Anterior glenoid rim fracture 77 ORIGINAL ARTICLE Anterior glenoid rim fracture: the value of helical CT with threedimensional reconstruction and electronic humeral disarticulation Fratura da margem anterior da glenóide: o valor da tomografia computadorizada helicoidal com reconstruções 3D e desarticulação eletrônica do úmero* Heverton César de Oliveira1, Luís Cesar Paiva2, Lúcio Cesar Silva Righi3 ABSTRACT Objectives: To show a new three-dimensional reconstruction technique based on helical computed tomography images with electronic humeral disarticulation in anterior glenoid rim fractures, correlating the anatomic specimen with simulation of an anterior glenoid rim fracture, as well as evaluating the extension of the fracture, the bone fragment position and distance in relation to the glenoid cavity in six patients. Methods: One scapula and one humerus with no signs of fracture or congenital malformations were placed in anatomical position using an adhesive tape after simulating an anterior glenoid rim fracture made by an osteotome. Helical CT imaging was acquired and three-dimensional reconstructions were made based on these images, with and without electronic humeral disarticulation. The bone fragment was located, measured and its position in relation to the glenoid cavity was assessed. Six patients with anterior glenoid rim fracture were submitted to CT of the shoulder using the same parameters as those applied to the anatomic specimen. Results: In the anatomic specimen and in all six patients the bone fragment was clearly demonstrated; bone fragment measurements in the anatomic specimen and in three-dimensional reconstructions were equivalent. The fragment was better demonstrated in the images taken with electronic humeral disarticulation, particularly in the frontal view of the glenoid cavity as observed in all six patients. Conclusion: We concluded that our experiment with the anatomic specimen and the study of six patients allow us to state that this technique is safe and accurate to demonstrate the extension, size and location of the bone fragment in anterior glenoid rim fractures, and it provides essential elements for therapeutic planning. Keywords: Fractures; Shoulder/injury; Humerus; Tomography, spiral computed; Imaging, three dimensional RESUMO Objetivos: Mostrar nova técnica de reconstrução em 3D, a partir de imagens obtidas por tomografia computadorizada espiral, com desarticulação eletrônica do úmero, nas fraturas da margem anterior da glenóide, correlacionando peça anatômica com simulação de fratura da margem anterior da glenóide, além de avaliar a extensão da fratura, a posição e a distância do fragmento ósseo em relação à glenóide em seis pacientes. Métodos: Uma escápula e um úmero sem sinais de fratura ou malformações congênitas foram colocados em posição anatômica com o auxílio de fita adesiva, após a simulação de fratura da margem anterior da glenóide, realizada com um osteótomo, então foram obtidas imagens tomográficas com técnica espiral a partir dessas imagens foram realizadas reconstruções em 3D com e sem desarticulação eletrônica do úmero. O fragmento ósseo foi localizado, mensurado e estudada sua posição em relação à glenóide. Seis pacientes com fratura da margem anterior da glenóide foram submetidos a exame tomográfico do ombro com os mesmos parâmetros utilizados na peça anatômica. Resultados: Na peça anatômica e nos seis pacientes, o fragmento ósseo foi bem demonstrado; as medidas do fragmento ósseo na peça anatômica e nas reconstruções em 3D foram equivalentes, sendo melhor demonstrado nas imagens com desarticulação eletrônica do úmero, especialmente na visão frontal da glenóide, que também ocorreu com os seis pacientes. Conclusão: Concluímos que o nosso experimento com a peça anatômica e o estudo dos seis pacientes nos permitem afirmar que essa técnica oferece segurança e precisão para demonstrar a extensão, as dimensões e a localização do fragmento ósseo nas fraturas da margem anterior da glenóide, propiciando elementos fundamentais para o planejamento terapêutico. Descritores: Fraturas; Ombro/lesões; Úmero; Tomografia computadorizada espiral; Imagem tridimensional INTRODUCTION The shoulder is the most mobile joint of the human body and most subluxations occur in the glenohumeral joint(1). In 96% of the cases, dislocation is caused by direct trauma and 84% of the patients present anterior * Study carried out in the Imaging Diagnosis Department, Escola Paulista de Medicina/Unifesp, São Paulo (SP) and Lúmen - Centro de Diagnósticos. São Bernardo do Campo (SP). 1 2 3 Professor, Imaging Diagnosis Department, Escola Paulista de Medicina/Unifesp; Director of Lúmen - Centro de Diagnósticos. São Bernardo do Campo (SP). Radiologist, Lúmen - Centro de Diagnósticos. São Bernardo do Campo (SP). Orthopedist, Hospital Ifor; Instructor of medical residency at Hospital Ifor. São Bernardo do Campo (SP). Corresponding author: Heverton César de Oliveira - R. Américo Brasiliense, 628 - Centro - CEP 09715-021 - São Bernardo do Campo (SP), Brazil. Fax: 4331-6465 - Tel.: 4331-6464- e-mail: [email protected] Received on September 1, 2003 – Accepted on November 8, 2003 einstein 2003; 1:77-83 78 Oliveira HC, Paiva LC, Righi LCS subluxation due to fall with the arm in hyperxtension, abduction and external rotation(2-3). The anterior glenoid rim fractures occur in consequence to traumatic glenohumeral dislocation, by means of forces applied to the humeral head during subluxation movement; it is defined as an acute fracture and may result from bone erosions associated with recurrent glenohumeral instability(4). These fractures are very often difficult to diagnose by conventional radiographic techniques, even using special views(4-6). Computed tomography imaging usually demonstrates A B C E D F Figure 1. Anatomic specimen. (A) Scapula showing simulation of anterior glenoid rim fracture (arrow). (B and C) 3D reconstruction images. Lateral and anterior views with electronic humeral disarticulation showing the bone fragment and its relations with the glenoid rim (arrow). (D and E) 3D reconstruction image with the humerus. In the lateral view (D), humeral head overlaps the glenoid cavity and hinders visualization of the fracture, whereas in the anterior view (E), the bone fragment of the anterior glenoid rim could be seen (arrow). (F) Cross-sectional CT images showing amputation of the anterior glenoid rim and bone fragment (arrow). einstein 2003; 1:77-83 Anterior glenoid rim fracture fracture and bone fragment; however the overlapping of humeral head and other elements, and no availability of complete imaging of the glenohumeral joint, make diagnosis, spatial location of the bone fragment and surgical treatment planning difficult. The number of publications with three-dimensional reconstructions of the musculo-skeletal system based on helical CT images has increased in the past years. Nevertheless, we found only one study about anterior glenoid rim fractures using this technique(5) and no study with electronic humeral disarticulation exposing the entire glenoid cavity for observation. The main objective of this article is to demonstrate a new three-dimensional reconstruction technique with electronic humeral disarticulation in anterior glenoid rim fractures. Thus, we correlated the anatomic specimen with simulated anterior glenoid rim fracture and assessed the extension of the fracture, as well as the position and distance of the bone fragment in relation to the glenoid cavity, in six patients. METHODS One scapula and one humerus with no signs of fracture or congenital malformations were placed in anatomical position using an adhesive tape after simulating an anterior glenoid rim fracture made by an osteotome. The bone fragment was fixed beside the anterior glenoid rim with a radiotransparent gelly-like material. Cross-sectional helical CT images were made using the following parameters: contiguous 3 mm-thick slices, pitch of 1, and 1.5-mm reconstructions using Philips Tomoscan AV performance (120kV, 150 mA, 2250 UH window width, 800 UH center), with 512 x 512 matrix, and a 320-mm field of vision. After acquiring the images, three-dimensional reconstructions were performed in a Philips – Easy Vision workstation using specific software with and without electronic humeral disarticulation. The anatomic specimen and the images acquired by three-dimensional reconstructions were correlated in order to determine the location, size and position of the bone fragment in relation to the glenoid cavity (figures 1A to 1F). Cross-sectional helical CT images of the shoulder of six patients with anterior glenoid rim fracture and three-dimensional reconstructions, with or without electronic humeral disarticulation, were made using the same parameters described. All patients were male, age range 23-40 years, mean age of 33 years. Five patients had recurrent anterior glenohumeral instability symptoms due to previous trauma and one patient had an acute direct trauma. 79 RESULTS In the scapula submitted to simulation of glenoid rim fracture, the bone fragment measured 16.7 x 4.2 mm in the longitudinal and axial planes, respectively, and 9 mm when moved downwards in relation to the inferior glenoid rim (figure 2). The measurements made in the three-dimensional reconstruction images of the scapula were 16.4 x 4.0 mm in the longitudinal and axial planes, respectively, and 9.1 mm in relation to the inferior glenoid rim (figures 2A and 2B). The cross-sectional CT images of the six patients demonstrated anterior glenoid rim fractures and bone fragments (figures 3A, 4A, 5A), like in the threedimensional reconstructions, with no electronic humeral disarticulation, particularly in the anterior view (figures 3C, 4C, 5C). However, three-dimensional reconstructions with electronic humeral disarticulation showed anterior glenoid fracture in all views. The frontal view of the glenoid cavity stood out (figures 3D, 3E, 4D, 4E, 5D, 5E) because the entire glenoid rims are displayed, showing the bone fragment with no overlapping image of the humerus, unlike other views 16,7 mm 16,4 mm 4,2 mm 9,0 mm 4,0 mm A 9,1 mm B Figure 2. Three-dimensional reconstruction of the anatomic specimen demonstrating the longitudinal and transversal diameters of bone fragment (A), and its inferior dislocation in relation to the anterior glenoid rim (B). einstein 2003; 1:77-83 80 Oliveira HC, Paiva LC, Righi LCS B A C D E Figure 3. A 26-year-old male patient injured in a road accident; anterior subluxation reduced two days before. (A) Cross-sectional CT image of the right shoulder shows fracture in anterior glenoid rim and adjacent fragment (arrow). (B) 3D reconstruction image of the right shoulder, lateral view with humerus. Humeral head overlaps the glenoid cavity and hinders visualization of the fracture. (C) 3D reconstruction image of the right shoulder, anterior view with humerus, showing bone fragment of the anterior glenoid rim (arrow). (D and E) 3D reconstruction image of the right shoulder, lateral (D) and anterior views (E) after electronic humeral disarticulation, demonstrating anterior glenoid rim fracture and bone fragment and their relations (arrow). without electronic humeral disarticulation (figures 3B, 4B, 5B). The technique described clearly showed the bone fragment in all patients, and enabled surgical planning using a three-dimensional view of the fracture. einstein 2003; 1:77-83 DISCUSSION Thanks to technological developments, the imaging diagnosis methods now demonstrate details of the interior human body that were observed only during Anterior glenoid rim fracture surgeries or in anatomical studies. Therefore, some diagnoses that could not be made without invasive methods are routinely made and enable less aggressive, more functional and more economic treatments. The diagnosis of anterior glenoid rim fractures by imaging methods is often difficult, and has the disadvantage of not providing subsidies for therapeutic planning (5) . Rockwood et al. mentioned eight radiographic views used for the same purpose in several centers(7), and showed how conventional radiology is limited in these cases. A 81 Thus, many authors use CT with or without intraarticular contrast as well as magnetic resonance imaging(8-12) to diagnose anterior glenoid rim fractures and plan their treatment; however, there are some limitations, such as overlapping of structures and difficulty to demonstrate the bone fragment position and its relation with the glenoid cavity. The literature on selective three-dimensional reconstruction of anatomic structures using CT images is scarce and the few studies published are mostly related to calcaneal fractures(10). B C D E Figure 4. A 26-year-old male patient with glenohumeral instability on the right joint and subluxation reduced five days before. (A) Cross-sectional CT imaging of the right shoulder showing fracture in anterior glenoid rim (arrow). (B) 3D reconstruction image of the right shoulder, lateral view with humerus. Humeral head overlaps the glenoid cavity hinders visualization of the fracture. (C) 3D reconstruction image of the right shoulder, anterior view with humerus shows fracture in anterior glenoid rim (arrow). (D and E) 3D reconstruction image of the right shoulder, lateral (D) and anterior (E) views after electronic humeral disarticulation demonstrating fracture in anterior glenoid rim and their relations (arrow). einstein 2003; 1:77-83 82 Oliveira HC, Paiva LC, Righi LCS A B C D E Figure 5. A 30-year-old male patient with glenohumeral instability in the left shoulder and history of six previous subluxations (the last subluxation occurred 15 days before the examination). (A) Cross-sectional CT images of the left shoulder shows fracture in anterior glenoid rim (arrow). (B) 3D reconstruction image of the left shoulder, lateral view with humerus. Humeral head overlapping the glenoid cavity and hindering visualization of the fracture. (C) 3D reconstruction image of the left shoulder, anterior view with humerus, shows slight irregularity on the anterior glenoid rim (arrow). (D) 3D reconstruction image of the left shoulder, lateral view after electronic humeral disarticulation demonstrates fracture in anterior glenoid rim and their relations (arrow). (E) 3D reconstruction image of the left shoulder, anterior view after electronic humeral disarticulation showing slight irregularity on the anterior glenoid rim (arrow). einstein 2003; 1:77-83 Anterior glenoid rim fracture In these fractures, with no electronic calcaneal disarticulation, Freund et al.(10) demonstrated that three-dimensional reconstructions have the same disadvantages of conventional radiology, primarily bone overlapping, an obstacle that was easily overcome by separating the bone through electronic disarticulation, thus enabling observation of the fractured calcaneus in all its views. Stevens et al.(5) used three-dimensional reconstruction of the anterior glenoid rim fracture and demonstrated clear superiority of this technique in relation to conventional radiology; however, these authors did not carry out studies showing the glenoid cavity and bone fragment. They compared the performance of crosssectional CT imaging with radiographic images and suggested 3D reconstruction of CT images could contribute to diagnosis of these fractures. We believe it is fundamental to show the glenoid cavity in frontal view in order to understand the fracture; moreover, electronic humeral disarticulation enables visualizing the entire joint with no overlapping of the humeral head. We concluded that our experiment with the anatomic specimen and the study of six patients allow us to state that this technique is safe and accurate to demonstrate the extension, size and location of the bone fragment in anterior glenoid rim fractures, and it provides essential elements for therapeutic planning. 83 REFERENCES 1. Kazar B, Relovsky E. Prognosis of primary dislocation of the shoulder. Acta Orthop Scand 1969;40:216-24. 2. Cave EF, Burke JF, Boyd RJ. Posterior dislocations. In: Cave EF. Trauma management. Chicago: Year Book; 1974. p. 437. 3. 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