SÉRIE: 1ª A, B, C, D, E PLANO DE ENSINO – ANO DE 2012 ÁREA / DISCIPLINA: Inglês (Profa: Maria Luiza da Silveira Bicalho) Nº DE HORAS/AULA SEMANAL: 02 TOTAL DE HORAS/AULA/ANO: 80 COMPETÊNCIA - Utilizar os conhecimentos da língua Inglesa e de seus mecanismos como meio de ampliar as possibilidades de acesso a informações, Tecnologias, culturas e para o ambiente de trabalho (negociar, realizar transações comerciais, como instrumento de comunicação no mundo dos negócios, etc.) INDICADORES: 1. Assiduidade e pontualidade 2. Comprometimento e participação 3. Analisar criticamente textos, compreendendo a mensagem com seus conhecimentos prévios (através de atividades de reading e listening) 4. Utilizar glossários e dicionários para pesquisar o significado de palavras desconhecidas 5. Elaborar argumentos a partir de novas informações, incorporando novas palavras e significados ao seu universo vocabular (em especial o uso de vocabulário de negócios – Business English). 6. Produzir textos com o mínimo de clareza e coerência. 7. Desenvolver a função comunicativa da língua. 8. Relacionar um texto em língua Inglesa, as estruturas lingüísticas, sua função e seu uso social. 9. Associar vocábulos e expressões de um texto em língua Inglesa ao seu tema. 10. Uso da língua Inglesa em sala de aula. 11. Postura nas apresentações de trabalhos 12. O uso de Inglês de negócios (Business English) em sala de aula para simulações de situações de trabalho e entendimento de tais situações. CONTEÚDOS - Vocabulary - Grammar - Functions - Reading skills - Speaking skills - Writing skills - Listening skills - Business English INSTRUMENTOS/ ESTRATEGIAS PEDAGÓGICAS - Patterns of interaction (pair work, individual work, group work - Discussions - Role plays - Movies - Video presentations - Seminars - Workshops - Business rounds - Interviews - Presentations - Entertaining activities AVALIAÇÃO: - Diagnóstica, processual e formativa. - Provas orais, escritas, trabalhos em grupos e fóruns de discussão. ANO: 2º PLANO DE ENSINO – ANO DE 2013 ÁREA / DISCIPLINA: Inglês Nº DE HORAS/AULA SEMANAL: 02 TOTAL DE HORAS/AULA/ANO: 80 COMPETÊNCIA Utilizar os conhecimentos da língua Inglesa e de seus mecanismos como meio de ampliar as possibilidades de acesso a informações, tecnologias e culturas, com foco na linguagem usada em negócios. INDICADORES: 1. SPEAKING PRODUCTION Pronounce the distinctive sounds of a language clearly enough so that people can distinguish them. This includes making tonal distinctions. Use the correct forms of words. This may mean, for example, changes in the tense, case, or gender. put words together in correct word order. Use vocabulary appropriately. Make the main ideas stand out from supporting ideas or information. 2. LISTENING COMPREHENSION Retain chunks of language in short-term memory. Recognize reduced forms of words. Recognize typical word-order patterns. Recognize vocabulary. Detect key words, such as those identifying topics and ideas guess meaning from context 3. WRITING PRODUCTION Use the orthography correctly, including the script, and spelling and punctuation conventions. Use the correct forms of words. This may mean using forms that express the right tense, or case or gender. Put words together in correct word order. Use vocabulary correctly. Make the text coherent, so that other people can follow the development of the ideas. 4. READING COMPREHENSION Recognize vocabulary. Pick out key words, such as those identifying topics and main ideas. Figure out the meaning of the words, including unfamiliar vocabulary, from the (written) context. Get the main point or the most important information. Distinguish the main idea from supporting details. Adjust reading strategies to different reading purposes, such as skimming for main ideas or studying in-depth. CONTEÚDOS Language for making appointments: Present continuous for future arrangements; will and going to future forms. Guessing unknown vocabulary through contrast words. Vocabulary for air travel and vocabulary to describe hotels and hotel facilities. Guessing vocabulary from context: comparatives and superlatives. Present perfect and past simple. Verb-noun collocations. AVALIAÇÃO: - Diagnóstica, processual e formativa. INSTRUMENTOS/ ESTRATEGIAS PEDAGÓGICAS Patterns of interaction (pair work, individual work, group work Discussions Role plays Movies Seminars Workshops Business rounds Interviews Presentations Entertaining activities ANO: 3º PLANO DE ENSINO – ANO DE 2013 ÁREA / DISCIPLINA: Inglês Nº DE HORAS/AULA SEMANAL: 02 TOTAL DE HORAS/AULA/ANO: 80 COMPETÊNCIA - Utilizar os conhecimentos da língua Inglesa e de seus mecanismos como meio de ampliar as possibilidades de acesso a informações, tecnologias e culturas, com foco na linguagem usada em negócios. INDICADORES: 5. SPEAKING PRODUCTION - pronounce the distinctive sounds of a language clearly enough so that people can distinguish them. This includes making tonal distinctions. use the correct forms of words. This may mean, for example, changes in the tense, case, or gender. put words together in correct word order. use vocabulary appropriately. make the main ideas stand out from supporting ideas or information. 6. LISTENING COMPREHENSION retain chunks of language in short-term memory recognize reduced forms of words recognize typical word-order patterns recognize vocabulary detect key words, such as those identifying topics and ideas guess meaning from context 7. WRITING PRODUCTION use the orthography correctly, including the script, and spelling and punctuation conventions. use the correct forms of words. This may mean using forms that express the right tense, or case or gender. put words together in correct word order. use vocabulary correctly. make the text coherent, so that other people can follow the development of the ideas. 8. READING COMPREHENSION recognize vocabulary. pick out key words, such as those identifying topics and main ideas. figure out the meaning of the words, including unfamiliar vocabulary, from the (written) context. get the main point or the most important information. distinguish the main idea from supporting details. adjust reading strategies to different reading purposes, such as skimming for main ideas or studying in-depth. CONTEÚDOS Part of it depends on the level: - Level Elementary – Book: Business START-UP 2 (Units 4 to 12 if time allows) - Level Pre-Intermediate-Intermediate – INSTRUMENTOS/ ESTRATEGIAS PEDAGÓGICAS - Patterns of interaction (pair work, individual work, group work - Discussions - Role plays - Movies - Seminars - Workshops Book: Business BENCHMARK PreIntermediate to Intermediate (Units 17 to 24) - Level Upper-Intermediate – Book: Business BENCHMARK UpperIntermediate (Units 17 to 24) - Level Advanced – Book Business BENCHMARK Advanced (Units 17 to 24) Part of the content will be varied (a mixture of business English extra activities and general English extra activities) to supplement the cousebooks. AVALIAÇÃO: - Diagnóstica, processual e formativa. - Business rounds Interviews Presentations Entertaining activities, etc.