QUEIROZ GALVÃO ÓLEO E GÁS S.A. Av. Presidente Antônio Carlos, 51/3º, 5º, 6º E 7º Andares, Centro, 20020-010 Rio de Janeiro/RJ - Brazil This is a multi-site certificate, additional site details are listed in the appendix to this certificate Bureau Veritas Certification Holding SAS – UK Branch certify that the Management System of the above organisation has been audited and found to be in accordance with the requirements of the management system standards detailed below Standards ISO 9001:2008 Scope of certification SUPPORT FOR OFFSHORE AND ONSHORE OIL AND/OR GAS DRILLING AND/OR COMPLETION AND/OR WELL ASSESSMENT AND/OR WORK OVER SERVICES Certification cycle start date: 23 November 2014 Subject to the continued satisfactory operation of the organization’s Management System, this certificate expires on: 22 November 2017 Original certification date: Certificate No. BR020199 24 November 2011 Version: 1 Revision date: 23 November 2014 Signed on behalf of BVCH SAS UK Branch Certification body address: 66 Prescot Street, London E1 8HG, United Kingdom Local office: Rua Joaquim Palhares, 40, 7º e 8º Andares, Edifício Torre Sul Centro Empresarial Cidade Nova, 20060-080, Rio de Janeiro/RJ - Brasil Further clarifications regarding the scope of this certificate and the applicability of the management system requirements may be obtained by consulting the organization. To check this certificate validity please call +552122069431. Page 1 of 2 008 QUEIROZ GALVÃO ÓLEO E GÁS S.A. Standards ISO 9001:2008 Scope of certification SITE: ADDRESS: MATRIZ AV. PRESIDENTE ANTÔNIO CARLOS, 51/3º, 5º, 6º E 7º ANDARES, CENTRO, 20020-010 - RIO DE JANEIRO/RJ BASE RIO DAS OSTRAS RUA DO ENGENHEIRO, 736, MAR DO NORTE, 28890-000 - RIO DAS OSTRAS/RJ BASE MANAUS AV. DO TURISMO, 7000, TARUMÃ 69041-010 - MANAUS/AM SONDAS MARITIMAS: ALASKAN STAR (SS-39), ATLANTIC STAR(SS-45), OLINDA STAR(SS-20), GOLD STAR (SS-73), LONE STAR (SS-79), ALPHA STAR (SS-83), AMARALINA STAR (NS-43) E LAGUNA STAR (NS-44) SONDAS TERRESTRES: QG-I, QG-II, QG-III, QG IV, QG V, QG VII, QG VIII E QG-IX Certificate No. BR020199 Version: 1 SCOPE: SUPPORT FOR OFFSHORE AND ONSHORE OI LAND/OR GAS DRILLING AND/OR COMPLETION AND/OR WELL ASSESSMENT AND/OR WORKOVER SERVICES. ONSHORE OI LAND/OR GÁS DRILLING AND/OR COMPLETION AND/OR WELL ASSESSMENT AND/OR WORKOVER SERVICES. Revision date: 23 November 2014 Signed on behalf of BVCH SAS UK Branch Certification body address: 66 Prescot Street, London E1 8HG, United Kingdom Local office: Rua Joaquim Palhares, 40, 7º e 8º Andares, Edifício Torre Sul Centro Empresarial Cidade Nova, 20060-080, Rio de Janeiro/RJ - Brasil 008 Further clarifications regarding the scope of this certificate and the applicability of the management system requirements may be obtained by consulting the organization. To check this certificate validity please call +552122069431. Page 2 of 2