Transactions by Directors
Under the terms of the article 248-B of the Portuguese Securities Code, and article 14
of the CMVM Regulation 5/2008, Jerónimo Martins S.G.P.S., S.A. (Jerónimo Martins)
informs that on the 23 January 2009, received from Sociedade Francisco Manuel dos
Santos, SGPS, S.A., information related to acquisitions of shares representative of the
share capital of Jerónimo Martins S.G.P.S., S.A. made on behalf of Sociedade
Francisco Manuel dos Santos, SGPS, S.A., as follows:
Avg Price
Jerónimo Martins clarifies that, after the above transactions, Sociedade Francisco
Manuel dos Santos, SGPS, S.A. holds 353.054.454 shares (56.10% of share capital),
corresponding to 56.18% voting rights (considering 859,000 own shares held by
Jerónimo Martins).
The obligation to notify arises from the fact of having a director of Sociedade Francisco
Manuel dos Santos, SGPS, S.A. who is also a director of Jerónimo Martins, according
to nr 1 of the article 248-B of the Securities Code.
Lisbon, 27 January 2009
Jerónimo Martins, SGPS, SA
Public Company
Corporate Address: Rua Tierno Galvan, Torre 3, 9º Piso, Letra J – 1099-008 Lisboa
Share Capital: Eur 629,293,220.00
Registered at the Commercial Registry Office of Lisbon and Tax Number: 500 100 144

Transactions by Directors