José António de Passos Palmeira was born in September 23, 1959, in Braga, Portugal.
Assistant Professor, Department of International Relations and Public Administration,
School of Economics and Management, University of Minho, Portugal. The academic
degrees are Ph.D., Political Science and International Relations, University of Minho,
2003; M.A., European Studies, University of Minho, 1995; B.A., International Relations,
University of Minho, 1991. Actually is Director of the Master in International Relations,
in the University of Minho. The current research interests include geopolitics;
comparative political systems; Portuguese foreign and defense policies. The main
publication is the book The Power of Portugal in International Relations, edited by
Prefácio, in Lisbon, in 2006. The main filiations are membership of the Research Unit in
Political Science and International Relations, membership of the Portuguese Association
of Political Science and membership of the National Defense Courses Auditors

publication is the book The Power of Portugal in International