VICE-REITORIA DE ENSINO DE GRADUAÇÃO E CORPO DISCENTE COORDENAÇÃO DE EDUCAÇÃO A DISTÂNCIA LÍNGUA INGLESA II Rio de Janeiro / 2007 TODOS OS DIREITOS RESERVADOS À UNIVERSIDADE CASTELO BRANCO UNIVERSIDADE CASTELO BRANCO Todos os direitos reservados à Universidade Castelo Branco - UCB Nenhuma parte deste material poderá ser reproduzida, armazenada ou transmitida de qualquer forma ou por quaisquer meios - eletrônico, mecânico, fotocópia ou gravação, sem autorização da Universidade Castelo Branco - UCB. U n3p Universidade Castelo Branco. Língua Inglesa II. – Rio de Janeiro: UCB, 2007. 32 p. ISBN 978-85-86912-39-9 1. Ensino a Distância. I. Título. CDD – 371.39 Universidade Castelo Branco - UCB Avenida Santa Cruz, 1.631 Rio de Janeiro - RJ 21710-250 Tel. (21) 2406-7700 Fax (21) 2401-9696 Responsáveis Pela Produção do Material Instrucional Coordenadora de Educação a Distância Prof.ª Ziléa Baptista Nespoli Coordenador do Curso de Graduação Denilson P. Matos - Letras Conteudista Rosângela Ferreira Ramos Supervisor do Centro Editorial – CEDI Joselmo Botelho LÍNGUA INGLESA II Apresentação Prezado(a) Aluno(a): É com grande satisfação que o(a) recebemos como integrante do corpo discente de nossos cursos de graduação, na certeza de estarmos contribuindo para sua formação acadêmica e, conseqüentemente, propiciando oportunidade para melhoria de seu desempenho profissional. Nossos funcionários e nosso corpo docente esperam retribuir a sua escolha, reafirmando o compromisso desta Instituição com a qualidade, por meio de uma estrutura aberta e criativa, centrada nos princípios de melhoria contínua. Esperamos que este instrucional seja-lhe de grande ajuda e contribua para ampliar o horizonte do seu conhecimento teórico e para o aperfeiçoamento da sua prática pedagógica. Seja bem-vindo(a)! Paulo Alcantara Gomes Reitor Orientações para o Auto-Estudo O presente instrucional está dividido em dez unidades programáticas, cada uma com objetivos definidos e conteúdos selecionados criteriosamente pelos Professores Conteudistas para que os referidos objetivos sejam atingidos com êxito. Os conteúdos programáticos das unidades são apresentados sob a forma de leituras, tarefas e atividades complementares. As Unidades 1, 2, 3, 4 e 5 correspondem aos conteúdos que serão avaliados em A1. Na A2 poderão ser objeto de avaliação os conteúdos das dez unidades. Havendo a necessidade de uma avaliação extra (A3 ou A4), esta obrigatoriamente será composta por todos os conteúdos das Unidades Programáticas 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 e 10. A carga horária do material instrucional para o auto-estudo que você está recebendo agora, juntamente com os horários destinados aos encontros com o Professor Orientador da disciplina, equivale a 60 horas-aula, que você administrará de acordo com a sua disponibilidade, respeitando-se, naturalmente, as datas dos encontros presenciais programados pelo Professor Orientador e as datas das avaliações do seu curso. Bons Estudos! Dicas para o Auto-Estudo 1 - Você terá total autonomia para escolher a melhor hora para estudar. Porém, seja disciplinado. Procure reservar sempre os mesmos horários para o estudo. 2 - Organize seu ambiente de estudo. Reserve todo o material necessário. Evite interrupções. 3 - Não deixe para estudar na última hora. 4 - Não acumule dúvidas. Anote-as e entre em contato com seu monitor. 5 - Não pule etapas. 6 - Faça todas as tarefas propostas. 7 - Não falte aos encontros presenciais. Eles são importantes para o melhor aproveitamento da disciplina. 8 - Não relegue a um segundo plano as atividades complementares e a auto-avaliação. 9 - Não hesite em começar de novo. SUMÁRIO Quadro-síntese do conteúdo programático........................................................................................................ 9 Contextualização da disciplina.............................................................................................................................. 10 UNIT I CONDITIONAL SENTENCES................................................................................................................................ 11 UNIT II ANOMALOUS VERBS........................................................................................................................................... 12 UNIT III QUESTION TAG..................................................................................................................................................... 13 UNIT IV PLURAL OF NOUNS.............................................................................................................................................. 14 UNIT V FREQUENCY ADVERBS............................................................................................................................................ 15 UNIT VI INDEFINITES (SOME / ANY) ................................................................................................................................ 16 UNIT VII NUMBERS................................................................................................................................................................ 17 UNIT VIII GENITIVE CASE...................................................................................................................................................... 18 UNIT IX GERUND AND INFINITIVE..................................................................................................................................... 19 UNIT X RELATIVE PRONOUNS......................................................................................................................................... 21 Extra Readings......................................................................................................................................................... 22 27 Gabarito..................................................................................................................................................................... 28 Referências bibliográficas......................................................................................................................................... 30 Glossário.................................................................................................................................................................. Quadro-síntese do conteúdo programático UNIDADES DO PROGRAMA OBJETIVOS 1- CONDITIONAL SENTENCES • Aplicar os termos verbais corretamente em orações onde apareçam if clauses. 2 - ANOMALOUS VERBS • Usar os verbos auxiliares nos seus diversos sentidos. 3 - QUESTION TAG 4 - PLURAL OF NOUNS 5 - FREQUENCYADVERBS • Localizar os grupos nominais nas frases. • Formular perguntas usando o Question Tag. • Pluralizar os substantivos, observando os diversos casos especiais. 6 - INDEFINITES • Aplicar some e any corretamente. 7 - NUMBERS • Escrever e aplicar os numerais corretamente. 8 - GENITIVE CASE • Utilizar o Genitive Case para indicar posse. 9 - GERUND AND INFINITIVE • Usar o infinitivo com ou sem o to, ou o gerúndio depois de determinados verbos. 10 - RELATIVE PRONOUNS • Usar os pronomes relativos adequadamente em orações adjetivas restritivas. 9 10 Contextualização da Disciplina Após você ter tido o primeiro contato com a língua inglesa, passaremos a estudar a reestruturação frasal e as transformações estilísticas e estruturais, a modalidade e transitividade presentes no idioma. Você também terá, com a disciplina de Língua Inglesa II, uma revisão e aprofundamento do estudo das estruturas sintáticas da língua: o sintagma nominal, verbal e preposicional. UNIT I 11 CONDITIONAL SENTENCES A oração condicional expressa uma condição e sempre aparece ligada a uma oração principal. b) condição improvável, usando o passado simples e o condicional simples. Ex.: If she had money, she would go to the movies. As orações condicionais podem expressar: a) condição provável, usando o presente simples e o futuro simples. Ex.: If she has money, she will go to the movies. c) condição impossível, usando o passado perfeito e o condicional perfeito. Ex.: If she had had money, she would have gone to the movies. Exercises 1) Supply the correct form of the verbs in parentheses: 1. If he ______________ (call), I will speak with him. 2. If you _________________(study) hard, you will pass your examination. 3. If I find your money, I ____________________ (give) it to you. 4. If we have time, we _____________________(visit) her. 5. If you arrive on time, we ____________________ (have) lunch together. 2) Supply the correct form of the verbs in parentheses: 1. I would buy a car if I ________________ (know) how to drive. 2. We ___________________ (go) to the beach if we hadn’t so much work to do. 3. If I ________(have) money, I would travel abroad. 4. If we met her, we ______________(give) her your message. 3) Supply the correct form of the verbs in parentheses: 1. If it had rained, you __________________ (have) a bad time at the beach. 2. If he __________________(arrive), he would have looked for you. 12 UNIT II ANOMALOUS VERBS Verb can (poder) Negative form: I can’t / can not / cannot play football Interrogative form: Can I play football? Examples: I can play football. Expressa: a) capacidade: She can swim. b) permissão / possibilidade: You can leave now. Could (podia) a) capacidade: She could swim years ago. b) permissão / possibilidade: You could leave five minutes ago. Exercises 1) Change the sentences to negative and interrogative forms: 1. He can speak English. 2. She can play the piano. 3. They can drive a car. 4. Bob can spell his name. May (poder) Expressa: a) permissão: May I come in? b) possibilidade: It may rain tonight. Might (podia) a) permissão mais formal: Might I come in? b) possibilidade mais remota: It might rain tonight. Must (dever) a) obrigação: Everybody must pay his bills. b) dedução: You are pale. You must be sick. c) proibição. You mustn’t smoke here. d) conselho: You must see that play. Ought to (dever) a) conselho: You ought to visit your grandmother. b) dever: You ought to do your homework. Should (deveria) a) conselho: You should visit your grandmother. b) dever: You should do your homework. Used to (costumava) a) expressa um hábito passado: He used to swim in the morning. Exercises 1) Write the appropriate ANOMALOUS VERBS. 1. They ____________ (podem) write programs to handle invoicing. 2. The programmers _____________(devem) write programs that work and leave them fully documented. 3. Your program_______________(pode) be easily taken over by another programmer. 4. The test for the last card _____________(deve) come immediately after you’ve read each card. 2) Supply with the required ANOMALOUS VERBS: 1. The sequence of instructions ______________ be obeyed to achieve a given result. (obligation) 2. Electronic sensing devices ________________ read magnetic ink printed on checks. (capability) 3. Variations of the input/output instructions ______________ be devised to apply to different peripherals. (possibility) 4. Libraries on banking store ______________ hold all types of utility routines. (capability) 5. A computer program _______________ work out Mr. Jones’ pay for the week. (possibility) UNIT III 13 QUESTION TAG São pequenas perguntas colocadas no final das orações, para pedir uma informação ou confirmação do que foi dito. Após uma oração afirmativa, usa-se o tag negativo: Mary is working, isn’t she? Paul will come on, won’t he? They work in the morning, don’t they? Bob plays the piano, doesn’t he? Mary talked to you, didn’t she? • Quando a oração for negativa, o tag ending será afirmativo: Mary isn’t working, is she? Paul won’t come, will he? They don’t work in the morning, do they? Bob doesn’t play the piano, does he? Mary didn’t walk, did she? Casos especiais: 1. I am very late, aren’t I? 2. Let’s go home now, shall we? 3. Open the window, will you? 4. She may go now, may she not? Exercises 1. Add a question tag. Follow the examples: a) Let’s punch those cards, _______________________________? b) He’s a good programmer, ______________________________? c) They will increase their production, _________________________? d) It isn’t difficult, ________________________? e) The computer can help us, ________________________? f) Tell me about your job, _______________________? g) Mr. Adams would study the problem, ___________________? h) She doesn’t want those forms, _____________________? 14 UNIT IV PLURAL OF NOUNS Formação Regra geral + s Ex.: The boys love apples. Nomes terminados em s, sh, ch, x, z e o + es Ex.: The potatoes are delicious. Nomes terminados em – y precedido de consoante + ies Ex.: The cherries are sweet. • Nomes terminados em – f ou – fe + ves Ex.: The leaves on the trees are green. 1. Substantivos terminados em ch, com som de /k/, formam o plural acrescentando-se s: Monarch – monarchs Epoch – epochs 2. Substantivos terminados em o de origem estrangeira acrescenta-se s: Studio – studios Kilo – kilos 3. Alguns substantivos terminados em – f ou – fe formam o plural acrescentando-se s: Scarf – scarfs/scarves Roof – roofs Proof – proofs Exercises 1) Give the PLURAL form: a) Foot – b) Datum c) Basis d) Key – e) Tax – f) Switch – g) Inventory – h Phenomenon – i) Laboratory – j) Shelf – l) City – m) Memory – n) Tax – o) Criterion – p) Technician – Reef – reefs Cliff – cliffs Wharf – wharfs Safe – safes Chief – chiefs Dwarf – dwarfs Belief – believes Hoof – hoofs/hooves Gulf – gulfs Handkerchief – handkerchiefs 4. Plurais irregulares: Foot – feet Goose – geese Tooth – teeth Louse – lice Man – men Woman – women Child – children Ox – oxen 5. Plurais de substantivos de origem estrangeira: Analysis – analyses Crisis – crises Hypothesis – hypotheses Thesis – theses Agendum – agenda Datum – data Alumnus – alumni Terminus – termini Phenomenon – phenomen UNIT V 15 FREQUENCY ADVERBS Os advérbios de freqüência são usados antes do verbo principal e após o verbo auxiliar. Sometimes – às vezes Once, twice etc. – uma vez, duas vezes Always – sempre Never – nunca Often – freqüentemente Rarely – raramente Seldom – raramente Generally – geralmente Usually – usualmente Examples: Exercises: 1) Place the FREQUENCY ADVERBS correctly: 1. My boss calls my attention. (never) 2. Those managers don’t attend meetings. (often) 3. The customer is right. (always) 4. Does he read manuals? (usually) 5. David is in a hurry. (seldom) 6. She misses the 8:30 bus. (sometimes) Those cards are in that box. (usually) Those cards are usually in that box. Bob works with printers. (always) Bob always works with printers. 16 UNIT VI INDEFINITES (SOME / ANY) • Usa-se some (algum, alguns, alguma, algumas) em frases afirmativas; • Usa-se any (algum, alguns, alguma, algumas, nenhum, nenhuma) em frases negativas e interrogativas. Examples: There are some books here. There aren’t any books here. Are there any books here? • Some é usado em frases interrogativas apenas no caso de oferecimento ou quando se espera uma resposta afirmativa: Exercises 1) Supply some or any: a) Give me _________ coffee. b) There aren’t __________ good books here. c) I brought you __________ aspirins. d) Do you have _________ idea? e) There aren’t _________ good seats in this theater. f) He told us __________ old stories. g) Is there _______ doctor in the audience. h) There are _________ good shows in New York? Example: Would you like some coffee? • Any é usado em frases afirmativas quando: a) aparecer após a palavra if: If you have any questions, ask me. b) significa qualquer: Take any book you need. c) houver palavra de sentido negativo na frase, como seldom, never, rarely, without etc. He left without any money. UNIT VII 17 NUMBERS e.g.: 23 – twenty three 406 – four hundred and six 1,879 – one thousand eight hundred and seventy- Exercises 1) Study the examples and write in full: a) 114 – b) $50.25 – c) 3,045 – d) 22nd – e) $13.02 – f) 18th – nine 31st – thirty-first $5,78 – five dollars and seventy-eight cents. 18 UNIT VIII GENITIVE CASE • O caso genitivo expressa posse e é usado para pessoas e animais Ex.: the boy’s name (the name of the boy) the cat’s eyes (the eyes of the cat) • É formado pelo acréscimo de ‘s ao possuidor. Ex.: Jack’s car Charles’s book the children’s book • Quando o substantivo termina em – s, usa-se apenas o apóstrofo (‘). Ex.: the girl’s room the ladies’ dresses Exercises 1) Supply ‘ or ‘s: 1. Don ___ car is in the garage. 2. Mr. Simpson ____ secretary is outside. 3. They sell ladies _____ hats in this store. 4. The doctor _____ wife is very gentle. 5. The women _____ husbands are late. 6. My friends _____ sisters are beautiful. 7. We love Grandma _____ cakes. 8. The engineer _____ glasses are broken. • Substantivos compostos são tratados como substantivos simples. Ex.: my father-in-law’s car • O caso genitivo também é usado para se referir a lugares. Ex.: He’s going to the baker’s. (the baker’s shop) • Quando há mais de um possuidor: a) para indicar posse comum, apenas o último possuidor recebe o genitivo. Ex.: Jack and Peter’s father (o mesmo pai) b) para indicar posse individual, usa-se o genitivo para cada um dos possuidores. Ex.: Joe’s and Jane’s fathers (pais diferentes) UNIT IX 19 GERUND AND INFINITIVE O gerúndio é uma forma verbal caracterizada pela terminação – ing e funciona como substantivo. Ex.: Swimming is good to our body. O gerúndio também é usado: a) após preposições Ex.: She’s tired of working. b) após os verbos come e go (quando indicarem atividade física). Ex.: Let’s go shopping. c) após os verbos: admit, avoid, appreciate, consider, continue, delay, detest, deny, enjoy, escape, finish, imagine, keep, mind, miss, practice, resist, suggest, stop, try e understand. Ex.: He admitted being wrong. Assim como o gerúndio, o particípio presente também é caracterizado pela terminação –ing. O particípio presente é usado para formar tempos contínuous. Ex.: He is playing the guitar now. Exercises: 1) Supply the gerund form of the verbs in parentheses: 1. The man admitted ____________ (steal) the jewelry. 2. She is very fond of ______________ (swim). 3. They would appreciate _________________(hear) from you. 4. I have avoided _____________(talk) to him after a quarrel. 5. _________ (paint) is a terrific pastime. Infinitive O infinitivo é a forma original do verbo e pode aparecer com ou sem a partícula to. Ex.: I want to go home. He told me to stop. Usa-se o infinitivo sem to: a) após os verbos anômalos, os verbos auxiliares do e will e os verbos make e let. Ex.: I can swim. Do you like coffee? Let me go. b) após as palavras too, enough, the first, the second, the last, the only. Ex.: We are too young to die. I was the first one to arrive. b) após as conjugações but e except. Ex.: I will do nothing but cry. Usa-se o infinitivo com to: a) após os verbos tell, invite, teach, remind, wish, desire, want. c) após adjetivos. Ex.: This exercise is difficult to do. Atenção! O verbo help aceita infinitivo com ou sem to. Ex.: They helped us do our homework. They helped us to do our homework. 20 Exercises 1) Supply the infinitive with or without to. a) Let’s _______ (dance), shall we? b) It’s hard _____________ (study) all day. c) I’ll do anything for you but _______________(wash) your car. d) His words made her __________(cry). e) The committee invited all the members __________ (to participate). Infinitive and Gerund Os verbos feel, hear, notice, observe, see, watch podem ser seguidos de gerúndio ou de infinitivo sem to. Ex.: They watched the birds flying. They watched the birds fly. Verbos que podem ser seguidos de gerúndio ou de infinitivo com to: Advise Allow Attempt Begin Continue Dislike forget hate remember intend like neglect Ex.: I hate getting up early. I hate to get up early. Exercises 1) Supply the Gerund or the Infinitive of the verbs in parentheses: a) I heard you _____________________(sing). b) We observed the bird ________________ (make) its nest. c) The students attempted _________________ (cheat) during the examinations. d) They started _______________ (look) for the criminal. e) I dislike _________________(be) late. permit prefer start stop try love UNIT X 21 RELA TIVE PRONOUNS RELATIVE Os pronomes relativos introduzem orações subordinadas adjetivas (restritivas ou explicativas). Essas orações definem, limitam ou acrescentam algo ao significado do antecedente. Who, whom e that (que, quem) são usados quando o antecedente for pessoa. Ex.: The girl who arrived is beautiful. The girl that arrived is beautiful. Usa-se who, whom, that ou omiti-se o pronome quando este é o objeto do verbo. Ex.: The girl who I saw is beautiful. The girl whom I saw is beautiful. The girl that I saw is beautiful. The girl I saw is beautiful. Quando a oração subordinada não é essencial para o significado do período: a) ela sempre vem entre vírgulas; b) não se pode usar that; c) não se pode omitir o pronome. Ex.: Swimming, which I like very much, is a good sport. Whose (cujo, cuja, cujos, cujas) indica posse, é usado com qualquer antecedente e não pode ser omitido. Ex.: The boy whose bicycle is broken is my friend. Shakespeare, whose plays are famous, was an English author. That (que, quem) é o único pronome relativo usado: Quando a oração subordinada não for essencial para o significado do período: a) ela sempre vem entre vírgulas; b) não se pode usar that; c) não se pode omitir o pronome. Ex.: Mr. Allen, who/whom you saw yesterday, is an American citizen. Which e that (que) são usados quando o antecedente for coisa ou animal. Usa-se which ou that quando o pronome for sujeito do verbo. Ex.: The dog which entered the room is sick. The dog that entered the room is sick. Usa-se which, that ou omiti-se o pronome quando este é o objeto do verbo. Ex.: The dog which you saw is sick. The dog that you saw is sick The dog you saw is sick. a) quando há antecedentes diferentes. Ex.: The girl and the dog that I saw on the beach are at home now. b) após superlativos e palavras como some, any, no, everything, much, little, only, all. Ex.: He is the best doctor that I know. She is the only girl that loves you. Omissão ocorre quando that for objeto do verbo, ele pode ser omitido. Quando houver preposição antes do pronome relativo, usa-se whom (pessoa) ou which (coisa ou animal). Nesses casos, o relativo não pode ser omitido: Ex.: The girl about whom you are talking is my sister. The book about which you are talking is expensive. Exercises 1) Supply all possible relative pronouns: 1. The man to _____ you gave the money has died. 2. The table on ______ you put your shoes cost 300 dollars. 3. My mother knows everything ______ is written is this book. 4. There is the lady ______ car has been stolen. 5. Mrs. Scott, ______ is my mother, wants to see you. 22 Extra Readings Botanical Gardens The Prince Regent, Dom João VI, shortly after arriving in Brazil, required a Royal Gardens, later designated the Botanical Gardens. Much remains today from that period, particularly the central fountain of molded bronze, the first two statues cast in Rio by Master Valentim and most importantly the road beginning at the main entrance lined with palm trees. The “Palma Mater”, planted by Dom João VI, was destroyed by lightning in 1973. The 340 acres contain trees and plants from around the world and Brazil. If you are lucky, your visit will coincide with the blooming of the largest water lily in the world, vitória-régia, from the Amazon region. Its immense rose-white flower is surrounded by leaves large enough to hold a child. When you get to the center of the gardens, look up. You can see Corcovado. The Botanical Gardens open daily from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m.; main entrance, with parking lot, is located at 1008 Rua Jardim Botânico. Within the gardens is the Kuhlmann Botanical Museum with an excellent exhibition of dried plants. Tel: 274 – 8246. This month – January – 1994 Exercises 1) Responda em inglês de acordo com o texto: a) Who planted the “Palma Mater”? b) How many acres are there in the Botanical Gardens? c) If you look up when you get to the center of the gardens, what can you see? 2) Escreva (V) para verdadeiro e (F) para falso: a) The Botanical Gardens open at the weekend from 8 a .m. until 6 p.m. ( ) b) Kuhlmann Botanical Museum has an excellent exhibition of dried plants. ( ) c) The “Palma Mater” was planted by Dom João VI. ( ) d) The Botanical Gardens contains trees and plants from around the world and Brazil. ( ) 3) Escreva certo ou errado de acordo com o texto: a) The Prince Regent, Dom João VI, shortly after arriving in Brazil, required a Royal Gardens, later designated the Botanical Gardens. b) If you are lucky, your visit will coincide with the blooming of the largest water lily in the world, “vitória-régia”, from the Amazon region. Cold Feet One day a beautiful young lady went to a famous artist and said, “I want you to paint a picture of me. How much will it cost?” “Five hundred pounds”, said the artist. “Oh? “, said the lady. “That’s a lot of money. “ Then she thought that, as she had a very beautiful body, the artist might be happy to paint her picture more 23 cheaply if she wore no clothes while he was painting it. So she said, “And how much will it cost if you paint me without clothes on?” The artist thought for a moment. “One thousand pounds”, he then said. “But I shall have to keep my socks on, because my feet get cold: and I shall have to wear something to put my brushes in.” Exercises 1) Marque a resposta correta: 1. A young lady wanted a famous _____________ to paint a picture of her. a) lawyer b) doctor c) teacher d) painter 2. He wanted to keep his ___________ on because his _____________ would get cold. a) glasses; nose b) coat; wagon c) clothes; brushes d) socks; feet 3. A thousand ___________ should be _________ money. a) neighbors; happy b) clothes; cheap c)pounds; a lot of 4. ___________ does this picture ____________? a) Why; cost b) Where ; wear c) What;think d) bodies; without d) How much; cost 2) Escreva (V) para verdadeiro e (F) para falso: 1. The artist misunderstood the lady’s suggestion. ( ) 2. The artist wanted to wear his socks to put his brushes in. ( ) 3. The young lady thought the artist could paint her picture more cheaply than five hundred pounds. ( ) 4. The artist thought that he himself should wear no clothes while painting the picture. ( ) The Computer Computers are electronic machines that process information. They are capable of communicating with the user, of doing five kinds of arithmetic operations, and of making three kinds of decisions. However, they are incapable of thinking. They accept data and instructions as input, and after processing the information, they output the results. When talking about computers, both hardware and software need to be considered. The first refers to the actual machinery whereas the second refers to the programs that control and coordinate the activities of the hardware. The first computer was built in 1930 but since then computer technology has evolved a great deal. There are three different kinds of computers in use today: the mainframe, the minicomputer and the microcomputer. However, the dividing line between these has become blurred; a modern micro is often powerful as a mainframe was tem years ago. All three have one thing in common – they operate quickly and accurately in solving problems. 24 Exercises 1) Responda em inglês: 1. O que é um computador? 2. O que os computadores são capazes de fazer? 3. O que eles são incapazes de fazer? 4. O que o computador aceita como input? 5. O que significa output? 6. O que significa hardware? 7. O que significa software? 8. Quais os computadores que existem atualmente? 9. O que os computadores têm em comum? They lived in Peace North American Indians lived in the “New World” a long time before Europeans arrived there. Many centuries before Columbus, Indians hunted, fished and planted corn in America. They killed the buffalo for food. They fished for salmon in the rivers of Canada and they farmed the land in Arizona. Before the white men arrived, the Indians lived in peace. They were the masters of the North American continent. Exercises 1) Indique o correspondente em inglês destas palavras ou expressões: 1. muito tempo antes: 2. chegaram 3. muitos séculos 4. caçavam 5. pescavam 6. milho 7. matavam 8. para (servir de) alimento, para comer 9. rios 10. cultivam a terra 11. paz 12. senhores, donos a) a long time before a) lived a) many years a) hunted a) fished a) corn a) died a) for food a) ships a) planted corn a) war a) masters 2) Responda em inglês de acordo com o texto: 1. Where did North American Indians live? b) a long time after b) arrived b) many centuries b) fished b) planted b) popcorn b) killed b) for bread b) rivers b) farmed the land b) peace b) centuries 2. Did the Europeans arrive there the Indians? 3. What did Indians do in America before Columbus? 4. What did they kill for food? 5. What did Indians do in the rivers of Canada? 6. Where did they farm the land? 7. When did Columbus arrive in the “New World”? 8. Who were the masters of America then? 9. How did the Indians live? 25 26 Se você: 1) 2) 3) 4) concluiu o estudo deste guia; participou dos encontros; fez contato com seu tutor; realizou as atividades previstas; Então, você está preparado para as avaliações. Parabéns! Glossário Accurately – precisamente. Blurred – obscurecer(-se). Data – dados. Hardware – partes eletrônicas e mecânicas de um sistema de computador. Has evolved – tem se desenvolvido. Input – entrada de dados. Machine – máquina. Mainframe – computador de grande porte. Microcomputer – qualquer computador que tenha a unidade aritmética e lógica (ALU) e a unidade de controle em um único circuito integrado denominado microprocessador. Minicomputer – computador multiusuário projetado para atender às necessidades de uma pequena companhia ou departamento. Output – saída dos resultados. Quickly – rapidamente. Software – programas associados com a operação de um computador. The first – o primeiro. The second – o segundo. To solve – solucionar. User – usuário. Whereas – enquanto. 27 28 Gabarito Unit 4 Unit 1 1) a) feet b) data c) bases d) keys e) taxes f) switches g) inventories h) phenomena i) laboratories j) shelves l) cities m) memories n) taxes o) criteria p) technicians 1) 1. calls 2. study 3. will give 4. will visit 5. will have 2) 1. knew 2. would go 3. had 4. would give 3) 1. would have had 2. had arrived Unit 2 Verb Can 1) 1. He can’t speak English. / Can he speak English? 2. She can’t play the piano. / Can she play the piano? 3. They can’t drive a car. / Can they drive a car? 4. Bob can’t spell his name. / Can he spell his name? May 1) 1. can 2. must 3. may / can 4. must 2) 1. must 2. can 3. may 4. can 5. may Unit 3 1) a) shall we b) isn’t he c) won’t they d) is it e) can’t it f) will you g) wouldn’t he h) does she Unit 5 1) 1. My boss never calls my attention. 2. Those managers don’t often attend meetings. 3. The customer is always right. 4. Does he usually read manuals? 5. David is seldom in a hurry. 6. She sometimes misses the 8:30 bus. Unit 6 a) some b) any c) some d) any e) any f) some g) any h) some Unit 7 1) a) one hundred and fourteen b) fifty dollars and twenty-five cents c) three thousand and forty-five d) twenty-second e) thirteen dollars and two cents f) eighteenth Unit 8 1) 1. Don’s 2. Mr. Simpson’s 3. ladies’ 4. doctor’s 5. women’s 6. friends’ 7. grandma’s 8. engineer’s Unit 9 1) 1. stealing 2. swimming 3. hearing 4. talking 5. painting Infinitive 1) a) dance b) to study c) wash d) cry e) to participate Infinitive and Gerund 1) a) singing / sing b) making / make c) cheating / to cheat d) looking / to look e) being / to be Unit 10 1) 1. whom 2. which 3. that 4. whose 5. who Extra Readings BOTANICAL GARDENS 1) a) Dom João VI b) 340 c) Corcovado 2) F - V - V - V 3) a) Errado b) Certo COLD FEET 1) 1.d 2.d 3.c 4.d 2) V - F - V - V THE COMPUTER 1. Computers are electronic machines that process information. 2. They are capable of communicating with the user. 3. They are incapable of thinking 4. They accept data and instructions as input. 5. Output significa saída de dados. 6. The actual machinery. 7. The programs. 8. The minicomputer and microcomputer. 9. They operate quickly and acurately in solving problems. THEY LIVED IN PEACE 1) 1.a; 2. b; 3. b; 4. a; 5. a; 6. a; 7. b; 8. a; 9. b; 10. b; 11. b; 12. a 2) 1. They lived in the new world. 2. No, they didn’t. 3. They hunted, fished and planted corn in America. 4. They killed the buffalo for food. 5. They fished for salmon in the rivers of Canada. 6. They farmed the land in Arizona. 7. Many centuries before. 8. The Indians. 9. They lived in peace. 29 30 Referências Bibliográficas ALEXANDER, L.G. Longman English Grammar Practice. 4. ed. USA: Longman, 1995. BRIGGS, Sandra J. Grammar: Strategies and Practice. The United States: Scott Foreman, 1994. LEECH, G. and SVARTVIK, J. A Communicative Grammar of English. 6. ed. London: Longman, 1998. MURPHY, Raymond. Basic Grammar in use. Cambridge University Press, 1994. SWAN, Michael & WALTER, Catherine. How English Works. A Grammar Practice Book. New York: Oxford, 2000. __________________. The Good Grammar Book. New York: Oxford, 2003. VINCE, Michael. Essential Language Practice. Oxford: Macmillan Heinemann, 2000. LÍNGUA INGLESA II LÍNGUA INGLESA II