewmembers radiation and their managers on the possible and on basic radiation protection health principles. Research on effects of irradiation during pregnancy has been supported by the FAA {5, 6, 7, 8). Currently, the FAA and the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health are jointly investigating possible hanDful effects of the aircraft environment, including galactic radiation, on the reproductive health of female flight attendants. The FAA has developed a computer program (CARl) that can estimate the galactic radiation dose rate at any location in the atmosphere and, for a given flight profile, the dose received on a flight between any two airports in the world. CARl can estimate the doSe of radiation received on a flight during any month from January 1958 to the present. Up-to-date infonT1ation needed by the program to adjust for changes in solar activity is provided on the Civil Aeromedical Institute Web site (9). The amounts of radiation received on flights in years past are of particular interest to epidemiologists investigating the possible association of long-tenT1 exposure to galactic radiation and health effects in aircrew members. Using a new version of the CARl program (CARl-LF), we calculated for the 40-year period from January 1958 through December 1997: (a) effective dose rates of galactic radiation at various altitudes, both at the equator and at a high latitude; (b ) percent contributions to the galactic radiation effective dose rate by its components (neutrons, protons, electrons & photons, muons, and charged pions) as related to altitude, at the equator and at a high latitude; and (c) effective doses of galactic radiation received on a wide variety of air carrier flights. Results are presented below. For a discussion of the transport code used in generating the radiation data see O'Brien et al. (1996)(IO). 1 GALACnC RADIATION SOLAR ACTNrrY DOSE RATE AS RELATED TO ALTUUDE, LATUUDE, AND When energetic galactic radiation particles (mostly protons and alpha particles) enter the atmosphere they collide with and break apart the nuclei of nitrogen, oxygen, and other air atoms. Each disrupted nucleus can yield multiple ionizing particles. The incident particles and those generatedmay have enough energyto disrupt additional nuclei and producestill more particles. After several such interactions the particles no longer have enough energy to causenuclear disruption. Thereafter they lose energy principally by ionization until the particle energyis too low for ionization to occur. At the equator the effective dose rate from galactic radiation is lower at SO,()()()ft. than at 60,()()()ft. (Figure 1). This phenomenonis the result of the initial increasefollowed by a decrease in the number of ionizing particles as the radiation propagatesdown through the atmosphere. The altitude at which the maximum dose rate occurs depends on the latitude (more accurately the geomagnetic latitude). The number of galactic radiation particles entering the atmosphere,and as a result the radiation dose rates in the atmosphere,vary inversely with an approximate ll-year cycle of rise and decline in solar activity. This variation, which is particularly evident where both latitude and altitude are high (Figure 1). is brought about by magnetic fields carried by low-energy subatomicparticles (solar wind) emitted from the sun. The magnetic fields deflect the lower-energy galactic particles that would otherwise enter the atmosphere. During times of high solar activity the solar wind is more intense and therefore more effective in deflecting galactic particles. The particles that comprise the solar wind are themselvestoo low in energy to causean increasein radiation levels at aircraft flight altitudes. The earth's magnetic field (geomagneticfield) also deflects incoming galactic radiation particles, particularly the lower-energy galactic particles, those most affected by the solar wind. In general, radiation shielding by the geomagneticfield is greatestat the geomagneticequator(which is near the geographic equator) and decreasesas one goes north or south. Thus, from January 1958 through December 1997 (Figure I ), at the high latitude at an altitude of 20,000 ft., the mean effective dose rate of galactic radiation was a factor of 2.0 higher than it was at the samealtitude at the equator; the factor increasedto 2.7 at 40,000 ft. and 5.5 at 80,000 ft. Also, as a consequenceof the shielding by the geomagnetic field, at the equator there was little variation in the galactic radiation dose rate with changesin solar activity over the 40-year period studied, at least at altitudes up to 80,000 ft. At the high latitude, however, where geomagnetic shielding is negligible, the galactic radiation dose rate varied appreciably over the 40 years; at 40,000 ft., for example,the maximum doserate was a factor of 1.8 higher than the minimum value. COMPONENTS OF GALACTIC RADIA noN Figure 2 shows the percent contributions to the 40-year mean effective dose rate of galactic radiation by its components as related to altitude, both at the equator and at a high latitude. At the equator, the percent contributions showed very little variation over the 40 years, so only the mean values are shown. During the sametime period at the high latitude, where geomagnetic shielding 2 is negligible, the varying solar activity resulted in noticeable variations in the percent contributions (Figure 3). Subsonic air carrier aircraft commonly cruise at altitudes from 20,000 ft. to 40,000 ft. In this altitude range over the 40-year period studied, and at all latitudes, 88-97% of the effective dose rate was from neutrons, protons, and electrons & photons (electromagnetic showers). The contribution from neutronswas 33-52%, from protons 21-28%, from electrons & photons 17-41%, from muons 2-11%, and from charged pions less than I %. Thus, the composition of the galactic radiation varied appreciably with changesin altitude, latitude, and solar activity . RADIA TION EXPOSURE OF AIR CARRIER CREWMEMBERS Table 1 shows calculated mean, minimum, and maximum effective dosesfrom galactic radiation that crewmembers would have received on simulated air carrier flights on a wide variety of routes to and from and within the contiguous United Statesfrom 1958through 1997. The simulated flights used real time-and-altitude flight profiles collected over the last decade. For the purposes of this report, the dosesand doserates for the flights are assumedto be the same in both directions. Based on 0.60 mSv per 100 block hours, the mean for the Athens, Greece, to New York City flight (the flight with the highest dose per 100 block hours), a crewmember working 700 block hours a year would receive an annual occupational exposure of 4.2 mSv. This is considerably less than the recommended annual limit of 20 mSv (II). For a pregnant crewmember working on the Athens to New York flight, occupational exposure from galactic radiation could approach or exceed recommended limits. For example, with a work scheduleof 70 block hours a month, the 2 mSv recommendedpregnancylimit (II) would be reached in 4.8 months. Her monthly effective dose from occupational exposure would be 0.42 mSv, which is less than the recommended0.5 mSv monthly limit (12). For each of the 32 flights in Table I, we estimated the average annual effective dose from occupational plus non-occupational natural sources (i.e., total exposure on and off the job) that would be received by an aircrew member who worked 700 block hours a year. The crewmember doses were compared with the average annual effective dose of natural background radiation, 3.0 mSv, received by a member of the U.S. population (13). Radiation and tissue weighting factors recommendedby the International Commission on Radiological Protection (11)are incorporated in the CARI-LF program used to calculate the amount of galactic radiation received in flight. Some results follow. --A crewmember working 700 block hours a year flying between London and New York City (Table I) would receive from occupational plus non-occupational natural radiation sources an averageannualeffective doseof 6.1 mSv, a factor of 2.0 higher than the averageannual dose(3.0 mSv) receivedby a memberof the U.S. population. Radiation received by the crewmemberwhile airborne (96 flights, 653 hours) would come from galactic cosmic rays (Table I, 3.3 mSv) and from radionuclides in body tissues (0.031 mSv, based on general population data (13)). For the remaining 8113 hours of the year the crewmember would receive radiation (2.8 mSv) from the same sources as the general population. 3 --The two lowest annual crewmember doses (fable I, fIrst two flights) are within 1% of the average annual generalpopulation dose,whereasthe two highest crewmember doses(Table 1. last two flights) are factors of 2.1 and 2.3 higher. Thus for the flights in Table I, the average annual radiation dose to a crewmember from occupational plus non-occupationalnatural sourcesranged from almost identical to about twice the dose of background radiation received by a member of the U.S. population. REFERENCES 1. Friedberg, W., Faulkner, D. N. and Snyder, L. Transport Index Limits for Shipments of Radioactive Material in Passenger-Carrying Aircraft, Federal Aviation Administration, Office of A viation Medicine, Report No. FAA -AM -82-12. A vailable from the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, V A 22161. Order No. ADA I 22794/1 (1982). 2. Friedberg, W ., Snyder,L, Faulkner,D. N., Darden, E. B., Jr. and O'Brien, K. Radiation Exposure of Air Carrier CrewmembersII, Federal Aviation Administration, Office of Aviation Medicine, Report No. DOT/FAAIAM-92/2. Available from the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, V A 22161. Order No. ADA245508 (1992). 3. Federal Aviation Administration. Radiation Exposure of Air Carrier Crewmembers, Advisory Circular No.120-52, Washington, DC (1990). 4. Federal Aviation Administration. Crewmember Training on In-Flight Radiation Exposure, Advisory Circular No.120-61, Washington, DC (1994). 5. Friedberg, W., Hanneman,G. D., Fauikner, D. N., Darden, E. B., Jr. and Deal, R. B., Jr. Prenatal survival ofmice irradiated with fission neutrons or 300 kVp X-rays during the pronuclear-zygote stage: survival curves, effect of dosefractionation, Int. J. Radiat. Bioi. 24, 549-560 ( 1973). 6. Friedberg, W., Hanneman,G. D., Faulkner, D. N., Neas, B. R., Cosgrove, G. E., Jr. and Darden, E. B., Jr. Fast-neutron irradiation of mouse embryos in the pronuclear zygote stage: mortality curves and neoplastic diseasesin 30-day postnatal survivors, Prac .Sac. Exper. BioI. Med. 151, 808-810 (1976). 7. Friedberg, W ., Faulkner, D. N., Neas,B. R., Hanneman,G. D., Darden, E. B., Ir., Deal, R. B., Ir. and Parker, D. E. Dose-incidence relationships for exencephalia, anopthalmia and prenatal mortality in mouseembryos irradiated with fission neutrons or 250 kV X-rays,lnt. I. Radiat. Bioi. 52, 223-236 (1987). 8. Friedberg, W ., Faulkner, D. N., Neas,B. R., Darden, E. B., Jr., Parker, D. E. and Hanneman,G. D. Prenatal survival ofmouse embryos irradiated in utero with fission neutrons or 250 kV X-rays during the two-cell stage of development,Int. J. Radiat. BioI. 73, 233-239 (1998). 4 9. Civil Aeromedical Institute. Radiobiology ResearchTeam Web site http://www AAM-600/610/6OOradio.html 10. O'Brien, K., Friedberg, W ., Sauer, H. H., Smart, D. F. Atmospheric Cosmic Rays and Solar Energetic Particles at Aircraft Altitudes, Environment International 22 (Suppl. I): S9-S44 (1996). II. International Commission on Radiological Protection. 1990 Recommendations of the Intemational Commission on Radiological Protectit!n, ICRP Publication 60. Annuals of the ICRP 21, No.1-3, 1-201. New York: Pergamon Press(1991). 12. National Council on Radiation Protection and MeasurementS.Limitation of Exposureto Ionizing Radiation, NCRP Report No.116, Bethesda,MD (1993). 13. National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements.Exposure ofthe Population in the United States and-Canadafrom Natural Background Radiation, NCRP Report No.94, Bethesda, MD ( 1987). 5 ~ 'i:' 5 6 .Q M ~ Q.. 4 ~ ~ ~ > ~ .- ~ ~ vy ~i-"' '80,OQq 3 ~ ! t 2 w- ft; 3.49 (3.32-3.6QluSv/h j ,T---r-~~ 40,000 ft; ~.71 (2.55-2.78)~Sv/h .e -.- ~ I~ .-- 1-.+-- e u III I 60,000 ft; 3.98 (3.77 -4.09) JlSv/h ..-v-i ~ ~ ~ o O 1 ~ > .... u ~ ~ ~ ~29,00~- 0 ~; 0.,43 (0.40-0.44) ~Sv/h -r- I 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 Date 30 ~ ..Q ... & tn ~ ~ > ~ tn e u .s ~ ~ ~ ~ tn 0 O ~ > 25 ~ 20 ~ ,1\11 15 10 L...N~5 ~~ u ~ C+.~ 1-~20~00-Q~t; 0 -r- j I I , , I' 1965 1970 O:~-{~.63~0.98) I ..I I I I , I. 1975 1980 Date ~S~ , I .I.' 1985 I I / 1990 1995 I I 80 . o 70 " "' ~ 60 8 ~ 50 .Muons .Electrons -6Neutrons -0-0- Protons Charged & Photons Pions ,1j 40 "' I ~ 30 :E ~ ~ ] 20 ~ ~ ~ )-0-0-0-<-, ~ 10 ~ 0 -<,>-0-0=0=< 0 ~ 20 Altitude (feet 40 in thousands) , 60 , ~ 80 80 4) 70 ~ ~ 4) tI) 60 o J O 4) > 50 ~~ u ~ 40 ~ ,-- ~ c ~ 4) 30 ~ ?=r"~ ~ <+--1 O I 20 ~ c I 0 ~~~>-0-0-0-é) 0 20 Altitude (feet 40 in thousands) T T 60 80 Figure 2. Percent Contributions to the Mean Effective Dose Rate of Galactic Radiation by its Components as Related to Altitude, at the Equator and at a High Latitude, for the Period January 1958 Through December 1997. ~ 80 .Muons .Electrons & Photons --6Neutrons -0Protons -0Charged Pions . p;2 ~ I~-6~ ~ I ()=( )-O--() I~~ )-{)-O-O-< ) I y 0 20 40 Altitude (feet 60 80 in thousands) 80 70 60 50 ~=6~ 40 ~-- c: v u ,~ ~I) r I ! ~~ ~ I 10 o-Q-o-o-O=< 0 20 60 Figure 3. Percent Contributions to the Minimum and Maximum Effective Dose Rates of Galactic Radiation by Their Components as Related to Altitude, at a High Latitude (70oN, 20~), for the Period January 1958 Through December 1997. Table 1. Effective Dosesof Galactic Cosmic Radiation Received on Air Carrier Flights Single nonstop one-way flight Highest Altitude, feet in thousands Origin -Destination Air Block hours time, hours Seattle W A -Portland OR Houston TX -Austin TX Miami FL- Tampa FL St. Louis MO -Tulsa OK San Juan PR -N1iami FL Tampa FL -St. Louis MO New Orleans LA -San Antonio TX Los Angeles CA -Honolulu HI 21 20 24 35 35 31 39 35 Denver CO -Minneapolis MN New York NY -San Juan PR Honolulu HI- Los Angeles CA Chicago n.. -New York NY Los Angeles CA -Tokyo JP Tokyo JP -Los Angeles CA Washington DC -Los Angeles CA New York NY -Chicago n.. 33 37 40 37 40 37 35 39 Minneapolis MN -New York NY London GB -Dallas/Ft. Worth TX Lisbon ES -New York NY Dallas/Ft. Worth TX -London GB Seattle W A -Anchorage AK Chicago IL -San Francisco CA Seattle W A -Washington DC London GB -New York NY 37 1.8 2.1 39 9.7 10.1 39 6.5 6.9 31. 8.5 8.8 San Francisco CA -Chicago IL New York NY -Seattle W A New York NY -Tokyo JP London GB -Los Angeles CA Chicago IL -London GB Tokyo JP -New York NY London GB -Chicago n... Athens GR -New York NY a Mean {minimum -maximum) b Based on the mean effective effective 0.4 0.6 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.9 0.9 1.1 2.2 2.5 2.0 2.2 1.2 1.4 5.2 5.6 1.2 3 .0 5 .1 1.6 .1 .7 8 .8 4 .7 1.8 1.5 3.5 5.6 2.0 12.0 9.2 5.0 2.3 35 3.4 3.7 39 3.8 4.1 37 4.1 4.4 37 6.8 7.3 41 3.8 4 .9 13.0 10.5 7 .3 12.2 7 .8 9 .4 4.1 5.3 13.4 11.0 7.7 12.6 8.3 9.7 39 43 39 37 41 39 41 dose, January dose for the one-way Effective dose, microsieverts a 0.14 0.14 0.34 1.57 4.84 4.31 3.11 12.9 (0.11-0.15) (0.12-0.15) (0.28 -0.36) (1.20-1.74) (4.16-5.18) (3.35-4.74) (2.54- 3.31) (11.5- 13.3) 04 14 0. 19 0. 20 0. 22 0. 23 3.54 9.20 15.2 6.09 38.0 30.0 17.2 8.42 (2.56(7.52(13.4(4.33(31.8(24.6(13.2(5.93- 4.05) 10.1) 15.8) 7.10) 40.4) 32.2) 19.1) 9.85) 24 26 0. 27 0. 30 0. 32 0. 33 0. 34 0. 37 7.91 .38.8 27.3 35.3 15.1 17.7 20.4 34.0 (5.54-9.26) (27.6-45.1) (20.5-31.1) (24.8- 41.4) (10.4- 17.8) (13.2-19.8) (14.3- 23.8) (23.8 -40.0) 0.38 0.38 0.40 0.40 0.41 0.43 0.46 0.47 19.5 25.6 67.1 55.2 38.7 63.5 43.3 58.2 (14.2- 22.1) (17.7-30.1) (48.3 -77.7) (38.5 -64.9) (26.6- 45.8) (44.3- 74.8) (29.6- 51.6) (42.3 -67.0) 0.48 0.48 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.52 0.60 1958 through flight. Millisieverts per 100 block hours b December 1997 0. 02 0. 02 0. 0. 0. 0.