Minutes of Meeting no. 38 On the thirtieth day of November two thousand and seven, at seventeen hours, the Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting was held of SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA, a listed company, with a share capital of one hundred and sixty nine million seven hundred and sixty four thousand three hundred and ninety eight euros, registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies under the single registration and tax payer number 503 219 886. -----------------------The proceedings were presided over by the Chairman of the Shareholders Meeting, Mr. Lopo Roque de Pinho Cancella de Abreu, and Mrs. Maria do Carmo de Almeida Janela Gomes Teixeira was called upon to serve as Secretary. Maria do Carmo de Almeida Janela Gomes Teixeira as Secretary. -----------------------------The Chairman of the Shareholders Meeting called the roll and confirmed that four shareholders were represented who held 128,623,202 (one hundred and twenty eight million, six hundred and twenty three thousand two hundred and two) shares representing 75.77% (seventy five point seventy seven per cent) of the share capital, corresponding to 80.47% (eighty point forty seven percent) of the voting rights. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Also present were the following Board Directors: Esmeralda da Silva Santos Dourado, Carlos Alexandre Antão Valente Coutinho, Manuel Ferro da Silva Meneses, Rui Eduardo Ferreira Rodrigues Pena, José Maria Cabral Vozone and Pedro Roque de Pinho de Almeida, and apologies were received from the remaining Directors who were travelling abroad on business. Also present were members of the Audit Committee, Mr. Duarte Manuel da Palma Leal Garcia and Mr. Martinho Lobo de Almeida Melo de Castro and the Chartered Public Accountant, Mr. João Carlos Miguel Alves, representing Ernst & Young Audit & Associados - SROC, SA. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The legal announcements of the notice, namely online publication of the same at the Ministry of Justice Portal on 29 October 2008 and on the Stock Price Bulletin no. 19155 dated 26 October 2007, the attendance list, evidence of shareholder status and relevant proxy letters, as well as the proposal that was submitted to the Shareholders Meeting are deposited in the folder pertaining to this Meeting which is deemed to be appended to these minutes, under the terms of Article 63 of the Commercial Company Act. -------------------------------------------------------------------------After declaring that the meeting had been legally convened in accordance with the legal and statutory provisions and that the shareholders represented had presented the credentials that proved ownership of the said shares, the Chairman of the Shareholders Meeting confirmed that a quorum existed under the terms of article 6, paragraph one of the Company's Statutes and declared the session open with the following agenda: --------------------------------------------------------------------------Sole item - Deliberating on the interim distribution of dividends using retained earnings.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dealing with the single item on the agenda, the Chairman of the Shareholders Meeting advised that a proposal had been made by the Board of Directors concerning the payment of an interim dividend which reads as follows: “The Board of Directors proposes to the Shareholders Meeting the approval of a payment of an interim dividend in the gross amount of Eur 0,0314 (three cents and fourteen hundredths of a cent) per share, using the balance of the Retained Earnings account, in the total gross amount of Eur 5,330,602.10 (five million, three hundred and thirty thousand, six hundred and two euros and ten cents). -------------------------Since it is not possible to accurately determine the number of treasury stock held on dividend payment date, it is proposed that the amount of the dividends that correspond to the shares which, on the first day of the dividend payment period belong to the Company, be applied to Retained Earnings.”. ------------------------------The Chairman of the Shareholders Meeting then gave the floor to the Board of Directors for presentation of the said proposal. The Chairman of the Executive Committee, Mrs. Esmeralda da Silva Santos Dourado made a brief presentation of the same. Since no further explanation was requested by the shareholders, the proposal was put to vote and was approved unanimously by the represented shareholders. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------With no further business to be discussed, the meeting adjourned at seventeen hours and ten minutes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------The following minutes were drawn up for the record and will be signed by the Chairman of the Shareholders Meeting and by the Company Secretary. --------------Maria do Carmo Gomes Teixeira, Company Secretary of SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA, certifies, under the terms of paragraph 1f) of Article 446-B of the Company Act that this transcription of Minutes no. 38 of the Shareholders Meeting of SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA, is accurate, complete and up-to-date. -------The Company Secretary Maria do Carmo Gomes Teixeira