ENZYMATIC ACTIVITY OF PEROXIDASE AND PHENOLIC COMPOUNDS POLYPHENOLOXIDASE STEM AND LEAF OF TOURNEFORTIA PANICULATA. AND Oliveira, T.N.; Tomé, P.H.F; Jesus, E.J.; Cunha, F.M.F.; Castro, L.M. de; Silva, D.E. Mestrado Profissional em Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos, Instituto Federal do Triângulo Mineiro – IFTM, Av. Edilson Lamartine Mendes 300, Parque das Américas – 38045-000 Uberaba, Minas Gerais, Brasil. The Tournefortia paniculata popularly known as "marmelinho", has diuretic properties and prevents inflammation of the urinary tract. The objective was to understand the influence of the enzymatic activity of peroxidase (POD), polyphenol oxidase (PPO), phenolic compounds with a view to their application in food technology. This experiment was conducted following a completely randomized design (CRD) in a 3x2 factorial arrangement, with three locations in the plant (apical, middle and basal), with two plant extracts (stem and leaf) and three replicates. The median position of the plant showed an average higher levels of peroxidase activity, phenolic compounds and polyphenoloxidase 190.83 U.min-1.g-1, 2057.50 U.min-1.g-1 and 339.031 mg.100-1.g-1, respectively. Overall leaf extract was on average higher than the stem, and the PFO with 2441.11 U.min-1.g-1 and total phenolics with 326.42 mg.100-1.g-1, but activity with peroxidase 194.99 mg.100-1.g-1 was on average higher in the stems. The polyphenol oxidase activity showed significant differences, with higher values observed in the treatments for the middle position, being 347.22 U.min-1.g-1 POD for stems and leaves with 2520 U.min-1.g-1 PFO and 439.98 mg.100-1.g-1 of total phenolics. For the middle position the extracts of the stem and leaf showed greater enzymatic activity of POD (347.22 U.min-1.g-1 and 34.44 U.min-1.g-1, respectively). The values of PPO were higher in the leaf of the median position (2520U.min-1.g-1) and the stem of the apical position (1906.67U.min-1.g-1). Data presented by the plant possesses properties and composition that make them suitable for food use.