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As questões de 01 a 05, cujas respostas deverão ser redigidas EM PORTUGUÊS, referem -se
ao texto abaixo.
Factors in the development of clinical informatics competence in early career
health sciences professionals in Australia: a qualitative study
Kathleen Gray and Jenny Sim
Clinical informatics may include work with health information systems, e -health services,
electronic health records, clinical and administrative decision -support systems, telehealth
and many other established and emerging uses of information and communications
technology in the health professions (W hetton 2005, pp. v –xi). Clinical informatics is an
increasingly influential part of the working environment of ‘‘clinical staff including doctors,
nurses, pathologists, pharmacists and other clinical professionals’’ (Australian Health
Information Council 2003). Hence it is important to individual health sciences professionals
and also to the healthcare organisations where th ey work, that at least basic levels of
clinical informatics competence can be assumed in staff throughout the workplace.
Further, the definition of clinical informatics competence has national and international
significance for evolving professional practice and education standards, and for reform of
healthcare system operations and management.
This paper reports on a qualitative study investigating how Australian health professionals
may be developing and deploying essential clinical informatics capabilit ies in the first 5
years of their professional practice. It explores the experiences of four professionals in
applying what they have learned formally and informally during their university education
and during workplace learning and training. This study i s based on a broad review of the
literature on clinical informatics education and training and its findings have implications
for this field.
Review of the literature
There are substantial questions in the literature about how to improve acceptance and u se
of information and communication technologies (ICT) in healthcare workplaces. It has
been said of the United States, for example, that ‘‘the barriers to rapid and widespread
development and diffusion of cost effective and practically useful HIT [health information
technologies] are exclusively related to human factors’’ (Sistrom 2005, p. 431); and of the
UK, that staff may develop ‘‘a strong sense of tension between caregiving and
maintenance of the computer as a tool to provide a shared display of the c urrent situation’’
(Harrop et al. 2006, p. 300). Educational preparation of the workforce could be a key to
improving ICT acceptance and use in healthcare. However, despite growing advocacy of
clinical informatics competence and teaching, this is generally poorly identified in entrylevel education for clinical health sciences professionals around the world, and very little
progress has been made in over a decade. Recent evidence of this, for example in medical
education, can be found in Ramasamy and Murphy (2007) and McGowan et al. (2007).
Sometimes pre-clinical learners have access to a required or elective unit of study, but
rarely is a set of learning objectives addressed across units or years of training.
Many clinical educators acquired their own clin ical expertise in low-technology work
settings, so they are unfamiliar with the emerging field of clinical informatics and find it
difficult to contribute to this aspect of educational reform within their profession. Thus
Nagle (2007) says ‘‘everything I k now about informatics, I didn’t learn at nursing school’’,
and Buckeridge and Goel (2002) report that academics teaching core aspects of medical
degree studies may find informatics difficult to conceptualize as a field of study, they may
be equivocal about its inclusion in professional training, and they may assume that
students will learn what they need to know about it by osm osis.
Disponível em: Advances in health
UFRN – Exame de Proficiência 2012_2 – Inglês – Ciências da Saúde
Questão 1
Por que, de acordo com o texto, é importante para os profissionais da área de Ciências da Saúde
uma competência básica em informática clínica?
Espaço para Resposta
Questão 2
Explicite o que o texto relata, o que explora e em que é basead o.
Espaço para Resposta
UFRN – Exame de Proficiência 2012_2 – Inglês – Ciências da Saúde
Questão 3
O que, segundo as autoras, é reportado na literatura da área de saúde sobre as tecnologias da
informação e da comunicação (TICs) nos Estados Unidos e no Reino Unido?
Espaço para Resposta
Questão 4
Como os profissionais de saúde, segundo o texto, adquiriram seus conhecimentos de
Espaço para Resposta
UFRN – Exame de Proficiência 2012_2 – Inglês – Ciências da Saúde
Questão 5
 Traduza o fragmento textual abaixo no espaço reservado para isso.
 Seu texto deverá apresentar clareza e estar bem articulado tanto em termos estruturais
quanto de sentido.
Educational preparation of the workforce could be a key to improving ICT acceptance
and use in healthcare. However, despite growing advocacy of clinical informatics
competence and teaching, this is generally poorly i dentified in entry-level education
for clinical health sciences professionals around the world, and very little progress has
been made in over a decade.
UFRN – Exame de Proficiência 2012_2 – Inglês – Ciências da Saúde

Ciências da Saúde