Sant’Anna International School 14 May 2014 2014-2015 ELECTIVE CATALOGUE FINE ARTS COURSE 1 Instructor: Mr. Casburn Language of Instruction: English Open To: 9, 10, 11, 12 Pre-requisite: None Course Description: This course has been designed to develop students understanding and ability to implement some of the key elements and principles of art and design. The course will be project based and explore a range of 2D and 3D mediums including drawing, painting, collage, photography and sculpture. Students will also develop their understanding of art history and careers in art. Students who participate in this elective will be expected to buy a selection of art materials at the being of the course. ADVANCED FINE ARTS COURSE 1 Instructor: Mr. Casburn Language of Instruction: English Open To: 10, 11, 12 Pre-requisite: Fine Arts 1 Course Description: This course is designed for students who are considering studying art at college level with the aim of helping students prepare a portfolio to send to prospectus colleges. As with Fine Art 1 the course will be project based but students will be expected to study more independently and will have more freedom to work in the mediums that most interest them. Students who participate in this elective will be expected to buy art material that satisfies their unique individual needs throughout the course. Students will be expected to spend a minimum of 1hr a week studying outside of class time. Music Performance – The High School Band Instructor: Mr. Rocha Language of Instruction: English Open To: 9, 10, 11, 12 Pre-requisite: possess and play a musical instrument Course Description: The Music Performance course enables students to explore and enhance their musical skills and its application in a band format. The activities worked have as a main objective to develop students’ musical environment perception, general music knowledge acquisition, and to set up one presentation per semester of the contents worked. Student singers are required to audition to be accepted to this course. For more information on scheduling an audition, please seek the head office. The practicing pathways as the music styles to be worked are going to be researched and chosen by the students themselves, according to its relevance to the music history and influence in humankind. Topics to be worked: Basic vocal technique guidance Instrumental development (students that already play an instrument) History of Music (musical genders chosen) Aesthetics Band Practicing ADVANCED MUSIC PERFORMANCE Instructor: Mr. Rocha Language of Instruction: English a musical instrument Open To: 10, 11, 12 Pre-requisite: Music Performance 1; possess and play Objectives: A. Deepen students’ music performance on their first option instrument and voices ; B. Learn the dynamics of rehearse management; C. Learn and practice different ensembles arrangement techniques. Course Description: Sant’Anna International School 14 May 2014 The Advanced Music Performance Course enables students to deepen their musical skills and its application into a band format as a player, arranger and rehearse manager. The activities worked have as main objective to keep developing students’ musical environment perception, a general music knowledge exploring and to organize the Band’s Presentation throughout the year. The practicing pathways as the music styles to be worked are going to be researched and chosen by the students themselves, according to its relevance to the music history and influence in to humankind. Topics to be worked: Basic vocal technique guidance Instrumental development (students that already play an instrument) History of Music (musical genders chosen) Aesthetics Band Practicing Band Rehearse Management Prerequisites To take the course of Advanced Music the student must have completed the Music Elective course with excellence. The student must write an application letter covering the following items: A brief explanation of why he/she wants to join the advanced course, What are the first option instrument’s accomplishments that he/she wants to achieve and how the student intends to do so. How can the candidate contribute to the Elective Music Course students’ learning? As in the Music Elective Course, the candidate must have the instrument chosen as first option as well a good proficiency at it, being it attested by an audition required by the teacher. STUDENT COUNCIL Instructor: Ms. Allison Language of Instruction: English Open To: 10, 11, 12 Pre-requisite: None Course Description: Members of the Student Council are the voice of the student body who work to effectuate change. Members participate in planning events, increasing communication between the student body and administration, providing school spirit activities, as well as serving as positive examples for their classmates. Each year a number of enrolled students are internally elected to hold office. Members have the opportunity to run for the following positions: President Treasurer Vice-President Commissioner of Activities Secretary Commissioner of Clubs Historian Students will also learn public-speaking and debating skills. Students that enroll in Student Council must be: highly independent and self-motivated, willing to effectively work in teams, to plan and execute events, to resolve problems and to improve the campus life of our students. Students must complete a form of intent to run for office. DIGITAL ARTS Instructor: Mr. Cunha Language of Instruction: English Open To: 9, 10, 11, 12 Pre-requisite: None Course Description: The Digital Arts course will introduce students to a variety of multimedia applications that will focus of creative expression. Students will use top design programs including Illustrator, InDesign and Photoshop. Throughout the academic year, students will be evaluated throughout a variety of assignments which include, but are not limited to, the creation of personal logos, stationary materials, advertisement samples, and digital presentations. The culmination of the Digital Arts course is the publication of the annual Sant’Anna Yearbook. Methodology: Students will be evaluated on presentation skills, problem solving situations, time management, creativity, and the correct use of various computer applications. For the final assessment, students must present a portfolio with the projects created throughout the year to a panel of teachers. Sant’Anna International School 14 May 2014 LENGUA EXTRANJERA MODERNA: ESPAÑOL (1) Instructor: Mrs. Camargo Language of Instruction: Español Open To: 9, 10, 11, 12 Pre-requisite: None Course Description: O curso de Espanhol tem como objetivo fazer com que o aluno desenvolva a fluência na língua proposta em seu todo, ou seja, ele consiga desenvolver a habilidade: auditiva, leitora, a fala, dentro de vários contextos que serão propostos durante o curso. Metodologia: Serão trabalhadas estratégias que demonstrem ao aluno a aplicabilidade da língua aprendida em sua vida acadêmica e profissional, tais como: Preparação para o DELE (Diploma de Espanhol Compreensão auditiva de músicas e prática de como Língua Estrangeira) -é o único certificado pronúncia; oficial para estudantes estrangeiros reconhecido Filmes; pelo Instituto Cervantes. Todos os alunos terão Maratona de diálogos; que fazer essa prova no final do curso; Leitura de livros paradidáticos; Atividades interativas na lousa digital; Etc. SOCIOLOGIA E FILOSOFIA Instructor: Mr. Leardine & Mr. Lopes Language of Instruction: Portuguese Open To: 9, 10, 11, 12 Pre-requisite: None Course Description: Elementos, conceitos e ideias centrais das ciências humanas são fundamentais para o bom desenvolvimento acadêmico além de preparar o aluno para lidar com a complexidade do ambiente universitário. Porém, para estudantes de ensino médio, é necessária uma pegadogia que permita uma compreensão de tais conceitos aliados à vida cotidiana e exemplos correntes. Para tanto trabalharemos em torno não só de atualidades que se conectam com os temas da disciplina, mas também com peças artísticas e midiáticas, como filmes, músicas, tecnologia e notícias. Pretende-se oferecer, além de uma complementação ao high school nas áreas de sociologia e filosofia, uma introdução ao desafio do estudo das sociedades, de maneira que, no decorrer do curso, haja o contato com ideias, conceitos e pensamento que serão encontrados no anos seguintes na faculdade. Esta disciplina pretende ainda trabalhar alinhada com outras eletivas, como música por exemplo, uma vez que as atividades que se desenvolverão serão mediante análises teóricas e reproduções práticas de: - Fotografia: a arte do Pin Hole e a análise da cidade em que vivemos; - Música: Pode a música compreender o mundo todo?; - Cinema: “É tudo verdade”: Como o cinema modifica o mundo ao tentar reproduzi-lo; - Literatura: Os livros, as histórias e nós. O que liga tudo isso? INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY ADVANCED PLACEMENT - ONLINE Supervisor: Ms. Allison Open To: 11, 12 Pre-requisite: See Guidance Counselor Course Description: Students are provided the opportunity to chart their own course, choosing from 3 AP level courses that match the student’s aptitude and goals. Students may choose from AP Chemistry, AP Physics, or AP English Language and Composition. For individual course descriptions, students must schedule an individual meeting with the school guidance counselor to review perquisites. Course Cost: The International Academy AP program is offered as a supplemental program for students who wish to or intend to study abroad. Each individual course has a specific program cost which includes but is not limited to the following services and supplies: Interactive vLabs (virtual) Trained, onsite supervisor; 24 hour online, private instruction support Regular progress reporting; Online teacher Office Hours Global online learning environments Books and materials