Tese de Mestrado: Formulário de Candidatura
Instituição de Acolhimento
Actividade: Ensino e Investigação
Divisão/Departamento: DCTI / IT
Supervisor Nomeado pela Instituição
Nome: Rui Neto Marinheiro
Função/Cargo: Prof. Auxiliar do DCTI, ISCTE
Telefone: 217903907
Fax: 217903099
E-Mail: [email protected]
Morada: Av. das Forças Armadas, 1649-026 Lisboa, Portugal
Caracterização da Tese Proposta
Título: Nomadic Cloud Computing
Objectivos, Descrição geral e Enquadramento:
Cloud solutions are available offering computing resources and services, using different
architectures, but usually implemented in enterprise servers.
In addition, alternative solutions have been using volunteer contributions to build cloud
Moreover, nowadays there is an increase in the number and the resources available from
nomadic devices, like smartphones, tablets, etc.
Unfortunately, nomadic devices have not yet been regarded for the provisioning of services
and computing resources necessary for cloud solutions, but there is an increasing potential on
their nano-contributions
It is then the goal of this thesis the developement of a soluction for the provisioning of
services in a transparent manner, being those services hosted by mobile devices and/or
servers. Those services must be universally accessed, regardless of location and device,
possibly accessing mobile storage on their execution.
Componentes, Instrumentos de Desenvolvimento, Faseamento Esperado e Principais
Produtos a Obter:
State of the art review regarding general approaches to nomadic computing
infrastructure and nomadic services;
Identification and localization of the nodes implementing services will be the first
problem to be solved. Some mobile devices may only provide services in the local
area network, if using IPv4. This is a clear limitation, and an architecture will be
proposed and implemented, possibly using proxies in extreme conditions, to provide
universal access to devices.
Access to mobile storage must be solved. It is expected that access to storage is done
in an uniform manner, regardless of the device been used. Different alternatives will
be analysed (e.g. WebDav)
An architecture for provisioning services must be proposed and implemented,
considering different possibilities (e.g. implementing services through a web server).
Some devices platforms have constrain on access to local resources and lack of
multitasking, In addition, depending on the devices context and permanent and/or
temporary capacities, different services may be available. Moreover, it is also
necessary to locally monitor devices physical resources. The architecture must
provide a way of advertisement services, and negotiating service level
agreements. All this must be regarded in the architecture
Finally, a selection of services will be implemented. This will allow the execution of
functional and performance tests on the proposed solution for nomadic computing.
O(A) Estudante inserir-se-á numa Equipa na Instituição? _X_Sim; ___Não
Fase do projecto (seleccione apenas uma): __Em definição, _X__Em lançamento, __Em curso
O projecto iniciar-se-á com o início do trabalho da tese: _X_Sim; __Não
Requisitos exigidos ao aluno(a)
Competências técnicas:
Bons conhecimentos sobre redes de computadores.
Bons conhecimentos de programação
Disponibilidade Temporal:
Local de Trabalho: ISCTE
(assinatura do responsável)

Tese de Mestrado: Formulário de Candidatura