brasil - mina gerais - espiritu santo - mono industrial corridor in my project make a contribution to the brasilian discussion about possible tendencies in the region. in the territorial part - i will give a clear proposal to a desireable development. narrowing down - implementing an urban embryo - the project is a stategy in an abstract way / a catalogue of rules to take in consideration while making the physical design. acording to the conditions of the specific location . territorial szenario mono - diversity Diversity: combination, interlinkage, co-existence and simultaneity Startingpoint is the mono - productivity of the region consisting from extraction, siderurgy and export. as a ruling sector the stability is too dependent and should have a balance through diversity within the region. * Synergy - interaction * Including / Excluding certain regions * Concentration versus homogene - network my subject deals on a very large territorial scale. we have nearly 1000 km distance between Belo Horizonte and Vitoria. what is the project about Gov.Valadares it has its origin in the actual tendencies in the Region Minas Gerais and Espirito Santo, wich is dominated through the 2 main industries: the iron ore - industry and the cellulose industry. Gov.Valadares Ipatinga Timoteo Belo horizonte my goal is give a proposal , how to create sustainability in the region. create new activities to balance the mono-character of the region and to respond to the rapidly changing globalized economics. Aimores Ipatinga Caratinga Nova Era Branco Caratinga Nova Era Aracruz Vitória Marhuaca Aimores Timoteo Belo horizonte Branco the result is not an physical design, but a strategy wich can lead to an intervention. A strategy wich combines 2 contrary scenarios - 2 extreme terms of organizing the territory. 100 % Muriae Cachoeiro de Itapemirim Itaperuna Anrelandia Aracruz Vitória Marhuaca Muriae Itaperuna Anrelandia Cachoeiro de Itapemirim 2 uses as a guideline, as dynamic framework the territory is articulates through an Industrial corridor provided by the private companies. my work try to respond to questions such as: Gov.Valadares How to promote or densify regions detached from the productive chain that articulates the territory? How to expand horizontaly the productiv arrangements and intensify the capillarity of the infrastructure of transport ? How to provide capillarity in a region where we cannot count on public investement, where we have to use or coordinate the interests of private companies in order to create a desireable social construction for the inhabitants of the region.(win-win) ? one way to create the win-win between public and private thinking in terms of EFFICIANCY, could be creating small interventions - adjustments provoce / affecting other components. and development. Ipatinga Timoteo Belo horizonte Ipatinga Caratinga Branco Muriae Branco Itaperuna Anrelandia Cachoeiro de Itapemirim Muriae Anrelandia Ipatinga Cachoeiro de Itapemirim Mosaik of cities - synergie concentrating each municipality on the strongest sector it has and promote new economybusiness - living - leisure Aimores Timoteo Belo horizonte Caratinga Nova Era Aracruz what happen with the depopulated territory ? Vitória Marhuaca encouraging bottom-up economic activities. this can be done in changing the tax-policies. then the number of enterprises would increse Branco develop into a natural park promoting light tourism- DIVERSITY - connections Itaperuna 2 create diversity in the region is a multitude of small economic sectors better , than the big industrial monofunctunal zone -service, financial sector, energy, food, biotech, media...? enforce existing branches Gov.Valadares unemployement -> circular effect ->bad image, less immigration of new companies, more unemployement large areas will not be used anymore , deserted cities, ghoust cities. services will decline the people who stays will be free from neighbours-> agriculture? Aracruz Vitória Marhuaca dezentralization szenario B: on the other hand it will leed to de-population of the territory....the young generation might migrate to the belt, the older stay in the territory get attractor 4 people from the overgrown cities Aimores Caratinga Nova Era Aracruz Vitória Marhuaca mono industrial szenario A: enforcement of the industry and the productive chain, leeds to migration concentration and growing of the cities the citys can not take the grow, people move out from the cities in surrounding populations, facilities and services will occure -> need 2 create or improve transportsystem between the cities on the chain and the closedby population (appearing related new technologies + educational programm) Timoteo Belo horizonte Nova Era 100 % Gov.Valadares Aimores Muriae Itaperuna Cachoeiro de Itapemirim Anrelandia along the river will be either a recreational area..... or can attract new industy....having the same affect of a liniar growing ?....Loop-effect Susanne Karrasch - Master in advanced Architecture 1. infrastructure: capilarity and corridors DEFININHG THE INTERVENTION-SITE ACORDING THE GOAL OF CREATING CAPILARITY IN THE REGION 1. accomulation of population ( about 100.000 inhabitants ) ald eina pe nha de nor te con selhe iro pen a nico land ia calixto re splen dor alva ren ga st r ita d e int ueto aim one s cola tina itap ina po cran e ba ixu gu and o italm be m und o no vo d e m in as ibitu ba spreaded accomulation of small population (less than 25.000 inhabitants ) itac u villa n ova de b ana nai ipa nem a car atin ga itac u m utum sob reir o itar ana ro seira l lar ania del t err e CHALE XY -INHA 18 18 18 26 18 18 18 18 18 18 26 18 18 18 39 1818 65 18 27 18 40 18 18 1818 18 18 29 12 30 18 13 29 23 10 30 18 18 13 36 26 18 6 18 25 13 30 18 13 17 17 18 23 41 29 15 29 18 31 13 6 25 28 40 13 32 3 26 36 26 18 11 18 20 26 18 15 4 20 25 13 29 10 13 32 36 26 18 28 40 18 18 40 20 3 26 11 31 13 18 18 18 18 18 15 18 13 10 41 10 30 17 17 29 15 4 20 13 23 26 3 26 25 13 30 18 29 27 40 23 25 13 29 41 65 32 11 12 20 32 18 18 61 1818 18 41 10 18 18 13 10 18 26 18 40 18 15 29 26 18 40 39 18 18 18 17 17 23 41 18 32 25 13 10 65 27 11 41 10 30 16 18 18 61 18 40 18 18 18 26 18 32 23 18 18 18 39 18 13 10 11 12 18 18 16 18 18 61 26 18 18 18 26 18 18 18 16 18 13 18 15 11 4 20 31 13 6 28 40 creating subcorridors -clusters - redundant lines to existing network can happen in phases because of the economical... Liniar city or Sprawl: trade, services of favorable properties - space for expansion, parking lots, delivery activating a region - site construction catalysing development through implementation of a urban embryo aimones pocrane 1948, 10.331 inhabitantes, 5.051 são da cidade e 5318 da roça; ipanema 1880 19.519 inhabitantes, sendo que 13.624 -cidade e 5.895 -zona rural mundo novo de minas index flat areas peacs mutum roseiral 0 5 10 km aimones distances and connectivity points 1 2 3 4 4 X - closest between 2 populations/ or a-c = b-c X`-shortest destination between 2 shortest destination infrastructural crossing points are good oportunity places to interveen, connecting minimum 3 sides ( connectivity 3) thei can work as distributer and collector for a cluster of populations A - overlapped with topographical information activating a region - 13 10 2 map of the flat well acsessed flat areas 40 18 18 X" - shortest destination between the pop - clusters A -closest connection between a-b with nodes higher connectivity points topographical conditions + infrastructure 23 29 25 3 13 13 30 17 29 26 32 17 15 in thinking of agricultural development as well as an expanding urban tissue this map give us information of possible intervining areas. the mountain side is natural border-conditions for growth. the areas where this border is nearly a parallel line to the infrastructure a linear growth across the line is possible ,kind of linear city connecting existing urban settlements aimones 13 18 18 18 13 20 infrastructure meets river in thinking of industrial aswell as argicultural activities a well acsessed location with water acsess is important. this map show the crossing points of the cluster. the existing populations also have this condition.