52a Reunião Anual da Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia Zootecnia: Otimizando Recursos e Potencialidades Belo Horizonte – MG, 19 a 23 de Julho de 2015 Substituição do farelo de soja por caroço de algodão na suplementação de touros jovens mantidos à pasto: Avaliação econômica1 Pedro Ivo José Lopes da Rosa e Silva2, Karina Ferro Cervelati3, Joanis Tilemahos Zervoudakis4, Nelcino Francisco de Paula4, Adriano Jorge Possamai5, Lucien Bissi da Freiria5 1 Parte da dissertação de mestrado do segundo autor. Discente de Medicina Veterinária – FAMEVZ-UFMT Cuiabá-MT, bolsista PIBIC/CNPq e-mail: [email protected] 3 Discente de Mestrado do PPGCA/UFMT Cuiabá-MT, Bolsista CNPq/CAPES. 4 Professor Adjunto FAMEVZ- UFMT Cuiabá-MT. 5 Discente de doutorado do PPGCA/UFMT Cuiabá-MT, Bolsista CNPq/CAPES 2 Resumo: Objetivou-se avaliar a economicidade da substituição da proteína do farelo de soja pela proteína do caroço de algodão em suplementos para touros jovens. Foram utilizados 25 touros jovens Nelore, com peso e idade iniciais de 312 kg e 20 meses respectivamente. Ofertou-se suplementação mineral, ou 1,5 kg de suplemento concentrado seguindo a formulação padrão (0S), ou a substituição de 33% (33S), 67% (67S) ou 100% (100S) da proteína do farelo de soja pelo caroço de algodão. A suplementação com caroço de algodão (67S e 100S) promoveram os maiores desempenho quando comparados com a formulação padrão (P=0,01 e P=0,04, respectivamente), e em decorrência do menor custo com os ingredientes promoveram, portanto a maior taxa de retorno (2,19 e 1,97% ao mês). A taxa de retorno pela utilização da suplementação mineral foi alta (1,88%), no entanto o ganho adicional promovido pela suplementação concentrada, superior a 200 gramas/dia, são importantes para reduzir o ciclo produtivo e aumentar o giro de capital. A utilização de formulações alternativas com utilização de caroço de algodão foi importante para melhorar a rentabilidade da atividade de recria de touros jovens à pasto. Palavras–chave: coprodutos, recria, rentabilidade, transição águas-seca Replacement of soybean meal by whole cottonseed in supplements for young bulls in the pasture: Economic evaluation Abstract: The aim was evaluate the economic of replacement of protein from soybean meal for protein from whole cottonseed in supplements for young bulls. 25 Nellore young bulls were used, with initial weight and age of 312 kg and 20 months respectively. The supplements were: mineral supplement, or 1.5 kg of concentrate supplement with standard formulation (0S), or 33% (33S), 67% (67S) or 100% (100S) of replacement the protein soybean of meal by whole cottonseed. Supplementation with whole cottonseed (67S and 100S) promoted the highest performance when compared to the standard formulation (P=0.01 and P=0.04, respectively). , and as a result of the lower cost ingredients promoted, so the higher rate of return (2.19 and 1.97%). The lower cost these alternative ingredients promoted higher rate of return (2.19 and 1.97% by month). The rate of return for the use of mineral supplementation was high (1.88%), however the additional gain promoted by the concentrate supplementation (more than 200 grams/day) are important to reduce the production cycle and to improve the financial revenue. The use of cottonseed was important to improve the profitability for beef cattle in growing at pastures. Keywords: byproducts, beef cattle in growing, profitability, rainy-dry season Introduction In intensive production systems of beef cattle in grazing, the provision of supplementary nutrients is important for the maintenance of the high gain rates throughout the year, due the animal requirement is usually higher than the amount of nutrients provided by the forage (Reis et al., 2012). However, because of the high cost of agricultural commodities, together with the need to seek food alternatives that do not compete with human food or animals other than ruminants, increases the interest for coproducts of agro-industry. This is important to reduce the production costs and increase profitability of the production system (Moraes et al., 2006). Thus the whole cottonseed stands out, due its protein content, fatty acids profile and fiber content, which has great potential for use with food for ruminants (Bertrand et al., 2005) The objective was to evaluate the economic and productive impact of replacement the protein soybean meal for protein whole cottonseed for beef cattle in growing at pastures. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________ Página - 1 - de 3 52a Reunião Anual da Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia Zootecnia: Otimizando Recursos e Potencialidades Belo Horizonte – MG, 19 a 23 de Julho de 2015 Material e Methods The experiment was conducted in the beef cattle sector of the Federal University of Mato Grosso, during the months from March to May, totaling 84 days of experiment, in the rainy-dry season. Five paddocks were used 1.45 ha each, cultivated with Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandú. Were used 25 Nellore steers, with 20 months of age and the initial average weight of 312 kg. The supplements were formulated to supply 30% of the crude protein requirement, and provided 1.5 kg/day, (0.39% PC). The costs of the ingredients were obtained in Mato Grosso state in 2014, considering the average of the different prices in the state (Table 1). Table 1 - Supplements composition and price of experimental supplements Supplements1 Ingredients MM 0S 33S 67S 100S g/kg Whole Cottonseed 223.6 447.2 677.6 Corn cracked 520.0 418.1 317.8 212.4 Soybean meal 385.0 257.9 130.0 Urea 35.0 40.0 45.0 50.0 Mineral mixed 1000.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 Price (R$/kg) 1.43 0.68 0.64 0.59 0.54 1 (0S), substitution of 33% of protein source (33S), substitution of 67% of protein source (67S) and 100% of the whole cottonseed as protein source (100S). The animals were weighed at the beginning and in the end of the trial period. The economic evaluation was carried out by considering supplementation with standard formulation as the investment parameter. The Gross revenue was obtained by multiplying of the gain in carcass equivalent by your value in the state (R$ 120.00), and the cost of the grazing lease in the month (R$ 20.00) and labor that totaling costs of R$ 123.31 in period. Investment in supplementation was calculated by the price of the ingredients added an operating costs of mixture of R$ 0.06 / kg of supplement. The return of investment was calculated by the interest rate offered by savings account in 2014 (0.59% monthly). The experiment was structured in a randomized design. To evaluate the performance was tested follows contrasts: MM vs supplementation; 0S vs 33S; 0S vs 67S and 0S vs 100S. Statistical analyzes were performed using SAS (version 9.2) and adopted great confidence level for the type 1 error of 5%. Results and Discussion The average daily gain (ADG) was increased by substitution of protein source in the level 67S and 100S, in comparison of the standard formulation (P=0,01 and P=0,04, respectively). The ADG were 0.883; 0.909; 0.933; 1.123; and 1.073 kg/day, for MM; 0S; 33S; 67S; and 100S, respectively. Due to the lower cost of the supplementation, combined with higher performance the supplements 67S and 100S, promoted the best economic returns to the animals receiving concentrate supplementation (Table 2). Because of lower cost of mineral supplementation the economic return was high also. However it is important to consider the additional gain promoted by concentrate supplementation (up to 250 g by day) in reduction of the production cycle and reduction of the slaughter age, that is fundamental for the production of a quality meat (Paulino et al., 2010). The monthly profitability for concentrate supplementation with whole cottonseed (67S and 100S), was 0.5% lower than what was reported by another authors for same creation phase (Coan et al, 2008; Martha-Junior et al, 2011), due to the high costs of pasture and with labor. The minimum gain for calculation of the yield was equal to savings account, showed good margin of safety for the supply of mineral supplementation and for the replacement of 67 and 100% of soybean meal by whole cottonseed. Demonstrating that the use of whole cottonseed in supplements do not influences on performance, corroborating data of Moraes et al., (2006), in addition to reducing the investment with concentrate supplementation. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________ Página - 2 - de 3 52a Reunião Anual da Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia Zootecnia: Otimizando Recursos e Potencialidades Belo Horizonte – MG, 19 a 23 de Julho de 2015 Table 2 - Economic evaluation of the use of mineral supplementation (MM), concentrate supplementation with standard formulation (0S), replacement of 33% (33S), 67% (67S) and 100% (100S) of protein from soybean meal by cottonseed to growing cattle. Supplements Economic indicators MM 0S 33S 67S 100S Initial value (R$/animal)(1) 1248.8 1258.4 1251.2 1252 1256 Storage arroba (2) 10.41 10.49 10.43 10.43 10.47 Weight end (Arroba) (3) 12.88 13.03 13.04 13.58 13.47 Gain (Arroba)(4) 2.47 2.55 2.61 3.15 3.01 Supplementation costs (R$)(5) 12.01 86.28 80.38 74.38 68.38 Other cost (R$)(6) 203.31 203.31 203.31 203.31 203.31 Return on investment (R$)(7) 24.19 25.57 25.36 25.27 25.24 Total of investment (R$)(8) 239.51 315.17 309.04 302.96 296.93 Produced arroba cost (R$)(9) Cost index (%)(10) Gross revenue (R$)(11) Net revenue (R$)(12) Index revenue (%)(13) Return rate per month(%)(14) Profitability (ha/month) (15) Minimum Carcass ADG (kg/day)(16) Minimum Body weight ADG (kg/day)(17) 96.84 100.00 1.545.60 57.29 100.00 1.88 70.56 0.32 123.76 127.80 1.564.00 -9.57 19.41 0.37 -11.78 0.43 118.26 122.12 1.564.80 4.56 36.26 0.68 5.61 0.42 96.28 99.43 1.629.60 74.64 116.30 2.19 91.92 0.41 98.76 101.98 1.616.80 63.87 104.55 1.97 78.66 0.40 0.71 0.93 0.89 0.72 0.74 (1) Initial value considering BW * 50% of carcass dressing * R $ 120.00 / @. (2) BW * 50% of carcass dressing. (3) carcass weight at the end of the growing period. (4) Weight end - Arroba stored. (5) cost of supplements * 1.5 kg/day* 84 days. (6) R $ 20.00 per month more cost related to pasture and work hand more investment in animal health (deworming, vaccination clostridiums and anger). (7) Total investment considering the average capital remuneration of savings (0.59% monthly). (8) other investments + supplementation + return on capital. (9) Total investment / Arrobas produced. (10) Cost comparison of the at sign produced by the standard supplement with the other formulations. (11) Weight end (Arroba)* R$ 120,00. (12) Gross revenue –(Initial value + Supplementation cost + other cost + return on investment). (13) Net revenue from the standard formulation compared to other formulations. (14) (Net revenue/total investment). (15) (net revenue * stocking (herd/ha)/84 days). (16) minimum Average daily gain (ADG) of carcass so that profitability is equal to the monthly rate of return from savings accounts. (17) ADG in body weight so that the return on invested capital is equal to the savings account. Conclusions The replacement of the 66 and 100% of soybean meal by whole cottonseed increased the average daily gain, allowing for greater profitability with the use of the concentrated supplements for beef cattle in growing at pastures. References Reis, R. A.; Ruggieri, A. C.; Oliveira, A. A.; Azenha, M. V.; Casagrande, D. R. 2012. Suplementação como estratégia de produção de carne de qualidade em pastagens tropicais. R. Bras Saúde e Prod. Anim., 13, 642-655. Bertrand, J. A.; Sudduth, T. Q.; Condon, A. 2005. Nutrient content of whole cottonseed. J. Dairy Sci., 88,14701477. Paulino, M.F.; Detmann, E.; Valadares Filho, S.C.; Silva, A.G.; Cabral, C.H.A.; Valente, É.E.L.; Barros, L.V.; Paula, N.F.; Lopes, S.A. e Couto, V.R.M. 2010. Bovinocultura programa. 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Rev Bras Zootecn, 35: 914-920. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________ Página - 3 - de 3