Avaliação L.Inglesa
VI unidade
9º.ano ABCD
Profa. Glícia Aragão
Para responder as questões 01 e 02, leia com atenção a música a seguir:
(The Rolling Stone)
Once upon a time you dressed so fine
You threw the bums a dime in your prime, (I)?
People'd call, say "Beware doll, you're bound to fall"
You thought they were all just kidding' you
You used to laugh about
Everybody that was hangin' out
Now you don't walk so proud
Now you don't talk so loud
About having to be scrounging for your next meal
01. Responda o que se pede: (vale 1.5)
a) Qual a forma correta do “Question tag” no espaço (I)?
_______DIDN’T YOU_____________
b) Qual a forma correta do “Question tag” para a oração em destaque na
música? ___DO YOU________________
c) São características da pessoa citada na música:
( ) humilde, simples e carinhosa.
( ) rica, determinada e sádica.
( X ) orgulhosa, vaidosa e decadente.
02. Julgue os itens quanto ao uso do “Question tag”: (vale 1.5)
00. Joe didn’t do anything last night, DID YOU?FALSO
11. He’s never wasted time, HASN’T HE?FALSO
22. She’s listening to the news, ISN’T SHE?VERDADEIRO
33. Liza and me won’t travel together next week, WILL THEY?FALSO
44. I’m at home every night, AREN’T I?VERDADEIRO
03. Relacione as colunas A e B, completando-as com o Question Tag: (vale 1.5)
Coluna A
a) I am your teacher, __________?
b) Your mother doesn't work, __________?
c) All student are here, __________?
d) You're understanding me, __________?
e) Your father works at Johnson & Johnson, __________?
f) Politics is a science, ______?
Coluna B
( C ) aren't they
( D ) aren't you
( F ) isn’t it
( A ) aren't I
( E ) doesn't he
( B ) does she
Para responder as questões de 04 a 06, assinale a alternativa correta quanto ao
uso do “Question tag”: (vale 0.5 cada)
04. (UFPB) Leia as sentenças abaixo:
We humans have probed the heart of the atom, _________?
All the creatures of the earth are fundamentally cousins, _______?
Preenche os espaços corretamente:
haven’t we/aren’t they CORRETA
did we/are they
have we/are they
we don’t/they aren’t
we haven’t/they aren’t
05. Complete with the CORRECT alternative:
The sun shone the whole day, __________ it?
a) is
b) did
c) doesn't
d) didn't CORRETA
e) isn't
06. Choose the correct answer.
The teacher prefers the red pen, _____?
a) doesn't she CORRETA
b) don't he
c) hasn't she
d) didn't he
e) does he