BANCO DAYCOVAL S/A CNPJ nº 62.232.889/0001-90 NIRE 35300524110 MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS HELD ON APRIL 29, 2014 DATE: April 29, 2014, at 3 p.m. LOCATION: Head offices at Av. Paulista, 1793 - Bela Vista - São Paulo - SP. ATTENDANCE: All members of the Board of Directors. CALL: A prior call was dispensed with in view of the presence of all members of the Board of Directors. PRESIDING: Chairman: Secretary: Sasson Dayan. Rony Dayan. AGENDA: 1. Election of the members of the Board of Executive Officers and the setting of their terms of office; and 2. Designation of the officer responsible for assuming the position of Investor Relations Officer. RESOLUTIONS: After discussion, the following resolutions were unanimously approved: 1. Election of the members of the Board of Executive Officers, as follows: CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER: SALIM DAYAN, Brazilian, married, production engineer, resident in São Paulo-SP, domiciled at Av. Paulista, 1793 - Bela Vista - CEP 01311-200 - São Paulo-SP, identity card RG. nº 14.516.400-7-SSP-SP and taxpayer no. CPF/MF 154.174.598-10; 2 EXECUTIVE OFFICERS: MORRIS DAYAN, Brazilian, married, stockbroker, resident in São Paulo-SP, domiciled at Av. Paulista, 1793 - Bela Vista - CEP 01311-200 - São Paulo-SP, identity card RG. nº 8.595.549-SSP-SP and taxpayer no. CPF/MF 195.131.528-63; CARLOS MOCHE DAYAN, Brazilian, married, economist, resident in São Paulo-SP, domiciled at Av. Paulista, 1793 - Bela Vista - CEP 01311-200 - São Paulo-SP, identity card RG. nº 15.315.755-SSP-SP and taxpayer no. CPF/MF 252.714.628-70; OFFICERS, without special designation: MARIA REGINA RODRIGUES MACIEL NOGUEIRA, Brazilian, married, economist, resident in São Paulo-SP, domiciled at Av. Paulista, 1793 - Bela Vista - CEP 01311-200 - São Paulo-SP, identity card RG. nº 9.399.659-7-SSP-SP and taxpayer no. CPF/MF 977.083.998-15; ALBERT ROUBEN, Brazilian, married, banker, resident in São Paulo-SP, domiciled at Av. Paulista, 1793 - Bela Vista - CEP 01311-200 - São Paulo-SP, identity card RG nº 12.137.879-2-SSP-SP and taxpayer no. CPF/MF 107.342.458-82; NILO CAVARZAN, Brazilian, divorced, economist, resident in São Paulo-SP, domiciled at Av. Paulista, 1793 - Bela Vista - CEP 01311-200 - São Paulo-SP, identity card RG nº 5.164.530-0-SSP-SP and taxpayer no. CPF/MF 568.088.018-00; RICARDO GELBAUM, Brazilian, single, economist, resident in São Paulo-SP, domiciled at Av. Paulista, 1793 - Bela Vista - CEP 01311-200 - São Paulo-SP, identity card RG nº 34.908.594-8-SSP-SP and taxpayer no. CPF/MF 596.586.907-00; ALEXANDRE TEIXEIRA, Brazilian, married, administrator, resident in Jundiaí-SP, domiciled at Av. Paulista, 1793 - Bela Vista - CEP 01311-200 - São Paulo-SP, identity card RG nº 17.163.025-7-SSP-SP and taxpayer no. CPF/ 115.748.028-44; and ALEXANDRE RHEIN, Brazilian, married, electronic engineer, resident em São Paulo-SP, domiciled at Av. Paulista, 1793 - Bela Vista - CEP 01311-200 - São Paulo-SP, identity card RG. nº 15.438.237-1-SSP-SP and taxpayer no. CPF/MF 088.014.698-29. 3 1.1. The terms of office of those herein elected shall extend until the swearing in of those elected at the Board of Directors immediately following the Ordinary Shareholders Meeting of 2016. 1.2. The officers elected, when so informed of their election, declared under penalty of the law that they are not prevented, by special law, to exercise the administration of the company nor have been convicted or are under the effects of a sentence, to a penalty that prohibits, even temporarily, their access to public office; or bankruptcy offense, malfeasance, bribery, embezzlement; or against the popular economy, the national financial system, the rules of competition protection, consumer relations, public trust or property. 1.3. It was clarified that the Officers herein elected had presented copies of the statement of compliance with article 4 of CVM 367, of May 29, 2002. 2. To designate Officer Mr. RICARDO GELBAUM to fulfill the function of Investor Relations Officer pursuant to § 2 of article 17 of the By-laws. CLOSURE: There being no further business, the Chairman adjourned the meeting for the time necessary to draw up these minutes in its own book, which after being read, was approved and signed by all. São Paulo, April 29, 2014. SIGNATURES: Chairman: Secretary: Members: Sasson Dayan. Rony Dayan. SASSON DAYAN; MORRIS DAYAN; CARLOS MOCHE DAYAN; RONY DAYAN; GUSTAVO HENRIQUE DE BARROSO FRANCO; and PETER MICHAEL YU.