Rua Monsenhor Domingos Pinheiro, 35 – Calafate/BH
Fone: (31) 3334 6913 - [email protected]
76 Anos Educando para a Vida
Trabalho de recuperação
DATA: 17 / 12 / 2015
9º ANO
ETAPA: 1ª,
2ª e 3ª
VALOR: 20,0
Este trabalho contém 17 questões. Verifique se o seu exemplar está completo.
Leia sempre e atentamente todas as questões antes de dar as respostas.
Nas questões abertas, dê respostas completas.
Redija suas respostas com tinta azul ou preta.
Faça letra legível e evite as rasuras.
A ortografia, a concordância e a estrutura da frase serão itens considerados na avaliação e
aplicação da nota.
Para uma possível revisão, é necessário que todas as instruções acima tenham sido
I – Reading
Read the autobiography below very carefully.
My name is Gloria Menta de Almeida. I was born on February 24, 1999, in Campo
Grande (MS). I’m 14 years old. My school is called Funlec Oswaldo Tognini, in
Campo Grande. I’m happy to go to this school because, when I was a child, I had a
dream: I wanted to go to the same school as my brother. I am in the 9th grade at the
moment (2013).
I live with my parents and my elder brother. I usually go to my grandparents’ farm
on weekends.
In my childhood I used to play games with my friends in the school playground.
Nowadays I’m fond of drawing, but not of soccer. I like the writer Stephen King a
lot. I enjoy the singer Rihanna very much and the song “What Makes You Beautiful”,
by One Direction. I also admire Shakira because she’s always in charity. I love horror
movies about ghosts and spirits, but I don’t like movies about murder.
I have two best friends and we get along very well. The meaning of our friendship is
our companionship. We are always together: either when asking for a snack ( I
always “borrow” a snack from my friends ) or when hanging out in the shopping mall.
Question 01
Complete the chart according to the autobiography above. ( 1,4 ) ( 0,2 cada )
Full name: _____________________________________________________________________
Date of birth: _______________________________
Age: ______________________________
Place of birth: ___________________________________________________________________
Likes: _________________________________________________________________________
Dislikes: _______________________________________________________________________
Weekend activities: ______________________________________________________________
II- Grammar and Vocabulary
Question 01
Use yet, for, already,ever and since ( 1,0 ) ( 0,2 cada )
a) We have studied Italian __________________ 5 years.
b) Have you ____________________ been to Italy?
c) Joseph hasn’t done his homework ____________________.
d) It has rained __________________ 2:00 o’clock.
e) Mrs. Hinkle has ____________________ corrected our tests.
Question 02
Supply the reflexive pronouns. ( 2,1 ) ( 0,3 cada )
a) The policemen _________________________ shot the thieves.
b) You must behave _________________________ at the table.
c) Mr. Gordon _________________________ prepared the examination.
d) We visited the queen _________________________.
e) Nobody should blame _________________________ for that mistake.
I _________________________ will make the cake.
g) That woman shot _________________________ by accident.
Question 03
Translate into Portuguese. ( 1,0 ) ( 0,25 cada )
a) People should drive slowly in the rain.
b) Could Mary swim when she was young?
c) I’m going to take the subway tonight.
d) How long was your flight from France to Brazil?
Question 04
Unscramble these sentences. ( 1,0 ) ( 0,25 cada )
a) like – some – would – juice – you ?
b) taller – Gloria – than – Beth – is .
c) are – buy – what – going to – they ?
d) a – doesn’t – toothache – Allan – have .
Question 05
Give the past participle form of these irregular verb. ( 1,2 ) ( 0,2 cada )
a) To come __________________
b) To drink __________________
c) To eat __________________
d) To fall __________________
e) To know __________________
To leave
Question 06
Write out these words in English. ( 2,1 ) ( 0,3 cada )
a) Raramente
____ ____ ____ D ____ ____
b) Sozinho
____ ____ ____ ____ E
c) Dormir
To ____ L ____ ____ ____
d) Carteira de dinheiro
e) Enquanto
____ ____ ____ ____ ____ T
____ ____ ____ ____ E
S ____ ____ ____
g) Mais profundo
____ ____ ____ P ____ ____
Question 07
Supply the present perfect tense of the verbs in parentheses. ( 1,0 ) ( 0,2 cada )
a) That man ______________________________ another house. ( build )
b) Susan ______________________________ me. ( not – phone )
c) _______________ they _______________ yet? ( leave)
d) We ______________________________ English for 8 years. ( study )
e) What _______________ John _______________ you? ( tell )
Question 08
Match the two columns. ( 1,2 ) ( 0,2 cada )
) Útil
) Indolor
) Fácil
) Respeitoso
) Cuidadoso
) Estranho
Question 09
Use when, where, who, whose and which. ( 1,0 ) ( 0,2 cada )
a) We talked to the man ____________________ was the teacher of the tribe.
b) Carnival is the only time of the year ____________________ we take a five-day break.
Milk, ____________________ is white, is good for our health.
d) This is the place ____________________ their accident happened.
e) The boy ____________________ bike is blue is my neighbor.
Question 10
Circle the correct option according to the sentences below. ( 1,0 ) ( 0,2 cada )
10.1 You ____________ use your cell phone during the show. ( doesn’t have to / mustn’t )
10.2 I ____________ a book in German. ( have read / read )
10.3 ____________ Mary ____________ to travel every winter? ( Did – used / Did – use )
10.4 I’m sure it ____________ rain tonight. ( is going to / will )
10.5 My mother is very ____________ today. ( anxious / anxiously )
Question 11
Use must, can’t, should, mightn’t, could. ( 1,0 ) ( 0,2 cada )
a) It _________________________ snow tomorrow afternoon.
b) George _________________________ dance and sing very well.
c) I _________________________ ride a bike when I was 12.
d) Beth has a headache. She _________________________ rest in a dark place.
e) We _________________________ respect our parents.
Question 12
Link the two columns. ( 1,2 ) ( 0,2 cada )
. Fever
. Dor de estômago
. Sore throat
. Febre
. Back pain
. Torcicolo
. Stiff neck
. Resfriado
. Stomachache
. Dor de garganta
. Cold
. Dor nas costas
Question 13
Supply the correct interrogative. ( Why, How old, How often, Which, What , When, Who, Whose,
Where, How ) ( 1,0 ) ( 0,2 cada )
a) _________________________ is wrong with the clock? The small hand is broken.
b) _________________________ are you doing? Better, thanks.
c) _________________________ is her birthday? It’s in December.
d) _________________________ are those children nervous? Because they’re hungry.
e) _________________________ did Paul live? In Australia.
_________________________ are Jane and Carol? They’re 15.
g) _________________________ of these books do you like best? I like the red one.
h) _________________________ dress is that? It’s Mary’s.
_________________________ are your relatives leaving? Soon.
_________________________ does Mrs. Hinkle go to the supermarket? Twice a month.
Question 14
Follow the model. ( 1,0 ) ( 0,2 cada )
Model: we / travel / by plane .
We traveled by plane.
a) they / have / a dinner party / yesterday .
b) I / try / to talk to Heen / a minute ago .
c) Willian / play the piano / all night long ?
d) the fire / occur / last night ( not ) .
e) you / love / your old cat / very much .
Question 15
Write out these sentences in English. ( 1,0 ) ( 0,2 cada )
a) Eu não tenho visto você desde o último Sábado.
b) Ele quer fazer o trabalho sozinho.
c) Quantos primos você tem? Onze.
d) Ela é capaz de dirigir aquele carro?
e) Eles são os melhores médicos que eu conheço.
Question 16
Choose the best option according to the sentences below. ( 0,8 ) ( 0,2 cada )
16.1 Melissa ____________ to school from Monday to Friday.
a) to go
b) goes
c) go
d) gone
16.2 ____________ open those windows, please!
a) Didn’t
b) Can’t
c) Doesn’t
d) Don’t
16.3 Let’s tell ____________ a lot of stories.
a) they
b) their
c) them
d) theirs
16.4 We’ll visit our sons ____________.
a) next holiday
b) last weekend
c) at the moment
d) never
 Believe in you! Always!

recuperação inglês roteiro 9º ano