RESPONSE OF INTERCROPPED SORGHUM AND SOYBEAN TO LEVEL PHOSPHORUS AND VAM FUNGAL SPECIES1• W. BressaJ; ;. Siqueira3; C.A. vasconcellos4• A .A~.Purcino 5. 2,~ CNPMS/EMBRAPA, CP 151 35701-970, Sete Lagoas, MG. 3. E Departamento de Ciencia do Solo, CP 37, 37200 Lavras, M~ The response of intercropped grain sorghum and soybeans~ n vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungi and levels of and the identification of the best combination of VAM f and P leveI were the objectives of this study. Three ,V fungi; GigaspqxB\ ' Glomus, Glomus cIerum, and ",~t > " i:Ul> margarida and five phosphorus leveI (0,25,50,100, 200 were utilized in this experimento Grain sorghum and soybej-l\ inoculated with VAM fungi had significantly (p-0.05) high ':J plant dry weight (PDW) and grain dry weight (GDW). Gram~ sorghum PDW was correlated with VAM colonization (r-0.9l**) ,.1. GDW was also correlated with VAM colonization (r-0.88**) .'"7.~ r. .1:.1" levels significantly (p-0.05) affected VAM colonization, PDW>"', and GDW. A significant interaction (p"0.05) between P levels,;· . , j, .. ~'i and mycorrhizal species was observed for colonization, PDw,;.~ and GDW. G. etunicatum was the most effective VAM fungi at,: ., )., alI levels of P, while plants inoculated with G. clarum did . J.,' " not differ significantly from the controlo These data ,1 demonstrated that inoculation with effective VAM fungi c~, enhance plant growth and biomass production of intercropped' ,:;> sorghum and soybeans. 1.Trabalho realizado no CNPMS/EMBRAPA, Sete Lagoas,MG.